75 lines
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75 lines
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// CLING - the C++ LLVM-based InterpreterG :)
// author: Vassil Vassilev <vasil.georgiev.vasilev@cern.ch>
// This file is dual-licensed: you can choose to license it under the University
// of Illinois Open Source License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. See
// LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "ASTTransformer.h"
#include <memory>
namespace clang {
class ASTContext;
class CompoundStmt;
class Decl;
class FunctionDecl;
class Expr;
class Sema;
class LookupResult;
namespace llvm {
class raw_ostream;
namespace cling {
class ValuePrinterSynthesizer : public WrapperTransformer {
///\brief Needed for the AST transformations, owned by Sema.
clang::ASTContext* m_Context;
///\brief cling runtime "Cannot find cling_PrintValue(...)" cache.
clang::LookupResult* m_LookupResult;
///\ brief Constructs the value printer synthesizer.
///\param[in] S - The semantic analysis object
ValuePrinterSynthesizer(clang::Sema* S);
virtual ~ValuePrinterSynthesizer();
Result Transform(clang::Decl* D) override;
///\brief Tries to attach a value printing mechanism to the given decl group
/// ref.
///\param[in] FD - wrapper function that the value printer will attached to.
///\returns true if the attachment was considered as success. I.e. even if
/// even if the value printer wasn't attached because of the compilation
/// options disallowint it - it will return still true. Returns false on
/// critical error.
bool tryAttachVP(clang::FunctionDecl* FD);
clang::Expr* SynthesizeVP(clang::Expr* E);
unsigned ClearNullStmts(clang::CompoundStmt* CS);
// Find and cache cling::runtime on first request.
void FindAndCacheRuntimeLookupResult(clang::SourceLocation SourceLoc);
} // namespace cling