- cling: add missing symbol in the export list and fix semicolon issue in CMakeList.txt (it has to be in quotes) - cling-demo: export symbols and format hexadecimal output
83 lines
3.3 KiB
83 lines
3.3 KiB
// CLING - the C++ LLVM-based InterpreterG :)
// author: Axel Naumann <axel@cern.ch>
// This file is dual-licensed: you can choose to license it under the University
// of Illinois Open Source License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. See
// LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <cling/Interpreter/Interpreter.h>
#include <cling/Interpreter/Value.h>
#include <cling/Utils/Casting.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
/// Definitions of declarations injected also into cling.
/// NOTE: this could also stay in a header #included here and into cling, but
/// for the sake of simplicity we just redeclare them here.
int aGlobal = 42;
static float anotherGlobal = 3.141;
float getAnotherGlobal() { return anotherGlobal; }
void setAnotherGlobal(float val) { anotherGlobal = val; }
///\brief Call compiled functions from the interpreter.
void useHeader(cling::Interpreter& interp) {
// We could use a header, too...
interp.declare("int aGlobal;\n"
"float getAnotherGlobal();\n"
"void setAnotherGlobal(float val);\n");
cling::Value res; // Will hold the result of the expression evaluation.
interp.process("aGlobal;", &res);
std::cout << "aGlobal is " << res.getAs<long long>() << '\n';
interp.process("getAnotherGlobal();", &res);
std::cout << "getAnotherGlobal() returned " << res.getAs<float>() << '\n';
setAnotherGlobal(1.); // We modify the compiled value,
interp.process("getAnotherGlobal();", &res); // does the interpreter see it?
std::cout << "getAnotherGlobal() returned " << res.getAs<float>() << '\n';
// We modify using the interpreter, now the binary sees the new value.
interp.process("setAnotherGlobal(7.777); getAnotherGlobal();");
std::cout << "getAnotherGlobal() returned " << getAnotherGlobal() << '\n';
///\brief Call an interpreted function using its symbol address.
void useSymbolAddress(cling::Interpreter& interp) {
// Declare a function to the interpreter. Make it extern "C" to remove
// mangling from the game.
interp.declare("extern \"C\" int plutification(int siss, int sat) "
"{ return siss * sat; }");
void* addr = interp.getAddressOfGlobal("plutification");
using func_t = int(int, int);
func_t* pFunc = cling::utils::VoidToFunctionPtr<func_t*>(addr);
std::cout << "7 * 8 = " << pFunc(7, 8) << '\n';
///\brief Pass a pointer into cling as a string.
void usePointerLiteral(cling::Interpreter& interp) {
int res = 17; // The value that will be modified
// Update the value of res by passing it to the interpreter.
std::ostringstream sstr;
// on Windows, to prefix the hexadecimal value of a pointer with '0x',
// one need to write: std::hex << std::showbase << (size_t)pointer
sstr << "int& ref = *(int*)" << std::hex << std::showbase << (size_t)&res << ';';
sstr << "ref = ref * ref;";
std::cout << "The square of 17 is " << res << '\n';
int main(int argc, const char* const* argv) {
// Create the Interpreter. LLVMDIR is provided as -D during compilation.
cling::Interpreter interp(argc, argv, LLVMDIR);
return 0;