2017-02-09 16:59:38 +01:00

822 lines
27 KiB

// CLING - the C++ LLVM-based InterpreterG :)
// author: Vassil Vassilev <>
// This file is dual-licensed: you can choose to license it under the University
// of Illinois Open Source License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. See
// LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "cling/Interpreter/Value.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/CValuePrinter.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/Interpreter.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/Transaction.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/Value.h"
#include "cling/Utils/AST.h"
#include "cling/Utils/Output.h"
#include "cling/Utils/Validation.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/GenericValue.h"
#include <locale>
#include <string>
// GCC 4.x doesn't have the proper UTF-8 conversion routines. So use the
// LLVM conversion routines (which require a buffer 4x string length).
#if !defined(__GLIBCXX__) || (__GNUC__ >= 5)
#include <codecvt>
#define LLVM_UTF8
#include "llvm/Support/ConvertUTF.h"
using namespace cling;
// Implements the CValuePrinter interface.
extern "C" void cling_PrintValue(void * /*cling::Value**/ V) {
//Value* value = (Value*)V;
//std::string typeStr = printTypeInternal(*value);
//std::string valueStr = printValueInternal(*value);
// Exported for RuntimePrintValue.h
namespace cling {
namespace valuePrinterInternal {
extern const char* const kEmptyCollection = "{}";
namespace {
const static char
* const kNullPtrStr = "nullptr",
* const kNullPtrTStr = "nullptr_t",
* const kTrueStr = "true",
* const kFalseStr = "false",
* const kInvalidAddr = " <invalid memory address>";
static std::string enclose(std::string Mid, const char* Begin,
const char* End, size_t Hint = 0) {
Mid.reserve(Mid.size() + Hint ? Hint : (::strlen(Begin) + ::strlen(End)));
Mid.insert(0, Begin);
return Mid;
static std::string enclose(const clang::QualType& Ty, clang::ASTContext& C,
const char* Begin = "(", const char* End = "*)",
size_t Hint = 3) {
return enclose(cling::utils::TypeName::GetFullyQualifiedName(Ty, C),
Begin, End, Hint);
static std::string getTypeString(const Value &V) {
clang::ASTContext &C = V.getASTContext();
clang::QualType Ty = V.getType().getDesugaredType(C).getNonReferenceType();
if (llvm::dyn_cast<clang::BuiltinType>(Ty.getCanonicalType()))
return enclose(Ty, C);
if (Ty->isPointerType()) {
// Print char pointers as strings.
if (Ty->getPointeeType()->isCharType())
return enclose(Ty, C);
// Fallback to void pointer for other pointers and print the address.
return "(const void**)";
if (Ty->isArrayType()) {
const clang::ArrayType *ArrTy = Ty->getAsArrayTypeUnsafe();
clang::QualType ElementTy = ArrTy->getElementType();
if (Ty->isConstantArrayType()) {
const clang::ConstantArrayType *CArrTy = C.getAsConstantArrayType(Ty);
const llvm::APInt &APSize = CArrTy->getSize();
// typeWithOptDeref example for int[40] array: "((int(*)[40])*(void**)0x5c8f260)"
return enclose(ElementTy, C, "(", "(*)[", 5) +
std::to_string(APSize.getZExtValue()) + "])*(void**)";
return "(void**)";
if (Ty->isObjCObjectPointerType())
return "(const void**)";
// In other cases, dereference the address of the object.
// If no overload or specific template matches,
// the general template will be used which only prints the address.
return enclose(Ty, C, "*(", "**)", 5);
/// RAII object to disable and then re-enable access control in the LangOptions.
struct AccessCtrlRAII_t {
bool savedAccessControl;
clang::LangOptions& LangOpts;
AccessCtrlRAII_t(cling::Interpreter& Interp):
LangOpts(const_cast<clang::LangOptions&>(Interp.getCI()->getLangOpts())) {
savedAccessControl = LangOpts.AccessControl;
~AccessCtrlRAII_t() {
LangOpts.AccessControl = savedAccessControl;
#ifndef NDEBUG
/// Is typenam parsable?
bool canParseTypeName(cling::Interpreter& Interp, llvm::StringRef typenam) {
AccessCtrlRAII_t AccessCtrlRAII(Interp);
cling::Interpreter::CompilationResult Res
= Interp.declare("namespace { void* cling_printValue_Failure_Typename_check"
" = (void*)" + typenam.str() + "nullptr; }");
if (Res != cling::Interpreter::kSuccess)
cling::errs() << "ERROR in cling::executePrintValue(): "
"this typename cannot be spelled.\n";
return Res == cling::Interpreter::kSuccess;
static std::string printDeclType(const clang::QualType& QT,
const clang::NamedDecl* D) {
if (!QT.hasQualifiers())
return D->getQualifiedNameAsString();
return QT.getQualifiers().getAsString() + " " + D->getQualifiedNameAsString();
static std::string printQualType(clang::ASTContext& Ctx, clang::QualType QT) {
using namespace clang;
const QualType QTNonRef = QT.getNonReferenceType();
std::string ValueTyStr("(");
if (const TagType *TTy = dyn_cast<TagType>(QTNonRef))
ValueTyStr += printDeclType(QTNonRef, TTy->getDecl());
else if (const RecordType *TRy = dyn_cast<RecordType>(QTNonRef))
ValueTyStr += printDeclType(QTNonRef, TRy->getDecl());
else {
const QualType QTCanon = QTNonRef.getCanonicalType();
if (QTCanon->isBuiltinType() && !QTNonRef->isFunctionPointerType()
&& !QTNonRef->isMemberPointerType()) {
ValueTyStr += QTCanon.getAsString(Ctx.getPrintingPolicy());
else if (const TypedefType* TDTy = dyn_cast<TypedefType>(QTNonRef)) {
// FIXME: TemplateSpecializationType & SubstTemplateTypeParmType checks are
// predominately to get STL containers to print nicer and might be better
// handled in GetFullyQualifiedName.
// std::vector<Type>::iterator is a TemplateSpecializationType
// std::vector<Type>::value_type is a SubstTemplateTypeParmType
QualType SSDesugar = TDTy->getLocallyUnqualifiedSingleStepDesugaredType();
if (dyn_cast<SubstTemplateTypeParmType>(SSDesugar))
ValueTyStr += utils::TypeName::GetFullyQualifiedName(QTCanon, Ctx);
else if (dyn_cast<TemplateSpecializationType>(SSDesugar))
ValueTyStr += utils::TypeName::GetFullyQualifiedName(QTNonRef, Ctx);
ValueTyStr += printDeclType(QTNonRef, TDTy->getDecl());
ValueTyStr += utils::TypeName::GetFullyQualifiedName(QTNonRef, Ctx);
if (QT->isReferenceType())
ValueTyStr += " &";
return ValueTyStr + ")";
} // anonymous namespace
template<typename T>
static std::string executePrintValue(const Value &V, const T &val) {
Interpreter *Interp = V.getInterpreter();
Value printValueV;
// Use an llvm::raw_ostream to prepend '0x' in front of the pointer value.
cling::ostrstream Strm;
Strm << "cling::printValue(";
Strm << getTypeString(V);
Strm << (const void*) &val;
Strm << ");";
// We really don't care about protected types here (ROOT-7426)
AccessCtrlRAII_t AccessCtrlRAII(*Interp);
clang::DiagnosticsEngine& Diag = Interp->getDiagnostics();
bool oldSuppDiags = Diag.getSuppressAllDiagnostics();
Interp->evaluate(Strm.str(), printValueV);
if (!printValueV.isValid() || printValueV.getPtr() == nullptr) {
// That didn't work. We probably diagnosed the issue as part of evaluate().
cling::errs() << "ERROR in cling::executePrintValue(): cannot pass value!\n";
// Check that the issue comes from an unparsable type name: lambdas, unnamed
// namespaces, types declared inside functions etc. Assert on everything
// else.
assert(!canParseTypeName(*Interp, getTypeString(V))
&& "printValue failed on a valid type name.");
return "ERROR in cling::executePrintValue(): missing value string.";
return *(std::string *) printValueV.getPtr();
static std::string printEnumValue(const Value &V) {
cling::ostrstream enumString;
clang::ASTContext &C = V.getASTContext();
clang::QualType Ty = V.getType().getDesugaredType(C);
const clang::EnumType *EnumTy = Ty.getNonReferenceType()->getAs<clang::EnumType>();
assert(EnumTy && "ValuePrinter.cpp: ERROR, printEnumValue invoked for a non enum type.");
clang::EnumDecl *ED = EnumTy->getDecl();
uint64_t value = V.getULL();
bool IsFirst = true;
llvm::APSInt ValAsAPSInt = C.MakeIntValue(value, Ty);
for (clang::EnumDecl::enumerator_iterator I = ED->enumerator_begin(),
E = ED->enumerator_end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (I->getInitVal() == ValAsAPSInt) {
if (!IsFirst) {
enumString << " ? ";
enumString << "(" << I->getQualifiedNameAsString() << ")";
IsFirst = false;
enumString << " : " << printQualType(C, ED->getIntegerType()) << " "
<< ValAsAPSInt.toString(/*Radix = */10);
return enumString.str();
static std::string printFunctionValue(const Value &V, const void *ptr, clang::QualType Ty) {
cling::largestream o;
o << "Function @" << ptr;
// If a function is the first thing printed in a session,
// getLastTransaction() will point to the transaction that loaded the
// ValuePrinter, and won't have a wrapper FD.
// Even if it did have one it wouldn't be the one that was requested to print.
Interpreter &Interp = *const_cast<Interpreter *>(V.getInterpreter());
const Transaction *T = Interp.getLastTransaction();
if (clang::FunctionDecl *WrapperFD = T->getWrapperFD()) {
clang::ASTContext &C = V.getASTContext();
const clang::FunctionDecl *FD = nullptr;
// CE should be the setValueNoAlloc call expr.
if (const clang::CallExpr *CallE
= llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<clang::CallExpr>(
&Interp.getSema()))) {
if (const clang::FunctionDecl *FDsetValue
= llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<clang::FunctionDecl>(CallE->getCalleeDecl())) {
if (FDsetValue->getNameAsString() == "setValueNoAlloc" &&
CallE->getNumArgs() == 5) {
const clang::Expr *Arg4 = CallE->getArg(4);
while (const clang::CastExpr *CastE
= clang::dyn_cast<clang::CastExpr>(Arg4))
Arg4 = CastE->getSubExpr();
if (const clang::DeclRefExpr *DeclRefExp
= llvm::dyn_cast<clang::DeclRefExpr>(Arg4))
FD = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::FunctionDecl>(DeclRefExp->getDecl());
if (FD) {
o << '\n';
clang::SourceRange SRange = FD->getSourceRange();
const char *cBegin = 0;
const char *cEnd = 0;
bool Invalid;
if (SRange.isValid()) {
clang::SourceManager &SM = C.getSourceManager();
clang::SourceLocation LocBegin = SRange.getBegin();
LocBegin = SM.getExpansionRange(LocBegin).first;
o << " at " << SM.getFilename(LocBegin);
unsigned LineNo = SM.getSpellingLineNumber(LocBegin, &Invalid);
if (!Invalid)
o << ':' << LineNo;
o << ":\n";
bool Invalid = false;
cBegin = SM.getCharacterData(LocBegin, &Invalid);
if (!Invalid) {
clang::SourceLocation LocEnd = SRange.getEnd();
LocEnd = SM.getExpansionRange(LocEnd).second;
cEnd = SM.getCharacterData(LocEnd, &Invalid);
if (Invalid)
cBegin = 0;
} else {
cBegin = 0;
if (cBegin && cEnd && cEnd > cBegin && cEnd - cBegin < 16 * 1024) {
o << llvm::StringRef(cBegin, cEnd - cBegin + 1);
} else {
const clang::FunctionDecl *FDef;
if (FD->hasBody(FDef))
FD = FDef;
//const clang::FunctionDecl* FD
// = llvm::cast<const clang::FunctionType>(Ty)->getDecl();
// type-based print() never and decl-based print() sometimes does not
// include a final newline:
o << '\n';
return o.str();
static std::string printAddress(const void* Ptr, const char Prfx = 0) {
if (!Ptr)
return kNullPtrStr;
cling::smallstream Strm;
if (Prfx)
Strm << Prfx;
Strm << Ptr;
if (!utils::isAddressValid(Ptr))
Strm << kInvalidAddr;
return Strm.str();
static std::string printUnpackedClingValue(const Value &V) {
const clang::ASTContext &C = V.getASTContext();
const clang::QualType Td = V.getType().getDesugaredType(C);
const clang::QualType Ty = Td.getNonReferenceType();
if (Ty->isNullPtrType()) {
// special case nullptr_t
return kNullPtrTStr;
} else if (Ty->isEnumeralType()) {
// special case enum printing, using compiled information
return printEnumValue(V);
} else if (Ty->isFunctionType()) {
// special case function printing, using compiled information
return printFunctionValue(V, &V, Ty);
} else if ((Ty->isPointerType() || Ty->isMemberPointerType()) && Ty->getPointeeType()->isFunctionProtoType()) {
// special case function printing, using compiled information
return printFunctionValue(V, V.getPtr(), Ty->getPointeeType());
} else if (clang::CXXRecordDecl *CXXRD = Ty->getAsCXXRecordDecl()) {
if (CXXRD->isLambda())
return printAddress(V.getPtr(), '@');
} else if (const clang::BuiltinType *BT
= llvm::dyn_cast<clang::BuiltinType>(Td.getCanonicalType().getTypePtr())) {
switch (BT->getKind()) {
case clang::BuiltinType::Bool:
return executePrintValue<bool>(V, V.getLL());
case clang::BuiltinType::Char_S:
return executePrintValue<signed char>(V, V.getLL());
case clang::BuiltinType::SChar:
return executePrintValue<signed char>(V, V.getLL());
case clang::BuiltinType::Short:
return executePrintValue<short>(V, V.getLL());
case clang::BuiltinType::Int:
return executePrintValue<int>(V, V.getLL());
case clang::BuiltinType::Long:
return executePrintValue<long>(V, V.getLL());
case clang::BuiltinType::LongLong:
return executePrintValue<long long>(V, V.getLL());
case clang::BuiltinType::Char_U:
return executePrintValue<unsigned char>(V, V.getULL());
case clang::BuiltinType::UChar:
return executePrintValue<unsigned char>(V, V.getULL());
case clang::BuiltinType::UShort:
return executePrintValue<unsigned short>(V, V.getULL());
case clang::BuiltinType::UInt:
return executePrintValue<unsigned int>(V, V.getULL());
case clang::BuiltinType::ULong:
return executePrintValue<unsigned long>(V, V.getULL());
case clang::BuiltinType::ULongLong:
return executePrintValue<unsigned long long>(V, V.getULL());
case clang::BuiltinType::Float:
return executePrintValue<float>(V, V.getFloat());
case clang::BuiltinType::Double:
return executePrintValue<double>(V, V.getDouble());
case clang::BuiltinType::LongDouble:
return executePrintValue<long double>(V, V.getLongDouble());
} else
assert(!Ty->isIntegralOrEnumerationType() && "Bad Type.");
if (!V.getPtr())
return kNullPtrStr;
// Print all the other cases by calling into runtime 'cling::printValue()'.
// Ty->isPointerType() || Ty->isReferenceType() || Ty->isArrayType()
// Ty->isObjCObjectPointerType()
return executePrintValue<void*>(V, V.getPtr());
namespace cling {
// General fallback - prints the address
std::string printValue(const void *ptr) {
return printAddress(ptr, '@');
// void pointer
std::string printValue(const void **ptr) {
return printAddress(*ptr);
// Bool
std::string printValue(const bool *val) {
return *val ? kTrueStr : kFalseStr;
// Chars
static std::string printOneChar(char Val,
const std::locale& Locale = std::locale()) {
llvm::SmallString<128> Buf;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream Strm(Buf);
Strm << "'";
if (!std::isprint(Val, Locale)) {
switch (std::isspace(Val, Locale) ? Val : 0) {
case '\t': Strm << "\\t"; break;
case '\n': Strm << "\\n"; break;
case '\r': Strm << "\\r"; break;
case '\f': Strm << "\\f"; break;
case '\v': Strm << "\\v"; break;
Strm << llvm::format_hex(uint64_t(Val)&0xff, 4);
Strm << Val;
Strm << "'";
return Strm.str();
std::string printValue(const char *val) {
return printOneChar(*val);
std::string printValue(const signed char *val) {
return printOneChar(*val);
std::string printValue(const unsigned char *val) {
return printOneChar(*val);
// Ints
std::string printValue(const short *val) {
cling::smallstream strm;
strm << *val;
return strm.str();
std::string printValue(const unsigned short *val) {
cling::smallstream strm;
strm << *val;
return strm.str();
std::string printValue(const int *val) {
cling::smallstream strm;
strm << *val;
return strm.str();
std::string printValue(const unsigned int *val) {
cling::smallstream strm;
strm << *val;
return strm.str();
std::string printValue(const long *val) {
cling::smallstream strm;
strm << *val;
return strm.str();
std::string printValue(const unsigned long *val) {
cling::smallstream strm;
strm << *val;
return strm.str();
std::string printValue(const long long *val) {
cling::smallstream strm;
strm << *val;
return strm.str();
std::string printValue(const unsigned long long *val) {
cling::smallstream strm;
strm << *val;
return strm.str();
// Reals
std::string printValue(const float *val) {
cling::smallstream strm;
strm << llvm::format("%.5f", *val) << 'f';
return strm.str();
std::string printValue(const double *val) {
cling::smallstream strm;
strm << llvm::format("%.6f", *val);
return strm.str();
std::string printValue(const long double *val) {
cling::smallstream strm;
strm << llvm::format("%.8Lf", *val) << 'L';
//strm << llvm::format("%Le", *val) << 'L';
return strm.str();
// Char pointers
std::string printString(const char *const *Ptr, size_t N = 10000) {
// Assumption is this is a string.
// N is limit to prevent endless loop if Ptr is not really a string.
const char* Start = *Ptr;
if (!Start)
return kNullPtrStr;
const char* End = Start + N;
bool IsValid = utils::isAddressValid(Start);
if (IsValid) {
// If we're gonnd do this, better make sure the end is valid too
// FIXME: getpagesize() & GetSystemInfo().dwPageSize might be better
enum { PAGE_SIZE = 1024 };
while (!(IsValid = utils::isAddressValid(End)) && N > 1024) {
End = Start + N;
if (!IsValid) {
cling::smallstream Strm;
Strm << static_cast<const void*>(Start) << kInvalidAddr;
return Strm.str();
if (*Start == 0)
return "\"\"";
// Copy the bytes until we get a null-terminator
llvm::SmallString<1024> Buf;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream Strm(Buf);
Strm << "\"";
while (Start < End && *Start)
Strm << *Start++;
Strm << "\"";
return Strm.str();
std::string printValue(const char *const *val) {
return printString(val);
std::string printValue(const char **val) {
return printString(val);
// std::string
std::string printValue(const std::string *val) {
return "\"" + *val + "\"";
static std::string quoteString(std::string Str, const char Prefix) {
// No wrap
if (!Prefix)
return Str;
// Quoted wrap
if (Prefix==1)
return enclose(std::move(Str), "\"", "\"", 2);
// Prefix quoted wrap
char Begin[3] = { Prefix, '"', 0 };
return enclose(std::move(Str), Begin, &Begin[1], 3);
static std::string quoteString(const char* Str, size_t N, const char Prefix) {
return quoteString(std::string(Str, Str[N-1] == 0 ? (N-1) : N), Prefix);
#ifdef LLVM_UTF8
template <class T> struct CharTraits;
template <> struct CharTraits<char16_t> {
static ConversionResult convert(const char16_t** begin, const char16_t* end,
char** d, char* dEnd, ConversionFlags F ) {
return ConvertUTF16toUTF8(reinterpret_cast<const UTF16**>(begin),
reinterpret_cast<const UTF16*>(end),
reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>(dEnd), F);
template <> struct CharTraits<char32_t> {
static ConversionResult convert(const char32_t** begin, const char32_t* end,
char** d, char* dEnd, ConversionFlags F ) {
return ConvertUTF32toUTF8(reinterpret_cast<const UTF32**>(begin),
reinterpret_cast<const UTF32*>(end),
reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>(dEnd), F);
template <> struct CharTraits<wchar_t> {
static ConversionResult convert(const wchar_t** src, const wchar_t* srcEnd,
char** dst, char* dEnd, ConversionFlags F) {
switch (sizeof(wchar_t)) {
case sizeof(char16_t):
return CharTraits<char16_t>::convert(
reinterpret_cast<const char16_t**>(src),
reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(srcEnd),
dst, dEnd, F);
case sizeof(char32_t):
return CharTraits<char32_t>::convert(
reinterpret_cast<const char32_t**>(src),
reinterpret_cast<const char32_t*>(srcEnd),
dst, dEnd, F);
default: break;
llvm_unreachable("wchar_t conversion failure");
template <typename T>
static std::string encodeUTF8(const T* const Str, size_t N, const char Prfx) {
const T *Bgn = Str,
*End = Str + N;
std::string Result;
char *ResultPtr = &Result[0],
*ResultEnd = ResultPtr + Result.size();
CharTraits<T>::convert(&Bgn, End, &ResultPtr, ResultEnd, lenientConversion);
Result.resize(ResultPtr - &Result[0]);
return quoteString(std::move(Result), Prfx);
#else // !LLVM_UTF8
template <class T> struct CharTraits { typedef T value_type; };
#if defined(LLVM_ON_WIN32) // Likely only to be needed when _MSC_VER < 19??
template <> struct CharTraits<char16_t> { typedef unsigned short value_type; };
template <> struct CharTraits<char32_t> { typedef unsigned int value_type; };
template <typename T>
static std::string encodeUTF8(const T* const Str, size_t N, const char Prfx) {
typedef typename CharTraits<T>::value_type value_type;
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<value_type>, value_type> Convert;
const value_type* Src = reinterpret_cast<const value_type*>(Str);
return quoteString(Convert.to_bytes(Src, Src + N), Prfx);
#endif // LLVM_UTF8
template <typename T>
std::string utf8Value(const T* const Str, size_t N, const char Prefix,
std::string (*Func)(const T* const Str, size_t N,
const char Prfx) ) {
if (!Str)
return kNullPtrStr;
if (N==0)
return printAddress(Str, '@');
// Drop the null terminator or else it will be encoded into the std::string.
return Func(Str, Str[N-1] == 0 ? (N-1) : N, Prefix);
// declaration: cling/Utils/UTF8.h & cling/Interpreter/RuntimePrintValue.h
template <class T>
std::string toUTF8(const T* const Str, size_t N, const char Prefix);
template <>
std::string toUTF8<char16_t>(const char16_t* const Str, size_t N,
const char Prefix) {
return utf8Value(Str, N, Prefix, encodeUTF8);
template <>
std::string toUTF8<char32_t>(const char32_t* const Str, size_t N,
const char Prefix) {
return utf8Value(Str, N, Prefix, encodeUTF8);
template <>
std::string toUTF8<wchar_t>(const wchar_t* const Str, size_t N,
const char Prefix) {
return utf8Value(Str, N, Prefix, encodeUTF8);
template <>
std::string toUTF8<char>(const char* const Str, size_t N, const char Prefix) {
return utf8Value(Str, N, Prefix, quoteString);
template <typename T>
static std::string toUTF8(
const std::basic_string<T, std::char_traits<T>, std::allocator<T>>* Src,
const char Prefix) {
if (!Src)
return kNullPtrStr;
return encodeUTF8(Src->data(), Src->size(), Prefix);
std::string printValue(const std::u16string* Val) {
return toUTF8(Val, 'u');
std::string printValue(const std::u32string* Val) {
return toUTF8(Val, 'U');
std::string printValue(const std::wstring* Val) {
return toUTF8(Val, 'L');
// Unicode chars
template <typename T>
static std::string toUnicode(const T* Src, const char Prefix, char Esc = 0) {
if (!Src)
return kNullPtrStr;
if (!Esc)
Esc = Prefix;
llvm::SmallString<128> Buf;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream Strm(Buf);
Strm << Prefix << "'\\" << Esc
<< llvm::format_hex_no_prefix(unsigned(*Src), sizeof(T)*2) << "'";
return Strm.str();
std::string printValue(const char16_t *Val) {
return toUnicode(Val, 'u');
std::string printValue(const char32_t *Val) {
return toUnicode(Val, 'U');
std::string printValue(const wchar_t *Val) {
return toUnicode(Val, 'L', 'x');
// cling::Value
std::string printValue(const Value *value) {
cling::smallstream strm;
if (value->isValid()) {
clang::ASTContext &C = value->getASTContext();
clang::QualType QT = value->getType();
strm << "boxes [";
strm << enclose(QT, C, "(", ") ", 3);
if (!QT->isVoidType()) {
strm << printUnpackedClingValue(*value);
strm << "]";
} else
strm << "<<<invalid>>> " << printAddress(value, '@');
return strm.str();
namespace valuePrinterInternal {
std::string printTypeInternal(const Value &V) {
return printQualType(V.getASTContext(), V.getType());
std::string printValueInternal(const Value &V) {
static bool includedRuntimePrintValue = false; // initialized only once as a static function variable
// Include "RuntimePrintValue.h" only on the first printing.
// This keeps the interpreter lightweight and reduces the startup time.
if (!includedRuntimePrintValue) {
V.getInterpreter()->declare("#include \"cling/Interpreter/RuntimePrintValue.h\"");
includedRuntimePrintValue = true;
return printUnpackedClingValue(V);
} // end namespace valuePrinterInternal
} // end namespace cling