Axel Naumann b118f4dee3 Get rid of extra-complex built_cling:
that is anyway what we want to test, always.
And nothing seems to set the env var.
2021-02-25 20:44:18 +01:00

79 lines
3.1 KiB

// CLING - the C++ LLVM-based InterpreterG :)
// This file is dual-licensed: you can choose to license it under the University
// of Illinois Open Source License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. See
// LICENSE.TXT for details.
// RUN: clang -shared -DCLING_EXPORT=%dllexport %S/address_lib.c -olibaddress_lib%shlibext
// RUN: cat %s | %cling -L. -fno-rtti | FileCheck %s
extern "C" int printf(const char*,...);
#include "cling/Interpreter/Interpreter.h"
#include "cling/Utils/AST.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/GlobalDecl.h"
const char* comp(void* A, void* B) {
if (A == B) { return "equal"; }
else { printf("[%p %p] ", A, B); return "DIFFER!"; }
bool fromJIT = false;
clang::Sema& sema = gCling->getSema();
int gMyGlobal = 12;
void* addr1 = &gMyGlobal;
clang::NamedDecl* D = cling::utils::Lookup::Named(&sema, "gMyGlobal");
if (!D) printf("gMyGlobal decl not found!\n");
clang::VarDecl* VD = llvm::cast<clang::VarDecl>(D);
void* addr2 = gCling->getAddressOfGlobal(clang::GlobalDecl(VD), &fromJIT);
if (!fromJIT) printf("gMyGlobal should come from JIT!\n");
printf("gMyGlobal: %s\n", comp(addr1, addr2)); // CHECK: gMyGlobal: equal
namespace N {
int gMyGlobal = 13;
void* addrN1 = &N::gMyGlobal;
clang::NamespaceDecl* ND = cling::utils::Lookup::Namespace(&sema, "N");
if (!ND) printf("namespace N decl not found!\n");
fromJIT = false;
VD = llvm::cast<clang::VarDecl>(cling::utils::Lookup::Named(&sema, "gMyGlobal", ND));
if (!VD) printf("N::gMyGlobal decl not found!\n");
void* addrN2 = gCling->getAddressOfGlobal(clang::GlobalDecl(VD), &fromJIT);
if (!fromJIT) printf("N::gMyGlobal should come from JIT!\n");
printf("N::gMyGlobal: %s\n", comp(addrN1, addrN2)); //CHECK: N::gMyGlobal: equal
.L address_lib
extern "C" {
int gLibGlobal;
extern const char gByteAlign0, gByteAlign1, gByteAlign2, gByteAlign3;
void* addrL1 = &gLibGlobal;
fromJIT = true;
VD = llvm::cast<clang::VarDecl>(cling::utils::Lookup::Named(&sema, "gLibGlobal"));
if (!VD) printf("gLibGlobal decl not found!\n");
void* addrL2 = gCling->getAddressOfGlobal(clang::GlobalDecl(VD), &fromJIT);
if (fromJIT) printf("gLibGlobal should NOT come from JIT!\n");
printf("gLibGlobal: %s\n", comp(addrL1, addrL2)); //CHECK-NEXT: gLibGlobal: equal
static bool symalign(clang::Sema& sema) {
bool b0, b1, b2, b3;
*g0 = llvm::cast<clang::VarDecl>(cling::utils::Lookup::Named(&sema, "gByteAlign0")),
*g1 = llvm::cast<clang::VarDecl>(cling::utils::Lookup::Named(&sema, "gByteAlign1")),
*g2 = llvm::cast<clang::VarDecl>(cling::utils::Lookup::Named(&sema, "gByteAlign2")),
*g3 = llvm::cast<clang::VarDecl>(cling::utils::Lookup::Named(&sema, "gByteAlign3"));
gCling->getAddressOfGlobal(clang::GlobalDecl(g0), &b0);
gCling->getAddressOfGlobal(clang::GlobalDecl(g1), &b1);
gCling->getAddressOfGlobal(clang::GlobalDecl(g2), &b2);
gCling->getAddressOfGlobal(clang::GlobalDecl(g3), &b3);
return !b0 && !b1 && !b2 && !b3;
// CHECK-NEXT: (bool) true