Axel Naumann e85b873a26 Also replace boost::detail::atomic_exchange_and_add for the interpreter.
Generalize the __cxa_atexit replacement to cover more symbols.
Because the JIT cannot handle inline asm, provide compiled symbols for relevant
functions until cling has switched to MCJIT.
This fixes the use of many boost libraries (e.g. regex) in cling on x86_64/i386.
Kudos to Marco Clemencic for the idea!
2014-04-28 12:38:15 +02:00

191 lines
6.9 KiB

//--------------------------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-
// CLING - the C++ LLVM-based InterpreterG :)
// author: Axel Naumann <>
// This file is dual-licensed: you can choose to license it under the University
// of Illinois Open Source License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. See
// LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
namespace llvm {
class ExecutionEngine;
class GlobalValue;
class Module;
namespace cling {
class Transaction;
class Value;
class IncrementalExecutor {
typedef void* (*LazyFunctionCreatorFunc_t)(const std::string&);
///\brief Set of the symbols that the ExecutionEngine couldn't resolve.
static std::set<std::string> m_unresolvedSymbols;
///\brief Lazy function creator, which is a final callback which the
/// ExecutionEngine fires if there is unresolved symbol.
static std::vector<LazyFunctionCreatorFunc_t> m_lazyFuncCreator;
///\brief The llvm ExecutionEngine.
llvm::OwningPtr<llvm::ExecutionEngine> m_engine;
///\brief Symbols to be replaced by special Interpreter implementations.
/// Replaces the exectution engine's symbol "first" by second.first, or
/// if it is NULL, but the symbol second.second which must exist at the time
/// the symbol is replaced. The replacement is tried again until first us
/// found.
std::map<std::string,std::pair<void*,std::string>> m_SymbolsToRemap;
///\breif Helper that manages when the destructor of an object to be called.
/// The object is registered first as an CXAAtExitElement and then cling
/// takes the control of it's destruction.
struct CXAAtExitElement {
///\brief Constructs an element, whose destruction time will be managed by
/// the interpreter. (By registering a function to be called by exit
/// or when a shared library is unloaded.)
/// Registers destructors for objects with static storage duration with
/// the _cxa atexit function rather than the atexit function. This option
/// is required for fully standards-compliant handling of static
/// destructors(many of them created by cling), but will only work if
/// your C library supports __cxa_atexit (means we have our own work
/// around for Windows). More information about __cxa_atexit could be
/// found in the Itanium C++ ABI spec.
///\param [in] func - The function to be called on exit or unloading of
/// shared lib.(The destructor of the object.)
///\param [in] arg - The argument the func to be called with.
///\param [in] fromT - The unloading of this transaction will trigger the
/// atexit function.
CXAAtExitElement(void (*func) (void*), void* arg,
const Transaction* fromT):
m_Func(func), m_Arg(arg), m_FromT(fromT) {}
///\brief The function to be called.
void (*m_Func)(void*);
///\brief The single argument passed to the function.
void* m_Arg;
///\brief Clang's top level declaration, whose unloading will trigger the
/// call this atexit function.
const Transaction* m_FromT; //FIXME: Should be bound to the llvm symbol.
typedef llvm::SmallVector<CXAAtExitElement, 128> AtExitFunctions;
///\brief Static object, which are bound to unloading of certain declaration
/// to be destructed.
AtExitFunctions m_AtExitFuncs;
enum ExecutionResult {
IncrementalExecutor(llvm::Module* m);
void installLazyFunctionCreator(LazyFunctionCreatorFunc_t fp);
ExecutionResult runStaticInitializersOnce(llvm::Module* m);
///\brief Runs all destructors bound to the given transaction and removes
/// them from the list.
///\param[in] T - Transaction to which the dtors were bound.
void runAndRemoveStaticDestructors(Transaction* T);
ExecutionResult executeFunction(llvm::StringRef function,
Value* returnValue = 0);
///\brief Adds a symbol (function) to the execution engine.
/// Allows runtime declaration of a function passing its pointer for being
/// used by JIT generated code.
/// @param[in] symbolName - The name of the symbol as required by the
/// linker (mangled if needed)
/// @param[in] symbolAddress - The function pointer to register
/// @returns true if the symbol is successfully registered, false otherwise.
bool addSymbol(const char* symbolName, void* symbolAddress);
///\brief Tells the execution context that we are shutting down the system.
/// This that notification is needed because the execution context needs to
/// perform extra actions like delete all managed by it symbols, which might
/// still require alive system.
void shuttingDown();
///\brief Gets the address of an existing global and whether it was JITted.
/// JIT symbols might not be immediately convertible to e.g. a function
/// pointer as their call setup is different.
///\param[in] m - the module to use for finging the global
///\param[in] mangledName - the globa's name
///\param[out] fromJIT - whether the symbol was JITted.
void* getAddressOfGlobal(llvm::Module* m, llvm::StringRef mangledName,
bool* fromJIT = 0);
///\brief Return the address of a global from the ExecutionEngine (as
/// opposed to dynamic libraries). Forces the emission of the symbol if
/// it has not happened yet.
///param[in] GV - global value for which the address will be returned.
void* getPointerToGlobalFromJIT(const llvm::GlobalValue& GV);
llvm::ExecutionEngine* getExecutionEngine() const {
if (!m_engine)
return 0;
return m_engine.get();
///\brief Keep track of the entities whose dtor we need to call.
void AddAtExitFunc(void (*func) (void*), void* arg,
const cling::Transaction* clingT);
///\brief Remaps the __cxa_at_exit with a interpreter-controlled one, such
/// that the interpreter can call the object destructors at the right time.
void remapSymbols();
static void* HandleMissingFunction(const std::string&);
static void* NotifyLazyFunctionCreators(const std::string&);
} // end cling