2015-12-20 23:59:05 +01:00

151 lines
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// CLING - the C++ LLVM-based InterpreterG :)
// author: Axel Naumann <>
// This file is dual-licensed: you can choose to license it under the University
// of Illinois Open Source License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. See
// LICENSE.TXT for details.
// FIXME: This file shall contain the decl of cling::Jupyter in a future
// revision!
//#include "cling/Interpreter/Jupyter/Kernel.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/Interpreter.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/Value.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <unistd.h>
// FIXME: should be moved into a Jupyter interp struct that then gets returned
// from create.
int pipeToJupyterFD = -1;
namespace cling {
namespace Jupyter {
struct MIMEDataRef {
const char* m_Data;
const long m_Size;
MIMEDataRef(const std::string& str):
m_Data(str.c_str()), m_Size((long)str.length() + 1) {}
MIMEDataRef(const char* str):
MIMEDataRef(std::string(str)) {}
MIMEDataRef(const char* data, long size):
m_Data(data), m_Size(size) {}
/// Push MIME stuff to Jupyter. To be called from user code.
///\param contentDict - dictionary of MIME type versus content. E.g.
/// {{"text/html", {"<div></div>", }}
void pushOutput(const std::map<std::string, MIMEDataRef> contentDict) {
// Pipe sees (all numbers are longs, except for the first:
// - num bytes in a long (sent as a single unsigned char!)
// - num elements of the MIME dictionary; Jupyter selects one to display.
// For each MIME dictionary element:
// - size of MIME type string (including the terminating 0)
// - MIME type as 0-terminated string
// - size of MIME data buffer (including the terminating 0 for
// 0-terminated strings)
// - MIME data buffer
// Write number of dictionary elements (and the size of that number in a
// char)
unsigned char sizeLong = sizeof(long);
write(pipeToJupyterFD, &sizeLong, 1);
long dictSize = contentDict.size();
write(pipeToJupyterFD, &dictSize, sizeof(long));
for (auto iContent: contentDict) {
const std::string& mimeType = iContent.first;
long mimeTypeSize = (long)mimeType.size();
write(pipeToJupyterFD, &mimeTypeSize, sizeof(long));
write(pipeToJupyterFD, mimeType.c_str(), mimeType.size() + 1);
const MIMEDataRef& mimeData = iContent.second;
write(pipeToJupyterFD, &mimeData.m_Size, sizeof(long));
write(pipeToJupyterFD, mimeData.m_Data, mimeData.m_Size);
} // namespace Jupyter
} // namespace cling
extern "C" {
///\name Cling4CTypes
/// The Python compatible view of cling
/// The Interpreter object cast to void*
using TheInterpreter = void ;
/// Create an interpreter object.
cling_create(int argc, const char *argv[], const char* llvmdir, int pipefd) {
auto interp = new cling::Interpreter(argc, argv, llvmdir);
pipeToJupyterFD = pipefd;
return interp;
/// Destroy the interpreter.
void cling_destroy(TheInterpreter *interpVP) {
cling::Interpreter *interp = (cling::Interpreter *) interpVP;
delete interp;
/// Stringify a cling::Value
static std::string ValueToString(const cling::Value& V) {
std::string valueString;
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(valueString);
return valueString;
/// Evaluate a string of code. Returns nullptr on failure.
/// Returns a string representation of the expression (can be "") on success.
char* cling_eval(TheInterpreter *interpVP, const char *code) {
cling::Interpreter *interp = (cling::Interpreter *) interpVP;
cling::Value V;
cling::Interpreter::CompilationResult Res = interp->process(code, &V);
if (Res != cling::Interpreter::kSuccess)
return nullptr;
cling::Jupyter::pushOutput({{"text/html", "You just executed C++ code!"}});
if (!V.isValid())
return strdup("");
return strdup(ValueToString(V).c_str());
void cling_eval_free(char* str) {
/// Code completion interfaces.
/// Start completion of code. Returns a handle to be passed to
/// cling_complete_next() to iterate over the completion options. Returns nulptr
/// if no completions are known.
void* cling_complete_start(const char* code) {
return new int(42);
/// Grab the next completion of some code. Returns nullptr if none is left.
const char* cling_complete_next(void* completionHandle) {
int* counter = (int*) completionHandle;
if (++(*counter) > 43) {
delete counter;
return nullptr;
return "COMPLETE!";
} // extern "C"