2017-02-21 16:34:19 +01:00

38 lines
1.3 KiB

// CLING - the C++ LLVM-based InterpreterG :)
// This file is dual-licensed: you can choose to license it under the University
// of Illinois Open Source License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. See
// LICENSE.TXT for details.
// RUN: %mkdir "%T/subdir" || true
// RUN: %rm "%T/subdir/libtest%shlibext"
// RUN: clang -DCLING_EXPORT=%dllexport -shared %S/call_lib.c -o %T/subdir/libtest%shlibext
// RUN: cat %s | %cling -I %S -DENVVAR_LIB="\"%/T/subdir\"" -DENVVAR_INC="\"%/p/subdir\"" -Xclang -verify 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
extern "C" int cling_testlibrary_function();
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <stdlib.h>
extern "C" int _putenv_s(const char *name, const char *value);
#define setenv(n, v, o) _putenv_s(n,v)
::setenv("ENVVAR_INC", ENVVAR_INC, 1);
::setenv("ENVVAR_LIB", ENVVAR_LIB, 1);
#pragma cling add_include_path("$ENVVAR_INC")
#include "Include_header.h"
// CHECK: OK(int) 0
#pragma cling add_library_path("$ENVVAR_LIB")
#pragma cling load("libtest")
// CHECK: (int) 66
#pragma cling add_library_path("$NONEXISTINGVARNAME")