Timur Pocheptsov 035f23752b Clean up.
2014-04-14 09:08:59 +02:00

127 lines
4.7 KiB

//--------------------------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-
// CLING - the C++ LLVM-based InterpreterG :)
// author: Vassil Vassilev <>
// This file is dual-licensed: you can choose to license it under the University
// of Illinois Open Source License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. See
// LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "MetaLexer.h" // for cling::Token
#include "MetaSema.h" // for ActionResult
#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
namespace llvm {
class StringRef;
namespace cling {
class MetaLexer;
class MetaSema;
class Value;
// Command syntax: MetaCommand := <CommandSymbol><Command>
// CommandSymbol := '.' | '//.'
// Command := LCommand | XCommand | qCommand | UCommand |
// ICommand | OCommand | RawInputCommand |
// PrintDebugCommand | DynamicExtensionsCommand |
// HelpCommand | FileExCommand | FilesCommand |
// ClassCommand | GCommand | StoreStateCommand |
// CompareStateCommand | StatsCommand | undoCommand
// LCommand := 'L' FilePath
// >Command := '>' FilePath
// qCommand := 'q'
// XCommand := 'x' FilePath[ArgList] | 'X' FilePath[ArgList]
// UCommand := 'U' FilePath
// ICommand := 'I' [FilePath]
// OCommand := 'O'[' ']Constant
// RawInputCommand := 'rawInput' [Constant]
// PrintDebugCommand := 'printDebug' [Constant]
// StoreStateCommand := 'storeState' "Ident"
// CompareStateCommand := 'compareState' "Ident"
// StatsCommand := 'stats' ['ast']
// undoCommand := 'undo' [Constant]
// DynamicExtensionsCommand := 'dynamicExtensions' [Constant]
// HelpCommand := 'help'
// FileExCommand := 'fileEx'
// FilesCommand := 'files'
// ClassCommand := 'class' AnyString | 'Class'
// GCommand := 'g' [Ident]
// FilePath := AnyString
// ArgList := (ExtraArgList) ' ' [ArgList]
// ExtraArgList := AnyString [, ExtraArgList]
// AnyString := *^(' ' | '\t')
// Constant := {0-9}
// Ident := a-zA-Z{a-zA-Z0-9}
class MetaParser {
llvm::OwningPtr<MetaLexer> m_Lexer;
llvm::OwningPtr<MetaSema> m_Actions;
llvm::SmallVector<Token, 2> m_TokenCache;
llvm::SmallVector<Token, 4> m_MetaSymbolCache;
///\brief Returns the current token without consuming it.
inline const Token& getCurTok() { return lookAhead(0); }
///\brief Consume the current 'peek' token.
void consumeToken();
void consumeAnyStringToken(tok::TokenKind stopAt = tok::space);
const Token& lookAhead(unsigned Num);
void skipWhitespace();
bool isCommandSymbol();
bool isCommand(MetaSema::ActionResult& actionResult,
Value* resultValue);
bool isLCommand(MetaSema::ActionResult& actionResult);
bool isRedirectCommand(MetaSema::ActionResult& actionResult);
bool isExtraArgList();
bool isXCommand(MetaSema::ActionResult& actionResult,
Value* resultValue);
bool isqCommand();
bool isUCommand(MetaSema::ActionResult& actionResult);
bool isICommand();
bool isOCommand();
bool israwInputCommand();
bool isprintDebugCommand();
bool isstoreStateCommand();
bool iscompareStateCommand();
bool isstatsCommand();
bool isundoCommand();
bool isdynamicExtensionsCommand();
bool ishelpCommand();
bool isfileExCommand();
bool isfilesCommand();
bool isClassCommand();
bool isNamespaceCommand();
bool isgCommand();
bool isTypedefCommand();
bool isShellCommand(MetaSema::ActionResult& actionResult,
Value* resultValue);
MetaParser(MetaSema* Actions);
void enterNewInputLine(llvm::StringRef Line);
///\brief Drives the recursive decendent parsing.
///\returns true if it was meta command.
bool isMetaCommand(MetaSema::ActionResult& actionResult,
Value* resultValue);
///\brief Returns whether quit was requested via .q command
bool isQuitRequested() const;
MetaSema& getActions() const { return *m_Actions.get(); }
} // end namespace cling