CristinaCristescu d30b5a0a23 Change flag for redirection.
2014-01-15 12:02:03 +01:00

104 lines
2.9 KiB

//--------------------------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-
// CLING - the C++ LLVM-based InterpreterG :)
// author: Vassil Vassilev <>
// This file is dual-licensed: you can choose to license it under the University
// of Illinois Open Source License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. See
// LICENSE.TXT for details.
namespace llvm {
class StringRef;
namespace cling {
namespace tok {
enum TokenKind {
l_square, // "["
r_square, // "]"
l_paren, // "("
r_paren, // ")"
l_brace, // "{"
r_brace, // "}"
quote, // """
apostrophe, // "'"
comma, // ","
dot, // "."
excl_mark, // "!"
quest_mark, // "?"
slash, // "/"
backslash, // "\"
greater, // ">"
ampersand, // "&"
ident, // (a-zA-Z)[(0-9a-zA-Z)*]
raw_ident, // .*^(' '|'\t')
comment, // //
space, // (' ' | '\t')*
constant, // {0-9}
class Token {
tok::TokenKind kind;
const char* bufStart;
unsigned length;
mutable unsigned value;
void startToken(const char* Pos = 0) {
kind = tok::unknown;
bufStart = Pos;
value = ~0U;
tok::TokenKind getKind() const { return kind; }
void setKind(tok::TokenKind K) { kind = K; }
unsigned getLength() const { return length; }
void setLength(unsigned L) { length = L; }
const char* getBufStart() const { return bufStart; }
void setBufStart(const char* Pos) { bufStart = Pos; }
bool isNot(tok::TokenKind K) const { return kind != K; }
bool is(tok::TokenKind K) const { return kind == K; }
llvm::StringRef getIdent() const;
bool getConstantAsBool() const;
unsigned getConstant() const;
class MetaLexer {
const char* bufferStart;
const char* bufferEnd;
const char* curPos;
MetaLexer(const char* bufStart)
: bufferStart(bufStart), curPos(bufStart)
{ }
MetaLexer(llvm::StringRef input);
void Lex(Token& Tok);
void LexAnyString(Token& Tok);
static void LexPunctuator(char C, Token& Tok);
// TODO: Revise. We might not need that.
static void LexPunctuatorAndAdvance(const char*& curPos, Token& Tok);
static void LexQuotedStringAndAdvance(const char*& curPos, Token& Tok);
void LexConstant(char C, Token& Tok);
void LexIdentifier(char C, Token& Tok);
void LexEndOfFile(char C, Token& Tok);
void LexWhitespace(char C, Token& Tok);
void SkipWhitespace();
inline char getAndAdvanceChar(const char *&Ptr) {
return *Ptr++;
} //end namespace cling