Use absolute PATH when checking the existance of the textinput directory. This prevent this error: CMake Error at cmake/modules/AddLLVM.cmake:312 (add_library): Cannot find source file: C:/build/workspace/cling-test/src/core/textinput/src/textinput/Editor.cpp Tried extensions .c .C .c++ .cc .cpp .cxx .m .M .mm .h .hh .h++ .hm .hpp .hxx .in .txx Call Stack (most recent call first): tools/cling/CMakeLists.txt:142 (llvm_add_library) tools/cling/lib/UserInterface/CMakeLists.txt:17 (add_cling_library)
______ __ ____ _ __ ______
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\____/ /_____/ /___/ /_/ |_/ \____/
##DESCRIPTION Cling is an interactive C++ interpreter, built on top of Clang and LLVM compiler infrastructure. Cling realizes the read-eval-print loop (REPL) concept, in order to leverage rapid application development. Implemented as a small extension to LLVM and Clang, the interpreter reuses their strengths such as the praised concise and expressive compiler diagnostics.
Further information & demos
Please note that some of the resources are rather old and most of the stated limitations are outdated.
##INSTALLATION ###Binaries We offer binary snapshots for download at
###Source CLING source depends on the LLVM and CLANG headers and libraries. You will also need CMake >= 2.6.1 or GNU Make to build all of those packages and subversion and git to get the source code.
####Building Building LLVM and CLANG you must:
- Check out the sources:
git clone src
cd src
git checkout cling-patches
cd tools
git clone
git clone
cd clang
git checkout cling-patches
- Configure, build and install them, either using CMake:
cd ..
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/some/install/dir \
-DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=CBackend\;CppBackend\;X86 \
make install
- or GNU Make (see ../src/configure --help for all options):
cd ..
mkdir build
cd build
../src/configure --prefix=/some/install/dir
make install
#####Cling Packaging Tool Cling's tree has a user-friendly, command-line utility written in Python called Cling Packaging Tool (CPT) which can build Cling from source and generate installer bundles for a wide range of platforms.
If you have Cling's source cloned locally, you can find the tool in
directory. Alternatively, you can download the script
manually, or by using wget
chmod +x
Full documentation of CPT can be found in tools/packaging.
/some/install/dir/bin/cling '#include <stdio.h>' 'printf("Hello World!\n")'
To get started run: /some/install/dir/bin/cling --help
or type
[cling]$ .help
##DEVELOPERS' CORNER: We have doxygen documentation of cling's code at: ###CONTRIBUTIONS Every contribution is very welcome. It is considered as a donation and its copyright and any other related rights become exclusive ownership of the person who merged the code or in any other case the main developers. In order for a contribution to be accepted it has to obey the previously established rules for contribution acceptance in cling's work flow and rules.