2018-05-19 14:49:46 +02:00
package roaring
import (
var defaultWorkerCount = runtime . NumCPU ( )
type bitmapContainerKey struct {
key uint16
idx int
bitmap * Bitmap
type multipleContainers struct {
key uint16
containers [ ] container
idx int
type keyedContainer struct {
key uint16
container container
idx int
type bitmapContainerHeap [ ] bitmapContainerKey
func ( h bitmapContainerHeap ) Len ( ) int { return len ( h ) }
func ( h bitmapContainerHeap ) Less ( i , j int ) bool { return h [ i ] . key < h [ j ] . key }
func ( h bitmapContainerHeap ) Swap ( i , j int ) { h [ i ] , h [ j ] = h [ j ] , h [ i ] }
func ( h * bitmapContainerHeap ) Push ( x interface { } ) {
// Push and Pop use pointer receivers because they modify the slice's length,
// not just its contents.
* h = append ( * h , x . ( bitmapContainerKey ) )
func ( h * bitmapContainerHeap ) Pop ( ) interface { } {
old := * h
n := len ( old )
x := old [ n - 1 ]
* h = old [ 0 : n - 1 ]
return x
func ( h bitmapContainerHeap ) Peek ( ) bitmapContainerKey {
return h [ 0 ]
func ( h * bitmapContainerHeap ) popIncrementing ( ) ( key uint16 , container container ) {
k := h . Peek ( )
key = k . key
container = k . bitmap . highlowcontainer . containers [ k . idx ]
newIdx := k . idx + 1
if newIdx < k . bitmap . highlowcontainer . size ( ) {
k = bitmapContainerKey {
k . bitmap . highlowcontainer . keys [ newIdx ] ,
newIdx ,
k . bitmap ,
( * h ) [ 0 ] = k
heap . Fix ( h , 0 )
} else {
heap . Pop ( h )
func ( h * bitmapContainerHeap ) Next ( containers [ ] container ) multipleContainers {
if h . Len ( ) == 0 {
return multipleContainers { }
key , container := h . popIncrementing ( )
containers = append ( containers , container )
for h . Len ( ) > 0 && key == h . Peek ( ) . key {
_ , container = h . popIncrementing ( )
containers = append ( containers , container )
return multipleContainers {
key ,
containers ,
- 1 ,
func newBitmapContainerHeap ( bitmaps ... * Bitmap ) bitmapContainerHeap {
// Initialize heap
var h bitmapContainerHeap = make ( [ ] bitmapContainerKey , 0 , len ( bitmaps ) )
for _ , bitmap := range bitmaps {
if ! bitmap . IsEmpty ( ) {
key := bitmapContainerKey {
bitmap . highlowcontainer . keys [ 0 ] ,
0 ,
bitmap ,
h = append ( h , key )
heap . Init ( & h )
return h
func repairAfterLazy ( c container ) container {
switch t := c . ( type ) {
case * bitmapContainer :
if t . cardinality == invalidCardinality {
t . computeCardinality ( )
if t . getCardinality ( ) <= arrayDefaultMaxSize {
return t . toArrayContainer ( )
} else if c . ( * bitmapContainer ) . isFull ( ) {
return newRunContainer16Range ( 0 , MaxUint16 )
return c
func toBitmapContainer ( c container ) container {
switch t := c . ( type ) {
case * arrayContainer :
return t . toBitmapContainer ( )
case * runContainer16 :
if ! t . isFull ( ) {
return t . toBitmapContainer ( )
return c
func appenderRoutine ( bitmapChan chan <- * Bitmap , resultChan <- chan keyedContainer , expectedKeysChan <- chan int ) {
expectedKeys := - 1
appendedKeys := 0
2019-11-27 17:23:33 +08:00
var keys [ ] uint16
var containers [ ] container
2018-05-19 14:49:46 +02:00
for appendedKeys != expectedKeys {
select {
case item := <- resultChan :
if len ( keys ) <= item . idx {
keys = append ( keys , make ( [ ] uint16 , item . idx - len ( keys ) + 1 ) ... )
containers = append ( containers , make ( [ ] container , item . idx - len ( containers ) + 1 ) ... )
keys [ item . idx ] = item . key
containers [ item . idx ] = item . container
appendedKeys ++
case msg := <- expectedKeysChan :
expectedKeys = msg
answer := & Bitmap {
roaringArray {
make ( [ ] uint16 , 0 , expectedKeys ) ,
make ( [ ] container , 0 , expectedKeys ) ,
make ( [ ] bool , 0 , expectedKeys ) ,
false ,
nil ,
} ,
for i := range keys {
if containers [ i ] != nil { // in case a resulting container was empty, see ParAnd function
answer . highlowcontainer . appendContainer ( keys [ i ] , containers [ i ] , false )
bitmapChan <- answer
// ParHeapOr computes the union (OR) of all provided bitmaps in parallel,
// where the parameter "parallelism" determines how many workers are to be used
// (if it is set to 0, a default number of workers is chosen)
// ParHeapOr uses a heap to compute the union. For rare cases it might be faster than ParOr
func ParHeapOr ( parallelism int , bitmaps ... * Bitmap ) * Bitmap {
bitmapCount := len ( bitmaps )
if bitmapCount == 0 {
return NewBitmap ( )
} else if bitmapCount == 1 {
return bitmaps [ 0 ] . Clone ( )
if parallelism == 0 {
parallelism = defaultWorkerCount
h := newBitmapContainerHeap ( bitmaps ... )
bitmapChan := make ( chan * Bitmap )
inputChan := make ( chan multipleContainers , 128 )
resultChan := make ( chan keyedContainer , 32 )
expectedKeysChan := make ( chan int )
pool := sync . Pool {
New : func ( ) interface { } {
return make ( [ ] container , 0 , len ( bitmaps ) )
} ,
orFunc := func ( ) {
// Assumes only structs with >=2 containers are passed
for input := range inputChan {
c := toBitmapContainer ( input . containers [ 0 ] ) . lazyOR ( input . containers [ 1 ] )
for _ , next := range input . containers [ 2 : ] {
c = c . lazyIOR ( next )
c = repairAfterLazy ( c )
kx := keyedContainer {
input . key ,
c ,
input . idx ,
resultChan <- kx
pool . Put ( input . containers [ : 0 ] )
go appenderRoutine ( bitmapChan , resultChan , expectedKeysChan )
for i := 0 ; i < parallelism ; i ++ {
go orFunc ( )
idx := 0
for h . Len ( ) > 0 {
ck := h . Next ( pool . Get ( ) . ( [ ] container ) )
if len ( ck . containers ) == 1 {
resultChan <- keyedContainer {
ck . key ,
ck . containers [ 0 ] ,
idx ,
pool . Put ( ck . containers [ : 0 ] )
} else {
ck . idx = idx
inputChan <- ck
idx ++
expectedKeysChan <- idx
bitmap := <- bitmapChan
close ( inputChan )
close ( resultChan )
close ( expectedKeysChan )
return bitmap
// ParAnd computes the intersection (AND) of all provided bitmaps in parallel,
// where the parameter "parallelism" determines how many workers are to be used
// (if it is set to 0, a default number of workers is chosen)
func ParAnd ( parallelism int , bitmaps ... * Bitmap ) * Bitmap {
bitmapCount := len ( bitmaps )
if bitmapCount == 0 {
return NewBitmap ( )
} else if bitmapCount == 1 {
return bitmaps [ 0 ] . Clone ( )
if parallelism == 0 {
parallelism = defaultWorkerCount
h := newBitmapContainerHeap ( bitmaps ... )
bitmapChan := make ( chan * Bitmap )
inputChan := make ( chan multipleContainers , 128 )
resultChan := make ( chan keyedContainer , 32 )
expectedKeysChan := make ( chan int )
andFunc := func ( ) {
// Assumes only structs with >=2 containers are passed
for input := range inputChan {
c := input . containers [ 0 ] . and ( input . containers [ 1 ] )
for _ , next := range input . containers [ 2 : ] {
if c . getCardinality ( ) == 0 {
c = c . iand ( next )
// Send a nil explicitly if the result of the intersection is an empty container
if c . getCardinality ( ) == 0 {
c = nil
kx := keyedContainer {
input . key ,
c ,
input . idx ,
resultChan <- kx
go appenderRoutine ( bitmapChan , resultChan , expectedKeysChan )
for i := 0 ; i < parallelism ; i ++ {
go andFunc ( )
idx := 0
for h . Len ( ) > 0 {
ck := h . Next ( make ( [ ] container , 0 , 4 ) )
if len ( ck . containers ) == bitmapCount {
ck . idx = idx
inputChan <- ck
idx ++
expectedKeysChan <- idx
bitmap := <- bitmapChan
close ( inputChan )
close ( resultChan )
close ( expectedKeysChan )
return bitmap
// ParOr computes the union (OR) of all provided bitmaps in parallel,
// where the parameter "parallelism" determines how many workers are to be used
// (if it is set to 0, a default number of workers is chosen)
func ParOr ( parallelism int , bitmaps ... * Bitmap ) * Bitmap {
var lKey uint16 = MaxUint16
2019-11-27 17:23:33 +08:00
var hKey uint16
2018-05-19 14:49:46 +02:00
bitmapsFiltered := bitmaps [ : 0 ]
for _ , b := range bitmaps {
if ! b . IsEmpty ( ) {
bitmapsFiltered = append ( bitmapsFiltered , b )
bitmaps = bitmapsFiltered
for _ , b := range bitmaps {
lKey = minOfUint16 ( lKey , b . highlowcontainer . keys [ 0 ] )
hKey = maxOfUint16 ( hKey , b . highlowcontainer . keys [ b . highlowcontainer . size ( ) - 1 ] )
if lKey == MaxUint16 && hKey == 0 {
return New ( )
} else if len ( bitmaps ) == 1 {
return bitmaps [ 0 ]
keyRange := hKey - lKey + 1
if keyRange == 1 {
// revert to FastOr. Since the key range is 0
// no container-level aggregation parallelism is achievable
return FastOr ( bitmaps ... )
if parallelism == 0 {
parallelism = defaultWorkerCount
var chunkSize int
var chunkCount int
if parallelism * 4 > int ( keyRange ) {
chunkSize = 1
chunkCount = int ( keyRange )
} else {
chunkCount = parallelism * 4
chunkSize = ( int ( keyRange ) + chunkCount - 1 ) / chunkCount
if chunkCount * chunkSize < int ( keyRange ) {
// it's fine to panic to indicate an implementation error
panic ( fmt . Sprintf ( "invariant check failed: chunkCount * chunkSize < keyRange, %d * %d < %d" , chunkCount , chunkSize , keyRange ) )
chunks := make ( [ ] * roaringArray , chunkCount )
chunkSpecChan := make ( chan parChunkSpec , minOfInt ( maxOfInt ( 64 , 2 * parallelism ) , int ( chunkCount ) ) )
chunkChan := make ( chan parChunk , minOfInt ( 32 , int ( chunkCount ) ) )
orFunc := func ( ) {
for spec := range chunkSpecChan {
ra := lazyOrOnRange ( & bitmaps [ 0 ] . highlowcontainer , & bitmaps [ 1 ] . highlowcontainer , spec . start , spec . end )
for _ , b := range bitmaps [ 2 : ] {
ra = lazyIOrOnRange ( ra , & b . highlowcontainer , spec . start , spec . end )
for i , c := range ra . containers {
ra . containers [ i ] = repairAfterLazy ( c )
chunkChan <- parChunk { ra , spec . idx }
for i := 0 ; i < parallelism ; i ++ {
go orFunc ( )
go func ( ) {
for i := 0 ; i < chunkCount ; i ++ {
spec := parChunkSpec {
start : uint16 ( int ( lKey ) + i * chunkSize ) ,
end : uint16 ( minOfInt ( int ( lKey ) + ( i + 1 ) * chunkSize - 1 , int ( hKey ) ) ) ,
idx : int ( i ) ,
chunkSpecChan <- spec
} ( )
chunksRemaining := chunkCount
for chunk := range chunkChan {
chunks [ chunk . idx ] = chunk . ra
chunksRemaining --
if chunksRemaining == 0 {
close ( chunkChan )
close ( chunkSpecChan )
containerCount := 0
for _ , chunk := range chunks {
containerCount += chunk . size ( )
result := Bitmap {
roaringArray {
containers : make ( [ ] container , containerCount ) ,
keys : make ( [ ] uint16 , containerCount ) ,
needCopyOnWrite : make ( [ ] bool , containerCount ) ,
} ,
resultOffset := 0
for _ , chunk := range chunks {
copy ( result . highlowcontainer . containers [ resultOffset : ] , chunk . containers )
copy ( result . highlowcontainer . keys [ resultOffset : ] , chunk . keys )
copy ( result . highlowcontainer . needCopyOnWrite [ resultOffset : ] , chunk . needCopyOnWrite )
resultOffset += chunk . size ( )
return & result
type parChunkSpec struct {
start uint16
end uint16
idx int
type parChunk struct {
ra * roaringArray
idx int
func ( c parChunk ) size ( ) int {
return c . ra . size ( )
func parNaiveStartAt ( ra * roaringArray , start uint16 , last uint16 ) int {
for idx , key := range ra . keys {
if key >= start && key <= last {
return idx
} else if key > last {
return ra . size ( )
func lazyOrOnRange ( ra1 , ra2 * roaringArray , start , last uint16 ) * roaringArray {
answer := newRoaringArray ( )
length1 := ra1 . size ( )
length2 := ra2 . size ( )
idx1 := parNaiveStartAt ( ra1 , start , last )
idx2 := parNaiveStartAt ( ra2 , start , last )
var key1 uint16
var key2 uint16
if idx1 < length1 && idx2 < length2 {
key1 = ra1 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx1 )
key2 = ra2 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx2 )
for key1 <= last && key2 <= last {
if key1 < key2 {
answer . appendCopy ( * ra1 , idx1 )
idx1 ++
if idx1 == length1 {
key1 = ra1 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx1 )
} else if key1 > key2 {
answer . appendCopy ( * ra2 , idx2 )
idx2 ++
if idx2 == length2 {
key2 = ra2 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx2 )
} else {
c1 := ra1 . getFastContainerAtIndex ( idx1 , false )
answer . appendContainer ( key1 , c1 . lazyOR ( ra2 . getContainerAtIndex ( idx2 ) ) , false )
idx1 ++
idx2 ++
if idx1 == length1 || idx2 == length2 {
key1 = ra1 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx1 )
key2 = ra2 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx2 )
if idx2 < length2 {
key2 = ra2 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx2 )
for key2 <= last {
answer . appendCopy ( * ra2 , idx2 )
idx2 ++
if idx2 == length2 {
key2 = ra2 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx2 )
if idx1 < length1 {
key1 = ra1 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx1 )
for key1 <= last {
answer . appendCopy ( * ra1 , idx1 )
idx1 ++
if idx1 == length1 {
key1 = ra1 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx1 )
return answer
func lazyIOrOnRange ( ra1 , ra2 * roaringArray , start , last uint16 ) * roaringArray {
length1 := ra1 . size ( )
length2 := ra2 . size ( )
idx1 := 0
idx2 := parNaiveStartAt ( ra2 , start , last )
var key1 uint16
var key2 uint16
if idx1 < length1 && idx2 < length2 {
key1 = ra1 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx1 )
key2 = ra2 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx2 )
for key1 <= last && key2 <= last {
if key1 < key2 {
idx1 ++
if idx1 >= length1 {
key1 = ra1 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx1 )
} else if key1 > key2 {
ra1 . insertNewKeyValueAt ( idx1 , key2 , ra2 . getContainerAtIndex ( idx2 ) )
ra1 . needCopyOnWrite [ idx1 ] = true
idx2 ++
idx1 ++
length1 ++
if idx2 >= length2 {
key2 = ra2 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx2 )
} else {
c1 := ra1 . getFastContainerAtIndex ( idx1 , true )
ra1 . containers [ idx1 ] = c1 . lazyIOR ( ra2 . getContainerAtIndex ( idx2 ) )
ra1 . needCopyOnWrite [ idx1 ] = false
idx1 ++
idx2 ++
if idx1 >= length1 || idx2 >= length2 {
key1 = ra1 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx1 )
key2 = ra2 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx2 )
if idx2 < length2 {
key2 = ra2 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx2 )
for key2 <= last {
ra1 . appendCopy ( * ra2 , idx2 )
idx2 ++
if idx2 >= length2 {
key2 = ra2 . getKeyAtIndex ( idx2 )
return ra1