Before: * Translations were imported from Crowdin via Gitea * New strings were added by Forgejo in feature branches but never translated * The build/merge-forgejo-locales.go script in the forgejo-i18n branch added/replaced Forgejo specific strings in the translated files at build time * Conflicts arising from Gitea changes in locale_en-US.ini were resolved by moving around Forgejo strings Transition: * The build/merge-forgejo-locales.go is run once on the source * The result is commited to the forgejo-development branch After: * Translation are exported and imported from translate.codeberg.org * build/crowdin-to-weblate.sh run is run when rebasing (soft-fork) or cherry-picking (hard-fork) to collect new translations from Crowdin via Gitea * In case of a conflict Forgejo translations are authoritative * In the absence of a conflict Crowdin translations are uploaded to Weblate (cherry picked from commit 9b5b7140480a75edb070d4151f585c20d3a08f64) (cherry picked from commit 6c7b5e322d1dc736f2e2d9725f77f09bbdb5ffa1)