This overrides handling of Tab and Enter keys in the ComboMarkdownEditor, so that: * Pressing Tab prepending 4 spaces to the line under cursor, or all the lines in the selection. * Pressing Shift+Tab removes up to 4 spaces. * Pressing Enter repeats any indentation and a "repeatable" prefix (list or blockquote) from the current line. Since Tab "capture" can interfere with keyboard navigation, it's only done if there was any previous input in the textarea or if it was selected with a pointer. Additionally, presing Esc will make the textarea lose focus, resuming tab navigation. This seems adequate to me, but I might be wrong. Had to use the "deprecated" execCommand method, since anything else I tried messes up the undo history. There's a fallback for when (if?) it's actually removed. Only tested in desktop Firefox and Chrome so far. Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Earl Warren <> Reviewed-by: Beowulf <> Co-authored-by: Danko Aleksejevs <> Co-committed-by: Danko Aleksejevs <>
End to end tests
E2e tests largely follow the same syntax as integration tests. Whereas integration tests are intended to mock and stress the back-end, server-side code, e2e tests the interface between front-end and back-end, as well as visual regressions with both assertions and visual comparisons. They can be run with make commands for the appropriate backends, namely:
make test-sqlite
make test-pgsql
make test-mysql
Make sure to perform a clean front-end build before running tests:
make clean frontend
Install playwright system dependencies
npx playwright install-deps
Run all tests via local act_runner
act_runner exec -W ./.github/workflows/pull-e2e-tests.yml --event=pull_request --default-actions-url="" -i catthehacker/ubuntu:runner-latest
Run sqlite e2e tests
Start tests
make test-e2e-sqlite
Run MySQL e2e tests
Setup a MySQL database inside docker
docker run -e "MYSQL_DATABASE=test" -e "MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes" -p 3306:3306 --rm --name mysql mysql:latest #(just ctrl-c to stop db and clean the container)
docker run -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" --rm --name elasticsearch elasticsearch:7.6.0 #(in a second terminal, just ctrl-c to stop db and clean the container)
Start tests based on the database container
Run pgsql e2e tests
Setup a pgsql database inside docker
docker run -e "POSTGRES_DB=test" -p 5432:5432 --rm --name pgsql postgres:latest #(just ctrl-c to stop db and clean the container)
Start tests based on the database container
TEST_PGSQL_HOST=localhost:5432 TEST_PGSQL_DBNAME=test TEST_PGSQL_USERNAME=postgres TEST_PGSQL_PASSWORD=postgres make test-e2e-pgsql
Running individual tests
Example command to run example.test.e2e.js
test file:
Note: unlike integration tests, this filtering is at the file level, not function
For SQLite:
make test-e2e-sqlite#example
For PostgreSQL databases(replace mysql
to pgsql
TEST_MYSQL_HOST=localhost:1433 TEST_MYSQL_DBNAME=test TEST_MYSQL_USERNAME=sa TEST_MYSQL_PASSWORD=MwantsaSecurePassword1 make test-e2e-mysql#example
Visual testing
Although the main goal of e2e is assertion testing, we have added a framework for visual regress testing. If you are working on front-end features, please use the following:
- Check out
,make clean frontend
, and run e2e tests withVISUAL_TEST=1
to generate outputs. This will initially fail, as no screenshots exist. You can run the e2e tests again to assert it passes. - Check out your branch,
make clean frontend
, and run e2e tests withVISUAL_TEST=1
. You should be able to assert you front-end changes don't break any other tests unintentionally.
VISUAL_TEST=1 will create screenshots in tests/e2e/test-snapshots. The test will fail the first time this is enabled (until we get visual test image persistence figured out), because it will be testing against an empty screenshot folder.
ACCEPT_VISUAL=1 will overwrite the snapshot images with new images.