The VERBOSE_CFLAGS variable is used to report the CFLAGS used in the output of "haproxy -vv". It currently contains all -Wxxx and -Wno-xxx because there was no other possibility till now, but these warnings are highly specific to the compiler version in use, are automatically detected and do not bring value being presented here. Worse, by encouraging users to copy-paste them, they can end up with warnings that are not relevant to their build environment. In addition, their presence there doesn't give indication of whether or not they triggered, so they cannot vouch for the output code quality. Better just not report them there. However, as part of VERBOSE_CFLAGS they were also used to detect whether or not to rebuild, via build_opts, so they still have to be explicitly mentioned there if we want to make sure that changing warning options triggers a rebuild to see their effect. Now we can have more useful outputs like this one which indicate precisely what to use to safely rebuild the executable: Build options : TARGET = linux-glibc CC = gcc CFLAGS = -O2 -g -fwrapv OPTIONS = USE_OPENSSL=1 USE_LUA=1 USE_ZLIB= USE_SLZ=1 USE_DEVICEATLAS=1 USE_51DEGREES=1 USE_WURFL=1 USE_QUIC=1 USE_PROMEX=1 USE_PCRE=1 DEBUG = -DDEBUG_DONT_SHARE_POOLS -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DDEBUG_EXPR -DDEBUG_STRICT=2 -DDEBUG_DEV -DDEBUG_MEM_STATS -DDEBUG_POOL_TRACING
The HAProxy documentation has been split into a number of different files for ease of use. Please refer to the following files depending on what you're looking for : - INSTALL for instructions on how to build and install HAProxy - BRANCHES to understand the project's life cycle and what version to use - LICENSE for the project's license - CONTRIBUTING for the process to follow to submit contributions The more detailed documentation is located into the doc/ directory : - doc/intro.txt for a quick introduction on HAProxy - doc/configuration.txt for the configuration's reference manual - doc/lua.txt for the Lua's reference manual - doc/SPOE.txt for how to use the SPOE engine - doc/network-namespaces.txt for how to use network namespaces under Linux - doc/management.txt for the management guide - doc/regression-testing.txt for how to use the regression testing suite - doc/peers.txt for the peers protocol reference - doc/coding-style.txt for how to adopt HAProxy's coding style - doc/internals for developer-specific documentation (not all up to date)