This provides more consistency between the master and the worker. When "prompt timed" is passed on the master, the timed mode is toggled. When enabled, for a master it will show the master process' uptime, and for a worker it will show this worker's uptime. Example: master> prompt timed [0:00:00:50] master> show proc #<PID> <type> <reloads> <uptime> <version> 11940 master 1 [failed: 0] 0d00h02m10s 2.8-dev11-474c14-21 # workers 11955 worker 0 0d00h00m59s 2.8-dev11-474c14-21 # old workers 11942 worker 1 0d00h02m10s 2.8-dev11-474c14-21 # programs [0:00:00:58] master> @!11955 [0:00:01:03] 11955> @!11942 [0:00:02:17] 11942> @ [0:00:01:10] master>
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* include/haproxy/stream-t.h
* This file defines everything related to streams.
* Copyright (C) 2000-2020 Willy Tarreau -
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1
* exclusively.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <haproxy/api-t.h>
#include <haproxy/channel-t.h>
#include <haproxy/stconn-t.h>
#include <haproxy/dynbuf-t.h>
#include <haproxy/filters-t.h>
#include <haproxy/obj_type-t.h>
#include <haproxy/show_flags-t.h>
#include <haproxy/stick_table-t.h>
#include <haproxy/vars-t.h>
/* Various Stream Flags, bits values 0x01 to 0x100 (shift 0).
* Please also update the txn_show_flags() function below in case of changes.
#define SF_DIRECT 0x00000001 /* connection made on the server matching the client cookie */
#define SF_ASSIGNED 0x00000002 /* no need to assign a server to this stream */
/* unused: 0x00000004 */
#define SF_BE_ASSIGNED 0x00000008 /* a backend was assigned. Conns are accounted. */
#define SF_FORCE_PRST 0x00000010 /* force persistence here, even if server is down */
#define SF_MONITOR 0x00000020 /* this stream comes from a monitoring system */
#define SF_CURR_SESS 0x00000040 /* a connection is currently being counted on the server */
#define SF_CONN_EXP 0x00000080 /* timeout has expired */
#define SF_REDISP 0x00000100 /* set if this stream was redispatched from one server to another */
#define SF_IGNORE 0x00000200 /* The stream lead to a mux upgrade, and should be ignored */
#define SF_REDIRECTABLE 0x00000400 /* set if this stream is redirectable (GET or HEAD) */
#define SF_HTX 0x00000800 /* set if this stream is an htx stream */
/* stream termination conditions, bits values 0x1000 to 0x7000 (0-9 shift 12) */
#define SF_ERR_NONE 0x00000000 /* normal end of request */
#define SF_ERR_LOCAL 0x00001000 /* the proxy locally processed this request => not an error */
#define SF_ERR_CLITO 0x00002000 /* client time-out */
#define SF_ERR_CLICL 0x00003000 /* client closed (read/write error) */
#define SF_ERR_SRVTO 0x00004000 /* server time-out, connect time-out */
#define SF_ERR_SRVCL 0x00005000 /* server closed (connect/read/write error) */
#define SF_ERR_PRXCOND 0x00006000 /* the proxy decided to close (deny...) */
#define SF_ERR_RESOURCE 0x00007000 /* the proxy encountered a lack of a local resources (fd, mem, ...) */
#define SF_ERR_INTERNAL 0x00008000 /* the proxy encountered an internal error */
#define SF_ERR_DOWN 0x00009000 /* the proxy killed a stream because the backend became unavailable */
#define SF_ERR_KILLED 0x0000a000 /* the proxy killed a stream because it was asked to do so */
#define SF_ERR_UP 0x0000b000 /* the proxy killed a stream because a preferred backend became available */
#define SF_ERR_CHK_PORT 0x0000c000 /* no port could be found for a health check. TODO: check SF_ERR_SHIFT */
#define SF_ERR_MASK 0x0000f000 /* mask to get only stream error flags */
#define SF_ERR_SHIFT 12 /* bit shift */
/* stream state at termination, bits values 0x10000 to 0x70000 (0-7 shift 16) */
#define SF_FINST_R 0x00010000 /* stream ended during client request */
#define SF_FINST_C 0x00020000 /* stream ended during server connect */
#define SF_FINST_H 0x00030000 /* stream ended during server headers */
#define SF_FINST_D 0x00040000 /* stream ended during data phase */
#define SF_FINST_L 0x00050000 /* stream ended while pushing last data to client */
#define SF_FINST_Q 0x00060000 /* stream ended while waiting in queue for a server slot */
#define SF_FINST_T 0x00070000 /* stream ended tarpitted */
#define SF_FINST_MASK 0x00070000 /* mask to get only final stream state flags */
#define SF_FINST_SHIFT 16 /* bit shift */
#define SF_IGNORE_PRST 0x00080000 /* ignore persistence */
#define SF_SRV_REUSED 0x00100000 /* the server-side connection was reused */
#define SF_SRV_REUSED_ANTICIPATED 0x00200000 /* the connection was reused but the mux is not ready yet */
#define SF_WEBSOCKET 0x00400000 /* websocket stream */ // TODO: must be removed
#define SF_SRC_ADDR 0x00800000 /* get the source ip/port with getsockname */
/* This function is used to report flags in debugging tools. Please reflect
* below any single-bit flag addition above in the same order via the
* __APPEND_FLAG and __APPEND_ENUM macros. The new end of the buffer is
* returned.
static forceinline char *strm_show_flags(char *buf, size_t len, const char *delim, uint flg)
#define _(f, ...) __APPEND_FLAG(buf, len, delim, flg, f, #f, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _e(m, e, ...) __APPEND_ENUM(buf, len, delim, flg, m, e, #e, __VA_ARGS__)
/* prologue */
/* flags & enums */
/* epilogue */
return buf;
#undef _e
#undef _
/* flags for the proxy of the master CLI */
/* 0x0001.. to 0x8000 are reserved for ACCESS_* flags from cli-t.h */
#define PCLI_F_PROMPT 0x10000
#define PCLI_F_PAYLOAD 0x20000
#define PCLI_F_RELOAD 0x40000 /* this is the "reload" stream, quits after displaying reload status */
#define PCLI_F_TIMED 0x80000 /* the prompt shows the process' uptime */
/* error types reported on the streams for more accurate reporting.
* Please also update the strm_et_show_flags() function below in case of changes.
enum {
STRM_ET_NONE = 0x0000, /* no error yet, leave it to zero */
STRM_ET_QUEUE_TO = 0x0001, /* queue timeout */
STRM_ET_QUEUE_ERR = 0x0002, /* queue error (eg: full) */
STRM_ET_QUEUE_ABRT = 0x0004, /* aborted in queue by external cause */
STRM_ET_CONN_TO = 0x0008, /* connection timeout */
STRM_ET_CONN_ERR = 0x0010, /* connection error (eg: no server available) */
STRM_ET_CONN_ABRT = 0x0020, /* connection aborted by external cause (eg: abort) */
STRM_ET_CONN_RES = 0x0040, /* connection aborted due to lack of resources */
STRM_ET_CONN_OTHER = 0x0080, /* connection aborted for other reason (eg: 500) */
STRM_ET_DATA_TO = 0x0100, /* timeout during data phase */
STRM_ET_DATA_ERR = 0x0200, /* error during data phase */
STRM_ET_DATA_ABRT = 0x0400, /* data phase aborted by external cause */
/* This function is used to report flags in debugging tools. Please reflect
* below any single-bit flag addition above in the same order via the
* __APPEND_FLAG macro. The new end of the buffer is returned.
static forceinline char *strm_et_show_flags(char *buf, size_t len, const char *delim, uint flg)
#define _(f, ...) __APPEND_FLAG(buf, len, delim, flg, f, #f, __VA_ARGS__)
/* prologue */
/* flags */
/* epilogue */
return buf;
#undef _
struct hlua;
struct proxy;
struct pendconn;
struct session;
struct server;
struct task;
struct sockaddr_storage;
/* some external definitions */
struct strm_logs {
int logwait; /* log fields waiting to be collected : LW_* */
int level; /* log level to force + 1 if > 0, -1 = no log */
struct timeval accept_date; /* date of the stream's accept() in user date */
ullong accept_ts; /* date of the session's accept() in internal date (monotonic) */
long t_handshake; /* handshake duration, -1 if never occurs */
long t_idle; /* idle duration, -1 if never occurs */
ullong request_ts; /* date when the request arrives in internal date */
long t_queue; /* delay before the stream gets out of the connect queue, -1 if never occurs */
long t_connect; /* delay before the connect() to the server succeeds, -1 if never occurs */
long t_data; /* delay before the first data byte from the server ... */
unsigned long t_close; /* total stream duration */
unsigned long srv_queue_pos; /* number of streams de-queued while waiting for a connection slot on this server */
unsigned long prx_queue_pos; /* number of streams de-qeuued while waiting for a connection slot on this instance */
long long bytes_in; /* number of bytes transferred from the client to the server */
long long bytes_out; /* number of bytes transferred from the server to the client */
struct stream {
enum obj_type obj_type; /* object type == OBJ_TYPE_STREAM */
enum sc_state prev_conn_state; /* CS_ST*, copy of previous state of the server stream connector */
int16_t priority_class; /* priority class of the stream for the pending queue */
int32_t priority_offset; /* priority offset of the stream for the pending queue */
int flags; /* some flags describing the stream */
unsigned int uniq_id; /* unique ID used for the traces */
enum obj_type *target; /* target to use for this stream */
struct session *sess; /* the session this stream is attached to */
struct channel req; /* request channel */
struct channel res; /* response channel */
struct proxy *be; /* the proxy this stream depends on for the server side */
struct server *srv_conn; /* stream already has a slot on a server and is not in queue */
struct pendconn *pend_pos; /* if not NULL, points to the pending position in the pending queue */
struct http_txn *txn; /* current HTTP transaction being processed. Should become a list. */
struct task *task; /* the task associated with this stream */
unsigned int pending_events; /* the pending events not yet processed by the stream.
* This is a bit field of TASK_WOKEN_* */
int conn_retries; /* number of connect retries performed */
unsigned int conn_exp; /* wake up time for connect, queue, turn-around, ... */
unsigned int conn_err_type; /* first error detected, one of STRM_ET_* */
struct list list; /* position in the thread's streams list */
struct mt_list by_srv; /* position in server stream list */
struct list back_refs; /* list of users tracking this stream */
struct buffer_wait buffer_wait; /* position in the list of objects waiting for a buffer */
uint64_t lat_time; /* total latency time experienced */
uint64_t cpu_time; /* total CPU time consumed */
struct freq_ctr call_rate; /* stream task call rate without making progress */
short store_count;
/* 2 unused bytes here */
struct {
struct stksess *ts;
struct stktable *table;
} store[8]; /* tracked stickiness values to store */
struct stkctr *stkctr; /* content-aware stick counters */
struct strm_flt strm_flt; /* current state of filters active on this stream */
char **req_cap; /* array of captures from the request (may be NULL) */
char **res_cap; /* array of captures from the response (may be NULL) */
struct vars vars_txn; /* list of variables for the txn scope. */
struct vars vars_reqres; /* list of variables for the request and resp scope. */
struct stconn *scf; /* frontend stream connector */
struct stconn *scb; /* backend stream connector */
struct strm_logs logs; /* logs for this stream */
void (*do_log)(struct stream *s); /* the function to call in order to log (or NULL) */
void (*srv_error)(struct stream *s, /* the function to call upon unrecoverable server errors (or NULL) */
struct stconn *sc);
int pcli_next_pid; /* next target PID to use for the CLI proxy */
int pcli_flags; /* flags for CLI proxy */
struct ist unique_id; /* custom unique ID */
/* These two pointers are used to resume the execution of the rule lists. */
struct list *current_rule_list; /* this is used to store the current executed rule list. */
void *current_rule; /* this is used to store the current rule to be resumed. */
int rules_exp; /* expiration date for current rules execution */
int tunnel_timeout;
const char *last_rule_file; /* last evaluated final rule's file (def: NULL) */
int last_rule_line; /* last evaluated final rule's line (def: 0) */
unsigned int stream_epoch; /* copy of stream_epoch when the stream was created */
struct hlua *hlua; /* lua runtime context */
/* Context */
struct {
struct resolv_requester *requester; /* owner of the resolution */
struct act_rule *parent; /* rule which requested this resolution */
char *hostname_dn; /* hostname being resolve, in domain name format */
int hostname_dn_len; /* size of hostname_dn */
/* 4 unused bytes here, recoverable via packing if needed */
} resolv_ctx; /* context information for DNS resolution */
#endif /* _HAPROXY_STREAM_T_H */
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