paused=True is the default. This also automatically causes the set_trace to not be treated as a breakpoint, since it doesn't break there. Add a docstring to set_trace() and updated the docstring of Debugger.set_trace().
PuDB is a full-screen, console-based visual debugger for Python. Its goal is to provide all the niceties of modern GUI-based debuggers in a more lightweight and keyboard-friendly package. PuDB allows you to debug code right where you write and test it--in a terminal. If you've worked with the excellent (but nowadays ancient) DOS-based Turbo Pascal or C tools, PuDB's UI might look familiar. Here's a screenshot: .. image:: https://tiker.net/pub/pudb-screenshot.png You may watch a `screencast <http://vimeo.com/5255125>`_, too. Features -------- * Syntax-highlighted source, the stack, breakpoints and variables are all visible at once and continuously updated. This helps you be more aware of what's going on in your program. Variable displays can be expanded, collapsed and have various customization options. * Simple, keyboard-based navigation using single keystrokes makes debugging quick and easy. PuDB understands cursor-keys and Vi shortcuts for navigation. Other keys are inspired by the corresponding pdb commands. * Use search to find relevant source code, or use "m" to invoke the module browser that shows loaded modules, lets you load new ones and reload existing ones. * Breakpoints can be set just by pointing at a source line and hitting "b" and then edited visually in the breakpoints window. Or hit "t" to run to the line under the cursor. * Drop to a Python shell in the current environment by pressing "!". * PuDB places special emphasis on exception handling. A post-mortem mode makes it easy to retrace a crashing program's last steps. * IPython integration (see `wiki <http://wiki.tiker.net/PuDB>`_) * Should work with Python 2.6 and newer, including Python 3. Installing ---------- Install PuDB using the command:: pip install pudb If you are using Python 2.5, PuDB version 2013.5.1 is the last version to support that version of Python. urwid 1.1.1 works with Python 2.5, newer versions do not. Getting Started --------------- To start debugging, simply insert:: from pudb import set_trace; set_trace() A shorter alternative to this is:: import pudb; pu.db Or, if pudb is already imported, just this will suffice:: pu.db Insert either of these snippets into the piece of code you want to debug, or run the entire script with:: pudb my-script.py or, in Python 3:: pudb3 my-script.py This is equivalent to:: python -m pudb.run my-script.py which is useful if you want to run PuDB in a version of Python other than the one you most recently installed PuDB with. Remote debugging ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Rudimentary remote debugging is also supported:: from pudb.remote import set_trace set_trace(term_size=(80, 24)) At this point, the debugger will look for a free port and wait for a telnet connection:: pudb:6899: Please telnet into 6899. pudb:6899: Waiting for client... Usage with pytest ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As of version 2017.1.2, pudb can be used to debug test failures in `pytest <http://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/>`_, by running the test runner like so:: $ pytest --pdbcls pudb.debugger:Debugger --pdb --capture=no Note the need to pass --capture=no (or its synonym -s) as otherwise pytest tries to manage the standard streams itself. (contributed by Antony Lee) Documentation and Support ------------------------- PuDB has a `wiki <http://wiki.tiker.net/PuDB>`_, where documentation and debugging wisdom are collected. PuDB also has a `mailing list <http://lists.tiker.net/listinfo/pudb>`_ that you may use to submit patches and requests for help. You can also send a pull request to the `GitHub repository <https://github.com/inducer/pudb>`_ Attaching to Running Code ------------------------- An alternative to using ``set_trace`` is to use:: from pudb import activate_and_continue; activate_and_continue() at the top of your code. This will start the debugger without breaking, and run it until a predefined breakpoint is hit. Interrupt Handlers ------------------ Both ``set_trace`` and ``activate_and_continue`` set ``SIGINT`` (i.e., ``Ctrl-c``) to run ``set_trace``, so that typing ``Ctrl-c`` while your code is running will break the code and start debugging. See the docstring of ``set_interrupt_handler`` for more information. Note that this only works in the main thread. Programming PuDB ---------------- At the programming language level, PuDB displays the same interface as Python's built-in `pdb module <http://docs.python.org/library/pdb.html>`_. Just replace ``pdb`` with ``pudb``. (One exception: ``run`` is called ``runstatement``.) License and Dependencies ------------------------ PuDB is distributed under the MIT license. It relies on the following excellent pieces of software: * Ian Ward's `urwid <http://excess.org/urwid>`_ console UI library * Georg Brandl's `pygments <http://pygments.org>`_ syntax highlighter Development Version ------------------- You may obtain the development version using the `Git <http://git-scm.org/>`_ version control tool.:: git clone http://git.tiker.net/trees/pudb.git You may also `browse the code <http://git.tiker.net/pudb.git>`_ online. The repository is also mirrored at `GitHub <https://github.com/inducer/pudb>`_. FAQ --- **Q: I navigated to the Variables/Stack/Breakpoints view. How do I get back to the source view?** A: Press your left arrow key. **Q: Where are breakpoints stored?** A: All PuDB information is stored in a location specified by the `XDG Base Directory Specification <http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html>`_. Usually, it is ``~/.config/pudb``. Breakpoints are stored in a file called ``saved-breakpoints``. Also in this location are the shell history from the ``!`` shell (``shell-history``) and the PuDB settings (``pudb.cfg``). **Q: I killed PuDB and now my terminal is broken. How do I fix it?** A: Type the ``reset`` command (even if you cannot see what you are typing, it should work). If this happens on a regular basis, please report it as a bug.