strace test suite is now provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later, see tests/COPYING for more details.
376 lines
12 KiB
376 lines
12 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Dmitry V. Levin <>
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 The strace developers.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "tests.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <asm/unistd.h>
#if defined __NR_io_setup \
&& defined __NR_io_submit \
&& defined __NR_io_getevents \
&& defined __NR_io_cancel \
&& defined __NR_io_destroy
# include <linux/aio_abi.h>
static const long bogus_ctx =
(long) 0xface1e55deadbeefLL;
static const char data2[] =
"\0\1\2\3cat test test test 0123456789abcdef";
const unsigned int sizeof_data0 = 4096;
const unsigned int sizeof_data1 = 8192;
void *data0 = tail_alloc(sizeof_data0);
void *data1 = tail_alloc(sizeof_data1);
const struct iocb proto_cb[] = {
.aio_data = (unsigned long) 0xfeedface11111111ULL,
.aio_reqprio = 11,
.aio_buf = (unsigned long) data0,
.aio_offset = (unsigned long) 0xdeface1facefeedULL,
.aio_nbytes = sizeof_data0
.aio_data = (unsigned long) 0xfeedface22222222ULL,
.aio_reqprio = 22,
.aio_buf = (unsigned long) data1,
.aio_offset = (unsigned long) 0xdeface2cafef00dULL,
.aio_nbytes = sizeof_data1
const struct iocb *cb = tail_memdup(proto_cb, sizeof(proto_cb));
const struct iovec proto_iov0[] = {
.iov_base = data0,
.iov_len = sizeof_data0 / 4
.iov_base = data0 + sizeof_data0 / 4,
.iov_len = sizeof_data0 / 4 * 3
const struct iovec *iov0 = tail_memdup(proto_iov0, sizeof(proto_iov0));
const struct iovec proto_iov1[] = {
.iov_base = data1,
.iov_len = sizeof_data1 / 4
.iov_base = data1 + sizeof_data1 / 4,
.iov_len = sizeof_data1 / 4 * 3
const struct iovec *iov1 = tail_memdup(proto_iov1, sizeof(proto_iov1));
const struct iocb proto_cbv[] = {
.aio_data = (unsigned long) 0xfeed11111111faceULL,
.aio_lio_opcode = 7,
.aio_reqprio = 111,
.aio_buf = (unsigned long) iov0,
.aio_offset = (unsigned long) 0xdeface1facefeedULL,
.aio_nbytes = ARRAY_SIZE(proto_iov0)
.aio_data = (unsigned long) 0xfeed22222222faceULL,
.aio_lio_opcode = 7,
.aio_reqprio = 222,
.aio_buf = (unsigned long) iov1,
.aio_offset = (unsigned long) 0xdeface2cafef00dULL,
.aio_nbytes = ARRAY_SIZE(proto_iov1)
const struct iocb *cbv = tail_memdup(proto_cbv, sizeof(proto_cbv));
/* For additional decoder testing */
const struct iocb proto_cbv2[] = {
.aio_data = 0xbadfacedc0ffeeedULL,
.aio_key = 0xdefaced0,
.aio_lio_opcode = 0xf00d,
.aio_reqprio = 0,
.aio_fildes = 0xdefaced1,
.aio_buf = 0,
.aio_data = 0,
.aio_key = 0xdefaced0,
.aio_lio_opcode = 1,
.aio_reqprio = 0xbeef,
.aio_fildes = 0xdefaced1,
.aio_buf = 0,
/* In order to make record valid */
.aio_nbytes = (size_t) 0x1020304050607080ULL,
.aio_offset = 0xdeadda7abadc0dedULL,
.aio_flags = 0xfacef157,
.aio_resfd = 0xded1ca7e,
# endif
.aio_data = 0,
.aio_key = 0xdefaced0,
.aio_lio_opcode = 1,
.aio_reqprio = 0xbeef,
.aio_fildes = 0xdefaced1,
.aio_buf = 0xbadc0ffeedefacedULL,
.aio_nbytes = 0x8090a0b0c0d0e0f0ULL,
.aio_offset = 0xdeadda7abadc0dedULL,
.aio_data = 0,
.aio_key = 0xdefaced0,
.aio_lio_opcode = 1,
.aio_reqprio = 0xbeef,
.aio_fildes = 0xdefaced1,
.aio_buf = (unsigned long)data2,
.aio_nbytes = sizeof(data2),
.aio_offset = 0xdeadda7abadc0dedULL,
.aio_data = 0,
.aio_key = 0xdefaced0,
.aio_lio_opcode = 8,
.aio_reqprio = 0xbeef,
.aio_fildes = 0xdefaced1,
.aio_buf = 0,
.aio_nbytes = 0x8090a0b0c0d0e0f0ULL,
.aio_offset = 0xdeadda7abadc0dedULL,
const struct iocb *cbv2 = tail_memdup(proto_cbv2, sizeof(proto_cbv2));
const struct iocb proto_cbc = {
.aio_data = (unsigned long) 0xdeadbeefbadc0dedULL,
.aio_reqprio = 99,
.aio_fildes = -42
const struct iocb *cbc = tail_memdup(&proto_cbc, sizeof(proto_cbc));
const long proto_cbs[] = {
(long) &cb[0], (long) &cb[1]
const long *cbs = tail_memdup(proto_cbs, sizeof(proto_cbs));
const long proto_cbvs[] = {
(long) &cbv[0], (long) &cbv[1],
const long *cbvs = tail_memdup(proto_cbvs, sizeof(proto_cbvs));
const long proto_cbvs2[] = {
(long) &cbv2[0], (long) &cbv2[1], (long) &cbv2[2],
(long) &cbv2[3], (long) &cbv2[4],
(long) NULL, (long) 0xffffffffffffffffLL,
const long *cbvs2 = tail_memdup(proto_cbvs2, sizeof(proto_cbvs2));
TAIL_ALLOC_OBJECT_CONST_PTR(unsigned long, ctx);
*ctx = 0;
const unsigned int nr = ARRAY_SIZE(proto_cb);
const unsigned long lnr = (unsigned long) (0xdeadbeef00000000ULL | nr);
const struct io_event *ev = tail_alloc(nr * sizeof(struct io_event));
TAIL_ALLOC_OBJECT_CONST_PTR(struct timespec, ts);
(void) close(0);
if (open("/dev/zero", O_RDONLY))
perror_msg_and_skip("open: %s", "/dev/zero");
long rc = syscall(__NR_io_setup, 0xdeadbeef, NULL);
printf("io_setup(%u, NULL) = %s\n", 0xdeadbeef, sprintrc(rc));
rc = syscall(__NR_io_setup, lnr, ctx + 1);
printf("io_setup(%u, %p) = %s\n", nr, ctx + 1, sprintrc(rc));
if (syscall(__NR_io_setup, lnr, ctx))
printf("io_setup(%u, [%#lx]) = 0\n", nr, *ctx);
rc = syscall(__NR_io_submit, bogus_ctx, (long) 0xca7faceddeadf00dLL,
printf("io_submit(%#lx, %ld, NULL) = %s\n",
bogus_ctx, (long) 0xca7faceddeadf00dLL, sprintrc(rc));
rc = syscall(__NR_io_submit, *ctx, nr, cbs + nr);
printf("io_submit(%#lx, %ld, %p) = %s\n",
*ctx, (long) nr, cbs + nr, sprintrc(rc));
rc = syscall(__NR_io_submit, *ctx, -1L, cbs);
printf("io_submit(%#lx, -1, %p) = %s\n",
*ctx, cbs, sprintrc(rc));
rc = syscall(__NR_io_submit, *ctx, nr, cbs);
if (rc != (long) nr)
printf("io_submit(%#lx, %u, ["
"{aio_data=%#" PRI__x64 ", aio_lio_opcode=IOCB_CMD_PREAD"
", aio_reqprio=11, aio_fildes=0, aio_buf=%p, aio_nbytes=%u"
", aio_offset=%" PRI__d64
"}, {aio_data=%#" PRI__x64 ", aio_lio_opcode=IOCB_CMD_PREAD"
", aio_reqprio=22, aio_fildes=0, aio_buf=%p, aio_nbytes=%u"
", aio_offset=%" PRI__d64 "}]) = %s\n",
*ctx, nr,
cb[0].aio_data, data0, sizeof_data0, cb[0].aio_offset,
cb[1].aio_data, data1, sizeof_data1, cb[1].aio_offset,
rc = syscall(__NR_io_getevents, bogus_ctx,
(long) 0xca7faceddeadf00dLL, (long) 0xba5e1e505ca571e0LL,
ev + 1, NULL);
printf("io_getevents(%#lx, %ld, %ld, %p, NULL) = %s\n",
bogus_ctx, (long) 0xca7faceddeadf00dLL,
(long) 0xba5e1e505ca571e0LL, ev + 1, sprintrc(rc));
rc = syscall(__NR_io_getevents, bogus_ctx,
(long) 0xca7faceddeadf00dLL, (long) 0xba5e1e505ca571e0LL,
NULL, ts + 1);
printf("io_getevents(%#lx, %ld, %ld, NULL, %p) = %s\n",
bogus_ctx, (long) 0xca7faceddeadf00dLL,
(long) 0xba5e1e505ca571e0LL, ts + 1, sprintrc(rc));
ts->tv_sec = 0xdeadbeefU;
ts->tv_nsec = 0xfacefeedU;
rc = syscall(__NR_io_getevents, bogus_ctx, 0, 0, 0, ts);
printf("io_getevents(%#lx, 0, 0, NULL"
", {tv_sec=%lld, tv_nsec=%llu}) = %s\n",
bogus_ctx, (long long) ts->tv_sec,
zero_extend_signed_to_ull(ts->tv_nsec), sprintrc(rc));
ts->tv_sec = (time_t) 0xcafef00ddeadbeefLL;
ts->tv_nsec = (long) 0xbadc0dedfacefeedLL;
rc = syscall(__NR_io_getevents, bogus_ctx, 0, 0, 0, ts);
printf("io_getevents(%#lx, 0, 0, NULL"
", {tv_sec=%lld, tv_nsec=%llu}) = %s\n",
bogus_ctx, (long long) ts->tv_sec,
zero_extend_signed_to_ull(ts->tv_nsec), sprintrc(rc));
ts->tv_sec = 0;
ts->tv_nsec = 123456789;
rc = syscall(__NR_io_getevents, *ctx, nr, nr + 1, ev, ts);
printf("io_getevents(%#lx, %ld, %ld, ["
"{data=%#" PRI__x64 ", obj=%p, res=%u, res2=0}, "
"{data=%#" PRI__x64 ", obj=%p, res=%u, res2=0}"
"], {tv_sec=0, tv_nsec=123456789}) = %s\n",
*ctx, (long) nr, (long) (nr + 1),
cb[0].aio_data, &cb[0], sizeof_data0,
cb[1].aio_data, &cb[1], sizeof_data1,
rc = syscall(__NR_io_cancel, bogus_ctx, NULL, NULL);
printf("io_cancel(%#lx, NULL, NULL) = %s\n", bogus_ctx, sprintrc(rc));
rc = syscall(__NR_io_cancel, *ctx, cbc + 1, ev);
printf("io_cancel(%#lx, %p, %p) = %s\n", *ctx, cbc + 1, ev,
rc = syscall(__NR_io_cancel, *ctx, cbc, ev);
printf("io_cancel(%#lx, {aio_data=%#" PRI__x64
", aio_lio_opcode=IOCB_CMD_PREAD, aio_reqprio=99"
", aio_fildes=-42}, %p) = %s\n",
*ctx, cbc->aio_data, ev, sprintrc(rc));
rc = syscall(__NR_io_submit, (unsigned long) 0xfacef157beeff00dULL,
(long) 0xdeadc0defacefeedLL, NULL);
printf("io_submit(%#lx, %ld, NULL) = %s\n",
(long) 0xfacef157beeff00dULL,
(long) 0xdeadc0defacefeedLL, sprintrc(rc));
rc = syscall(__NR_io_submit, *ctx, -1L, cbvs + nr);
printf("io_submit(%#lx, %ld, %p) = %s\n",
*ctx, -1L, cbvs + nr, sprintrc(rc));
printf("io_submit(%#lx, %ld, ["
"{aio_data=%#" PRI__x64 ", aio_key=%u"
", aio_lio_opcode=%hu /* IOCB_CMD_??? */, aio_fildes=%d}"
", {aio_key=%u, aio_lio_opcode=IOCB_CMD_PWRITE, aio_reqprio=%hd"
", aio_fildes=%d, aio_buf=NULL"
", aio_nbytes=%" PRI__u64 ", aio_offset=%" PRI__d64
", aio_resfd=%d, aio_flags=%#x"
# endif
"}, {aio_key=%u, aio_lio_opcode=IOCB_CMD_PWRITE"
", aio_reqprio=%hd, aio_fildes=%d, aio_buf=%#" PRI__x64
", aio_nbytes=%" PRI__u64 ", aio_offset=%" PRI__d64
"}, {aio_key=%u, aio_lio_opcode=IOCB_CMD_PWRITE"
", aio_reqprio=%hd, aio_fildes=%d"
", aio_buf=\"\\0\\1\\2\\3%.28s\"..."
", aio_nbytes=%" PRI__u64 ", aio_offset=%" PRI__d64
"}, {aio_key=%u, aio_lio_opcode=IOCB_CMD_PWRITEV"
", aio_reqprio=%hd, aio_fildes=%d, aio_buf=%#" PRI__x64
", aio_nbytes=%" PRI__u64 ", aio_offset=%" PRI__d64
"}, NULL, %#lx, ... /* %p */]) = ",
*ctx, 1057L,
cbv2[0].aio_data, cbv2[0].aio_key,
cbv2[0].aio_lio_opcode, cbv2[0].aio_fildes,
cbv2[1].aio_key, cbv2[1].aio_reqprio, cbv2[1].aio_fildes,
cbv2[1].aio_nbytes, cbv2[1].aio_offset,
cbv2[1].aio_resfd, cbv2[1].aio_flags,
# endif
cbv2[2].aio_key, cbv2[2].aio_reqprio, cbv2[2].aio_fildes,
cbv2[2].aio_buf, cbv2[2].aio_nbytes, cbv2[2].aio_offset,
cbv2[3].aio_key, cbv2[3].aio_reqprio, cbv2[3].aio_fildes,
data2 + 4, cbv2[3].aio_nbytes, cbv2[3].aio_offset,
cbv2[4].aio_key, cbv2[4].aio_reqprio, cbv2[4].aio_fildes,
cbv2[4].aio_buf, cbv2[4].aio_nbytes, cbv2[4].aio_offset,
cbvs2[6], cbvs2 + 7);
rc = syscall(__NR_io_submit, *ctx, 1057L, cbvs2);
rc = syscall(__NR_io_submit, *ctx, nr, cbvs);
if (rc != (long) nr)
printf("io_submit(%#lx, %u, ["
"{aio_data=%#" PRI__x64 ", aio_lio_opcode=IOCB_CMD_PREADV"
", aio_reqprio=%hd, aio_fildes=0, "
"aio_buf=[{iov_base=%p, iov_len=%u}"
", {iov_base=%p, iov_len=%u}], aio_offset=%" PRI__d64 "}, "
"{aio_data=%#" PRI__x64 ", aio_lio_opcode=IOCB_CMD_PREADV"
", aio_reqprio=%hd, aio_fildes=0"
", aio_buf=[{iov_base=%p, iov_len=%u}"
", {iov_base=%p, iov_len=%u}], aio_offset=%" PRI__d64 "}"
"]) = %s\n",
*ctx, nr,
cbv[0].aio_data, cbv[0].aio_reqprio,
iov0[0].iov_base, (unsigned int) iov0[0].iov_len,
iov0[1].iov_base, (unsigned int) iov0[1].iov_len,
cbv[1].aio_data, cbv[1].aio_reqprio,
iov1[0].iov_base, (unsigned int) iov1[0].iov_len,
iov1[1].iov_base, (unsigned int) iov1[1].iov_len,
rc = syscall(__NR_io_destroy, bogus_ctx);
printf("io_destroy(%#lx) = %s\n",
bogus_ctx, sprintrc(rc));
rc = syscall(__NR_io_destroy, *ctx);
printf("io_destroy(%#lx) = %s\n", *ctx, sprintrc(rc));
puts("+++ exited with 0 +++");
return 0;