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105 lines
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105 lines
3.0 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The strace developers.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "tests.h"
#include "print_fields.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include "netlink.h"
#define TEST_NETLINK_(fd_, nlh0_, \
type_, type_str_, \
flags_, flags_str_, \
data_len_, src_, slen_, ...) \
do { \
struct nlmsghdr *const TEST_NETLINK_nlh = \
(nlh0_) - (slen_); \
const unsigned int msg_len = \
NLMSG_HDRLEN + (data_len_); \
SET_STRUCT(struct nlmsghdr, TEST_NETLINK_nlh, \
.nlmsg_len = msg_len, \
.nlmsg_type = (type_), \
.nlmsg_flags = (flags_) \
); \
memcpy(NLMSG_DATA(TEST_NETLINK_nlh), (src_), (slen_)); \
const char *const errstr = \
sprintrc(sendto((fd_), TEST_NETLINK_nlh, \
msg_len, MSG_DONTWAIT, \
NULL, 0)); \
printf("sendto(%d, {{len=%u, type=%s" \
", flags=%s, seq=0, pid=0}, ", \
(fd_), msg_len, (type_str_), (flags_str_)); \
{ __VA_ARGS__; } \
printf("}, %u, MSG_DONTWAIT, NULL, 0) = %s\n", \
msg_len, errstr); \
} while (0)
#define TEST_NETLINK(fd_, nlh0_, type_, flags_, \
data_len_, src_, slen_, ...) \
TEST_NETLINK_((fd_), (nlh0_), \
(type_), #type_, \
(flags_), #flags_, \
(data_len_), (src_), (slen_), __VA_ARGS__)
#define TEST_NETLINK_OBJECT_EX_(fd_, nlh0_, \
type_, type_str_, \
flags_, flags_str_, \
obj_, fallback_func, ...) \
do { \
char pattern[DEFAULT_STRLEN]; \
fill_memory_ex(pattern, sizeof(pattern), \
'a', 'z' - 'a' + 1); \
const unsigned int plen = \
sizeof(obj_) - 1 > DEFAULT_STRLEN \
? DEFAULT_STRLEN : (int) sizeof(obj_) - 1; \
/* len < sizeof(obj_) */ \
TEST_NETLINK_((fd_), (nlh0_), \
(type_), (type_str_), \
(flags_), (flags_str_), \
plen, pattern, plen, \
(fallback_func)(pattern, plen)); \
/* short read of sizeof(obj_) */ \
TEST_NETLINK_((fd_), (nlh0_), \
(type_), (type_str_), \
(flags_), (flags_str_), \
sizeof(obj_), \
pattern, plen, \
printf("%p", \
/* sizeof(obj_) */ \
TEST_NETLINK_((fd_), (nlh0_), \
(type_), (type_str_), \
(flags_), (flags_str_), \
sizeof(obj_), \
&(obj_), sizeof(obj_), \
__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define TEST_NETLINK_OBJECT_EX(fd_, nlh0_, \
type_, flags_, \
obj_, fallback_func, ...) \
TEST_NETLINK_OBJECT_EX_((fd_), (nlh0), \
(type_), #type_, \
(flags_), #flags_, \
(obj_), (fallback_func), __VA_ARGS__)
#define TEST_NETLINK_OBJECT(fd_, nlh0_, \
type_, flags_, \
obj_, ...) \
TEST_NETLINK_OBJECT_EX_((fd_), (nlh0), \
(type_), #type_, \
(flags_), #flags_, \
(obj_), print_quoted_hex, __VA_ARGS__)