2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
/* fdomain.c -- Future Domain TMC-16x0 SCSI driver
* Created : Sun May 3 18 : 53 : 19 1992 by faith @ cs . unc . edu
* Revised : Mon Dec 28 21 : 59 : 02 1998 by faith @ acm . org
* Author : Rickard E . Faith , faith @ cs . unc . edu
* Copyright 1992 - 1996 , 1998 Rickard E . Faith ( faith @ acm . org )
* Shared IRQ supported added 7 / 7 / 2001 Alan Cox < alan @ redhat . com >
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 , or ( at your option ) any
* later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc . ,
* 675 Mass Ave , Cambridge , MA 0213 9 , USA .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Future Domain BIOS versions supported for autodetect :
2.0 , 3.0 , 3.2 , 3.4 ( 1.0 ) , 3.5 ( 2.0 ) , 3.6 , 3.61
Chips are supported :
TMC - 1800 , TMC - 18 C50 , TMC - 18 C30 , TMC - 36 C70
Boards supported :
Future Domain TMC - 1650 , TMC - 1660 , TMC - 1670 , TMC - 1680 , TMC - 1610 M / MER / MEX
Future Domain TMC - 3260 ( PCI )
Quantum ISA - 200 S , ISA - 250 MG
Adaptec AHA - 2920 A ( PCI ) [ BUT * NOT * AHA - 2920 C - - use aic7xxx instead ]
LILO / INSMOD command - line options :
fdomain = < PORT_BASE > , < IRQ > [ , < ADAPTER_ID > ]
The Adaptec AHA - 2920 C has an Adaptec AIC - 7850 chip on it .
Use the aic7xxx driver for this board .
The Adaptec AHA - 2920 A has a Future Domain chip on it , so this is the right
driver for that card . Unfortunately , the boxes will probably just say
" 2920 " , so you ' ll have to look on the card for a Future Domain logo , or a
letter after the 2920.
Thanks to Adaptec for providing PCI boards for testing . This finally
enabled me to test the PCI detection and correct it for PCI boards that do
not have a BIOS at a standard ISA location . For PCI boards , LILO / INSMOD
command - line options should no longer be needed . - - RF 18 Nov98
This is the Linux low - level SCSI driver for Future Domain TMC - 1660 / 1680
TMC - 1650 / 1670 , and TMC - 3260 SCSI host adapters . The 1650 and 1670 have a
25 - pin external connector , whereas the 1660 and 1680 have a SCSI - 2 50 - pin
high - density external connector . The 1670 and 1680 have floppy disk
controllers built in . The TMC - 3260 is a PCI bus card .
Future Domain ' s older boards are based on the TMC - 1800 chip , and this
driver was originally written for a TMC - 1680 board with the TMC - 1800 chip .
More recently , boards are being produced with the TMC - 18 C50 and TMC - 18 C30
chips . The latest and greatest board may not work with this driver . If
you have to patch this driver so that it will recognize your board ' s BIOS
signature , then the driver may fail to function after the board is
detected .
Please note that the drive ordering that Future Domain implemented in BIOS
versions 3.4 and 3.5 is the opposite of the order ( currently ) used by the
rest of the SCSI industry . If you have BIOS version 3.4 or 3.5 , and have
more than one drive , then the drive ordering will be the reverse of that
which you see under DOS . For example , under DOS SCSI ID 0 will be D : and
SCSI ID 1 will be C : ( the boot device ) . Under Linux , SCSI ID 0 will be
/ dev / sda and SCSI ID 1 will be / dev / sdb . The Linux ordering is consistent
with that provided by all the other SCSI drivers for Linux . If you want
this changed , you will probably have to patch the higher level SCSI code .
If you do so , please send me patches that are protected by # ifdefs .
If you have a TMC - 8 xx or TMC - 9 xx board , then this is not the driver for
your board . Please refer to the Seagate driver for more information and
possible support .
Linux Driver Driver
Version Version Date Support / Notes
0.0 3 May 1992 V2 .0 BIOS ; 1800 chip
0.97 1.9 28 Jul 1992
0.98 .6 3.1 27 Nov 1992
0.99 3.2 9 Dec 1992
0.99 .3 3.3 10 Jan 1993 V3 .0 BIOS
0.99 .5 3.5 18 Feb 1993
0.99 .10 3.6 15 May 1993 V3 .2 BIOS ; 18 C50 chip
0.99 .11 3.17 3 Jul 1993 ( now under RCS )
0.99 .12 3.18 13 Aug 1993
0.99 .14 5.6 31 Oct 1993 ( reselection code removed )
0.99 .15 5.9 23 Jan 1994 V3 .4 BIOS ( preliminary )
1.0 .8 / 1.1 .1 5.15 1 Apr 1994 V3 .4 BIOS ; 18 C30 chip ( preliminary )
1.0 .9 / 1.1 .3 5.16 7 Apr 1994 V3 .4 BIOS ; 18 C30 chip
1.1 .38 5.18 30 Jul 1994 36 C70 chip ( PCI version of 18 C30 )
1.1 .62 5.20 2 Nov 1994 V3 .5 BIOS
1.1 .73 5.22 7 Dec 1994 Quantum ISA - 200 S board ; V2 .0 BIOS
1.1 .82 5.26 14 Jan 1995 V3 .5 BIOS ; TMC - 1610 M / MER / MEX board
1.2 .10 5.28 5 Jun 1995 Quantum ISA - 250 MG board ; V2 .0 , V2 .01 BIOS
1.3 .4 5.31 23 Jun 1995 PCI BIOS - 32 detection ( preliminary )
1.3 .7 5.33 4 Jul 1995 PCI BIOS - 32 detection
1.3 .28 5.36 17 Sep 1995 V3 .61 BIOS ; LILO command - line support
1.3 .34 5.39 12 Oct 1995 V3 .60 BIOS ; / proc
1.3 .72 5.39 8 Feb 1996 Adaptec AHA - 2920 board
1.3 .85 5.41 4 Apr 1996
2.0 .12 5.44 8 Aug 1996 Use ID 7 for all PCI cards
2.1 .1 5.45 2 Oct 1996 Update ROM accesses for 2.1 . x
2.1 .97 5.46 23 Apr 1998 Rewritten PCI detection routines [ mj ]
2.1 .11 x 5.47 9 Aug 1998 Touched for 8 SCSI disk majors support
5.48 18 Nov 1998 BIOS no longer needed for PCI detection
2.2 .0 5.50 28 Dec 1998 Support insmod parameters
" TMC-1800 SCSI Chip Specification (FDC-1800T) " , Future Domain Corporation ,
" Technical Reference Manual: 18C50 SCSI Host Adapter Chip " , Future Domain
Corporation , January 1992.
" LXT SCSI Products: Specifications and OEM Technical Manual (Revision
B / September 1991 ) " , Maxtor Corporation, 1991.
" 7213S product Manual (Revision P3) " , Maxtor Corporation , 1992.
" Draft Proposed American National Standard: Small Computer System
Interface - 2 ( SCSI - 2 ) " , Global Engineering Documents. (X3T9.2/86-109,
revision 10 h , October 17 , 1991 )
Private communications , Drew Eckhardt ( drew @ cs . colorado . edu ) and Eric
Youngdale ( ericy @ cais . com ) , 1992.
Private communication , Tuong Le ( Future Domain Engineering department ) ,
1994. ( Disk geometry computations for Future Domain BIOS version 3.4 , and
TMC - 18 C30 detection . )
Hogan , Thom . The Programmer ' s PC Sourcebook . Microsoft Press , 1988. Page
60 ( 2.39 : Disk Partition Table Layout ) .
" 18C30 Technical Reference Manual " , Future Domain Corporation , 1993 , page
6 - 1.
The Maxtor manuals were free . Maxtor telephone technical support is
great !
The Future Domain manuals were $ 25 and $ 35. They document the chip , not
the TMC - 16 x0 boards , so some information I had to guess at . In 1992 ,
Future Domain sold DOS BIOS source for $ 250 and the UN * X driver source was
$ 750 , but these required a non - disclosure agreement , so even if I could
have afforded them , they would * not * have been useful for writing this
publically distributable driver . Future Domain technical support has
provided some information on the phone and have sent a few useful FAXs .
They have been much more helpful since they started to recognize that the
word " Linux " refers to an operating system : - ) .
There are many other alpha testers that come and go as the driver
develops . The people listed here were most helpful in times of greatest
need ( mostly early on - - I ' ve probably left out a few worthy people in
more recent times ) :
Todd Carrico ( todd @ wutc . wustl . edu ) , Dan Poirier ( poirier @ cs . unc . edu ) , Ken
Corey ( kenc @ sol . acs . unt . edu ) , C . de Bruin ( bruin @ bruin @ sterbbs . nl ) , Sakari
Aaltonen ( sakaria @ vipunen . hit . fi ) , John Rice ( rice @ xanth . cs . odu . edu ) , Brad
Yearwood ( brad @ optilink . com ) , and Ray Toy ( toy @ soho . crd . ge . com ) .
Special thanks to Tien - Wan Yang ( twyang @ cs . uh . edu ) , who graciously lent me
his 18 C50 - based card for debugging . He is the sole reason that this
driver works with the 18 C50 chip .
Thanks to Dave Newman ( dnewman @ crl . com ) for providing initial patches for
the version 3.4 BIOS .
Thanks to James T . McKinley ( mckinley @ msupa . pa . msu . edu ) for providing
patches that support the TMC - 3260 , a PCI bus card with the 36 C70 chip .
The 36 C70 chip appears to be " completely compatible " with the 18 C30 chip .
Thanks to Eric Kasten ( tigger @ petroglyph . cl . msu . edu ) for providing the
patch for the version 3.5 BIOS .
Thanks for Stephen Henson ( shenson @ nyx10 . cs . du . edu ) for providing the
patch for the Quantum ISA - 200 S SCSI adapter .
Thanks to Adam Bowen for the signature to the 1610 M / MER / MEX scsi cards , to
Martin Andrews ( andrewm @ ccfadm . eeg . ccf . org ) for the signature to some
random TMC - 1680 repackaged by IBM ; and to Mintak Ng ( mintak @ panix . com ) for
the version 3.61 BIOS signature .
Thanks for Mark Singer ( elf @ netcom . com ) and Richard Simpson
( rsimpson @ ewrcsdra . demon . co . uk ) for more Quantum signatures and detective
work on the Quantum RAM layout .
Special thanks to James T . McKinley ( mckinley @ msupa . pa . msu . edu ) for
providing patches for proper PCI BIOS32 - mediated detection of the TMC - 3260
card ( a PCI bus card with the 36 C70 chip ) . Please send James PCI - related
bug reports .
Thanks to Tom Cavin ( tec @ usa1 . com ) for preliminary command - line option
patches .
New PCI detection code written by Martin Mares < mj @ atrey . karlin . mff . cuni . cz >
Insmod parameter code based on patches from Daniel Graham
< graham @ balance . uoregon . edu > .
All of the alpha testers deserve much thanks .
DEBUG : This turns on the printing of various debug information .
ENABLE_PARITY : This turns on SCSI parity checking . With the current
driver , all attached devices must support SCSI parity . If none of your
devices support parity , then you can probably get the driver to work by
turning this option off . I have no way of testing this , however , and it
would appear that no one ever uses this option .
FIFO_COUNT : The host adapter has an 8 K cache ( host adapters based on the
18 C30 chip have a 2 k cache ) . When this many 512 byte blocks are filled by
the SCSI device , an interrupt will be raised . Therefore , this could be as
low as 0 , or as high as 16. Note , however , that values which are too high
or too low seem to prevent any interrupts from occurring , and thereby lock
up the machine . I have found that 2 is a good number , but throughput may
be increased by changing this value to values which are close to 2.
Please let me know if you try any different values .
RESELECTION : This is no longer an option , since I gave up trying to
implement it in version 4. x of this driver . It did not improve
performance at all and made the driver unstable ( because I never found one
of the two race conditions which were introduced by the multiple
outstanding command code ) . The instability seems a very high price to pay
just so that you don ' t have to wait for the tape to rewind . If you want
this feature implemented , send me patches . I ' ll be happy to send a copy
of my ( broken ) driver to anyone who would like to see a copy .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include <linux/config.h>
# include <linux/module.h>
# include <linux/init.h>
# include <linux/interrupt.h>
# include <linux/blkdev.h>
# include <linux/spinlock.h>
# include <linux/errno.h>
# include <linux/string.h>
# include <linux/ioport.h>
# include <linux/proc_fs.h>
# include <linux/pci.h>
# include <linux/stat.h>
# include <linux/delay.h>
# include <scsi/scsicam.h>
# include <asm/io.h>
# include <asm/system.h>
# include <scsi/scsi.h>
# include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
# include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
# include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
# include <scsi/scsi_ioctl.h>
# include "fdomain.h"
MODULE_AUTHOR ( " Rickard E. Faith " ) ;
MODULE_DESCRIPTION ( " Future domain SCSI driver " ) ;
# define VERSION "$Revision: 5.51 $"
# define DEBUG 0 /* Enable debugging output */
# define ENABLE_PARITY 1 /* Enable SCSI Parity */
# define FIFO_COUNT 2 /* Number of 512 byte blocks before INTR */
# if DEBUG
# define EVERY_ACCESS 0 /* Write a line on every scsi access */
# define ERRORS_ONLY 1 /* Only write a line if there is an error */
# define DEBUG_DETECT 0 /* Debug fdomain_16x0_detect() */
# define DEBUG_MESSAGES 1 /* Debug MESSAGE IN phase */
# define DEBUG_ABORT 1 /* Debug abort() routine */
# define DEBUG_RESET 1 /* Debug reset() routine */
# define DEBUG_RACE 1 /* Debug interrupt-driven race condition */
# else
# define ERRORS_ONLY 0
# define DEBUG_DETECT 0
# define DEBUG_ABORT 0
# define DEBUG_RESET 0
# define DEBUG_RACE 0
# endif
/* Errors are reported on the line, so we don't need to report them again */
# define ERRORS_ONLY 0
# endif
# define PARITY_MASK 0x08
# else
# define PARITY_MASK 0x00
# endif
enum chip_type {
unknown = 0x00 ,
tmc1800 = 0x01 ,
tmc18c50 = 0x02 ,
tmc18c30 = 0x03 ,
} ;
enum {
in_arbitration = 0x02 ,
in_selection = 0x04 ,
in_other = 0x08 ,
disconnect = 0x10 ,
aborted = 0x20 ,
sent_ident = 0x40 ,
} ;
enum in_port_type {
Read_SCSI_Data = 0 ,
SCSI_Status = 1 ,
TMC_Status = 2 ,
FIFO_Status = 3 , /* tmc18c50/tmc18c30 only */
Interrupt_Cond = 4 , /* tmc18c50/tmc18c30 only */
LSB_ID_Code = 5 ,
MSB_ID_Code = 6 ,
Read_Loopback = 7 ,
SCSI_Data_NoACK = 8 ,
Interrupt_Status = 9 ,
Configuration1 = 10 ,
Configuration2 = 11 , /* tmc18c50/tmc18c30 only */
Read_FIFO = 12 ,
FIFO_Data_Count = 14
} ;
enum out_port_type {
Write_SCSI_Data = 0 ,
SCSI_Cntl = 1 ,
Interrupt_Cntl = 2 ,
SCSI_Mode_Cntl = 3 ,
TMC_Cntl = 4 ,
Memory_Cntl = 5 , /* tmc18c50/tmc18c30 only */
Write_Loopback = 7 ,
IO_Control = 11 , /* tmc18c30 only */
Write_FIFO = 12
} ;
/* .bss will zero all the static variables below */
static int port_base ;
static unsigned long bios_base ;
static void __iomem * bios_mem ;
static int bios_major ;
static int bios_minor ;
static int PCI_bus ;
static int Quantum ; /* Quantum board variant */
static int interrupt_level ;
static volatile int in_command ;
static struct scsi_cmnd * current_SC ;
static enum chip_type chip = unknown ;
static int adapter_mask ;
static int this_id ;
static int setup_called ;
static volatile int in_interrupt_flag ;
# endif
static int FIFO_Size = 0x2000 ; /* 8k FIFO for
pre - tmc18c30 chips */
static irqreturn_t do_fdomain_16x0_intr ( int irq , void * dev_id ,
struct pt_regs * regs ) ;
/* Allow insmod parameters to be like LILO parameters. For example:
insmod fdomain fdomain = 0x140 , 11 */
static char * fdomain = NULL ;
module_param ( fdomain , charp , 0 ) ;
static unsigned long addresses [ ] = {
0xc8000 ,
0xca000 ,
0xce000 ,
0xde000 ,
0xcc000 , /* Extra addresses for PCI boards */
0xd0000 ,
0xe0000 ,
} ;
2006-06-08 22:23:48 -07:00
# define ADDRESS_COUNT ARRAY_SIZE(addresses)
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
static unsigned short ports [ ] = { 0x140 , 0x150 , 0x160 , 0x170 } ;
2006-06-08 22:23:48 -07:00
# define PORT_COUNT ARRAY_SIZE(ports)
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
static unsigned short ints [ ] = { 3 , 5 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 14 , 15 , 0 } ;
This driver works * ONLY * for Future Domain cards using the TMC - 1800 ,
TMC - 18 C50 , or TMC - 18 C30 chip . This includes models TMC - 1650 , 1660 , 1670 ,
and 1680. These are all 16 - bit cards .
The following BIOS signature signatures are for boards which do * NOT *
work with this driver ( these TMC - 8 xx and TMC - 9 xx boards may work with the
Seagate driver ) :
FUTURE DOMAIN CORP . ( C ) 1986 - 1988 V4 .0 I 03 / 16 / 88
FUTURE DOMAIN CORP . ( C ) 1986 - 1989 V5 .0 C2 / 14 / 89
FUTURE DOMAIN CORP . ( C ) 1986 - 1989 V6 .0 A7 / 28 / 89
FUTURE DOMAIN CORP . ( C ) 1986 - 1990 V6 .0105 / 31 / 90
FUTURE DOMAIN CORP . ( C ) 1986 - 1990 V6 .0209 / 18 / 90
FUTURE DOMAIN CORP . ( C ) 1986 - 1990 V7 .009 / 18 / 90
FUTURE DOMAIN CORP . ( C ) 1992 V8 .00 .004 / 02 / 92
( The cards which do * NOT * work are all 8 - bit cards - - although some of
them have a 16 - bit form - factor , the upper 8 - bits are used only for IRQs
and are * NOT * used for data . You can tell the difference by following
the tracings on the circuit board - - if only the IRQ lines are involved ,
you have a " 8-bit " card , and should * NOT * use this driver . )
static struct signature {
const char * signature ;
int sig_offset ;
int sig_length ;
int major_bios_version ;
int minor_bios_version ;
int flag ; /* 1 == PCI_bus, 2 == ISA_200S, 3 == ISA_250MG, 4 == ISA_200S */
} signatures [ ] = {
/* 1 2 3 4 5 6 */
/* 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 */
{ " FUTURE DOMAIN CORP. (C) 1986-1990 1800-V2.07/28/89 " , 5 , 50 , 2 , 0 , 0 } ,
{ " FUTURE DOMAIN CORP. (C) 1986-1990 1800-V1.07/28/89 " , 5 , 50 , 2 , 0 , 0 } ,
{ " FUTURE DOMAIN CORP. (C) 1986-1990 1800-V2.07/28/89 " , 72 , 50 , 2 , 0 , 2 } ,
{ " FUTURE DOMAIN CORP. (C) 1986-1990 1800-V2.0 " , 73 , 43 , 2 , 0 , 3 } ,
{ " FUTURE DOMAIN CORP. (C) 1991 1800-V2.0. " , 72 , 39 , 2 , 0 , 4 } ,
{ " FUTURE DOMAIN CORP. (C) 1992 V3.00.004/02/92 " , 5 , 44 , 3 , 0 , 0 } ,
{ " FUTURE DOMAIN TMC-18XX (C) 1993 V3.203/12/93 " , 5 , 44 , 3 , 2 , 0 } ,
{ " IBM F1 P2 BIOS v1.0104/29/93 " , 5 , 28 , 3 , - 1 , 0 } ,
{ " Future Domain Corp. V1.0008/18/93 " , 5 , 33 , 3 , 4 , 0 } ,
{ " Future Domain Corp. V1.0008/18/93 " , 26 , 33 , 3 , 4 , 1 } ,
{ " Adaptec AHA-2920 PCI-SCSI Card " , 42 , 31 , 3 , - 1 , 1 } ,
{ " IBM F1 P264/32 " , 5 , 14 , 3 , - 1 , 1 } ,
/* This next signature may not be a 3.5 bios */
{ " Future Domain Corp. V2.0108/18/93 " , 5 , 33 , 3 , 5 , 0 } ,
{ " FUTURE DOMAIN CORP. V3.5008/18/93 " , 5 , 34 , 3 , 5 , 0 } ,
{ " FUTURE DOMAIN 18c30/18c50/1800 (C) 1994 V3.5 " , 5 , 44 , 3 , 5 , 0 } ,
{ " FUTURE DOMAIN CORP. V3.6008/18/93 " , 5 , 34 , 3 , 6 , 0 } ,
{ " FUTURE DOMAIN CORP. V3.6108/18/93 " , 5 , 34 , 3 , 6 , 0 } ,
{ " FUTURE DOMAIN TMC-18XX " , 5 , 22 , - 1 , - 1 , 0 } ,
Also , fix the disk geometry code for your signature and send your
changes for faith @ cs . unc . edu . Above all , do * NOT * change any old
signatures !
Note that the last line will match a " generic " 18 XX bios . Because
Future Domain has changed the host SCSI ID and / or the location of the
geometry information in the on - board RAM area for each of the first
three BIOS ' s , it is still important to enter a fully qualified
signature in the table for any new BIOS ' s ( after the host SCSI ID and
geometry location are verified ) . */
} ;
2006-06-08 22:23:48 -07:00
# define SIGNATURE_COUNT ARRAY_SIZE(signatures)
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
static void print_banner ( struct Scsi_Host * shpnt )
if ( ! shpnt ) return ; /* This won't ever happen */
if ( bios_major < 0 & & bios_minor < 0 ) {
printk ( KERN_INFO " scsi%d: <fdomain> No BIOS; using scsi id %d \n " ,
shpnt - > host_no , shpnt - > this_id ) ;
} else {
printk ( KERN_INFO " scsi%d: <fdomain> BIOS version " , shpnt - > host_no ) ;
if ( bios_major > = 0 ) printk ( " %d. " , bios_major ) ;
else printk ( " ?. " ) ;
if ( bios_minor > = 0 ) printk ( " %d " , bios_minor ) ;
else printk ( " ?. " ) ;
2006-06-08 22:23:48 -07:00
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
printk ( " at 0x%lx using scsi id %d \n " ,
bios_base , shpnt - > this_id ) ;
/* If this driver works for later FD PCI
boards , we will have to modify banner
for additional PCI cards , but for now if
it ' s PCI it ' s a TMC - 3260 - JTM */
printk ( KERN_INFO " scsi%d: <fdomain> %s chip at 0x%x irq " ,
shpnt - > host_no ,
chip = = tmc1800 ? " TMC-1800 " : ( chip = = tmc18c50 ? " TMC-18C50 " : ( chip = = tmc18c30 ? ( PCI_bus ? " TMC-36C70 (PCI bus) " : " TMC-18C30 " ) : " Unknown " ) ) ,
port_base ) ;
if ( interrupt_level )
printk ( " %d " , interrupt_level ) ;
printk ( " <none> " ) ;
printk ( " \n " ) ;
int fdomain_setup ( char * str )
int ints [ 4 ] ;
( void ) get_options ( str , ARRAY_SIZE ( ints ) , ints ) ;
if ( setup_called + + | | ints [ 0 ] < 2 | | ints [ 0 ] > 3 ) {
printk ( KERN_INFO " scsi: <fdomain> Usage: fdomain=<PORT_BASE>,<IRQ>[,<ADAPTER_ID>] \n " ) ;
printk ( KERN_ERR " scsi: <fdomain> Bad LILO/INSMOD parameters? \n " ) ;
return 0 ;
port_base = ints [ 0 ] > = 1 ? ints [ 1 ] : 0 ;
interrupt_level = ints [ 0 ] > = 2 ? ints [ 2 ] : 0 ;
this_id = ints [ 0 ] > = 3 ? ints [ 3 ] : 0 ;
bios_major = bios_minor = - 1 ; /* Use geometry for BIOS version >= 3.4 */
+ + setup_called ;
return 1 ;
__setup ( " fdomain= " , fdomain_setup ) ;
static void do_pause ( unsigned amount ) /* Pause for amount*10 milliseconds */
mdelay ( 10 * amount ) ;
2005-07-27 11:46:09 -07:00
static inline void fdomain_make_bus_idle ( void )
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
outb ( 0 , port_base + SCSI_Cntl ) ;
outb ( 0 , port_base + SCSI_Mode_Cntl ) ;
if ( chip = = tmc18c50 | | chip = = tmc18c30 )
outb ( 0x21 | PARITY_MASK , port_base + TMC_Cntl ) ; /* Clear forced intr. */
outb ( 0x01 | PARITY_MASK , port_base + TMC_Cntl ) ;
static int fdomain_is_valid_port ( int port )
printk ( " (%x%x), " ,
inb ( port + MSB_ID_Code ) , inb ( port + LSB_ID_Code ) ) ;
# endif
/* The MCA ID is a unique id for each MCA compatible board. We
are using ISA boards , but Future Domain provides the MCA ID
anyway . We can use this ID to ensure that this is a Future
Domain TMC - 1660 / TMC - 1680.
if ( inb ( port + LSB_ID_Code ) ! = 0xe9 ) { /* test for 0x6127 id */
if ( inb ( port + LSB_ID_Code ) ! = 0x27 ) return 0 ;
if ( inb ( port + MSB_ID_Code ) ! = 0x61 ) return 0 ;
chip = tmc1800 ;
} else { /* test for 0xe960 id */
if ( inb ( port + MSB_ID_Code ) ! = 0x60 ) return 0 ;
chip = tmc18c50 ;
/* Try to toggle 32-bit mode. This only
works on an 18 c30 chip . ( User reports
say this works , so we should switch to
it in the near future . ) */
outb ( 0x80 , port + IO_Control ) ;
if ( ( inb ( port + Configuration2 ) & 0x80 ) = = 0x80 ) {
outb ( 0x00 , port + IO_Control ) ;
if ( ( inb ( port + Configuration2 ) & 0x80 ) = = 0x00 ) {
chip = tmc18c30 ;
FIFO_Size = 0x800 ; /* 2k FIFO */
/* If that failed, we are an 18c50. */
return 1 ;
static int fdomain_test_loopback ( void )
int i ;
int result ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 255 ; i + + ) {
outb ( i , port_base + Write_Loopback ) ;
result = inb ( port_base + Read_Loopback ) ;
if ( i ! = result )
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
/* fdomain_get_irq assumes that we have a valid MCA ID for a
TMC - 1660 / TMC - 1680 Future Domain board . Now , check to be sure the
bios_base matches these ports . If someone was unlucky enough to have
purchased more than one Future Domain board , then they will have to
modify this code , as we only detect one board here . [ The one with the
lowest bios_base . ]
Note that this routine is only used for systems without a PCI BIOS32
( e . g . , ISA bus ) . For PCI bus systems , this routine will likely fail
unless one of the IRQs listed in the ints array is used by the board .
Sometimes it is possible to use the computer ' s BIOS setup screen to
configure a PCI system so that one of these IRQs will be used by the
Future Domain card . */
static int fdomain_get_irq ( int base )
int options = inb ( base + Configuration1 ) ;
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> Options = %x \n " , options ) ;
# endif
/* Check for board with lowest bios_base --
this isn ' t valid for the 18 c30 or for
boards on the PCI bus , so just assume we
have the right board . */
if ( chip ! = tmc18c30 & & ! PCI_bus & & addresses [ ( options & 0xc0 ) > > 6 ] ! = bios_base )
return 0 ;
return ints [ ( options & 0x0e ) > > 1 ] ;
static int fdomain_isa_detect ( int * irq , int * iobase )
# ifndef PCMCIA
int i , j ;
int base = 0xdeadbeef ;
int flag = 0 ;
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> fdomain_isa_detect: " ) ;
# endif
for ( i = 0 ; i < ADDRESS_COUNT ; i + + ) {
void __iomem * p = ioremap ( addresses [ i ] , 0x2000 ) ;
if ( ! p )
continue ;
printk ( " %lx(%lx), " , addresses [ i ] , bios_base ) ;
# endif
for ( j = 0 ; j < SIGNATURE_COUNT ; j + + ) {
if ( check_signature ( p + signatures [ j ] . sig_offset ,
signatures [ j ] . signature ,
signatures [ j ] . sig_length ) ) {
bios_major = signatures [ j ] . major_bios_version ;
bios_minor = signatures [ j ] . minor_bios_version ;
PCI_bus = ( signatures [ j ] . flag = = 1 ) ;
Quantum = ( signatures [ j ] . flag > 1 ) ? signatures [ j ] . flag : 0 ;
bios_base = addresses [ i ] ;
bios_mem = p ;
goto found ;
iounmap ( p ) ;
found :
if ( bios_major = = 2 ) {
/* The TMC-1660/TMC-1680 has a RAM area just after the BIOS ROM.
Assuming the ROM is enabled ( otherwise we wouldn ' t have been
able to read the ROM signature : - ) , then the ROM sets up the
RAM area with some magic numbers , such as a list of port
base addresses and a list of the disk " geometry " reported to
DOS ( this geometry has nothing to do with physical geometry ) .
switch ( Quantum ) {
case 2 : /* ISA_200S */
case 3 : /* ISA_250MG */
base = readb ( bios_mem + 0x1fa2 ) + ( readb ( bios_mem + 0x1fa3 ) < < 8 ) ;
break ;
case 4 : /* ISA_200S (another one) */
base = readb ( bios_mem + 0x1fa3 ) + ( readb ( bios_mem + 0x1fa4 ) < < 8 ) ;
break ;
default :
base = readb ( bios_mem + 0x1fcc ) + ( readb ( bios_mem + 0x1fcd ) < < 8 ) ;
break ;
printk ( " %x, " , base ) ;
# endif
for ( i = 0 ; i < PORT_COUNT ; i + + ) {
if ( base = = ports [ i ] ) {
if ( ! request_region ( base , 0x10 , " fdomain " ) )
break ;
if ( ! fdomain_is_valid_port ( base ) ) {
release_region ( base , 0x10 ) ;
break ;
* irq = fdomain_get_irq ( base ) ;
* iobase = base ;
return 1 ;
/* This is a bad sign. It usually means that someone patched the
BIOS signature list ( the signatures variable ) to contain a BIOS
signature for a board * OTHER THAN * the TMC - 1660 / TMC - 1680. */
printk ( " RAM FAILED, " ) ;
# endif
/* Anyway, the alternative to finding the address in the RAM is to just
search through every possible port address for one that is attached
to the Future Domain card . Don ' t panic , though , about reading all
these random port addresses - - there are rumors that the Future
Domain BIOS does something very similar .
Do not , however , check ports which the kernel knows are being used by
another driver . */
for ( i = 0 ; i < PORT_COUNT ; i + + ) {
base = ports [ i ] ;
if ( ! request_region ( base , 0x10 , " fdomain " ) ) {
printk ( " (%x inuse), " , base ) ;
# endif
continue ;
printk ( " %x, " , base ) ;
# endif
flag = fdomain_is_valid_port ( base ) ;
if ( flag )
break ;
release_region ( base , 0x10 ) ;
if ( flag ) printk ( " SUCCESS \n " ) ;
else printk ( " FAILURE \n " ) ;
# endif
if ( ! flag ) return 0 ; /* iobase not found */
* irq = fdomain_get_irq ( base ) ;
* iobase = base ;
return 1 ; /* success */
# else
return 0 ;
# endif
/* PCI detection function: int fdomain_pci_bios_detect(int* irq, int*
iobase ) This function gets the Interrupt Level and I / O base address from
the PCI configuration registers . */
# ifdef CONFIG_PCI
static int fdomain_pci_bios_detect ( int * irq , int * iobase , struct pci_dev * * ret_pdev )
unsigned int pci_irq ; /* PCI interrupt line */
unsigned long pci_base ; /* PCI I/O base address */
struct pci_dev * pdev = NULL ;
/* Tell how to print a list of the known PCI devices from bios32 and
list vendor and device IDs being used if in debug mode . */
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> INFO: use lspci -v to see list of PCI devices \n " ) ;
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> TMC-3260 detect: "
" Using Vendor ID: 0x%x and Device ID: 0x%x \n " ,
# endif
if ( ( pdev = pci_find_device ( PCI_VENDOR_ID_FD , PCI_DEVICE_ID_FD_36C70 , pdev ) ) = = NULL )
return 0 ;
if ( pci_enable_device ( pdev ) ) return 0 ;
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> TMC-3260 detect: "
" PCI bus %u, device %u, function %u \n " ,
pdev - > bus - > number ,
PCI_SLOT ( pdev - > devfn ) ,
PCI_FUNC ( pdev - > devfn ) ) ;
# endif
/* We now have the appropriate device function for the FD board so we
just read the PCI config info from the registers . */
pci_base = pci_resource_start ( pdev , 0 ) ;
pci_irq = pdev - > irq ;
if ( ! request_region ( pci_base , 0x10 , " fdomain " ) )
return 0 ;
/* Now we have the I/O base address and interrupt from the PCI
configuration registers . */
* irq = pci_irq ;
* iobase = pci_base ;
* ret_pdev = pdev ;
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> TMC-3260 detect: "
" IRQ = %d, I/O base = 0x%x [0x%lx] \n " , * irq , * iobase , pci_base ) ;
# endif
if ( ! fdomain_is_valid_port ( pci_base ) ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " scsi: <fdomain> PCI card detected, but driver not loaded (invalid port) \n " ) ;
release_region ( pci_base , 0x10 ) ;
return 0 ;
/* Fill in a few global variables. Ugh. */
bios_major = bios_minor = - 1 ;
PCI_bus = 1 ;
Quantum = 0 ;
bios_base = 0 ;
return 1 ;
# endif
struct Scsi_Host * __fdomain_16x0_detect ( struct scsi_host_template * tpnt )
int retcode ;
struct Scsi_Host * shpnt ;
struct pci_dev * pdev = NULL ;
if ( setup_called ) {
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> No BIOS, using port_base = 0x%x, irq = %d \n " ,
port_base , interrupt_level ) ;
# endif
if ( ! request_region ( port_base , 0x10 , " fdomain " ) ) {
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> port 0x%x is busy \n " , port_base ) ;
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> Bad LILO/INSMOD parameters? \n " ) ;
return NULL ;
if ( ! fdomain_is_valid_port ( port_base ) ) {
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> Cannot locate chip at port base 0x%x \n " ,
port_base ) ;
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> Bad LILO/INSMOD parameters? \n " ) ;
release_region ( port_base , 0x10 ) ;
return NULL ;
} else {
int flag = 0 ;
# ifdef CONFIG_PCI
/* Try PCI detection first */
flag = fdomain_pci_bios_detect ( & interrupt_level , & port_base , & pdev ) ;
# endif
if ( ! flag ) {
/* Then try ISA bus detection */
flag = fdomain_isa_detect ( & interrupt_level , & port_base ) ;
if ( ! flag ) {
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> Detection failed (no card) \n " ) ;
return NULL ;
fdomain_16x0_bus_reset ( NULL ) ;
if ( fdomain_test_loopback ( ) ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " scsi: <fdomain> Detection failed (loopback test failed at port base 0x%x) \n " , port_base ) ;
if ( setup_called ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " scsi: <fdomain> Bad LILO/INSMOD parameters? \n " ) ;
release_region ( port_base , 0x10 ) ;
return NULL ;
if ( this_id ) {
tpnt - > this_id = ( this_id & 0x07 ) ;
adapter_mask = ( 1 < < tpnt - > this_id ) ;
} else {
if ( PCI_bus | | ( bios_major = = 3 & & bios_minor > = 2 ) | | bios_major < 0 ) {
tpnt - > this_id = 7 ;
adapter_mask = 0x80 ;
} else {
tpnt - > this_id = 6 ;
adapter_mask = 0x40 ;
/* Print out a banner here in case we can't
get resources . */
shpnt = scsi_register ( tpnt , 0 ) ;
if ( shpnt = = NULL ) {
release_region ( port_base , 0x10 ) ;
return NULL ;
shpnt - > irq = interrupt_level ;
shpnt - > io_port = port_base ;
shpnt - > n_io_port = 0x10 ;
print_banner ( shpnt ) ;
/* Log IRQ with kernel */
if ( ! interrupt_level ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " scsi: <fdomain> Card Detected, but driver not loaded (no IRQ) \n " ) ;
release_region ( port_base , 0x10 ) ;
return NULL ;
} else {
/* Register the IRQ with the kernel */
retcode = request_irq ( interrupt_level ,
do_fdomain_16x0_intr , pdev ? SA_SHIRQ : 0 , " fdomain " , shpnt ) ;
if ( retcode < 0 ) {
if ( retcode = = - EINVAL ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " scsi: <fdomain> IRQ %d is bad! \n " , interrupt_level ) ;
printk ( KERN_ERR " This shouldn't happen! \n " ) ;
printk ( KERN_ERR " Send mail to faith@acm.org \n " ) ;
} else if ( retcode = = - EBUSY ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " scsi: <fdomain> IRQ %d is already in use! \n " , interrupt_level ) ;
printk ( KERN_ERR " Please use another IRQ! \n " ) ;
} else {
printk ( KERN_ERR " scsi: <fdomain> Error getting IRQ %d \n " , interrupt_level ) ;
printk ( KERN_ERR " This shouldn't happen! \n " ) ;
printk ( KERN_ERR " Send mail to faith@acm.org \n " ) ;
printk ( KERN_ERR " scsi: <fdomain> Detected, but driver not loaded (IRQ) \n " ) ;
release_region ( port_base , 0x10 ) ;
return NULL ;
return shpnt ;
static int fdomain_16x0_detect ( struct scsi_host_template * tpnt )
if ( fdomain )
fdomain_setup ( fdomain ) ;
return ( __fdomain_16x0_detect ( tpnt ) ! = NULL ) ;
static const char * fdomain_16x0_info ( struct Scsi_Host * ignore )
static char buffer [ 128 ] ;
char * pt ;
strcpy ( buffer , " Future Domain 16-bit SCSI Driver Version " ) ;
if ( strchr ( VERSION , ' : ' ) ) { /* Assume VERSION is an RCS Revision string */
strcat ( buffer , strchr ( VERSION , ' : ' ) + 1 ) ;
pt = strrchr ( buffer , ' $ ' ) - 1 ;
if ( ! pt ) /* Stripped RCS Revision string? */
pt = buffer + strlen ( buffer ) - 1 ;
if ( * pt ! = ' ' )
+ + pt ;
* pt = ' \0 ' ;
} else { /* Assume VERSION is a number */
strcat ( buffer , " " VERSION ) ;
return buffer ;
#if 0
static int fdomain_arbitrate ( void )
int status = 0 ;
unsigned long timeout ;
printk ( " fdomain_arbitrate() \n " ) ;
# endif
outb ( 0x00 , port_base + SCSI_Cntl ) ; /* Disable data drivers */
outb ( adapter_mask , port_base + SCSI_Data_NoACK ) ; /* Set our id bit */
outb ( 0x04 | PARITY_MASK , port_base + TMC_Cntl ) ; /* Start arbitration */
timeout = 500 ;
do {
status = inb ( port_base + TMC_Status ) ; /* Read adapter status */
if ( status & 0x02 ) /* Arbitration complete */
return 0 ;
mdelay ( 1 ) ; /* Wait one millisecond */
} while ( - - timeout ) ;
/* Make bus idle */
fdomain_make_bus_idle ( ) ;
printk ( " Arbitration failed, status = %x \n " , status ) ;
# endif
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> Arbitration failed, status = %x \n " , status ) ;
# endif
return 1 ;
# endif
static int fdomain_select ( int target )
int status ;
unsigned long timeout ;
static int flag = 0 ;
# endif
outb ( 0x82 , port_base + SCSI_Cntl ) ; /* Bus Enable + Select */
outb ( adapter_mask | ( 1 < < target ) , port_base + SCSI_Data_NoACK ) ;
/* Stop arbitration and enable parity */
outb ( PARITY_MASK , port_base + TMC_Cntl ) ;
timeout = 350 ; /* 350 msec */
do {
status = inb ( port_base + SCSI_Status ) ; /* Read adapter status */
if ( status & 1 ) { /* Busy asserted */
/* Enable SCSI Bus (on error, should make bus idle with 0) */
outb ( 0x80 , port_base + SCSI_Cntl ) ;
return 0 ;
mdelay ( 1 ) ; /* wait one msec */
} while ( - - timeout ) ;
/* Make bus idle */
fdomain_make_bus_idle ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) printk ( " Selection failed \n " ) ;
# endif
if ( ! target ) {
if ( ! flag ) /* Skip first failure for all chips. */
+ + flag ;
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> Selection failed \n " ) ;
# endif
return 1 ;
static void my_done ( int error )
if ( in_command ) {
in_command = 0 ;
outb ( 0x00 , port_base + Interrupt_Cntl ) ;
fdomain_make_bus_idle ( ) ;
current_SC - > result = error ;
if ( current_SC - > scsi_done )
current_SC - > scsi_done ( current_SC ) ;
else panic ( " scsi: <fdomain> current_SC->scsi_done() = = NULL " ) ;
} else {
panic ( " scsi: <fdomain> my_done() called outside of command \n " ) ;
in_interrupt_flag = 0 ;
# endif
static irqreturn_t do_fdomain_16x0_intr ( int irq , void * dev_id ,
struct pt_regs * regs )
unsigned long flags ;
int status ;
int done = 0 ;
unsigned data_count ;
/* The fdomain_16x0_intr is only called via
the interrupt handler . The goal of the
sti ( ) here is to allow other
interruptions while this routine is
running . */
/* Check for other IRQ sources */
if ( ( inb ( port_base + TMC_Status ) & 0x01 ) = = 0 )
return IRQ_NONE ;
/* It is our IRQ */
outb ( 0x00 , port_base + Interrupt_Cntl ) ;
/* We usually have one spurious interrupt after each command. Ignore it. */
if ( ! in_command | | ! current_SC ) { /* Spurious interrupt */
printk ( " Spurious interrupt, in_command = %d, current_SC = %x \n " ,
in_command , current_SC ) ;
# endif
return IRQ_NONE ;
/* Abort calls my_done, so we do nothing here. */
if ( current_SC - > SCp . phase & aborted ) {
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> Interrupt after abort, ignoring \n " ) ;
# endif
return IRQ_HANDLED ; */
+ + in_interrupt_flag ;
# endif
if ( current_SC - > SCp . phase & in_arbitration ) {
status = inb ( port_base + TMC_Status ) ; /* Read adapter status */
if ( ! ( status & 0x02 ) ) {
printk ( " AFAIL " ) ;
# endif
spin_lock_irqsave ( current_SC - > device - > host - > host_lock , flags ) ;
my_done ( DID_BUS_BUSY < < 16 ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( current_SC - > device - > host - > host_lock , flags ) ;
return IRQ_HANDLED ;
current_SC - > SCp . phase = in_selection ;
outb ( 0x40 | FIFO_COUNT , port_base + Interrupt_Cntl ) ;
outb ( 0x82 , port_base + SCSI_Cntl ) ; /* Bus Enable + Select */
2005-10-24 18:05:09 -04:00
outb ( adapter_mask | ( 1 < < scmd_id ( current_SC ) ) , port_base + SCSI_Data_NoACK ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
/* Stop arbitration and enable parity */
outb ( 0x10 | PARITY_MASK , port_base + TMC_Cntl ) ;
in_interrupt_flag = 0 ;
# endif
return IRQ_HANDLED ;
} else if ( current_SC - > SCp . phase & in_selection ) {
status = inb ( port_base + SCSI_Status ) ;
if ( ! ( status & 0x01 ) ) {
/* Try again, for slow devices */
2005-10-24 18:05:09 -04:00
if ( fdomain_select ( scmd_id ( current_SC ) ) ) {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
printk ( " SFAIL " ) ;
# endif
spin_lock_irqsave ( current_SC - > device - > host - > host_lock , flags ) ;
my_done ( DID_NO_CONNECT < < 16 ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( current_SC - > device - > host - > host_lock , flags ) ;
return IRQ_HANDLED ;
} else {
printk ( " AltSel " ) ;
# endif
/* Stop arbitration and enable parity */
outb ( 0x10 | PARITY_MASK , port_base + TMC_Cntl ) ;
current_SC - > SCp . phase = in_other ;
outb ( 0x90 | FIFO_COUNT , port_base + Interrupt_Cntl ) ;
outb ( 0x80 , port_base + SCSI_Cntl ) ;
in_interrupt_flag = 0 ;
# endif
return IRQ_HANDLED ;
/* current_SC->SCp.phase == in_other: this is the body of the routine */
status = inb ( port_base + SCSI_Status ) ;
if ( status & 0x10 ) { /* REQ */
switch ( status & 0x0e ) {
case 0x08 : /* COMMAND OUT */
outb ( current_SC - > cmnd [ current_SC - > SCp . sent_command + + ] ,
port_base + Write_SCSI_Data ) ;
printk ( " CMD = %x, " ,
current_SC - > cmnd [ current_SC - > SCp . sent_command - 1 ] ) ;
# endif
break ;
case 0x00 : /* DATA OUT -- tmc18c50/tmc18c30 only */
if ( chip ! = tmc1800 & & ! current_SC - > SCp . have_data_in ) {
current_SC - > SCp . have_data_in = - 1 ;
outb ( 0xd0 | PARITY_MASK , port_base + TMC_Cntl ) ;
break ;
case 0x04 : /* DATA IN -- tmc18c50/tmc18c30 only */
if ( chip ! = tmc1800 & & ! current_SC - > SCp . have_data_in ) {
current_SC - > SCp . have_data_in = 1 ;
outb ( 0x90 | PARITY_MASK , port_base + TMC_Cntl ) ;
break ;
case 0x0c : /* STATUS IN */
current_SC - > SCp . Status = inb ( port_base + Read_SCSI_Data ) ;
printk ( " Status = %x, " , current_SC - > SCp . Status ) ;
# endif
if ( current_SC - > SCp . Status
& & current_SC - > SCp . Status ! = 2
& & current_SC - > SCp . Status ! = 8 ) {
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> target = %d, command = %x, status = %x \n " ,
current_SC - > device - > id ,
current_SC - > cmnd [ 0 ] ,
current_SC - > SCp . Status ) ;
# endif
break ;
case 0x0a : /* MESSAGE OUT */
outb ( MESSAGE_REJECT , port_base + Write_SCSI_Data ) ; /* Reject */
break ;
case 0x0e : /* MESSAGE IN */
current_SC - > SCp . Message = inb ( port_base + Read_SCSI_Data ) ;
printk ( " Message = %x, " , current_SC - > SCp . Message ) ;
# endif
if ( ! current_SC - > SCp . Message ) + + done ;
if ( current_SC - > SCp . Message ) {
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> message = %x \n " ,
current_SC - > SCp . Message ) ;
# endif
break ;
if ( chip = = tmc1800 & & ! current_SC - > SCp . have_data_in
& & ( current_SC - > SCp . sent_command > = current_SC - > cmd_len ) ) {
if ( current_SC - > sc_data_direction = = DMA_TO_DEVICE )
current_SC - > SCp . have_data_in = - 1 ;
outb ( 0xd0 | PARITY_MASK , port_base + TMC_Cntl ) ;
current_SC - > SCp . have_data_in = 1 ;
outb ( 0x90 | PARITY_MASK , port_base + TMC_Cntl ) ;
if ( current_SC - > SCp . have_data_in = = - 1 ) { /* DATA OUT */
while ( ( data_count = FIFO_Size - inw ( port_base + FIFO_Data_Count ) ) > 512 ) {
printk ( " DC=%d, " , data_count ) ;
# endif
if ( data_count > current_SC - > SCp . this_residual )
data_count = current_SC - > SCp . this_residual ;
if ( data_count > 0 ) {
printk ( " %d OUT, " , data_count ) ;
# endif
if ( data_count = = 1 ) {
outb ( * current_SC - > SCp . ptr + + , port_base + Write_FIFO ) ;
- - current_SC - > SCp . this_residual ;
} else {
data_count > > = 1 ;
outsw ( port_base + Write_FIFO , current_SC - > SCp . ptr , data_count ) ;
current_SC - > SCp . ptr + = 2 * data_count ;
current_SC - > SCp . this_residual - = 2 * data_count ;
if ( ! current_SC - > SCp . this_residual ) {
if ( current_SC - > SCp . buffers_residual ) {
- - current_SC - > SCp . buffers_residual ;
+ + current_SC - > SCp . buffer ;
current_SC - > SCp . ptr = page_address ( current_SC - > SCp . buffer - > page ) + current_SC - > SCp . buffer - > offset ;
current_SC - > SCp . this_residual = current_SC - > SCp . buffer - > length ;
} else
break ;
if ( current_SC - > SCp . have_data_in = = 1 ) { /* DATA IN */
while ( ( data_count = inw ( port_base + FIFO_Data_Count ) ) > 0 ) {
printk ( " DC=%d, " , data_count ) ;
# endif
if ( data_count > current_SC - > SCp . this_residual )
data_count = current_SC - > SCp . this_residual ;
if ( data_count ) {
printk ( " %d IN, " , data_count ) ;
# endif
if ( data_count = = 1 ) {
* current_SC - > SCp . ptr + + = inb ( port_base + Read_FIFO ) ;
- - current_SC - > SCp . this_residual ;
} else {
data_count > > = 1 ; /* Number of words */
insw ( port_base + Read_FIFO , current_SC - > SCp . ptr , data_count ) ;
current_SC - > SCp . ptr + = 2 * data_count ;
current_SC - > SCp . this_residual - = 2 * data_count ;
if ( ! current_SC - > SCp . this_residual
& & current_SC - > SCp . buffers_residual ) {
- - current_SC - > SCp . buffers_residual ;
+ + current_SC - > SCp . buffer ;
current_SC - > SCp . ptr = page_address ( current_SC - > SCp . buffer - > page ) + current_SC - > SCp . buffer - > offset ;
current_SC - > SCp . this_residual = current_SC - > SCp . buffer - > length ;
if ( done ) {
printk ( " ** IN DONE %d ** " , current_SC - > SCp . have_data_in ) ;
# endif
if ( current_SC - > cmnd [ 0 ] = = REQUEST_SENSE & & ! current_SC - > SCp . Status ) {
if ( ( unsigned char ) ( * ( ( char * ) current_SC - > request_buffer + 2 ) ) & 0x0f ) {
unsigned char key ;
unsigned char code ;
unsigned char qualifier ;
key = ( unsigned char ) ( * ( ( char * ) current_SC - > request_buffer + 2 ) )
& 0x0f ;
code = ( unsigned char ) ( * ( ( char * ) current_SC - > request_buffer + 12 ) ) ;
qualifier = ( unsigned char ) ( * ( ( char * ) current_SC - > request_buffer
+ 13 ) ) ;
if ( key ! = UNIT_ATTENTION
& & ! ( key = = NOT_READY
& & code = = 0x04
& & ( ! qualifier | | qualifier = = 0x02 | | qualifier = = 0x01 ) )
& & ! ( key = = ILLEGAL_REQUEST & & ( code = = 0x25
| | code = = 0x24
| | ! code ) ) )
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> REQUEST SENSE "
" Key = %x, Code = %x, Qualifier = %x \n " ,
key , code , qualifier ) ;
# endif
printk ( " BEFORE MY_DONE. . . " ) ;
# endif
spin_lock_irqsave ( current_SC - > device - > host - > host_lock , flags ) ;
my_done ( ( current_SC - > SCp . Status & 0xff )
| ( ( current_SC - > SCp . Message & 0xff ) < < 8 ) | ( DID_OK < < 16 ) ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( current_SC - > device - > host - > host_lock , flags ) ;
printk ( " RETURNING. \n " ) ;
# endif
} else {
if ( current_SC - > SCp . phase & disconnect ) {
outb ( 0xd0 | FIFO_COUNT , port_base + Interrupt_Cntl ) ;
outb ( 0x00 , port_base + SCSI_Cntl ) ;
} else {
outb ( 0x90 | FIFO_COUNT , port_base + Interrupt_Cntl ) ;
in_interrupt_flag = 0 ;
# endif
return IRQ_HANDLED ;
static int fdomain_16x0_queue ( struct scsi_cmnd * SCpnt ,
void ( * done ) ( struct scsi_cmnd * ) )
if ( in_command ) {
panic ( " scsi: <fdomain> fdomain_16x0_queue() NOT REENTRANT! \n " ) ;
printk ( " queue: target = %d cmnd = 0x%02x pieces = %d size = %u \n " ,
SCpnt - > target ,
* ( unsigned char * ) SCpnt - > cmnd ,
SCpnt - > use_sg ,
SCpnt - > request_bufflen ) ;
# endif
fdomain_make_bus_idle ( ) ;
current_SC = SCpnt ; /* Save this for the done function */
current_SC - > scsi_done = done ;
/* Initialize static data */
if ( current_SC - > use_sg ) {
current_SC - > SCp . buffer =
( struct scatterlist * ) current_SC - > request_buffer ;
current_SC - > SCp . ptr = page_address ( current_SC - > SCp . buffer - > page ) + current_SC - > SCp . buffer - > offset ;
current_SC - > SCp . this_residual = current_SC - > SCp . buffer - > length ;
current_SC - > SCp . buffers_residual = current_SC - > use_sg - 1 ;
} else {
current_SC - > SCp . ptr = ( char * ) current_SC - > request_buffer ;
current_SC - > SCp . this_residual = current_SC - > request_bufflen ;
current_SC - > SCp . buffer = NULL ;
current_SC - > SCp . buffers_residual = 0 ;
current_SC - > SCp . Status = 0 ;
current_SC - > SCp . Message = 0 ;
current_SC - > SCp . have_data_in = 0 ;
current_SC - > SCp . sent_command = 0 ;
current_SC - > SCp . phase = in_arbitration ;
/* Start arbitration */
outb ( 0x00 , port_base + Interrupt_Cntl ) ;
outb ( 0x00 , port_base + SCSI_Cntl ) ; /* Disable data drivers */
outb ( adapter_mask , port_base + SCSI_Data_NoACK ) ; /* Set our id bit */
+ + in_command ;
outb ( 0x20 , port_base + Interrupt_Cntl ) ;
outb ( 0x14 | PARITY_MASK , port_base + TMC_Cntl ) ; /* Start arbitration */
return 0 ;
static void print_info ( struct scsi_cmnd * SCpnt )
unsigned int imr ;
unsigned int irr ;
unsigned int isr ;
if ( ! SCpnt | | ! SCpnt - > device | | ! SCpnt - > device - > host ) {
printk ( KERN_WARNING " scsi: <fdomain> Cannot provide detailed information \n " ) ;
return ;
printk ( KERN_INFO " %s \n " , fdomain_16x0_info ( SCpnt - > device - > host ) ) ;
print_banner ( SCpnt - > device - > host ) ;
switch ( SCpnt - > SCp . phase ) {
case in_arbitration : printk ( " arbitration " ) ; break ;
case in_selection : printk ( " selection " ) ; break ;
case in_other : printk ( " other " ) ; break ;
default : printk ( " unknown " ) ; break ;
printk ( " (%d), target = %d cmnd = 0x%02x pieces = %d size = %u \n " ,
SCpnt - > SCp . phase ,
SCpnt - > device - > id ,
* ( unsigned char * ) SCpnt - > cmnd ,
SCpnt - > use_sg ,
SCpnt - > request_bufflen ) ;
printk ( " sent_command = %d, have_data_in = %d, timeout = %d \n " ,
SCpnt - > SCp . sent_command ,
SCpnt - > SCp . have_data_in ,
SCpnt - > timeout ) ;
printk ( " in_interrupt_flag = %d \n " , in_interrupt_flag ) ;
# endif
imr = ( inb ( 0x0a1 ) < < 8 ) + inb ( 0x21 ) ;
outb ( 0x0a , 0xa0 ) ;
irr = inb ( 0xa0 ) < < 8 ;
outb ( 0x0a , 0x20 ) ;
irr + = inb ( 0x20 ) ;
outb ( 0x0b , 0xa0 ) ;
isr = inb ( 0xa0 ) < < 8 ;
outb ( 0x0b , 0x20 ) ;
isr + = inb ( 0x20 ) ;
/* Print out interesting information */
printk ( " IMR = 0x%04x " , imr ) ;
if ( imr & ( 1 < < interrupt_level ) )
printk ( " (masked) " ) ;
printk ( " , IRR = 0x%04x, ISR = 0x%04x \n " , irr , isr ) ;
printk ( " SCSI Status = 0x%02x \n " , inb ( port_base + SCSI_Status ) ) ;
printk ( " TMC Status = 0x%02x " , inb ( port_base + TMC_Status ) ) ;
if ( inb ( ( port_base + TMC_Status ) & 1 ) )
printk ( " (interrupt) " ) ;
printk ( " \n " ) ;
printk ( " Interrupt Status = 0x%02x " , inb ( port_base + Interrupt_Status ) ) ;
if ( inb ( port_base + Interrupt_Status ) & 0x08 )
printk ( " (enabled) " ) ;
printk ( " \n " ) ;
if ( chip = = tmc18c50 | | chip = = tmc18c30 ) {
printk ( " FIFO Status = 0x%02x \n " , inb ( port_base + FIFO_Status ) ) ;
printk ( " Int. Condition = 0x%02x \n " ,
inb ( port_base + Interrupt_Cond ) ) ;
printk ( " Configuration 1 = 0x%02x \n " , inb ( port_base + Configuration1 ) ) ;
if ( chip = = tmc18c50 | | chip = = tmc18c30 )
printk ( " Configuration 2 = 0x%02x \n " ,
inb ( port_base + Configuration2 ) ) ;
# endif
static int fdomain_16x0_abort ( struct scsi_cmnd * SCpnt )
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> abort " ) ;
# endif
if ( ! in_command ) {
printk ( " (not in command) \n " ) ;
# endif
return FAILED ;
} else printk ( " \n " ) ;
print_info ( SCpnt ) ;
# endif
fdomain_make_bus_idle ( ) ;
current_SC - > SCp . phase | = aborted ;
current_SC - > result = DID_ABORT < < 16 ;
/* Aborts are not done well. . . */
my_done ( DID_ABORT < < 16 ) ;
return SUCCESS ;
int fdomain_16x0_bus_reset ( struct scsi_cmnd * SCpnt )
2005-05-28 07:56:31 -04:00
unsigned long flags ;
local_irq_save ( flags ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
outb ( 1 , port_base + SCSI_Cntl ) ;
do_pause ( 2 ) ;
outb ( 0 , port_base + SCSI_Cntl ) ;
do_pause ( 115 ) ;
outb ( 0 , port_base + SCSI_Mode_Cntl ) ;
outb ( PARITY_MASK , port_base + TMC_Cntl ) ;
2005-05-28 07:56:31 -04:00
local_irq_restore ( flags ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
return SUCCESS ;
static int fdomain_16x0_biosparam ( struct scsi_device * sdev ,
struct block_device * bdev ,
sector_t capacity , int * info_array )
int drive ;
int size = capacity ;
unsigned long offset ;
struct drive_info {
unsigned short cylinders ;
unsigned char heads ;
unsigned char sectors ;
} i ;
The RAM area starts at 0x1f00 from the bios_base address .
For BIOS Version 2.0 :
The drive parameter table seems to start at 0x1f30 .
The first byte ' s purpose is not known .
Next is the cylinder , head , and sector information .
The last 4 bytes appear to be the drive ' s size in sectors .
The other bytes in the drive parameter table are unknown .
If anyone figures them out , please send me mail , and I will
update these notes .
Tape drives do not get placed in this table .
There is another table at 0x1fea :
If the byte is 0x01 , then the SCSI ID is not in use .
If the byte is 0x18 or 0x48 , then the SCSI ID is in use ,
although tapes don ' t seem to be in this table . I haven ' t
seen any other numbers ( in a limited sample ) .
0x1f2d is a drive count ( i . e . , not including tapes )
The table at 0x1fcc are I / O ports addresses for the various
operations . I calculate these by hand in this driver code .
For the ISA - 200 S version of BIOS Version 2.0 :
The drive parameter table starts at 0x1f33 .
WARNING : Assume that the table entry is 25 bytes long . Someone needs
to check this for the Quantum ISA - 200 S card .
For BIOS Version 3.2 :
The drive parameter table starts at 0x1f70 . Each entry is
0x0a bytes long . Heads are one less than we need to report .
if ( MAJOR ( bdev - > bd_dev ) ! = SCSI_DISK0_MAJOR ) {
printk ( " scsi: <fdomain> fdomain_16x0_biosparam: too many disks " ) ;
return 0 ;
drive = MINOR ( bdev - > bd_dev ) > > 4 ;
if ( bios_major = = 2 ) {
switch ( Quantum ) {
case 2 : /* ISA_200S */
/* The value of 25 has never been verified.
It should probably be 15. */
offset = 0x1f33 + drive * 25 ;
break ;
case 3 : /* ISA_250MG */
offset = 0x1f36 + drive * 15 ;
break ;
case 4 : /* ISA_200S (another one) */
offset = 0x1f34 + drive * 15 ;
break ;
default :
offset = 0x1f31 + drive * 25 ;
break ;
memcpy_fromio ( & i , bios_mem + offset , sizeof ( struct drive_info ) ) ;
info_array [ 0 ] = i . heads ;
info_array [ 1 ] = i . sectors ;
info_array [ 2 ] = i . cylinders ;
} else if ( bios_major = = 3
& & bios_minor > = 0
& & bios_minor < 4 ) { /* 3.0 and 3.2 BIOS */
memcpy_fromio ( & i , bios_mem + 0x1f71 + drive * 10 ,
sizeof ( struct drive_info ) ) ;
info_array [ 0 ] = i . heads + 1 ;
info_array [ 1 ] = i . sectors ;
info_array [ 2 ] = i . cylinders ;
} else { /* 3.4 BIOS (and up?) */
/* This algorithm was provided by Future Domain (much thanks!). */
unsigned char * p = scsi_bios_ptable ( bdev ) ;
if ( p & & p [ 65 ] = = 0xaa & & p [ 64 ] = = 0x55 /* Partition table valid */
& & p [ 4 ] ) { /* Partition type */
/* The partition table layout is as follows:
Start : 0x1b3 h
Offset : 0 = partition status
1 = starting head
2 = starting sector and cylinder ( word , encoded )
4 = partition type
5 = ending head
6 = ending sector and cylinder ( word , encoded )
8 = starting absolute sector ( double word )
c = number of sectors ( double word )
Signature : 0x1fe = 0x55aa
So , this algorithm assumes :
1 ) the first partition table is in use ,
2 ) the data in the first entry is correct , and
3 ) partitions never divide cylinders
Note that ( 1 ) may be FALSE for NetBSD ( and other BSD flavors ) ,
as well as for Linux . Note also , that Linux doesn ' t pay any
attention to the fields that are used by this algorithm - - it
only uses the absolute sector data . Recent versions of Linux ' s
fdisk ( 1 ) will fill this data in correctly , and forthcoming
versions will check for consistency .
Checking for a non - zero partition type is not part of the
Future Domain algorithm , but it seemed to be a reasonable thing
to do , especially in the Linux and BSD worlds . */
info_array [ 0 ] = p [ 5 ] + 1 ; /* heads */
info_array [ 1 ] = p [ 6 ] & 0x3f ; /* sectors */
} else {
/* Note that this new method guarantees that there will always be
less than 1024 cylinders on a platter . This is good for drives
up to approximately 7.85 GB ( where 1 GB = 1024 * 1024 kB ) . */
if ( ( unsigned int ) size > = 0x7e0000U ) {
info_array [ 0 ] = 0xff ; /* heads = 255 */
info_array [ 1 ] = 0x3f ; /* sectors = 63 */
} else if ( ( unsigned int ) size > = 0x200000U ) {
info_array [ 0 ] = 0x80 ; /* heads = 128 */
info_array [ 1 ] = 0x3f ; /* sectors = 63 */
} else {
info_array [ 0 ] = 0x40 ; /* heads = 64 */
info_array [ 1 ] = 0x20 ; /* sectors = 32 */
/* For both methods, compute the cylinders */
info_array [ 2 ] = ( unsigned int ) size / ( info_array [ 0 ] * info_array [ 1 ] ) ;
kfree ( p ) ;
return 0 ;
static int fdomain_16x0_release ( struct Scsi_Host * shpnt )
if ( shpnt - > irq )
free_irq ( shpnt - > irq , shpnt ) ;
if ( shpnt - > io_port & & shpnt - > n_io_port )
release_region ( shpnt - > io_port , shpnt - > n_io_port ) ;
return 0 ;
struct scsi_host_template fdomain_driver_template = {
. module = THIS_MODULE ,
. name = " fdomain " ,
. proc_name = " fdomain " ,
. detect = fdomain_16x0_detect ,
. info = fdomain_16x0_info ,
. queuecommand = fdomain_16x0_queue ,
. eh_abort_handler = fdomain_16x0_abort ,
. eh_bus_reset_handler = fdomain_16x0_bus_reset ,
. bios_param = fdomain_16x0_biosparam ,
. release = fdomain_16x0_release ,
. can_queue = 1 ,
. this_id = 6 ,
. sg_tablesize = 64 ,
. cmd_per_lun = 1 ,
. use_clustering = DISABLE_CLUSTERING ,
} ;
# ifndef PCMCIA
# define driver_template fdomain_driver_template
# include "scsi_module.c"
# endif