2005-04-17 02:20:36 +04:00
# ifndef __SOUND_CS4231_H
# define __SOUND_CS4231_H
* Copyright ( c ) by Jaroslav Kysela < perex @ suse . cz >
* Definitions for CS4231 & InterWave chips & compatible chips
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
# include "control.h"
# include "pcm.h"
# include "timer.h"
/* IO ports */
# define CS4231P(x) (c_d_c_CS4231##x)
# define c_d_c_CS4231REGSEL 0
# define c_d_c_CS4231REG 1
# define c_d_c_CS4231STATUS 2
# define c_d_c_CS4231PIO 3
/* codec registers */
# define CS4231_LEFT_INPUT 0x00 /* left input control */
# define CS4231_RIGHT_INPUT 0x01 /* right input control */
# define CS4231_AUX1_LEFT_INPUT 0x02 /* left AUX1 input control */
# define CS4231_AUX1_RIGHT_INPUT 0x03 /* right AUX1 input control */
# define CS4231_AUX2_LEFT_INPUT 0x04 /* left AUX2 input control */
# define CS4231_AUX2_RIGHT_INPUT 0x05 /* right AUX2 input control */
# define CS4231_LEFT_OUTPUT 0x06 /* left output control register */
# define CS4231_RIGHT_OUTPUT 0x07 /* right output control register */
# define CS4231_PLAYBK_FORMAT 0x08 /* clock and data format - playback - bits 7-0 MCE */
# define CS4231_IFACE_CTRL 0x09 /* interface control - bits 7-2 MCE */
# define CS4231_PIN_CTRL 0x0a /* pin control */
# define CS4231_TEST_INIT 0x0b /* test and initialization */
# define CS4231_MISC_INFO 0x0c /* miscellaneaous information */
# define CS4231_LOOPBACK 0x0d /* loopback control */
# define CS4231_PLY_UPR_CNT 0x0e /* playback upper base count */
# define CS4231_PLY_LWR_CNT 0x0f /* playback lower base count */
# define CS4231_ALT_FEATURE_1 0x10 /* alternate #1 feature enable */
# define AD1845_AF1_MIC_LEFT 0x10 /* alternate #1 feature + MIC left */
# define CS4231_ALT_FEATURE_2 0x11 /* alternate #2 feature enable */
# define AD1845_AF2_MIC_RIGHT 0x11 /* alternate #2 feature + MIC right */
# define CS4231_LEFT_LINE_IN 0x12 /* left line input control */
# define CS4231_RIGHT_LINE_IN 0x13 /* right line input control */
# define CS4231_TIMER_LOW 0x14 /* timer low byte */
# define CS4231_TIMER_HIGH 0x15 /* timer high byte */
# define CS4231_LEFT_MIC_INPUT 0x16 /* left MIC input control register (InterWave only) */
# define AD1845_UPR_FREQ_SEL 0x16 /* upper byte of frequency select */
# define CS4231_RIGHT_MIC_INPUT 0x17 /* right MIC input control register (InterWave only) */
# define AD1845_LWR_FREQ_SEL 0x17 /* lower byte of frequency select */
# define CS4236_EXT_REG 0x17 /* extended register access */
# define CS4231_IRQ_STATUS 0x18 /* irq status register */
# define CS4231_LINE_LEFT_OUTPUT 0x19 /* left line output control register (InterWave only) */
# define CS4231_VERSION 0x19 /* CS4231(A) - version values */
# define CS4231_MONO_CTRL 0x1a /* mono input/output control */
# define CS4231_LINE_RIGHT_OUTPUT 0x1b /* right line output control register (InterWave only) */
# define AD1845_PWR_DOWN 0x1b /* power down control */
# define CS4235_LEFT_MASTER 0x1b /* left master output control */
# define CS4231_REC_FORMAT 0x1c /* clock and data format - record - bits 7-0 MCE */
# define CS4231_PLY_VAR_FREQ 0x1d /* playback variable frequency */
# define AD1845_CLOCK 0x1d /* crystal clock select and total power down */
# define CS4235_RIGHT_MASTER 0x1d /* right master output control */
# define CS4231_REC_UPR_CNT 0x1e /* record upper count */
# define CS4231_REC_LWR_CNT 0x1f /* record lower count */
/* definitions for codec register select port - CODECP( REGSEL ) */
# define CS4231_INIT 0x80 /* CODEC is initializing */
# define CS4231_MCE 0x40 /* mode change enable */
# define CS4231_TRD 0x20 /* transfer request disable */
/* definitions for codec status register - CODECP( STATUS ) */
# define CS4231_GLOBALIRQ 0x01 /* IRQ is active */
/* definitions for codec irq status */
# define CS4231_PLAYBACK_IRQ 0x10
# define CS4231_RECORD_IRQ 0x20
# define CS4231_TIMER_IRQ 0x40
# define CS4231_ALL_IRQS 0x70
# define CS4231_REC_UNDERRUN 0x08
# define CS4231_REC_OVERRUN 0x04
# define CS4231_PLY_OVERRUN 0x02
# define CS4231_PLY_UNDERRUN 0x01
/* definitions for CS4231_LEFT_INPUT and CS4231_RIGHT_INPUT registers */
# define CS4231_ENABLE_MIC_GAIN 0x20
# define CS4231_MIXS_LINE 0x00
# define CS4231_MIXS_AUX1 0x40
# define CS4231_MIXS_MIC 0x80
# define CS4231_MIXS_ALL 0xc0
/* definitions for clock and data format register - CS4231_PLAYBK_FORMAT */
# define CS4231_LINEAR_8 0x00 /* 8-bit unsigned data */
# define CS4231_ALAW_8 0x60 /* 8-bit A-law companded */
# define CS4231_ULAW_8 0x20 /* 8-bit U-law companded */
# define CS4231_LINEAR_16 0x40 /* 16-bit twos complement data - little endian */
# define CS4231_LINEAR_16_BIG 0xc0 /* 16-bit twos complement data - big endian */
# define CS4231_ADPCM_16 0xa0 /* 16-bit ADPCM */
# define CS4231_STEREO 0x10 /* stereo mode */
/* bits 3-1 define frequency divisor */
# define CS4231_XTAL1 0x00 /* 24.576 crystal */
# define CS4231_XTAL2 0x01 /* 16.9344 crystal */
/* definitions for interface control register - CS4231_IFACE_CTRL */
# define CS4231_RECORD_PIO 0x80 /* record PIO enable */
# define CS4231_PLAYBACK_PIO 0x40 /* playback PIO enable */
# define CS4231_CALIB_MODE 0x18 /* calibration mode bits */
# define CS4231_AUTOCALIB 0x08 /* auto calibrate */
# define CS4231_SINGLE_DMA 0x04 /* use single DMA channel */
# define CS4231_RECORD_ENABLE 0x02 /* record enable */
# define CS4231_PLAYBACK_ENABLE 0x01 /* playback enable */
/* definitions for pin control register - CS4231_PIN_CTRL */
# define CS4231_IRQ_ENABLE 0x02 /* enable IRQ */
# define CS4231_XCTL1 0x40 /* external control #1 */
# define CS4231_XCTL0 0x80 /* external control #0 */
/* definitions for test and init register - CS4231_TEST_INIT */
# define CS4231_CALIB_IN_PROGRESS 0x20 /* auto calibrate in progress */
# define CS4231_DMA_REQUEST 0x10 /* DMA request in progress */
/* definitions for misc control register - CS4231_MISC_INFO */
# define CS4231_MODE2 0x40 /* MODE 2 */
# define CS4231_IW_MODE3 0x6c /* MODE 3 - InterWave enhanced mode */
# define CS4231_4236_MODE3 0xe0 /* MODE 3 - CS4236+ enhanced mode */
/* definitions for alternate feature 1 register - CS4231_ALT_FEATURE_1 */
# define CS4231_DACZ 0x01 /* zero DAC when underrun */
# define CS4231_TIMER_ENABLE 0x40 /* codec timer enable */
# define CS4231_OLB 0x80 /* output level bit */
/* definitions for Extended Registers - CS4236+ */
# define CS4236_REG(i23val) (((i23val << 2) & 0x10) | ((i23val >> 4) & 0x0f))
# define CS4236_I23VAL(reg) ((((reg)&0xf) << 4) | (((reg)&0x10) >> 2) | 0x8)
# define CS4236_LEFT_LINE 0x08 /* left LINE alternate volume */
# define CS4236_RIGHT_LINE 0x18 /* right LINE alternate volume */
# define CS4236_LEFT_MIC 0x28 /* left MIC volume */
# define CS4236_RIGHT_MIC 0x38 /* right MIC volume */
# define CS4236_LEFT_MIX_CTRL 0x48 /* synthesis and left input mixer control */
# define CS4236_RIGHT_MIX_CTRL 0x58 /* right input mixer control */
# define CS4236_LEFT_FM 0x68 /* left FM volume */
# define CS4236_RIGHT_FM 0x78 /* right FM volume */
# define CS4236_LEFT_DSP 0x88 /* left DSP serial port volume */
# define CS4236_RIGHT_DSP 0x98 /* right DSP serial port volume */
# define CS4236_RIGHT_LOOPBACK 0xa8 /* right loopback monitor volume */
# define CS4236_DAC_MUTE 0xb8 /* DAC mute and IFSE enable */
# define CS4236_ADC_RATE 0xc8 /* indenpendent ADC sample frequency */
# define CS4236_DAC_RATE 0xd8 /* indenpendent DAC sample frequency */
# define CS4236_LEFT_MASTER 0xe8 /* left master digital audio volume */
# define CS4236_RIGHT_MASTER 0xf8 /* right master digital audio volume */
# define CS4236_LEFT_WAVE 0x0c /* left wavetable serial port volume */
# define CS4236_RIGHT_WAVE 0x1c /* right wavetable serial port volume */
# define CS4236_VERSION 0x9c /* chip version and ID */
/* defines for codec.mode */
# define CS4231_MODE_NONE 0x0000
# define CS4231_MODE_PLAY 0x0001
# define CS4231_MODE_RECORD 0x0002
# define CS4231_MODE_TIMER 0x0004
/* defines for codec.hardware */
# define CS4231_HW_DETECT 0x0000 /* let CS4231 driver detect chip */
# define CS4231_HW_DETECT3 0x0001 /* allow mode 3 */
# define CS4231_HW_TYPE_MASK 0xff00 /* type mask */
# define CS4231_HW_CS4231_MASK 0x0100 /* CS4231 serie */
# define CS4231_HW_CS4231 0x0100 /* CS4231 chip */
# define CS4231_HW_CS4231A 0x0101 /* CS4231A chip */
# define CS4231_HW_AD1845 0x0102 /* AD1845 chip */
# define CS4231_HW_CS4232_MASK 0x0200 /* CS4232 serie (has control ports) */
# define CS4231_HW_CS4232 0x0200 /* CS4232 */
# define CS4231_HW_CS4232A 0x0201 /* CS4232A */
# define CS4231_HW_CS4236 0x0202 /* CS4236 */
# define CS4231_HW_CS4236B_MASK 0x0400 /* CS4236B serie (has extended control regs) */
# define CS4231_HW_CS4235 0x0400 /* CS4235 - Crystal Clear (tm) stereo enhancement */
# define CS4231_HW_CS4236B 0x0401 /* CS4236B */
# define CS4231_HW_CS4237B 0x0402 /* CS4237B - SRS 3D */
# define CS4231_HW_CS4238B 0x0403 /* CS4238B - QSOUND 3D */
# define CS4231_HW_CS4239 0x0404 /* CS4239 - Crystal Clear (tm) stereo enhancement */
/* compatible, but clones */
# define CS4231_HW_INTERWAVE 0x1000 /* InterWave chip */
# define CS4231_HW_OPL3SA2 0x1001 /* OPL3-SA2 chip */
/* defines for codec.hwshare */
# define CS4231_HWSHARE_IRQ (1<<0)
# define CS4231_HWSHARE_DMA1 (1<<1)
# define CS4231_HWSHARE_DMA2 (1<<2)
2005-11-17 16:30:42 +03:00
struct snd_cs4231 {
2005-04-17 02:20:36 +04:00
unsigned long port ; /* base i/o port */
struct resource * res_port ;
unsigned long cport ; /* control base i/o port (CS4236) */
struct resource * res_cport ;
int irq ; /* IRQ line */
int dma1 ; /* playback DMA */
int dma2 ; /* record DMA */
unsigned short version ; /* version of CODEC chip */
unsigned short mode ; /* see to CS4231_MODE_XXXX */
unsigned short hardware ; /* see to CS4231_HW_XXXX */
unsigned short hwshare ; /* shared resources */
unsigned short single_dma : 1 , /* forced single DMA mode (GUS 16-bit daughter board) or dma1 == dma2 */
ebus_flag : 1 ; /* SPARC: EBUS present */
2005-11-17 16:30:42 +03:00
struct snd_card * card ;
struct snd_pcm * pcm ;
struct snd_pcm_substream * playback_substream ;
struct snd_pcm_substream * capture_substream ;
struct snd_timer * timer ;
2005-04-17 02:20:36 +04:00
unsigned char image [ 32 ] ; /* registers image */
unsigned char eimage [ 32 ] ; /* extended registers image */
unsigned char cimage [ 16 ] ; /* control registers image */
int mce_bit ;
int calibrate_mute ;
int sw_3d_bit ;
unsigned int p_dma_size ;
unsigned int c_dma_size ;
spinlock_t reg_lock ;
2006-01-16 18:33:08 +03:00
struct mutex mce_mutex ;
struct mutex open_mutex ;
2005-04-17 02:20:36 +04:00
2005-11-17 16:30:42 +03:00
int ( * rate_constraint ) ( struct snd_pcm_runtime * runtime ) ;
void ( * set_playback_format ) ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip , struct snd_pcm_hw_params * hw_params , unsigned char pdfr ) ;
void ( * set_capture_format ) ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip , struct snd_pcm_hw_params * hw_params , unsigned char cdfr ) ;
void ( * trigger ) ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip , unsigned int what , int start ) ;
2005-04-17 02:20:36 +04:00
# ifdef CONFIG_PM
2005-11-17 16:30:42 +03:00
void ( * suspend ) ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip ) ;
void ( * resume ) ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip ) ;
2005-04-17 02:20:36 +04:00
# endif
void * dma_private_data ;
2005-11-17 16:30:42 +03:00
int ( * claim_dma ) ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip , void * dma_private_data , int dma ) ;
int ( * release_dma ) ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip , void * dma_private_data , int dma ) ;
2005-04-17 02:20:36 +04:00
} ;
/* exported functions */
2005-11-17 16:30:42 +03:00
void snd_cs4231_out ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip , unsigned char reg , unsigned char val ) ;
unsigned char snd_cs4231_in ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip , unsigned char reg ) ;
void snd_cs4236_ext_out ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip , unsigned char reg , unsigned char val ) ;
unsigned char snd_cs4236_ext_in ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip , unsigned char reg ) ;
void snd_cs4231_mce_up ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip ) ;
void snd_cs4231_mce_down ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip ) ;
2005-04-17 02:20:36 +04:00
irqreturn_t snd_cs4231_interrupt ( int irq , void * dev_id , struct pt_regs * regs ) ;
2005-11-17 16:30:42 +03:00
const char * snd_cs4231_chip_id ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip ) ;
2005-04-17 02:20:36 +04:00
2005-11-17 16:30:42 +03:00
int snd_cs4231_create ( struct snd_card * card ,
2005-04-17 02:20:36 +04:00
unsigned long port ,
unsigned long cport ,
int irq , int dma1 , int dma2 ,
unsigned short hardware ,
unsigned short hwshare ,
2005-11-17 16:30:42 +03:00
struct snd_cs4231 * * rchip ) ;
int snd_cs4231_pcm ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip , int device , struct snd_pcm * * rpcm ) ;
int snd_cs4231_timer ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip , int device , struct snd_timer * * rtimer ) ;
int snd_cs4231_mixer ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip ) ;
2005-04-17 02:20:36 +04:00
2005-11-17 16:30:42 +03:00
int snd_cs4236_create ( struct snd_card * card ,
2005-04-17 02:20:36 +04:00
unsigned long port ,
unsigned long cport ,
int irq , int dma1 , int dma2 ,
unsigned short hardware ,
unsigned short hwshare ,
2005-11-17 16:30:42 +03:00
struct snd_cs4231 * * rchip ) ;
int snd_cs4236_pcm ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip , int device , struct snd_pcm * * rpcm ) ;
int snd_cs4236_mixer ( struct snd_cs4231 * chip ) ;
2005-04-17 02:20:36 +04:00
* mixer library
# define CS4231_SINGLE(xname, xindex, reg, shift, mask, invert) \
{ . iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER , . name = xname , . index = xindex , \
. info = snd_cs4231_info_single , \
. get = snd_cs4231_get_single , . put = snd_cs4231_put_single , \
. private_value = reg | ( shift < < 8 ) | ( mask < < 16 ) | ( invert < < 24 ) }
2005-11-17 16:30:42 +03:00
int snd_cs4231_info_single ( struct snd_kcontrol * kcontrol , struct snd_ctl_elem_info * uinfo ) ;
int snd_cs4231_get_single ( struct snd_kcontrol * kcontrol , struct snd_ctl_elem_value * ucontrol ) ;
int snd_cs4231_put_single ( struct snd_kcontrol * kcontrol , struct snd_ctl_elem_value * ucontrol ) ;
2005-04-17 02:20:36 +04:00
# define CS4231_DOUBLE(xname, xindex, left_reg, right_reg, shift_left, shift_right, mask, invert) \
{ . iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER , . name = xname , . index = xindex , \
. info = snd_cs4231_info_double , \
. get = snd_cs4231_get_double , . put = snd_cs4231_put_double , \
. private_value = left_reg | ( right_reg < < 8 ) | ( shift_left < < 16 ) | ( shift_right < < 19 ) | ( mask < < 24 ) | ( invert < < 22 ) }
2005-11-17 16:30:42 +03:00
int snd_cs4231_info_double ( struct snd_kcontrol * kcontrol , struct snd_ctl_elem_info * uinfo ) ;
int snd_cs4231_get_double ( struct snd_kcontrol * kcontrol , struct snd_ctl_elem_value * ucontrol ) ;
int snd_cs4231_put_double ( struct snd_kcontrol * kcontrol , struct snd_ctl_elem_value * ucontrol ) ;
2005-04-17 02:20:36 +04:00
# endif /* __SOUND_CS4231_H */