2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
# define AUTOSENSE
# define PSEUDO_DMA
# define DONT_USE_INTR
# define UNSAFE /* Leave interrupts enabled during pseudo-dma I/O */
* DTC 3180 / 3280 driver , by
* Ray Van Tassle rayvt @ comm . mot . com
* taken from . . .
* Trantor T128 / T128F / T228 driver by . . .
* Drew Eckhardt
* Visionary Computing
* ( Unix and Linux consulting and custom programming )
* drew @ colorado . edu
* + 1 ( 303 ) 440 - 4894
* For more information , please consult
* NCR 5380 Family
* SCSI Protocol Controller
* Databook
* Options :
* AUTOSENSE - if defined , REQUEST SENSE will be performed automatically
* for commands that return with a CHECK CONDITION status .
* PSEUDO_DMA - enables PSEUDO - DMA hardware , should give a 3 - 4 X performance
* increase compared to polled I / O .
* PARITY - enable parity checking . Not supported .
* UNSAFE - leave interrupts enabled during pseudo - DMA transfers .
* You probably want this .
* The card is detected and initialized in one of several ways :
* 1. Autoprobe ( default ) - since the board is memory mapped ,
* a BIOS signature is scanned for to locate the registers .
* An interrupt is triggered to autoprobe for the interrupt
* line .
* 2. With command line overrides - dtc = address , irq may be
* used on the LILO command line to override the defaults .
/* the following will set the monitor border color (useful to find
where something crashed or gets stuck at */
/* 1 = blue
2 = green
3 = cyan
4 = red
5 = magenta
6 = yellow
7 = white
#if 0
# define rtrc(i) {inb(0x3da); outb(0x31, 0x3c0); outb((i), 0x3c0);}
# else
# define rtrc(i) {}
# endif
# include <asm/system.h>
# include <linux/module.h>
# include <linux/signal.h>
# include <linux/sched.h>
# include <linux/blkdev.h>
# include <linux/delay.h>
# include <linux/stat.h>
# include <linux/string.h>
# include <linux/init.h>
# include <linux/interrupt.h>
# include <asm/io.h>
# include "scsi.h"
# include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
# include "dtc.h"
# include "NCR5380.h"
* The DTC3180 & 3280 boards are memory mapped .
/* Offset from DTC_5380_OFFSET */
# define DTC_CONTROL_REG 0x100 /* rw */
# define D_CR_ACCESS 0x80 /* ro set=can access 3280 registers */
# define CSR_DIR_READ 0x40 /* rw direction, 1 = read 0 = write */
# define CSR_RESET 0x80 /* wo Resets 53c400 */
# define CSR_5380_REG 0x80 /* ro 5380 registers can be accessed */
# define CSR_TRANS_DIR 0x40 /* rw Data transfer direction */
# define CSR_SCSI_BUFF_INTR 0x20 /* rw Enable int on transfer ready */
# define CSR_5380_INTR 0x10 /* rw Enable 5380 interrupts */
# define CSR_SHARED_INTR 0x08 /* rw Interrupt sharing */
# define CSR_HOST_BUF_NOT_RDY 0x04 /* ro Host buffer not ready */
# define CSR_SCSI_BUF_RDY 0x02 /* ro SCSI buffer ready */
# define CSR_GATED_5380_IRQ 0x01 /* ro Last block xferred */
# define DTC_BLK_CNT 0x101 / * rw
* # of 128 - byte blocks to transfer */
# define D_CR_ACCESS 0x80 /* ro set=can access 3280 registers */
# define DTC_SWITCH_REG 0x3982 /* ro - DIP switches */
# define DTC_RESUME_XFER 0x3982 / * wo - resume data xfer
* after disconnect / reconnect */
# define DTC_5380_OFFSET 0x3880 /* 8 registers here, see NCR5380.h */
/*!!!! for dtc, it's a 128 byte buffer at 3900 !!! */
# define DTC_DATA_BUF 0x3900 /* rw 128 bytes long */
static struct override {
unsigned int address ;
int irq ;
} overrides
# ifdef OVERRIDE
[ ] __initdata = OVERRIDE ;
# else
[ 4 ] __initdata = { {
0 , IRQ_AUTO } , {
0 , IRQ_AUTO } , {
0 , IRQ_AUTO } , {
0 , IRQ_AUTO } } ;
# endif
# define NO_OVERRIDES (sizeof(overrides) / sizeof(struct override))
static struct base {
unsigned long address ;
int noauto ;
} bases [ ] __initdata = {
{ 0xcc000 , 0 } ,
{ 0xc8000 , 0 } ,
{ 0xdc000 , 0 } ,
{ 0xd8000 , 0 }
} ;
# define NO_BASES (sizeof (bases) / sizeof (struct base))
static const struct signature {
const char * string ;
int offset ;
} signatures [ ] = {
} ;
# define NO_SIGNATURES (sizeof (signatures) / sizeof (struct signature))
# ifndef MODULE
* Function : dtc_setup ( char * str , int * ints )
* Purpose : LILO command line initialization of the overrides array ,
* Inputs : str - unused , ints - array of integer parameters with ints [ 0 ]
* equal to the number of ints .
static void __init dtc_setup ( char * str , int * ints )
static int commandline_current = 0 ;
int i ;
if ( ints [ 0 ] ! = 2 )
printk ( " dtc_setup: usage dtc=address,irq \n " ) ;
else if ( commandline_current < NO_OVERRIDES ) {
overrides [ commandline_current ] . address = ints [ 1 ] ;
overrides [ commandline_current ] . irq = ints [ 2 ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < NO_BASES ; + + i )
if ( bases [ i ] . address = = ints [ 1 ] ) {
bases [ i ] . noauto = 1 ;
break ;
+ + commandline_current ;
# endif
2005-10-31 18:31:40 +01:00
* Function : int dtc_detect ( struct scsi_host_template * tpnt )
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* Purpose : detects and initializes DTC 3180 / 3280 controllers
* that were autoprobed , overridden on the LILO command line ,
* or specified at compile time .
* Inputs : tpnt - template for this SCSI adapter .
* Returns : 1 if a host adapter was found , 0 if not .
2005-10-31 18:31:40 +01:00
static int __init dtc_detect ( struct scsi_host_template * tpnt )
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
static int current_override = 0 , current_base = 0 ;
struct Scsi_Host * instance ;
unsigned int addr ;
void __iomem * base ;
int sig , count ;
tpnt - > proc_name = " dtc3x80 " ;
tpnt - > proc_info = & dtc_proc_info ;
for ( count = 0 ; current_override < NO_OVERRIDES ; + + current_override ) {
addr = 0 ;
base = NULL ;
if ( overrides [ current_override ] . address ) {
addr = overrides [ current_override ] . address ;
base = ioremap ( addr , 0x2000 ) ;
if ( ! base )
addr = 0 ;
} else
for ( ; ! addr & & ( current_base < NO_BASES ) ; + + current_base ) {
printk ( " scsi-dtc : probing address %08x \n " , bases [ current_base ] . address ) ;
# endif
if ( bases [ current_base ] . noauto )
continue ;
base = ioremap ( bases [ current_base ] . address , 0x2000 ) ;
if ( ! base )
continue ;
for ( sig = 0 ; sig < NO_SIGNATURES ; + + sig ) {
if ( check_signature ( base + signatures [ sig ] . offset , signatures [ sig ] . string , strlen ( signatures [ sig ] . string ) ) ) {
addr = bases [ current_base ] . address ;
printk ( " scsi-dtc : detected board. \n " ) ;
# endif
goto found ;
iounmap ( base ) ;
printk ( " scsi-dtc : base = %08x \n " , addr ) ;
# endif
if ( ! addr )
break ;
found :
instance = scsi_register ( tpnt , sizeof ( struct NCR5380_hostdata ) ) ;
if ( instance = = NULL )
break ;
instance - > base = addr ;
( ( struct NCR5380_hostdata * ) ( instance ) - > hostdata ) - > base = base ;
NCR5380_init ( instance , 0 ) ;
NCR5380_write ( DTC_CONTROL_REG , CSR_5380_INTR ) ; /* Enable int's */
if ( overrides [ current_override ] . irq ! = IRQ_AUTO )
instance - > irq = overrides [ current_override ] . irq ;
instance - > irq = NCR5380_probe_irq ( instance , DTC_IRQS ) ;
# ifndef DONT_USE_INTR
/* With interrupts enabled, it will sometimes hang when doing heavy
* reads . So better not enable them until I finger it out . */
if ( instance - > irq ! = SCSI_IRQ_NONE )
if ( request_irq ( instance - > irq , dtc_intr , SA_INTERRUPT , " dtc " , instance ) ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " scsi%d : IRQ%d not free, interrupts disabled \n " , instance - > host_no , instance - > irq ) ;
instance - > irq = SCSI_IRQ_NONE ;
if ( instance - > irq = = SCSI_IRQ_NONE ) {
printk ( KERN_WARNING " scsi%d : interrupts not enabled. for better interactive performance, \n " , instance - > host_no ) ;
printk ( KERN_WARNING " scsi%d : please jumper the board for a free IRQ. \n " , instance - > host_no ) ;
# else
if ( instance - > irq ! = SCSI_IRQ_NONE )
printk ( KERN_WARNING " scsi%d : interrupts not used. Might as well not jumper it. \n " , instance - > host_no ) ;
instance - > irq = SCSI_IRQ_NONE ;
# endif
printk ( " scsi%d : irq = %d \n " , instance - > host_no , instance - > irq ) ;
# endif
printk ( KERN_INFO " scsi%d : at 0x%05X " , instance - > host_no , ( int ) instance - > base ) ;
if ( instance - > irq = = SCSI_IRQ_NONE )
printk ( " interrupts disabled " ) ;
printk ( " irq %d " , instance - > irq ) ;
printk ( " options CAN_QUEUE=%d CMD_PER_LUN=%d release=%d " , CAN_QUEUE , CMD_PER_LUN , DTC_PUBLIC_RELEASE ) ;
NCR5380_print_options ( instance ) ;
printk ( " \n " ) ;
+ + current_override ;
+ + count ;
return count ;
* Function : int dtc_biosparam ( Disk * disk , struct block_device * dev , int * ip )
* Purpose : Generates a BIOS / DOS compatible H - C - S mapping for
* the specified device / size .
* Inputs : size = size of device in sectors ( 512 bytes ) , dev = block device
* major / minor , ip [ ] = { heads , sectors , cylinders }
* Returns : always 0 ( success ) , initializes ip
* XXX Most SCSI boards use this mapping , I could be incorrect . Some one
* using hard disks on a trantor should verify that this mapping corresponds
* to that used by the BIOS / ASPI driver by running the linux fdisk program
* and matching the H_C_S coordinates to what DOS uses .
static int dtc_biosparam ( struct scsi_device * sdev , struct block_device * dev ,
sector_t capacity , int * ip )
int size = capacity ;
ip [ 0 ] = 64 ;
ip [ 1 ] = 32 ;
ip [ 2 ] = size > > 11 ;
return 0 ;
* Function : int NCR5380_pread ( struct Scsi_Host * instance ,
* unsigned char * dst , int len )
* Purpose : Fast 5380 pseudo - dma read function , reads len bytes to
* dst
* Inputs : dst = destination , len = length in bytes
* Returns : 0 on success , non zero on a failure such as a watchdog
* timeout .
static int dtc_maxi = 0 ;
static int dtc_wmaxi = 0 ;
static inline int NCR5380_pread ( struct Scsi_Host * instance , unsigned char * dst , int len )
unsigned char * d = dst ;
int i ; /* For counting time spent in the poll-loop */
NCR5380_local_declare ( ) ;
NCR5380_setup ( instance ) ;
i = 0 ;
if ( instance - > irq = = SCSI_IRQ_NONE )
NCR5380_write ( DTC_BLK_CNT , len > > 7 ) ; /* Block count */
rtrc ( 1 ) ;
while ( len > 0 ) {
rtrc ( 2 ) ;
while ( NCR5380_read ( DTC_CONTROL_REG ) & CSR_HOST_BUF_NOT_RDY )
+ + i ;
rtrc ( 3 ) ;
memcpy_fromio ( d , base + DTC_DATA_BUF , 128 ) ;
d + = 128 ;
len - = 128 ;
rtrc ( 7 ) ;
/*** with int's on, it sometimes hangs after here.
* Looks like something makes HBNR go away . */
rtrc ( 4 ) ;
while ( ! ( NCR5380_read ( DTC_CONTROL_REG ) & D_CR_ACCESS ) )
+ + i ;
NCR5380_write ( MODE_REG , 0 ) ; /* Clear the operating mode */
rtrc ( 0 ) ;
if ( i > dtc_maxi )
dtc_maxi = i ;
return ( 0 ) ;
* Function : int NCR5380_pwrite ( struct Scsi_Host * instance ,
* unsigned char * src , int len )
* Purpose : Fast 5380 pseudo - dma write function , transfers len bytes from
* src
* Inputs : src = source , len = length in bytes
* Returns : 0 on success , non zero on a failure such as a watchdog
* timeout .
static inline int NCR5380_pwrite ( struct Scsi_Host * instance , unsigned char * src , int len )
int i ;
NCR5380_local_declare ( ) ;
NCR5380_setup ( instance ) ;
/* set direction (write) */
if ( instance - > irq = = SCSI_IRQ_NONE )
NCR5380_write ( DTC_CONTROL_REG , 0 ) ;
NCR5380_write ( DTC_CONTROL_REG , CSR_5380_INTR ) ;
NCR5380_write ( DTC_BLK_CNT , len > > 7 ) ; /* Block count */
for ( i = 0 ; len > 0 ; + + i ) {
rtrc ( 5 ) ;
/* Poll until the host buffer can accept data. */
while ( NCR5380_read ( DTC_CONTROL_REG ) & CSR_HOST_BUF_NOT_RDY )
+ + i ;
rtrc ( 3 ) ;
memcpy_toio ( base + DTC_DATA_BUF , src , 128 ) ;
src + = 128 ;
len - = 128 ;
rtrc ( 4 ) ;
while ( ! ( NCR5380_read ( DTC_CONTROL_REG ) & D_CR_ACCESS ) )
+ + i ;
rtrc ( 6 ) ;
/* Wait until the last byte has been sent to the disk */
while ( ! ( NCR5380_read ( TARGET_COMMAND_REG ) & TCR_LAST_BYTE_SENT ) )
+ + i ;
rtrc ( 7 ) ;
/* Check for parity error here. fixme. */
NCR5380_write ( MODE_REG , 0 ) ; /* Clear the operating mode */
rtrc ( 0 ) ;
if ( i > dtc_wmaxi )
dtc_wmaxi = i ;
return ( 0 ) ;
# include "NCR5380.c"
static int dtc_release ( struct Scsi_Host * shost )
NCR5380_local_declare ( ) ;
NCR5380_setup ( shost ) ;
if ( shost - > irq )
free_irq ( shost - > irq , NULL ) ;
NCR5380_exit ( shost ) ;
if ( shost - > io_port & & shost - > n_io_port )
release_region ( shost - > io_port , shost - > n_io_port ) ;
scsi_unregister ( shost ) ;
iounmap ( base ) ;
return 0 ;
2005-10-31 18:31:40 +01:00
static struct scsi_host_template driver_template = {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
. name = " DTC 3180/3280 " ,
. detect = dtc_detect ,
. release = dtc_release ,
. queuecommand = dtc_queue_command ,
. eh_abort_handler = dtc_abort ,
. eh_bus_reset_handler = dtc_bus_reset ,
. bios_param = dtc_biosparam ,
. can_queue = CAN_QUEUE ,
. this_id = 7 ,
. sg_tablesize = SG_ALL ,
. cmd_per_lun = CMD_PER_LUN ,
. use_clustering = DISABLE_CLUSTERING ,
} ;
# include "scsi_module.c"