2019-06-04 10:11:33 +02:00
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
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* linux/ a r c h / a r m / l i b / c o p y _ t e m p l a t e . s
* Code t e m p l a t e f o r o p t i m i z e d m e m o r y c o p y f u n c t i o n s
* Author : Nicolas P i t r e
* Created : Sep 2 8 , 2 0 0 5
* Copyright : MontaVista S o f t w a r e , I n c .
* /
/ *
* Theory o f o p e r a t i o n
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* This f i l e p r o v i d e s t h e c o r e c o d e f o r a f o r w a r d m e m o r y c o p y u s e d i n
* the i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f m e m c o p y ( ) , c o p y _ t o _ u s e r ( ) a n d c o p y _ f r o m _ u s e r ( ) .
* The i n c l u d i n g f i l e m u s t d e f i n e t h e f o l l o w i n g a c c e s s o r m a c r o s
* according t o t h e n e e d o f t h e g i v e n f u n c t i o n :
* ldr1 w p t r r e g a b o r t
* This l o a d s o n e w o r d f r o m ' p t r ' , s t o r e s i t i n ' r e g ' a n d i n c r e m e n t s
* ' ptr' t o t h e n e x t w o r d . T h e ' a b o r t ' a r g u m e n t i s u s e d f o r f i x u p t a b l e s .
* ldr4 w p t r r e g 1 r e g 2 r e g 3 r e g 4 a b o r t
* ldr8 w p t r , r e g 1 r e g 2 r e g 3 r e g 4 r e g 5 r e g 6 r e g 7 r e g 8 a b o r t
* This l o a d s f o u r o r e i g h t w o r d s s t a r t i n g f r o m ' p t r ' , s t o r e s t h e m
* in p r o v i d e d r e g i s t e r s a n d i n c r e m e n t s ' p t r ' p a s t t h o s e w o r d s .
* The' a b o r t ' a r g u m e n t i s u s e d f o r f i x u p t a b l e s .
* ldr1 b p t r r e g c o n d a b o r t
* Similar t o l d r1 w , b u t i t l o a d s a b y t e a n d i n c r e m e n t s ' p t r ' o n e b y t e .
* It a l s o m u s t a p p l y t h e c o n d i t i o n c o d e i f p r o v i d e d , o t h e r w i s e t h e
* " al" c o n d i t i o n i s a s s u m e d b y d e f a u l t .
* str1 w p t r r e g a b o r t
* str8 w p t r r e g 1 r e g 2 r e g 3 r e g 4 r e g 5 r e g 6 r e g 7 r e g 8 a b o r t
* str1 b p t r r e g c o n d a b o r t
* Same a s t h e i r l d r * c o u n t e r p a r t s , b u t d a t a i s s t o r e d t o ' p t r ' l o c a t i o n
* rather t h a n b e i n g l o a d e d .
* enter r e g 1 r e g 2
* Preserve t h e p r o v i d e d r e g i s t e r s o n t h e s t a c k p l u s a n y a d d i t i o n a l
* data a s n e e d e d b y t h e i m p l e m e n t a t i o n i n c l u d i n g t h i s c o d e . C a l l e d
* upon c o d e e n t r y .
2014-11-26 14:38:33 +01:00
* usave r e g 1 r e g 2
* Unwind a n n o t a t i o n m a c r o i s c o r r e s p o n d i n g f o r ' e n t e r ' m a c r o .
* It t e l l u n w i n d e r t h a t p r e s e r v e d s o m e p r o v i d e d r e g i s t e r s o n t h e s t a c k
* and a d d i t i o n a l d a t a b y a p r i o r ' e n t e r ' m a c r o .
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
* exit r e g 1 r e g 2
* Restore r e g i s t e r s w i t h t h e v a l u e s p r e v i o u s l y s a v e d w i t h t h e
* ' preserv' m a c r o . C a l l e d u p o n c o d e t e r m i n a t i o n .
2009-07-24 12:32:57 +01:00
* LDR1 W _ S H I F T
* STR1 W _ S H I F T
* Correction t o b e a p p l i e d t o t h e " i p " r e g i s t e r w h e n b r a n c h i n g i n t o
* the l d r1 w o r s t r1 w i n s t r u c t i o n s ( s o m e o f t h e s e m a c r o s m a y e x p a n d t o
* than o n e 3 2 b i t i n s t r u c t i o n i n T h u m b - 2 )
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
* /
2014-11-26 14:38:33 +01:00
UNWIND( . f n s t a r t )
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
enter r4 , U N W I N D ( f p r e g ,) l r
UNWIND( . s e t f p f p r e g , s p )
UNWIND( m o v f p r e g , s p )
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
subs r2 , r2 , #4
blt 8 f
ands i p , r0 , #3
PLD( p l d [ r1 , #0 ] )
bne 9 f
ands i p , r1 , #3
bne 1 0 f
1 : subs r2 , r2 , #( 28 )
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
stmfd s p ! , { r5 , r6 , r8 , r9 }
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
blt 5 f
2008-03-31 12:38:31 -04:00
CALGN( a n d s i p , r0 , #31 )
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
CALGN( r s b r3 , i p , #32 )
2019-02-18 00:57:38 +01:00
CALGN( s b c s n e r4 , r3 , r2 ) @ C is always set here
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
CALGN( b c s 2 f )
CALGN( a d r r4 , 6 f )
CALGN( s u b s r2 , r2 , r3 ) @ C gets set
CALGN( a d d p c , r4 , i p )
PLD( p l d [ r1 , #0 ] )
2 : PLD( s u b s r2 , r2 , #96 )
PLD( p l d [ r1 , #28 ] )
PLD( b l t 4 f )
PLD( p l d [ r1 , #60 ] )
PLD( p l d [ r1 , #92 ] )
3 : PLD( p l d [ r1 , #124 ] )
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
4 : ldr8 w r1 , r3 , r4 , r5 , r6 , r8 , r9 , i p , l r , a b o r t =20f
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
subs r2 , r2 , #32
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
str8 w r0 , r3 , r4 , r5 , r6 , r8 , r9 , i p , l r , a b o r t =20f
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
bge 3 b
PLD( c m n r2 , #96 )
PLD( b g e 4 b )
5 : ands i p , r2 , #28
rsb i p , i p , #32
2009-07-24 12:32:57 +01:00
# if L D R 1 W _ S H I F T > 0
lsl i p , i p , #L D R 1 W _ S H I F T
# endif
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
addne p c , p c , i p @ C is always clear here
b 7 f
2009-07-24 12:32:57 +01:00
6 :
.rept ( 1 < < LDR1 W _ S H I F T )
W( n o p )
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
ldr1 w r1 , r3 , a b o r t =20f
ldr1 w r1 , r4 , a b o r t =20f
ldr1 w r1 , r5 , a b o r t =20f
ldr1 w r1 , r6 , a b o r t =20f
ldr1 w r1 , r8 , a b o r t =20f
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
ldr1 w r1 , r9 , a b o r t =20f
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
ldr1 w r1 , l r , a b o r t =20f
2009-07-24 12:32:57 +01:00
# if L D R 1 W _ S H I F T < S T R 1 W _ S H I F T
lsl i p , i p , #S T R 1 W _ S H I F T - L D R 1 W _ S H I F T
# elif L D R 1 W _ S H I F T > S T R 1 W _ S H I F T
lsr i p , i p , #L D R 1 W _ S H I F T - S T R 1 W _ S H I F T
# endif
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
add p c , p c , i p
2009-07-24 12:32:57 +01:00
.rept ( 1 < < STR1 W _ S H I F T )
W( n o p )
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
str1 w r0 , r3 , a b o r t =20f
str1 w r0 , r4 , a b o r t =20f
str1 w r0 , r5 , a b o r t =20f
str1 w r0 , r6 , a b o r t =20f
str1 w r0 , r8 , a b o r t =20f
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
str1 w r0 , r9 , a b o r t =20f
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
str1 w r0 , l r , a b o r t =20f
CALGN( b c s 2 b )
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
7 : ldmfd s p ! , { r5 , r6 , r8 , r9 }
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
8 : movs r2 , r2 , l s l #31
ldr1 b r1 , r3 , n e , a b o r t =21f
ldr1 b r1 , r4 , c s , a b o r t =21f
ldr1 b r1 , i p , c s , a b o r t =21f
str1 b r0 , r3 , n e , a b o r t =21f
str1 b r0 , r4 , c s , a b o r t =21f
str1 b r0 , i p , c s , a b o r t =21f
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
exit r4 , U N W I N D ( f p r e g ,) p c
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
9 : rsb i p , i p , #4
cmp i p , #2
ldr1 b r1 , r3 , g t , a b o r t =21f
ldr1 b r1 , r4 , g e , a b o r t =21f
ldr1 b r1 , l r , a b o r t =21f
str1 b r0 , r3 , g t , a b o r t =21f
str1 b r0 , r4 , g e , a b o r t =21f
subs r2 , r2 , i p
str1 b r0 , l r , a b o r t =21f
blt 8 b
ands i p , r1 , #3
beq 1 b
10 : bic r1 , r1 , #3
cmp i p , #2
ldr1 w r1 , l r , a b o r t =21f
beq 1 7 f
bgt 1 8 f
.macro forward_copy_shift pull p u s h
subs r2 , r2 , #28
blt 1 4 f
2008-03-31 12:38:31 -04:00
CALGN( a n d s i p , r0 , #31 )
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
CALGN( r s b i p , i p , #32 )
2019-02-18 00:57:38 +01:00
CALGN( s b c s n e r4 , i p , r2 ) @ C is always set here
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
CALGN( s u b c c r2 , r2 , i p )
CALGN( b c c 1 5 f )
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
11 : stmfd s p ! , { r5 , r6 , r8 - r10 }
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
PLD( p l d [ r1 , #0 ] )
PLD( s u b s r2 , r2 , #96 )
PLD( p l d [ r1 , #28 ] )
PLD( b l t 1 3 f )
PLD( p l d [ r1 , #60 ] )
PLD( p l d [ r1 , #92 ] )
12 : PLD( p l d [ r1 , #124 ] )
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
13 : ldr4 w r1 , r4 , r5 , r6 , r8 , a b o r t =19f
2014-02-25 08:41:09 +01:00
mov r3 , l r , l s p u l l #\ p u l l
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
subs r2 , r2 , #32
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
ldr4 w r1 , r9 , r10 , i p , l r , a b o r t =19f
2014-02-25 08:41:09 +01:00
orr r3 , r3 , r4 , l s p u s h #\ p u s h
mov r4 , r4 , l s p u l l #\ p u l l
orr r4 , r4 , r5 , l s p u s h #\ p u s h
mov r5 , r5 , l s p u l l #\ p u l l
orr r5 , r5 , r6 , l s p u s h #\ p u s h
mov r6 , r6 , l s p u l l #\ p u l l
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
orr r6 , r6 , r8 , l s p u s h #\ p u s h
2014-02-25 08:41:09 +01:00
mov r8 , r8 , l s p u l l #\ p u l l
orr r8 , r8 , r9 , l s p u s h #\ p u s h
mov r9 , r9 , l s p u l l #\ p u l l
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
orr r9 , r9 , r10 , l s p u s h #\ p u s h
mov r10 , r10 , l s p u l l #\ p u l l
orr r10 , r10 , i p , l s p u s h #\ p u s h
2014-02-25 08:41:09 +01:00
mov i p , i p , l s p u l l #\ p u l l
orr i p , i p , l r , l s p u s h #\ p u s h
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
str8 w r0 , r3 , r4 , r5 , r6 , r8 , r9 , r10 , i p , a b o r t =19f
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
bge 1 2 b
PLD( c m n r2 , #96 )
PLD( b g e 1 3 b )
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
ldmfd s p ! , { r5 , r6 , r8 - r10 }
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
14 : ands i p , r2 , #28
beq 1 6 f
2014-02-25 08:41:09 +01:00
15 : mov r3 , l r , l s p u l l #\ p u l l
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
ldr1 w r1 , l r , a b o r t =21f
subs i p , i p , #4
2014-02-25 08:41:09 +01:00
orr r3 , r3 , l r , l s p u s h #\ p u s h
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
str1 w r0 , r3 , a b o r t =21f
bgt 1 5 b
CALGN( c m p r2 , #0 )
CALGN( b g e 1 1 b )
16 : sub r1 , r1 , #( \ p u s h / 8 )
b 8 b
forward_ c o p y _ s h i f t p u l l =8 p u s h =24
17 : forward_ c o p y _ s h i f t p u l l =16 p u s h =16
18 : forward_ c o p y _ s h i f t p u l l =24 p u s h =8
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
UNWIND( . f n e n d )
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
/ *
2006-03-28 01:56:53 -08:00
* Abort p r e a m b l e a n d c o m p l e t i o n m a c r o s .
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
* If a f i x u p h a n d l e r i s r e q u i r e d t h e n t h o s e m a c r o s m u s t s u r r o u n d i t .
* It i s a s s u m e d t h a t t h e f i x u p c o d e w i l l h a n d l e t h e p r i v a t e p a r t o f
* the e x i t m a c r o .
* /
.macro copy_abort_preamble
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
19 : ldmfd s p ! , { r5 , r6 , r8 - r10 }
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
b 2 1 f
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
20 : ldmfd s p ! , { r5 , r6 , r8 , r9 }
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00
21 :
.macro copy_abort_end
ARM: memcpy: use frame pointer as unwind anchor
The memcpy template is a bit unusual in the way it manages the stack
pointer: depending on the execution path through the function, the SP
assumes different values as different subsets of the register file are
preserved and restored again. This is problematic when it comes to EHABI
unwind info, as it is not instruction accurate, and does not allow
tracking the SP value as it changes.
Commit 279f487e0b471 ("ARM: 8225/1: Add unwinding support for memory
copy functions") addressed this by carving up the function in different
chunks as far as the unwinder is concerned, and keeping a set of unwind
directives for each of them, each corresponding with the state of the
stack pointer during execution of the chunk in question. This not only
duplicates unwind info unnecessarily, but it also complicates unwinding
the stack upon overflow.
Instead, let's do what the compiler does when the SP is updated halfway
through a function, which is to use a frame pointer and emit the
appropriate unwind directives to communicate this to the unwinder.
Note that Thumb-2 uses R7 for this, while ARM uses R11 aka FP. So let's
avoid touching R7 in the body of the template, so that Thumb-2 can use
it as the frame pointer. R11 was not modified in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Keith Packard <keithpac@amazon.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Tested-by: Vladimir Murzin <vladimir.murzin@arm.com> # ARMv7M
2021-10-03 19:05:53 +02:00
ldmfd s p ! , { r4 , U N W I N D ( f p r e g ,) p c }
2005-11-01 19:52:23 +00:00