2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* Advanced Linux Sound Architecture
* InterWave FFFF Instrument Format
* Copyright ( c ) 1994 - 99 by Jaroslav Kysela < perex @ suse . cz >
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
# ifndef __SOUND_AINSTR_IW_H
# define __SOUND_AINSTR_IW_H
# ifndef __KERNEL__
# include <asm/types.h>
# include <asm/byteorder.h>
# endif
* share types ( share ID 1 )
* wave formats
# define IWFFFF_WAVE_16BIT 0x0001 /* 16-bit wave */
# define IWFFFF_WAVE_UNSIGNED 0x0002 /* unsigned wave */
# define IWFFFF_WAVE_INVERT 0x0002 /* same as unsigned wave */
# define IWFFFF_WAVE_BACKWARD 0x0004 /* backward mode (maybe used for reverb or ping-ping loop) */
# define IWFFFF_WAVE_LOOP 0x0008 /* loop mode */
# define IWFFFF_WAVE_BIDIR 0x0010 /* bidirectional mode */
# define IWFFFF_WAVE_ULAW 0x0020 /* uLaw compressed wave */
# define IWFFFF_WAVE_RAM 0x0040 /* wave is _preloaded_ in RAM (it is used for ROM simulation) */
# define IWFFFF_WAVE_ROM 0x0080 /* wave is in ROM */
# define IWFFFF_WAVE_STEREO 0x0100 /* wave is stereo */
* Wavetable definitions
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_wave {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
unsigned int share_id [ 4 ] ; /* share id - zero = no sharing */
unsigned int format ; /* wave format */
struct {
unsigned int number ; /* some other ID for this wave */
unsigned int memory ; /* begin of waveform in onboard memory */
unsigned char * ptr ; /* pointer to waveform in system memory */
} address ;
unsigned int size ; /* size of waveform in samples */
unsigned int start ; /* start offset in samples * 16 (lowest 4 bits - fraction) */
unsigned int loop_start ; /* bits loop start offset in samples * 16 (lowest 4 bits - fraction) */
unsigned int loop_end ; /* loop start offset in samples * 16 (lowest 4 bits - fraction) */
unsigned short loop_repeat ; /* loop repeat - 0 = forever */
unsigned int sample_ratio ; /* sample ratio (44100 * 1024 / rate) */
unsigned char attenuation ; /* 0 - 127 (no corresponding midi controller) */
unsigned char low_note ; /* lower frequency range for this waveform */
unsigned char high_note ; /* higher frequency range for this waveform */
unsigned char pad ;
struct iwffff_wave * next ;
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
} ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* Layer
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_lfo {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
unsigned short freq ; /* (0-2047) 0.01Hz - 21.5Hz */
signed short depth ; /* volume +- (0-255) 0.48675dB/step */
signed short sweep ; /* 0 - 950 deciseconds */
unsigned char shape ; /* see to IWFFFF_LFO_SHAPE_XXXX */
unsigned char delay ; /* 0 - 255 deciseconds */
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
} ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
# define IWFFFF_ENV_FLAG_RETRIGGER 0x0001 /* flag - retrigger */
# define IWFFFF_ENV_MODE_ONE_SHOT 0x0001 /* mode - one shot */
# define IWFFFF_ENV_MODE_SUSTAIN 0x0002 /* mode - sustain */
# define IWFFFF_ENV_MODE_NO_SUSTAIN 0x0003 /* mode - no sustain */
# define IWFFFF_ENV_INDEX_VELOCITY 0x0001 /* index - velocity */
# define IWFFFF_ENV_INDEX_FREQUENCY 0x0002 /* index - frequency */
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_env_point {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
unsigned short offset ;
unsigned short rate ;
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
} ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_env_record {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
unsigned short nattack ;
unsigned short nrelease ;
unsigned short sustain_offset ;
unsigned short sustain_rate ;
unsigned short release_rate ;
unsigned char hirange ;
unsigned char pad ;
struct iwffff_env_record * next ;
/* points are stored here */
/* count of points = nattack + nrelease */
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
} ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_env {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
unsigned char flags ;
unsigned char mode ;
unsigned char index ;
unsigned char pad ;
struct iwffff_env_record * record ;
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
} ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
# define IWFFFF_LAYER_FLAG_RETRIGGER 0x0001 /* retrigger */
# define IWFFFF_LAYER_VELOCITY_TIME 0x0000 /* velocity mode = time */
# define IWFFFF_LAYER_VELOCITY_RATE 0x0001 /* velocity mode = rate */
# define IWFFFF_LAYER_EVENT_KUP 0x0000 /* layer event - key up */
# define IWFFFF_LAYER_EVENT_KDOWN 0x0001 /* layer event - key down */
# define IWFFFF_LAYER_EVENT_RETRIG 0x0002 /* layer event - retrigger */
# define IWFFFF_LAYER_EVENT_LEGATO 0x0003 /* layer event - legato */
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_layer {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
unsigned char flags ;
unsigned char velocity_mode ;
unsigned char layer_event ;
unsigned char low_range ; /* range for layer based */
unsigned char high_range ; /* on either velocity or frequency */
unsigned char pan ; /* pan offset from CC1 (0 left - 127 right) */
unsigned char pan_freq_scale ; /* position based on frequency (0-127) */
unsigned char attenuation ; /* 0-127 (no corresponding midi controller) */
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_lfo tremolo ; /* tremolo effect */
struct iwffff_lfo vibrato ; /* vibrato effect */
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
unsigned short freq_scale ; /* 0-2048, 1024 is equal to semitone scaling */
unsigned char freq_center ; /* center for keyboard frequency scaling */
unsigned char pad ;
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_env penv ; /* pitch envelope */
struct iwffff_env venv ; /* volume envelope */
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_wave * wave ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
struct iwffff_layer * next ;
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
} ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* Instrument
# define IWFFFF_EXCLUDE_NONE 0x0000 /* exclusion mode - none */
# define IWFFFF_EXCLUDE_SINGLE 0x0001 /* exclude single - single note from the instrument group */
# define IWFFFF_EXCLUDE_MULTIPLE 0x0002 /* exclude multiple - stop only same note from this instrument */
# define IWFFFF_LAYER_NONE 0x0000 /* not layered */
# define IWFFFF_LAYER_ON 0x0001 /* layered */
# define IWFFFF_LAYER_VELOCITY 0x0002 /* layered by velocity */
# define IWFFFF_LAYER_FREQUENCY 0x0003 /* layered by frequency */
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_instrument {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
unsigned short exclusion ;
unsigned short layer_type ;
unsigned short exclusion_group ; /* 0 - none, 1-65535 */
unsigned char effect1 ; /* effect 1 */
unsigned char effect1_depth ; /* 0-127 */
unsigned char effect2 ; /* effect 2 */
unsigned char effect2_depth ; /* 0-127 */
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_layer * layer ; /* first layer */
} ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* Kernel < - > user space
* Hardware ( CPU ) independent section
* * = zero or more
* + = one or more
* iwffff_xinstrument IWFFFF_STRU_INSTR
* + iwffff_xlayer IWFFFF_STRU_LAYER
* * iwffff_xenv_record IWFFFF_STRU_ENV_RECT ( tremolo )
* * iwffff_xenv_record IWFFFF_STRU_EVN_RECT ( vibrato )
* + iwffff_xwave IWFFFF_STRU_WAVE
# define IWFFFF_STRU_WAVE __cpu_to_be32(('W'<<24)|('A'<<16)|('V'<<8)|'E')
# define IWFFFF_STRU_ENV_RECP __cpu_to_be32(('E'<<24)|('N'<<16)|('R'<<8)|'P')
# define IWFFFF_STRU_ENV_RECV __cpu_to_be32(('E'<<24)|('N'<<16)|('R'<<8)|'V')
# define IWFFFF_STRU_LAYER __cpu_to_be32(('L'<<24)|('A'<<16)|('Y'<<8)|'R')
# define IWFFFF_STRU_INSTR __cpu_to_be32(('I'<<24)|('N'<<16)|('S'<<8)|'T')
* Wavetable definitions
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_xwave {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
__u32 stype ; /* structure type */
__u32 share_id [ 4 ] ; /* share id - zero = no sharing */
__u32 format ; /* wave format */
__u32 offset ; /* offset to ROM (address) */
__u32 size ; /* size of waveform in samples */
__u32 start ; /* start offset in samples * 16 (lowest 4 bits - fraction) */
__u32 loop_start ; /* bits loop start offset in samples * 16 (lowest 4 bits - fraction) */
__u32 loop_end ; /* loop start offset in samples * 16 (lowest 4 bits - fraction) */
__u16 loop_repeat ; /* loop repeat - 0 = forever */
__u32 sample_ratio ; /* sample ratio (44100 * 1024 / rate) */
__u8 attenuation ; /* 0 - 127 (no corresponding midi controller) */
__u8 low_note ; /* lower frequency range for this waveform */
__u8 high_note ; /* higher frequency range for this waveform */
__u8 pad ;
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
} ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* Layer
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_xlfo {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
__u16 freq ; /* (0-2047) 0.01Hz - 21.5Hz */
__s16 depth ; /* volume +- (0-255) 0.48675dB/step */
__s16 sweep ; /* 0 - 950 deciseconds */
__u8 shape ; /* see to ULTRA_IW_LFO_SHAPE_XXXX */
__u8 delay ; /* 0 - 255 deciseconds */
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
} ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_xenv_point {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
__u16 offset ;
__u16 rate ;
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
} ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_xenv_record {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
__u32 stype ;
__u16 nattack ;
__u16 nrelease ;
__u16 sustain_offset ;
__u16 sustain_rate ;
__u16 release_rate ;
__u8 hirange ;
__u8 pad ;
/* points are stored here.. */
/* count of points = nattack + nrelease */
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
} ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_xenv {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
__u8 flags ;
__u8 mode ;
__u8 index ;
__u8 pad ;
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
} ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_xlayer {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
__u32 stype ;
__u8 flags ;
__u8 velocity_mode ;
__u8 layer_event ;
__u8 low_range ; /* range for layer based */
__u8 high_range ; /* on either velocity or frequency */
__u8 pan ; /* pan offset from CC1 (0 left - 127 right) */
__u8 pan_freq_scale ; /* position based on frequency (0-127) */
__u8 attenuation ; /* 0-127 (no corresponding midi controller) */
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_xlfo tremolo ; /* tremolo effect */
struct iwffff_xlfo vibrato ; /* vibrato effect */
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
__u16 freq_scale ; /* 0-2048, 1024 is equal to semitone scaling */
__u8 freq_center ; /* center for keyboard frequency scaling */
__u8 pad ;
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_xenv penv ; /* pitch envelope */
struct iwffff_xenv venv ; /* volume envelope */
} ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* Instrument
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_xinstrument {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
__u32 stype ;
__u16 exclusion ;
__u16 layer_type ;
__u16 exclusion_group ; /* 0 - none, 1-65535 */
__u8 effect1 ; /* effect 1 */
__u8 effect1_depth ; /* 0-127 */
__u8 effect2 ; /* effect 2 */
__u8 effect2_depth ; /* 0-127 */
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
} ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* ROM support
* InterWave ROMs are Little - Endian ( x86 )
# define IWFFFF_ROM_HDR_SIZE 512
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_rom_header {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
__u8 iwave [ 8 ] ;
__u8 revision ;
__u8 series_number ;
__u8 series_name [ 16 ] ;
__u8 date [ 10 ] ;
__u16 vendor_revision_major ;
__u16 vendor_revision_minor ;
__u32 rom_size ;
__u8 copyright [ 128 ] ;
__u8 vendor_name [ 64 ] ;
__u8 description [ 128 ] ;
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
} ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* Instrument info
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct iwffff_info {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
unsigned int format ; /* supported format bits */
unsigned int effects ; /* supported effects (1 << IWFFFF_EFFECT*) */
unsigned int lfos ; /* LFO effects */
unsigned int max8_len ; /* maximum 8-bit wave length */
unsigned int max16_len ; /* maximum 16-bit wave length */
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
} ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
# ifdef __KERNEL__
# include "seq_instr.h"
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct snd_iwffff_ops {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
void * private_data ;
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
int ( * info ) ( void * private_data , struct iwffff_info * info ) ;
int ( * put_sample ) ( void * private_data , struct iwffff_wave * wave ,
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
char __user * data , long len , int atomic ) ;
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
int ( * get_sample ) ( void * private_data , struct iwffff_wave * wave ,
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
char __user * data , long len , int atomic ) ;
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
int ( * remove_sample ) ( void * private_data , struct iwffff_wave * wave ,
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
int atomic ) ;
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
void ( * notify ) ( void * private_data , struct snd_seq_kinstr * instr , int what ) ;
struct snd_seq_kinstr_ops kops ;
} ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
int snd_seq_iwffff_init ( struct snd_iwffff_ops * ops ,
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
void * private_data ,
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
struct snd_seq_kinstr_ops * next ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
# endif
2005-11-17 14:04:44 +01:00
/* typedefs for compatibility to user-space */
typedef struct iwffff_xwave iwffff_xwave_t ;
typedef struct iwffff_xlfo iwffff_xlfo_t ;
typedef struct iwffff_xenv_point iwffff_xenv_point_t ;
typedef struct iwffff_xenv_record iwffff_xenv_record_t ;
typedef struct iwffff_xenv iwffff_xenv_t ;
typedef struct iwffff_xlayer iwffff_xlayer_t ;
typedef struct iwffff_xinstrument iwffff_xinstrument_t ;
typedef struct iwffff_rom_header iwffff_rom_header_t ;
typedef struct iwffff_info iwffff_info_t ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
# endif /* __SOUND_AINSTR_IW_H */