2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
Madge Ambassador ATM Adapter driver .
Copyright ( C ) 1995 - 1999 Madge Networks Ltd .
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
The GNU GPL is contained in / usr / doc / copyright / GPL on a Debian
system and in the file COPYING in the Linux kernel source .
/* * dedicated to the memory of Graham Gordon 1971-1998 * */
# include <linux/module.h>
# include <linux/types.h>
# include <linux/pci.h>
# include <linux/kernel.h>
# include <linux/init.h>
# include <linux/ioport.h>
# include <linux/atmdev.h>
# include <linux/delay.h>
# include <linux/interrupt.h>
# include <asm/atomic.h>
# include <asm/io.h>
# include <asm/byteorder.h>
# include "ambassador.h"
# define maintainer_string "Giuliano Procida at Madge Networks <gprocida@madge.com>"
# define description_string "Madge ATM Ambassador driver"
# define version_string "1.2.4"
static inline void __init show_version ( void ) {
printk ( " %s version %s \n " , description_string , version_string ) ;
Theory of Operation
I Hardware , detection , initialisation and shutdown .
1. Supported Hardware
This driver is for the PCI ATMizer - based Ambassador card ( except
very early versions ) . It is not suitable for the similar EISA " TR7 "
card . Commercially , both cards are known as Collage Server ATM
adapters .
The loader supports image transfer to the card , image start and few
other miscellaneous commands .
Only AAL5 is supported with vpi = 0 and vci in the range 0 to 1023.
The cards are big - endian .
2. Detection
Standard PCI stuff , the early cards are detected and rejected .
3. Initialisation
The cards are reset and the self - test results are checked . The
microcode image is then transferred and started . This waits for a
pointer to a descriptor containing details of the host - based queues
and buffers and various parameters etc . Once they are processed
normal operations may begin . The BIA is read using a microcode
command .
4. Shutdown
This may be accomplished either by a card reset or via the microcode
shutdown command . Further investigation required .
5. Persistent state
The card reset does not affect PCI configuration ( good ) or the
contents of several other " shared run-time registers " ( bad ) which
include doorbell and interrupt control as well as EEPROM and PCI
control . The driver must be careful when modifying these registers
not to touch bits it does not use and to undo any changes at exit .
II Driver software
0. Generalities
The adapter is quite intelligent ( fast ) and has a simple interface
( few features ) . VPI is always zero , 1024 VCIs are supported . There
is limited cell rate support . UBR channels can be capped and ABR
( explicit rate , but not EFCI ) is supported . There is no CBR or VBR
support .
1. Driver < - > Adapter Communication
Apart from the basic loader commands , the driver communicates
through three entities : the command queue ( CQ ) , the transmit queue
pair ( TXQ ) and the receive queue pairs ( RXQ ) . These three entities
are set up by the host and passed to the microcode just after it has
been started .
All queues are host - based circular queues . They are contiguous and
( due to hardware limitations ) have some restrictions as to their
locations in ( bus ) memory . They are of the " full means the same as
empty so don ' t do that " variety since the adapter uses pointers
internally .
The queue pairs work as follows : one queue is for supply to the
adapter , items in it are pending and are owned by the adapter ; the
other is the queue for return from the adapter , items in it have
been dealt with by the adapter . The host adds items to the supply
( TX descriptors and free RX buffer descriptors ) and removes items
from the return ( TX and RX completions ) . The adapter deals with out
of order completions .
Interrupts ( card to host ) and the doorbell ( host to card ) are used
for signalling .
1. CQ
This is to communicate " open VC " , " close VC " , " get stats " etc . to
the adapter . At most one command is retired every millisecond by the
card . There is no out of order completion or notification . The
driver needs to check the return code of the command , waiting as
appropriate .
2. TXQ
TX supply items are of variable length ( scatter gather support ) and
so the queue items are ( more or less ) pointers to the real thing .
Each TX supply item contains a unique , host - supplied handle ( the skb
bus address seems most sensible as this works for Alphas as well ,
there is no need to do any endian conversions on the handles ) .
TX return items consist of just the handles above .
3. RXQ ( up to 4 of these with different lengths and buffer sizes )
RX supply items consist of a unique , host - supplied handle ( the skb
bus address again ) and a pointer to the buffer data area .
RX return items consist of the handle above , the VC , length and a
status word . This just screams " oh so easy " doesn ' t it ?
Note on RX pool sizes :
Each pool should have enough buffers to handle a back - to - back stream
of minimum sized frames on a single VC . For example :
frame spacing = 3u s ( about right )
delay = IRQ lat + RX handling + RX buffer replenish = 20 ( us ) ( a guess )
min number of buffers for one VC = 1 + delay / spacing ( buffers )
delay / spacing = latency = ( 20 + 2 ) / 3 = 7 ( buffers ) ( rounding up )
The 20u s delay assumes that there is no need to sleep ; if we need to
sleep to get buffers we are going to drop frames anyway .
In fact , each pool should have enough buffers to support the
simultaneous reassembly of a separate frame on each VC and cope with
the case in which frames complete in round robin cell fashion on
each VC .
Only one frame can complete at each cell arrival , so if " n " VCs are
open , the worst case is to have them all complete frames together
followed by all starting new frames together .
desired number of buffers = n + delay / spacing
These are the extreme requirements , however , they are " n+k " for some
" k " so we have only the constant to choose . This is the argument
rx_lats which current defaults to 7.
Actually , " n ? n+k : 0 " is better and this is what is implemented ,
subject to the limit given by the pool size .
4. Driver locking
Simple spinlocks are used around the TX and RX queue mechanisms .
Anyone with a faster , working method is welcome to implement it .
The adapter command queue is protected with a spinlock . We always
wait for commands to complete .
A more complex form of locking is used around parts of the VC open
and close functions . There are three reasons for a lock : 1. we need
to do atomic rate reservation and release ( not used yet ) , 2. Opening
sometimes involves two adapter commands which must not be separated
by another command on the same VC , 3. the changes to RX pool size
must be atomic . The lock needs to work over context switches , so we
use a semaphore .
III Hardware Features and Microcode Bugs
1. Byte Ordering
* % ^ " $&%^$*&^ " $ ( % ^ $ # & ^ % $ ( & # % $ * ( & ^ # % ! " ! " ! * !
2. Memory access
All structures that are not accessed using DMA must be 4 - byte
aligned ( not a problem ) and must not cross 4 MB boundaries .
There is a DMA memory hole at E0000000 - E00000FF ( groan ) .
TX fragments ( DMA read ) must not cross 4 MB boundaries ( would be 16 MB
but for a hardware bug ) .
RX buffers ( DMA write ) must not cross 16 MB boundaries and must
include spare trailing bytes up to the next 4 - byte boundary ; they
will be written with rubbish .
The PLX likes to prefetch ; if reading up to 4 u32 past the end of
each TX fragment is not a problem , then TX can be made to go a
little faster by passing a flag at init that disables a prefetch
workaround . We do not pass this flag . ( new microcode only )
Now we :
. Note that alloc_skb rounds up size to a 16 byte boundary .
. Ensure all areas do not traverse 4 MB boundaries .
. Ensure all areas do not start at a E00000xx bus address .
( I cannot be certain , but this may always hold with Linux )
. Make all failures cause a loud message .
. Discard non - conforming SKBs ( causes TX failure or RX fill delay ) .
. Discard non - conforming TX fragment descriptors ( the TX fails ) .
In the future we could :
. Allow RX areas that traverse 4 MB ( but not 16 MB ) boundaries .
. Segment TX areas into some / more fragments , when necessary .
. Relax checks for non - DMA items ( ignore hole ) .
. Give scatter - gather ( iovec ) requirements using ? ? ? . ( ? )
3. VC close is broken ( only for new microcode )
The VC close adapter microcode command fails to do anything if any
frames have been received on the VC but none have been transmitted .
Frames continue to be reassembled and passed ( with IRQ ) to the
driver .
IV To Do List
. Fix bugs !
. Timer code may be broken .
. Deal with buggy VC close ( somehow ) in microcode 12.
. Handle interrupted and / or non - blocking writes - is this a job for
the protocol layer ?
. Add code to break up TX fragments when they span 4 MB boundaries .
. Add SUNI phy layer ( need to know where SUNI lives on card ) .
. Implement a tx_alloc fn to ( a ) satisfy TX alignment etc . and ( b )
leave extra headroom space for Ambassador TX descriptors .
. Understand these elements of struct atm_vcc : recvq ( proto ? ) ,
sleep , callback , listenq , backlog_quota , reply and user_back .
. Adjust TX / RX skb allocation to favour IP with LANE / CLIP ( configurable ) .
. Impose a TX - pending limit ( 2 ? ) on each VC , help avoid TX q overflow .
. Decide whether RX buffer recycling is or can be made completely safe ;
turn it back on . It looks like Werner is going to axe this .
. Implement QoS changes on open VCs ( involves extracting parts of VC open
and close into separate functions and using them to make changes ) .
. Hack on command queue so that someone can issue multiple commands and wait
on the last one ( OR only " no-op " or " wait " commands are waited for ) .
. Eliminate need for while - schedule around do_command .
/********** microcode **********/
# define UCODE(x) UCODE2(atmsar12.x)
# else
# define UCODE(x) UCODE2(atmsar11.x)
# endif
# define UCODE2(x) #x
static u32 __devinitdata ucode_start =
# include UCODE(start)
static region __devinitdata ucode_regions [ ] = {
# include UCODE(regions)
{ 0 , 0 }
} ;
static u32 __devinitdata ucode_data [ ] = {
# include UCODE(data)
} ;
static void do_housekeeping ( unsigned long arg ) ;
/********** globals **********/
static unsigned short debug = 0 ;
static unsigned int cmds = 8 ;
static unsigned int txs = 32 ;
static unsigned int rxs [ NUM_RX_POOLS ] = { 64 , 64 , 64 , 64 } ;
static unsigned int rxs_bs [ NUM_RX_POOLS ] = { 4080 , 12240 , 36720 , 65535 } ;
static unsigned int rx_lats = 7 ;
static unsigned char pci_lat = 0 ;
static const unsigned long onegigmask = - 1 < < 30 ;
/********** access to adapter **********/
static inline void wr_plain ( const amb_dev * dev , size_t addr , u32 data ) {
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_REGS , " wr: %08zx <- %08x " , addr , data ) ;
# ifdef AMB_MMIO
dev - > membase [ addr / sizeof ( u32 ) ] = data ;
# else
outl ( data , dev - > iobase + addr ) ;
# endif
static inline u32 rd_plain ( const amb_dev * dev , size_t addr ) {
# ifdef AMB_MMIO
u32 data = dev - > membase [ addr / sizeof ( u32 ) ] ;
# else
u32 data = inl ( dev - > iobase + addr ) ;
# endif
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_REGS , " rd: %08zx -> %08x " , addr , data ) ;
return data ;
static inline void wr_mem ( const amb_dev * dev , size_t addr , u32 data ) {
__be32 be = cpu_to_be32 ( data ) ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_REGS , " wr: %08zx <- %08x b[%08x] " , addr , data , be ) ;
# ifdef AMB_MMIO
dev - > membase [ addr / sizeof ( u32 ) ] = be ;
# else
outl ( be , dev - > iobase + addr ) ;
# endif
static inline u32 rd_mem ( const amb_dev * dev , size_t addr ) {
# ifdef AMB_MMIO
__be32 be = dev - > membase [ addr / sizeof ( u32 ) ] ;
# else
__be32 be = inl ( dev - > iobase + addr ) ;
# endif
u32 data = be32_to_cpu ( be ) ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_REGS , " rd: %08zx -> %08x b[%08x] " , addr , data , be ) ;
return data ;
/********** dump routines **********/
static inline void dump_registers ( const amb_dev * dev ) {
if ( debug & DBG_REGS ) {
size_t i ;
PRINTD ( DBG_REGS , " reading PLX control: " ) ;
for ( i = 0x00 ; i < 0x30 ; i + = sizeof ( u32 ) )
rd_mem ( dev , i ) ;
PRINTD ( DBG_REGS , " reading mailboxes: " ) ;
for ( i = 0x40 ; i < 0x60 ; i + = sizeof ( u32 ) )
rd_mem ( dev , i ) ;
PRINTD ( DBG_REGS , " reading doorb irqev irqen reset: " ) ;
for ( i = 0x60 ; i < 0x70 ; i + = sizeof ( u32 ) )
rd_mem ( dev , i ) ;
# else
( void ) dev ;
# endif
return ;
static inline void dump_loader_block ( volatile loader_block * lb ) {
unsigned int i ;
PRINTDB ( DBG_LOAD , " lb @ %p; res: %d, cmd: %d, pay: " ,
lb , be32_to_cpu ( lb - > result ) , be32_to_cpu ( lb - > command ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_COMMAND_DATA ; + + i )
PRINTDM ( DBG_LOAD , " %08x " , be32_to_cpu ( lb - > payload . data [ i ] ) ) ;
PRINTDE ( DBG_LOAD , " , vld: %08x " , be32_to_cpu ( lb - > valid ) ) ;
# else
( void ) lb ;
# endif
return ;
static inline void dump_command ( command * cmd ) {
unsigned int i ;
PRINTDB ( DBG_CMD , " cmd @ %p, req: %08x, pars: " ,
cmd , /*be32_to_cpu*/ ( cmd - > request ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; + + i )
PRINTDM ( DBG_CMD , " %08x " , /*be32_to_cpu*/ ( cmd - > args . par [ i ] ) ) ;
PRINTDE ( DBG_CMD , " " ) ;
# else
( void ) cmd ;
# endif
return ;
static inline void dump_skb ( char * prefix , unsigned int vc , struct sk_buff * skb ) {
unsigned int i ;
unsigned char * data = skb - > data ;
PRINTDB ( DBG_DATA , " %s(%u) " , prefix , vc ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < skb - > len & & i < 256 ; i + + )
PRINTDM ( DBG_DATA , " %02x " , data [ i ] ) ;
PRINTDE ( DBG_DATA , " " ) ;
# else
( void ) prefix ;
( void ) vc ;
( void ) skb ;
# endif
return ;
/********** check memory areas for use by Ambassador **********/
/* see limitations under Hardware Features */
static inline int check_area ( void * start , size_t length ) {
// assumes length > 0
const u32 fourmegmask = - 1 < < 22 ;
const u32 twofivesixmask = - 1 < < 8 ;
const u32 starthole = 0xE0000000 ;
u32 startaddress = virt_to_bus ( start ) ;
u32 lastaddress = startaddress + length - 1 ;
if ( ( startaddress ^ lastaddress ) & fourmegmask | |
( startaddress & twofivesixmask ) = = starthole ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " check_area failure: [%x,%x] - mail maintainer! " ,
startaddress , lastaddress ) ;
return - 1 ;
} else {
return 0 ;
/********** free an skb (as per ATM device driver documentation) **********/
static inline void amb_kfree_skb ( struct sk_buff * skb ) {
if ( ATM_SKB ( skb ) - > vcc - > pop ) {
ATM_SKB ( skb ) - > vcc - > pop ( ATM_SKB ( skb ) - > vcc , skb ) ;
} else {
dev_kfree_skb_any ( skb ) ;
/********** TX completion **********/
static inline void tx_complete ( amb_dev * dev , tx_out * tx ) {
tx_simple * tx_descr = bus_to_virt ( tx - > handle ) ;
struct sk_buff * skb = tx_descr - > skb ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_TX , " tx_complete %p %p " , dev , tx ) ;
// VC layer stats
atomic_inc ( & ATM_SKB ( skb ) - > vcc - > stats - > tx ) ;
// free the descriptor
kfree ( tx_descr ) ;
// free the skb
amb_kfree_skb ( skb ) ;
dev - > stats . tx_ok + + ;
return ;
/********** RX completion **********/
static void rx_complete ( amb_dev * dev , rx_out * rx ) {
struct sk_buff * skb = bus_to_virt ( rx - > handle ) ;
u16 vc = be16_to_cpu ( rx - > vc ) ;
// unused: u16 lec_id = be16_to_cpu (rx->lec_id);
u16 status = be16_to_cpu ( rx - > status ) ;
u16 rx_len = be16_to_cpu ( rx - > length ) ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_RX , " rx_complete %p %p (len=%hu) " , dev , rx , rx_len ) ;
// XXX move this in and add to VC stats ???
if ( ! status ) {
struct atm_vcc * atm_vcc = dev - > rxer [ vc ] ;
dev - > stats . rx . ok + + ;
if ( atm_vcc ) {
if ( rx_len < = atm_vcc - > qos . rxtp . max_sdu ) {
if ( atm_charge ( atm_vcc , skb - > truesize ) ) {
// prepare socket buffer
ATM_SKB ( skb ) - > vcc = atm_vcc ;
skb_put ( skb , rx_len ) ;
dump_skb ( " <<< " , vc , skb ) ;
// VC layer stats
atomic_inc ( & atm_vcc - > stats - > rx ) ;
2005-08-14 17:24:31 -07:00
__net_timestamp ( skb ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
// end of our responsability
atm_vcc - > push ( atm_vcc , skb ) ;
return ;
} else {
// someone fix this (message), please!
PRINTD ( DBG_INFO | DBG_RX , " dropped thanks to atm_charge (vc %hu, truesize %u) " , vc , skb - > truesize ) ;
// drop stats incremented in atm_charge
} else {
PRINTK ( KERN_INFO , " dropped over-size frame " ) ;
// should we count this?
atomic_inc ( & atm_vcc - > stats - > rx_drop ) ;
} else {
PRINTD ( DBG_WARN | DBG_RX , " got frame but RX closed for channel %hu " , vc ) ;
// this is an adapter bug, only in new version of microcode
} else {
dev - > stats . rx . error + + ;
if ( status & CRC_ERR )
dev - > stats . rx . badcrc + + ;
if ( status & LEN_ERR )
dev - > stats . rx . toolong + + ;
if ( status & ABORT_ERR )
dev - > stats . rx . aborted + + ;
if ( status & UNUSED_ERR )
dev - > stats . rx . unused + + ;
dev_kfree_skb_any ( skb ) ;
return ;
Note on queue handling .
Here " give " and " take " refer to queue entries and a queue ( pair )
rather than frames to or from the host or adapter . Empty frame
buffers are given to the RX queue pair and returned unused or
containing RX frames . TX frames ( well , pointers to TX fragment
lists ) are given to the TX queue pair , completions are returned .
/********** command queue **********/
// I really don't like this, but it's the best I can do at the moment
// also, the callers are responsible for byte order as the microcode
// sometimes does 16-bit accesses (yuk yuk yuk)
static int command_do ( amb_dev * dev , command * cmd ) {
amb_cq * cq = & dev - > cq ;
volatile amb_cq_ptrs * ptrs = & cq - > ptrs ;
command * my_slot ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_CMD , " command_do %p " , dev ) ;
if ( test_bit ( dead , & dev - > flags ) )
return 0 ;
spin_lock ( & cq - > lock ) ;
// if not full...
if ( cq - > pending < cq - > maximum ) {
// remember my slot for later
my_slot = ptrs - > in ;
PRINTD ( DBG_CMD , " command in slot %p " , my_slot ) ;
dump_command ( cmd ) ;
// copy command in
* ptrs - > in = * cmd ;
cq - > pending + + ;
ptrs - > in = NEXTQ ( ptrs - > in , ptrs - > start , ptrs - > limit ) ;
// mail the command
wr_mem ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , mb . adapter . cmd_address ) , virt_to_bus ( ptrs - > in ) ) ;
if ( cq - > pending > cq - > high )
cq - > high = cq - > pending ;
spin_unlock ( & cq - > lock ) ;
// these comments were in a while-loop before, msleep removes the loop
// go to sleep
// PRINTD (DBG_CMD, "wait: sleeping %lu for command", timeout);
msleep ( cq - > pending ) ;
// wait for my slot to be reached (all waiters are here or above, until...)
while ( ptrs - > out ! = my_slot ) {
PRINTD ( DBG_CMD , " wait: command slot (now at %p) " , ptrs - > out ) ;
set_current_state ( TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE ) ;
schedule ( ) ;
// wait on my slot (... one gets to its slot, and... )
while ( ptrs - > out - > request ! = cpu_to_be32 ( SRB_COMPLETE ) ) {
PRINTD ( DBG_CMD , " wait: command slot completion " ) ;
set_current_state ( TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE ) ;
schedule ( ) ;
PRINTD ( DBG_CMD , " command complete " ) ;
// update queue (... moves the queue along to the next slot)
spin_lock ( & cq - > lock ) ;
cq - > pending - - ;
// copy command out
* cmd = * ptrs - > out ;
ptrs - > out = NEXTQ ( ptrs - > out , ptrs - > start , ptrs - > limit ) ;
spin_unlock ( & cq - > lock ) ;
return 0 ;
} else {
cq - > filled + + ;
spin_unlock ( & cq - > lock ) ;
return - EAGAIN ;
/********** TX queue pair **********/
static inline int tx_give ( amb_dev * dev , tx_in * tx ) {
amb_txq * txq = & dev - > txq ;
unsigned long flags ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_TX , " tx_give %p " , dev ) ;
if ( test_bit ( dead , & dev - > flags ) )
return 0 ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & txq - > lock , flags ) ;
if ( txq - > pending < txq - > maximum ) {
PRINTD ( DBG_TX , " TX in slot %p " , txq - > in . ptr ) ;
* txq - > in . ptr = * tx ;
txq - > pending + + ;
txq - > in . ptr = NEXTQ ( txq - > in . ptr , txq - > in . start , txq - > in . limit ) ;
// hand over the TX and ring the bell
wr_mem ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , mb . adapter . tx_address ) , virt_to_bus ( txq - > in . ptr ) ) ;
wr_mem ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , doorbell ) , TX_FRAME ) ;
if ( txq - > pending > txq - > high )
txq - > high = txq - > pending ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & txq - > lock , flags ) ;
return 0 ;
} else {
txq - > filled + + ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & txq - > lock , flags ) ;
return - EAGAIN ;
static inline int tx_take ( amb_dev * dev ) {
amb_txq * txq = & dev - > txq ;
unsigned long flags ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_TX , " tx_take %p " , dev ) ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & txq - > lock , flags ) ;
if ( txq - > pending & & txq - > out . ptr - > handle ) {
// deal with TX completion
tx_complete ( dev , txq - > out . ptr ) ;
// mark unused again
txq - > out . ptr - > handle = 0 ;
// remove item
txq - > pending - - ;
txq - > out . ptr = NEXTQ ( txq - > out . ptr , txq - > out . start , txq - > out . limit ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & txq - > lock , flags ) ;
return 0 ;
} else {
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & txq - > lock , flags ) ;
return - 1 ;
/********** RX queue pairs **********/
static inline int rx_give ( amb_dev * dev , rx_in * rx , unsigned char pool ) {
amb_rxq * rxq = & dev - > rxq [ pool ] ;
unsigned long flags ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_RX , " rx_give %p[%hu] " , dev , pool ) ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & rxq - > lock , flags ) ;
if ( rxq - > pending < rxq - > maximum ) {
PRINTD ( DBG_RX , " RX in slot %p " , rxq - > in . ptr ) ;
* rxq - > in . ptr = * rx ;
rxq - > pending + + ;
rxq - > in . ptr = NEXTQ ( rxq - > in . ptr , rxq - > in . start , rxq - > in . limit ) ;
// hand over the RX buffer
wr_mem ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , mb . adapter . rx_address [ pool ] ) , virt_to_bus ( rxq - > in . ptr ) ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & rxq - > lock , flags ) ;
return 0 ;
} else {
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & rxq - > lock , flags ) ;
return - 1 ;
static inline int rx_take ( amb_dev * dev , unsigned char pool ) {
amb_rxq * rxq = & dev - > rxq [ pool ] ;
unsigned long flags ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_RX , " rx_take %p[%hu] " , dev , pool ) ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & rxq - > lock , flags ) ;
if ( rxq - > pending & & ( rxq - > out . ptr - > status | | rxq - > out . ptr - > length ) ) {
// deal with RX completion
rx_complete ( dev , rxq - > out . ptr ) ;
// mark unused again
rxq - > out . ptr - > status = 0 ;
rxq - > out . ptr - > length = 0 ;
// remove item
rxq - > pending - - ;
rxq - > out . ptr = NEXTQ ( rxq - > out . ptr , rxq - > out . start , rxq - > out . limit ) ;
if ( rxq - > pending < rxq - > low )
rxq - > low = rxq - > pending ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & rxq - > lock , flags ) ;
return 0 ;
} else {
if ( ! rxq - > pending & & rxq - > buffers_wanted )
rxq - > emptied + + ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & rxq - > lock , flags ) ;
return - 1 ;
/********** RX Pool handling **********/
/* pre: buffers_wanted = 0, post: pending = 0 */
static inline void drain_rx_pool ( amb_dev * dev , unsigned char pool ) {
amb_rxq * rxq = & dev - > rxq [ pool ] ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_POOL , " drain_rx_pool %p %hu " , dev , pool ) ;
if ( test_bit ( dead , & dev - > flags ) )
return ;
/* we are not quite like the fill pool routines as we cannot just
remove one buffer , we have to remove all of them , but we might as
well pretend . . . */
if ( rxq - > pending > rxq - > buffers_wanted ) {
command cmd ;
cmd . request = cpu_to_be32 ( SRB_FLUSH_BUFFER_Q ) ;
cmd . args . flush . flags = cpu_to_be32 ( pool < < SRB_POOL_SHIFT ) ;
while ( command_do ( dev , & cmd ) )
schedule ( ) ;
/* the pool may also be emptied via the interrupt handler */
while ( rxq - > pending > rxq - > buffers_wanted )
if ( rx_take ( dev , pool ) )
schedule ( ) ;
return ;
static void drain_rx_pools ( amb_dev * dev ) {
unsigned char pool ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_POOL , " drain_rx_pools %p " , dev ) ;
for ( pool = 0 ; pool < NUM_RX_POOLS ; + + pool )
drain_rx_pool ( dev , pool ) ;
2005-07-19 13:56:29 -07:00
static inline void fill_rx_pool ( amb_dev * dev , unsigned char pool ,
unsigned int __nocast priority )
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
rx_in rx ;
amb_rxq * rxq ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_POOL , " fill_rx_pool %p %hu %x " , dev , pool , priority ) ;
if ( test_bit ( dead , & dev - > flags ) )
return ;
rxq = & dev - > rxq [ pool ] ;
while ( rxq - > pending < rxq - > maximum & & rxq - > pending < rxq - > buffers_wanted ) {
struct sk_buff * skb = alloc_skb ( rxq - > buffer_size , priority ) ;
if ( ! skb ) {
PRINTD ( DBG_SKB | DBG_POOL , " failed to allocate skb for RX pool %hu " , pool ) ;
return ;
if ( check_area ( skb - > data , skb - > truesize ) ) {
dev_kfree_skb_any ( skb ) ;
return ;
// cast needed as there is no %? for pointer differences
PRINTD ( DBG_SKB , " allocated skb at %p, head %p, area %li " ,
skb , skb - > head , ( long ) ( skb - > end - skb - > head ) ) ;
rx . handle = virt_to_bus ( skb ) ;
rx . host_address = cpu_to_be32 ( virt_to_bus ( skb - > data ) ) ;
if ( rx_give ( dev , & rx , pool ) )
dev_kfree_skb_any ( skb ) ;
return ;
// top up all RX pools (can also be called as a bottom half)
static void fill_rx_pools ( amb_dev * dev ) {
unsigned char pool ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_POOL , " fill_rx_pools %p " , dev ) ;
for ( pool = 0 ; pool < NUM_RX_POOLS ; + + pool )
fill_rx_pool ( dev , pool , GFP_ATOMIC ) ;
return ;
/********** enable host interrupts **********/
static inline void interrupts_on ( amb_dev * dev ) {
wr_plain ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , interrupt_control ) ,
rd_plain ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , interrupt_control ) )
/********** disable host interrupts **********/
static inline void interrupts_off ( amb_dev * dev ) {
wr_plain ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , interrupt_control ) ,
rd_plain ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , interrupt_control ) )
/********** interrupt handling **********/
static irqreturn_t interrupt_handler ( int irq , void * dev_id ,
struct pt_regs * pt_regs ) {
amb_dev * dev = ( amb_dev * ) dev_id ;
( void ) pt_regs ;
PRINTD ( DBG_IRQ | DBG_FLOW , " interrupt_handler: %p " , dev_id ) ;
if ( ! dev_id ) {
PRINTD ( DBG_IRQ | DBG_ERR , " irq with NULL dev_id: %d " , irq ) ;
return IRQ_NONE ;
u32 interrupt = rd_plain ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , interrupt ) ) ;
// for us or someone else sharing the same interrupt
if ( ! interrupt ) {
PRINTD ( DBG_IRQ , " irq not for me: %d " , irq ) ;
return IRQ_NONE ;
// definitely for us
PRINTD ( DBG_IRQ , " FYI: interrupt was %08x " , interrupt ) ;
wr_plain ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , interrupt ) , - 1 ) ;
unsigned int irq_work = 0 ;
unsigned char pool ;
for ( pool = 0 ; pool < NUM_RX_POOLS ; + + pool )
while ( ! rx_take ( dev , pool ) )
+ + irq_work ;
while ( ! tx_take ( dev ) )
+ + irq_work ;
if ( irq_work ) {
schedule_work ( & dev - > bh ) ;
# else
fill_rx_pools ( dev ) ;
# endif
PRINTD ( DBG_IRQ , " work done: %u " , irq_work ) ;
} else {
PRINTD ( DBG_IRQ | DBG_WARN , " no work done " ) ;
PRINTD ( DBG_IRQ | DBG_FLOW , " interrupt_handler done: %p " , dev_id ) ;
return IRQ_HANDLED ;
/********** make rate (not quite as much fun as Horizon) **********/
static unsigned int make_rate ( unsigned int rate , rounding r ,
u16 * bits , unsigned int * actual ) {
unsigned char exp = - 1 ; // hush gcc
unsigned int man = - 1 ; // hush gcc
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_QOS , " make_rate %u " , rate ) ;
// rates in cells per second, ITU format (nasty 16-bit floating-point)
// given 5-bit e and 9-bit m:
// rate = EITHER (1+m/2^9)*2^e OR 0
// bits = EITHER 1<<14 | e<<9 | m OR 0
// (bit 15 is "reserved", bit 14 "non-zero")
// smallest rate is 0 (special representation)
// largest rate is (1+511/512)*2^31 = 4290772992 (< 2^32-1)
// smallest non-zero rate is (1+0/512)*2^0 = 1 (> 0)
// simple algorithm:
// find position of top bit, this gives e
// remove top bit and shift (rounding if feeling clever) by 9-e
// ucode bug: please don't set bit 14! so 0 rate not representable
if ( rate > 0xffc00000U ) {
// larger than largest representable rate
if ( r = = round_up ) {
return - EINVAL ;
} else {
exp = 31 ;
man = 511 ;
} else if ( rate ) {
// representable rate
exp = 31 ;
man = rate ;
// invariant: rate = man*2^(exp-31)
while ( ! ( man & ( 1 < < 31 ) ) ) {
exp = exp - 1 ;
man = man < < 1 ;
// man has top bit set
// rate = (2^31+(man-2^31))*2^(exp-31)
// rate = (1+(man-2^31)/2^31)*2^exp
man = man < < 1 ;
man & = 0xffffffffU ; // a nop on 32-bit systems
// rate = (1+man/2^32)*2^exp
// exp is in the range 0 to 31, man is in the range 0 to 2^32-1
// time to lose significance... we want m in the range 0 to 2^9-1
// rounding presents a minor problem... we first decide which way
// we are rounding (based on given rounding direction and possibly
// the bits of the mantissa that are to be discarded).
switch ( r ) {
case round_down : {
// just truncate
man = man > > ( 32 - 9 ) ;
break ;
case round_up : {
// check all bits that we are discarding
if ( man & ( - 1 > > 9 ) ) {
man = ( man > > ( 32 - 9 ) ) + 1 ;
if ( man = = ( 1 < < 9 ) ) {
// no need to check for round up outside of range
man = 0 ;
exp + = 1 ;
} else {
man = ( man > > ( 32 - 9 ) ) ;
break ;
case round_nearest : {
// check msb that we are discarding
if ( man & ( 1 < < ( 32 - 9 - 1 ) ) ) {
man = ( man > > ( 32 - 9 ) ) + 1 ;
if ( man = = ( 1 < < 9 ) ) {
// no need to check for round up outside of range
man = 0 ;
exp + = 1 ;
} else {
man = ( man > > ( 32 - 9 ) ) ;
break ;
} else {
// zero rate - not representable
if ( r = = round_down ) {
return - EINVAL ;
} else {
exp = 0 ;
man = 0 ;
PRINTD ( DBG_QOS , " rate: man=%u, exp=%hu " , man , exp ) ;
if ( bits )
* bits = /* (1<<14) | */ ( exp < < 9 ) | man ;
if ( actual )
* actual = ( exp > = 9 )
? ( 1 < < exp ) + ( man < < ( exp - 9 ) )
: ( 1 < < exp ) + ( ( man + ( 1 < < ( 9 - exp - 1 ) ) ) > > ( 9 - exp ) ) ;
return 0 ;
/********** Linux ATM Operations **********/
// some are not yet implemented while others do not make sense for
// this device
/********** Open a VC **********/
static int amb_open ( struct atm_vcc * atm_vcc )
int error ;
struct atm_qos * qos ;
struct atm_trafprm * txtp ;
struct atm_trafprm * rxtp ;
u16 tx_rate_bits ;
u16 tx_vc_bits = - 1 ; // hush gcc
u16 tx_frame_bits = - 1 ; // hush gcc
amb_dev * dev = AMB_DEV ( atm_vcc - > dev ) ;
amb_vcc * vcc ;
unsigned char pool = - 1 ; // hush gcc
short vpi = atm_vcc - > vpi ;
int vci = atm_vcc - > vci ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_VCC , " amb_open %x %x " , vpi , vci ) ;
// UNSPEC is deprecated, remove this code eventually
if ( vpi = = ATM_VPI_UNSPEC | | vci = = ATM_VCI_UNSPEC ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_WARNING , " rejecting open with unspecified VPI/VCI (deprecated) " ) ;
return - EINVAL ;
# endif
if ( ! ( 0 < = vpi & & vpi < ( 1 < < NUM_VPI_BITS ) & &
0 < = vci & & vci < ( 1 < < NUM_VCI_BITS ) ) ) {
PRINTD ( DBG_WARN | DBG_VCC , " VPI/VCI out of range: %hd/%d " , vpi , vci ) ;
return - EINVAL ;
qos = & atm_vcc - > qos ;
if ( qos - > aal ! = ATM_AAL5 ) {
PRINTD ( DBG_QOS , " AAL not supported " ) ;
return - EINVAL ;
// traffic parameters
PRINTD ( DBG_QOS , " TX: " ) ;
txtp = & qos - > txtp ;
if ( txtp - > traffic_class ! = ATM_NONE ) {
switch ( txtp - > traffic_class ) {
case ATM_UBR : {
// we take "the PCR" as a rate-cap
int pcr = atm_pcr_goal ( txtp ) ;
if ( ! pcr ) {
// no rate cap
tx_rate_bits = 0 ;
tx_vc_bits = TX_UBR ;
tx_frame_bits = TX_FRAME_NOTCAP ;
} else {
rounding r ;
if ( pcr < 0 ) {
r = round_down ;
pcr = - pcr ;
} else {
r = round_up ;
error = make_rate ( pcr , r , & tx_rate_bits , NULL ) ;
tx_vc_bits = TX_UBR_CAPPED ;
tx_frame_bits = TX_FRAME_CAPPED ;
break ;
#if 0
case ATM_ABR : {
pcr = atm_pcr_goal ( txtp ) ;
PRINTD ( DBG_QOS , " pcr goal = %d " , pcr ) ;
break ;
# endif
default : {
// PRINTD (DBG_QOS, "request for non-UBR/ABR denied");
PRINTD ( DBG_QOS , " request for non-UBR denied " ) ;
return - EINVAL ;
PRINTD ( DBG_QOS , " tx_rate_bits=%hx, tx_vc_bits=%hx " ,
tx_rate_bits , tx_vc_bits ) ;
PRINTD ( DBG_QOS , " RX: " ) ;
rxtp = & qos - > rxtp ;
if ( rxtp - > traffic_class = = ATM_NONE ) {
// do nothing
} else {
// choose an RX pool (arranged in increasing size)
for ( pool = 0 ; pool < NUM_RX_POOLS ; + + pool )
if ( ( unsigned int ) rxtp - > max_sdu < = dev - > rxq [ pool ] . buffer_size ) {
PRINTD ( DBG_VCC | DBG_QOS | DBG_POOL , " chose pool %hu (max_sdu %u <= %u) " ,
pool , rxtp - > max_sdu , dev - > rxq [ pool ] . buffer_size ) ;
break ;
if ( pool = = NUM_RX_POOLS ) {
" no pool suitable for VC (RX max_sdu %d is too large) " ,
rxtp - > max_sdu ) ;
return - EINVAL ;
switch ( rxtp - > traffic_class ) {
case ATM_UBR : {
break ;
#if 0
case ATM_ABR : {
pcr = atm_pcr_goal ( rxtp ) ;
PRINTD ( DBG_QOS , " pcr goal = %d " , pcr ) ;
break ;
# endif
default : {
// PRINTD (DBG_QOS, "request for non-UBR/ABR denied");
PRINTD ( DBG_QOS , " request for non-UBR denied " ) ;
return - EINVAL ;
// get space for our vcc stuff
vcc = kmalloc ( sizeof ( amb_vcc ) , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ! vcc ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " out of memory! " ) ;
return - ENOMEM ;
atm_vcc - > dev_data = ( void * ) vcc ;
// no failures beyond this point
// we are not really "immediately before allocating the connection
// identifier in hardware", but it will just have to do!
set_bit ( ATM_VF_ADDR , & atm_vcc - > flags ) ;
if ( txtp - > traffic_class ! = ATM_NONE ) {
command cmd ;
vcc - > tx_frame_bits = tx_frame_bits ;
down ( & dev - > vcc_sf ) ;
if ( dev - > rxer [ vci ] ) {
// RXer on the channel already, just modify rate...
cmd . request = cpu_to_be32 ( SRB_MODIFY_VC_RATE ) ;
cmd . args . modify_rate . vc = cpu_to_be32 ( vci ) ; // vpi 0
cmd . args . modify_rate . rate = cpu_to_be32 ( tx_rate_bits < < SRB_RATE_SHIFT ) ;
while ( command_do ( dev , & cmd ) )
schedule ( ) ;
// ... and TX flags, preserving the RX pool
cmd . request = cpu_to_be32 ( SRB_MODIFY_VC_FLAGS ) ;
cmd . args . modify_flags . vc = cpu_to_be32 ( vci ) ; // vpi 0
cmd . args . modify_flags . flags = cpu_to_be32
( ( AMB_VCC ( dev - > rxer [ vci ] ) - > rx_info . pool < < SRB_POOL_SHIFT )
| ( tx_vc_bits < < SRB_FLAGS_SHIFT ) ) ;
while ( command_do ( dev , & cmd ) )
schedule ( ) ;
} else {
// no RXer on the channel, just open (with pool zero)
cmd . request = cpu_to_be32 ( SRB_OPEN_VC ) ;
cmd . args . open . vc = cpu_to_be32 ( vci ) ; // vpi 0
cmd . args . open . flags = cpu_to_be32 ( tx_vc_bits < < SRB_FLAGS_SHIFT ) ;
cmd . args . open . rate = cpu_to_be32 ( tx_rate_bits < < SRB_RATE_SHIFT ) ;
while ( command_do ( dev , & cmd ) )
schedule ( ) ;
dev - > txer [ vci ] . tx_present = 1 ;
up ( & dev - > vcc_sf ) ;
if ( rxtp - > traffic_class ! = ATM_NONE ) {
command cmd ;
vcc - > rx_info . pool = pool ;
down ( & dev - > vcc_sf ) ;
/* grow RX buffer pool */
if ( ! dev - > rxq [ pool ] . buffers_wanted )
dev - > rxq [ pool ] . buffers_wanted = rx_lats ;
dev - > rxq [ pool ] . buffers_wanted + = 1 ;
fill_rx_pool ( dev , pool , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( dev - > txer [ vci ] . tx_present ) {
// TXer on the channel already
// switch (from pool zero) to this pool, preserving the TX bits
cmd . request = cpu_to_be32 ( SRB_MODIFY_VC_FLAGS ) ;
cmd . args . modify_flags . vc = cpu_to_be32 ( vci ) ; // vpi 0
cmd . args . modify_flags . flags = cpu_to_be32
( ( pool < < SRB_POOL_SHIFT )
| ( dev - > txer [ vci ] . tx_vc_bits < < SRB_FLAGS_SHIFT ) ) ;
} else {
// no TXer on the channel, open the VC (with no rate info)
cmd . request = cpu_to_be32 ( SRB_OPEN_VC ) ;
cmd . args . open . vc = cpu_to_be32 ( vci ) ; // vpi 0
cmd . args . open . flags = cpu_to_be32 ( pool < < SRB_POOL_SHIFT ) ;
cmd . args . open . rate = cpu_to_be32 ( 0 ) ;
while ( command_do ( dev , & cmd ) )
schedule ( ) ;
// this link allows RX frames through
dev - > rxer [ vci ] = atm_vcc ;
up ( & dev - > vcc_sf ) ;
// indicate readiness
set_bit ( ATM_VF_READY , & atm_vcc - > flags ) ;
return 0 ;
/********** Close a VC **********/
static void amb_close ( struct atm_vcc * atm_vcc ) {
amb_dev * dev = AMB_DEV ( atm_vcc - > dev ) ;
amb_vcc * vcc = AMB_VCC ( atm_vcc ) ;
u16 vci = atm_vcc - > vci ;
PRINTD ( DBG_VCC | DBG_FLOW , " amb_close " ) ;
// indicate unreadiness
clear_bit ( ATM_VF_READY , & atm_vcc - > flags ) ;
// disable TXing
if ( atm_vcc - > qos . txtp . traffic_class ! = ATM_NONE ) {
command cmd ;
down ( & dev - > vcc_sf ) ;
if ( dev - > rxer [ vci ] ) {
// RXer still on the channel, just modify rate... XXX not really needed
cmd . request = cpu_to_be32 ( SRB_MODIFY_VC_RATE ) ;
cmd . args . modify_rate . vc = cpu_to_be32 ( vci ) ; // vpi 0
cmd . args . modify_rate . rate = cpu_to_be32 ( 0 ) ;
// ... and clear TX rate flags (XXX to stop RM cell output?), preserving RX pool
} else {
// no RXer on the channel, close channel
cmd . request = cpu_to_be32 ( SRB_CLOSE_VC ) ;
cmd . args . close . vc = cpu_to_be32 ( vci ) ; // vpi 0
dev - > txer [ vci ] . tx_present = 0 ;
while ( command_do ( dev , & cmd ) )
schedule ( ) ;
up ( & dev - > vcc_sf ) ;
// disable RXing
if ( atm_vcc - > qos . rxtp . traffic_class ! = ATM_NONE ) {
command cmd ;
// this is (the?) one reason why we need the amb_vcc struct
unsigned char pool = vcc - > rx_info . pool ;
down ( & dev - > vcc_sf ) ;
if ( dev - > txer [ vci ] . tx_present ) {
// TXer still on the channel, just go to pool zero XXX not really needed
cmd . request = cpu_to_be32 ( SRB_MODIFY_VC_FLAGS ) ;
cmd . args . modify_flags . vc = cpu_to_be32 ( vci ) ; // vpi 0
cmd . args . modify_flags . flags = cpu_to_be32
( dev - > txer [ vci ] . tx_vc_bits < < SRB_FLAGS_SHIFT ) ;
} else {
// no TXer on the channel, close the VC
cmd . request = cpu_to_be32 ( SRB_CLOSE_VC ) ;
cmd . args . close . vc = cpu_to_be32 ( vci ) ; // vpi 0
// forget the rxer - no more skbs will be pushed
if ( atm_vcc ! = dev - > rxer [ vci ] )
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " %s vcc=%p rxer[vci]=%p " ,
" arghhh! we're going to die! " ,
vcc , dev - > rxer [ vci ] ) ;
dev - > rxer [ vci ] = NULL ;
while ( command_do ( dev , & cmd ) )
schedule ( ) ;
/* shrink RX buffer pool */
dev - > rxq [ pool ] . buffers_wanted - = 1 ;
if ( dev - > rxq [ pool ] . buffers_wanted = = rx_lats ) {
dev - > rxq [ pool ] . buffers_wanted = 0 ;
drain_rx_pool ( dev , pool ) ;
up ( & dev - > vcc_sf ) ;
// free our structure
kfree ( vcc ) ;
// say the VPI/VCI is free again
clear_bit ( ATM_VF_ADDR , & atm_vcc - > flags ) ;
return ;
/********** Set socket options for a VC **********/
// int amb_getsockopt (struct atm_vcc * atm_vcc, int level, int optname, void * optval, int optlen);
/********** Set socket options for a VC **********/
// int amb_setsockopt (struct atm_vcc * atm_vcc, int level, int optname, void * optval, int optlen);
/********** Send **********/
static int amb_send ( struct atm_vcc * atm_vcc , struct sk_buff * skb ) {
amb_dev * dev = AMB_DEV ( atm_vcc - > dev ) ;
amb_vcc * vcc = AMB_VCC ( atm_vcc ) ;
u16 vc = atm_vcc - > vci ;
unsigned int tx_len = skb - > len ;
unsigned char * tx_data = skb - > data ;
tx_simple * tx_descr ;
tx_in tx ;
if ( test_bit ( dead , & dev - > flags ) )
return - EIO ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_TX , " amb_send vc %x data %p len %u " ,
vc , tx_data , tx_len ) ;
dump_skb ( " >>> " , vc , skb ) ;
if ( ! dev - > txer [ vc ] . tx_present ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " attempt to send on RX-only VC %x " , vc ) ;
return - EBADFD ;
// this is a driver private field so we have to set it ourselves,
// despite the fact that we are _required_ to use it to check for a
// pop function
ATM_SKB ( skb ) - > vcc = atm_vcc ;
if ( skb - > len > ( size_t ) atm_vcc - > qos . txtp . max_sdu ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " sk_buff length greater than agreed max_sdu, dropping... " ) ;
return - EIO ;
if ( check_area ( skb - > data , skb - > len ) ) {
atomic_inc ( & atm_vcc - > stats - > tx_err ) ;
return - ENOMEM ; // ?
// allocate memory for fragments
tx_descr = kmalloc ( sizeof ( tx_simple ) , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ! tx_descr ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " could not allocate TX descriptor " ) ;
return - ENOMEM ;
if ( check_area ( tx_descr , sizeof ( tx_simple ) ) ) {
kfree ( tx_descr ) ;
return - ENOMEM ;
PRINTD ( DBG_TX , " fragment list allocated at %p " , tx_descr ) ;
tx_descr - > skb = skb ;
tx_descr - > tx_frag . bytes = cpu_to_be32 ( tx_len ) ;
tx_descr - > tx_frag . address = cpu_to_be32 ( virt_to_bus ( tx_data ) ) ;
tx_descr - > tx_frag_end . handle = virt_to_bus ( tx_descr ) ;
tx_descr - > tx_frag_end . vc = 0 ;
tx_descr - > tx_frag_end . next_descriptor_length = 0 ;
tx_descr - > tx_frag_end . next_descriptor = 0 ;
tx_descr - > tx_frag_end . cpcs_uu = 0 ;
tx_descr - > tx_frag_end . cpi = 0 ;
tx_descr - > tx_frag_end . pad = 0 ;
# endif
tx . vc = cpu_to_be16 ( vcc - > tx_frame_bits | vc ) ;
tx . tx_descr_length = cpu_to_be16 ( sizeof ( tx_frag ) + sizeof ( tx_frag_end ) ) ;
tx . tx_descr_addr = cpu_to_be32 ( virt_to_bus ( & tx_descr - > tx_frag ) ) ;
while ( tx_give ( dev , & tx ) )
schedule ( ) ;
return 0 ;
/********** Change QoS on a VC **********/
// int amb_change_qos (struct atm_vcc * atm_vcc, struct atm_qos * qos, int flags);
/********** Free RX Socket Buffer **********/
#if 0
static void amb_free_rx_skb ( struct atm_vcc * atm_vcc , struct sk_buff * skb ) {
amb_dev * dev = AMB_DEV ( atm_vcc - > dev ) ;
amb_vcc * vcc = AMB_VCC ( atm_vcc ) ;
unsigned char pool = vcc - > rx_info . pool ;
rx_in rx ;
// This may be unsafe for various reasons that I cannot really guess
// at. However, I note that the ATM layer calls kfree_skb rather
// than dev_kfree_skb at this point so we are least covered as far
// as buffer locking goes. There may be bugs if pcap clones RX skbs.
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_SKB , " amb_rx_free skb %p (atm_vcc %p, vcc %p) " ,
skb , atm_vcc , vcc ) ;
rx . handle = virt_to_bus ( skb ) ;
rx . host_address = cpu_to_be32 ( virt_to_bus ( skb - > data ) ) ;
skb - > data = skb - > head ;
skb - > tail = skb - > head ;
skb - > len = 0 ;
if ( ! rx_give ( dev , & rx , pool ) ) {
// success
PRINTD ( DBG_SKB | DBG_POOL , " recycled skb for pool %hu " , pool ) ;
return ;
// just do what the ATM layer would have done
dev_kfree_skb_any ( skb ) ;
return ;
# endif
/********** Proc File Output **********/
static int amb_proc_read ( struct atm_dev * atm_dev , loff_t * pos , char * page ) {
amb_dev * dev = AMB_DEV ( atm_dev ) ;
int left = * pos ;
unsigned char pool ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW , " amb_proc_read " ) ;
/* more diagnostics here? */
if ( ! left - - ) {
amb_stats * s = & dev - > stats ;
return sprintf ( page ,
" frames: TX OK %lu, RX OK %lu, RX bad %lu "
" (CRC %lu, long %lu, aborted %lu, unused %lu). \n " ,
s - > tx_ok , s - > rx . ok , s - > rx . error ,
s - > rx . badcrc , s - > rx . toolong ,
s - > rx . aborted , s - > rx . unused ) ;
if ( ! left - - ) {
amb_cq * c = & dev - > cq ;
return sprintf ( page , " cmd queue [cur/hi/max]: %u/%u/%u. " ,
c - > pending , c - > high , c - > maximum ) ;
if ( ! left - - ) {
amb_txq * t = & dev - > txq ;
return sprintf ( page , " TX queue [cur/max high full]: %u/%u %u %u. \n " ,
t - > pending , t - > maximum , t - > high , t - > filled ) ;
if ( ! left - - ) {
unsigned int count = sprintf ( page , " RX queues [cur/max/req low empty]: " ) ;
for ( pool = 0 ; pool < NUM_RX_POOLS ; + + pool ) {
amb_rxq * r = & dev - > rxq [ pool ] ;
count + = sprintf ( page + count , " %u/%u/%u %u %u " ,
r - > pending , r - > maximum , r - > buffers_wanted , r - > low , r - > emptied ) ;
count + = sprintf ( page + count , " . \n " ) ;
return count ;
if ( ! left - - ) {
unsigned int count = sprintf ( page , " RX buffer sizes: " ) ;
for ( pool = 0 ; pool < NUM_RX_POOLS ; + + pool ) {
amb_rxq * r = & dev - > rxq [ pool ] ;
count + = sprintf ( page + count , " %u " , r - > buffer_size ) ;
count + = sprintf ( page + count , " . \n " ) ;
return count ;
#if 0
if ( ! left - - ) {
// suni block etc?
# endif
return 0 ;
/********** Operation Structure **********/
static const struct atmdev_ops amb_ops = {
. open = amb_open ,
. close = amb_close ,
. send = amb_send ,
. proc_read = amb_proc_read ,
. owner = THIS_MODULE ,
} ;
/********** housekeeping **********/
static void do_housekeeping ( unsigned long arg ) {
amb_dev * dev = ( amb_dev * ) arg ;
// could collect device-specific (not driver/atm-linux) stats here
// last resort refill once every ten seconds
fill_rx_pools ( dev ) ;
mod_timer ( & dev - > housekeeping , jiffies + 10 * HZ ) ;
return ;
/********** creation of communication queues **********/
static int __devinit create_queues ( amb_dev * dev , unsigned int cmds ,
unsigned int txs , unsigned int * rxs ,
unsigned int * rx_buffer_sizes ) {
unsigned char pool ;
size_t total = 0 ;
void * memory ;
void * limit ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW , " create_queues %p " , dev ) ;
total + = cmds * sizeof ( command ) ;
total + = txs * ( sizeof ( tx_in ) + sizeof ( tx_out ) ) ;
for ( pool = 0 ; pool < NUM_RX_POOLS ; + + pool )
total + = rxs [ pool ] * ( sizeof ( rx_in ) + sizeof ( rx_out ) ) ;
memory = kmalloc ( total , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ! memory ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " could not allocate queues " ) ;
return - ENOMEM ;
if ( check_area ( memory , total ) ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " queues allocated in nasty area " ) ;
kfree ( memory ) ;
return - ENOMEM ;
limit = memory + total ;
PRINTD ( DBG_INIT , " queues from %p to %p " , memory , limit ) ;
PRINTD ( DBG_CMD , " command queue at %p " , memory ) ;
command * cmd = memory ;
amb_cq * cq = & dev - > cq ;
cq - > pending = 0 ;
cq - > high = 0 ;
cq - > maximum = cmds - 1 ;
cq - > ptrs . start = cmd ;
cq - > ptrs . in = cmd ;
cq - > ptrs . out = cmd ;
cq - > ptrs . limit = cmd + cmds ;
memory = cq - > ptrs . limit ;
PRINTD ( DBG_TX , " TX queue pair at %p " , memory ) ;
tx_in * in = memory ;
tx_out * out ;
amb_txq * txq = & dev - > txq ;
txq - > pending = 0 ;
txq - > high = 0 ;
txq - > filled = 0 ;
txq - > maximum = txs - 1 ;
txq - > in . start = in ;
txq - > in . ptr = in ;
txq - > in . limit = in + txs ;
memory = txq - > in . limit ;
out = memory ;
txq - > out . start = out ;
txq - > out . ptr = out ;
txq - > out . limit = out + txs ;
memory = txq - > out . limit ;
PRINTD ( DBG_RX , " RX queue pairs at %p " , memory ) ;
for ( pool = 0 ; pool < NUM_RX_POOLS ; + + pool ) {
rx_in * in = memory ;
rx_out * out ;
amb_rxq * rxq = & dev - > rxq [ pool ] ;
rxq - > buffer_size = rx_buffer_sizes [ pool ] ;
rxq - > buffers_wanted = 0 ;
rxq - > pending = 0 ;
rxq - > low = rxs [ pool ] - 1 ;
rxq - > emptied = 0 ;
rxq - > maximum = rxs [ pool ] - 1 ;
rxq - > in . start = in ;
rxq - > in . ptr = in ;
rxq - > in . limit = in + rxs [ pool ] ;
memory = rxq - > in . limit ;
out = memory ;
rxq - > out . start = out ;
rxq - > out . ptr = out ;
rxq - > out . limit = out + rxs [ pool ] ;
memory = rxq - > out . limit ;
if ( memory = = limit ) {
return 0 ;
} else {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " bad queue alloc %p != %p (tell maintainer) " , memory , limit ) ;
kfree ( limit - total ) ;
return - ENOMEM ;
/********** destruction of communication queues **********/
static void destroy_queues ( amb_dev * dev ) {
// all queues assumed empty
void * memory = dev - > cq . ptrs . start ;
// includes txq.in, txq.out, rxq[].in and rxq[].out
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW , " destroy_queues %p " , dev ) ;
PRINTD ( DBG_INIT , " freeing queues at %p " , memory ) ;
kfree ( memory ) ;
return ;
/********** basic loader commands and error handling **********/
// centisecond timeouts - guessing away here
static unsigned int command_timeouts [ ] = {
[ host_memory_test ] = 15 ,
[ read_adapter_memory ] = 2 ,
[ write_adapter_memory ] = 2 ,
[ adapter_start ] = 50 ,
[ get_version_number ] = 10 ,
[ interrupt_host ] = 1 ,
[ flash_erase_sector ] = 1 ,
[ adap_download_block ] = 1 ,
[ adap_erase_flash ] = 1 ,
[ adap_run_in_iram ] = 1 ,
[ adap_end_download ] = 1
} ;
static unsigned int command_successes [ ] = {
[ host_memory_test ] = COMMAND_PASSED_TEST ,
[ read_adapter_memory ] = COMMAND_READ_DATA_OK ,
[ write_adapter_memory ] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA_OK ,
[ adapter_start ] = COMMAND_COMPLETE ,
[ get_version_number ] = COMMAND_COMPLETE ,
[ interrupt_host ] = COMMAND_COMPLETE ,
[ flash_erase_sector ] = COMMAND_COMPLETE ,
[ adap_download_block ] = COMMAND_COMPLETE ,
[ adap_erase_flash ] = COMMAND_COMPLETE ,
[ adap_run_in_iram ] = COMMAND_COMPLETE ,
[ adap_end_download ] = COMMAND_COMPLETE
} ;
static int decode_loader_result ( loader_command cmd , u32 result )
int res ;
const char * msg ;
if ( result = = command_successes [ cmd ] )
return 0 ;
switch ( result ) {
res = - EINVAL ;
msg = " bad command " ;
break ;
res = - ETIMEDOUT ;
msg = " command in progress " ;
break ;
res = 0 ;
msg = " command passed test " ;
break ;
res = - EIO ;
msg = " command failed test " ;
break ;
res = 0 ;
msg = " command read data ok " ;
break ;
res = - EINVAL ;
msg = " command read bad address " ;
break ;
res = 0 ;
msg = " command write data ok " ;
break ;
res = - EINVAL ;
msg = " command write bad address " ;
break ;
res = - EIO ;
msg = " command write flash failure " ;
break ;
res = 0 ;
msg = " command complete " ;
break ;
res = - EIO ;
msg = " command flash erase failure " ;
break ;
res = - EINVAL ;
msg = " command write bad data " ;
break ;
default :
res = - EINVAL ;
msg = " unknown error " ;
" decode_loader_result got %d=%x ! " ,
result , result ) ;
break ;
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " %s " , msg ) ;
return res ;
static int __devinit do_loader_command ( volatile loader_block * lb ,
const amb_dev * dev , loader_command cmd ) {
unsigned long timeout ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_LOAD , " do_loader_command " ) ;
/* do a command
Set the return value to zero , set the command type and set the
valid entry to the right magic value . The payload is already
correctly byte - ordered so we leave it alone . Hit the doorbell
with the bus address of this structure .
lb - > result = 0 ;
lb - > command = cpu_to_be32 ( cmd ) ;
lb - > valid = cpu_to_be32 ( DMA_VALID ) ;
// dump_registers (dev);
// dump_loader_block (lb);
wr_mem ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , doorbell ) , virt_to_bus ( lb ) & ~ onegigmask ) ;
timeout = command_timeouts [ cmd ] * 10 ;
while ( ! lb - > result | | lb - > result = = cpu_to_be32 ( COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS ) )
if ( timeout ) {
timeout = msleep_interruptible ( timeout ) ;
} else {
PRINTD ( DBG_LOAD | DBG_ERR , " command %d timed out " , cmd ) ;
dump_registers ( dev ) ;
dump_loader_block ( lb ) ;
return - ETIMEDOUT ;
if ( cmd = = adapter_start ) {
// wait for start command to acknowledge...
timeout = 100 ;
while ( rd_plain ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , doorbell ) ) )
if ( timeout ) {
timeout = msleep_interruptible ( timeout ) ;
} else {
PRINTD ( DBG_LOAD | DBG_ERR , " start command did not clear doorbell, res=%08x " ,
be32_to_cpu ( lb - > result ) ) ;
dump_registers ( dev ) ;
return - ETIMEDOUT ;
return 0 ;
} else {
return decode_loader_result ( cmd , be32_to_cpu ( lb - > result ) ) ;
/* loader: determine loader version */
static int __devinit get_loader_version ( loader_block * lb ,
const amb_dev * dev , u32 * version ) {
int res ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_LOAD , " get_loader_version " ) ;
res = do_loader_command ( lb , dev , get_version_number ) ;
if ( res )
return res ;
if ( version )
* version = be32_to_cpu ( lb - > payload . version ) ;
return 0 ;
/* loader: write memory data blocks */
static int __devinit loader_write ( loader_block * lb ,
const amb_dev * dev , const u32 * data ,
u32 address , unsigned int count ) {
unsigned int i ;
transfer_block * tb = & lb - > payload . transfer ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_LOAD , " loader_write " ) ;
if ( count > MAX_TRANSFER_DATA )
return - EINVAL ;
tb - > address = cpu_to_be32 ( address ) ;
tb - > count = cpu_to_be32 ( count ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; + + i )
tb - > data [ i ] = cpu_to_be32 ( data [ i ] ) ;
return do_loader_command ( lb , dev , write_adapter_memory ) ;
/* loader: verify memory data blocks */
static int __devinit loader_verify ( loader_block * lb ,
const amb_dev * dev , const u32 * data ,
u32 address , unsigned int count ) {
unsigned int i ;
transfer_block * tb = & lb - > payload . transfer ;
int res ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_LOAD , " loader_verify " ) ;
if ( count > MAX_TRANSFER_DATA )
return - EINVAL ;
tb - > address = cpu_to_be32 ( address ) ;
tb - > count = cpu_to_be32 ( count ) ;
res = do_loader_command ( lb , dev , read_adapter_memory ) ;
if ( ! res )
for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; + + i )
if ( tb - > data [ i ] ! = cpu_to_be32 ( data [ i ] ) ) {
res = - EINVAL ;
break ;
return res ;
/* loader: start microcode */
static int __devinit loader_start ( loader_block * lb ,
const amb_dev * dev , u32 address ) {
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_LOAD , " loader_start " ) ;
lb - > payload . start = cpu_to_be32 ( address ) ;
return do_loader_command ( lb , dev , adapter_start ) ;
/********** reset card **********/
static inline void sf ( const char * msg )
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " self-test failed: %s " , msg ) ;
static int amb_reset ( amb_dev * dev , int diags ) {
u32 word ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_LOAD , " amb_reset " ) ;
word = rd_plain ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , reset_control ) ) ;
// put card into reset state
wr_plain ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , reset_control ) , word | AMB_RESET_BITS ) ;
// wait a short while
udelay ( 10 ) ;
# if 1
// put card into known good state
wr_plain ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , interrupt_control ) , AMB_DOORBELL_BITS ) ;
// clear all interrupts just in case
wr_plain ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , interrupt ) , - 1 ) ;
# endif
// clear self-test done flag
wr_plain ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , mb . loader . ready ) , 0 ) ;
// take card out of reset state
wr_plain ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , reset_control ) , word & ~ AMB_RESET_BITS ) ;
if ( diags ) {
unsigned long timeout ;
// 4.2 second wait
msleep ( 4200 ) ;
// half second time-out
timeout = 500 ;
while ( ! rd_plain ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , mb . loader . ready ) ) )
if ( timeout ) {
timeout = msleep_interruptible ( timeout ) ;
} else {
PRINTD ( DBG_LOAD | DBG_ERR , " reset timed out " ) ;
return - ETIMEDOUT ;
// get results of self-test
// XXX double check byte-order
word = rd_mem ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , mb . loader . result ) ) ;
if ( word & SELF_TEST_FAILURE ) {
if ( word & GPINT_TST_FAILURE )
sf ( " interrupt " ) ;
sf ( " SUNI data pattern " ) ;
sf ( " SUNI data bits " ) ;
sf ( " SUNI UTOPIA interface " ) ;
if ( word & SUNI_FIFO_FAILURE )
sf ( " SUNI cell buffer FIFO " ) ;
if ( word & SRAM_FAILURE )
sf ( " bad SRAM " ) ;
// better return value?
return - EIO ;
return 0 ;
/********** transfer and start the microcode **********/
static int __devinit ucode_init ( loader_block * lb , amb_dev * dev ) {
unsigned int i = 0 ;
unsigned int total = 0 ;
const u32 * pointer = ucode_data ;
u32 address ;
unsigned int count ;
int res ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_LOAD , " ucode_init " ) ;
while ( address = ucode_regions [ i ] . start ,
count = ucode_regions [ i ] . count ) {
PRINTD ( DBG_LOAD , " starting region (%x, %u) " , address , count ) ;
while ( count ) {
unsigned int words ;
if ( count < = MAX_TRANSFER_DATA )
words = count ;
total + = words ;
res = loader_write ( lb , dev , pointer , address , words ) ;
if ( res )
return res ;
res = loader_verify ( lb , dev , pointer , address , words ) ;
if ( res )
return res ;
count - = words ;
address + = sizeof ( u32 ) * words ;
pointer + = words ;
i + = 1 ;
if ( * pointer = = 0xdeadbeef ) {
return loader_start ( lb , dev , ucode_start ) ;
} else {
// cast needed as there is no %? for pointer differnces
" offset=%li, *pointer=%x, address=%x, total=%u " ,
( long ) ( pointer - ucode_data ) , * pointer , address , total ) ;
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " incorrect microcode data " ) ;
return - ENOMEM ;
/********** give adapter parameters **********/
static inline __be32 bus_addr ( void * addr ) {
return cpu_to_be32 ( virt_to_bus ( addr ) ) ;
static int __devinit amb_talk ( amb_dev * dev ) {
adap_talk_block a ;
unsigned char pool ;
unsigned long timeout ;
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW , " amb_talk %p " , dev ) ;
a . command_start = bus_addr ( dev - > cq . ptrs . start ) ;
a . command_end = bus_addr ( dev - > cq . ptrs . limit ) ;
a . tx_start = bus_addr ( dev - > txq . in . start ) ;
a . tx_end = bus_addr ( dev - > txq . in . limit ) ;
a . txcom_start = bus_addr ( dev - > txq . out . start ) ;
a . txcom_end = bus_addr ( dev - > txq . out . limit ) ;
for ( pool = 0 ; pool < NUM_RX_POOLS ; + + pool ) {
// the other "a" items are set up by the adapter
a . rec_struct [ pool ] . buffer_start = bus_addr ( dev - > rxq [ pool ] . in . start ) ;
a . rec_struct [ pool ] . buffer_end = bus_addr ( dev - > rxq [ pool ] . in . limit ) ;
a . rec_struct [ pool ] . rx_start = bus_addr ( dev - > rxq [ pool ] . out . start ) ;
a . rec_struct [ pool ] . rx_end = bus_addr ( dev - > rxq [ pool ] . out . limit ) ;
a . rec_struct [ pool ] . buffer_size = cpu_to_be32 ( dev - > rxq [ pool ] . buffer_size ) ;
// disable fast PLX prefetching
a . init_flags = 0 ;
# endif
// pass the structure
wr_mem ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , doorbell ) , virt_to_bus ( & a ) ) ;
// 2.2 second wait (must not touch doorbell during 2 second DMA test)
msleep ( 2200 ) ;
// give the adapter another half second?
timeout = 500 ;
while ( rd_plain ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , doorbell ) ) )
if ( timeout ) {
timeout = msleep_interruptible ( timeout ) ;
} else {
PRINTD ( DBG_INIT | DBG_ERR , " adapter init timed out " ) ;
return - ETIMEDOUT ;
return 0 ;
// get microcode version
static void __devinit amb_ucode_version ( amb_dev * dev ) {
u32 major ;
u32 minor ;
command cmd ;
cmd . request = cpu_to_be32 ( SRB_GET_VERSION ) ;
while ( command_do ( dev , & cmd ) ) {
set_current_state ( TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE ) ;
schedule ( ) ;
major = be32_to_cpu ( cmd . args . version . major ) ;
minor = be32_to_cpu ( cmd . args . version . minor ) ;
PRINTK ( KERN_INFO , " microcode version is %u.%u " , major , minor ) ;
// swap bits within byte to get Ethernet ordering
static u8 bit_swap ( u8 byte )
const u8 swap [ ] = {
0x0 , 0x8 , 0x4 , 0xc ,
0x2 , 0xa , 0x6 , 0xe ,
0x1 , 0x9 , 0x5 , 0xd ,
0x3 , 0xb , 0x7 , 0xf
} ;
return ( ( swap [ byte & 0xf ] < < 4 ) | swap [ byte > > 4 ] ) ;
// get end station address
static void __devinit amb_esi ( amb_dev * dev , u8 * esi ) {
u32 lower4 ;
u16 upper2 ;
command cmd ;
cmd . request = cpu_to_be32 ( SRB_GET_BIA ) ;
while ( command_do ( dev , & cmd ) ) {
set_current_state ( TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE ) ;
schedule ( ) ;
lower4 = be32_to_cpu ( cmd . args . bia . lower4 ) ;
upper2 = be32_to_cpu ( cmd . args . bia . upper2 ) ;
PRINTD ( DBG_LOAD , " BIA: lower4: %08x, upper2 %04x " , lower4 , upper2 ) ;
if ( esi ) {
unsigned int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ESI_LEN ; + + i ) {
if ( i < 4 )
esi [ i ] = bit_swap ( lower4 > > ( 8 * i ) ) ;
esi [ i ] = bit_swap ( upper2 > > ( 8 * ( i - 4 ) ) ) ;
PRINTDM ( DBG_INIT , " %02x " , esi [ i ] ) ;
PRINTDE ( DBG_INIT , " " ) ;
return ;
static void fixup_plx_window ( amb_dev * dev , loader_block * lb )
// fix up the PLX-mapped window base address to match the block
unsigned long blb ;
u32 mapreg ;
blb = virt_to_bus ( lb ) ;
// the kernel stack had better not ever cross a 1Gb boundary!
mapreg = rd_plain ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , stuff [ 10 ] ) ) ;
mapreg & = ~ onegigmask ;
mapreg | = blb & onegigmask ;
wr_plain ( dev , offsetof ( amb_mem , stuff [ 10 ] ) , mapreg ) ;
return ;
static int __devinit amb_init ( amb_dev * dev )
loader_block lb ;
u32 version ;
if ( amb_reset ( dev , 1 ) ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " card reset failed! " ) ;
} else {
fixup_plx_window ( dev , & lb ) ;
if ( get_loader_version ( & lb , dev , & version ) ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_INFO , " failed to get loader version " ) ;
} else {
PRINTK ( KERN_INFO , " loader version is %08x " , version ) ;
if ( ucode_init ( & lb , dev ) ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " microcode failure " ) ;
} else if ( create_queues ( dev , cmds , txs , rxs , rxs_bs ) ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " failed to get memory for queues " ) ;
} else {
if ( amb_talk ( dev ) ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " adapter did not accept queues " ) ;
} else {
amb_ucode_version ( dev ) ;
return 0 ;
} /* amb_talk */
destroy_queues ( dev ) ;
} /* create_queues, ucode_init */
amb_reset ( dev , 0 ) ;
} /* get_loader_version */
} /* amb_reset */
return - EINVAL ;
static void setup_dev ( amb_dev * dev , struct pci_dev * pci_dev )
unsigned char pool ;
memset ( dev , 0 , sizeof ( amb_dev ) ) ;
// set up known dev items straight away
dev - > pci_dev = pci_dev ;
pci_set_drvdata ( pci_dev , dev ) ;
dev - > iobase = pci_resource_start ( pci_dev , 1 ) ;
dev - > irq = pci_dev - > irq ;
dev - > membase = bus_to_virt ( pci_resource_start ( pci_dev , 0 ) ) ;
// flags (currently only dead)
dev - > flags = 0 ;
// Allocate cell rates (fibre)
// ATM_OC3_PCR = 1555200000/8/270*260/53 - 29/53
// to be really pedantic, this should be ATM_OC3c_PCR
dev - > tx_avail = ATM_OC3_PCR ;
dev - > rx_avail = ATM_OC3_PCR ;
// initialise bottom half
INIT_WORK ( & dev - > bh , ( void ( * ) ( void * ) ) fill_rx_pools , dev ) ;
# endif
// semaphore for txer/rxer modifications - we cannot use a
// spinlock as the critical region needs to switch processes
init_MUTEX ( & dev - > vcc_sf ) ;
// queue manipulation spinlocks; we want atomic reads and
// writes to the queue descriptors (handles IRQ and SMP)
// consider replacing "int pending" -> "atomic_t available"
// => problem related to who gets to move queue pointers
spin_lock_init ( & dev - > cq . lock ) ;
spin_lock_init ( & dev - > txq . lock ) ;
for ( pool = 0 ; pool < NUM_RX_POOLS ; + + pool )
spin_lock_init ( & dev - > rxq [ pool ] . lock ) ;
static void setup_pci_dev ( struct pci_dev * pci_dev )
unsigned char lat ;
// enable bus master accesses
pci_set_master ( pci_dev ) ;
// frobnicate latency (upwards, usually)
pci_read_config_byte ( pci_dev , PCI_LATENCY_TIMER , & lat ) ;
if ( ! pci_lat )
pci_lat = ( lat < MIN_PCI_LATENCY ) ? MIN_PCI_LATENCY : lat ;
if ( lat ! = pci_lat ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_INFO , " Changing PCI latency timer from %hu to %hu " ,
lat , pci_lat ) ;
pci_write_config_byte ( pci_dev , PCI_LATENCY_TIMER , pci_lat ) ;
static int __devinit amb_probe ( struct pci_dev * pci_dev , const struct pci_device_id * pci_ent )
amb_dev * dev ;
int err ;
unsigned int irq ;
err = pci_enable_device ( pci_dev ) ;
if ( err < 0 ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " skipped broken (PLX rev 2) card " ) ;
goto out ;
// read resources from PCI configuration space
irq = pci_dev - > irq ;
if ( pci_dev - > device = = PCI_DEVICE_ID_MADGE_AMBASSADOR_BAD ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " skipped broken (PLX rev 2) card " ) ;
err = - EINVAL ;
goto out_disable ;
PRINTD ( DBG_INFO , " found Madge ATM adapter (amb) at "
" IO %lx, IRQ %u, MEM %p " , pci_resource_start ( pci_dev , 1 ) ,
irq , bus_to_virt ( pci_resource_start ( pci_dev , 0 ) ) ) ;
// check IO region
err = pci_request_region ( pci_dev , 1 , DEV_LABEL ) ;
if ( err < 0 ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " IO range already in use! " ) ;
goto out_disable ;
dev = kmalloc ( sizeof ( amb_dev ) , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ! dev ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " out of memory! " ) ;
err = - ENOMEM ;
goto out_release ;
setup_dev ( dev , pci_dev ) ;
err = amb_init ( dev ) ;
if ( err < 0 ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " adapter initialisation failure " ) ;
goto out_free ;
setup_pci_dev ( pci_dev ) ;
// grab (but share) IRQ and install handler
err = request_irq ( irq , interrupt_handler , SA_SHIRQ , DEV_LABEL , dev ) ;
if ( err < 0 ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " request IRQ failed! " ) ;
goto out_reset ;
dev - > atm_dev = atm_dev_register ( DEV_LABEL , & amb_ops , - 1 , NULL ) ;
if ( ! dev - > atm_dev ) {
PRINTD ( DBG_ERR , " failed to register Madge ATM adapter " ) ;
err = - EINVAL ;
goto out_free_irq ;
PRINTD ( DBG_INFO , " registered Madge ATM adapter (no. %d) (%p) at %p " ,
dev - > atm_dev - > number , dev , dev - > atm_dev ) ;
dev - > atm_dev - > dev_data = ( void * ) dev ;
// register our address
amb_esi ( dev , dev - > atm_dev - > esi ) ;
// 0 bits for vpi, 10 bits for vci
dev - > atm_dev - > ci_range . vpi_bits = NUM_VPI_BITS ;
dev - > atm_dev - > ci_range . vci_bits = NUM_VCI_BITS ;
init_timer ( & dev - > housekeeping ) ;
dev - > housekeeping . function = do_housekeeping ;
dev - > housekeeping . data = ( unsigned long ) dev ;
mod_timer ( & dev - > housekeeping , jiffies ) ;
// enable host interrupts
interrupts_on ( dev ) ;
out :
return err ;
out_free_irq :
free_irq ( irq , dev ) ;
out_reset :
amb_reset ( dev , 0 ) ;
out_free :
kfree ( dev ) ;
out_release :
pci_release_region ( pci_dev , 1 ) ;
out_disable :
pci_disable_device ( pci_dev ) ;
goto out ;
static void __devexit amb_remove_one ( struct pci_dev * pci_dev )
struct amb_dev * dev ;
dev = pci_get_drvdata ( pci_dev ) ;
PRINTD ( DBG_INFO | DBG_INIT , " closing %p (atm_dev = %p) " , dev , dev - > atm_dev ) ;
del_timer_sync ( & dev - > housekeeping ) ;
// the drain should not be necessary
drain_rx_pools ( dev ) ;
interrupts_off ( dev ) ;
amb_reset ( dev , 0 ) ;
free_irq ( dev - > irq , dev ) ;
pci_disable_device ( pci_dev ) ;
destroy_queues ( dev ) ;
atm_dev_deregister ( dev - > atm_dev ) ;
kfree ( dev ) ;
pci_release_region ( pci_dev , 1 ) ;
static void __init amb_check_args ( void ) {
unsigned char pool ;
unsigned int max_rx_size ;
PRINTK ( KERN_NOTICE , " debug bitmap is %hx " , debug & = DBG_MASK ) ;
# else
if ( debug )
PRINTK ( KERN_NOTICE , " no debugging support " ) ;
# endif
if ( cmds < MIN_QUEUE_SIZE )
PRINTK ( KERN_NOTICE , " cmds has been raised to %u " ,
cmds = MIN_QUEUE_SIZE ) ;
if ( txs < MIN_QUEUE_SIZE )
PRINTK ( KERN_NOTICE , " txs has been raised to %u " ,
txs = MIN_QUEUE_SIZE ) ;
for ( pool = 0 ; pool < NUM_RX_POOLS ; + + pool )
if ( rxs [ pool ] < MIN_QUEUE_SIZE )
PRINTK ( KERN_NOTICE , " rxs[%hu] has been raised to %u " ,
pool , rxs [ pool ] = MIN_QUEUE_SIZE ) ;
// buffers sizes should be greater than zero and strictly increasing
max_rx_size = 0 ;
for ( pool = 0 ; pool < NUM_RX_POOLS ; + + pool )
if ( rxs_bs [ pool ] < = max_rx_size )
PRINTK ( KERN_NOTICE , " useless pool (rxs_bs[%hu] = %u) " ,
pool , rxs_bs [ pool ] ) ;
max_rx_size = rxs_bs [ pool ] ;
if ( rx_lats < MIN_RX_BUFFERS )
PRINTK ( KERN_NOTICE , " rx_lats has been raised to %u " ,
rx_lats = MIN_RX_BUFFERS ) ;
return ;
/********** module stuff **********/
MODULE_AUTHOR ( maintainer_string ) ;
MODULE_DESCRIPTION ( description_string ) ;
module_param ( debug , ushort , 0644 ) ;
module_param ( cmds , uint , 0 ) ;
module_param ( txs , uint , 0 ) ;
module_param_array ( rxs , uint , NULL , 0 ) ;
module_param_array ( rxs_bs , uint , NULL , 0 ) ;
module_param ( rx_lats , uint , 0 ) ;
module_param ( pci_lat , byte , 0 ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( debug , " debug bitmap, see .h file " ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( cmds , " number of command queue entries " ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( txs , " number of TX queue entries " ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( rxs , " number of RX queue entries [ " __MODULE_STRING ( NUM_RX_POOLS ) " ] " ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( rxs_bs , " size of RX buffers [ " __MODULE_STRING ( NUM_RX_POOLS ) " ] " ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( rx_lats , " number of extra buffers to cope with RX latencies " ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( pci_lat , " PCI latency in bus cycles " ) ;
/********** module entry **********/
static struct pci_device_id amb_pci_tbl [ ] = {
0 , 0 , 0 } ,
0 , 0 , 0 } ,
{ 0 , }
} ;
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE ( pci , amb_pci_tbl ) ;
static struct pci_driver amb_driver = {
. name = " amb " ,
. probe = amb_probe ,
. remove = __devexit_p ( amb_remove_one ) ,
. id_table = amb_pci_tbl ,
} ;
static int __init amb_module_init ( void )
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_INIT , " init_module " ) ;
// sanity check - cast needed as printk does not support %Zu
if ( sizeof ( amb_mem ) ! = 4 * 16 + 4 * 12 ) {
PRINTK ( KERN_ERR , " Fix amb_mem (is %lu words). " ,
( unsigned long ) sizeof ( amb_mem ) ) ;
return - ENOMEM ;
show_version ( ) ;
amb_check_args ( ) ;
// get the juice
return pci_register_driver ( & amb_driver ) ;
/********** module exit **********/
static void __exit amb_module_exit ( void )
PRINTD ( DBG_FLOW | DBG_INIT , " cleanup_module " ) ;
return pci_unregister_driver ( & amb_driver ) ;
module_init ( amb_module_init ) ;
module_exit ( amb_module_exit ) ;