2019-05-27 08:55:01 +02:00
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
/* D-Link DL2000-based Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Linux driver */
2006-09-13 13:24:59 -04:00
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
Copyright ( c ) 2001 , 2002 by D - Link Corporation
Written by Edward Peng . < edward_peng @ dlink . com . tw >
Created 03 - May - 2001 , base on Linux ' sundance . c .
# ifndef __DL2K_H__
# define __DL2K_H__
# include <linux/module.h>
# include <linux/kernel.h>
# include <linux/string.h>
# include <linux/timer.h>
# include <linux/errno.h>
# include <linux/ioport.h>
# include <linux/slab.h>
# include <linux/interrupt.h>
# include <linux/pci.h>
# include <linux/netdevice.h>
# include <linux/etherdevice.h>
# include <linux/skbuff.h>
# include <linux/crc32.h>
# include <linux/ethtool.h>
2011-08-21 18:32:05 +02:00
# include <linux/mii.h>
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
# include <linux/bitops.h>
# include <asm/processor.h> /* Processor type for cache alignment. */
# include <asm/io.h>
2016-12-24 11:46:01 -08:00
# include <linux/uaccess.h>
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
# include <linux/delay.h>
# include <linux/spinlock.h>
# include <linux/time.h>
# define TX_RING_SIZE 256
# define TX_QUEUE_LEN (TX_RING_SIZE - 1) /* Limit ring entries actually used.*/
# define RX_RING_SIZE 256
# define TX_TOTAL_SIZE TX_RING_SIZE*sizeof(struct netdev_desc)
# define RX_TOTAL_SIZE RX_RING_SIZE*sizeof(struct netdev_desc)
/* Offsets to the device registers.
Unlike software - only systems , device drivers interact with complex hardware .
It ' s not useful to define symbolic names for every register bit in the
device . The name can only partially document the semantics and make
the driver longer and more difficult to read .
In general , only the important configuration values or bits changed
multiple times should be defined symbolically .
enum dl2x_offsets {
/* I/O register offsets */
DMACtrl = 0x00 ,
RxDMAStatus = 0x08 ,
TFDListPtr0 = 0x10 ,
TFDListPtr1 = 0x14 ,
TxDMABurstThresh = 0x18 ,
TxDMAUrgentThresh = 0x19 ,
TxDMAPollPeriod = 0x1a ,
RFDListPtr0 = 0x1c ,
RFDListPtr1 = 0x20 ,
RxDMABurstThresh = 0x24 ,
RxDMAUrgentThresh = 0x25 ,
RxDMAPollPeriod = 0x26 ,
RxDMAIntCtrl = 0x28 ,
DebugCtrl = 0x2c ,
ASICCtrl = 0x30 ,
FifoCtrl = 0x38 ,
RxEarlyThresh = 0x3a ,
FlowOffThresh = 0x3c ,
FlowOnThresh = 0x3e ,
TxStartThresh = 0x44 ,
EepromData = 0x48 ,
EepromCtrl = 0x4a ,
ExpromAddr = 0x4c ,
Exprodata = 0x50 ,
WakeEvent = 0x51 ,
CountDown = 0x54 ,
IntStatusAck = 0x5a ,
IntEnable = 0x5c ,
IntStatus = 0x5e ,
TxStatus = 0x60 ,
MACCtrl = 0x6c ,
VLANTag = 0x70 ,
PhyCtrl = 0x76 ,
StationAddr0 = 0x78 ,
StationAddr1 = 0x7a ,
StationAddr2 = 0x7c ,
VLANId = 0x80 ,
MaxFrameSize = 0x86 ,
ReceiveMode = 0x88 ,
HashTable0 = 0x8c ,
HashTable1 = 0x90 ,
RmonStatMask = 0x98 ,
StatMask = 0x9c ,
RxJumboFrames = 0xbc ,
TCPCheckSumErrors = 0xc0 ,
IPCheckSumErrors = 0xc2 ,
UDPCheckSumErrors = 0xc4 ,
TxJumboFrames = 0xf4 ,
/* Ethernet MIB statistic register offsets */
OctetRcvOk = 0xa8 ,
McstOctetRcvOk = 0xac ,
BcstOctetRcvOk = 0xb0 ,
FramesRcvOk = 0xb4 ,
McstFramesRcvdOk = 0xb8 ,
BcstFramesRcvdOk = 0xbe ,
MacControlFramesRcvd = 0xc6 ,
FrameTooLongErrors = 0xc8 ,
InRangeLengthErrors = 0xca ,
FramesCheckSeqErrors = 0xcc ,
FramesLostRxErrors = 0xce ,
OctetXmtOk = 0xd0 ,
McstOctetXmtOk = 0xd4 ,
BcstOctetXmtOk = 0xd8 ,
FramesXmtOk = 0xdc ,
McstFramesXmtdOk = 0xe0 ,
FramesWDeferredXmt = 0xe4 ,
LateCollisions = 0xe8 ,
MultiColFrames = 0xec ,
SingleColFrames = 0xf0 ,
BcstFramesXmtdOk = 0xf6 ,
CarrierSenseErrors = 0xf8 ,
MacControlFramesXmtd = 0xfa ,
FramesAbortXSColls = 0xfc ,
FramesWEXDeferal = 0xfe ,
/* RMON statistic register offsets */
EtherStatsCollisions = 0x100 ,
EtherStatsOctetsTransmit = 0x104 ,
EtherStatsPktsTransmit = 0x108 ,
EtherStatsPkts64OctetTransmit = 0x10c ,
EtherStats65to127OctetsTransmit = 0x110 ,
EtherStatsPkts128to255OctetsTransmit = 0x114 ,
EtherStatsPkts256to511OctetsTransmit = 0x118 ,
EtherStatsPkts512to1023OctetsTransmit = 0x11c ,
EtherStatsPkts1024to1518OctetsTransmit = 0x120 ,
EtherStatsCRCAlignErrors = 0x124 ,
EtherStatsUndersizePkts = 0x128 ,
EtherStatsFragments = 0x12c ,
EtherStatsJabbers = 0x130 ,
EtherStatsOctets = 0x134 ,
EtherStatsPkts = 0x138 ,
EtherStats64Octets = 0x13c ,
EtherStatsPkts65to127Octets = 0x140 ,
EtherStatsPkts128to255Octets = 0x144 ,
EtherStatsPkts256to511Octets = 0x148 ,
EtherStatsPkts512to1023Octets = 0x14c ,
EtherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets = 0x150 ,
} ;
/* Bits in the interrupt status/mask registers. */
enum IntStatus_bits {
InterruptStatus = 0x0001 ,
HostError = 0x0002 ,
MACCtrlFrame = 0x0008 ,
TxComplete = 0x0004 ,
RxComplete = 0x0010 ,
RxEarly = 0x0020 ,
IntRequested = 0x0040 ,
UpdateStats = 0x0080 ,
LinkEvent = 0x0100 ,
TxDMAComplete = 0x0200 ,
RxDMAComplete = 0x0400 ,
RFDListEnd = 0x0800 ,
RxDMAPriority = 0x1000 ,
} ;
/* Bits in the ReceiveMode register. */
enum ReceiveMode_bits {
ReceiveUnicast = 0x0001 ,
ReceiveMulticast = 0x0002 ,
ReceiveBroadcast = 0x0004 ,
ReceiveAllFrames = 0x0008 ,
ReceiveMulticastHash = 0x0010 ,
ReceiveIPMulticast = 0x0020 ,
ReceiveVLANMatch = 0x0100 ,
ReceiveVLANHash = 0x0200 ,
} ;
/* Bits in MACCtrl. */
enum MACCtrl_bits {
DuplexSelect = 0x20 ,
TxFlowControlEnable = 0x80 ,
RxFlowControlEnable = 0x0100 ,
RcvFCS = 0x200 ,
AutoVLANtagging = 0x1000 ,
AutoVLANuntagging = 0x2000 ,
StatsEnable = 0x00200000 ,
StatsDisable = 0x00400000 ,
StatsEnabled = 0x00800000 ,
TxEnable = 0x01000000 ,
TxDisable = 0x02000000 ,
TxEnabled = 0x04000000 ,
RxEnable = 0x08000000 ,
RxDisable = 0x10000000 ,
RxEnabled = 0x20000000 ,
} ;
enum ASICCtrl_LoWord_bits {
PhyMedia = 0x0080 ,
} ;
2006-09-13 13:24:59 -04:00
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
enum ASICCtrl_HiWord_bits {
GlobalReset = 0x0001 ,
RxReset = 0x0002 ,
TxReset = 0x0004 ,
DMAReset = 0x0008 ,
FIFOReset = 0x0010 ,
NetworkReset = 0x0020 ,
HostReset = 0x0040 ,
ResetBusy = 0x0400 ,
} ;
2015-11-15 22:36:11 +01:00
# define IPG_AC_LED_MODE BIT(14)
# define IPG_AC_LED_SPEED BIT(27)
# define IPG_AC_LED_MODE_BIT_1 BIT(29)
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
/* Transmit Frame Control bits */
enum TFC_bits {
DwordAlign = 0x00000000 ,
WordAlignDisable = 0x00030000 ,
WordAlign = 0x00020000 ,
TCPChecksumEnable = 0x00040000 ,
UDPChecksumEnable = 0x00080000 ,
IPChecksumEnable = 0x00100000 ,
FCSAppendDisable = 0x00200000 ,
TxIndicate = 0x00400000 ,
TxDMAIndicate = 0x00800000 ,
FragCountShift = 24 ,
VLANTagInsert = 0x0000000010000000 ,
TFDDone = 0x80000000 ,
VIDShift = 32 ,
UsePriorityShift = 48 ,
} ;
/* Receive Frames Status bits */
enum RFS_bits {
RxFIFOOverrun = 0x00010000 ,
RxRuntFrame = 0x00020000 ,
RxAlignmentError = 0x00040000 ,
RxFCSError = 0x00080000 ,
RxOverSizedFrame = 0x00100000 ,
RxLengthError = 0x00200000 ,
VLANDetected = 0x00400000 ,
TCPDetected = 0x00800000 ,
TCPError = 0x01000000 ,
UDPDetected = 0x02000000 ,
UDPError = 0x04000000 ,
IPDetected = 0x08000000 ,
IPError = 0x10000000 ,
FrameStart = 0x20000000 ,
FrameEnd = 0x40000000 ,
RFDDone = 0x80000000 ,
TCIShift = 32 ,
RFS_Errors = 0x003f0000 ,
} ;
# define MII_RESET_TIME_OUT 10000
/* MII register */
enum _mii_reg {
MII_PHY_SCR = 16 ,
} ;
2011-08-21 18:32:05 +02:00
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
/* PCS register */
enum _pcs_reg {
PCS_BMCR = 0 ,
PCS_BMSR = 1 ,
PCS_ANAR = 4 ,
PCS_ANER = 6 ,
PCS_ESR = 15 ,
} ;
/* IEEE Extened Status Register */
enum _mii_esr {
MII_ESR_1000BX_FD = 0x8000 ,
MII_ESR_1000BX_HD = 0x4000 ,
MII_ESR_1000BT_FD = 0x2000 ,
MII_ESR_1000BT_HD = 0x1000 ,
} ;
/* PHY Specific Control Register */
2008-01-13 14:18:15 +00:00
#if 0
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
typedef union t_MII_PHY_SCR {
u16 image ;
struct {
u16 disable_jabber : 1 ; // bit 0
u16 polarity_reversal : 1 ; // bit 1
u16 SEQ_test : 1 ; // bit 2
u16 _bit_3 : 1 ; // bit 3
u16 disable_CLK125 : 1 ; // bit 4
u16 mdi_crossover_mode : 2 ; // bit 6:5
u16 enable_ext_dist : 1 ; // bit 7
u16 _bit_8_9 : 2 ; // bit 9:8
u16 force_link : 1 ; // bit 10
u16 assert_CRS : 1 ; // bit 11
u16 rcv_fifo_depth : 2 ; // bit 13:12
u16 xmit_fifo_depth : 2 ; // bit 15:14
} bits ;
} PHY_SCR_t , * PPHY_SCR_t ;
2008-01-13 14:18:15 +00:00
# endif
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
typedef enum t_MII_ADMIN_STATUS {
adm_reset ,
adm_operational ,
adm_loopback ,
adm_power_down ,
/* Physical Coding Sublayer Management (PCS) */
/* PCS control and status registers bitmap as the same as MII */
/* PCS Extended Status register bitmap as the same as MII */
/* PCS ANAR */
enum _pcs_anar {
PCS_ANAR_PAUSE = 0x0080 ,
} ;
enum _pcs_anlpar {
2006-09-13 13:24:59 -04:00
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
} ;
typedef struct t_SROM {
u16 config_param ; /* 0x00 */
u16 asic_ctrl ; /* 0x02 */
u16 sub_vendor_id ; /* 0x04 */
u16 sub_system_id ; /* 0x06 */
2015-11-15 22:36:11 +01:00
u16 pci_base_1 ; /* 0x08 (IP1000A only) */
u16 pci_base_2 ; /* 0x0a (IP1000A only) */
u16 led_mode ; /* 0x0c (IP1000A only) */
u16 reserved1 [ 9 ] ; /* 0x0e-0x1f */
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
u8 mac_addr [ 6 ] ; /* 0x20-0x25 */
u8 reserved2 [ 10 ] ; /* 0x26-0x2f */
u8 sib [ 204 ] ; /* 0x30-0xfb */
u32 crc ; /* 0xfc-0xff */
} SROM_t , * PSROM_t ;
/* Ioctl custom data */
struct ioctl_data {
char signature [ 10 ] ;
int cmd ;
int len ;
char * data ;
} ;
/* The Rx and Tx buffer descriptors. */
struct netdev_desc {
2007-12-22 18:11:18 +00:00
__le64 next_desc ;
__le64 status ;
__le64 fraginfo ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
} ;
# define PRIV_ALIGN 15 /* Required alignment mask */
/* Use __attribute__((aligned (L1_CACHE_BYTES))) to maintain alignment
within the structure . */
struct netdev_private {
/* Descriptor rings first for alignment. */
struct netdev_desc * rx_ring ;
struct netdev_desc * tx_ring ;
struct sk_buff * rx_skbuff [ RX_RING_SIZE ] ;
struct sk_buff * tx_skbuff [ TX_RING_SIZE ] ;
dma_addr_t tx_ring_dma ;
dma_addr_t rx_ring_dma ;
struct pci_dev * pdev ;
2012-03-09 18:09:35 +01:00
void __iomem * ioaddr ;
void __iomem * eeprom_addr ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
spinlock_t tx_lock ;
spinlock_t rx_lock ;
unsigned int rx_buf_sz ; /* Based on MTU+slack. */
unsigned int speed ; /* Operating speed */
unsigned int vlan ; /* VLAN Id */
unsigned int chip_id ; /* PCI table chip id */
unsigned int rx_coalesce ; /* Maximum frames each RxDMAComplete intr */
unsigned int rx_timeout ; /* Wait time between RxDMAComplete intr */
unsigned int tx_coalesce ; /* Maximum frames each tx interrupt */
unsigned int full_duplex : 1 ; /* Full-duplex operation requested. */
unsigned int an_enable : 2 ; /* Auto-Negotiated Enable */
unsigned int jumbo : 1 ; /* Jumbo frame enable */
unsigned int coalesce : 1 ; /* Rx coalescing enable */
unsigned int tx_flow : 1 ; /* Tx flow control enable */
unsigned int rx_flow : 1 ; /* Rx flow control enable */
unsigned int phy_media : 1 ; /* 1: fiber, 0: copper */
unsigned int link_status : 1 ; /* Current link status */
struct netdev_desc * last_tx ; /* Last Tx descriptor used. */
unsigned long cur_rx , old_rx ; /* Producer/consumer ring indices */
unsigned long cur_tx , old_tx ;
struct timer_list timer ;
int wake_polarity ;
char name [ 256 ] ; /* net device description */
u8 duplex_polarity ;
u16 mcast_filter [ 4 ] ;
u16 advertising ; /* NWay media advertisement */
u16 negotiate ; /* Negotiated media */
int phy_addr ; /* PHY addresses. */
2015-11-15 22:36:11 +01:00
u16 led_mode ; /* LED mode read from EEPROM (IP1000A only) */
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
} ;
/* The station address location in the EEPROM. */
/* The struct pci_device_id consist of:
vendor , device Vendor and device ID to match ( or PCI_ANY_ID )
subvendor , subdevice Subsystem vendor and device ID to match ( or PCI_ANY_ID )
class Device class to match . The class_mask tells which bits
class_mask of the class are honored during the comparison .
driver_data Data private to the driver .
2015-11-15 22:36:11 +01:00
# define CHIP_IP1000A 1
[netdrvr] Remove long-unused bits from Becker template drivers
Symbols such as PCI_USES_IO, PCI_ADDR0, etc. originated from Donald
Becker's net driver template, but have been long unused. Remove.
In a few drivers, this allows the further eliminate of the pci_flags (or
just plain flags) member in the template driver probe structure.
Most of this logic is simply open-coded in most drivers, since it never
Made a few other cleanups while I was in there, too:
* constify, __devinitdata several PCI ID tables
* replace table terminating entries such as "{0,}," and "{NULL},"
with a more-clean "{ }".
Signed-off-by: Jeff Garzik <jeff@garzik.org>
2006-06-26 23:47:50 -04:00
2014-08-08 15:56:03 +02:00
static const struct pci_device_id rio_pci_tbl [ ] = {
[netdrvr] Remove long-unused bits from Becker template drivers
Symbols such as PCI_USES_IO, PCI_ADDR0, etc. originated from Donald
Becker's net driver template, but have been long unused. Remove.
In a few drivers, this allows the further eliminate of the pci_flags (or
just plain flags) member in the template driver probe structure.
Most of this logic is simply open-coded in most drivers, since it never
Made a few other cleanups while I was in there, too:
* constify, __devinitdata several PCI ID tables
* replace table terminating entries such as "{0,}," and "{NULL},"
with a more-clean "{ }".
Signed-off-by: Jeff Garzik <jeff@garzik.org>
2006-06-26 23:47:50 -04:00
{ 0x1186 , 0x4000 , PCI_ANY_ID , PCI_ANY_ID , } ,
2007-08-13 09:45:41 +09:00
{ 0x13f0 , 0x1021 , PCI_ANY_ID , PCI_ANY_ID , } ,
2015-11-15 22:36:11 +01:00
{ PCI_VDEVICE ( SUNDANCE , 0x1023 ) , CHIP_IP1000A } ,
{ PCI_VDEVICE ( SUNDANCE , 0x2021 ) , CHIP_IP1000A } ,
{ PCI_VDEVICE ( DLINK , 0x9021 ) , CHIP_IP1000A } ,
{ PCI_VDEVICE ( DLINK , 0x4020 ) , CHIP_IP1000A } ,
[netdrvr] Remove long-unused bits from Becker template drivers
Symbols such as PCI_USES_IO, PCI_ADDR0, etc. originated from Donald
Becker's net driver template, but have been long unused. Remove.
In a few drivers, this allows the further eliminate of the pci_flags (or
just plain flags) member in the template driver probe structure.
Most of this logic is simply open-coded in most drivers, since it never
Made a few other cleanups while I was in there, too:
* constify, __devinitdata several PCI ID tables
* replace table terminating entries such as "{0,}," and "{NULL},"
with a more-clean "{ }".
Signed-off-by: Jeff Garzik <jeff@garzik.org>
2006-06-26 23:47:50 -04:00
{ }
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
} ;
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE ( pci , rio_pci_tbl ) ;
# define TX_TIMEOUT (4*HZ)
# define PACKET_SIZE 1536
# define MAX_JUMBO 8000
# define RIO_IO_SIZE 340
# define DEFAULT_RXC 5
# define DEFAULT_RXT 750
# define DEFAULT_TXC 1
# define MAX_TXC 8
# endif /* __DL2K_H__ */