2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* random . c - - A strong random number generator
2005-04-16 15:25:56 -07:00
* Copyright Matt Mackall < mpm @ selenic . com > , 2003 , 2004 , 2005
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* Copyright Theodore Ts ' o , 1994 , 1995 , 1996 , 1997 , 1998 , 1999. All
* rights reserved .
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms , with or without
* modification , are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met :
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice , and the entire permission notice in its entirety ,
* including the disclaimer of warranties .
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice , this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and / or other materials provided with the distribution .
* 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
* products derived from this software without specific prior
* written permission .
* ALTERNATIVELY , this product may be distributed under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License , in which case the provisions of the GPL are
* required INSTEAD OF the above restrictions . ( This clause is
* necessary due to a potential bad interaction between the GPL and
* the restrictions contained in a BSD - style copyright . )
* ( now , with legal B . S . out of the way . . . . . )
* This routine gathers environmental noise from device drivers , etc . ,
* and returns good random numbers , suitable for cryptographic use .
* Besides the obvious cryptographic uses , these numbers are also good
* for seeding TCP sequence numbers , and other places where it is
* desirable to have numbers which are not only random , but hard to
* predict by an attacker .
* Theory of operation
* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* Computers are very predictable devices . Hence it is extremely hard
* to produce truly random numbers on a computer - - - as opposed to
* pseudo - random numbers , which can easily generated by using a
* algorithm . Unfortunately , it is very easy for attackers to guess
* the sequence of pseudo - random number generators , and for some
* applications this is not acceptable . So instead , we must try to
* gather " environmental noise " from the computer ' s environment , which
* must be hard for outside attackers to observe , and use that to
* generate random numbers . In a Unix environment , this is best done
* from inside the kernel .
* Sources of randomness from the environment include inter - keyboard
* timings , inter - interrupt timings from some interrupts , and other
* events which are both ( a ) non - deterministic and ( b ) hard for an
* outside observer to measure . Randomness from these sources are
* added to an " entropy pool " , which is mixed using a CRC - like function .
* This is not cryptographically strong , but it is adequate assuming
* the randomness is not chosen maliciously , and it is fast enough that
* the overhead of doing it on every interrupt is very reasonable .
* As random bytes are mixed into the entropy pool , the routines keep
* an * estimate * of how many bits of randomness have been stored into
* the random number generator ' s internal state .
* When random bytes are desired , they are obtained by taking the SHA
* hash of the contents of the " entropy pool " . The SHA hash avoids
* exposing the internal state of the entropy pool . It is believed to
* be computationally infeasible to derive any useful information
* about the input of SHA from its output . Even if it is possible to
* analyze SHA in some clever way , as long as the amount of data
* returned from the generator is less than the inherent entropy in
* the pool , the output data is totally unpredictable . For this
* reason , the routine decreases its internal estimate of how many
* bits of " true randomness " are contained in the entropy pool as it
* outputs random numbers .
* If this estimate goes to zero , the routine can still generate
* random numbers ; however , an attacker may ( at least in theory ) be
* able to infer the future output of the generator from prior
* outputs . This requires successful cryptanalysis of SHA , which is
* not believed to be feasible , but there is a remote possibility .
* Nonetheless , these numbers should be useful for the vast majority
* of purposes .
* Exported interfaces - - - - output
* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* There are three exported interfaces ; the first is one designed to
* be used from within the kernel :
* void get_random_bytes ( void * buf , int nbytes ) ;
* This interface will return the requested number of random bytes ,
* and place it in the requested buffer .
* The two other interfaces are two character devices / dev / random and
* / dev / urandom . / dev / random is suitable for use when very high
* quality randomness is desired ( for example , for key generation or
* one - time pads ) , as it will only return a maximum of the number of
* bits of randomness ( as estimated by the random number generator )
* contained in the entropy pool .
* The / dev / urandom device does not have this limit , and will return
* as many bytes as are requested . As more and more random bytes are
* requested without giving time for the entropy pool to recharge ,
* this will result in random numbers that are merely cryptographically
* strong . For many applications , however , this is acceptable .
* Exported interfaces - - - - input
* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* The current exported interfaces for gathering environmental noise
* from the devices are :
* void add_input_randomness ( unsigned int type , unsigned int code ,
* unsigned int value ) ;
* void add_interrupt_randomness ( int irq ) ;
* add_input_randomness ( ) uses the input layer interrupt timing , as well as
* the event type information from the hardware .
* add_interrupt_randomness ( ) uses the inter - interrupt timing as random
* inputs to the entropy pool . Note that not all interrupts are good
* sources of randomness ! For example , the timer interrupts is not a
* good choice , because the periodicity of the interrupts is too
* regular , and hence predictable to an attacker . Disk interrupts are
* a better measure , since the timing of the disk interrupts are more
* unpredictable .
* All of these routines try to estimate how many bits of randomness a
* particular randomness source . They do this by keeping track of the
* first and second order deltas of the event timings .
* Ensuring unpredictability at system startup
* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* When any operating system starts up , it will go through a sequence
* of actions that are fairly predictable by an adversary , especially
* if the start - up does not involve interaction with a human operator .
* This reduces the actual number of bits of unpredictability in the
* entropy pool below the value in entropy_count . In order to
* counteract this effect , it helps to carry information in the
* entropy pool across shut - downs and start - ups . To do this , put the
* following lines an appropriate script which is run during the boot
* sequence :
* echo " Initializing random number generator... "
* random_seed = / var / run / random - seed
* # Carry a random seed from start - up to start - up
* # Load and then save the whole entropy pool
* if [ - f $ random_seed ] ; then
* cat $ random_seed > / dev / urandom
* else
* touch $ random_seed
* fi
* chmod 600 $ random_seed
* dd if = / dev / urandom of = $ random_seed count = 1 bs = 512
* and the following lines in an appropriate script which is run as
* the system is shutdown :
* # Carry a random seed from shut - down to start - up
* # Save the whole entropy pool
* echo " Saving random seed... "
* random_seed = / var / run / random - seed
* touch $ random_seed
* chmod 600 $ random_seed
* dd if = / dev / urandom of = $ random_seed count = 1 bs = 512
* For example , on most modern systems using the System V init
* scripts , such code fragments would be found in
* / etc / rc . d / init . d / random . On older Linux systems , the correct script
* location might be in / etc / rcb . d / rc . local or / etc / rc . d / rc .0 .
* Effectively , these commands cause the contents of the entropy pool
* to be saved at shut - down time and reloaded into the entropy pool at
* start - up . ( The ' dd ' in the addition to the bootup script is to
* make sure that / etc / random - seed is different for every start - up ,
* even if the system crashes without executing rc .0 . ) Even with
* complete knowledge of the start - up activities , predicting the state
* of the entropy pool requires knowledge of the previous history of
* the system .
* Configuring the / dev / random driver under Linux
* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* The / dev / random driver under Linux uses minor numbers 8 and 9 of
* the / dev / mem major number ( # 1 ) . So if your system does not have
* / dev / random and / dev / urandom created already , they can be created
* by using the commands :
* mknod / dev / random c 1 8
* mknod / dev / urandom c 1 9
* Acknowledgements :
* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* Ideas for constructing this random number generator were derived
* from Pretty Good Privacy ' s random number generator , and from private
* discussions with Phil Karn . Colin Plumb provided a faster random
* number generator , which speed up the mixing function of the entropy
* pool , taken from PGPfone . Dale Worley has also contributed many
* useful ideas and suggestions to improve this driver .
* Any flaws in the design are solely my responsibility , and should
* not be attributed to the Phil , Colin , or any of authors of PGP .
* Further background information on this topic may be obtained from
* RFC 1750 , " Randomness Recommendations for Security " , by Donald
* Eastlake , Steve Crocker , and Jeff Schiller .
# include <linux/utsname.h>
# include <linux/module.h>
# include <linux/kernel.h>
# include <linux/major.h>
# include <linux/string.h>
# include <linux/fcntl.h>
# include <linux/slab.h>
# include <linux/random.h>
# include <linux/poll.h>
# include <linux/init.h>
# include <linux/fs.h>
# include <linux/genhd.h>
# include <linux/interrupt.h>
# include <linux/spinlock.h>
# include <linux/percpu.h>
# include <linux/cryptohash.h>
# include <asm/processor.h>
# include <asm/uaccess.h>
# include <asm/irq.h>
# include <asm/io.h>
* Configuration information
# define INPUT_POOL_WORDS 128
# define SEC_XFER_SIZE 512
* The minimum number of bits of entropy before we wake up a read on
* / dev / random . Should be enough to do a significant reseed .
static int random_read_wakeup_thresh = 64 ;
* If the entropy count falls under this number of bits , then we
* should wake up processes which are selecting or polling on write
* access to / dev / random .
static int random_write_wakeup_thresh = 128 ;
* When the input pool goes over trickle_thresh , start dropping most
* samples to avoid wasting CPU time and reduce lock contention .
2005-07-07 17:56:59 -07:00
static int trickle_thresh __read_mostly = INPUT_POOL_WORDS * 28 ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
static DEFINE_PER_CPU ( int , trickle_count ) = 0 ;
* A pool of size . poolwords is stirred with a primitive polynomial
* of degree . poolwords over GF ( 2 ) . The taps for various sizes are
* defined below . They are chosen to be evenly spaced ( minimum RMS
* distance from evenly spaced ; the numbers in the comments are a
* scaled squared error sum ) except for the last tap , which is 1 to
* get the twisting happening as fast as possible .
static struct poolinfo {
int poolwords ;
int tap1 , tap2 , tap3 , tap4 , tap5 ;
} poolinfo_table [ ] = {
/* x^128 + x^103 + x^76 + x^51 +x^25 + x + 1 -- 105 */
{ 128 , 103 , 76 , 51 , 25 , 1 } ,
/* x^32 + x^26 + x^20 + x^14 + x^7 + x + 1 -- 15 */
{ 32 , 26 , 20 , 14 , 7 , 1 } ,
#if 0
/* x^2048 + x^1638 + x^1231 + x^819 + x^411 + x + 1 -- 115 */
{ 2048 , 1638 , 1231 , 819 , 411 , 1 } ,
/* x^1024 + x^817 + x^615 + x^412 + x^204 + x + 1 -- 290 */
{ 1024 , 817 , 615 , 412 , 204 , 1 } ,
/* x^1024 + x^819 + x^616 + x^410 + x^207 + x^2 + 1 -- 115 */
{ 1024 , 819 , 616 , 410 , 207 , 2 } ,
/* x^512 + x^411 + x^308 + x^208 + x^104 + x + 1 -- 225 */
{ 512 , 411 , 308 , 208 , 104 , 1 } ,
/* x^512 + x^409 + x^307 + x^206 + x^102 + x^2 + 1 -- 95 */
{ 512 , 409 , 307 , 206 , 102 , 2 } ,
/* x^512 + x^409 + x^309 + x^205 + x^103 + x^2 + 1 -- 95 */
{ 512 , 409 , 309 , 205 , 103 , 2 } ,
/* x^256 + x^205 + x^155 + x^101 + x^52 + x + 1 -- 125 */
{ 256 , 205 , 155 , 101 , 52 , 1 } ,
/* x^128 + x^103 + x^78 + x^51 + x^27 + x^2 + 1 -- 70 */
{ 128 , 103 , 78 , 51 , 27 , 2 } ,
/* x^64 + x^52 + x^39 + x^26 + x^14 + x + 1 -- 15 */
{ 64 , 52 , 39 , 26 , 14 , 1 } ,
# endif
} ;
# define POOLBITS poolwords*32
# define POOLBYTES poolwords*4
* For the purposes of better mixing , we use the CRC - 32 polynomial as
* well to make a twisted Generalized Feedback Shift Reigster
* ( See M . Matsumoto & Y . Kurita , 1992. Twisted GFSR generators . ACM
* Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 2 ( 3 ) : 179 - 194.
* Also see M . Matsumoto & Y . Kurita , 1994. Twisted GFSR generators
* II . ACM Transactions on Mdeling and Computer Simulation 4 : 254 - 266 )
* Thanks to Colin Plumb for suggesting this .
* We have not analyzed the resultant polynomial to prove it primitive ;
* in fact it almost certainly isn ' t . Nonetheless , the irreducible factors
* of a random large - degree polynomial over GF ( 2 ) are more than large enough
* that periodicity is not a concern .
* The input hash is much less sensitive than the output hash . All
* that we want of it is that it be a good non - cryptographic hash ;
* i . e . it not produce collisions when fed " random " data of the sort
* we expect to see . As long as the pool state differs for different
* inputs , we have preserved the input entropy and done a good job .
* The fact that an intelligent attacker can construct inputs that
* will produce controlled alterations to the pool ' s state is not
* important because we don ' t consider such inputs to contribute any
* randomness . The only property we need with respect to them is that
* the attacker can ' t increase his / her knowledge of the pool ' s state .
* Since all additions are reversible ( knowing the final state and the
* input , you can reconstruct the initial state ) , if an attacker has
* any uncertainty about the initial state , he / she can only shuffle
* that uncertainty about , but never cause any collisions ( which would
* decrease the uncertainty ) .
* The chosen system lets the state of the pool be ( essentially ) the input
* modulo the generator polymnomial . Now , for random primitive polynomials ,
* this is a universal class of hash functions , meaning that the chance
* of a collision is limited by the attacker ' s knowledge of the generator
* polynomail , so if it is chosen at random , an attacker can never force
* a collision . Here , we use a fixed polynomial , but we * can * assume that
* # # # - - > it is unknown to the processes generating the input entropy . < - # # #
* Because of this important property , this is a good , collision - resistant
* hash ; hash collisions will occur no more often than chance .
* Static global variables
static DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD ( random_read_wait ) ;
static DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD ( random_write_wait ) ;
#if 0
static int debug = 0 ;
module_param ( debug , bool , 0644 ) ;
# define DEBUG_ENT(fmt, arg...) do { if (debug) \
printk ( KERN_DEBUG " random %04d %04d %04d: " \
fmt , \
input_pool . entropy_count , \
blocking_pool . entropy_count , \
nonblocking_pool . entropy_count , \
# # arg); } while (0)
# else
# define DEBUG_ENT(fmt, arg...) do {} while (0)
# endif
* OS independent entropy store . Here are the functions which handle
* storing entropy in an entropy pool .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
struct entropy_store ;
struct entropy_store {
/* mostly-read data: */
struct poolinfo * poolinfo ;
__u32 * pool ;
const char * name ;
int limit ;
struct entropy_store * pull ;
/* read-write data: */
spinlock_t lock ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp ;
unsigned add_ptr ;
int entropy_count ;
int input_rotate ;
} ;
static __u32 input_pool_data [ INPUT_POOL_WORDS ] ;
static __u32 blocking_pool_data [ OUTPUT_POOL_WORDS ] ;
static __u32 nonblocking_pool_data [ OUTPUT_POOL_WORDS ] ;
static struct entropy_store input_pool = {
. poolinfo = & poolinfo_table [ 0 ] ,
. name = " input " ,
. limit = 1 ,
2006-07-03 00:24:34 -07:00
. lock = __SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED ( & input_pool . lock ) ,
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
. pool = input_pool_data
} ;
static struct entropy_store blocking_pool = {
. poolinfo = & poolinfo_table [ 1 ] ,
. name = " blocking " ,
. limit = 1 ,
. pull = & input_pool ,
2006-07-03 00:24:34 -07:00
. lock = __SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED ( & blocking_pool . lock ) ,
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
. pool = blocking_pool_data
} ;
static struct entropy_store nonblocking_pool = {
. poolinfo = & poolinfo_table [ 1 ] ,
. name = " nonblocking " ,
. pull = & input_pool ,
2006-07-03 00:24:34 -07:00
. lock = __SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED ( & nonblocking_pool . lock ) ,
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
. pool = nonblocking_pool_data
} ;
* This function adds a byte into the entropy " pool " . It does not
* update the entropy estimate . The caller should call
* credit_entropy_store if this is appropriate .
* The pool is stirred with a primitive polynomial of the appropriate
* degree , and then twisted . We twist by three bits at a time because
* it ' s cheap to do so and helps slightly in the expected case where
* the entropy is concentrated in the low - order bits .
static void __add_entropy_words ( struct entropy_store * r , const __u32 * in ,
int nwords , __u32 out [ 16 ] )
static __u32 const twist_table [ 8 ] = {
0x00000000 , 0x3b6e20c8 , 0x76dc4190 , 0x4db26158 ,
0xedb88320 , 0xd6d6a3e8 , 0x9b64c2b0 , 0xa00ae278 } ;
unsigned long i , add_ptr , tap1 , tap2 , tap3 , tap4 , tap5 ;
int new_rotate , input_rotate ;
int wordmask = r - > poolinfo - > poolwords - 1 ;
__u32 w , next_w ;
unsigned long flags ;
/* Taps are constant, so we can load them without holding r->lock. */
tap1 = r - > poolinfo - > tap1 ;
tap2 = r - > poolinfo - > tap2 ;
tap3 = r - > poolinfo - > tap3 ;
tap4 = r - > poolinfo - > tap4 ;
tap5 = r - > poolinfo - > tap5 ;
next_w = * in + + ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & r - > lock , flags ) ;
prefetch_range ( r - > pool , wordmask ) ;
input_rotate = r - > input_rotate ;
add_ptr = r - > add_ptr ;
while ( nwords - - ) {
w = rol32 ( next_w , input_rotate ) ;
if ( nwords > 0 )
next_w = * in + + ;
i = add_ptr = ( add_ptr - 1 ) & wordmask ;
* Normally , we add 7 bits of rotation to the pool .
* At the beginning of the pool , add an extra 7 bits
* rotation , so that successive passes spread the
* input bits across the pool evenly .
new_rotate = input_rotate + 14 ;
if ( i )
new_rotate = input_rotate + 7 ;
input_rotate = new_rotate & 31 ;
/* XOR in the various taps */
w ^ = r - > pool [ ( i + tap1 ) & wordmask ] ;
w ^ = r - > pool [ ( i + tap2 ) & wordmask ] ;
w ^ = r - > pool [ ( i + tap3 ) & wordmask ] ;
w ^ = r - > pool [ ( i + tap4 ) & wordmask ] ;
w ^ = r - > pool [ ( i + tap5 ) & wordmask ] ;
w ^ = r - > pool [ i ] ;
r - > pool [ i ] = ( w > > 3 ) ^ twist_table [ w & 7 ] ;
r - > input_rotate = input_rotate ;
r - > add_ptr = add_ptr ;
if ( out ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i + + ) {
out [ i ] = r - > pool [ add_ptr ] ;
add_ptr = ( add_ptr - 1 ) & wordmask ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & r - > lock , flags ) ;
static inline void add_entropy_words ( struct entropy_store * r , const __u32 * in ,
int nwords )
__add_entropy_words ( r , in , nwords , NULL ) ;
* Credit ( or debit ) the entropy store with n bits of entropy
static void credit_entropy_store ( struct entropy_store * r , int nbits )
unsigned long flags ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & r - > lock , flags ) ;
if ( r - > entropy_count + nbits < 0 ) {
DEBUG_ENT ( " negative entropy/overflow (%d+%d) \n " ,
r - > entropy_count , nbits ) ;
r - > entropy_count = 0 ;
} else if ( r - > entropy_count + nbits > r - > poolinfo - > POOLBITS ) {
r - > entropy_count = r - > poolinfo - > POOLBITS ;
} else {
r - > entropy_count + = nbits ;
if ( nbits )
DEBUG_ENT ( " added %d entropy credits to %s \n " ,
nbits , r - > name ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & r - > lock , flags ) ;
* Entropy input management
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
/* There is one of these per entropy source */
struct timer_rand_state {
cycles_t last_time ;
long last_delta , last_delta2 ;
unsigned dont_count_entropy : 1 ;
} ;
static struct timer_rand_state input_timer_state ;
static struct timer_rand_state * irq_timer_state [ NR_IRQS ] ;
* This function adds entropy to the entropy " pool " by using timing
* delays . It uses the timer_rand_state structure to make an estimate
* of how many bits of entropy this call has added to the pool .
* The number " num " is also added to the pool - it should somehow describe
* the type of event which just happened . This is currently 0 - 255 for
* keyboard scan codes , and 256 upwards for interrupts .
static void add_timer_randomness ( struct timer_rand_state * state , unsigned num )
struct {
cycles_t cycles ;
long jiffies ;
unsigned num ;
} sample ;
long delta , delta2 , delta3 ;
preempt_disable ( ) ;
/* if over the trickle threshold, use only 1 in 4096 samples */
if ( input_pool . entropy_count > trickle_thresh & &
( __get_cpu_var ( trickle_count ) + + & 0xfff ) )
goto out ;
sample . jiffies = jiffies ;
sample . cycles = get_cycles ( ) ;
sample . num = num ;
add_entropy_words ( & input_pool , ( u32 * ) & sample , sizeof ( sample ) / 4 ) ;
* Calculate number of bits of randomness we probably added .
* We take into account the first , second and third - order deltas
* in order to make our estimate .
if ( ! state - > dont_count_entropy ) {
delta = sample . jiffies - state - > last_time ;
state - > last_time = sample . jiffies ;
delta2 = delta - state - > last_delta ;
state - > last_delta = delta ;
delta3 = delta2 - state - > last_delta2 ;
state - > last_delta2 = delta2 ;
if ( delta < 0 )
delta = - delta ;
if ( delta2 < 0 )
delta2 = - delta2 ;
if ( delta3 < 0 )
delta3 = - delta3 ;
if ( delta > delta2 )
delta = delta2 ;
if ( delta > delta3 )
delta = delta3 ;
* delta is now minimum absolute delta .
* Round down by 1 bit on general principles ,
* and limit entropy entimate to 12 bits .
credit_entropy_store ( & input_pool ,
min_t ( int , fls ( delta > > 1 ) , 11 ) ) ;
if ( input_pool . entropy_count > = random_read_wakeup_thresh )
wake_up_interruptible ( & random_read_wait ) ;
out :
preempt_enable ( ) ;
2006-01-11 12:17:38 -08:00
void add_input_randomness ( unsigned int type , unsigned int code ,
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
unsigned int value )
static unsigned char last_value ;
/* ignore autorepeat and the like */
if ( value = = last_value )
return ;
DEBUG_ENT ( " input event \n " ) ;
last_value = value ;
add_timer_randomness ( & input_timer_state ,
( type < < 4 ) ^ code ^ ( code > > 4 ) ^ value ) ;
2006-10-11 01:43:58 -04:00
EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL ( add_input_randomness ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
void add_interrupt_randomness ( int irq )
if ( irq > = NR_IRQS | | irq_timer_state [ irq ] = = 0 )
return ;
DEBUG_ENT ( " irq event %d \n " , irq ) ;
add_timer_randomness ( irq_timer_state [ irq ] , 0x100 + irq ) ;
[PATCH] BLOCK: Make it possible to disable the block layer [try #6]
Make it possible to disable the block layer. Not all embedded devices require
it, some can make do with just JFFS2, NFS, ramfs, etc - none of which require
the block layer to be present.
This patch does the following:
(*) Introduces CONFIG_BLOCK to disable the block layer, buffering and blockdev
(*) Adds dependencies on CONFIG_BLOCK to any configuration item that controls
an item that uses the block layer. This includes:
(*) Block I/O tracing.
(*) Disk partition code.
(*) All filesystems that are block based, eg: Ext3, ReiserFS, ISOFS.
(*) The SCSI layer. As far as I can tell, even SCSI chardevs use the
block layer to do scheduling. Some drivers that use SCSI facilities -
such as USB storage - end up disabled indirectly from this.
(*) Various block-based device drivers, such as IDE and the old CDROM
(*) MTD blockdev handling and FTL.
(*) JFFS - which uses set_bdev_super(), something it could avoid doing by
taking a leaf out of JFFS2's book.
(*) Makes most of the contents of linux/blkdev.h, linux/buffer_head.h and
linux/elevator.h contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK being set. sector_div() is,
however, still used in places, and so is still available.
(*) Also made contingent are the contents of linux/mpage.h, linux/genhd.h and
parts of linux/fs.h.
(*) Makes a number of files in fs/ contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK.
(*) Makes mm/bounce.c (bounce buffering) contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK.
(*) set_page_dirty() doesn't call __set_page_dirty_buffers() if CONFIG_BLOCK
is not enabled.
(*) fs/no-block.c is created to hold out-of-line stubs and things that are
required when CONFIG_BLOCK is not set:
(*) Default blockdev file operations (to give error ENODEV on opening).
(*) Makes some /proc changes:
(*) /proc/devices does not list any blockdevs.
(*) /proc/diskstats and /proc/partitions are contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK.
(*) Makes some compat ioctl handling contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK.
(*) If CONFIG_BLOCK is not defined, makes sys_quotactl() return -ENODEV if
given command other than Q_SYNC or if a special device is specified.
(*) In init/do_mounts.c, no reference is made to the blockdev routines if
CONFIG_BLOCK is not defined. This does not prohibit NFS roots or JFFS2.
(*) The bdflush, ioprio_set and ioprio_get syscalls can now be absent (return
error ENOSYS by way of cond_syscall if so).
(*) The seclvl_bd_claim() and seclvl_bd_release() security calls do nothing if
CONFIG_BLOCK is not set, since they can't then happen.
Signed-Off-By: David Howells <dhowells@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Axboe <axboe@kernel.dk>
2006-09-30 20:45:40 +02:00
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
void add_disk_randomness ( struct gendisk * disk )
if ( ! disk | | ! disk - > random )
return ;
/* first major is 1, so we get >= 0x200 here */
DEBUG_ENT ( " disk event %d:%d \n " , disk - > major , disk - > first_minor ) ;
add_timer_randomness ( disk - > random ,
0x100 + MKDEV ( disk - > major , disk - > first_minor ) ) ;
EXPORT_SYMBOL ( add_disk_randomness ) ;
[PATCH] BLOCK: Make it possible to disable the block layer [try #6]
Make it possible to disable the block layer. Not all embedded devices require
it, some can make do with just JFFS2, NFS, ramfs, etc - none of which require
the block layer to be present.
This patch does the following:
(*) Introduces CONFIG_BLOCK to disable the block layer, buffering and blockdev
(*) Adds dependencies on CONFIG_BLOCK to any configuration item that controls
an item that uses the block layer. This includes:
(*) Block I/O tracing.
(*) Disk partition code.
(*) All filesystems that are block based, eg: Ext3, ReiserFS, ISOFS.
(*) The SCSI layer. As far as I can tell, even SCSI chardevs use the
block layer to do scheduling. Some drivers that use SCSI facilities -
such as USB storage - end up disabled indirectly from this.
(*) Various block-based device drivers, such as IDE and the old CDROM
(*) MTD blockdev handling and FTL.
(*) JFFS - which uses set_bdev_super(), something it could avoid doing by
taking a leaf out of JFFS2's book.
(*) Makes most of the contents of linux/blkdev.h, linux/buffer_head.h and
linux/elevator.h contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK being set. sector_div() is,
however, still used in places, and so is still available.
(*) Also made contingent are the contents of linux/mpage.h, linux/genhd.h and
parts of linux/fs.h.
(*) Makes a number of files in fs/ contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK.
(*) Makes mm/bounce.c (bounce buffering) contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK.
(*) set_page_dirty() doesn't call __set_page_dirty_buffers() if CONFIG_BLOCK
is not enabled.
(*) fs/no-block.c is created to hold out-of-line stubs and things that are
required when CONFIG_BLOCK is not set:
(*) Default blockdev file operations (to give error ENODEV on opening).
(*) Makes some /proc changes:
(*) /proc/devices does not list any blockdevs.
(*) /proc/diskstats and /proc/partitions are contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK.
(*) Makes some compat ioctl handling contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK.
(*) If CONFIG_BLOCK is not defined, makes sys_quotactl() return -ENODEV if
given command other than Q_SYNC or if a special device is specified.
(*) In init/do_mounts.c, no reference is made to the blockdev routines if
CONFIG_BLOCK is not defined. This does not prohibit NFS roots or JFFS2.
(*) The bdflush, ioprio_set and ioprio_get syscalls can now be absent (return
error ENOSYS by way of cond_syscall if so).
(*) The seclvl_bd_claim() and seclvl_bd_release() security calls do nothing if
CONFIG_BLOCK is not set, since they can't then happen.
Signed-Off-By: David Howells <dhowells@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Axboe <axboe@kernel.dk>
2006-09-30 20:45:40 +02:00
# endif
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
# define EXTRACT_SIZE 10
* Entropy extraction routines
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
static ssize_t extract_entropy ( struct entropy_store * r , void * buf ,
size_t nbytes , int min , int rsvd ) ;
* This utility inline function is responsible for transfering entropy
* from the primary pool to the secondary extraction pool . We make
* sure we pull enough for a ' catastrophic reseed ' .
static void xfer_secondary_pool ( struct entropy_store * r , size_t nbytes )
__u32 tmp [ OUTPUT_POOL_WORDS ] ;
if ( r - > pull & & r - > entropy_count < nbytes * 8 & &
r - > entropy_count < r - > poolinfo - > POOLBITS ) {
int bytes = max_t ( int , random_read_wakeup_thresh / 8 ,
min_t ( int , nbytes , sizeof ( tmp ) ) ) ;
int rsvd = r - > limit ? 0 : random_read_wakeup_thresh / 4 ;
DEBUG_ENT ( " going to reseed %s with %d bits "
" (%d of %d requested) \n " ,
r - > name , bytes * 8 , nbytes * 8 , r - > entropy_count ) ;
bytes = extract_entropy ( r - > pull , tmp , bytes ,
random_read_wakeup_thresh / 8 , rsvd ) ;
add_entropy_words ( r , tmp , ( bytes + 3 ) / 4 ) ;
credit_entropy_store ( r , bytes * 8 ) ;
* These functions extracts randomness from the " entropy pool " , and
* returns it in a buffer .
* The min parameter specifies the minimum amount we can pull before
* failing to avoid races that defeat catastrophic reseeding while the
* reserved parameter indicates how much entropy we must leave in the
* pool after each pull to avoid starving other readers .
* Note : extract_entropy ( ) assumes that . poolwords is a multiple of 16 words .
static size_t account ( struct entropy_store * r , size_t nbytes , int min ,
int reserved )
unsigned long flags ;
BUG_ON ( r - > entropy_count > r - > poolinfo - > POOLBITS ) ;
/* Hold lock while accounting */
spin_lock_irqsave ( & r - > lock , flags ) ;
DEBUG_ENT ( " trying to extract %d bits from %s \n " ,
nbytes * 8 , r - > name ) ;
/* Can we pull enough? */
if ( r - > entropy_count / 8 < min + reserved ) {
nbytes = 0 ;
} else {
/* If limited, never pull more than available */
if ( r - > limit & & nbytes + reserved > = r - > entropy_count / 8 )
nbytes = r - > entropy_count / 8 - reserved ;
if ( r - > entropy_count / 8 > = nbytes + reserved )
r - > entropy_count - = nbytes * 8 ;
r - > entropy_count = reserved ;
if ( r - > entropy_count < random_write_wakeup_thresh )
wake_up_interruptible ( & random_write_wait ) ;
DEBUG_ENT ( " debiting %d entropy credits from %s%s \n " ,
nbytes * 8 , r - > name , r - > limit ? " " : " (unlimited) " ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & r - > lock , flags ) ;
return nbytes ;
static void extract_buf ( struct entropy_store * r , __u8 * out )
2007-05-29 21:54:27 -05:00
int i ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
__u32 data [ 16 ] , buf [ 5 + SHA_WORKSPACE_WORDS ] ;
sha_init ( buf ) ;
* As we hash the pool , we mix intermediate values of
* the hash back into the pool . This eliminates
* backtracking attacks ( where the attacker knows
* the state of the pool plus the current outputs , and
* attempts to find previous ouputs ) , unless the hash
* function can be inverted .
2007-05-29 21:54:27 -05:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < r - > poolinfo - > poolwords ; i + = 16 ) {
/* hash blocks of 16 words = 512 bits */
sha_transform ( buf , ( __u8 * ) ( r - > pool + i ) , buf + 5 ) ;
/* feed back portion of the resulting hash */
add_entropy_words ( r , & buf [ i % 5 ] , 1 ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* To avoid duplicates , we atomically extract a
* portion of the pool while mixing , and hash one
* final time .
2007-05-29 21:54:27 -05:00
__add_entropy_words ( r , & buf [ i % 5 ] , 1 , data ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
sha_transform ( buf , ( __u8 * ) data , buf + 5 ) ;
* In case the hash function has some recognizable
* output pattern , we fold it in half .
buf [ 0 ] ^ = buf [ 3 ] ;
buf [ 1 ] ^ = buf [ 4 ] ;
2007-06-16 10:16:11 -07:00
buf [ 2 ] ^ = rol32 ( buf [ 2 ] , 16 ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
memcpy ( out , buf , EXTRACT_SIZE ) ;
memset ( buf , 0 , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
static ssize_t extract_entropy ( struct entropy_store * r , void * buf ,
size_t nbytes , int min , int reserved )
ssize_t ret = 0 , i ;
__u8 tmp [ EXTRACT_SIZE ] ;
xfer_secondary_pool ( r , nbytes ) ;
nbytes = account ( r , nbytes , min , reserved ) ;
while ( nbytes ) {
extract_buf ( r , tmp ) ;
i = min_t ( int , nbytes , EXTRACT_SIZE ) ;
memcpy ( buf , tmp , i ) ;
nbytes - = i ;
buf + = i ;
ret + = i ;
/* Wipe data just returned from memory */
memset ( tmp , 0 , sizeof ( tmp ) ) ;
return ret ;
static ssize_t extract_entropy_user ( struct entropy_store * r , void __user * buf ,
size_t nbytes )
ssize_t ret = 0 , i ;
__u8 tmp [ EXTRACT_SIZE ] ;
xfer_secondary_pool ( r , nbytes ) ;
nbytes = account ( r , nbytes , 0 , 0 ) ;
while ( nbytes ) {
if ( need_resched ( ) ) {
if ( signal_pending ( current ) ) {
if ( ret = = 0 )
break ;
schedule ( ) ;
extract_buf ( r , tmp ) ;
i = min_t ( int , nbytes , EXTRACT_SIZE ) ;
if ( copy_to_user ( buf , tmp , i ) ) {
ret = - EFAULT ;
break ;
nbytes - = i ;
buf + = i ;
ret + = i ;
/* Wipe data just returned from memory */
memset ( tmp , 0 , sizeof ( tmp ) ) ;
return ret ;
* This function is the exported kernel interface . It returns some
* number of good random numbers , suitable for seeding TCP sequence
* numbers , etc .
void get_random_bytes ( void * buf , int nbytes )
extract_entropy ( & nonblocking_pool , buf , nbytes , 0 , 0 ) ;
EXPORT_SYMBOL ( get_random_bytes ) ;
* init_std_data - initialize pool with system data
* @ r : pool to initialize
* This function clears the pool ' s entropy count and mixes some system
* data into the pool to prepare it for use . The pool is not cleared
* as that can only decrease the entropy in the pool .
static void init_std_data ( struct entropy_store * r )
2007-03-28 14:22:33 -07:00
ktime_t now ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
unsigned long flags ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & r - > lock , flags ) ;
r - > entropy_count = 0 ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & r - > lock , flags ) ;
2007-03-28 14:22:33 -07:00
now = ktime_get_real ( ) ;
add_entropy_words ( r , ( __u32 * ) & now , sizeof ( now ) / 4 ) ;
2006-10-02 02:18:11 -07:00
add_entropy_words ( r , ( __u32 * ) utsname ( ) ,
sizeof ( * ( utsname ( ) ) ) / 4 ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
static int __init rand_initialize ( void )
init_std_data ( & input_pool ) ;
init_std_data ( & blocking_pool ) ;
init_std_data ( & nonblocking_pool ) ;
return 0 ;
module_init ( rand_initialize ) ;
void rand_initialize_irq ( int irq )
struct timer_rand_state * state ;
if ( irq > = NR_IRQS | | irq_timer_state [ irq ] )
return ;
2007-03-28 14:22:33 -07:00
* If kzalloc returns null , we just won ' t use that entropy
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* source .
2007-03-28 14:22:33 -07:00
state = kzalloc ( sizeof ( struct timer_rand_state ) , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( state )
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
irq_timer_state [ irq ] = state ;
[PATCH] BLOCK: Make it possible to disable the block layer [try #6]
Make it possible to disable the block layer. Not all embedded devices require
it, some can make do with just JFFS2, NFS, ramfs, etc - none of which require
the block layer to be present.
This patch does the following:
(*) Introduces CONFIG_BLOCK to disable the block layer, buffering and blockdev
(*) Adds dependencies on CONFIG_BLOCK to any configuration item that controls
an item that uses the block layer. This includes:
(*) Block I/O tracing.
(*) Disk partition code.
(*) All filesystems that are block based, eg: Ext3, ReiserFS, ISOFS.
(*) The SCSI layer. As far as I can tell, even SCSI chardevs use the
block layer to do scheduling. Some drivers that use SCSI facilities -
such as USB storage - end up disabled indirectly from this.
(*) Various block-based device drivers, such as IDE and the old CDROM
(*) MTD blockdev handling and FTL.
(*) JFFS - which uses set_bdev_super(), something it could avoid doing by
taking a leaf out of JFFS2's book.
(*) Makes most of the contents of linux/blkdev.h, linux/buffer_head.h and
linux/elevator.h contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK being set. sector_div() is,
however, still used in places, and so is still available.
(*) Also made contingent are the contents of linux/mpage.h, linux/genhd.h and
parts of linux/fs.h.
(*) Makes a number of files in fs/ contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK.
(*) Makes mm/bounce.c (bounce buffering) contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK.
(*) set_page_dirty() doesn't call __set_page_dirty_buffers() if CONFIG_BLOCK
is not enabled.
(*) fs/no-block.c is created to hold out-of-line stubs and things that are
required when CONFIG_BLOCK is not set:
(*) Default blockdev file operations (to give error ENODEV on opening).
(*) Makes some /proc changes:
(*) /proc/devices does not list any blockdevs.
(*) /proc/diskstats and /proc/partitions are contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK.
(*) Makes some compat ioctl handling contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK.
(*) If CONFIG_BLOCK is not defined, makes sys_quotactl() return -ENODEV if
given command other than Q_SYNC or if a special device is specified.
(*) In init/do_mounts.c, no reference is made to the blockdev routines if
CONFIG_BLOCK is not defined. This does not prohibit NFS roots or JFFS2.
(*) The bdflush, ioprio_set and ioprio_get syscalls can now be absent (return
error ENOSYS by way of cond_syscall if so).
(*) The seclvl_bd_claim() and seclvl_bd_release() security calls do nothing if
CONFIG_BLOCK is not set, since they can't then happen.
Signed-Off-By: David Howells <dhowells@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Axboe <axboe@kernel.dk>
2006-09-30 20:45:40 +02:00
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
void rand_initialize_disk ( struct gendisk * disk )
struct timer_rand_state * state ;
2007-03-28 14:22:33 -07:00
* If kzalloc returns null , we just won ' t use that entropy
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* source .
2007-03-28 14:22:33 -07:00
state = kzalloc ( sizeof ( struct timer_rand_state ) , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( state )
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
disk - > random = state ;
[PATCH] BLOCK: Make it possible to disable the block layer [try #6]
Make it possible to disable the block layer. Not all embedded devices require
it, some can make do with just JFFS2, NFS, ramfs, etc - none of which require
the block layer to be present.
This patch does the following:
(*) Introduces CONFIG_BLOCK to disable the block layer, buffering and blockdev
(*) Adds dependencies on CONFIG_BLOCK to any configuration item that controls
an item that uses the block layer. This includes:
(*) Block I/O tracing.
(*) Disk partition code.
(*) All filesystems that are block based, eg: Ext3, ReiserFS, ISOFS.
(*) The SCSI layer. As far as I can tell, even SCSI chardevs use the
block layer to do scheduling. Some drivers that use SCSI facilities -
such as USB storage - end up disabled indirectly from this.
(*) Various block-based device drivers, such as IDE and the old CDROM
(*) MTD blockdev handling and FTL.
(*) JFFS - which uses set_bdev_super(), something it could avoid doing by
taking a leaf out of JFFS2's book.
(*) Makes most of the contents of linux/blkdev.h, linux/buffer_head.h and
linux/elevator.h contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK being set. sector_div() is,
however, still used in places, and so is still available.
(*) Also made contingent are the contents of linux/mpage.h, linux/genhd.h and
parts of linux/fs.h.
(*) Makes a number of files in fs/ contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK.
(*) Makes mm/bounce.c (bounce buffering) contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK.
(*) set_page_dirty() doesn't call __set_page_dirty_buffers() if CONFIG_BLOCK
is not enabled.
(*) fs/no-block.c is created to hold out-of-line stubs and things that are
required when CONFIG_BLOCK is not set:
(*) Default blockdev file operations (to give error ENODEV on opening).
(*) Makes some /proc changes:
(*) /proc/devices does not list any blockdevs.
(*) /proc/diskstats and /proc/partitions are contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK.
(*) Makes some compat ioctl handling contingent on CONFIG_BLOCK.
(*) If CONFIG_BLOCK is not defined, makes sys_quotactl() return -ENODEV if
given command other than Q_SYNC or if a special device is specified.
(*) In init/do_mounts.c, no reference is made to the blockdev routines if
CONFIG_BLOCK is not defined. This does not prohibit NFS roots or JFFS2.
(*) The bdflush, ioprio_set and ioprio_get syscalls can now be absent (return
error ENOSYS by way of cond_syscall if so).
(*) The seclvl_bd_claim() and seclvl_bd_release() security calls do nothing if
CONFIG_BLOCK is not set, since they can't then happen.
Signed-Off-By: David Howells <dhowells@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Axboe <axboe@kernel.dk>
2006-09-30 20:45:40 +02:00
# endif
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
static ssize_t
random_read ( struct file * file , char __user * buf , size_t nbytes , loff_t * ppos )
ssize_t n , retval = 0 , count = 0 ;
if ( nbytes = = 0 )
return 0 ;
while ( nbytes > 0 ) {
n = nbytes ;
if ( n > SEC_XFER_SIZE )
DEBUG_ENT ( " reading %d bits \n " , n * 8 ) ;
n = extract_entropy_user ( & blocking_pool , buf , n ) ;
DEBUG_ENT ( " read got %d bits (%d still needed) \n " ,
n * 8 , ( nbytes - n ) * 8 ) ;
if ( n = = 0 ) {
if ( file - > f_flags & O_NONBLOCK ) {
retval = - EAGAIN ;
break ;
DEBUG_ENT ( " sleeping? \n " ) ;
wait_event_interruptible ( random_read_wait ,
input_pool . entropy_count > =
random_read_wakeup_thresh ) ;
DEBUG_ENT ( " awake \n " ) ;
if ( signal_pending ( current ) ) {
retval = - ERESTARTSYS ;
break ;
continue ;
if ( n < 0 ) {
retval = n ;
break ;
count + = n ;
buf + = n ;
nbytes - = n ;
break ; /* This break makes the device work */
/* like a named pipe */
* If we gave the user some bytes , update the access time .
if ( count )
file_accessed ( file ) ;
return ( count ? count : retval ) ;
static ssize_t
urandom_read ( struct file * file , char __user * buf ,
size_t nbytes , loff_t * ppos )
return extract_entropy_user ( & nonblocking_pool , buf , nbytes ) ;
static unsigned int
random_poll ( struct file * file , poll_table * wait )
unsigned int mask ;
poll_wait ( file , & random_read_wait , wait ) ;
poll_wait ( file , & random_write_wait , wait ) ;
mask = 0 ;
if ( input_pool . entropy_count > = random_read_wakeup_thresh )
if ( input_pool . entropy_count < random_write_wakeup_thresh )
return mask ;
2007-05-29 21:58:10 -05:00
static int
write_pool ( struct entropy_store * r , const char __user * buffer , size_t count )
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
size_t bytes ;
__u32 buf [ 16 ] ;
const char __user * p = buffer ;
2007-05-29 21:58:10 -05:00
while ( count > 0 ) {
bytes = min ( count , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
if ( copy_from_user ( & buf , p , bytes ) )
return - EFAULT ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
2007-05-29 21:58:10 -05:00
count - = bytes ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
p + = bytes ;
2007-05-29 21:58:10 -05:00
add_entropy_words ( r , buf , ( bytes + 3 ) / 4 ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
2007-05-29 21:58:10 -05:00
return 0 ;
static ssize_t
random_write ( struct file * file , const char __user * buffer ,
size_t count , loff_t * ppos )
size_t ret ;
struct inode * inode = file - > f_path . dentry - > d_inode ;
ret = write_pool ( & blocking_pool , buffer , count ) ;
if ( ret )
return ret ;
ret = write_pool ( & nonblocking_pool , buffer , count ) ;
if ( ret )
return ret ;
inode - > i_mtime = current_fs_time ( inode - > i_sb ) ;
mark_inode_dirty ( inode ) ;
return ( ssize_t ) count ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
static int
random_ioctl ( struct inode * inode , struct file * file ,
unsigned int cmd , unsigned long arg )
int size , ent_count ;
int __user * p = ( int __user * ) arg ;
int retval ;
switch ( cmd ) {
ent_count = input_pool . entropy_count ;
if ( put_user ( ent_count , p ) )
return - EFAULT ;
return 0 ;
if ( ! capable ( CAP_SYS_ADMIN ) )
return - EPERM ;
if ( get_user ( ent_count , p ) )
return - EFAULT ;
credit_entropy_store ( & input_pool , ent_count ) ;
* Wake up waiting processes if we have enough
* entropy .
if ( input_pool . entropy_count > = random_read_wakeup_thresh )
wake_up_interruptible ( & random_read_wait ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( ! capable ( CAP_SYS_ADMIN ) )
return - EPERM ;
if ( get_user ( ent_count , p + + ) )
return - EFAULT ;
if ( ent_count < 0 )
return - EINVAL ;
if ( get_user ( size , p + + ) )
return - EFAULT ;
2007-05-29 21:58:10 -05:00
retval = write_pool ( & input_pool , ( const char __user * ) p ,
size ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
if ( retval < 0 )
return retval ;
credit_entropy_store ( & input_pool , ent_count ) ;
* Wake up waiting processes if we have enough
* entropy .
if ( input_pool . entropy_count > = random_read_wakeup_thresh )
wake_up_interruptible ( & random_read_wait ) ;
return 0 ;
/* Clear the entropy pool counters. */
if ( ! capable ( CAP_SYS_ADMIN ) )
return - EPERM ;
init_std_data ( & input_pool ) ;
init_std_data ( & blocking_pool ) ;
init_std_data ( & nonblocking_pool ) ;
return 0 ;
default :
return - EINVAL ;
2007-02-12 00:55:32 -08:00
const struct file_operations random_fops = {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
. read = random_read ,
. write = random_write ,
. poll = random_poll ,
. ioctl = random_ioctl ,
} ;
2007-02-12 00:55:32 -08:00
const struct file_operations urandom_fops = {
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
. read = urandom_read ,
. write = random_write ,
. ioctl = random_ioctl ,
} ;
* Random UUID interface
* Used here for a Boot ID , but can be useful for other kernel
* drivers .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* Generate random UUID
void generate_random_uuid ( unsigned char uuid_out [ 16 ] )
get_random_bytes ( uuid_out , 16 ) ;
/* Set UUID version to 4 --- truely random generation */
uuid_out [ 6 ] = ( uuid_out [ 6 ] & 0x0F ) | 0x40 ;
/* Set the UUID variant to DCE */
uuid_out [ 8 ] = ( uuid_out [ 8 ] & 0x3F ) | 0x80 ;
EXPORT_SYMBOL ( generate_random_uuid ) ;
* Sysctl interface
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include <linux/sysctl.h>
static int min_read_thresh = 8 , min_write_thresh ;
static int max_read_thresh = INPUT_POOL_WORDS * 32 ;
static int max_write_thresh = INPUT_POOL_WORDS * 32 ;
static char sysctl_bootid [ 16 ] ;
* These functions is used to return both the bootid UUID , and random
* UUID . The difference is in whether table - > data is NULL ; if it is ,
* then a new UUID is generated and returned to the user .
* If the user accesses this via the proc interface , it will be returned
* as an ASCII string in the standard UUID format . If accesses via the
* sysctl system call , it is returned as 16 bytes of binary data .
static int proc_do_uuid ( ctl_table * table , int write , struct file * filp ,
void __user * buffer , size_t * lenp , loff_t * ppos )
ctl_table fake_table ;
unsigned char buf [ 64 ] , tmp_uuid [ 16 ] , * uuid ;
uuid = table - > data ;
if ( ! uuid ) {
uuid = tmp_uuid ;
uuid [ 8 ] = 0 ;
if ( uuid [ 8 ] = = 0 )
generate_random_uuid ( uuid ) ;
sprintf ( buf , " %02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x- "
" %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x " ,
uuid [ 0 ] , uuid [ 1 ] , uuid [ 2 ] , uuid [ 3 ] ,
uuid [ 4 ] , uuid [ 5 ] , uuid [ 6 ] , uuid [ 7 ] ,
uuid [ 8 ] , uuid [ 9 ] , uuid [ 10 ] , uuid [ 11 ] ,
uuid [ 12 ] , uuid [ 13 ] , uuid [ 14 ] , uuid [ 15 ] ) ;
fake_table . data = buf ;
fake_table . maxlen = sizeof ( buf ) ;
return proc_dostring ( & fake_table , write , filp , buffer , lenp , ppos ) ;
static int uuid_strategy ( ctl_table * table , int __user * name , int nlen ,
void __user * oldval , size_t __user * oldlenp ,
2006-12-10 02:19:10 -08:00
void __user * newval , size_t newlen )
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
unsigned char tmp_uuid [ 16 ] , * uuid ;
unsigned int len ;
if ( ! oldval | | ! oldlenp )
return 1 ;
uuid = table - > data ;
if ( ! uuid ) {
uuid = tmp_uuid ;
uuid [ 8 ] = 0 ;
if ( uuid [ 8 ] = = 0 )
generate_random_uuid ( uuid ) ;
if ( get_user ( len , oldlenp ) )
return - EFAULT ;
if ( len ) {
if ( len > 16 )
len = 16 ;
if ( copy_to_user ( oldval , uuid , len ) | |
put_user ( len , oldlenp ) )
return - EFAULT ;
return 1 ;
static int sysctl_poolsize = INPUT_POOL_WORDS * 32 ;
ctl_table random_table [ ] = {
. ctl_name = RANDOM_POOLSIZE ,
. procname = " poolsize " ,
. data = & sysctl_poolsize ,
. maxlen = sizeof ( int ) ,
. mode = 0444 ,
. proc_handler = & proc_dointvec ,
} ,
. procname = " entropy_avail " ,
. maxlen = sizeof ( int ) ,
. mode = 0444 ,
. proc_handler = & proc_dointvec ,
. data = & input_pool . entropy_count ,
} ,
. ctl_name = RANDOM_READ_THRESH ,
. procname = " read_wakeup_threshold " ,
. data = & random_read_wakeup_thresh ,
. maxlen = sizeof ( int ) ,
. mode = 0644 ,
. proc_handler = & proc_dointvec_minmax ,
. strategy = & sysctl_intvec ,
. extra1 = & min_read_thresh ,
. extra2 = & max_read_thresh ,
} ,
. ctl_name = RANDOM_WRITE_THRESH ,
. procname = " write_wakeup_threshold " ,
. data = & random_write_wakeup_thresh ,
. maxlen = sizeof ( int ) ,
. mode = 0644 ,
. proc_handler = & proc_dointvec_minmax ,
. strategy = & sysctl_intvec ,
. extra1 = & min_write_thresh ,
. extra2 = & max_write_thresh ,
} ,
. ctl_name = RANDOM_BOOT_ID ,
. procname = " boot_id " ,
. data = & sysctl_bootid ,
. maxlen = 16 ,
. mode = 0444 ,
. proc_handler = & proc_do_uuid ,
. strategy = & uuid_strategy ,
} ,
. ctl_name = RANDOM_UUID ,
. procname = " uuid " ,
. maxlen = 16 ,
. mode = 0444 ,
. proc_handler = & proc_do_uuid ,
. strategy = & uuid_strategy ,
} ,
{ . ctl_name = 0 }
} ;
# endif /* CONFIG_SYSCTL */
* Random funtions for networking
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* TCP initial sequence number picking . This uses the random number
* generator to pick an initial secret value . This value is hashed
* along with the TCP endpoint information to provide a unique
* starting point for each pair of TCP endpoints . This defeats
* attacks which rely on guessing the initial TCP sequence number .
* This algorithm was suggested by Steve Bellovin .
* Using a very strong hash was taking an appreciable amount of the total
* TCP connection establishment time , so this is a weaker hash ,
* compensated for by changing the secret periodically .
/* F, G and H are basic MD4 functions: selection, majority, parity */
# define F(x, y, z) ((z) ^ ((x) & ((y) ^ (z))))
# define G(x, y, z) (((x) & (y)) + (((x) ^ (y)) & (z)))
# define H(x, y, z) ((x) ^ (y) ^ (z))
* The generic round function . The application is so specific that
* we don ' t bother protecting all the arguments with parens , as is generally
* good macro practice , in favor of extra legibility .
* Rotation is separate from addition to prevent recomputation
# define ROUND(f, a, b, c, d, x, s) \
( a + = f ( b , c , d ) + x , a = ( a < < s ) | ( a > > ( 32 - s ) ) )
# define K1 0
# define K2 013240474631UL
# define K3 015666365641UL
# if defined(CONFIG_IPV6) || defined(CONFIG_IPV6_MODULE)
static __u32 twothirdsMD4Transform ( __u32 const buf [ 4 ] , __u32 const in [ 12 ] )
__u32 a = buf [ 0 ] , b = buf [ 1 ] , c = buf [ 2 ] , d = buf [ 3 ] ;
/* Round 1 */
ROUND ( F , a , b , c , d , in [ 0 ] + K1 , 3 ) ;
ROUND ( F , d , a , b , c , in [ 1 ] + K1 , 7 ) ;
ROUND ( F , c , d , a , b , in [ 2 ] + K1 , 11 ) ;
ROUND ( F , b , c , d , a , in [ 3 ] + K1 , 19 ) ;
ROUND ( F , a , b , c , d , in [ 4 ] + K1 , 3 ) ;
ROUND ( F , d , a , b , c , in [ 5 ] + K1 , 7 ) ;
ROUND ( F , c , d , a , b , in [ 6 ] + K1 , 11 ) ;
ROUND ( F , b , c , d , a , in [ 7 ] + K1 , 19 ) ;
ROUND ( F , a , b , c , d , in [ 8 ] + K1 , 3 ) ;
ROUND ( F , d , a , b , c , in [ 9 ] + K1 , 7 ) ;
ROUND ( F , c , d , a , b , in [ 10 ] + K1 , 11 ) ;
ROUND ( F , b , c , d , a , in [ 11 ] + K1 , 19 ) ;
/* Round 2 */
ROUND ( G , a , b , c , d , in [ 1 ] + K2 , 3 ) ;
ROUND ( G , d , a , b , c , in [ 3 ] + K2 , 5 ) ;
ROUND ( G , c , d , a , b , in [ 5 ] + K2 , 9 ) ;
ROUND ( G , b , c , d , a , in [ 7 ] + K2 , 13 ) ;
ROUND ( G , a , b , c , d , in [ 9 ] + K2 , 3 ) ;
ROUND ( G , d , a , b , c , in [ 11 ] + K2 , 5 ) ;
ROUND ( G , c , d , a , b , in [ 0 ] + K2 , 9 ) ;
ROUND ( G , b , c , d , a , in [ 2 ] + K2 , 13 ) ;
ROUND ( G , a , b , c , d , in [ 4 ] + K2 , 3 ) ;
ROUND ( G , d , a , b , c , in [ 6 ] + K2 , 5 ) ;
ROUND ( G , c , d , a , b , in [ 8 ] + K2 , 9 ) ;
ROUND ( G , b , c , d , a , in [ 10 ] + K2 , 13 ) ;
/* Round 3 */
ROUND ( H , a , b , c , d , in [ 3 ] + K3 , 3 ) ;
ROUND ( H , d , a , b , c , in [ 7 ] + K3 , 9 ) ;
ROUND ( H , c , d , a , b , in [ 11 ] + K3 , 11 ) ;
ROUND ( H , b , c , d , a , in [ 2 ] + K3 , 15 ) ;
ROUND ( H , a , b , c , d , in [ 6 ] + K3 , 3 ) ;
ROUND ( H , d , a , b , c , in [ 10 ] + K3 , 9 ) ;
ROUND ( H , c , d , a , b , in [ 1 ] + K3 , 11 ) ;
ROUND ( H , b , c , d , a , in [ 5 ] + K3 , 15 ) ;
ROUND ( H , a , b , c , d , in [ 9 ] + K3 , 3 ) ;
ROUND ( H , d , a , b , c , in [ 0 ] + K3 , 9 ) ;
ROUND ( H , c , d , a , b , in [ 4 ] + K3 , 11 ) ;
ROUND ( H , b , c , d , a , in [ 8 ] + K3 , 15 ) ;
return buf [ 1 ] + b ; /* "most hashed" word */
/* Alternative: return sum of all words? */
# endif
# undef ROUND
# undef F
# undef G
# undef H
# undef K1
# undef K2
# undef K3
/* This should not be decreased so low that ISNs wrap too fast. */
# define REKEY_INTERVAL (300 * HZ)
* Bit layout of the tcp sequence numbers ( before adding current time ) :
* bit 24 - 31 : increased after every key exchange
* bit 0 - 23 : hash ( source , dest )
* The implementation is similar to the algorithm described
* in the Appendix of RFC 1185 , except that
* - it uses a 1 MHz clock instead of a 250 kHz clock
* - it performs a rekey every 5 minutes , which is equivalent
* to a ( source , dest ) tulple dependent forward jump of the
* clock by 0. .2 ^ ( HASH_BITS + 1 )
* Thus the average ISN wraparound time is 68 minutes instead of
* 4.55 hours .
* SMP cleanup and lock avoidance with poor man ' s RCU .
* Manfred Spraul < manfred @ colorfullife . com >
# define COUNT_BITS 8
# define COUNT_MASK ((1 << COUNT_BITS) - 1)
# define HASH_BITS 24
# define HASH_MASK ((1 << HASH_BITS) - 1)
static struct keydata {
__u32 count ; /* already shifted to the final position */
__u32 secret [ 12 ] ;
} ____cacheline_aligned ip_keydata [ 2 ] ;
static unsigned int ip_cnt ;
2006-11-22 14:55:48 +00:00
static void rekey_seq_generator ( struct work_struct * work ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
2006-11-22 14:55:48 +00:00
static DECLARE_DELAYED_WORK ( rekey_work , rekey_seq_generator ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* Lock avoidance :
* The ISN generation runs lockless - it ' s just a hash over random data .
* State changes happen every 5 minutes when the random key is replaced .
* Synchronization is performed by having two copies of the hash function
* state and rekey_seq_generator always updates the inactive copy .
* The copy is then activated by updating ip_cnt .
* The implementation breaks down if someone blocks the thread
* that processes SYN requests for more than 5 minutes . Should never
* happen , and even if that happens only a not perfectly compliant
* ISN is generated , nothing fatal .
2006-11-22 14:55:48 +00:00
static void rekey_seq_generator ( struct work_struct * work )
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
struct keydata * keyptr = & ip_keydata [ 1 ^ ( ip_cnt & 1 ) ] ;
get_random_bytes ( keyptr - > secret , sizeof ( keyptr - > secret ) ) ;
keyptr - > count = ( ip_cnt & COUNT_MASK ) < < HASH_BITS ;
smp_wmb ( ) ;
ip_cnt + + ;
schedule_delayed_work ( & rekey_work , REKEY_INTERVAL ) ;
static inline struct keydata * get_keyptr ( void )
struct keydata * keyptr = & ip_keydata [ ip_cnt & 1 ] ;
smp_rmb ( ) ;
return keyptr ;
static __init int seqgen_init ( void )
rekey_seq_generator ( NULL ) ;
return 0 ;
late_initcall ( seqgen_init ) ;
# if defined(CONFIG_IPV6) || defined(CONFIG_IPV6_MODULE)
2006-11-14 20:52:19 -08:00
__u32 secure_tcpv6_sequence_number ( __be32 * saddr , __be32 * daddr ,
__be16 sport , __be16 dport )
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
__u32 seq ;
__u32 hash [ 12 ] ;
struct keydata * keyptr = get_keyptr ( ) ;
/* The procedure is the same as for IPv4, but addresses are longer.
* Thus we must use twothirdsMD4Transform .
memcpy ( hash , saddr , 16 ) ;
2006-11-14 20:52:19 -08:00
hash [ 4 ] = ( ( __force u16 ) sport < < 16 ) + ( __force u16 ) dport ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
memcpy ( & hash [ 5 ] , keyptr - > secret , sizeof ( __u32 ) * 7 ) ;
2006-11-14 20:52:19 -08:00
seq = twothirdsMD4Transform ( ( const __u32 * ) daddr , hash ) & HASH_MASK ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
seq + = keyptr - > count ;
2007-03-28 14:22:33 -07:00
seq + = ktime_get_real ( ) . tv64 ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
return seq ;
EXPORT_SYMBOL ( secure_tcpv6_sequence_number ) ;
# endif
/* The code below is shamelessly stolen from secure_tcp_sequence_number().
* All blames to Andrey V . Savochkin < saw @ msu . ru > .
2006-11-14 20:52:19 -08:00
__u32 secure_ip_id ( __be32 daddr )
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
struct keydata * keyptr ;
__u32 hash [ 4 ] ;
keyptr = get_keyptr ( ) ;
* Pick a unique starting offset for each IP destination .
* The dest ip address is placed in the starting vector ,
* which is then hashed with random data .
2006-11-14 20:52:19 -08:00
hash [ 0 ] = ( __force __u32 ) daddr ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
hash [ 1 ] = keyptr - > secret [ 9 ] ;
hash [ 2 ] = keyptr - > secret [ 10 ] ;
hash [ 3 ] = keyptr - > secret [ 11 ] ;
return half_md4_transform ( hash , keyptr - > secret ) ;
2006-11-14 20:52:19 -08:00
__u32 secure_tcp_sequence_number ( __be32 saddr , __be32 daddr ,
__be16 sport , __be16 dport )
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
__u32 seq ;
__u32 hash [ 4 ] ;
struct keydata * keyptr = get_keyptr ( ) ;
* Pick a unique starting offset for each TCP connection endpoints
* ( saddr , daddr , sport , dport ) .
* Note that the words are placed into the starting vector , which is
* then mixed with a partial MD4 over random data .
2006-11-14 20:52:19 -08:00
hash [ 0 ] = ( __force u32 ) saddr ;
hash [ 1 ] = ( __force u32 ) daddr ;
hash [ 2 ] = ( ( __force u16 ) sport < < 16 ) + ( __force u16 ) dport ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
hash [ 3 ] = keyptr - > secret [ 11 ] ;
seq = half_md4_transform ( hash , keyptr - > secret ) & HASH_MASK ;
seq + = keyptr - > count ;
* As close as possible to RFC 793 , which
* suggests using a 250 kHz clock .
* Further reading shows this assumes 2 Mb / s networks .
2007-03-28 14:22:33 -07:00
* For 10 Gb / s Ethernet , a 1 GHz clock is appropriate .
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* That ' s funny , Linux has one built in ! Use it !
* ( Networks are faster now - should this be increased ? )
2007-03-28 14:22:33 -07:00
seq + = ktime_get_real ( ) . tv64 ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
#if 0
printk ( " init_seq(%lx, %lx, %d, %d) = %d \n " ,
saddr , daddr , sport , dport , seq ) ;
# endif
return seq ;
2005-12-13 23:25:31 -08:00
/* Generate secure starting point for ephemeral IPV4 transport port search */
2006-11-14 20:52:19 -08:00
u32 secure_ipv4_port_ephemeral ( __be32 saddr , __be32 daddr , __be16 dport )
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
struct keydata * keyptr = get_keyptr ( ) ;
u32 hash [ 4 ] ;
* Pick a unique starting offset for each ephemeral port search
* ( saddr , daddr , dport ) and 48 bits of random data .
2006-11-14 20:52:19 -08:00
hash [ 0 ] = ( __force u32 ) saddr ;
hash [ 1 ] = ( __force u32 ) daddr ;
hash [ 2 ] = ( __force u32 ) dport ^ keyptr - > secret [ 10 ] ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
hash [ 3 ] = keyptr - > secret [ 11 ] ;
return half_md4_transform ( hash , keyptr - > secret ) ;
# if defined(CONFIG_IPV6) || defined(CONFIG_IPV6_MODULE)
2006-11-14 20:52:19 -08:00
u32 secure_ipv6_port_ephemeral ( const __be32 * saddr , const __be32 * daddr , __be16 dport )
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
struct keydata * keyptr = get_keyptr ( ) ;
u32 hash [ 12 ] ;
memcpy ( hash , saddr , 16 ) ;
2006-11-14 20:52:19 -08:00
hash [ 4 ] = ( __force u32 ) dport ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
memcpy ( & hash [ 5 ] , keyptr - > secret , sizeof ( __u32 ) * 7 ) ;
2006-11-14 20:52:19 -08:00
return twothirdsMD4Transform ( ( const __u32 * ) daddr , hash ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
# endif
2005-08-09 20:12:30 -07:00
# if defined(CONFIG_IP_DCCP) || defined(CONFIG_IP_DCCP_MODULE)
/* Similar to secure_tcp_sequence_number but generate a 48 bit value
* bit ' s 32 - 47 increase every key exchange
* 0 - 31 hash ( source , dest )
2006-11-14 20:52:19 -08:00
u64 secure_dccp_sequence_number ( __be32 saddr , __be32 daddr ,
__be16 sport , __be16 dport )
2005-08-09 20:12:30 -07:00
u64 seq ;
__u32 hash [ 4 ] ;
struct keydata * keyptr = get_keyptr ( ) ;
2006-11-14 20:52:19 -08:00
hash [ 0 ] = ( __force u32 ) saddr ;
hash [ 1 ] = ( __force u32 ) daddr ;
hash [ 2 ] = ( ( __force u16 ) sport < < 16 ) + ( __force u16 ) dport ;
2005-08-09 20:12:30 -07:00
hash [ 3 ] = keyptr - > secret [ 11 ] ;
seq = half_md4_transform ( hash , keyptr - > secret ) ;
seq | = ( ( u64 ) keyptr - > count ) < < ( 32 - HASH_BITS ) ;
2007-03-28 14:22:33 -07:00
seq + = ktime_get_real ( ) . tv64 ;
2005-08-09 20:12:30 -07:00
seq & = ( 1ull < < 48 ) - 1 ;
#if 0
printk ( " dccp init_seq(%lx, %lx, %d, %d) = %d \n " ,
saddr , daddr , sport , dport , seq ) ;
# endif
return seq ;
EXPORT_SYMBOL ( secure_dccp_sequence_number ) ;
# endif
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
# endif /* CONFIG_INET */
* Get a random word for internal kernel use only . Similar to urandom but
* with the goal of minimal entropy pool depletion . As a result , the random
* value is not cryptographically secure but for several uses the cost of
* depleting entropy is too high
unsigned int get_random_int ( void )
* Use IP ' s RNG . It suits our purpose perfectly : it re - keys itself
* every second , from the entropy pool ( and thus creates a limited
* drain on it ) , and uses halfMD4Transform within the second . We
* also mix it with jiffies and the PID :
2006-11-14 20:52:19 -08:00
return secure_ip_id ( ( __force __be32 ) ( current - > pid + jiffies ) ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* randomize_range ( ) returns a start address such that
* [ . . . . . . < range > . . . . . ]
* start end
* a < range > with size " len " starting at the return value is inside in the
* area defined by [ start , end ] , but is otherwise randomized .
unsigned long
randomize_range ( unsigned long start , unsigned long end , unsigned long len )
unsigned long range = end - len - start ;
if ( end < = start + len )
return 0 ;
return PAGE_ALIGN ( get_random_int ( ) % range + start ) ;