2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* cifs_unicode : Unicode kernel case support
* Function :
* Convert a unicode character to upper or lower case using
* compressed tables .
2005-11-11 15:18:19 -08:00
* Copyright ( c ) International Business Machines Corp . , 2000 , 2005555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* the GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
* Notes :
* These APIs are based on the C library functions . The semantics
* should match the C functions but with expanded size operands .
* The upper / lower functions are based on a table created by mkupr .
* This is a compressed table of upper and lower case conversion .
# include <asm/byteorder.h>
# include <linux/types.h>
# include <linux/nls.h>
# define UNIUPR_NOLOWER /* Example to not expand lower case tables */
/* Just define what we want from uniupr.h. We don't want to define the tables
* in each source file .
struct UniCaseRange {
wchar_t start ;
wchar_t end ;
signed char * table ;
} ;
extern signed char CifsUniUpperTable [ 512 ] ;
extern const struct UniCaseRange CifsUniUpperRange [ ] ;
# endif /* UNIUPR_NOUPPER */
extern signed char UniLowerTable [ 512 ] ;
extern struct UniCaseRange UniLowerRange [ ] ;
# endif /* UNIUPR_NOLOWER */
# ifdef __KERNEL__
2005-11-11 15:18:19 -08:00
int cifs_strfromUCS_le ( char * , const __le16 * , int , const struct nls_table * ) ;
int cifs_strtoUCS ( __le16 * , const char * , int , const struct nls_table * ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
# endif
* UniStrcat : Concatenate the second string to the first
* Returns :
* Address of the first string
static inline wchar_t *
UniStrcat ( wchar_t * ucs1 , const wchar_t * ucs2 )
wchar_t * anchor = ucs1 ; /* save a pointer to start of ucs1 */
while ( * ucs1 + + ) ; /* To end of first string */
ucs1 - - ; /* Return to the null */
while ( ( * ucs1 + + = * ucs2 + + ) ) ; /* copy string 2 over */
return anchor ;
* UniStrchr : Find a character in a string
* Returns :
* Address of first occurrence of character in string
* or NULL if the character is not in the string
static inline wchar_t *
UniStrchr ( const wchar_t * ucs , wchar_t uc )
while ( ( * ucs ! = uc ) & & * ucs )
ucs + + ;
if ( * ucs = = uc )
return ( wchar_t * ) ucs ;
return NULL ;
* UniStrcmp : Compare two strings
* Returns :
* < 0 : First string is less than second
* = 0 : Strings are equal
* > 0 : First string is greater than second
static inline int
UniStrcmp ( const wchar_t * ucs1 , const wchar_t * ucs2 )
while ( ( * ucs1 = = * ucs2 ) & & * ucs1 ) {
ucs1 + + ;
ucs2 + + ;
return ( int ) * ucs1 - ( int ) * ucs2 ;
* UniStrcpy : Copy a string
static inline wchar_t *
UniStrcpy ( wchar_t * ucs1 , const wchar_t * ucs2 )
wchar_t * anchor = ucs1 ; /* save the start of result string */
while ( ( * ucs1 + + = * ucs2 + + ) ) ;
return anchor ;
* UniStrlen : Return the length of a string ( in 16 bit Unicode chars not bytes )
static inline size_t
UniStrlen ( const wchar_t * ucs1 )
int i = 0 ;
while ( * ucs1 + + )
i + + ;
return i ;
* UniStrnlen : Return the length ( in 16 bit Unicode chars not bytes ) of a string ( length limited )
static inline size_t
UniStrnlen ( const wchar_t * ucs1 , int maxlen )
int i = 0 ;
while ( * ucs1 + + ) {
i + + ;
if ( i > = maxlen )
break ;
return i ;
* UniStrncat : Concatenate length limited string
static inline wchar_t *
UniStrncat ( wchar_t * ucs1 , const wchar_t * ucs2 , size_t n )
wchar_t * anchor = ucs1 ; /* save pointer to string 1 */
while ( * ucs1 + + ) ;
ucs1 - - ; /* point to null terminator of s1 */
while ( n - - & & ( * ucs1 = * ucs2 ) ) { /* copy s2 after s1 */
ucs1 + + ;
ucs2 + + ;
* ucs1 = 0 ; /* Null terminate the result */
return ( anchor ) ;
* UniStrncmp : Compare length limited string
static inline int
UniStrncmp ( const wchar_t * ucs1 , const wchar_t * ucs2 , size_t n )
if ( ! n )
return 0 ; /* Null strings are equal */
while ( ( * ucs1 = = * ucs2 ) & & * ucs1 & & - - n ) {
ucs1 + + ;
ucs2 + + ;
return ( int ) * ucs1 - ( int ) * ucs2 ;
* UniStrncmp_le : Compare length limited string - native to little - endian
static inline int
UniStrncmp_le ( const wchar_t * ucs1 , const wchar_t * ucs2 , size_t n )
if ( ! n )
return 0 ; /* Null strings are equal */
while ( ( * ucs1 = = __le16_to_cpu ( * ucs2 ) ) & & * ucs1 & & - - n ) {
ucs1 + + ;
ucs2 + + ;
return ( int ) * ucs1 - ( int ) __le16_to_cpu ( * ucs2 ) ;
* UniStrncpy : Copy length limited string with pad
static inline wchar_t *
UniStrncpy ( wchar_t * ucs1 , const wchar_t * ucs2 , size_t n )
wchar_t * anchor = ucs1 ;
while ( n - - & & * ucs2 ) /* Copy the strings */
* ucs1 + + = * ucs2 + + ;
n + + ;
while ( n - - ) /* Pad with nulls */
* ucs1 + + = 0 ;
return anchor ;
* UniStrncpy_le : Copy length limited string with pad to little - endian
static inline wchar_t *
UniStrncpy_le ( wchar_t * ucs1 , const wchar_t * ucs2 , size_t n )
wchar_t * anchor = ucs1 ;
while ( n - - & & * ucs2 ) /* Copy the strings */
* ucs1 + + = __le16_to_cpu ( * ucs2 + + ) ;
n + + ;
while ( n - - ) /* Pad with nulls */
* ucs1 + + = 0 ;
return anchor ;
* UniStrstr : Find a string in a string
* Returns :
* Address of first match found
* NULL if no matching string is found
static inline wchar_t *
UniStrstr ( const wchar_t * ucs1 , const wchar_t * ucs2 )
const wchar_t * anchor1 = ucs1 ;
const wchar_t * anchor2 = ucs2 ;
while ( * ucs1 ) {
if ( * ucs1 = = * ucs2 ) { /* Partial match found */
ucs1 + + ;
ucs2 + + ;
} else {
if ( ! * ucs2 ) /* Match found */
return ( wchar_t * ) anchor1 ;
ucs1 = + + anchor1 ; /* No match */
ucs2 = anchor2 ;
if ( ! * ucs2 ) /* Both end together */
return ( wchar_t * ) anchor1 ; /* Match found */
return NULL ; /* No match */
* UniToupper : Convert a unicode character to upper case
static inline wchar_t
UniToupper ( register wchar_t uc )
register const struct UniCaseRange * rp ;
if ( uc < sizeof ( CifsUniUpperTable ) ) { /* Latin characters */
return uc + CifsUniUpperTable [ uc ] ; /* Use base tables */
} else {
rp = CifsUniUpperRange ; /* Use range tables */
while ( rp - > start ) {
if ( uc < rp - > start ) /* Before start of range */
return uc ; /* Uppercase = input */
if ( uc < = rp - > end ) /* In range */
return uc + rp - > table [ uc - rp - > start ] ;
rp + + ; /* Try next range */
return uc ; /* Past last range */
* UniStrupr : Upper case a unicode string
static inline wchar_t *
UniStrupr ( register wchar_t * upin )
register wchar_t * up ;
up = upin ;
while ( * up ) { /* For all characters */
* up = UniToupper ( * up ) ;
up + + ;
return upin ; /* Return input pointer */
# endif /* UNIUPR_NOUPPER */
* UniTolower : Convert a unicode character to lower case
static inline wchar_t
UniTolower ( wchar_t uc )
register struct UniCaseRange * rp ;
if ( uc < sizeof ( UniLowerTable ) ) { /* Latin characters */
return uc + UniLowerTable [ uc ] ; /* Use base tables */
} else {
rp = UniLowerRange ; /* Use range tables */
while ( rp - > start ) {
if ( uc < rp - > start ) /* Before start of range */
return uc ; /* Uppercase = input */
if ( uc < = rp - > end ) /* In range */
return uc + rp - > table [ uc - rp - > start ] ;
rp + + ; /* Try next range */
return uc ; /* Past last range */
* UniStrlwr : Lower case a unicode string
static inline wchar_t *
UniStrlwr ( register wchar_t * upin )
register wchar_t * up ;
up = upin ;
while ( * up ) { /* For all characters */
* up = UniTolower ( * up ) ;
up + + ;
return upin ; /* Return input pointer */
# endif