2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
/* 3c507.c: An EtherLink16 device driver for Linux. */
Written 1993 , 1994 by Donald Becker .
Copyright 1993 United States Government as represented by the
Director , National Security Agency .
This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
of the GNU General Public License , incorporated herein by reference .
The author may be reached as becker @ scyld . com , or C / O
Scyld Computing Corporation
410 Severn Ave . , Suite 210
Annapolis MD 21403
Thanks go to jennings @ Montrouge . SMR . slb . com ( Patrick Jennings )
and jrs @ world . std . com ( Rick Sladkey ) for testing and bugfixes .
Mark Salazar < leslie @ access . digex . net > made the changes for cards with
only 16 K packet buffers .
Things remaining to do :
Verify that the tx and rx buffers don ' t have fencepost errors .
Move the theory of operation and memory map documentation .
The statistics need to be updated correctly .
# define DRV_NAME "3c507"
# define DRV_VERSION "1.10a"
# define DRV_RELDATE "11 / 17 / 2001"
static const char version [ ] =
DRV_NAME " .c:v " DRV_VERSION " " DRV_RELDATE " Donald Becker (becker@scyld.com) \n " ;
Sources :
This driver wouldn ' t have been written with the availability of the
Crynwr driver source code . It provided a known - working implementation
that filled in the gaping holes of the Intel documentation . Three cheers
for Russ Nelson .
Intel Microcommunications Databook , Vol . 1 , 1990. It provides just enough
info that the casual reader might think that it documents the i82586 : - < .
# include <linux/module.h>
# include <linux/kernel.h>
# include <linux/types.h>
# include <linux/fcntl.h>
# include <linux/interrupt.h>
# include <linux/ioport.h>
# include <linux/in.h>
# include <linux/string.h>
# include <linux/spinlock.h>
# include <linux/ethtool.h>
# include <linux/errno.h>
# include <linux/netdevice.h>
# include <linux/etherdevice.h>
# include <linux/skbuff.h>
# include <linux/slab.h>
# include <linux/init.h>
# include <linux/bitops.h>
# include <asm/dma.h>
# include <asm/io.h>
# include <asm/system.h>
# include <asm/uaccess.h>
/* use 0 for production, 1 for verification, 2..7 for debug */
# ifndef NET_DEBUG
# define NET_DEBUG 1
# endif
static unsigned int net_debug = NET_DEBUG ;
# define debug net_debug
Details of the i82586 .
You ' ll really need the databook to understand the details of this part ,
but the outline is that the i82586 has two separate processing units .
Both are started from a list of three configuration tables , of which only
the last , the System Control Block ( SCB ) , is used after reset - time . The SCB
has the following fields :
Status word
Command word
Tx / Command block addr .
Rx block addr .
The command word accepts the following controls for the Tx and Rx units :
# define CUC_START 0x0100
# define CUC_RESUME 0x0200
# define CUC_SUSPEND 0x0300
# define RX_START 0x0010
# define RX_RESUME 0x0020
# define RX_SUSPEND 0x0030
/* The Rx unit uses a list of frame descriptors and a list of data buffer
descriptors . We use full - sized ( 1518 byte ) data buffers , so there is
a one - to - one pairing of frame descriptors to buffer descriptors .
The Tx ( " command " ) unit executes a list of commands that look like :
Status word Written by the 82586 when the command is done .
Command word Command in lower 3 bits , post - command action in upper 3
Link word The address of the next command .
Parameters ( as needed ) .
Some definitions related to the Command Word are :
# define CMD_EOL 0x8000 /* The last command of the list, stop. */
# define CMD_SUSP 0x4000 /* Suspend after doing cmd. */
# define CMD_INTR 0x2000 /* Interrupt after doing cmd. */
enum commands {
CmdNOp = 0 , CmdSASetup = 1 , CmdConfigure = 2 , CmdMulticastList = 3 ,
CmdTx = 4 , CmdTDR = 5 , CmdDump = 6 , CmdDiagnose = 7 } ;
/* Information that need to be kept for each board. */
struct net_local {
struct net_device_stats stats ;
int last_restart ;
ushort rx_head ;
ushort rx_tail ;
ushort tx_head ;
ushort tx_cmd_link ;
ushort tx_reap ;
ushort tx_pkts_in_ring ;
spinlock_t lock ;
void __iomem * base ;
} ;
Details of the EtherLink16 Implementation
The 3 c507 is a generic shared - memory i82586 implementation .
The host can map 16 K , 32 K , 48 K , or 64 K of the 64 K memory into
0x0 [ CD ] [ 08 ] 0000 , or all 64 K into 0xF [ 0246 8 ] 0000.
/* Offsets from the base I/O address. */
# define SA_DATA 0 /* Station address data, or 3Com signature. */
# define MISC_CTRL 6 /* Switch the SA_DATA banks, and bus config bits. */
# define RESET_IRQ 10 /* Reset the latched IRQ line. */
# define SIGNAL_CA 11 /* Frob the 82586 Channel Attention line. */
# define ROM_CONFIG 13
# define MEM_CONFIG 14
# define IRQ_CONFIG 15
# define EL16_IO_EXTENT 16
/* The ID port is used at boot-time to locate the ethercard. */
# define ID_PORT 0x100
/* Offsets to registers in the mailbox (SCB). */
# define iSCB_STATUS 0x8
# define iSCB_CMD 0xA
# define iSCB_CBL 0xC /* Command BLock offset. */
# define iSCB_RFA 0xE /* Rx Frame Area offset. */
/* Since the 3c507 maps the shared memory window so that the last byte is
at 82586 address FFFF , the first byte is at 82586 address 0 , 16 K , 32 K , or
48 K corresponding to window sizes of 64 K , 48 K , 32 K and 16 K respectively .
We can account for this be setting the ' SBC Base ' entry in the ISCP table
below for all the 16 bit offset addresses , and also adding the ' SCB Base '
value to all 24 bit physical addresses ( in the SCP table and the TX and RX
Buffer Descriptors ) .
- Mark
# define SCB_BASE ((unsigned)64*1024 - (dev->mem_end - dev->mem_start))
What follows in ' init_words [ ] ' is the " program " that is downloaded to the
82586 memory . It ' s mostly tables and command blocks , and starts at the
reset address 0xfffff6 . This is designed to be similar to the EtherExpress ,
thus the unusual location of the SCB at 0x0008 .
Even with the additional " don't care " values , doing it this way takes less
program space than initializing the individual tables , and I feel it ' s much
cleaner .
The databook is particularly useless for the first two structures , I had
to use the Crynwr driver as an example .
The memory setup is as follows :
# define CONFIG_CMD 0x0018
# define SET_SA_CMD 0x0024
# define SA_OFFSET 0x002A
# define IDLELOOP 0x30
# define TDR_CMD 0x38
# define TDR_TIME 0x3C
# define DUMP_CMD 0x40
# define DIAG_CMD 0x48
# define SET_MC_CMD 0x4E
# define DUMP_DATA 0x56 /* A 170 byte buffer for dump and Set-MC into. */
# define TX_BUF_START 0x0100
# define NUM_TX_BUFS 5
# define TX_BUF_SIZE (1518+14+20+16) /* packet+header+TBD */
# define RX_BUF_START 0x2000
# define RX_BUF_SIZE (1518+14+18) /* packet+header+RBD */
# define RX_BUF_END (dev->mem_end - dev->mem_start)
# define TX_TIMEOUT 5
That ' s it : only 86 bytes to set up the beast , including every extra
command available . The 170 byte buffer at DUMP_DATA is shared between the
Dump command ( called only by the diagnostic program ) and the SetMulticastList
command .
To complete the memory setup you only have to write the station address at
SA_OFFSET and create the Tx & Rx buffer lists .
The Tx command chain and buffer list is setup as follows :
A Tx command table , with the data buffer pointing to . . .
A Tx data buffer descriptor . The packet is in a single buffer , rather than
chaining together several smaller buffers .
A NoOp command , which initially points to itself ,
And the packet data .
A transmit is done by filling in the Tx command table and data buffer ,
re - writing the NoOp command , and finally changing the offset of the last
command to point to the current Tx command . When the Tx command is finished ,
it jumps to the NoOp , when it loops until the next Tx command changes the
" link offset " in the NoOp . This way the 82586 never has to go through the
slow restart sequence .
The Rx buffer list is set up in the obvious ring structure . We have enough
memory ( and low enough interrupt latency ) that we can avoid the complicated
Rx buffer linked lists by alway associating a full - size Rx data buffer with
each Rx data frame .
I current use four transmit buffers starting at TX_BUF_START ( 0x0100 ) , and
use the rest of memory , from RX_BUF_START to RX_BUF_END , for Rx buffers .
static unsigned short init_words [ ] = {
/* System Configuration Pointer (SCP). */
0x0000 , /* Set bus size to 16 bits. */
0 , 0 , /* pad words. */
0x0000 , 0x0000 , /* ISCP phys addr, set in init_82586_mem(). */
/* Intermediate System Configuration Pointer (ISCP). */
0x0001 , /* Status word that's cleared when init is done. */
0x0008 , 0 , 0 , /* SCB offset, (skip, skip) */
/* System Control Block (SCB). */
0 , 0xf000 | RX_START | CUC_START , /* SCB status and cmd. */
CONFIG_CMD , /* Command list pointer, points to Configure. */
RX_BUF_START , /* Rx block list. */
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , /* Error count: CRC, align, buffer, overrun. */
/* 0x0018: Configure command. Change to put MAC data with packet. */
0 , CmdConfigure , /* Status, command. */
SET_SA_CMD , /* Next command is Set Station Addr. */
0x0804 , /* "4" bytes of config data, 8 byte FIFO. */
0x2e40 , /* Magic values, including MAC data location. */
0 , /* Unused pad word. */
/* 0x0024: Setup station address command. */
0 , CmdSASetup ,
SET_MC_CMD , /* Next command. */
0xaa00 , 0xb000 , 0x0bad , /* Station address (to be filled in) */
/* 0x0030: NOP, looping back to itself. Point to first Tx buffer to Tx. */
0 , CmdNOp , IDLELOOP , 0 /* pad */ ,
/* 0x0038: A unused Time-Domain Reflectometer command. */
0 , CmdTDR , IDLELOOP , 0 ,
/* 0x0040: An unused Dump State command. */
0 , CmdDump , IDLELOOP , DUMP_DATA ,
/* 0x0048: An unused Diagnose command. */
0 , CmdDiagnose , IDLELOOP ,
/* 0x004E: An empty set-multicast-list command. */
0 , CmdMulticastList , IDLELOOP , 0 ,
} ;
/* Index to functions, as function prototypes. */
static int el16_probe1 ( struct net_device * dev , int ioaddr ) ;
static int el16_open ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
static int el16_send_packet ( struct sk_buff * skb , struct net_device * dev ) ;
static irqreturn_t el16_interrupt ( int irq , void * dev_id , struct pt_regs * regs ) ;
static void el16_rx ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
static int el16_close ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
static struct net_device_stats * el16_get_stats ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
static void el16_tx_timeout ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
static void hardware_send_packet ( struct net_device * dev , void * buf , short length , short pad ) ;
static void init_82586_mem ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
static struct ethtool_ops netdev_ethtool_ops ;
static void init_rx_bufs ( struct net_device * ) ;
static int io = 0x300 ;
static int irq ;
static int mem_start ;
/* Check for a network adaptor of this type, and return '0' iff one exists.
If dev - > base_addr = = 0 , probe all likely locations .
If dev - > base_addr = = 1 , always return failure .
If dev - > base_addr = = 2 , ( detachable devices only ) allocate space for the
device and return success .
struct net_device * __init el16_probe ( int unit )
struct net_device * dev = alloc_etherdev ( sizeof ( struct net_local ) ) ;
static unsigned ports [ ] = { 0x300 , 0x320 , 0x340 , 0x280 , 0 } ;
unsigned * port ;
int err = - ENODEV ;
if ( ! dev )
return ERR_PTR ( - ENODEV ) ;
if ( unit > = 0 ) {
sprintf ( dev - > name , " eth%d " , unit ) ;
netdev_boot_setup_check ( dev ) ;
io = dev - > base_addr ;
irq = dev - > irq ;
mem_start = dev - > mem_start & 15 ;
if ( io > 0x1ff ) /* Check a single specified location. */
err = el16_probe1 ( dev , io ) ;
else if ( io ! = 0 )
err = - ENXIO ; /* Don't probe at all. */
else {
for ( port = ports ; * port ; port + + ) {
err = el16_probe1 ( dev , * port ) ;
if ( ! err )
break ;
if ( err )
goto out ;
err = register_netdev ( dev ) ;
if ( err )
goto out1 ;
return dev ;
out1 :
free_irq ( dev - > irq , dev ) ;
iounmap ( ( ( struct net_local * ) netdev_priv ( dev ) ) - > base ) ;
release_region ( dev - > base_addr , EL16_IO_EXTENT ) ;
out :
free_netdev ( dev ) ;
return ERR_PTR ( err ) ;
static int __init el16_probe1 ( struct net_device * dev , int ioaddr )
static unsigned char init_ID_done , version_printed ;
int i , irq , irqval , retval ;
struct net_local * lp ;
if ( init_ID_done = = 0 ) {
ushort lrs_state = 0xff ;
/* Send the ID sequence to the ID_PORT to enable the board(s). */
outb ( 0x00 , ID_PORT ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 255 ; i + + ) {
outb ( lrs_state , ID_PORT ) ;
lrs_state < < = 1 ;
if ( lrs_state & 0x100 )
lrs_state ^ = 0xe7 ;
outb ( 0x00 , ID_PORT ) ;
init_ID_done = 1 ;
if ( ! request_region ( ioaddr , EL16_IO_EXTENT , DRV_NAME ) )
return - ENODEV ;
if ( ( inb ( ioaddr ) ! = ' * ' ) | | ( inb ( ioaddr + 1 ) ! = ' 3 ' ) | |
( inb ( ioaddr + 2 ) ! = ' C ' ) | | ( inb ( ioaddr + 3 ) ! = ' O ' ) ) {
retval = - ENODEV ;
goto out ;
if ( net_debug & & version_printed + + = = 0 )
printk ( version ) ;
printk ( " %s: 3c507 at %#x, " , dev - > name , ioaddr ) ;
/* We should make a few more checks here, like the first three octets of
the S . A . for the manufacturer ' s code . */
irq = inb ( ioaddr + IRQ_CONFIG ) & 0x0f ;
irqval = request_irq ( irq , & el16_interrupt , 0 , DRV_NAME , dev ) ;
if ( irqval ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " 3c507: unable to get IRQ %d (irqval=%d). \n " , irq , irqval ) ;
retval = - EAGAIN ;
goto out ;
/* We've committed to using the board, and can start filling in *dev. */
dev - > base_addr = ioaddr ;
outb ( 0x01 , ioaddr + MISC_CTRL ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i + + ) {
dev - > dev_addr [ i ] = inb ( ioaddr + i ) ;
printk ( " %02x " , dev - > dev_addr [ i ] ) ;
if ( mem_start )
net_debug = mem_start & 7 ;
# ifdef MEM_BASE
dev - > mem_start = MEM_BASE ;
dev - > mem_end = dev - > mem_start + 0x10000 ;
# else
int base ;
int size ;
char mem_config = inb ( ioaddr + MEM_CONFIG ) ;
if ( mem_config & 0x20 ) {
size = 64 * 1024 ;
base = 0xf00000 + ( mem_config & 0x08 ? 0x080000
: ( ( mem_config & 3 ) < < 17 ) ) ;
} else {
size = ( ( mem_config & 3 ) + 1 ) < < 14 ;
base = 0x0c0000 + ( ( mem_config & 0x18 ) < < 12 ) ;
dev - > mem_start = base ;
dev - > mem_end = base + size ;
# endif
dev - > if_port = ( inb ( ioaddr + ROM_CONFIG ) & 0x80 ) ? 1 : 0 ;
dev - > irq = inb ( ioaddr + IRQ_CONFIG ) & 0x0f ;
printk ( " , IRQ %d, %sternal xcvr, memory %#lx-%#lx. \n " , dev - > irq ,
dev - > if_port ? " ex " : " in " , dev - > mem_start , dev - > mem_end - 1 ) ;
if ( net_debug )
printk ( version ) ;
lp = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
memset ( lp , 0 , sizeof ( * lp ) ) ;
spin_lock_init ( & lp - > lock ) ;
lp - > base = ioremap ( dev - > mem_start , RX_BUF_END ) ;
if ( ! lp - > base ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " 3c507: unable to remap memory \n " ) ;
retval = - EAGAIN ;
goto out1 ;
dev - > open = el16_open ;
dev - > stop = el16_close ;
dev - > hard_start_xmit = el16_send_packet ;
dev - > get_stats = el16_get_stats ;
dev - > tx_timeout = el16_tx_timeout ;
dev - > watchdog_timeo = TX_TIMEOUT ;
dev - > ethtool_ops = & netdev_ethtool_ops ;
dev - > flags & = ~ IFF_MULTICAST ; /* Multicast doesn't work */
return 0 ;
out1 :
free_irq ( dev - > irq , dev ) ;
out :
release_region ( ioaddr , EL16_IO_EXTENT ) ;
return retval ;
static int el16_open ( struct net_device * dev )
/* Initialize the 82586 memory and start it. */
init_82586_mem ( dev ) ;
netif_start_queue ( dev ) ;
return 0 ;
static void el16_tx_timeout ( struct net_device * dev )
struct net_local * lp = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
int ioaddr = dev - > base_addr ;
void __iomem * shmem = lp - > base ;
if ( net_debug > 1 )
printk ( " %s: transmit timed out, %s? " , dev - > name ,
readw ( shmem + iSCB_STATUS ) & 0x8000 ? " IRQ conflict " :
" network cable problem " ) ;
/* Try to restart the adaptor. */
if ( lp - > last_restart = = lp - > stats . tx_packets ) {
if ( net_debug > 1 )
printk ( " Resetting board. \n " ) ;
/* Completely reset the adaptor. */
init_82586_mem ( dev ) ;
lp - > tx_pkts_in_ring = 0 ;
} else {
/* Issue the channel attention signal and hope it "gets better". */
if ( net_debug > 1 )
printk ( " Kicking board. \n " ) ;
writew ( 0xf000 | CUC_START | RX_START , shmem + iSCB_CMD ) ;
outb ( 0 , ioaddr + SIGNAL_CA ) ; /* Issue channel-attn. */
lp - > last_restart = lp - > stats . tx_packets ;
dev - > trans_start = jiffies ;
netif_wake_queue ( dev ) ;
static int el16_send_packet ( struct sk_buff * skb , struct net_device * dev )
struct net_local * lp = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
int ioaddr = dev - > base_addr ;
unsigned long flags ;
short length = ETH_ZLEN < skb - > len ? skb - > len : ETH_ZLEN ;
unsigned char * buf = skb - > data ;
netif_stop_queue ( dev ) ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & lp - > lock , flags ) ;
lp - > stats . tx_bytes + = length ;
/* Disable the 82586's input to the interrupt line. */
outb ( 0x80 , ioaddr + MISC_CTRL ) ;
hardware_send_packet ( dev , buf , skb - > len , length - skb - > len ) ;
dev - > trans_start = jiffies ;
/* Enable the 82586 interrupt input. */
outb ( 0x84 , ioaddr + MISC_CTRL ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & lp - > lock , flags ) ;
dev_kfree_skb ( skb ) ;
/* You might need to clean up and record Tx statistics here. */
return 0 ;
/* The typical workload of the driver:
Handle the network interface interrupts . */
static irqreturn_t el16_interrupt ( int irq , void * dev_id , struct pt_regs * regs )
struct net_device * dev = dev_id ;
struct net_local * lp ;
int ioaddr , status , boguscount = 0 ;
ushort ack_cmd = 0 ;
void __iomem * shmem ;
if ( dev = = NULL ) {
printk ( " net_interrupt(): irq %d for unknown device. \n " , irq ) ;
return IRQ_NONE ;
ioaddr = dev - > base_addr ;
lp = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
shmem = lp - > base ;
spin_lock ( & lp - > lock ) ;
status = readw ( shmem + iSCB_STATUS ) ;
if ( net_debug > 4 ) {
printk ( " %s: 3c507 interrupt, status %4.4x. \n " , dev - > name , status ) ;
/* Disable the 82586's input to the interrupt line. */
outb ( 0x80 , ioaddr + MISC_CTRL ) ;
/* Reap the Tx packet buffers. */
while ( lp - > tx_pkts_in_ring ) {
unsigned short tx_status = readw ( shmem + lp - > tx_reap ) ;
if ( ! ( tx_status & 0x8000 ) ) {
if ( net_debug > 5 )
printk ( " Tx command incomplete (%#x). \n " , lp - > tx_reap ) ;
break ;
/* Tx unsuccessful or some interesting status bit set. */
if ( ! ( tx_status & 0x2000 ) | | ( tx_status & 0x0f3f ) ) {
lp - > stats . tx_errors + + ;
if ( tx_status & 0x0600 ) lp - > stats . tx_carrier_errors + + ;
if ( tx_status & 0x0100 ) lp - > stats . tx_fifo_errors + + ;
if ( ! ( tx_status & 0x0040 ) ) lp - > stats . tx_heartbeat_errors + + ;
if ( tx_status & 0x0020 ) lp - > stats . tx_aborted_errors + + ;
lp - > stats . collisions + = tx_status & 0xf ;
lp - > stats . tx_packets + + ;
if ( net_debug > 5 )
printk ( " Reaped %x, Tx status %04x. \n " , lp - > tx_reap , tx_status ) ;
lp - > tx_reap + = TX_BUF_SIZE ;
if ( lp - > tx_reap > RX_BUF_START - TX_BUF_SIZE )
lp - > tx_reap = TX_BUF_START ;
lp - > tx_pkts_in_ring - - ;
/* There is always more space in the Tx ring buffer now. */
netif_wake_queue ( dev ) ;
if ( + + boguscount > 10 )
break ;
if ( status & 0x4000 ) { /* Packet received. */
if ( net_debug > 5 )
printk ( " Received packet, rx_head %04x. \n " , lp - > rx_head ) ;
el16_rx ( dev ) ;
/* Acknowledge the interrupt sources. */
ack_cmd = status & 0xf000 ;
if ( ( status & 0x0700 ) ! = 0x0200 & & netif_running ( dev ) ) {
if ( net_debug )
printk ( " %s: Command unit stopped, status %04x, restarting. \n " ,
dev - > name , status ) ;
/* If this ever occurs we should really re-write the idle loop, reset
the Tx list , and do a complete restart of the command unit .
For now we rely on the Tx timeout if the resume doesn ' t work . */
ack_cmd | = CUC_RESUME ;
if ( ( status & 0x0070 ) ! = 0x0040 & & netif_running ( dev ) ) {
/* The Rx unit is not ready, it must be hung. Restart the receiver by
initializing the rx buffers , and issuing an Rx start command . */
if ( net_debug )
printk ( " %s: Rx unit stopped, status %04x, restarting. \n " ,
dev - > name , status ) ;
init_rx_bufs ( dev ) ;
writew ( RX_BUF_START , shmem + iSCB_RFA ) ;
ack_cmd | = RX_START ;
writew ( ack_cmd , shmem + iSCB_CMD ) ;
outb ( 0 , ioaddr + SIGNAL_CA ) ; /* Issue channel-attn. */
/* Clear the latched interrupt. */
outb ( 0 , ioaddr + RESET_IRQ ) ;
/* Enable the 82586's interrupt input. */
outb ( 0x84 , ioaddr + MISC_CTRL ) ;
spin_unlock ( & lp - > lock ) ;
return IRQ_HANDLED ;
static int el16_close ( struct net_device * dev )
struct net_local * lp = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
int ioaddr = dev - > base_addr ;
void __iomem * shmem = lp - > base ;
netif_stop_queue ( dev ) ;
/* Flush the Tx and disable Rx. */
writew ( RX_SUSPEND | CUC_SUSPEND , shmem + iSCB_CMD ) ;
outb ( 0 , ioaddr + SIGNAL_CA ) ;
/* Disable the 82586's input to the interrupt line. */
outb ( 0x80 , ioaddr + MISC_CTRL ) ;
/* We always physically use the IRQ line, so we don't do free_irq(). */
/* Update the statistics here. */
return 0 ;
/* Get the current statistics. This may be called with the card open or
closed . */
static struct net_device_stats * el16_get_stats ( struct net_device * dev )
struct net_local * lp = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
/* ToDo: decide if there are any useful statistics from the SCB. */
return & lp - > stats ;
/* Initialize the Rx-block list. */
static void init_rx_bufs ( struct net_device * dev )
struct net_local * lp = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
void __iomem * write_ptr ;
unsigned short SCB_base = SCB_BASE ;
int cur_rxbuf = lp - > rx_head = RX_BUF_START ;
/* Initialize each Rx frame + data buffer. */
do { /* While there is room for one more. */
write_ptr = lp - > base + cur_rxbuf ;
writew ( 0x0000 , write_ptr ) ; /* Status */
writew ( 0x0000 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Command */
writew ( cur_rxbuf + RX_BUF_SIZE , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Link */
writew ( cur_rxbuf + 22 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Buffer offset */
writew ( 0x0000 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Pad for dest addr. */
writew ( 0x0000 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ;
writew ( 0x0000 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ;
writew ( 0x0000 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Pad for source addr. */
writew ( 0x0000 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ;
writew ( 0x0000 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ;
writew ( 0x0000 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Pad for protocol. */
writew ( 0x0000 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Buffer: Actual count */
writew ( - 1 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Buffer: Next (none). */
writew ( cur_rxbuf + 0x20 + SCB_base , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Buffer: Address low */
writew ( 0x0000 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ;
/* Finally, the number of bytes in the buffer. */
writew ( 0x8000 + RX_BUF_SIZE - 0x20 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ;
lp - > rx_tail = cur_rxbuf ;
cur_rxbuf + = RX_BUF_SIZE ;
} while ( cur_rxbuf < = RX_BUF_END - RX_BUF_SIZE ) ;
/* Terminate the list by setting the EOL bit, and wrap the pointer to make
the list a ring . */
write_ptr = lp - > base + lp - > rx_tail + 2 ;
writew ( 0xC000 , write_ptr ) ; /* Command, mark as last. */
writew ( lp - > rx_head , write_ptr + 2 ) ; /* Link */
static void init_82586_mem ( struct net_device * dev )
struct net_local * lp = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
short ioaddr = dev - > base_addr ;
void __iomem * shmem = lp - > base ;
/* Enable loopback to protect the wire while starting up,
and hold the 586 in reset during the memory initialization . */
outb ( 0x20 , ioaddr + MISC_CTRL ) ;
/* Fix the ISCP address and base. */
init_words [ 3 ] = SCB_BASE ;
init_words [ 7 ] = SCB_BASE ;
/* Write the words at 0xfff6 (address-aliased to 0xfffff6). */
memcpy_toio ( lp - > base + RX_BUF_END - 10 , init_words , 10 ) ;
/* Write the words at 0x0000. */
memcpy_toio ( lp - > base , init_words + 5 , sizeof ( init_words ) - 10 ) ;
/* Fill in the station address. */
memcpy_toio ( lp - > base + SA_OFFSET , dev - > dev_addr ,
sizeof ( dev - > dev_addr ) ) ;
/* The Tx-block list is written as needed. We just set up the values. */
lp - > tx_cmd_link = IDLELOOP + 4 ;
lp - > tx_head = lp - > tx_reap = TX_BUF_START ;
init_rx_bufs ( dev ) ;
/* Start the 586 by releasing the reset line, but leave loopback. */
outb ( 0xA0 , ioaddr + MISC_CTRL ) ;
/* This was time consuming to track down: you need to give two channel
attention signals to reliably start up the i82586 . */
outb ( 0 , ioaddr + SIGNAL_CA ) ;
int boguscnt = 50 ;
while ( readw ( shmem + iSCB_STATUS ) = = 0 )
if ( - - boguscnt = = 0 ) {
printk ( " %s: i82586 initialization timed out with status %04x, "
" cmd %04x. \n " , dev - > name ,
readw ( shmem + iSCB_STATUS ) , readw ( shmem + iSCB_CMD ) ) ;
break ;
/* Issue channel-attn -- the 82586 won't start. */
outb ( 0 , ioaddr + SIGNAL_CA ) ;
/* Disable loopback and enable interrupts. */
outb ( 0x84 , ioaddr + MISC_CTRL ) ;
if ( net_debug > 4 )
printk ( " %s: Initialized 82586, status %04x. \n " , dev - > name ,
readw ( shmem + iSCB_STATUS ) ) ;
return ;
static void hardware_send_packet ( struct net_device * dev , void * buf , short length , short pad )
struct net_local * lp = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
short ioaddr = dev - > base_addr ;
ushort tx_block = lp - > tx_head ;
void __iomem * write_ptr = lp - > base + tx_block ;
static char padding [ ETH_ZLEN ] ;
/* Set the write pointer to the Tx block, and put out the header. */
writew ( 0x0000 , write_ptr ) ; /* Tx status */
writew ( CMD_INTR | CmdTx , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Tx command */
writew ( tx_block + 16 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Next command is a NoOp. */
writew ( tx_block + 8 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Data Buffer offset. */
/* Output the data buffer descriptor. */
writew ( ( pad + length ) | 0x8000 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Byte count parameter. */
writew ( - 1 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* No next data buffer. */
writew ( tx_block + 22 + SCB_BASE , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Buffer follows the NoOp command. */
writew ( 0x0000 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Buffer address high bits (always zero). */
/* Output the Loop-back NoOp command. */
writew ( 0x0000 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Tx status */
writew ( CmdNOp , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Tx command */
writew ( tx_block + 16 , write_ptr + = 2 ) ; /* Next is myself. */
/* Output the packet at the write pointer. */
memcpy_toio ( write_ptr + 2 , buf , length ) ;
if ( pad )
memcpy_toio ( write_ptr + length + 2 , padding , pad ) ;
/* Set the old command link pointing to this send packet. */
writew ( tx_block , lp - > base + lp - > tx_cmd_link ) ;
lp - > tx_cmd_link = tx_block + 20 ;
/* Set the next free tx region. */
lp - > tx_head = tx_block + TX_BUF_SIZE ;
if ( lp - > tx_head > RX_BUF_START - TX_BUF_SIZE )
lp - > tx_head = TX_BUF_START ;
if ( net_debug > 4 ) {
printk ( " %s: 3c507 @%x send length = %d, tx_block %3x, next %3x. \n " ,
dev - > name , ioaddr , length , tx_block , lp - > tx_head ) ;
/* Grimly block further packets if there has been insufficient reaping. */
if ( + + lp - > tx_pkts_in_ring < NUM_TX_BUFS )
netif_wake_queue ( dev ) ;
static void el16_rx ( struct net_device * dev )
struct net_local * lp = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
void __iomem * shmem = lp - > base ;
ushort rx_head = lp - > rx_head ;
ushort rx_tail = lp - > rx_tail ;
ushort boguscount = 10 ;
short frame_status ;
while ( ( frame_status = readw ( shmem + rx_head ) ) < 0 ) { /* Command complete */
void __iomem * read_frame = lp - > base + rx_head ;
ushort rfd_cmd = readw ( read_frame + 2 ) ;
ushort next_rx_frame = readw ( read_frame + 4 ) ;
ushort data_buffer_addr = readw ( read_frame + 6 ) ;
void __iomem * data_frame = lp - > base + data_buffer_addr ;
ushort pkt_len = readw ( data_frame ) ;
if ( rfd_cmd ! = 0 | | data_buffer_addr ! = rx_head + 22
| | ( pkt_len & 0xC000 ) ! = 0xC000 ) {
printk ( " %s: Rx frame at %#x corrupted, status %04x cmd %04x "
" next %04x data-buf @%04x %04x. \n " , dev - > name , rx_head ,
frame_status , rfd_cmd , next_rx_frame , data_buffer_addr ,
pkt_len ) ;
} else if ( ( frame_status & 0x2000 ) = = 0 ) {
/* Frame Rxed, but with error. */
lp - > stats . rx_errors + + ;
if ( frame_status & 0x0800 ) lp - > stats . rx_crc_errors + + ;
if ( frame_status & 0x0400 ) lp - > stats . rx_frame_errors + + ;
if ( frame_status & 0x0200 ) lp - > stats . rx_fifo_errors + + ;
if ( frame_status & 0x0100 ) lp - > stats . rx_over_errors + + ;
if ( frame_status & 0x0080 ) lp - > stats . rx_length_errors + + ;
} else {
/* Malloc up new buffer. */
struct sk_buff * skb ;
pkt_len & = 0x3fff ;
skb = dev_alloc_skb ( pkt_len + 2 ) ;
if ( skb = = NULL ) {
printk ( " %s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet. \n " , dev - > name ) ;
lp - > stats . rx_dropped + + ;
break ;
skb_reserve ( skb , 2 ) ;
skb - > dev = dev ;
/* 'skb->data' points to the start of sk_buff data area. */
memcpy_fromio ( skb_put ( skb , pkt_len ) , data_frame + 10 , pkt_len ) ;
skb - > protocol = eth_type_trans ( skb , dev ) ;
netif_rx ( skb ) ;
dev - > last_rx = jiffies ;
lp - > stats . rx_packets + + ;
lp - > stats . rx_bytes + = pkt_len ;
/* Clear the status word and set End-of-List on the rx frame. */
writew ( 0 , read_frame ) ;
writew ( 0xC000 , read_frame + 2 ) ;
/* Clear the end-of-list on the prev. RFD. */
writew ( 0x0000 , lp - > base + rx_tail + 2 ) ;
rx_tail = rx_head ;
rx_head = next_rx_frame ;
if ( - - boguscount = = 0 )
break ;
lp - > rx_head = rx_head ;
lp - > rx_tail = rx_tail ;
static void netdev_get_drvinfo ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct ethtool_drvinfo * info )
strcpy ( info - > driver , DRV_NAME ) ;
strcpy ( info - > version , DRV_VERSION ) ;
sprintf ( info - > bus_info , " ISA 0x%lx " , dev - > base_addr ) ;
static u32 netdev_get_msglevel ( struct net_device * dev )
return debug ;
static void netdev_set_msglevel ( struct net_device * dev , u32 level )
debug = level ;
static struct ethtool_ops netdev_ethtool_ops = {
. get_drvinfo = netdev_get_drvinfo ,
. get_msglevel = netdev_get_msglevel ,
. set_msglevel = netdev_set_msglevel ,
} ;
# ifdef MODULE
static struct net_device * dev_3c507 ;
module_param ( io , int , 0 ) ;
module_param ( irq , int , 0 ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( io , " EtherLink16 I/O base address " ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( irq , " (ignored) " ) ;
2006-06-10 13:33:48 -07:00
int __init init_module ( void )
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
if ( io = = 0 )
printk ( " 3c507: You should not use auto-probing with insmod! \n " ) ;
dev_3c507 = el16_probe ( - 1 ) ;
return IS_ERR ( dev_3c507 ) ? PTR_ERR ( dev_3c507 ) : 0 ;
cleanup_module ( void )
struct net_device * dev = dev_3c507 ;
unregister_netdev ( dev ) ;
free_irq ( dev - > irq , dev ) ;
iounmap ( ( ( struct net_local * ) netdev_priv ( dev ) ) - > base ) ;
release_region ( dev - > base_addr , EL16_IO_EXTENT ) ;
free_netdev ( dev ) ;
# endif /* MODULE */
* Local variables :
* compile - command : " gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/net/inet -I/usr/src/linux/drivers/net -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -m486 -c 3c507.c "
* version - control : t
* kept - new - versions : 5
* tab - width : 4
* c - indent - level : 4
* End :