2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
/* [xirc2ps_cs.c wk 03.11.99] (1.40 1999/11/18 00:06:03)
* Xircom CreditCard Ethernet Adapter IIps driver
* Xircom Realport 10 / 100 ( RE - 100 ) driver
* This driver supports various Xircom CreditCard Ethernet adapters
* including the CE2 , CE IIps , RE - 10 , CEM28 , CEM33 , CE33 , CEM56 ,
* CE3 - 100 , CE3B , RE - 100 , REM10BT , and REM56G - 100.
* 2000 - 09 - 24 < psheer @ icon . co . za > The Xircom CE3B - 100 may not
* autodetect the media properly . In this case use the
* if_port = 1 ( for 10 BaseT ) or if_port = 4 ( for 100 BaseT ) options
* to force the media type .
* Written originally by Werner Koch based on David Hinds ' skeleton of the
* PCMCIA driver .
* Copyright ( c ) 1997 , 1998 Werner Koch ( dd9jn )
* This driver is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA
* ALTERNATIVELY , this driver may be distributed under the terms of
* the following license , in which case the provisions of this license
* are required INSTEAD OF the GNU General Public License . ( This clause
* is necessary due to a potential bad interaction between the GPL and
* the restrictions contained in a BSD - style copyright . )
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms , with or without
* modification , are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met :
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice , and the entire permission notice in its entirety ,
* including the disclaimer of warranties .
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice , this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and / or other materials provided with the distribution .
* 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
* products derived from this software without specific prior
* written permission .
# include <linux/module.h>
# include <linux/kernel.h>
# include <linux/init.h>
# include <linux/ptrace.h>
# include <linux/slab.h>
# include <linux/string.h>
# include <linux/timer.h>
# include <linux/interrupt.h>
# include <linux/in.h>
# include <linux/delay.h>
# include <linux/ethtool.h>
# include <linux/netdevice.h>
# include <linux/etherdevice.h>
# include <linux/skbuff.h>
# include <linux/if_arp.h>
# include <linux/ioport.h>
# include <linux/bitops.h>
# include <pcmcia/cs_types.h>
# include <pcmcia/cs.h>
# include <pcmcia/cistpl.h>
# include <pcmcia/cisreg.h>
# include <pcmcia/ciscode.h>
# include <asm/io.h>
# include <asm/system.h>
# include <asm/uaccess.h>
# define MANFID_COMPAQ 0x0138
# define MANFID_COMPAQ2 0x0183 /* is this correct? */
# endif
# include <pcmcia/ds.h>
/* Time in jiffies before concluding Tx hung */
# define TX_TIMEOUT ((400*HZ) / 1000)
* Some constants used to access the hardware
/* Register offsets and value constans */
# define XIRCREG_CR 0 /* Command register (wr) */
enum xirc_cr {
TransmitPacket = 0x01 ,
SoftReset = 0x02 ,
EnableIntr = 0x04 ,
ForceIntr = 0x08 ,
ClearTxFIFO = 0x10 ,
ClearRxOvrun = 0x20 ,
RestartTx = 0x40
} ;
# define XIRCREG_ESR 0 /* Ethernet status register (rd) */
enum xirc_esr {
FullPktRcvd = 0x01 , /* full packet in receive buffer */
PktRejected = 0x04 , /* a packet has been rejected */
TxPktPend = 0x08 , /* TX Packet Pending */
IncorPolarity = 0x10 ,
MediaSelect = 0x20 /* set if TP, clear if AUI */
} ;
# define XIRCREG_PR 1 /* Page Register select */
# define XIRCREG_EDP 4 /* Ethernet Data Port Register */
# define XIRCREG_ISR 6 /* Ethernet Interrupt Status Register */
enum xirc_isr {
TxBufOvr = 0x01 , /* TX Buffer Overflow */
PktTxed = 0x02 , /* Packet Transmitted */
MACIntr = 0x04 , /* MAC Interrupt occurred */
TxResGrant = 0x08 , /* Tx Reservation Granted */
RxFullPkt = 0x20 , /* Rx Full Packet */
RxPktRej = 0x40 , /* Rx Packet Rejected */
ForcedIntr = 0x80 /* Forced Interrupt */
} ;
# define XIRCREG1_IMR0 12 /* Ethernet Interrupt Mask Register (on page 1)*/
# define XIRCREG1_IMR1 13
# define XIRCREG0_TSO 8 /* Transmit Space Open Register (on page 0)*/
# define XIRCREG0_TRS 10 /* Transmit reservation Size Register (page 0)*/
# define XIRCREG0_DO 12 /* Data Offset Register (page 0) (wr) */
# define XIRCREG0_RSR 12 /* Receive Status Register (page 0) (rd) */
enum xirc_rsr {
PhyPkt = 0x01 , /* set:physical packet, clear: multicast packet */
BrdcstPkt = 0x02 , /* set if it is a broadcast packet */
PktTooLong = 0x04 , /* set if packet length > 1518 */
AlignErr = 0x10 , /* incorrect CRC and last octet not complete */
CRCErr = 0x20 , /* incorrect CRC and last octet is complete */
PktRxOk = 0x80 /* received ok */
} ;
# define XIRCREG0_PTR 13 /* packets transmitted register (rd) */
# define XIRCREG0_RBC 14 /* receive byte count regsister (rd) */
# define XIRCREG1_ECR 14 /* ethernet configurationn register */
enum xirc_ecr {
FullDuplex = 0x04 , /* enable full duplex mode */
LongTPMode = 0x08 , /* adjust for longer lengths of TP cable */
DisablePolCor = 0x10 , /* disable auto polarity correction */
DisableLinkPulse = 0x20 , /* disable link pulse generation */
DisableAutoTx = 0x40 , /* disable auto-transmit */
} ;
# define XIRCREG2_RBS 8 /* receive buffer start register */
# define XIRCREG2_LED 10 /* LED Configuration register */
/* values for the leds: Bits 2-0 for led 1
* 0 disabled Bits 5 - 3 for led 2
* 1 collision
* 2 noncollision
* 3 link_detected
* 4 incor_polarity
* 5 jabber
* 6 auto_assertion
* 7 rx_tx_activity
# define XIRCREG2_MSR 12 /* Mohawk specific register */
# define XIRCREG4_GPR0 8 /* General Purpose Register 0 */
# define XIRCREG4_GPR1 9 /* General Purpose Register 1 */
# define XIRCREG2_GPR2 13 /* General Purpose Register 2 (page2!)*/
# define XIRCREG4_BOV 10 /* Bonding Version Register */
# define XIRCREG4_LMA 12 /* Local Memory Address Register */
# define XIRCREG4_LMD 14 /* Local Memory Data Port */
/* MAC register can only by accessed with 8 bit operations */
# define XIRCREG40_CMD0 8 /* Command Register (wr) */
enum xirc_cmd { /* Commands */
Transmit = 0x01 ,
EnableRecv = 0x04 ,
DisableRecv = 0x08 ,
Abort = 0x10 ,
Online = 0x20 ,
IntrAck = 0x40 ,
Offline = 0x80
} ;
# define XIRCREG5_RHSA0 10 /* Rx Host Start Address */
# define XIRCREG40_RXST0 9 /* Receive Status Register */
# define XIRCREG40_TXST0 11 /* Transmit Status Register 0 */
# define XIRCREG40_TXST1 12 /* Transmit Status Register 10 */
# define XIRCREG40_RMASK0 13 /* Receive Mask Register */
# define XIRCREG40_TMASK0 14 /* Transmit Mask Register 0 */
# define XIRCREG40_TMASK1 15 /* Transmit Mask Register 0 */
# define XIRCREG42_SWC0 8 /* Software Configuration 0 */
# define XIRCREG42_SWC1 9 /* Software Configuration 1 */
# define XIRCREG42_BOC 10 /* Back-Off Configuration */
# define XIRCREG44_TDR0 8 /* Time Domain Reflectometry 0 */
# define XIRCREG44_TDR1 9 /* Time Domain Reflectometry 1 */
# define XIRCREG44_RXBC_LO 10 /* Rx Byte Count 0 (rd) */
# define XIRCREG44_RXBC_HI 11 /* Rx Byte Count 1 (rd) */
# define XIRCREG45_REV 15 /* Revision Register (rd) */
# define XIRCREG50_IA 8 /* Individual Address (8-13) */
static char * if_names [ ] = { " Auto " , " 10BaseT " , " 10Base2 " , " AUI " , " 100BaseT " } ;
* All the PCMCIA modules use PCMCIA_DEBUG to control debugging . If
* you do not define PCMCIA_DEBUG at all , all the debug code will be
* left out . If you compile with PCMCIA_DEBUG = 0 , the debug code will
* be present but disabled - - but it can then be enabled for specific
* modules at load time with a ' pc_debug = # ' option to insmod .
static int pc_debug = PCMCIA_DEBUG ;
module_param ( pc_debug , int , 0 ) ;
# define DEBUG(n, args...) if (pc_debug>(n)) printk(KDBG_XIRC args)
# else
# define DEBUG(n, args...)
# endif
# define KDBG_XIRC KERN_DEBUG "xirc2ps_cs: "
# define KERR_XIRC KERN_ERR "xirc2ps_cs: "
# define KWRN_XIRC KERN_WARNING "xirc2ps_cs: "
# define KNOT_XIRC KERN_NOTICE "xirc2ps_cs: "
# define KINF_XIRC KERN_INFO "xirc2ps_cs: "
/* card types */
# define XIR_UNKNOWN 0 /* unknown: not supported */
# define XIR_CE 1 /* (prodid 1) different hardware: not supported */
# define XIR_CE2 2 /* (prodid 2) */
# define XIR_CE3 3 /* (prodid 3) */
# define XIR_CEM 4 /* (prodid 1) different hardware: not supported */
# define XIR_CEM2 5 /* (prodid 2) */
# define XIR_CEM3 6 /* (prodid 3) */
# define XIR_CEM33 7 /* (prodid 4) */
# define XIR_CEM56M 8 /* (prodid 5) */
# define XIR_CEM56 9 /* (prodid 6) */
# define XIR_CM28 10 /* (prodid 3) modem only: not supported here */
# define XIR_CM33 11 /* (prodid 4) modem only: not supported here */
# define XIR_CM56 12 /* (prodid 5) modem only: not supported here */
# define XIR_CG 13 /* (prodid 1) GSM modem only: not supported */
# define XIR_CBE 14 /* (prodid 1) cardbus ethernet: not supported */
/* Module parameters */
MODULE_DESCRIPTION ( " Xircom PCMCIA ethernet driver " ) ;
# define INT_MODULE_PARM(n, v) static int n = v; module_param(n, int, 0)
INT_MODULE_PARM ( if_port , 0 ) ;
INT_MODULE_PARM ( full_duplex , 0 ) ;
INT_MODULE_PARM ( do_sound , 1 ) ;
INT_MODULE_PARM ( lockup_hack , 0 ) ; /* anti lockup hack */
/* We do not process more than these number of bytes during one
* interrupt . ( Of course we receive complete packets , so this is not
* an exact value ) .
* Something between 2000. .22000 ; first value gives best interrupt latency ,
* the second enables the usage of the complete on - chip buffer . We use the
* high value as the initial value .
static unsigned maxrx_bytes = 22000 ;
/* MII management prototypes */
static void mii_idle ( kio_addr_t ioaddr ) ;
static void mii_putbit ( kio_addr_t ioaddr , unsigned data ) ;
static int mii_getbit ( kio_addr_t ioaddr ) ;
static void mii_wbits ( kio_addr_t ioaddr , unsigned data , int len ) ;
static unsigned mii_rd ( kio_addr_t ioaddr , u_char phyaddr , u_char phyreg ) ;
static void mii_wr ( kio_addr_t ioaddr , u_char phyaddr , u_char phyreg ,
unsigned data , int len ) ;
* The event ( ) function is this driver ' s Card Services event handler .
* It will be called by Card Services when an appropriate card status
* event is received . The config ( ) and release ( ) entry points are
* used to configure or release a socket , in response to card insertion
* and ejection events . They are invoked from the event handler .
static int has_ce2_string ( dev_link_t * link ) ;
static void xirc2ps_config ( dev_link_t * link ) ;
static void xirc2ps_release ( dev_link_t * link ) ;
static int xirc2ps_event ( event_t event , int priority ,
event_callback_args_t * args ) ;
* The attach ( ) and detach ( ) entry points are used to create and destroy
* " instances " of the driver , where each instance represents everything
* needed to manage one actual PCMCIA card .
static dev_link_t * xirc2ps_attach ( void ) ;
static void xirc2ps_detach ( dev_link_t * ) ;
* You ' ll also need to prototype all the functions that will actually
* be used to talk to your device . See ' pcmem_cs ' for a good example
* of a fully self - sufficient driver ; the other drivers rely more or
* less on other parts of the kernel .
static irqreturn_t xirc2ps_interrupt ( int irq , void * dev_id , struct pt_regs * regs ) ;
* The dev_info variable is the " key " that is used to match up this
* device driver with appropriate cards , through the card configuration
* database .
static dev_info_t dev_info = " xirc2ps_cs " ;
* A linked list of " instances " of the device . Each actual
* PCMCIA card corresponds to one device instance , and is described
* by one dev_link_t structure ( defined in ds . h ) .
* You may not want to use a linked list for this - - for example , the
* memory card driver uses an array of dev_link_t pointers , where minor
* device numbers are used to derive the corresponding array index .
static dev_link_t * dev_list ;
* A dev_link_t structure has fields for most things that are needed
* to keep track of a socket , but there will usually be some device
* specific information that also needs to be kept track of . The
* ' priv ' pointer in a dev_link_t structure can be used to point to
* a device - specific private data structure , like this .
* A driver needs to provide a dev_node_t structure for each device
* on a card . In some cases , there is only one device per card ( for
* example , ethernet cards , modems ) . In other cases , there may be
* many actual or logical devices ( SCSI adapters , memory cards with
* multiple partitions ) . The dev_node_t structures need to be kept
* in a linked list starting at the ' dev ' field of a dev_link_t
* structure . We allocate them in the card ' s private data structure ,
* because they generally can ' t be allocated dynamically .
typedef struct local_info_t {
dev_link_t link ;
dev_node_t node ;
struct net_device_stats stats ;
int card_type ;
int probe_port ;
int silicon ; /* silicon revision. 0=old CE2, 1=Scipper, 4=Mohawk */
int mohawk ; /* a CE3 type card */
int dingo ; /* a CEM56 type card */
int new_mii ; /* has full 10baseT/100baseT MII */
int modem ; /* is a multi function card (i.e with a modem) */
void __iomem * dingo_ccr ; /* only used for CEM56 cards */
unsigned last_ptr_value ; /* last packets transmitted value */
const char * manf_str ;
} local_info_t ;
* Some more prototypes
static int do_start_xmit ( struct sk_buff * skb , struct net_device * dev ) ;
static void do_tx_timeout ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
static struct net_device_stats * do_get_stats ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
static void set_addresses ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
static void set_multicast_list ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
static int set_card_type ( dev_link_t * link , const void * s ) ;
static int do_config ( struct net_device * dev , struct ifmap * map ) ;
static int do_open ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
static int do_ioctl ( struct net_device * dev , struct ifreq * rq , int cmd ) ;
static struct ethtool_ops netdev_ethtool_ops ;
static void hardreset ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
static void do_reset ( struct net_device * dev , int full ) ;
static int init_mii ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
static void do_powerdown ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
static int do_stop ( struct net_device * dev ) ;
/*=============== Helper functions =========================*/
static int
first_tuple ( client_handle_t handle , tuple_t * tuple , cisparse_t * parse )
int err ;
if ( ( err = pcmcia_get_first_tuple ( handle , tuple ) ) = = 0 & &
( err = pcmcia_get_tuple_data ( handle , tuple ) ) = = 0 )
err = pcmcia_parse_tuple ( handle , tuple , parse ) ;
return err ;
static int
next_tuple ( client_handle_t handle , tuple_t * tuple , cisparse_t * parse )
int err ;
if ( ( err = pcmcia_get_next_tuple ( handle , tuple ) ) = = 0 & &
( err = pcmcia_get_tuple_data ( handle , tuple ) ) = = 0 )
err = pcmcia_parse_tuple ( handle , tuple , parse ) ;
return err ;
# define SelectPage(pgnr) outb((pgnr), ioaddr + XIRCREG_PR)
# define GetByte(reg) ((unsigned)inb(ioaddr + (reg)))
# define GetWord(reg) ((unsigned)inw(ioaddr + (reg)))
# define PutByte(reg,value) outb((value), ioaddr+(reg))
# define PutWord(reg,value) outw((value), ioaddr+(reg))
/*====== Functions used for debugging =================================*/
# if defined(PCMCIA_DEBUG) && 0 /* reading regs may change system status */
static void
PrintRegisters ( struct net_device * dev )
kio_addr_t ioaddr = dev - > base_addr ;
if ( pc_debug > 1 ) {
int i , page ;
printk ( KDBG_XIRC " Register common: " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i + + )
printk ( " %2.2x " , GetByte ( i ) ) ;
printk ( " \n " ) ;
for ( page = 0 ; page < = 8 ; page + + ) {
printk ( KDBG_XIRC " Register page %2x: " , page ) ;
SelectPage ( page ) ;
for ( i = 8 ; i < 16 ; i + + )
printk ( " %2.2x " , GetByte ( i ) ) ;
printk ( " \n " ) ;
for ( page = 0x40 ; page < = 0x5f ; page + + ) {
if ( page = = 0x43 | | ( page > = 0x46 & & page < = 0x4f )
| | ( page > = 0x51 & & page < = 0x5e ) )
continue ;
printk ( KDBG_XIRC " Register page %2x: " , page ) ;
SelectPage ( page ) ;
for ( i = 8 ; i < 16 ; i + + )
printk ( " %2.2x " , GetByte ( i ) ) ;
printk ( " \n " ) ;
# endif /* PCMCIA_DEBUG */
/*============== MII Management functions ===============*/
* Turn around for read
static void
mii_idle ( kio_addr_t ioaddr )
PutByte ( XIRCREG2_GPR2 , 0x04 | 0 ) ; /* drive MDCK low */
udelay ( 1 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG2_GPR2 , 0x04 | 1 ) ; /* and drive MDCK high */
udelay ( 1 ) ;
* Write a bit to MDI / O
static void
mii_putbit ( kio_addr_t ioaddr , unsigned data )
# if 1
if ( data ) {
PutByte ( XIRCREG2_GPR2 , 0x0c | 2 | 0 ) ; /* set MDIO */
udelay ( 1 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG2_GPR2 , 0x0c | 2 | 1 ) ; /* and drive MDCK high */
udelay ( 1 ) ;
} else {
PutByte ( XIRCREG2_GPR2 , 0x0c | 0 | 0 ) ; /* clear MDIO */
udelay ( 1 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG2_GPR2 , 0x0c | 0 | 1 ) ; /* and drive MDCK high */
udelay ( 1 ) ;
# else
if ( data ) {
PutWord ( XIRCREG2_GPR2 - 1 , 0x0e0e ) ;
udelay ( 1 ) ;
PutWord ( XIRCREG2_GPR2 - 1 , 0x0f0f ) ;
udelay ( 1 ) ;
} else {
PutWord ( XIRCREG2_GPR2 - 1 , 0x0c0c ) ;
udelay ( 1 ) ;
PutWord ( XIRCREG2_GPR2 - 1 , 0x0d0d ) ;
udelay ( 1 ) ;
# endif
* Get a bit from MDI / O
static int
mii_getbit ( kio_addr_t ioaddr )
unsigned d ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG2_GPR2 , 4 | 0 ) ; /* drive MDCK low */
udelay ( 1 ) ;
d = GetByte ( XIRCREG2_GPR2 ) ; /* read MDIO */
PutByte ( XIRCREG2_GPR2 , 4 | 1 ) ; /* drive MDCK high again */
udelay ( 1 ) ;
return d & 0x20 ; /* read MDIO */
static void
mii_wbits ( kio_addr_t ioaddr , unsigned data , int len )
unsigned m = 1 < < ( len - 1 ) ;
for ( ; m ; m > > = 1 )
mii_putbit ( ioaddr , data & m ) ;
static unsigned
mii_rd ( kio_addr_t ioaddr , u_char phyaddr , u_char phyreg )
int i ;
unsigned data = 0 , m ;
SelectPage ( 2 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i + + ) /* 32 bit preamble */
mii_putbit ( ioaddr , 1 ) ;
mii_wbits ( ioaddr , 0x06 , 4 ) ; /* Start and opcode for read */
mii_wbits ( ioaddr , phyaddr , 5 ) ; /* PHY address to be accessed */
mii_wbits ( ioaddr , phyreg , 5 ) ; /* PHY register to read */
mii_idle ( ioaddr ) ; /* turn around */
mii_getbit ( ioaddr ) ;
for ( m = 1 < < 15 ; m ; m > > = 1 )
if ( mii_getbit ( ioaddr ) )
data | = m ;
mii_idle ( ioaddr ) ;
return data ;
static void
mii_wr ( kio_addr_t ioaddr , u_char phyaddr , u_char phyreg , unsigned data , int len )
int i ;
SelectPage ( 2 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i + + ) /* 32 bit preamble */
mii_putbit ( ioaddr , 1 ) ;
mii_wbits ( ioaddr , 0x05 , 4 ) ; /* Start and opcode for write */
mii_wbits ( ioaddr , phyaddr , 5 ) ; /* PHY address to be accessed */
mii_wbits ( ioaddr , phyreg , 5 ) ; /* PHY Register to write */
mii_putbit ( ioaddr , 1 ) ; /* turn around */
mii_putbit ( ioaddr , 0 ) ;
mii_wbits ( ioaddr , data , len ) ; /* And write the data */
mii_idle ( ioaddr ) ;
/*============= Main bulk of functions =========================*/
* xirc2ps_attach ( ) creates an " instance " of the driver , allocating
* local data structures for one device . The device is registered
* with Card Services .
* The dev_link structure is initialized , but we don ' t actually
* configure the card at this point - - we wait until we receive a
* card insertion event .
static dev_link_t *
xirc2ps_attach ( void )
client_reg_t client_reg ;
dev_link_t * link ;
struct net_device * dev ;
local_info_t * local ;
int err ;
DEBUG ( 0 , " attach() \n " ) ;
/* Allocate the device structure */
dev = alloc_etherdev ( sizeof ( local_info_t ) ) ;
if ( ! dev )
return NULL ;
local = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
link = & local - > link ;
link - > priv = dev ;
/* General socket configuration */
link - > conf . Attributes = CONF_ENABLE_IRQ ;
link - > conf . Vcc = 50 ;
link - > conf . IntType = INT_MEMORY_AND_IO ;
link - > conf . ConfigIndex = 1 ;
link - > conf . Present = PRESENT_OPTION ;
link - > irq . Handler = xirc2ps_interrupt ;
link - > irq . Instance = dev ;
/* Fill in card specific entries */
dev - > hard_start_xmit = & do_start_xmit ;
dev - > set_config = & do_config ;
dev - > get_stats = & do_get_stats ;
dev - > do_ioctl = & do_ioctl ;
SET_ETHTOOL_OPS ( dev , & netdev_ethtool_ops ) ;
dev - > set_multicast_list = & set_multicast_list ;
dev - > open = & do_open ;
dev - > stop = & do_stop ;
dev - > tx_timeout = do_tx_timeout ;
dev - > watchdog_timeo = TX_TIMEOUT ;
# endif
/* Register with Card Services */
link - > next = dev_list ;
dev_list = link ;
client_reg . dev_info = & dev_info ;
client_reg . Version = 0x0210 ;
client_reg . event_callback_args . client_data = link ;
if ( ( err = pcmcia_register_client ( & link - > handle , & client_reg ) ) ) {
cs_error ( link - > handle , RegisterClient , err ) ;
xirc2ps_detach ( link ) ;
return NULL ;
return link ;
} /* xirc2ps_attach */
* This deletes a driver " instance " . The device is de - registered
* with Card Services . If it has been released , all local data
* structures are freed . Otherwise , the structures will be freed
* when the device is released .
static void
xirc2ps_detach ( dev_link_t * link )
struct net_device * dev = link - > priv ;
dev_link_t * * linkp ;
DEBUG ( 0 , " detach(0x%p) \n " , link ) ;
/* Locate device structure */
for ( linkp = & dev_list ; * linkp ; linkp = & ( * linkp ) - > next )
if ( * linkp = = link )
break ;
if ( ! * linkp ) {
DEBUG ( 0 , " detach(0x%p): dev_link lost \n " , link ) ;
return ;
if ( link - > dev )
unregister_netdev ( dev ) ;
* If the device is currently configured and active , we won ' t
* actually delete it yet . Instead , it is marked so that when
* the release ( ) function is called , that will trigger a proper
* detach ( ) .
if ( link - > state & DEV_CONFIG )
xirc2ps_release ( link ) ;
/* Break the link with Card Services */
if ( link - > handle )
pcmcia_deregister_client ( link - > handle ) ;
/* Unlink device structure, free it */
* linkp = link - > next ;
free_netdev ( dev ) ;
} /* xirc2ps_detach */
* Detect the type of the card . s is the buffer with the data of tuple 0x20
* Returns : 0 : = not supported
* mediaid = 11 and prodid = 47
* Media - Id bits :
* Ethernet 0x01
* Tokenring 0x02
* Arcnet 0x04
* Wireless 0x08
* Modem 0x10
* GSM only 0x20
* Prod - Id bits :
* Pocket 0x10
* External 0x20
* Creditcard 0x40
* Cardbus 0x80
static int
set_card_type ( dev_link_t * link , const void * s )
struct net_device * dev = link - > priv ;
local_info_t * local = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
unsigned cisrev = ( ( const unsigned char * ) s ) [ 2 ] ;
# endif
unsigned mediaid = ( ( const unsigned char * ) s ) [ 3 ] ;
unsigned prodid = ( ( const unsigned char * ) s ) [ 4 ] ;
DEBUG ( 0 , " cisrev=%02x mediaid=%02x prodid=%02x \n " ,
cisrev , mediaid , prodid ) ;
local - > mohawk = 0 ;
local - > dingo = 0 ;
local - > modem = 0 ;
local - > card_type = XIR_UNKNOWN ;
if ( ! ( prodid & 0x40 ) ) {
printk ( KNOT_XIRC " Ooops: Not a creditcard \n " ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( ! ( mediaid & 0x01 ) ) {
printk ( KNOT_XIRC " Not an Ethernet card \n " ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( mediaid & 0x10 ) {
local - > modem = 1 ;
switch ( prodid & 15 ) {
case 1 : local - > card_type = XIR_CEM ; break ;
case 2 : local - > card_type = XIR_CEM2 ; break ;
case 3 : local - > card_type = XIR_CEM3 ; break ;
case 4 : local - > card_type = XIR_CEM33 ; break ;
case 5 : local - > card_type = XIR_CEM56M ;
local - > mohawk = 1 ;
break ;
case 6 :
case 7 : /* 7 is the RealPort 10/56 */
local - > card_type = XIR_CEM56 ;
local - > mohawk = 1 ;
local - > dingo = 1 ;
break ;
} else {
switch ( prodid & 15 ) {
case 1 : local - > card_type = has_ce2_string ( link ) ? XIR_CE2 : XIR_CE ;
break ;
case 2 : local - > card_type = XIR_CE2 ; break ;
case 3 : local - > card_type = XIR_CE3 ;
local - > mohawk = 1 ;
break ;
if ( local - > card_type = = XIR_CE | | local - > card_type = = XIR_CEM ) {
printk ( KNOT_XIRC " Sorry, this is an old CE card \n " ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( local - > card_type = = XIR_UNKNOWN )
printk ( KNOT_XIRC " unknown card (mediaid=%02x prodid=%02x) \n " ,
mediaid , prodid ) ;
return 1 ;
* There are some CE2 cards out which claim to be a CE card .
* This function looks for a " CE2 " in the 3 rd version field .
* Returns : true if this is a CE2
static int
has_ce2_string ( dev_link_t * link )
client_handle_t handle = link - > handle ;
tuple_t tuple ;
cisparse_t parse ;
u_char buf [ 256 ] ;
tuple . Attributes = 0 ;
tuple . TupleData = buf ;
tuple . TupleDataMax = 254 ;
tuple . TupleOffset = 0 ;
tuple . DesiredTuple = CISTPL_VERS_1 ;
if ( ! first_tuple ( handle , & tuple , & parse ) & & parse . version_1 . ns > 2 ) {
if ( strstr ( parse . version_1 . str + parse . version_1 . ofs [ 2 ] , " CE2 " ) )
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
* xirc2ps_config ( ) is scheduled to run after a CARD_INSERTION event
* is received , to configure the PCMCIA socket , and to make the
* ethernet device available to the system .
static void
xirc2ps_config ( dev_link_t * link )
client_handle_t handle = link - > handle ;
struct net_device * dev = link - > priv ;
local_info_t * local = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
tuple_t tuple ;
cisparse_t parse ;
kio_addr_t ioaddr ;
int err , i ;
u_char buf [ 64 ] ;
cistpl_lan_node_id_t * node_id = ( cistpl_lan_node_id_t * ) parse . funce . data ;
cistpl_cftable_entry_t * cf = & parse . cftable_entry ;
local - > dingo_ccr = NULL ;
DEBUG ( 0 , " config(0x%p) \n " , link ) ;
* This reads the card ' s CONFIG tuple to find its configuration
* registers .
tuple . Attributes = 0 ;
tuple . TupleData = buf ;
tuple . TupleDataMax = 64 ;
tuple . TupleOffset = 0 ;
/* Is this a valid card */
tuple . DesiredTuple = CISTPL_MANFID ;
if ( ( err = first_tuple ( handle , & tuple , & parse ) ) ) {
printk ( KNOT_XIRC " manfid not found in CIS \n " ) ;
goto failure ;
switch ( parse . manfid . manf ) {
local - > manf_str = " Xircom " ;
break ;
local - > manf_str = " Accton " ;
break ;
local - > manf_str = " Compaq " ;
break ;
local - > manf_str = " Intel " ;
break ;
local - > manf_str = " Toshiba " ;
break ;
default :
printk ( KNOT_XIRC " Unknown Card Manufacturer ID: 0x%04x \n " ,
( unsigned ) parse . manfid . manf ) ;
goto failure ;
DEBUG ( 0 , " found %s card \n " , local - > manf_str ) ;
if ( ! set_card_type ( link , buf ) ) {
printk ( KNOT_XIRC " this card is not supported \n " ) ;
goto failure ;
/* get configuration stuff */
tuple . DesiredTuple = CISTPL_CONFIG ;
if ( ( err = first_tuple ( handle , & tuple , & parse ) ) )
goto cis_error ;
link - > conf . ConfigBase = parse . config . base ;
link - > conf . Present = parse . config . rmask [ 0 ] ;
/* get the ethernet address from the CIS */
tuple . DesiredTuple = CISTPL_FUNCE ;
for ( err = first_tuple ( handle , & tuple , & parse ) ; ! err ;
err = next_tuple ( handle , & tuple , & parse ) ) {
/* Once I saw two CISTPL_FUNCE_LAN_NODE_ID entries:
* the first one with a length of zero the second correct -
* so I skip all entries with length 0 */
if ( parse . funce . type = = CISTPL_FUNCE_LAN_NODE_ID
& & ( ( cistpl_lan_node_id_t * ) parse . funce . data ) - > nb )
break ;
if ( err ) { /* not found: try to get the node-id from tuple 0x89 */
tuple . DesiredTuple = 0x89 ; /* data layout looks like tuple 0x22 */
if ( ( err = pcmcia_get_first_tuple ( handle , & tuple ) ) = = 0 & &
( err = pcmcia_get_tuple_data ( handle , & tuple ) ) = = 0 ) {
if ( tuple . TupleDataLen = = 8 & & * buf = = CISTPL_FUNCE_LAN_NODE_ID )
memcpy ( & parse , buf , 8 ) ;
err = - 1 ;
if ( err ) { /* another try (James Lehmer's CE2 version 4.1)*/
tuple . DesiredTuple = CISTPL_FUNCE ;
for ( err = first_tuple ( handle , & tuple , & parse ) ; ! err ;
err = next_tuple ( handle , & tuple , & parse ) ) {
if ( parse . funce . type = = 0x02 & & parse . funce . data [ 0 ] = = 1
& & parse . funce . data [ 1 ] = = 6 & & tuple . TupleDataLen = = 13 ) {
buf [ 1 ] = 4 ;
memcpy ( & parse , buf + 1 , 8 ) ;
break ;
if ( err ) {
printk ( KNOT_XIRC " node-id not found in CIS \n " ) ;
goto failure ;
node_id = ( cistpl_lan_node_id_t * ) parse . funce . data ;
if ( node_id - > nb ! = 6 ) {
printk ( KNOT_XIRC " malformed node-id in CIS \n " ) ;
goto failure ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i + + )
dev - > dev_addr [ i ] = node_id - > id [ i ] ;
/* Configure card */
link - > state | = DEV_CONFIG ;
link - > io . IOAddrLines = 10 ;
link - > io . Attributes1 = IO_DATA_PATH_WIDTH_16 ;
link - > irq . Attributes = IRQ_HANDLE_PRESENT ;
link - > irq . IRQInfo1 = IRQ_LEVEL_ID ;
if ( local - > modem ) {
int pass ;
if ( do_sound ) {
link - > conf . Attributes | = CONF_ENABLE_SPKR ;
link - > conf . Status | = CCSR_AUDIO_ENA ;
link - > irq . Attributes | = IRQ_TYPE_DYNAMIC_SHARING | IRQ_FIRST_SHARED ;
link - > io . NumPorts2 = 8 ;
link - > io . Attributes2 = IO_DATA_PATH_WIDTH_8 ;
if ( local - > dingo ) {
/* Take the Modem IO port from the CIS and scan for a free
* Ethernet port */
link - > io . NumPorts1 = 16 ; /* no Mako stuff anymore */
tuple . DesiredTuple = CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY ;
for ( err = first_tuple ( handle , & tuple , & parse ) ; ! err ;
err = next_tuple ( handle , & tuple , & parse ) ) {
if ( cf - > io . nwin > 0 & & ( cf - > io . win [ 0 ] . base & 0xf ) = = 8 ) {
for ( ioaddr = 0x300 ; ioaddr < 0x400 ; ioaddr + = 0x10 ) {
link - > conf . ConfigIndex = cf - > index ;
link - > io . BasePort2 = cf - > io . win [ 0 ] . base ;
link - > io . BasePort1 = ioaddr ;
if ( ! ( err = pcmcia_request_io ( link - > handle , & link - > io ) ) )
goto port_found ;
} else {
link - > io . NumPorts1 = 18 ;
/* We do 2 passes here: The first one uses the regular mapping and
* the second tries again , thereby considering that the 32 ports are
* mirrored every 32 bytes . Actually we use a mirrored port for
* the Mako if ( on the first pass ) the COR bit 5 is set .
for ( pass = 0 ; pass < 2 ; pass + + ) {
tuple . DesiredTuple = CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY ;
for ( err = first_tuple ( handle , & tuple , & parse ) ; ! err ;
err = next_tuple ( handle , & tuple , & parse ) ) {
if ( cf - > io . nwin > 0 & & ( cf - > io . win [ 0 ] . base & 0xf ) = = 8 ) {
link - > conf . ConfigIndex = cf - > index ;
link - > io . BasePort2 = cf - > io . win [ 0 ] . base ;
link - > io . BasePort1 = link - > io . BasePort2
+ ( pass ? ( cf - > index & 0x20 ? - 24 : 8 )
: ( cf - > index & 0x20 ? 8 : - 24 ) ) ;
if ( ! ( err = pcmcia_request_io ( link - > handle , & link - > io ) ) )
goto port_found ;
/* if special option:
* try to configure as Ethernet only .
* . . . . */
printk ( KNOT_XIRC " no ports available \n " ) ;
} else {
link - > irq . Attributes | = IRQ_TYPE_EXCLUSIVE ;
link - > io . NumPorts1 = 16 ;
for ( ioaddr = 0x300 ; ioaddr < 0x400 ; ioaddr + = 0x10 ) {
link - > io . BasePort1 = ioaddr ;
if ( ! ( err = pcmcia_request_io ( link - > handle , & link - > io ) ) )
goto port_found ;
link - > io . BasePort1 = 0 ; /* let CS decide */
if ( ( err = pcmcia_request_io ( link - > handle , & link - > io ) ) ) {
cs_error ( link - > handle , RequestIO , err ) ;
goto config_error ;
port_found :
if ( err )
goto config_error ;
* Now allocate an interrupt line . Note that this does not
* actually assign a handler to the interrupt .
if ( ( err = pcmcia_request_irq ( link - > handle , & link - > irq ) ) ) {
cs_error ( link - > handle , RequestIRQ , err ) ;
goto config_error ;
* This actually configures the PCMCIA socket - - setting up
* the I / O windows and the interrupt mapping .
if ( ( err = pcmcia_request_configuration ( link - > handle , & link - > conf ) ) ) {
cs_error ( link - > handle , RequestConfiguration , err ) ;
goto config_error ;
if ( local - > dingo ) {
conf_reg_t reg ;
win_req_t req ;
memreq_t mem ;
/* Reset the modem's BAR to the correct value
* This is necessary because in the RequestConfiguration call ,
* the base address of the ethernet port ( BasePort1 ) is written
* to the BAR registers of the modem .
reg . Action = CS_WRITE ;
reg . Offset = CISREG_IOBASE_0 ;
reg . Value = link - > io . BasePort2 & 0xff ;
if ( ( err = pcmcia_access_configuration_register ( link - > handle , & reg ) ) ) {
cs_error ( link - > handle , AccessConfigurationRegister , err ) ;
goto config_error ;
reg . Action = CS_WRITE ;
reg . Offset = CISREG_IOBASE_1 ;
reg . Value = ( link - > io . BasePort2 > > 8 ) & 0xff ;
if ( ( err = pcmcia_access_configuration_register ( link - > handle , & reg ) ) ) {
cs_error ( link - > handle , AccessConfigurationRegister , err ) ;
goto config_error ;
/* There is no config entry for the Ethernet part which
* is at 0x0800 . So we allocate a window into the attribute
* memory and write direct to the CIS registers
req . Base = req . Size = 0 ;
req . AccessSpeed = 0 ;
if ( ( err = pcmcia_request_window ( & link - > handle , & req , & link - > win ) ) ) {
cs_error ( link - > handle , RequestWindow , err ) ;
goto config_error ;
local - > dingo_ccr = ioremap ( req . Base , 0x1000 ) + 0x0800 ;
mem . CardOffset = 0x0 ;
mem . Page = 0 ;
if ( ( err = pcmcia_map_mem_page ( link - > win , & mem ) ) ) {
cs_error ( link - > handle , MapMemPage , err ) ;
goto config_error ;
/* Setup the CCRs; there are no infos in the CIS about the Ethernet
* part .
writeb ( 0x47 , local - > dingo_ccr + CISREG_COR ) ;
ioaddr = link - > io . BasePort1 ;
writeb ( ioaddr & 0xff , local - > dingo_ccr + CISREG_IOBASE_0 ) ;
writeb ( ( ioaddr > > 8 ) & 0xff , local - > dingo_ccr + CISREG_IOBASE_1 ) ;
#if 0
u_char tmp ;
printk ( KERN_INFO " ECOR: " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i + + ) {
tmp = readb ( local - > dingo_ccr + i * 2 ) ;
printk ( " %02x " , tmp ) ;
printk ( " \n " ) ;
printk ( KERN_INFO " DCOR: " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
tmp = readb ( local - > dingo_ccr + 0x20 + i * 2 ) ;
printk ( " %02x " , tmp ) ;
printk ( " \n " ) ;
printk ( KERN_INFO " SCOR: " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i + + ) {
tmp = readb ( local - > dingo_ccr + 0x40 + i * 2 ) ;
printk ( " %02x " , tmp ) ;
printk ( " \n " ) ;
# endif
writeb ( 0x01 , local - > dingo_ccr + 0x20 ) ;
writeb ( 0x0c , local - > dingo_ccr + 0x22 ) ;
writeb ( 0x00 , local - > dingo_ccr + 0x24 ) ;
writeb ( 0x00 , local - > dingo_ccr + 0x26 ) ;
writeb ( 0x00 , local - > dingo_ccr + 0x28 ) ;
/* The if_port symbol can be set when the module is loaded */
local - > probe_port = 0 ;
if ( ! if_port ) {
local - > probe_port = dev - > if_port = 1 ;
} else if ( ( if_port > = 1 & & if_port < = 2 ) | |
( local - > mohawk & & if_port = = 4 ) )
dev - > if_port = if_port ;
printk ( KNOT_XIRC " invalid if_port requested \n " ) ;
/* we can now register the device with the net subsystem */
dev - > irq = link - > irq . AssignedIRQ ;
dev - > base_addr = link - > io . BasePort1 ;
if ( local - > dingo )
do_reset ( dev , 1 ) ; /* a kludge to make the cem56 work */
link - > dev = & local - > node ;
link - > state & = ~ DEV_CONFIG_PENDING ;
SET_NETDEV_DEV ( dev , & handle_to_dev ( handle ) ) ;
if ( ( err = register_netdev ( dev ) ) ) {
printk ( KNOT_XIRC " register_netdev() failed \n " ) ;
link - > dev = NULL ;
goto config_error ;
strcpy ( local - > node . dev_name , dev - > name ) ;
/* give some infos about the hardware */
printk ( KERN_INFO " %s: %s: port %#3lx, irq %d, hwaddr " ,
dev - > name , local - > manf_str , ( u_long ) dev - > base_addr , ( int ) dev - > irq ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i + + )
printk ( " %c%02X " , i ? ' : ' : ' ' , dev - > dev_addr [ i ] ) ;
printk ( " \n " ) ;
return ;
config_error :
link - > state & = ~ DEV_CONFIG_PENDING ;
xirc2ps_release ( link ) ;
return ;
cis_error :
printk ( KNOT_XIRC " unable to parse CIS \n " ) ;
failure :
link - > state & = ~ DEV_CONFIG_PENDING ;
} /* xirc2ps_config */
* After a card is removed , xirc2ps_release ( ) will unregister the net
* device , and release the PCMCIA configuration . If the device is
* still open , this will be postponed until it is closed .
static void
xirc2ps_release ( dev_link_t * link )
DEBUG ( 0 , " release(0x%p) \n " , link ) ;
if ( link - > win ) {
struct net_device * dev = link - > priv ;
local_info_t * local = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
if ( local - > dingo )
iounmap ( local - > dingo_ccr - 0x0800 ) ;
pcmcia_release_window ( link - > win ) ;
pcmcia_release_configuration ( link - > handle ) ;
pcmcia_release_io ( link - > handle , & link - > io ) ;
pcmcia_release_irq ( link - > handle , & link - > irq ) ;
link - > state & = ~ DEV_CONFIG ;
} /* xirc2ps_release */
* The card status event handler . Mostly , this schedules other
* stuff to run after an event is received . A CARD_REMOVAL event
* also sets some flags to discourage the net drivers from trying
* to talk to the card any more .
* When a CARD_REMOVAL event is received , we immediately set a flag
* to block future accesses to this device . All the functions that
* actually access the device should check this flag to make sure
* the card is still present .
static int
xirc2ps_event ( event_t event , int priority ,
event_callback_args_t * args )
dev_link_t * link = args - > client_data ;
struct net_device * dev = link - > priv ;
DEBUG ( 0 , " event(%d) \n " , ( int ) event ) ;
switch ( event ) {
DEBUG ( 0 , " registration complete \n " ) ;
break ;
link - > state & = ~ DEV_PRESENT ;
if ( link - > state & DEV_CONFIG )
netif_device_detach ( dev ) ;
break ;
link - > state | = DEV_PRESENT | DEV_CONFIG_PENDING ;
xirc2ps_config ( link ) ;
break ;
link - > state | = DEV_SUSPEND ;
/* Fall through... */
if ( link - > state & DEV_CONFIG ) {
if ( link - > open ) {
netif_device_detach ( dev ) ;
do_powerdown ( dev ) ;
pcmcia_release_configuration ( link - > handle ) ;
break ;
link - > state & = ~ DEV_SUSPEND ;
/* Fall through... */
if ( link - > state & DEV_CONFIG ) {
pcmcia_request_configuration ( link - > handle , & link - > conf ) ;
if ( link - > open ) {
do_reset ( dev , 1 ) ;
netif_device_attach ( dev ) ;
break ;
return 0 ;
} /* xirc2ps_event */
* This is the Interrupt service route .
static irqreturn_t
xirc2ps_interrupt ( int irq , void * dev_id , struct pt_regs * regs )
struct net_device * dev = ( struct net_device * ) dev_id ;
local_info_t * lp = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
kio_addr_t ioaddr ;
u_char saved_page ;
unsigned bytes_rcvd ;
unsigned int_status , eth_status , rx_status , tx_status ;
unsigned rsr , pktlen ;
ulong start_ticks = jiffies ; /* fixme: jiffies rollover every 497 days
* is this something to worry about ?
* - - on a laptop ?
if ( ! netif_device_present ( dev ) )
return IRQ_HANDLED ;
ioaddr = dev - > base_addr ;
if ( lp - > mohawk ) { /* must disable the interrupt */
PutByte ( XIRCREG_CR , 0 ) ;
DEBUG ( 6 , " %s: interrupt %d at %#x. \n " , dev - > name , irq , ioaddr ) ;
saved_page = GetByte ( XIRCREG_PR ) ;
/* Read the ISR to see whats the cause for the interrupt.
* This also clears the interrupt flags on CE2 cards
int_status = GetByte ( XIRCREG_ISR ) ;
bytes_rcvd = 0 ;
loop_entry :
if ( int_status = = 0xff ) { /* card may be ejected */
DEBUG ( 3 , " %s: interrupt %d for dead card \n " , dev - > name , irq ) ;
goto leave ;
eth_status = GetByte ( XIRCREG_ESR ) ;
SelectPage ( 0x40 ) ;
rx_status = GetByte ( XIRCREG40_RXST0 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG40_RXST0 , ( ~ rx_status & 0xff ) ) ;
tx_status = GetByte ( XIRCREG40_TXST0 ) ;
tx_status | = GetByte ( XIRCREG40_TXST1 ) < < 8 ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG40_TXST0 , 0 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG40_TXST1 , 0 ) ;
DEBUG ( 3 , " %s: ISR=%#2.2x ESR=%#2.2x RSR=%#2.2x TSR=%#4.4x \n " ,
dev - > name , int_status , eth_status , rx_status , tx_status ) ;
/***** receive section ******/
SelectPage ( 0 ) ;
while ( eth_status & FullPktRcvd ) {
rsr = GetByte ( XIRCREG0_RSR ) ;
if ( bytes_rcvd > maxrx_bytes & & ( rsr & PktRxOk ) ) {
/* too many bytes received during this int, drop the rest of the
* packets */
lp - > stats . rx_dropped + + ;
DEBUG ( 2 , " %s: RX drop, too much done \n " , dev - > name ) ;
} else if ( rsr & PktRxOk ) {
struct sk_buff * skb ;
pktlen = GetWord ( XIRCREG0_RBC ) ;
bytes_rcvd + = pktlen ;
DEBUG ( 5 , " rsr=%#02x packet_length=%u \n " , rsr , pktlen ) ;
skb = dev_alloc_skb ( pktlen + 3 ) ; /* 1 extra so we can use insw */
if ( ! skb ) {
printk ( KNOT_XIRC " low memory, packet dropped (size=%u) \n " ,
pktlen ) ;
lp - > stats . rx_dropped + + ;
} else { /* okay get the packet */
skb_reserve ( skb , 2 ) ;
if ( lp - > silicon = = 0 ) { /* work around a hardware bug */
unsigned rhsa ; /* receive start address */
SelectPage ( 5 ) ;
rhsa = GetWord ( XIRCREG5_RHSA0 ) ;
SelectPage ( 0 ) ;
rhsa + = 3 ; /* skip control infos */
if ( rhsa > = 0x8000 )
rhsa = 0 ;
if ( rhsa + pktlen > 0x8000 ) {
unsigned i ;
u_char * buf = skb_put ( skb , pktlen ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < pktlen ; i + + , rhsa + + ) {
buf [ i ] = GetByte ( XIRCREG_EDP ) ;
if ( rhsa = = 0x8000 ) {
rhsa = 0 ;
i - - ;
} else {
insw ( ioaddr + XIRCREG_EDP ,
skb_put ( skb , pktlen ) , ( pktlen + 1 ) > > 1 ) ;
#if 0
else if ( lp - > mohawk ) {
/* To use this 32 bit access we should use
* a manual optimized loop
* Also the words are swapped , we can get more
* performance by using 32 bit access and swapping
* the words in a register . Will need this for cardbus
* Note : don ' t forget to change the ALLOC_SKB to . . + 3
unsigned i ;
u_long * p = skb_put ( skb , pktlen ) ;
register u_long a ;
kio_addr_t edpreg = ioaddr + XIRCREG_EDP - 2 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i + = 4 , p + + ) {
a = inl ( edpreg ) ;
__asm__ ( " rorl $16,%0 \n \t "
: " =q " ( a )
: " 0 " ( a ) ) ;
* p = a ;
# endif
else {
insw ( ioaddr + XIRCREG_EDP , skb_put ( skb , pktlen ) ,
( pktlen + 1 ) > > 1 ) ;
skb - > protocol = eth_type_trans ( skb , dev ) ;
skb - > dev = dev ;
netif_rx ( skb ) ;
dev - > last_rx = jiffies ;
lp - > stats . rx_packets + + ;
lp - > stats . rx_bytes + = pktlen ;
if ( ! ( rsr & PhyPkt ) )
lp - > stats . multicast + + ;
} else { /* bad packet */
DEBUG ( 5 , " rsr=%#02x \n " , rsr ) ;
if ( rsr & PktTooLong ) {
lp - > stats . rx_frame_errors + + ;
DEBUG ( 3 , " %s: Packet too long \n " , dev - > name ) ;
if ( rsr & CRCErr ) {
lp - > stats . rx_crc_errors + + ;
DEBUG ( 3 , " %s: CRC error \n " , dev - > name ) ;
if ( rsr & AlignErr ) {
lp - > stats . rx_fifo_errors + + ; /* okay ? */
DEBUG ( 3 , " %s: Alignment error \n " , dev - > name ) ;
/* clear the received/dropped/error packet */
PutWord ( XIRCREG0_DO , 0x8000 ) ; /* issue cmd: skip_rx_packet */
/* get the new ethernet status */
eth_status = GetByte ( XIRCREG_ESR ) ;
if ( rx_status & 0x10 ) { /* Receive overrun */
lp - > stats . rx_over_errors + + ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG_CR , ClearRxOvrun ) ;
DEBUG ( 3 , " receive overrun cleared \n " ) ;
/***** transmit section ******/
if ( int_status & PktTxed ) {
unsigned n , nn ;
n = lp - > last_ptr_value ;
nn = GetByte ( XIRCREG0_PTR ) ;
lp - > last_ptr_value = nn ;
if ( nn < n ) /* rollover */
lp - > stats . tx_packets + = 256 - n ;
else if ( n = = nn ) { /* happens sometimes - don't know why */
DEBUG ( 0 , " PTR not changed? \n " ) ;
} else
lp - > stats . tx_packets + = lp - > last_ptr_value - n ;
netif_wake_queue ( dev ) ;
if ( tx_status & 0x0002 ) { /* Execessive collissions */
DEBUG ( 0 , " tx restarted due to execssive collissions \n " ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG_CR , RestartTx ) ; /* restart transmitter process */
if ( tx_status & 0x0040 )
lp - > stats . tx_aborted_errors + + ;
/* recalculate our work chunk so that we limit the duration of this
* ISR to about 1 / 10 of a second .
* Calculate only if we received a reasonable amount of bytes .
if ( bytes_rcvd > 1000 ) {
u_long duration = jiffies - start_ticks ;
if ( duration > = HZ / 10 ) { /* if more than about 1/10 second */
maxrx_bytes = ( bytes_rcvd * ( HZ / 10 ) ) / duration ;
if ( maxrx_bytes < 2000 )
maxrx_bytes = 2000 ;
else if ( maxrx_bytes > 22000 )
maxrx_bytes = 22000 ;
DEBUG ( 1 , " set maxrx=%u (rcvd=%u ticks=%lu) \n " ,
maxrx_bytes , bytes_rcvd , duration ) ;
} else if ( ! duration & & maxrx_bytes < 22000 ) {
/* now much faster */
maxrx_bytes + = 2000 ;
if ( maxrx_bytes > 22000 )
maxrx_bytes = 22000 ;
DEBUG ( 1 , " set maxrx=%u \n " , maxrx_bytes ) ;
leave :
if ( lockup_hack ) {
if ( int_status ! = 0xff & & ( int_status = GetByte ( XIRCREG_ISR ) ) ! = 0 )
goto loop_entry ;
SelectPage ( saved_page ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG_CR , EnableIntr ) ; /* re-enable interrupts */
/* Instead of dropping packets during a receive, we could
* force an interrupt with this command :
* PutByte ( XIRCREG_CR , EnableIntr | ForceIntr ) ;
return IRQ_HANDLED ;
} /* xirc2ps_interrupt */
static void
do_tx_timeout ( struct net_device * dev )
local_info_t * lp = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
printk ( KERN_NOTICE " %s: transmit timed out \n " , dev - > name ) ;
lp - > stats . tx_errors + + ;
/* reset the card */
do_reset ( dev , 1 ) ;
dev - > trans_start = jiffies ;
netif_wake_queue ( dev ) ;
static int
do_start_xmit ( struct sk_buff * skb , struct net_device * dev )
local_info_t * lp = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
kio_addr_t ioaddr = dev - > base_addr ;
int okay ;
unsigned freespace ;
unsigned pktlen = skb ? skb - > len : 0 ;
DEBUG ( 1 , " do_start_xmit(skb=%p, dev=%p) len=%u \n " ,
skb , dev , pktlen ) ;
/* adjust the packet length to min. required
* and hope that the buffer is large enough
* to provide some random data .
* fixme : For Mohawk we can change this by sending
* a larger packetlen than we actually have ; the chip will
* pad this in his buffer with random bytes
if ( pktlen < ETH_ZLEN )
skb = skb_padto ( skb , ETH_ZLEN ) ;
if ( skb = = NULL )
return 0 ;
pktlen = ETH_ZLEN ;
netif_stop_queue ( dev ) ;
SelectPage ( 0 ) ;
PutWord ( XIRCREG0_TRS , ( u_short ) pktlen + 2 ) ;
freespace = GetWord ( XIRCREG0_TSO ) ;
okay = freespace & 0x8000 ;
freespace & = 0x7fff ;
/* TRS doesn't work - (indeed it is eliminated with sil-rev 1) */
okay = pktlen + 2 < freespace ;
DEBUG ( 2 + ( okay ? 2 : 0 ) , " %s: avail. tx space=%u%s \n " ,
dev - > name , freespace , okay ? " (okay) " : " (not enough) " ) ;
if ( ! okay ) { /* not enough space */
return 1 ; /* upper layer may decide to requeue this packet */
/* send the packet */
PutWord ( XIRCREG_EDP , ( u_short ) pktlen ) ;
outsw ( ioaddr + XIRCREG_EDP , skb - > data , pktlen > > 1 ) ;
if ( pktlen & 1 )
PutByte ( XIRCREG_EDP , skb - > data [ pktlen - 1 ] ) ;
if ( lp - > mohawk )
PutByte ( XIRCREG_CR , TransmitPacket | EnableIntr ) ;
dev_kfree_skb ( skb ) ;
dev - > trans_start = jiffies ;
lp - > stats . tx_bytes + = pktlen ;
netif_start_queue ( dev ) ;
return 0 ;
static struct net_device_stats *
do_get_stats ( struct net_device * dev )
local_info_t * lp = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
/* lp->stats.rx_missed_errors = GetByte(?) */
return & lp - > stats ;
* Set all addresses : This first one is the individual address ,
* the next 9 addresses are taken from the multicast list and
* the rest is filled with the individual address .
static void
set_addresses ( struct net_device * dev )
kio_addr_t ioaddr = dev - > base_addr ;
local_info_t * lp = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
struct dev_mc_list * dmi = dev - > mc_list ;
char * addr ;
int i , j , k , n ;
SelectPage ( k = 0x50 ) ;
for ( i = 0 , j = 8 , n = 0 ; ; i + + , j + + ) {
if ( i > 5 ) {
if ( + + n > 9 )
break ;
i = 0 ;
if ( j > 15 ) {
j = 8 ;
k + + ;
SelectPage ( k ) ;
if ( n & & n < = dev - > mc_count & & dmi ) {
addr = dmi - > dmi_addr ;
dmi = dmi - > next ;
} else
addr = dev - > dev_addr ;
if ( lp - > mohawk )
PutByte ( j , addr [ 5 - i ] ) ;
PutByte ( j , addr [ i ] ) ;
SelectPage ( 0 ) ;
* Set or clear the multicast filter for this adaptor .
* We can filter up to 9 addresses , if more are requested we set
* multicast promiscuous mode .
static void
set_multicast_list ( struct net_device * dev )
kio_addr_t ioaddr = dev - > base_addr ;
SelectPage ( 0x42 ) ;
if ( dev - > flags & IFF_PROMISC ) { /* snoop */
PutByte ( XIRCREG42_SWC1 , 0x06 ) ; /* set MPE and PME */
} else if ( dev - > mc_count > 9 | | ( dev - > flags & IFF_ALLMULTI ) ) {
PutByte ( XIRCREG42_SWC1 , 0x06 ) ; /* set MPE */
} else if ( dev - > mc_count ) {
/* the chip can filter 9 addresses perfectly */
PutByte ( XIRCREG42_SWC1 , 0x00 ) ;
SelectPage ( 0x40 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG40_CMD0 , Offline ) ;
set_addresses ( dev ) ;
SelectPage ( 0x40 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG40_CMD0 , EnableRecv | Online ) ;
} else { /* standard usage */
PutByte ( XIRCREG42_SWC1 , 0x00 ) ;
SelectPage ( 0 ) ;
static int
do_config ( struct net_device * dev , struct ifmap * map )
local_info_t * local = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
DEBUG ( 0 , " do_config(%p) \n " , dev ) ;
if ( map - > port ! = 255 & & map - > port ! = dev - > if_port ) {
if ( map - > port > 4 )
return - EINVAL ;
if ( ! map - > port ) {
local - > probe_port = 1 ;
dev - > if_port = 1 ;
} else {
local - > probe_port = 0 ;
dev - > if_port = map - > port ;
printk ( KERN_INFO " %s: switching to %s port \n " ,
dev - > name , if_names [ dev - > if_port ] ) ;
do_reset ( dev , 1 ) ; /* not the fine way :-) */
return 0 ;
* Open the driver
static int
do_open ( struct net_device * dev )
local_info_t * lp = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
dev_link_t * link = & lp - > link ;
DEBUG ( 0 , " do_open(%p) \n " , dev ) ;
/* Check that the PCMCIA card is still here. */
/* Physical device present signature. */
if ( ! DEV_OK ( link ) )
return - ENODEV ;
/* okay */
link - > open + + ;
netif_start_queue ( dev ) ;
do_reset ( dev , 1 ) ;
return 0 ;
static void netdev_get_drvinfo ( struct net_device * dev ,
struct ethtool_drvinfo * info )
strcpy ( info - > driver , " xirc2ps_cs " ) ;
sprintf ( info - > bus_info , " PCMCIA 0x%lx " , dev - > base_addr ) ;
static struct ethtool_ops netdev_ethtool_ops = {
. get_drvinfo = netdev_get_drvinfo ,
} ;
static int
do_ioctl ( struct net_device * dev , struct ifreq * rq , int cmd )
local_info_t * local = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
kio_addr_t ioaddr = dev - > base_addr ;
u16 * data = ( u16 * ) & rq - > ifr_ifru ;
DEBUG ( 1 , " %s: ioctl(%-.6s, %#04x) %04x %04x %04x %04x \n " ,
dev - > name , rq - > ifr_ifrn . ifrn_name , cmd ,
data [ 0 ] , data [ 1 ] , data [ 2 ] , data [ 3 ] ) ;
if ( ! local - > mohawk )
return - EOPNOTSUPP ;
switch ( cmd ) {
case SIOCGMIIPHY : /* Get the address of the PHY in use. */
data [ 0 ] = 0 ; /* we have only this address */
/* fall trough */
case SIOCGMIIREG : /* Read the specified MII register. */
data [ 3 ] = mii_rd ( ioaddr , data [ 0 ] & 0x1f , data [ 1 ] & 0x1f ) ;
break ;
case SIOCSMIIREG : /* Write the specified MII register */
if ( ! capable ( CAP_NET_ADMIN ) )
return - EPERM ;
mii_wr ( ioaddr , data [ 0 ] & 0x1f , data [ 1 ] & 0x1f , data [ 2 ] , 16 ) ;
break ;
default :
return - EOPNOTSUPP ;
return 0 ;
static void
hardreset ( struct net_device * dev )
local_info_t * local = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
kio_addr_t ioaddr = dev - > base_addr ;
SelectPage ( 4 ) ;
udelay ( 1 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG4_GPR1 , 0 ) ; /* clear bit 0: power down */
msleep ( 40 ) ; /* wait 40 msec */
if ( local - > mohawk )
PutByte ( XIRCREG4_GPR1 , 1 ) ; /* set bit 0: power up */
PutByte ( XIRCREG4_GPR1 , 1 | 4 ) ; /* set bit 0: power up, bit 2: AIC */
msleep ( 20 ) ; /* wait 20 msec */
static void
do_reset ( struct net_device * dev , int full )
local_info_t * local = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
kio_addr_t ioaddr = dev - > base_addr ;
unsigned value ;
DEBUG ( 0 , " %s: do_reset(%p,%d) \n " , dev ? dev - > name : " eth? " , dev , full ) ;
hardreset ( dev ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG_CR , SoftReset ) ; /* set */
msleep ( 20 ) ; /* wait 20 msec */
PutByte ( XIRCREG_CR , 0 ) ; /* clear */
msleep ( 40 ) ; /* wait 40 msec */
if ( local - > mohawk ) {
SelectPage ( 4 ) ;
/* set pin GP1 and GP2 to output (0x0c)
* set GP1 to low to power up the ML6692 ( 0x00 )
* set GP2 to high to power up the 10 Mhz chip ( 0x02 )
PutByte ( XIRCREG4_GPR0 , 0x0e ) ;
/* give the circuits some time to power up */
msleep ( 500 ) ; /* about 500ms */
local - > last_ptr_value = 0 ;
local - > silicon = local - > mohawk ? ( GetByte ( XIRCREG4_BOV ) & 0x70 ) > > 4
: ( GetByte ( XIRCREG4_BOV ) & 0x30 ) > > 4 ;
if ( local - > probe_port ) {
if ( ! local - > mohawk ) {
SelectPage ( 4 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG4_GPR0 , 4 ) ;
local - > probe_port = 0 ;
} else if ( dev - > if_port = = 2 ) { /* enable 10Base2 */
SelectPage ( 0x42 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG42_SWC1 , 0xC0 ) ;
} else { /* enable 10BaseT */
SelectPage ( 0x42 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG42_SWC1 , 0x80 ) ;
msleep ( 40 ) ; /* wait 40 msec to let it complete */
if ( pc_debug ) {
SelectPage ( 0 ) ;
value = GetByte ( XIRCREG_ESR ) ; /* read the ESR */
printk ( KERN_DEBUG " %s: ESR is: %#02x \n " , dev - > name , value ) ;
# endif
/* setup the ECR */
SelectPage ( 1 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG1_IMR0 , 0xff ) ; /* allow all ints */
PutByte ( XIRCREG1_IMR1 , 1 ) ; /* and Set TxUnderrunDetect */
value = GetByte ( XIRCREG1_ECR ) ;
#if 0
if ( local - > mohawk )
value | = DisableLinkPulse ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG1_ECR , value ) ;
# endif
DEBUG ( 0 , " %s: ECR is: %#02x \n " , dev - > name , value ) ;
SelectPage ( 0x42 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG42_SWC0 , 0x20 ) ; /* disable source insertion */
if ( local - > silicon ! = 1 ) {
/* set the local memory dividing line.
* The comments in the sample code say that this is only
* settable with the scipper version 2 which is revision 0.
* Always for CE3 cards
SelectPage ( 2 ) ;
PutWord ( XIRCREG2_RBS , 0x2000 ) ;
if ( full )
set_addresses ( dev ) ;
/* Hardware workaround:
* The receive byte pointer after reset is off by 1 so we need
* to move the offset pointer back to 0.
SelectPage ( 0 ) ;
PutWord ( XIRCREG0_DO , 0x2000 ) ; /* change offset command, off=0 */
/* setup MAC IMRs and clear status registers */
SelectPage ( 0x40 ) ; /* Bit 7 ... bit 0 */
PutByte ( XIRCREG40_RMASK0 , 0xff ) ; /* ROK, RAB, rsv, RO, CRC, AE, PTL, MP */
PutByte ( XIRCREG40_TMASK0 , 0xff ) ; /* TOK, TAB, SQE, LL, TU, JAB, EXC, CRS */
PutByte ( XIRCREG40_TMASK1 , 0xb0 ) ; /* rsv, rsv, PTD, EXT, rsv,rsv,rsv, rsv*/
PutByte ( XIRCREG40_RXST0 , 0x00 ) ; /* ROK, RAB, REN, RO, CRC, AE, PTL, MP */
PutByte ( XIRCREG40_TXST0 , 0x00 ) ; /* TOK, TAB, SQE, LL, TU, JAB, EXC, CRS */
PutByte ( XIRCREG40_TXST1 , 0x00 ) ; /* TEN, rsv, PTD, EXT, retry_counter:4 */
if ( full & & local - > mohawk & & init_mii ( dev ) ) {
if ( dev - > if_port = = 4 | | local - > dingo | | local - > new_mii ) {
printk ( KERN_INFO " %s: MII selected \n " , dev - > name ) ;
SelectPage ( 2 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG2_MSR , GetByte ( XIRCREG2_MSR ) | 0x08 ) ;
msleep ( 20 ) ;
} else {
printk ( KERN_INFO " %s: MII detected; using 10mbs \n " ,
dev - > name ) ;
SelectPage ( 0x42 ) ;
if ( dev - > if_port = = 2 ) /* enable 10Base2 */
PutByte ( XIRCREG42_SWC1 , 0xC0 ) ;
else /* enable 10BaseT */
PutByte ( XIRCREG42_SWC1 , 0x80 ) ;
msleep ( 40 ) ; /* wait 40 msec to let it complete */
if ( full_duplex )
PutByte ( XIRCREG1_ECR , GetByte ( XIRCREG1_ECR | FullDuplex ) ) ;
} else { /* No MII */
SelectPage ( 0 ) ;
value = GetByte ( XIRCREG_ESR ) ; /* read the ESR */
dev - > if_port = ( value & MediaSelect ) ? 1 : 2 ;
/* configure the LEDs */
SelectPage ( 2 ) ;
if ( dev - > if_port = = 1 | | dev - > if_port = = 4 ) /* TP: Link and Activity */
PutByte ( XIRCREG2_LED , 0x3b ) ;
else /* Coax: Not-Collision and Activity */
PutByte ( XIRCREG2_LED , 0x3a ) ;
if ( local - > dingo )
PutByte ( 0x0b , 0x04 ) ; /* 100 Mbit LED */
/* enable receiver and put the mac online */
if ( full ) {
SelectPage ( 0x40 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG40_CMD0 , EnableRecv | Online ) ;
/* setup Ethernet IMR and enable interrupts */
SelectPage ( 1 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG1_IMR0 , 0xff ) ;
udelay ( 1 ) ;
SelectPage ( 0 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG_CR , EnableIntr ) ;
if ( local - > modem & & ! local - > dingo ) { /* do some magic */
if ( ! ( GetByte ( 0x10 ) & 0x01 ) )
PutByte ( 0x10 , 0x11 ) ; /* unmask master-int bit */
if ( full )
printk ( KERN_INFO " %s: media %s, silicon revision %d \n " ,
dev - > name , if_names [ dev - > if_port ] , local - > silicon ) ;
/* We should switch back to page 0 to avoid a bug in revision 0
* where regs with offset below 8 can ' t be read after an access
* to the MAC registers */
SelectPage ( 0 ) ;
* Initialize the Media - Independent - Interface
* Returns : True if we have a good MII
static int
init_mii ( struct net_device * dev )
local_info_t * local = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
kio_addr_t ioaddr = dev - > base_addr ;
unsigned control , status , linkpartner ;
int i ;
if ( if_port = = 4 | | if_port = = 1 ) { /* force 100BaseT or 10BaseT */
dev - > if_port = if_port ;
local - > probe_port = 0 ;
return 1 ;
status = mii_rd ( ioaddr , 0 , 1 ) ;
if ( ( status & 0xff00 ) ! = 0x7800 )
return 0 ; /* No MII */
local - > new_mii = ( mii_rd ( ioaddr , 0 , 2 ) ! = 0xffff ) ;
if ( local - > probe_port )
control = 0x1000 ; /* auto neg */
else if ( dev - > if_port = = 4 )
control = 0x2000 ; /* no auto neg, 100mbs mode */
control = 0x0000 ; /* no auto neg, 10mbs mode */
mii_wr ( ioaddr , 0 , 0 , control , 16 ) ;
udelay ( 100 ) ;
control = mii_rd ( ioaddr , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( control & 0x0400 ) {
printk ( KERN_NOTICE " %s can't take PHY out of isolation mode \n " ,
dev - > name ) ;
local - > probe_port = 0 ;
return 0 ;
if ( local - > probe_port ) {
/* according to the DP83840A specs the auto negotiation process
* may take up to 3.5 sec , so we use this also for our ML6692
* Fixme : Better to use a timer here !
for ( i = 0 ; i < 35 ; i + + ) {
msleep ( 100 ) ; /* wait 100 msec */
status = mii_rd ( ioaddr , 0 , 1 ) ;
if ( ( status & 0x0020 ) & & ( status & 0x0004 ) )
break ;
if ( ! ( status & 0x0020 ) ) {
printk ( KERN_INFO " %s: autonegotiation failed; "
" using 10mbs \n " , dev - > name ) ;
if ( ! local - > new_mii ) {
control = 0x0000 ;
mii_wr ( ioaddr , 0 , 0 , control , 16 ) ;
udelay ( 100 ) ;
SelectPage ( 0 ) ;
dev - > if_port = ( GetByte ( XIRCREG_ESR ) & MediaSelect ) ? 1 : 2 ;
} else {
linkpartner = mii_rd ( ioaddr , 0 , 5 ) ;
printk ( KERN_INFO " %s: MII link partner: %04x \n " ,
dev - > name , linkpartner ) ;
if ( linkpartner & 0x0080 ) {
dev - > if_port = 4 ;
} else
dev - > if_port = 1 ;
return 1 ;
static void
do_powerdown ( struct net_device * dev )
kio_addr_t ioaddr = dev - > base_addr ;
DEBUG ( 0 , " do_powerdown(%p) \n " , dev ) ;
SelectPage ( 4 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG4_GPR1 , 0 ) ; /* clear bit 0: power down */
SelectPage ( 0 ) ;
static int
do_stop ( struct net_device * dev )
kio_addr_t ioaddr = dev - > base_addr ;
local_info_t * lp = netdev_priv ( dev ) ;
dev_link_t * link = & lp - > link ;
DEBUG ( 0 , " do_stop(%p) \n " , dev ) ;
if ( ! link )
return - ENODEV ;
netif_stop_queue ( dev ) ;
SelectPage ( 0 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG_CR , 0 ) ; /* disable interrupts */
SelectPage ( 0x01 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG1_IMR0 , 0x00 ) ; /* forbid all ints */
SelectPage ( 4 ) ;
PutByte ( XIRCREG4_GPR1 , 0 ) ; /* clear bit 0: power down */
SelectPage ( 0 ) ;
link - > open - - ;
return 0 ;
2005-06-27 16:28:28 -07:00
static struct pcmcia_device_id xirc2ps_ids [ ] = {
PCMCIA_PFC_DEVICE_MANF_CARD ( 0 , 0x0089 , 0x110a ) ,
PCMCIA_PFC_DEVICE_MANF_CARD ( 0 , 0x0138 , 0x110a ) ,
PCMCIA_PFC_DEVICE_PROD_ID13 ( 0 , " Xircom " , " CEM28 " , 0x2e3ee845 , 0x0ea978ea ) ,
PCMCIA_PFC_DEVICE_PROD_ID13 ( 0 , " Xircom " , " CEM33 " , 0x2e3ee845 , 0x80609023 ) ,
PCMCIA_PFC_DEVICE_PROD_ID13 ( 0 , " Xircom " , " CEM56 " , 0x2e3ee845 , 0xa650c32a ) ,
PCMCIA_PFC_DEVICE_PROD_ID13 ( 0 , " Xircom " , " REM10 " , 0x2e3ee845 , 0x76df1d29 ) ,
PCMCIA_PFC_DEVICE_PROD_ID13 ( 0 , " Xircom " , " XEM5600 " , 0x2e3ee845 , 0xf1403719 ) ,
2005-07-28 01:07:24 -07:00
PCMCIA_PFC_DEVICE_PROD_ID12 ( 0 , " Xircom " , " CreditCard Ethernet+Modem II " , 0x2e3ee845 , 0xeca401bf ) ,
2005-06-27 16:28:28 -07:00
PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD ( 0x01bf , 0x010a ) ,
PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID13 ( " Toshiba Information Systems " , " TPCENET " , 0x1b3b94fe , 0xf381c1a2 ) ,
PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID13 ( " Xircom " , " CE3-10/100 " , 0x2e3ee845 , 0x0ec0ac37 ) ,
PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID13 ( " Xircom " , " PS-CE2-10 " , 0x2e3ee845 , 0x947d9073 ) ,
PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID13 ( " Xircom " , " R2E-100BTX " , 0x2e3ee845 , 0x2464a6e3 ) ,
PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID13 ( " Xircom " , " RE-10 " , 0x2e3ee845 , 0x3e08d609 ) ,
PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID13 ( " Xircom " , " XE2000 " , 0x2e3ee845 , 0xf7188e46 ) ,
PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12 ( " Compaq " , " Ethernet LAN Card " , 0x54f7c49c , 0x9fd2f0a2 ) ,
PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12 ( " Compaq " , " Netelligent 10/100 PC Card " , 0x54f7c49c , 0xefe96769 ) ,
PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12 ( " Intel " , " EtherExpress(TM) PRO/100 PC Card Mobile Adapter16 " , 0x816cc815 , 0x174397db ) ,
PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12 ( " Toshiba " , " 10/100 Ethernet PC Card " , 0x44a09d9c , 0xb44deecf ) ,
/* also matches CFE-10 cards! */
/* PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0x0105, 0x010a), */
} ;
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE ( pcmcia , xirc2ps_ids ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
static struct pcmcia_driver xirc2ps_cs_driver = {
. owner = THIS_MODULE ,
. drv = {
. name = " xirc2ps_cs " ,
} ,
. attach = xirc2ps_attach ,
2005-07-07 17:59:00 -07:00
. event = xirc2ps_event ,
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
. detach = xirc2ps_detach ,
2005-06-27 16:28:28 -07:00
. id_table = xirc2ps_ids ,
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
} ;
static int __init
init_xirc2ps_cs ( void )
return pcmcia_register_driver ( & xirc2ps_cs_driver ) ;
static void __exit
exit_xirc2ps_cs ( void )
pcmcia_unregister_driver ( & xirc2ps_cs_driver ) ;
BUG_ON ( dev_list ! = NULL ) ;
module_init ( init_xirc2ps_cs ) ;
module_exit ( exit_xirc2ps_cs ) ;
# ifndef MODULE
static int __init setup_xirc2ps_cs ( char * str )
/* if_port, full_duplex, do_sound, lockup_hack
int ints [ 10 ] = { - 1 } ;
str = get_options ( str , 9 , ints ) ;
# define MAYBE_SET(X,Y) if (ints[0] >= Y && ints[Y] != -1) { X = ints[Y]; }
MAYBE_SET ( if_port , 3 ) ;
MAYBE_SET ( full_duplex , 4 ) ;
MAYBE_SET ( do_sound , 5 ) ;
MAYBE_SET ( lockup_hack , 6 ) ;
# undef MAYBE_SET
return 0 ;
__setup ( " xirc2ps_cs= " , setup_xirc2ps_cs ) ;
# endif