2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
* Copyright ( c ) 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 QLogic Corporation .
* All rights reserved .
* Copyright ( c ) 2003 , 2004 , 2005 , 2006 PathScale , Inc . All rights reserved .
* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two
* licenses . You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License ( GPL ) Version 2 , available from the file
* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree , or the
* OpenIB . org BSD license below :
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms , with or
* without modification , are permitted provided that the following
* conditions are met :
* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above
* copyright notice , this list of conditions and the following
* disclaimer .
* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
* copyright notice , this list of conditions and the following
* disclaimer in the documentation and / or other materials
* provided with the distribution .
* This file contains all of the code that is specific to the
* QLogic_IB 7220 chip ( except that specific to the SerDes )
# include <linux/interrupt.h>
# include <linux/pci.h>
# include <linux/delay.h>
2011-05-27 15:35:46 -04:00
# include <linux/module.h>
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
# include <linux/io.h>
# include <rdma/ib_verbs.h>
# include "qib.h"
# include "qib_7220.h"
static void qib_setup_7220_setextled ( struct qib_pportdata * , u32 ) ;
static void qib_7220_handle_hwerrors ( struct qib_devdata * , char * , size_t ) ;
static void sendctrl_7220_mod ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , u32 op ) ;
static u32 qib_7220_iblink_state ( u64 ) ;
static u8 qib_7220_phys_portstate ( u64 ) ;
static void qib_sdma_update_7220_tail ( struct qib_pportdata * , u16 ) ;
static void qib_set_ib_7220_lstate ( struct qib_pportdata * , u16 , u16 ) ;
* This file contains almost all the chip - specific register information and
* access functions for the QLogic QLogic_IB 7220 PCI - Express chip , with the
* exception of SerDes support , which in in qib_sd7220 . c .
/* Below uses machine-generated qib_chipnum_regs.h file */
# define KREG_IDX(regname) (QIB_7220_##regname##_OFFS / sizeof(u64))
/* Use defines to tie machine-generated names to lower-case names */
# define kr_control KREG_IDX(Control)
# define kr_counterregbase KREG_IDX(CntrRegBase)
# define kr_errclear KREG_IDX(ErrClear)
# define kr_errmask KREG_IDX(ErrMask)
# define kr_errstatus KREG_IDX(ErrStatus)
# define kr_extctrl KREG_IDX(EXTCtrl)
# define kr_extstatus KREG_IDX(EXTStatus)
# define kr_gpio_clear KREG_IDX(GPIOClear)
# define kr_gpio_mask KREG_IDX(GPIOMask)
# define kr_gpio_out KREG_IDX(GPIOOut)
# define kr_gpio_status KREG_IDX(GPIOStatus)
# define kr_hrtbt_guid KREG_IDX(HRTBT_GUID)
# define kr_hwdiagctrl KREG_IDX(HwDiagCtrl)
# define kr_hwerrclear KREG_IDX(HwErrClear)
# define kr_hwerrmask KREG_IDX(HwErrMask)
# define kr_hwerrstatus KREG_IDX(HwErrStatus)
# define kr_ibcctrl KREG_IDX(IBCCtrl)
# define kr_ibcddrctrl KREG_IDX(IBCDDRCtrl)
# define kr_ibcddrstatus KREG_IDX(IBCDDRStatus)
# define kr_ibcstatus KREG_IDX(IBCStatus)
# define kr_ibserdesctrl KREG_IDX(IBSerDesCtrl)
# define kr_intclear KREG_IDX(IntClear)
# define kr_intmask KREG_IDX(IntMask)
# define kr_intstatus KREG_IDX(IntStatus)
# define kr_ncmodectrl KREG_IDX(IBNCModeCtrl)
# define kr_palign KREG_IDX(PageAlign)
# define kr_partitionkey KREG_IDX(RcvPartitionKey)
# define kr_portcnt KREG_IDX(PortCnt)
# define kr_rcvbthqp KREG_IDX(RcvBTHQP)
# define kr_rcvctrl KREG_IDX(RcvCtrl)
# define kr_rcvegrbase KREG_IDX(RcvEgrBase)
# define kr_rcvegrcnt KREG_IDX(RcvEgrCnt)
# define kr_rcvhdrcnt KREG_IDX(RcvHdrCnt)
# define kr_rcvhdrentsize KREG_IDX(RcvHdrEntSize)
# define kr_rcvhdrsize KREG_IDX(RcvHdrSize)
# define kr_rcvpktledcnt KREG_IDX(RcvPktLEDCnt)
# define kr_rcvtidbase KREG_IDX(RcvTIDBase)
# define kr_rcvtidcnt KREG_IDX(RcvTIDCnt)
# define kr_revision KREG_IDX(Revision)
# define kr_scratch KREG_IDX(Scratch)
# define kr_sendbuffererror KREG_IDX(SendBufErr0)
# define kr_sendctrl KREG_IDX(SendCtrl)
# define kr_senddmabase KREG_IDX(SendDmaBase)
# define kr_senddmabufmask0 KREG_IDX(SendDmaBufMask0)
# define kr_senddmabufmask1 (KREG_IDX(SendDmaBufMask0) + 1)
# define kr_senddmabufmask2 (KREG_IDX(SendDmaBufMask0) + 2)
# define kr_senddmahead KREG_IDX(SendDmaHead)
# define kr_senddmaheadaddr KREG_IDX(SendDmaHeadAddr)
# define kr_senddmalengen KREG_IDX(SendDmaLenGen)
# define kr_senddmastatus KREG_IDX(SendDmaStatus)
# define kr_senddmatail KREG_IDX(SendDmaTail)
# define kr_sendpioavailaddr KREG_IDX(SendBufAvailAddr)
# define kr_sendpiobufbase KREG_IDX(SendBufBase)
# define kr_sendpiobufcnt KREG_IDX(SendBufCnt)
# define kr_sendpiosize KREG_IDX(SendBufSize)
# define kr_sendregbase KREG_IDX(SendRegBase)
# define kr_userregbase KREG_IDX(UserRegBase)
# define kr_xgxs_cfg KREG_IDX(XGXSCfg)
/* These must only be written via qib_write_kreg_ctxt() */
# define kr_rcvhdraddr KREG_IDX(RcvHdrAddr0)
# define kr_rcvhdrtailaddr KREG_IDX(RcvHdrTailAddr0)
# define CREG_IDX(regname) ((QIB_7220_##regname##_OFFS - \
QIB_7220_LBIntCnt_OFFS ) / sizeof ( u64 ) )
# define cr_badformat CREG_IDX(RxVersionErrCnt)
# define cr_erricrc CREG_IDX(RxICRCErrCnt)
# define cr_errlink CREG_IDX(RxLinkMalformCnt)
# define cr_errlpcrc CREG_IDX(RxLPCRCErrCnt)
# define cr_errpkey CREG_IDX(RxPKeyMismatchCnt)
# define cr_rcvflowctrl_err CREG_IDX(RxFlowCtrlViolCnt)
# define cr_err_rlen CREG_IDX(RxLenErrCnt)
# define cr_errslen CREG_IDX(TxLenErrCnt)
# define cr_errtidfull CREG_IDX(RxTIDFullErrCnt)
# define cr_errtidvalid CREG_IDX(RxTIDValidErrCnt)
# define cr_errvcrc CREG_IDX(RxVCRCErrCnt)
# define cr_ibstatuschange CREG_IDX(IBStatusChangeCnt)
# define cr_lbint CREG_IDX(LBIntCnt)
# define cr_invalidrlen CREG_IDX(RxMaxMinLenErrCnt)
# define cr_invalidslen CREG_IDX(TxMaxMinLenErrCnt)
# define cr_lbflowstall CREG_IDX(LBFlowStallCnt)
# define cr_pktrcv CREG_IDX(RxDataPktCnt)
# define cr_pktrcvflowctrl CREG_IDX(RxFlowPktCnt)
# define cr_pktsend CREG_IDX(TxDataPktCnt)
# define cr_pktsendflow CREG_IDX(TxFlowPktCnt)
# define cr_portovfl CREG_IDX(RxP0HdrEgrOvflCnt)
# define cr_rcvebp CREG_IDX(RxEBPCnt)
# define cr_rcvovfl CREG_IDX(RxBufOvflCnt)
# define cr_senddropped CREG_IDX(TxDroppedPktCnt)
# define cr_sendstall CREG_IDX(TxFlowStallCnt)
# define cr_sendunderrun CREG_IDX(TxUnderrunCnt)
# define cr_wordrcv CREG_IDX(RxDwordCnt)
# define cr_wordsend CREG_IDX(TxDwordCnt)
# define cr_txunsupvl CREG_IDX(TxUnsupVLErrCnt)
# define cr_rxdroppkt CREG_IDX(RxDroppedPktCnt)
# define cr_iblinkerrrecov CREG_IDX(IBLinkErrRecoveryCnt)
# define cr_iblinkdown CREG_IDX(IBLinkDownedCnt)
# define cr_ibsymbolerr CREG_IDX(IBSymbolErrCnt)
# define cr_vl15droppedpkt CREG_IDX(RxVL15DroppedPktCnt)
# define cr_rxotherlocalphyerr CREG_IDX(RxOtherLocalPhyErrCnt)
# define cr_excessbufferovfl CREG_IDX(ExcessBufferOvflCnt)
# define cr_locallinkintegrityerr CREG_IDX(LocalLinkIntegrityErrCnt)
# define cr_rxvlerr CREG_IDX(RxVlErrCnt)
# define cr_rxdlidfltr CREG_IDX(RxDlidFltrCnt)
# define cr_psstat CREG_IDX(PSStat)
# define cr_psstart CREG_IDX(PSStart)
# define cr_psinterval CREG_IDX(PSInterval)
# define cr_psrcvdatacount CREG_IDX(PSRcvDataCount)
# define cr_psrcvpktscount CREG_IDX(PSRcvPktsCount)
# define cr_psxmitdatacount CREG_IDX(PSXmitDataCount)
# define cr_psxmitpktscount CREG_IDX(PSXmitPktsCount)
# define cr_psxmitwaitcount CREG_IDX(PSXmitWaitCount)
# define cr_txsdmadesc CREG_IDX(TxSDmaDescCnt)
# define cr_pcieretrydiag CREG_IDX(PcieRetryBufDiagQwordCnt)
# define SYM_RMASK(regname, fldname) ((u64) \
QIB_7220_ # # regname # # _ # # fldname # # _RMASK )
# define SYM_MASK(regname, fldname) ((u64) \
QIB_7220_ # # regname # # _ # # fldname # # _RMASK < < \
QIB_7220_ # # regname # # _ # # fldname # # _LSB )
# define SYM_LSB(regname, fldname) (QIB_7220_##regname##_##fldname##_LSB)
# define SYM_FIELD(value, regname, fldname) ((u64) \
( ( ( value ) > > SYM_LSB ( regname , fldname ) ) & \
SYM_RMASK ( regname , fldname ) ) )
# define ERR_MASK(fldname) SYM_MASK(ErrMask, fldname##Mask)
# define HWE_MASK(fldname) SYM_MASK(HwErrMask, fldname##Mask)
/* ibcctrl bits */
/* cycle through TS1/TS2 till OK */
/* wait for TS1, then go on */
# define QLOGIC_IB_IBCC_LINKCMD_DOWN 1 /* move to 0x11 */
# define QLOGIC_IB_IBCC_LINKCMD_ARMED 2 /* move to 0x21 */
# define QLOGIC_IB_IBCC_LINKCMD_ACTIVE 3 /* move to 0x31 */
# define BLOB_7220_IBCHG 0x81
* We could have a single register get / put routine , that takes a group type ,
* but this is somewhat clearer and cleaner . It also gives us some error
* checking . 64 bit register reads should always work , but are inefficient
* on opteron ( the northbridge always generates 2 separate HT 32 bit reads ) ,
* so we use kreg32 wherever possible . User register and counter register
* reads are always 32 bit reads , so only one form of those routines .
* qib_read_ureg32 - read 32 - bit virtualized per - context register
* @ dd : device
* @ regno : register number
* @ ctxt : context number
* Return the contents of a register that is virtualized to be per context .
* Returns - 1 on errors ( not distinguishable from valid contents at
* runtime ; we may add a separate error variable at some point ) .
static inline u32 qib_read_ureg32 ( const struct qib_devdata * dd ,
enum qib_ureg regno , int ctxt )
if ( ! dd - > kregbase | | ! ( dd - > flags & QIB_PRESENT ) )
return 0 ;
if ( dd - > userbase )
return readl ( regno + ( u64 __iomem * )
( ( char __iomem * ) dd - > userbase +
dd - > ureg_align * ctxt ) ) ;
return readl ( regno + ( u64 __iomem * )
( dd - > uregbase +
( char __iomem * ) dd - > kregbase +
dd - > ureg_align * ctxt ) ) ;
* qib_write_ureg - write 32 - bit virtualized per - context register
* @ dd : device
* @ regno : register number
* @ value : value
* @ ctxt : context
* Write the contents of a register that is virtualized to be per context .
static inline void qib_write_ureg ( const struct qib_devdata * dd ,
enum qib_ureg regno , u64 value , int ctxt )
u64 __iomem * ubase ;
if ( dd - > userbase )
ubase = ( u64 __iomem * )
( ( char __iomem * ) dd - > userbase +
dd - > ureg_align * ctxt ) ;
ubase = ( u64 __iomem * )
( dd - > uregbase +
( char __iomem * ) dd - > kregbase +
dd - > ureg_align * ctxt ) ;
if ( dd - > kregbase & & ( dd - > flags & QIB_PRESENT ) )
writeq ( value , & ubase [ regno ] ) ;
* qib_write_kreg_ctxt - write a device ' s per - ctxt 64 - bit kernel register
* @ dd : the qlogic_ib device
* @ regno : the register number to write
* @ ctxt : the context containing the register
* @ value : the value to write
static inline void qib_write_kreg_ctxt ( const struct qib_devdata * dd ,
const u16 regno , unsigned ctxt ,
u64 value )
qib_write_kreg ( dd , regno + ctxt , value ) ;
static inline void write_7220_creg ( const struct qib_devdata * dd ,
u16 regno , u64 value )
if ( dd - > cspec - > cregbase & & ( dd - > flags & QIB_PRESENT ) )
writeq ( value , & dd - > cspec - > cregbase [ regno ] ) ;
static inline u64 read_7220_creg ( const struct qib_devdata * dd , u16 regno )
if ( ! dd - > cspec - > cregbase | | ! ( dd - > flags & QIB_PRESENT ) )
return 0 ;
return readq ( & dd - > cspec - > cregbase [ regno ] ) ;
static inline u32 read_7220_creg32 ( const struct qib_devdata * dd , u16 regno )
if ( ! dd - > cspec - > cregbase | | ! ( dd - > flags & QIB_PRESENT ) )
return 0 ;
return readl ( & dd - > cspec - > cregbase [ regno ] ) ;
/* kr_revision bits */
# define QLOGIC_IB_R_EMULATORREV_MASK ((1ULL << 22) - 1)
/* kr_control bits */
# define QLOGIC_IB_C_RESET (1U << 7)
/* kr_intstatus, kr_intclear, kr_intmask bits */
# define QLOGIC_IB_I_RCVURG_MASK ((1ULL << 17) - 1)
# define QLOGIC_IB_I_RCVAVAIL_MASK ((1ULL << 17) - 1)
# define QLOGIC_IB_C_FREEZEMODE 0x00000002
# define QLOGIC_IB_C_LINKENABLE 0x00000004
# define QLOGIC_IB_I_SDMAINT 0x8000000000000000ULL
# define QLOGIC_IB_I_SDMADISABLED 0x4000000000000000ULL
# define QLOGIC_IB_I_ERROR 0x0000000080000000ULL
# define QLOGIC_IB_I_SPIOSENT 0x0000000040000000ULL
# define QLOGIC_IB_I_SPIOBUFAVAIL 0x0000000020000000ULL
# define QLOGIC_IB_I_GPIO 0x0000000010000000ULL
/* variables for sanity checking interrupt and errors */
( HWE_MASK ( RXEMemParityErr ) | \
HWE_MASK ( TXEMemParityErr ) | \
HWE_MASK ( PowerOnBISTFailed ) | \
HWE_MASK ( IBCBusToSPCParityErr ) | \
HWE_MASK ( IBCBusFromSPCParityErr ) | \
# define IB_E_BITSEXTANT \
( ERR_MASK ( RcvFormatErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvVCRCErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvICRCErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvMinPktLenErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvMaxPktLenErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvLongPktLenErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvShortPktLenErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvUnexpectedCharErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvUnsupportedVLErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvEBPErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvIBFlowErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvBadVersionErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvEgrFullErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvHdrFullErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvBadTidErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvHdrLenErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvHdrErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvIBLostLinkErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SendSpecialTriggerErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaDisabledErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SendMinPktLenErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SendMaxPktLenErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SendUnderRunErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SendPktLenErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SendDroppedSmpPktErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SendDroppedDataPktErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SendPioArmLaunchErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SendUnexpectedPktNumErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SendUnsupportedVLErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SendBufMisuseErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaGenMismatchErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SDmaOutOfBoundErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaTailOutOfBoundErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SDmaBaseErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDma1stDescErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SDmaRpyTagErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaDwEnErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SDmaMissingDwErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaUnexpDataErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( IBStatusChanged ) | ERR_MASK ( InvalidAddrErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( ResetNegated ) | ERR_MASK ( HardwareErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaDescAddrMisalignErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( InvalidEEPCmd ) )
/* kr_hwerrclear, kr_hwerrmask, kr_hwerrstatus, bits */
# define QLOGIC_IB_HWE_PCIEPOISONEDTLP 0x0000000010000000ULL
# define QLOGIC_IB_HWE_PCIECPLTIMEOUT 0x0000000020000000ULL
# define QLOGIC_IB_HWE_PCIEBUSPARITYXTLH 0x0000000040000000ULL
# define QLOGIC_IB_HWE_PCIEBUSPARITYXADM 0x0000000080000000ULL
# define QLOGIC_IB_HWE_PCIEBUSPARITYRADM 0x0000000100000000ULL
# define QLOGIC_IB_HWE_COREPLL_FBSLIP 0x0080000000000000ULL
# define QLOGIC_IB_HWE_COREPLL_RFSLIP 0x0100000000000000ULL
# define QLOGIC_IB_HWE_PCIE1PLLFAILED 0x0400000000000000ULL
# define QLOGIC_IB_HWE_PCIE0PLLFAILED 0x0800000000000000ULL
# define QLOGIC_IB_HWE_SERDESPLLFAILED 0x1000000000000000ULL
/* specific to this chip */
# define QLOGIC_IB_HWE_SDMAMEMREADERR 0x0000000010000000ULL
# define QLOGIC_IB_HWE_CLK_UC_PLLNOTLOCKED 0x2000000000000000ULL
# define QLOGIC_IB_HWE_IB_UC_MEMORYPARITYERR 0x0000004000000000ULL
# define IBA7220_IBCC_LINKCMD_SHIFT 19
/* kr_ibcddrctrl bits */
# define IBA7220_IBC_DLIDLMC_SHIFT 32
# define IBA7220_IBC_LANE_REV_SUPPORTED (1<<8)
# define IBA7220_IBC_LREV_MASK 1
# define IBA7220_IBC_LREV_SHIFT 8
# define IBA7220_IBC_RXPOL_MASK 1
# define IBA7220_IBC_RXPOL_SHIFT 7
# define IBA7220_IBC_WIDTH_SHIFT 5
# define IBA7220_IBC_WIDTH_MASK 0x3
# define IBA7220_IBC_WIDTH_1X_ONLY (0 << IBA7220_IBC_WIDTH_SHIFT)
# define IBA7220_IBC_WIDTH_4X_ONLY (1 << IBA7220_IBC_WIDTH_SHIFT)
# define IBA7220_IBC_SPEED_AUTONEG (1 << 1)
# define IBA7220_IBC_SPEED_SDR (1 << 2)
# define IBA7220_IBC_SPEED_DDR (1 << 3)
# define IBA7220_IBC_SPEED_AUTONEG_MASK (0x7 << 1)
# define IBA7220_IBC_IBTA_1_2_MASK (1)
/* kr_ibcddrstatus */
/* link latency shift is 0, don't bother defining */
# define IBA7220_DDRSTAT_LINKLAT_MASK 0x3ffffff
/* kr_extstatus bits */
# define QLOGIC_IB_EXTS_MEMBIST_ENDTEST 0x0000000000004000
# define QLOGIC_IB_EXTS_MEMBIST_DISABLED 0x0000000000008000
/* kr_xgxsconfig bits */
# define QLOGIC_IB_XGXS_FC_SAFE (1ULL << 63)
/* kr_rcvpktledcnt */
# define IBA7220_LEDBLINK_ON_SHIFT 32 /* 4ns period on after packet */
# define IBA7220_LEDBLINK_OFF_SHIFT 0 /* 4ns period off before next on */
# define _QIB_GPIO_SDA_NUM 1
# define _QIB_GPIO_SCL_NUM 0
# define QIB_TWSI_EEPROM_DEV 0xA2 /* All Production 7220 cards. */
# define QIB_TWSI_TEMP_DEV 0x98
/* HW counter clock is at 4nsec */
# define QIB_7220_PSXMITWAIT_CHECK_RATE 4000
# define IBA7220_R_INTRAVAIL_SHIFT 17
# define IBA7220_R_PKEY_DIS_SHIFT 34
# define IBA7220_R_TAILUPD_SHIFT 35
# define IBA7220_R_CTXTCFG_SHIFT 36
# define IBA7220_HDRHEAD_PKTINT_SHIFT 32 /* interrupt cnt in upper 32 bits */
* the size bits give us 2 ^ N , in KB units . 0 marks as invalid ,
* and 7 is reserved . We currently use only 2 KB and 4 KB
# define IBA7220_TID_SZ_SHIFT 37 /* shift to 3bit size selector */
# define IBA7220_TID_SZ_2K (1UL << IBA7220_TID_SZ_SHIFT) /* 2KB */
# define IBA7220_TID_SZ_4K (2UL << IBA7220_TID_SZ_SHIFT) /* 4KB */
# define IBA7220_TID_PA_SHIFT 11U /* TID addr in chip stored w/o low bits */
# define PBC_7220_VL15_SEND (1ULL << 63) /* pbc; VL15, no credit check */
# define PBC_7220_VL15_SEND_CTRL (1ULL << 31) /* control version of same */
# define AUTONEG_TRIES 5 /* sequential retries to negotiate DDR */
/* packet rate matching delay multiplier */
static u8 rate_to_delay [ 2 ] [ 2 ] = {
/* 1x, 4x */
{ 8 , 2 } , /* SDR */
{ 4 , 1 } /* DDR */
} ;
static u8 ib_rate_to_delay [ IB_RATE_120_GBPS + 1 ] = {
[ IB_RATE_2_5_GBPS ] = 8 ,
[ IB_RATE_5_GBPS ] = 4 ,
[ IB_RATE_10_GBPS ] = 2 ,
[ IB_RATE_20_GBPS ] = 1
} ;
# define IBA7220_LINKSPEED_SHIFT SYM_LSB(IBCStatus, LinkSpeedActive)
# define IBA7220_LINKWIDTH_SHIFT SYM_LSB(IBCStatus, LinkWidthActive)
/* link training states, from IBC */
# define IB_7220_LT_STATE_DISABLED 0x00
# define IB_7220_LT_STATE_LINKUP 0x01
# define IB_7220_LT_STATE_POLLACTIVE 0x02
# define IB_7220_LT_STATE_POLLQUIET 0x03
# define IB_7220_LT_STATE_SLEEPDELAY 0x04
# define IB_7220_LT_STATE_SLEEPQUIET 0x05
# define IB_7220_LT_STATE_CFGDEBOUNCE 0x08
# define IB_7220_LT_STATE_CFGRCVFCFG 0x09
# define IB_7220_LT_STATE_CFGWAITRMT 0x0a
# define IB_7220_LT_STATE_CFGIDLE 0x0b
# define IB_7220_LT_STATE_RECOVERIDLE 0x0f
/* link state machine states from IBC */
# define IB_7220_L_STATE_DOWN 0x0
# define IB_7220_L_STATE_INIT 0x1
# define IB_7220_L_STATE_ARM 0x2
# define IB_7220_L_STATE_ACTIVE 0x3
# define IB_7220_L_STATE_ACT_DEFER 0x4
static const u8 qib_7220_physportstate [ 0x20 ] = {
} ;
int qib_special_trigger ;
module_param_named ( special_trigger , qib_special_trigger , int , S_IRUGO ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( special_trigger , " Enable SpecialTrigger arm/launch " ) ;
# define SYM_MASK_BIT(regname, fldname, bit) ((u64) \
( 1ULL < < ( SYM_LSB ( regname , fldname ) + ( bit ) ) ) )
SYM_MASK_BIT ( HwErrMask , TXEMemParityErrMask , 0 )
SYM_MASK_BIT ( HwErrMask , TXEMemParityErrMask , 1 )
SYM_MASK_BIT ( HwErrMask , TXEMemParityErrMask , 2 )
SYM_MASK_BIT ( HwErrMask , RXEMemParityErrMask , 0 )
SYM_MASK_BIT ( HwErrMask , RXEMemParityErrMask , 1 )
SYM_MASK_BIT ( HwErrMask , RXEMemParityErrMask , 2 )
SYM_MASK_BIT ( HwErrMask , RXEMemParityErrMask , 3 )
SYM_MASK_BIT ( HwErrMask , RXEMemParityErrMask , 4 )
SYM_MASK_BIT ( HwErrMask , RXEMemParityErrMask , 5 )
SYM_MASK_BIT ( HwErrMask , RXEMemParityErrMask , 6 )
/* 7220 specific hardware errors... */
static const struct qib_hwerror_msgs qib_7220_hwerror_msgs [ ] = {
/* generic hardware errors */
" TXE PIOBUF Memory Parity " ) ,
" TXE PIOPBC Memory Parity " ) ,
" TXE PIOLAUNCHFIFO Memory Parity " ) ,
" RXE RCVBUF Memory Parity " ) ,
" RXE LOOKUPQ Memory Parity " ) ,
" RXE EAGERTID Memory Parity " ) ,
" RXE EXPTID Memory Parity " ) ,
" RXE FLAGBUF Memory Parity " ) ,
" RXE DATAINFO Memory Parity " ) ,
" RXE HDRINFO Memory Parity " ) ,
/* chip-specific hardware errors */
" PCIe Poisoned TLP " ) ,
" PCIe completion timeout " ) ,
* In practice , it ' s unlikely wthat we ' ll see PCIe PLL , or bus
* parity or memory parity error failures , because most likely we
* won ' t be able to talk to the core of the chip . Nonetheless , we
* might see them , if they are in parts of the PCIe core that aren ' t
* essential .
" PCIePLL1 " ) ,
" PCIePLL0 " ) ,
" PCIe XTLH core parity " ) ,
" PCIe ADM TX core parity " ) ,
" PCIe ADM RX core parity " ) ,
" SerDes PLL " ) ,
" PCIe cpl header queue " ) ,
" PCIe cpl data queue " ) ,
" Send DMA memory read " ) ,
" uC PLL clock not locked " ) ,
" PCIe serdes Q0 no clock " ) ,
" PCIe serdes Q1 no clock " ) ,
" PCIe serdes Q2 no clock " ) ,
" PCIe serdes Q3 no clock " ) ,
" DDS RXEQ memory parity " ) ,
" IB uC memory parity " ) ,
" PCIe uC oct0 memory parity " ) ,
" PCIe uC oct1 memory parity " ) ,
} ;
ERR_MASK ( SendPktLenErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SendDroppedDataPktErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvVCRCErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvICRCErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvShortPktLenErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvEBPErr ) )
/* Convenience for decoding Send DMA errors */
ERR_MASK ( SDmaGenMismatchErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaOutOfBoundErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaTailOutOfBoundErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SDmaBaseErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDma1stDescErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SDmaRpyTagErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaDwEnErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SDmaMissingDwErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaUnexpDataErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaDescAddrMisalignErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaDisabledErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SendBufMisuseErr ) )
/* These are all rcv-related errors which we want to count for stats */
# define E_SUM_PKTERRS \
( ERR_MASK ( RcvHdrLenErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvBadTidErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvBadVersionErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvHdrErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvLongPktLenErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvShortPktLenErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvMaxPktLenErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvMinPktLenErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvFormatErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvUnsupportedVLErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvUnexpectedCharErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvEBPErr ) )
/* These are all send-related errors which we want to count for stats */
# define E_SUM_ERRS \
( ERR_MASK ( SendPioArmLaunchErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SendUnexpectedPktNumErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SendDroppedDataPktErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SendDroppedSmpPktErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SendMaxPktLenErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SendUnsupportedVLErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SendMinPktLenErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SendPktLenErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( InvalidAddrErr ) )
* this is similar to E_SUM_ERRS , but can ' t ignore armlaunch , don ' t ignore
* errors not related to freeze and cancelling buffers . Can ' t ignore
* armlaunch because could get more while still cleaning up , and need
* to cancel those as they happen .
( ERR_MASK ( SendDroppedDataPktErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SendDroppedSmpPktErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SendMaxPktLenErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SendMinPktLenErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SendPktLenErr ) )
* these are errors that can occur when the link changes state while
* a packet is being sent or received . This doesn ' t cover things
* like EBP or VCRC that can be the result of a sending having the
* link change state , so we receive a " known bad " packet .
( ERR_MASK ( SendDroppedDataPktErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SendDroppedSmpPktErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SendMinPktLenErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SendPktLenErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvShortPktLenErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvMinPktLenErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( RcvUnexpectedCharErr ) )
static void autoneg_7220_work ( struct work_struct * ) ;
static u32 __iomem * qib_7220_getsendbuf ( struct qib_pportdata * , u64 , u32 * ) ;
* Called when we might have an error that is specific to a particular
* PIO buffer , and may need to cancel that buffer , so it can be re - used .
* because we don ' t need to force the update of pioavail .
static void qib_disarm_7220_senderrbufs ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd )
unsigned long sbuf [ 3 ] ;
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
* It ' s possible that sendbuffererror could have bits set ; might
* have already done this as a result of hardware error handling .
/* read these before writing errorclear */
sbuf [ 0 ] = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_sendbuffererror ) ;
sbuf [ 1 ] = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_sendbuffererror + 1 ) ;
sbuf [ 2 ] = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_sendbuffererror + 2 ) ;
if ( sbuf [ 0 ] | | sbuf [ 1 ] | | sbuf [ 2 ] )
qib_disarm_piobufs_set ( dd , sbuf ,
dd - > piobcnt2k + dd - > piobcnt4k ) ;
static void qib_7220_txe_recover ( struct qib_devdata * dd )
qib_devinfo ( dd - > pcidev , " Recovering from TXE PIO parity error \n " ) ;
qib_disarm_7220_senderrbufs ( dd - > pport ) ;
* This is called with interrupts disabled and sdma_lock held .
static void qib_7220_sdma_sendctrl ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , unsigned op )
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
u64 set_sendctrl = 0 ;
u64 clr_sendctrl = 0 ;
set_sendctrl | = SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SDmaEnable ) ;
clr_sendctrl | = SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SDmaEnable ) ;
set_sendctrl | = SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SDmaIntEnable ) ;
clr_sendctrl | = SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SDmaIntEnable ) ;
set_sendctrl | = SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SDmaHalt ) ;
clr_sendctrl | = SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SDmaHalt ) ;
spin_lock ( & dd - > sendctrl_lock ) ;
dd - > sendctrl | = set_sendctrl ;
dd - > sendctrl & = ~ clr_sendctrl ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_sendctrl , dd - > sendctrl ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0 ) ;
spin_unlock ( & dd - > sendctrl_lock ) ;
static void qib_decode_7220_sdma_errs ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd ,
u64 err , char * buf , size_t blen )
static const struct {
u64 err ;
const char * msg ;
} errs [ ] = {
{ ERR_MASK ( SDmaGenMismatchErr ) ,
" SDmaGenMismatch " } ,
{ ERR_MASK ( SDmaOutOfBoundErr ) ,
" SDmaOutOfBound " } ,
{ ERR_MASK ( SDmaTailOutOfBoundErr ) ,
" SDmaTailOutOfBound " } ,
{ ERR_MASK ( SDmaBaseErr ) ,
" SDmaBase " } ,
{ ERR_MASK ( SDma1stDescErr ) ,
" SDma1stDesc " } ,
{ ERR_MASK ( SDmaRpyTagErr ) ,
" SDmaRpyTag " } ,
{ ERR_MASK ( SDmaDwEnErr ) ,
" SDmaDwEn " } ,
{ ERR_MASK ( SDmaMissingDwErr ) ,
" SDmaMissingDw " } ,
{ ERR_MASK ( SDmaUnexpDataErr ) ,
" SDmaUnexpData " } ,
{ ERR_MASK ( SDmaDescAddrMisalignErr ) ,
" SDmaDescAddrMisalign " } ,
{ ERR_MASK ( SendBufMisuseErr ) ,
" SendBufMisuse " } ,
{ ERR_MASK ( SDmaDisabledErr ) ,
" SDmaDisabled " } ,
} ;
int i ;
size_t bidx = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( errs ) ; i + + ) {
if ( err & errs [ i ] . err )
bidx + = scnprintf ( buf + bidx , blen - bidx ,
" %s " , errs [ i ] . msg ) ;
* This is called as part of link down clean up so disarm and flush
* all send buffers so that SMP packets can be sent .
static void qib_7220_sdma_hw_clean_up ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd )
/* This will trigger the Abort interrupt */
sendctrl_7220_mod ( ppd , QIB_SENDCTRL_DISARM_ALL | QIB_SENDCTRL_FLUSH |
ppd - > dd - > upd_pio_shadow = 1 ; /* update our idea of what's busy */
static void qib_sdma_7220_setlengen ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd )
* Set SendDmaLenGen and clear and set
* the MSB of the generation count to enable generation checking
* and load the internal generation counter .
qib_write_kreg ( ppd - > dd , kr_senddmalengen , ppd - > sdma_descq_cnt ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( ppd - > dd , kr_senddmalengen ,
ppd - > sdma_descq_cnt |
( 1ULL < < QIB_7220_SendDmaLenGen_Generation_MSB ) ) ;
static void qib_7220_sdma_hw_start_up ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd )
qib_sdma_7220_setlengen ( ppd ) ;
qib_sdma_update_7220_tail ( ppd , 0 ) ; /* Set SendDmaTail */
ppd - > sdma_head_dma [ 0 ] = 0 ;
# define DISABLES_SDMA ( \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaDisabledErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaBaseErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaTailOutOfBoundErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaOutOfBoundErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDma1stDescErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaRpyTagErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaGenMismatchErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaDescAddrMisalignErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaMissingDwErr ) | \
ERR_MASK ( SDmaDwEnErr ) )
static void sdma_7220_errors ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , u64 errs )
unsigned long flags ;
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
char * msg ;
msg = dd - > cspec - > sdmamsgbuf ;
2015-01-16 10:50:32 -05:00
qib_decode_7220_sdma_errs ( ppd , errs , msg ,
sizeof ( dd - > cspec - > sdmamsgbuf ) ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ppd - > sdma_lock , flags ) ;
if ( errs & ERR_MASK ( SendBufMisuseErr ) ) {
unsigned long sbuf [ 3 ] ;
sbuf [ 0 ] = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_sendbuffererror ) ;
sbuf [ 1 ] = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_sendbuffererror + 1 ) ;
sbuf [ 2 ] = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_sendbuffererror + 2 ) ;
qib_dev_err ( ppd - > dd ,
" IB%u:%u SendBufMisuse: %04lx %016lx %016lx \n " ,
ppd - > dd - > unit , ppd - > port , sbuf [ 2 ] , sbuf [ 1 ] ,
sbuf [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( errs & ERR_MASK ( SDmaUnexpDataErr ) )
qib_dev_err ( dd , " IB%u:%u SDmaUnexpData \n " , ppd - > dd - > unit ,
ppd - > port ) ;
switch ( ppd - > sdma_state . current_state ) {
case qib_sdma_state_s00_hw_down :
/* not expecting any interrupts */
break ;
case qib_sdma_state_s10_hw_start_up_wait :
/* handled in intr path */
break ;
case qib_sdma_state_s20_idle :
/* not expecting any interrupts */
break ;
case qib_sdma_state_s30_sw_clean_up_wait :
/* not expecting any interrupts */
break ;
case qib_sdma_state_s40_hw_clean_up_wait :
if ( errs & ERR_MASK ( SDmaDisabledErr ) )
__qib_sdma_process_event ( ppd ,
qib_sdma_event_e50_hw_cleaned ) ;
break ;
case qib_sdma_state_s50_hw_halt_wait :
/* handled in intr path */
break ;
case qib_sdma_state_s99_running :
if ( errs & DISABLES_SDMA )
__qib_sdma_process_event ( ppd ,
qib_sdma_event_e7220_err_halted ) ;
break ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ppd - > sdma_lock , flags ) ;
* Decode the error status into strings , deciding whether to always
* print * it or not depending on " normal packet errors " vs everything
* else . Return 1 if " real " errors , otherwise 0 if only packet
* errors , so caller can decide what to print with the string .
static int qib_decode_7220_err ( struct qib_devdata * dd , char * buf , size_t blen ,
u64 err )
int iserr = 1 ;
* buf = ' \0 ' ;
if ( err & QLOGIC_IB_E_PKTERRS ) {
if ( ! ( err & ~ QLOGIC_IB_E_PKTERRS ) )
iserr = 0 ;
if ( ( err & ERR_MASK ( RcvICRCErr ) ) & &
! ( err & ( ERR_MASK ( RcvVCRCErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvEBPErr ) ) ) )
strlcat ( buf , " CRC " , blen ) ;
if ( ! iserr )
goto done ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( RcvHdrLenErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " rhdrlen " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( RcvBadTidErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " rbadtid " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( RcvBadVersionErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " rbadversion " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( RcvHdrErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " rhdr " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( SendSpecialTriggerErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " sendspecialtrigger " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( RcvLongPktLenErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " rlongpktlen " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( RcvMaxPktLenErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " rmaxpktlen " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( RcvMinPktLenErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " rminpktlen " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( SendMinPktLenErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " sminpktlen " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( RcvFormatErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " rformaterr " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( RcvUnsupportedVLErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " runsupvl " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( RcvUnexpectedCharErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " runexpchar " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( RcvIBFlowErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " ribflow " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( SendUnderRunErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " sunderrun " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( SendPioArmLaunchErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " spioarmlaunch " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( SendUnexpectedPktNumErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " sunexperrpktnum " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( SendDroppedSmpPktErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " sdroppedsmppkt " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( SendMaxPktLenErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " smaxpktlen " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( SendUnsupportedVLErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " sunsupVL " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( InvalidAddrErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " invalidaddr " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( RcvEgrFullErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " rcvegrfull " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( RcvHdrFullErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " rcvhdrfull " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( IBStatusChanged ) )
strlcat ( buf , " ibcstatuschg " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( RcvIBLostLinkErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " riblostlink " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( HardwareErr ) )
strlcat ( buf , " hardware " , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( ResetNegated ) )
strlcat ( buf , " reset " , blen ) ;
qib_decode_7220_sdma_errs ( dd - > pport , err , buf , blen ) ;
if ( err & ERR_MASK ( InvalidEEPCmd ) )
strlcat ( buf , " invalideepromcmd " , blen ) ;
done :
return iserr ;
static void reenable_7220_chase ( unsigned long opaque )
struct qib_pportdata * ppd = ( struct qib_pportdata * ) opaque ;
2015-01-16 11:23:31 -05:00
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
ppd - > cpspec - > chase_timer . expires = 0 ;
qib_set_ib_7220_lstate ( ppd , QLOGIC_IB_IBCC_LINKCMD_DOWN ,
static void handle_7220_chase ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , u64 ibcst )
u8 ibclt ;
2011-11-09 13:36:08 -05:00
unsigned long tnow ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
ibclt = ( u8 ) SYM_FIELD ( ibcst , IBCStatus , LinkTrainingState ) ;
* Detect and handle the state chase issue , where we can
* get stuck if we are unlucky on timing on both sides of
* the link . If we are , we disable , set a timer , and
* then re - enable .
switch ( ibclt ) {
case IB_7220_LT_STATE_CFGENH :
2011-11-09 13:36:08 -05:00
tnow = jiffies ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
if ( ppd - > cpspec - > chase_end & &
2011-11-09 13:36:08 -05:00
time_after ( tnow , ppd - > cpspec - > chase_end ) ) {
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
ppd - > cpspec - > chase_end = 0 ;
qib_set_ib_7220_lstate ( ppd ,
ppd - > cpspec - > chase_timer . expires = jiffies +
add_timer ( & ppd - > cpspec - > chase_timer ) ;
} else if ( ! ppd - > cpspec - > chase_end )
ppd - > cpspec - > chase_end = tnow + QIB_CHASE_TIME ;
break ;
default :
ppd - > cpspec - > chase_end = 0 ;
break ;
static void handle_7220_errors ( struct qib_devdata * dd , u64 errs )
char * msg ;
u64 ignore_this_time = 0 ;
u64 iserr = 0 ;
int log_idx ;
struct qib_pportdata * ppd = dd - > pport ;
u64 mask ;
/* don't report errors that are masked */
errs & = dd - > cspec - > errormask ;
msg = dd - > cspec - > emsgbuf ;
/* do these first, they are most important */
if ( errs & ERR_MASK ( HardwareErr ) )
2015-01-16 10:50:32 -05:00
qib_7220_handle_hwerrors ( dd , msg , sizeof ( dd - > cspec - > emsgbuf ) ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
for ( log_idx = 0 ; log_idx < QIB_EEP_LOG_CNT ; + + log_idx )
if ( errs & dd - > eep_st_masks [ log_idx ] . errs_to_log )
qib_inc_eeprom_err ( dd , log_idx , 1 ) ;
if ( errs & QLOGIC_IB_E_SDMAERRS )
sdma_7220_errors ( ppd , errs ) ;
if ( errs & ~ IB_E_BITSEXTANT )
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
qib_dev_err ( dd ,
" error interrupt with unknown errors %llx set \n " ,
( unsigned long long ) ( errs & ~ IB_E_BITSEXTANT ) ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
if ( errs & E_SUM_ERRS ) {
qib_disarm_7220_senderrbufs ( ppd ) ;
if ( ( errs & E_SUM_LINK_PKTERRS ) & &
! ( ppd - > lflags & QIBL_LINKACTIVE ) ) {
* This can happen when trying to bring the link
* up , but the IB link changes state at the " wrong "
* time . The IB logic then complains that the packet
* isn ' t valid . We don ' t want to confuse people , so
* we just don ' t print them , except at debug
ignore_this_time = errs & E_SUM_LINK_PKTERRS ;
} else if ( ( errs & E_SUM_LINK_PKTERRS ) & &
! ( ppd - > lflags & QIBL_LINKACTIVE ) ) {
* This can happen when SMA is trying to bring the link
* up , but the IB link changes state at the " wrong " time .
* The IB logic then complains that the packet isn ' t
* valid . We don ' t want to confuse people , so we just
* don ' t print them , except at debug
ignore_this_time = errs & E_SUM_LINK_PKTERRS ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_errclear , errs ) ;
errs & = ~ ignore_this_time ;
if ( ! errs )
goto done ;
* The ones we mask off are handled specially below
* or above . Also mask SDMADISABLED by default as it
* is too chatty .
mask = ERR_MASK ( IBStatusChanged ) |
ERR_MASK ( RcvEgrFullErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvHdrFullErr ) |
ERR_MASK ( HardwareErr ) | ERR_MASK ( SDmaDisabledErr ) ;
2015-01-16 10:50:32 -05:00
qib_decode_7220_err ( dd , msg , sizeof ( dd - > cspec - > emsgbuf ) , errs & ~ mask ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
if ( errs & E_SUM_PKTERRS )
qib_stats . sps_rcverrs + + ;
if ( errs & E_SUM_ERRS )
qib_stats . sps_txerrs + + ;
iserr = errs & ~ ( E_SUM_PKTERRS | QLOGIC_IB_E_PKTERRS |
ERR_MASK ( SDmaDisabledErr ) ) ;
if ( errs & ERR_MASK ( IBStatusChanged ) ) {
u64 ibcs ;
ibcs = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_ibcstatus ) ;
if ( ! ( ppd - > lflags & QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_INPROG ) )
handle_7220_chase ( ppd , ibcs ) ;
/* Update our picture of width and speed from chip */
ppd - > link_width_active =
( ( ibcs > > IBA7220_LINKWIDTH_SHIFT ) & 1 ) ?
ppd - > link_speed_active =
( ( ibcs > > IBA7220_LINKSPEED_SHIFT ) & 1 ) ?
* Since going into a recovery state causes the link state
* to go down and since recovery is transitory , it is better
* if we " miss " ever seeing the link training state go into
* recovery ( i . e . , ignore this transition for link state
* special handling purposes ) without updating lastibcstat .
if ( qib_7220_phys_portstate ( ibcs ) ! =
qib_handle_e_ibstatuschanged ( ppd , ibcs ) ;
if ( errs & ERR_MASK ( ResetNegated ) ) {
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
qib_dev_err ( dd ,
" Got reset, requires re-init (unload and reload driver) \n " ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
dd - > flags & = ~ QIB_INITTED ; /* needs re-init */
/* mark as having had error */
* dd - > devstatusp | = QIB_STATUS_HWERROR ;
* dd - > pport - > statusp & = ~ QIB_STATUS_IB_CONF ;
if ( * msg & & iserr )
qib_dev_porterr ( dd , ppd - > port , " %s error \n " , msg ) ;
if ( ppd - > state_wanted & ppd - > lflags )
wake_up_interruptible ( & ppd - > state_wait ) ;
* If there were hdrq or egrfull errors , wake up any processes
* waiting in poll . We used to try to check which contexts had
* the overflow , but given the cost of that and the chip reads
* to support it , it ' s better to just wake everybody up if we
* get an overflow ; waiters can poll again if it ' s not them .
if ( errs & ( ERR_MASK ( RcvEgrFullErr ) | ERR_MASK ( RcvHdrFullErr ) ) ) {
qib_handle_urcv ( dd , ~ 0U ) ;
if ( errs & ERR_MASK ( RcvEgrFullErr ) )
qib_stats . sps_buffull + + ;
qib_stats . sps_hdrfull + + ;
done :
return ;
/* enable/disable chip from delivering interrupts */
static void qib_7220_set_intr_state ( struct qib_devdata * dd , u32 enable )
if ( enable ) {
if ( dd - > flags & QIB_BADINTR )
return ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_intmask , ~ 0ULL ) ;
/* force re-interrupt of any pending interrupts. */
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_intclear , 0ULL ) ;
} else
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_intmask , 0ULL ) ;
* Try to cleanup as much as possible for anything that might have gone
* wrong while in freeze mode , such as pio buffers being written by user
* processes ( causing armlaunch ) , send errors due to going into freeze mode ,
* etc . , and try to avoid causing extra interrupts while doing so .
* Forcibly update the in - memory pioavail register copies after cleanup
* because the chip won ' t do it while in freeze mode ( the register values
* themselves are kept correct ) .
* Make sure that we don ' t lose any important interrupts by using the chip
* feature that says that writing 0 to a bit in * clear that is set in
* * status will cause an interrupt to be generated again ( if allowed by
* the * mask value ) .
* This is in chip - specific code because of all of the register accesses ,
* even though the details are similar on most chips .
static void qib_7220_clear_freeze ( struct qib_devdata * dd )
/* disable error interrupts, to avoid confusion */
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_errmask , 0ULL ) ;
/* also disable interrupts; errormask is sometimes overwriten */
qib_7220_set_intr_state ( dd , 0 ) ;
qib_cancel_sends ( dd - > pport ) ;
/* clear the freeze, and be sure chip saw it */
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_control , dd - > control ) ;
qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_scratch ) ;
/* force in-memory update now we are out of freeze */
qib_force_pio_avail_update ( dd ) ;
* force new interrupt if any hwerr , error or interrupt bits are
* still set , and clear " safe " send packet errors related to freeze
* and cancelling sends . Re - enable error interrupts before possible
* force of re - interrupt on pending interrupts .
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_hwerrclear , 0ULL ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_errclear , E_SPKT_ERRS_IGNORE ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_errmask , dd - > cspec - > errormask ) ;
qib_7220_set_intr_state ( dd , 1 ) ;
* qib_7220_handle_hwerrors - display hardware errors .
* @ dd : the qlogic_ib device
* @ msg : the output buffer
* @ msgl : the size of the output buffer
* Use same msg buffer as regular errors to avoid excessive stack
* use . Most hardware errors are catastrophic , but for right now ,
* we ' ll print them and continue . We reuse the same message buffer as
* handle_7220_errors ( ) to avoid excessive stack usage .
static void qib_7220_handle_hwerrors ( struct qib_devdata * dd , char * msg ,
size_t msgl )
u64 hwerrs ;
u32 bits , ctrl ;
int isfatal = 0 ;
char * bitsmsg ;
int log_idx ;
hwerrs = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_hwerrstatus ) ;
if ( ! hwerrs )
goto bail ;
if ( hwerrs = = ~ 0ULL ) {
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
qib_dev_err ( dd ,
" Read of hardware error status failed (all bits set); ignoring \n " ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
goto bail ;
qib_stats . sps_hwerrs + + ;
* Always clear the error status register , except MEMBISTFAIL ,
* regardless of whether we continue or stop using the chip .
* We want that set so we know it failed , even across driver reload .
* We ' ll still ignore it in the hwerrmask . We do this partly for
* diagnostics , but also for support .
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_hwerrclear ,
hwerrs & ~ HWE_MASK ( PowerOnBISTFailed ) ) ;
hwerrs & = dd - > cspec - > hwerrmask ;
/* We log some errors to EEPROM, check if we have any of those. */
for ( log_idx = 0 ; log_idx < QIB_EEP_LOG_CNT ; + + log_idx )
if ( hwerrs & dd - > eep_st_masks [ log_idx ] . hwerrs_to_log )
qib_inc_eeprom_err ( dd , log_idx , 1 ) ;
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
qib_devinfo ( dd - > pcidev ,
" Hardware error: hwerr=0x%llx (cleared) \n " ,
( unsigned long long ) hwerrs ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
if ( hwerrs & ~ IB_HWE_BITSEXTANT )
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
qib_dev_err ( dd ,
" hwerror interrupt with unknown errors %llx set \n " ,
( unsigned long long ) ( hwerrs & ~ IB_HWE_BITSEXTANT ) ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
qib_sd7220_clr_ibpar ( dd ) ;
ctrl = qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_control ) ;
if ( ( ctrl & QLOGIC_IB_C_FREEZEMODE ) & & ! dd - > diag_client ) {
* Parity errors in send memory are recoverable by h / w
* just do housekeeping , exit freeze mode and continue .
qib_7220_txe_recover ( dd ) ;
if ( hwerrs )
isfatal = 1 ;
qib_7220_clear_freeze ( dd ) ;
* msg = ' \0 ' ;
if ( hwerrs & HWE_MASK ( PowerOnBISTFailed ) ) {
isfatal = 1 ;
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
strlcat ( msg ,
" [Memory BIST test failed, InfiniPath hardware unusable] " ,
msgl ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
/* ignore from now on, so disable until driver reloaded */
dd - > cspec - > hwerrmask & = ~ HWE_MASK ( PowerOnBISTFailed ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_hwerrmask , dd - > cspec - > hwerrmask ) ;
qib_format_hwerrors ( hwerrs , qib_7220_hwerror_msgs ,
ARRAY_SIZE ( qib_7220_hwerror_msgs ) , msg , msgl ) ;
bitsmsg = dd - > cspec - > bitsmsgbuf ;
bits = ( u32 ) ( ( hwerrs > >
2015-01-16 10:50:32 -05:00
snprintf ( bitsmsg , sizeof ( dd - > cspec - > bitsmsgbuf ) ,
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
" [PCIe Mem Parity Errs %x] " , bits ) ;
strlcat ( msg , bitsmsg , msgl ) ;
if ( hwerrs & _QIB_PLL_FAIL ) {
isfatal = 1 ;
2015-01-16 10:50:32 -05:00
snprintf ( bitsmsg , sizeof ( dd - > cspec - > bitsmsgbuf ) ,
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
" [PLL failed (%llx), InfiniPath hardware unusable] " ,
( unsigned long long ) hwerrs & _QIB_PLL_FAIL ) ;
strlcat ( msg , bitsmsg , msgl ) ;
/* ignore from now on, so disable until driver reloaded */
dd - > cspec - > hwerrmask & = ~ ( hwerrs & _QIB_PLL_FAIL ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_hwerrmask , dd - > cspec - > hwerrmask ) ;
* If it occurs , it is left masked since the eternal
* interface is unused .
dd - > cspec - > hwerrmask & = ~ QLOGIC_IB_HWE_SERDESPLLFAILED ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_hwerrmask , dd - > cspec - > hwerrmask ) ;
qib_dev_err ( dd , " %s hardware error \n " , msg ) ;
if ( isfatal & & ! dd - > diag_client ) {
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
qib_dev_err ( dd ,
" Fatal Hardware Error, no longer usable, SN %.16s \n " ,
dd - > serial ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
* For / sys status file and user programs to print ; if no
* trailing brace is copied , we ' ll know it was truncated .
if ( dd - > freezemsg )
snprintf ( dd - > freezemsg , dd - > freezelen ,
" {%s} " , msg ) ;
qib_disable_after_error ( dd ) ;
bail : ;
* qib_7220_init_hwerrors - enable hardware errors
* @ dd : the qlogic_ib device
* now that we have finished initializing everything that might reasonably
* cause a hardware error , and cleared those errors bits as they occur ,
* we can enable hardware errors in the mask ( potentially enabling
* freeze mode ) , and enable hardware errors as errors ( along with
* everything else ) in errormask
static void qib_7220_init_hwerrors ( struct qib_devdata * dd )
u64 val ;
u64 extsval ;
extsval = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_extstatus ) ;
if ( ! ( extsval & ( QLOGIC_IB_EXTS_MEMBIST_ENDTEST |
qib_dev_err ( dd , " MemBIST did not complete! \n " ) ;
qib_devinfo ( dd - > pcidev , " MemBIST is disabled. \n " ) ;
val = ~ 0ULL ; /* default to all hwerrors become interrupts, */
dd - > cspec - > hwerrmask = val ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_hwerrclear , ~ HWE_MASK ( PowerOnBISTFailed ) ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_hwerrmask , dd - > cspec - > hwerrmask ) ;
/* clear all */
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_errclear , ~ 0ULL ) ;
/* enable errors that are masked, at least this first time. */
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_errmask , ~ 0ULL ) ;
dd - > cspec - > errormask = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_errmask ) ;
/* clear any interrupts up to this point (ints still not enabled) */
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_intclear , ~ 0ULL ) ;
* Disable and enable the armlaunch error . Used for PIO bandwidth testing
* on chips that are count - based , rather than trigger - based . There is no
* reference counting , but that ' s also fine , given the intended use .
* Only chip - specific because it ' s all register accesses
static void qib_set_7220_armlaunch ( struct qib_devdata * dd , u32 enable )
if ( enable ) {
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_errclear , ERR_MASK ( SendPioArmLaunchErr ) ) ;
dd - > cspec - > errormask | = ERR_MASK ( SendPioArmLaunchErr ) ;
} else
dd - > cspec - > errormask & = ~ ERR_MASK ( SendPioArmLaunchErr ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_errmask , dd - > cspec - > errormask ) ;
* Formerly took parameter < which > in pre - shifted ,
* pre - merged form with LinkCmd and LinkInitCmd
* together , and assuming the zero was NOP .
static void qib_set_ib_7220_lstate ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , u16 linkcmd ,
u16 linitcmd )
u64 mod_wd ;
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
unsigned long flags ;
* If we are told to disable , note that so link - recovery
* code does not attempt to bring us back up .
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
ppd - > lflags | = QIBL_IB_LINK_DISABLED ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
} else if ( linitcmd | | linkcmd = = QLOGIC_IB_IBCC_LINKCMD_DOWN ) {
* Any other linkinitcmd will lead to LINKDOWN and then
* to INIT ( if all is well ) , so clear flag to let
* link - recovery code attempt to bring us back up .
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
ppd - > lflags & = ~ QIBL_IB_LINK_DISABLED ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
mod_wd = ( linkcmd < < IBA7220_IBCC_LINKCMD_SHIFT ) |
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_ibcctrl , ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl | mod_wd ) ;
/* write to chip to prevent back-to-back writes of ibc reg */
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0 ) ;
* All detailed interaction with the SerDes has been moved to qib_sd7220 . c
* The portion of IBA7220 - specific bringup_serdes ( ) that actually deals with
* registers and memory within the SerDes itself is qib_sd7220_init ( ) .
* qib_7220_bringup_serdes - bring up the serdes
* @ ppd : physical port on the qlogic_ib device
static int qib_7220_bringup_serdes ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd )
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
u64 val , prev_val , guid , ibc ;
int ret = 0 ;
/* Put IBC in reset, sends disabled */
dd - > control & = ~ QLOGIC_IB_C_LINKENABLE ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_control , 0ULL ) ;
if ( qib_compat_ddr_negotiate ) {
ppd - > cpspec - > ibdeltainprog = 1 ;
ppd - > cpspec - > ibsymsnap = read_7220_creg32 ( dd , cr_ibsymbolerr ) ;
ppd - > cpspec - > iblnkerrsnap =
read_7220_creg32 ( dd , cr_iblinkerrrecov ) ;
/* flowcontrolwatermark is in units of KBytes */
ibc = 0x5ULL < < SYM_LSB ( IBCCtrl , FlowCtrlWaterMark ) ;
* How often flowctrl sent . More or less in usecs ; balance against
* watermark value , so that in theory senders always get a flow
* control update in time to not let the IB link go idle .
ibc | = 0x3ULL < < SYM_LSB ( IBCCtrl , FlowCtrlPeriod ) ;
/* max error tolerance */
ibc | = 0xfULL < < SYM_LSB ( IBCCtrl , PhyerrThreshold ) ;
/* use "real" buffer space for */
ibc | = 4ULL < < SYM_LSB ( IBCCtrl , CreditScale ) ;
/* IB credit flow control. */
ibc | = 0xfULL < < SYM_LSB ( IBCCtrl , OverrunThreshold ) ;
* set initial max size pkt IBC will send , including ICRC ; it ' s the
* PIO buffer size in dwords , less 1 ; also see qib_set_mtu ( )
ibc | = ( ( u64 ) ( ppd - > ibmaxlen > > 2 ) + 1 ) < < SYM_LSB ( IBCCtrl , MaxPktLen ) ;
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl = ibc ; /* without linkcmd or linkinitcmd! */
/* initially come up waiting for TS1, without sending anything. */
val = ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl | ( QLOGIC_IB_IBCC_LINKINITCMD_DISABLE < <
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_ibcctrl , val ) ;
if ( ! ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl ) {
/* not on re-init after reset */
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_ibcddrctrl ) ;
if ( ppd - > link_speed_enabled = = ( QIB_IB_SDR | QIB_IB_DDR ) )
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl | =
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl | =
ppd - > link_speed_enabled = = QIB_IB_DDR ?
if ( ( ppd - > link_width_enabled & ( IB_WIDTH_1X | IB_WIDTH_4X ) ) = =
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl | = IBA7220_IBC_WIDTH_AUTONEG ;
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl | =
ppd - > link_width_enabled = = IB_WIDTH_4X ?
/* always enable these on driver reload, not sticky */
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl | =
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl | =
/* enable automatic lane reversal detection for receive */
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl | = IBA7220_IBC_LANE_REV_SUPPORTED ;
} else
/* write to chip to prevent back-to-back writes of ibc reg */
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0 ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_ibcddrctrl , ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0 ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_ncmodectrl , 0Ull ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0 ) ;
ret = qib_sd7220_init ( dd ) ;
val = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_xgxs_cfg ) ;
prev_val = val ;
if ( val ! = prev_val ) {
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_xgxs_cfg , val ) ;
qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_scratch ) ;
if ( val ! = prev_val )
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_xgxs_cfg , val ) ;
/* first time through, set port guid */
if ( ! ppd - > guid )
ppd - > guid = dd - > base_guid ;
guid = be64_to_cpu ( ppd - > guid ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_hrtbt_guid , guid ) ;
if ( ! ret ) {
dd - > control | = QLOGIC_IB_C_LINKENABLE ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_control , dd - > control ) ;
} else
/* write to chip to prevent back-to-back writes of ibc reg */
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0 ) ;
return ret ;
* qib_7220_quiet_serdes - set serdes to txidle
* @ ppd : physical port of the qlogic_ib device
* Called when driver is being unloaded
static void qib_7220_quiet_serdes ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd )
u64 val ;
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
unsigned long flags ;
/* disable IBC */
dd - > control & = ~ QLOGIC_IB_C_LINKENABLE ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_control ,
dd - > control | QLOGIC_IB_C_FREEZEMODE ) ;
ppd - > cpspec - > chase_end = 0 ;
if ( ppd - > cpspec - > chase_timer . data ) /* if initted */
del_timer_sync ( & ppd - > cpspec - > chase_timer ) ;
if ( ppd - > cpspec - > ibsymdelta | | ppd - > cpspec - > iblnkerrdelta | |
ppd - > cpspec - > ibdeltainprog ) {
u64 diagc ;
/* enable counter writes */
diagc = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_hwdiagctrl ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_hwdiagctrl ,
diagc | SYM_MASK ( HwDiagCtrl , CounterWrEnable ) ) ;
if ( ppd - > cpspec - > ibsymdelta | | ppd - > cpspec - > ibdeltainprog ) {
val = read_7220_creg32 ( dd , cr_ibsymbolerr ) ;
if ( ppd - > cpspec - > ibdeltainprog )
val - = val - ppd - > cpspec - > ibsymsnap ;
val - = ppd - > cpspec - > ibsymdelta ;
write_7220_creg ( dd , cr_ibsymbolerr , val ) ;
if ( ppd - > cpspec - > iblnkerrdelta | | ppd - > cpspec - > ibdeltainprog ) {
val = read_7220_creg32 ( dd , cr_iblinkerrrecov ) ;
if ( ppd - > cpspec - > ibdeltainprog )
val - = val - ppd - > cpspec - > iblnkerrsnap ;
val - = ppd - > cpspec - > iblnkerrdelta ;
write_7220_creg ( dd , cr_iblinkerrrecov , val ) ;
/* and disable counter writes */
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_hwdiagctrl , diagc ) ;
qib_set_ib_7220_lstate ( ppd , 0 , QLOGIC_IB_IBCC_LINKINITCMD_DISABLE ) ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
ppd - > lflags & = ~ QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_INPROG ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
wake_up ( & ppd - > cpspec - > autoneg_wait ) ;
2010-10-19 15:24:36 +00:00
cancel_delayed_work_sync ( & ppd - > cpspec - > autoneg_work ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
shutdown_7220_relock_poll ( ppd - > dd ) ;
val = qib_read_kreg64 ( ppd - > dd , kr_xgxs_cfg ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( ppd - > dd , kr_xgxs_cfg , val ) ;
* qib_setup_7220_setextled - set the state of the two external LEDs
* @ dd : the qlogic_ib device
* @ on : whether the link is up or not
* The exact combo of LEDs if on is true is determined by looking
* at the ibcstatus .
* These LEDs indicate the physical and logical state of IB link .
* For this chip ( at least with recommended board pinouts ) , LED1
* is Yellow ( logical state ) and LED2 is Green ( physical state ) ,
* Note : We try to match the Mellanox HCA LED behavior as best
* we can . Green indicates physical link state is OK ( something is
* plugged in , and we can train ) .
* Amber indicates the link is logically up ( ACTIVE ) .
* Mellanox further blinks the amber LED to indicate data packet
* activity , but we have no hardware support for that , so it would
* require waking up every 10 - 20 msecs and checking the counters
* on the chip , and then turning the LED off if appropriate . That ' s
* visible overhead , so not something we will do .
static void qib_setup_7220_setextled ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , u32 on )
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
u64 extctl , ledblink = 0 , val , lst , ltst ;
unsigned long flags ;
* The diags use the LED to indicate diag info , so we leave
* the external LED alone when the diags are running .
if ( dd - > diag_client )
return ;
if ( ppd - > led_override ) {
ltst = ( ppd - > led_override & QIB_LED_PHYS ) ?
lst = ( ppd - > led_override & QIB_LED_LOG ) ?
} else if ( on ) {
val = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_ibcstatus ) ;
ltst = qib_7220_phys_portstate ( val ) ;
lst = qib_7220_iblink_state ( val ) ;
} else {
ltst = 0 ;
lst = 0 ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & dd - > cspec - > gpio_lock , flags ) ;
extctl = dd - > cspec - > extctrl & ~ ( SYM_MASK ( EXTCtrl , LEDPriPortGreenOn ) |
SYM_MASK ( EXTCtrl , LEDPriPortYellowOn ) ) ;
extctl | = SYM_MASK ( EXTCtrl , LEDPriPortGreenOn ) ;
* counts are in chip clock ( 4 ns ) periods .
* This is 1 / 16 sec ( 66.6 ms ) on ,
* 3 / 16 sec ( 187.5 ms ) off , with packets rcvd
ledblink = ( ( 66600 * 1000UL / 4 ) < < IBA7220_LEDBLINK_ON_SHIFT )
| ( ( 187500 * 1000UL / 4 ) < < IBA7220_LEDBLINK_OFF_SHIFT ) ;
if ( lst = = IB_PORT_ACTIVE )
extctl | = SYM_MASK ( EXTCtrl , LEDPriPortYellowOn ) ;
dd - > cspec - > extctrl = extctl ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_extctrl , extctl ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & dd - > cspec - > gpio_lock , flags ) ;
if ( ledblink ) /* blink the LED on packet receive */
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_rcvpktledcnt , ledblink ) ;
static void qib_7220_free_irq ( struct qib_devdata * dd )
if ( dd - > cspec - > irq ) {
free_irq ( dd - > cspec - > irq , dd ) ;
dd - > cspec - > irq = 0 ;
qib_nomsi ( dd ) ;
* qib_setup_7220_cleanup - clean up any per - chip chip - specific stuff
* @ dd : the qlogic_ib device
* This is called during driver unload .
static void qib_setup_7220_cleanup ( struct qib_devdata * dd )
qib_7220_free_irq ( dd ) ;
kfree ( dd - > cspec - > cntrs ) ;
kfree ( dd - > cspec - > portcntrs ) ;
* This is only called for SDmaInt .
* SDmaDisabled is handled on the error path .
static void sdma_7220_intr ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , u64 istat )
unsigned long flags ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ppd - > sdma_lock , flags ) ;
switch ( ppd - > sdma_state . current_state ) {
case qib_sdma_state_s00_hw_down :
break ;
case qib_sdma_state_s10_hw_start_up_wait :
__qib_sdma_process_event ( ppd , qib_sdma_event_e20_hw_started ) ;
break ;
case qib_sdma_state_s20_idle :
break ;
case qib_sdma_state_s30_sw_clean_up_wait :
break ;
case qib_sdma_state_s40_hw_clean_up_wait :
break ;
case qib_sdma_state_s50_hw_halt_wait :
__qib_sdma_process_event ( ppd , qib_sdma_event_e60_hw_halted ) ;
break ;
case qib_sdma_state_s99_running :
/* too chatty to print here */
__qib_sdma_intr ( ppd ) ;
break ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ppd - > sdma_lock , flags ) ;
static void qib_wantpiobuf_7220_intr ( struct qib_devdata * dd , u32 needint )
unsigned long flags ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & dd - > sendctrl_lock , flags ) ;
if ( needint ) {
if ( ! ( dd - > sendctrl & SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SendBufAvailUpd ) ) )
goto done ;
* blip the availupd off , next write will be on , so
* we ensure an avail update , regardless of threshold or
* buffers becoming free , whenever we want an interrupt
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_sendctrl , dd - > sendctrl &
~ SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SendBufAvailUpd ) ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0ULL ) ;
dd - > sendctrl | = SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SendIntBufAvail ) ;
} else
dd - > sendctrl & = ~ SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SendIntBufAvail ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_sendctrl , dd - > sendctrl ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0ULL ) ;
done :
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & dd - > sendctrl_lock , flags ) ;
* Handle errors and unusual events first , separate function
* to improve cache hits for fast path interrupt handling .
static noinline void unlikely_7220_intr ( struct qib_devdata * dd , u64 istat )
if ( unlikely ( istat & ~ QLOGIC_IB_I_BITSEXTANT ) )
qib_dev_err ( dd ,
" interrupt with unknown interrupts %Lx set \n " ,
if ( istat & QLOGIC_IB_I_GPIO ) {
u32 gpiostatus ;
* Boards for this chip currently don ' t use GPIO interrupts ,
* so clear by writing GPIOstatus to GPIOclear , and complain
* to alert developer . To avoid endless repeats , clear
* the bits in the mask , since there is some kind of
* programming error or chip problem .
gpiostatus = qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_gpio_status ) ;
* In theory , writing GPIOstatus to GPIOclear could
* have a bad side - effect on some diagnostic that wanted
* to poll for a status - change , but the various shadows
* make that problematic at best . Diags will just suppress
* all GPIO interrupts during such tests .
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_gpio_clear , gpiostatus ) ;
if ( gpiostatus ) {
const u32 mask = qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_gpio_mask ) ;
u32 gpio_irq = mask & gpiostatus ;
* A bit set in status and ( chip ) Mask register
* would cause an interrupt . Since we are not
* expecting any , report it . Also check that the
* chip reflects our shadow , report issues ,
* and refresh from the shadow .
* Clear any troublemakers , and update chip
* from shadow
dd - > cspec - > gpio_mask & = ~ gpio_irq ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_gpio_mask , dd - > cspec - > gpio_mask ) ;
if ( istat & QLOGIC_IB_I_ERROR ) {
u64 estat ;
qib_stats . sps_errints + + ;
estat = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_errstatus ) ;
if ( ! estat )
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
qib_devinfo ( dd - > pcidev ,
" error interrupt (%Lx), but no error bits set! \n " ,
istat ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
handle_7220_errors ( dd , estat ) ;
static irqreturn_t qib_7220intr ( int irq , void * data )
struct qib_devdata * dd = data ;
irqreturn_t ret ;
u64 istat ;
u64 ctxtrbits ;
u64 rmask ;
unsigned i ;
if ( ( dd - > flags & ( QIB_PRESENT | QIB_BADINTR ) ) ! = QIB_PRESENT ) {
* This return value is not great , but we do not want the
* interrupt core code to remove our interrupt handler
* because we don ' t appear to be handling an interrupt
* during a chip reset .
goto bail ;
istat = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_intstatus ) ;
if ( unlikely ( ! istat ) ) {
ret = IRQ_NONE ; /* not our interrupt, or already handled */
goto bail ;
if ( unlikely ( istat = = - 1 ) ) {
qib_bad_intrstatus ( dd ) ;
/* don't know if it was our interrupt or not */
ret = IRQ_NONE ;
goto bail ;
2014-03-07 08:40:49 -05:00
this_cpu_inc ( * dd - > int_counter ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
if ( unlikely ( istat & ( ~ QLOGIC_IB_I_BITSEXTANT |
unlikely_7220_intr ( dd , istat ) ;
* Clear the interrupt bits we found set , relatively early , so we
* " know " know the chip will have seen this by the time we process
* the queue , and will re - interrupt if necessary . The processor
* itself won ' t take the interrupt again until we return .
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_intclear , istat ) ;
* Handle kernel receive queues before checking for pio buffers
* available since receives can overflow ; piobuf waiters can afford
* a few extra cycles , since they were waiting anyway .
ctxtrbits = istat &
if ( ctxtrbits ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < dd - > first_user_ctxt ; i + + ) {
if ( ctxtrbits & rmask ) {
ctxtrbits & = ~ rmask ;
qib_kreceive ( dd - > rcd [ i ] , NULL , NULL ) ;
rmask < < = 1 ;
if ( ctxtrbits ) {
ctxtrbits =
( ctxtrbits > > QLOGIC_IB_I_RCVAVAIL_SHIFT ) |
( ctxtrbits > > QLOGIC_IB_I_RCVURG_SHIFT ) ;
qib_handle_urcv ( dd , ctxtrbits ) ;
/* only call for SDmaInt */
if ( istat & QLOGIC_IB_I_SDMAINT )
sdma_7220_intr ( dd - > pport , istat ) ;
if ( ( istat & QLOGIC_IB_I_SPIOBUFAVAIL ) & & ( dd - > flags & QIB_INITTED ) )
qib_ib_piobufavail ( dd ) ;
bail :
return ret ;
* Set up our chip - specific interrupt handler .
* The interrupt type has already been setup , so
* we just need to do the registration and error checking .
* If we are using MSI interrupts , we may fall back to
* INTx later , if the interrupt handler doesn ' t get called
* within 1 / 2 second ( see verify_interrupt ( ) ) .
static void qib_setup_7220_interrupt ( struct qib_devdata * dd )
if ( ! dd - > cspec - > irq )
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
qib_dev_err ( dd ,
" irq is 0, BIOS error? Interrupts won't work \n " ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
else {
int ret = request_irq ( dd - > cspec - > irq , qib_7220intr ,
dd - > msi_lo ? 0 : IRQF_SHARED ,
QIB_DRV_NAME , dd ) ;
if ( ret )
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
qib_dev_err ( dd ,
" Couldn't setup %s interrupt (irq=%d): %d \n " ,
dd - > msi_lo ? " MSI " : " INTx " ,
dd - > cspec - > irq , ret ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
* qib_7220_boardname - fill in the board name
* @ dd : the qlogic_ib device
* info is based on the board revision register
static void qib_7220_boardname ( struct qib_devdata * dd )
char * n ;
u32 boardid , namelen ;
boardid = SYM_FIELD ( dd - > revision , Revision ,
BoardID ) ;
switch ( boardid ) {
case 1 :
n = " InfiniPath_QLE7240 " ;
break ;
case 2 :
n = " InfiniPath_QLE7280 " ;
break ;
default :
qib_dev_err ( dd , " Unknown 7220 board with ID %u \n " , boardid ) ;
n = " Unknown_InfiniPath_7220 " ;
break ;
namelen = strlen ( n ) + 1 ;
dd - > boardname = kmalloc ( namelen , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ! dd - > boardname )
qib_dev_err ( dd , " Failed allocation for board name: %s \n " , n ) ;
snprintf ( dd - > boardname , namelen , " %s " , n ) ;
if ( dd - > majrev ! = 5 | | ! dd - > minrev | | dd - > minrev > 2 )
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
qib_dev_err ( dd ,
" Unsupported InfiniPath hardware revision %u.%u! \n " ,
dd - > majrev , dd - > minrev ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
snprintf ( dd - > boardversion , sizeof ( dd - > boardversion ) ,
" ChipABI %u.%u, %s, InfiniPath%u %u.%u, SW Compat %u \n " ,
QIB_CHIP_VERS_MAJ , QIB_CHIP_VERS_MIN , dd - > boardname ,
( unsigned ) SYM_FIELD ( dd - > revision , Revision_R , Arch ) ,
dd - > majrev , dd - > minrev ,
( unsigned ) SYM_FIELD ( dd - > revision , Revision_R , SW ) ) ;
* This routine sleeps , so it can only be called from user context , not
* from interrupt context .
static int qib_setup_7220_reset ( struct qib_devdata * dd )
u64 val ;
int i ;
int ret ;
u16 cmdval ;
u8 int_line , clinesz ;
unsigned long flags ;
qib_pcie_getcmd ( dd , & cmdval , & int_line , & clinesz ) ;
/* Use dev_err so it shows up in logs, etc. */
qib_dev_err ( dd , " Resetting InfiniPath unit %u \n " , dd - > unit ) ;
/* no interrupts till re-initted */
qib_7220_set_intr_state ( dd , 0 ) ;
dd - > pport - > cpspec - > ibdeltainprog = 0 ;
dd - > pport - > cpspec - > ibsymdelta = 0 ;
dd - > pport - > cpspec - > iblnkerrdelta = 0 ;
* Keep chip from being accessed until we are ready . Use
* writeq ( ) directly , to allow the write even though QIB_PRESENT
2011-04-26 23:28:26 -07:00
* isn ' t set .
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
dd - > flags & = ~ ( QIB_INITTED | QIB_PRESENT ) ;
2014-03-07 08:40:49 -05:00
/* so we check interrupts work again */
dd - > z_int_counter = qib_int_counter ( dd ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
val = dd - > control | QLOGIC_IB_C_RESET ;
writeq ( val , & dd - > kregbase [ kr_control ] ) ;
mb ( ) ; /* prevent compiler reordering around actual reset */
for ( i = 1 ; i < = 5 ; i + + ) {
* Allow MBIST , etc . to complete ; longer on each retry .
* We sometimes get machine checks from bus timeout if no
* response , so for now , make it * really * long .
msleep ( 1000 + ( 1 + i ) * 2000 ) ;
qib_pcie_reenable ( dd , cmdval , int_line , clinesz ) ;
* Use readq directly , so we don ' t need to mark it as PRESENT
* until we get a successful indication that all is well .
val = readq ( & dd - > kregbase [ kr_revision ] ) ;
if ( val = = dd - > revision ) {
dd - > flags | = QIB_PRESENT ; /* it's back */
ret = qib_reinit_intr ( dd ) ;
goto bail ;
ret = 0 ; /* failed */
bail :
if ( ret ) {
if ( qib_pcie_params ( dd , dd - > lbus_width , NULL , NULL ) )
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
qib_dev_err ( dd ,
" Reset failed to setup PCIe or interrupts; continuing anyway \n " ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
/* hold IBC in reset, no sends, etc till later */
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_control , 0ULL ) ;
/* clear the reset error, init error/hwerror mask */
qib_7220_init_hwerrors ( dd ) ;
/* do setup similar to speed or link-width changes */
if ( dd - > pport - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl & IBA7220_IBC_IBTA_1_2_MASK )
dd - > cspec - > presets_needed = 1 ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & dd - > pport - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
dd - > pport - > lflags | = QIBL_IB_FORCE_NOTIFY ;
dd - > pport - > lflags & = ~ QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_FAILED ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & dd - > pport - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
return ret ;
* qib_7220_put_tid - write a TID to the chip
* @ dd : the qlogic_ib device
* @ tidptr : pointer to the expected TID ( in chip ) to update
* @ tidtype : 0 for eager , 1 for expected
* @ pa : physical address of in memory buffer ; tidinvalid if freeing
static void qib_7220_put_tid ( struct qib_devdata * dd , u64 __iomem * tidptr ,
u32 type , unsigned long pa )
if ( pa ! = dd - > tidinvalid ) {
u64 chippa = pa > > IBA7220_TID_PA_SHIFT ;
/* paranoia checks */
if ( pa ! = ( chippa < < IBA7220_TID_PA_SHIFT ) ) {
qib_dev_err ( dd , " Physaddr %lx not 2KB aligned! \n " ,
pa ) ;
return ;
if ( chippa > = ( 1UL < < IBA7220_TID_SZ_SHIFT ) ) {
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
qib_dev_err ( dd ,
" Physical page address 0x%lx larger than supported \n " ,
pa ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
return ;
if ( type = = RCVHQ_RCV_TYPE_EAGER )
chippa | = dd - > tidtemplate ;
else /* for now, always full 4KB page */
chippa | = IBA7220_TID_SZ_4K ;
pa = chippa ;
writeq ( pa , tidptr ) ;
mmiowb ( ) ;
* qib_7220_clear_tids - clear all TID entries for a ctxt , expected and eager
* @ dd : the qlogic_ib device
* @ ctxt : the ctxt
* clear all TID entries for a ctxt , expected and eager .
* Used from qib_close ( ) . On this chip , TIDs are only 32 bits ,
* not 64 , but they are still on 64 bit boundaries , so tidbase
* is declared as u64 * for the pointer math , even though we write 32 bits
static void qib_7220_clear_tids ( struct qib_devdata * dd ,
struct qib_ctxtdata * rcd )
u64 __iomem * tidbase ;
unsigned long tidinv ;
u32 ctxt ;
int i ;
if ( ! dd - > kregbase | | ! rcd )
return ;
ctxt = rcd - > ctxt ;
tidinv = dd - > tidinvalid ;
tidbase = ( u64 __iomem * )
( ( char __iomem * ) ( dd - > kregbase ) +
dd - > rcvtidbase +
ctxt * dd - > rcvtidcnt * sizeof ( * tidbase ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < dd - > rcvtidcnt ; i + + )
qib_7220_put_tid ( dd , & tidbase [ i ] , RCVHQ_RCV_TYPE_EXPECTED ,
tidinv ) ;
tidbase = ( u64 __iomem * )
( ( char __iomem * ) ( dd - > kregbase ) +
dd - > rcvegrbase +
rcd - > rcvegr_tid_base * sizeof ( * tidbase ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < rcd - > rcvegrcnt ; i + + )
qib_7220_put_tid ( dd , & tidbase [ i ] , RCVHQ_RCV_TYPE_EAGER ,
tidinv ) ;
* qib_7220_tidtemplate - setup constants for TID updates
* @ dd : the qlogic_ib device
* We setup stuff that we use a lot , to avoid calculating each time
static void qib_7220_tidtemplate ( struct qib_devdata * dd )
if ( dd - > rcvegrbufsize = = 2048 )
dd - > tidtemplate = IBA7220_TID_SZ_2K ;
else if ( dd - > rcvegrbufsize = = 4096 )
dd - > tidtemplate = IBA7220_TID_SZ_4K ;
dd - > tidinvalid = 0 ;
* qib_init_7220_get_base_info - set chip - specific flags for user code
* @ rcd : the qlogic_ib ctxt
* @ kbase : qib_base_info pointer
* We set the PCIE flag because the lower bandwidth on PCIe vs
* HyperTransport can affect some user packet algorithims .
static int qib_7220_get_base_info ( struct qib_ctxtdata * rcd ,
struct qib_base_info * kinfo )
kinfo - > spi_runtime_flags | = QIB_RUNTIME_PCIE |
if ( rcd - > dd - > flags & QIB_USE_SPCL_TRIG )
kinfo - > spi_runtime_flags | = QIB_RUNTIME_SPECIAL_TRIGGER ;
return 0 ;
static struct qib_message_header *
qib_7220_get_msgheader ( struct qib_devdata * dd , __le32 * rhf_addr )
u32 offset = qib_hdrget_offset ( rhf_addr ) ;
return ( struct qib_message_header * )
( rhf_addr - dd - > rhf_offset + offset ) ;
static void qib_7220_config_ctxts ( struct qib_devdata * dd )
unsigned long flags ;
u32 nchipctxts ;
nchipctxts = qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_portcnt ) ;
dd - > cspec - > numctxts = nchipctxts ;
if ( qib_n_krcv_queues > 1 ) {
2011-01-10 17:42:21 -08:00
dd - > qpn_mask = 0x3e ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
dd - > first_user_ctxt = qib_n_krcv_queues * dd - > num_pports ;
if ( dd - > first_user_ctxt > nchipctxts )
dd - > first_user_ctxt = nchipctxts ;
} else
dd - > first_user_ctxt = dd - > num_pports ;
dd - > n_krcv_queues = dd - > first_user_ctxt ;
if ( ! qib_cfgctxts ) {
int nctxts = dd - > first_user_ctxt + num_online_cpus ( ) ;
if ( nctxts < = 5 )
dd - > ctxtcnt = 5 ;
else if ( nctxts < = 9 )
dd - > ctxtcnt = 9 ;
else if ( nctxts < = nchipctxts )
dd - > ctxtcnt = nchipctxts ;
} else if ( qib_cfgctxts < = nchipctxts )
dd - > ctxtcnt = qib_cfgctxts ;
if ( ! dd - > ctxtcnt ) /* none of the above, set to max */
dd - > ctxtcnt = nchipctxts ;
* Chip can be configured for 5 , 9 , or 17 ctxts , and choice
* affects number of eager TIDs per ctxt ( 1 K , 2 K , 4 K ) .
* Lock to be paranoid about later motion , etc .
spin_lock_irqsave ( & dd - > cspec - > rcvmod_lock , flags ) ;
if ( dd - > ctxtcnt > 9 )
dd - > rcvctrl | = 2ULL < < IBA7220_R_CTXTCFG_SHIFT ;
else if ( dd - > ctxtcnt > 5 )
dd - > rcvctrl | = 1ULL < < IBA7220_R_CTXTCFG_SHIFT ;
/* else configure for default 5 receive ctxts */
if ( dd - > qpn_mask )
dd - > rcvctrl | = 1ULL < < QIB_7220_RcvCtrl_RcvQPMapEnable_LSB ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_rcvctrl , dd - > rcvctrl ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & dd - > cspec - > rcvmod_lock , flags ) ;
/* kr_rcvegrcnt changes based on the number of contexts enabled */
dd - > cspec - > rcvegrcnt = qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_rcvegrcnt ) ;
dd - > rcvhdrcnt = max ( dd - > cspec - > rcvegrcnt , IBA7220_KRCVEGRCNT ) ;
static int qib_7220_get_ib_cfg ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , int which )
int lsb , ret = 0 ;
u64 maskr ; /* right-justified mask */
switch ( which ) {
case QIB_IB_CFG_LWID_ENB : /* Get allowed Link-width */
ret = ppd - > link_width_enabled ;
goto done ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_LWID : /* Get currently active Link-width */
ret = ppd - > link_width_active ;
goto done ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_SPD_ENB : /* Get allowed Link speeds */
ret = ppd - > link_speed_enabled ;
goto done ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_SPD : /* Get current Link spd */
ret = ppd - > link_speed_active ;
goto done ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_RXPOL_ENB : /* Get Auto-RX-polarity enable */
maskr = IBA7220_IBC_RXPOL_MASK ;
break ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_LREV_ENB : /* Get Auto-Lane-reversal enable */
lsb = IBA7220_IBC_LREV_SHIFT ;
maskr = IBA7220_IBC_LREV_MASK ;
break ;
ret = qib_read_kreg64 ( ppd - > dd , kr_ibcddrstatus )
goto done ;
ret = ppd - > vls_operational ;
goto done ;
ret = 0 ;
goto done ;
ret = 0 ;
goto done ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_OVERRUN_THRESH : /* IB overrun threshold */
ret = SYM_FIELD ( ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl , IBCCtrl ,
OverrunThreshold ) ;
goto done ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_PHYERR_THRESH : /* IB PHY error threshold */
ret = SYM_FIELD ( ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl , IBCCtrl ,
PhyerrThreshold ) ;
goto done ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_LINKDEFAULT : /* IB link default (sleep/poll) */
/* will only take effect when the link state changes */
ret = ( ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl &
SYM_MASK ( IBCCtrl , LinkDownDefaultState ) ) ?
goto done ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_HRTBT : /* Get Heartbeat off/enable/auto */
maskr = IBA7220_IBC_HRTBT_MASK ;
break ;
* 0x00 = 10 x link transfer rate or 4 nsec . for 2.5 Gbs
* Since the clock is always 250 MHz , the value is 1 or 0.
ret = ( ppd - > link_speed_active = = QIB_IB_DDR ) ;
goto done ;
default :
ret = - EINVAL ;
goto done ;
ret = ( int ) ( ( ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl > > lsb ) & maskr ) ;
done :
return ret ;
static int qib_7220_set_ib_cfg ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , int which , u32 val )
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
u64 maskr ; /* right-justified mask */
int lsb , ret = 0 , setforce = 0 ;
u16 lcmd , licmd ;
unsigned long flags ;
2011-07-14 13:40:24 +00:00
u32 tmp = 0 ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
switch ( which ) {
* Set LID and LMC . Combined to avoid possible hazard
* caller puts LMC in 16 MSbits , DLID in 16L Sbits of val
maskr = IBA7220_IBC_DLIDLMC_MASK ;
break ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_LWID_ENB : /* set allowed Link-width */
* As with speed , only write the actual register if
* the link is currently down , otherwise takes effect
* on next link change .
ppd - > link_width_enabled = val ;
if ( ! ( ppd - > lflags & QIBL_LINKDOWN ) )
goto bail ;
* We set the QIBL_IB_FORCE_NOTIFY bit so updown
* will get called because we want update
* link_width_active , and the change may not take
* effect for some time ( if we are in POLL ) , so this
* flag will force the updown routine to be called
* on the next ibstatuschange down interrupt , even
* if it ' s not an down - > up transition .
val - - ; /* convert from IB to chip */
maskr = IBA7220_IBC_WIDTH_MASK ;
setforce = 1 ;
break ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_SPD_ENB : /* set allowed Link speeds */
* If we turn off IB1 .2 , need to preset SerDes defaults ,
* but not right now . Set a flag for the next time
* we command the link down . As with width , only write the
* actual register if the link is currently down , otherwise
* takes effect on next link change . Since setting is being
2011-03-30 22:57:33 -03:00
* explicitly requested ( via MAD or sysfs ) , clear autoneg
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
* failure status if speed autoneg is enabled .
ppd - > link_speed_enabled = val ;
if ( ( ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl & IBA7220_IBC_IBTA_1_2_MASK ) & &
! ( val & ( val - 1 ) ) )
dd - > cspec - > presets_needed = 1 ;
if ( ! ( ppd - > lflags & QIBL_LINKDOWN ) )
goto bail ;
* We set the QIBL_IB_FORCE_NOTIFY bit so updown
* will get called because we want update
* link_speed_active , and the change may not take
* effect for some time ( if we are in POLL ) , so this
* flag will force the updown routine to be called
* on the next ibstatuschange down interrupt , even
* if it ' s not an down - > up transition .
if ( val = = ( QIB_IB_SDR | QIB_IB_DDR ) ) {
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
ppd - > lflags & = ~ QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_FAILED ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
} else
val = val = = QIB_IB_DDR ?
/* IBTA 1.2 mode + speed bits are contiguous */
setforce = 1 ;
break ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_RXPOL_ENB : /* set Auto-RX-polarity enable */
maskr = IBA7220_IBC_RXPOL_MASK ;
break ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_LREV_ENB : /* set Auto-Lane-reversal enable */
lsb = IBA7220_IBC_LREV_SHIFT ;
maskr = IBA7220_IBC_LREV_MASK ;
break ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_OVERRUN_THRESH : /* IB overrun threshold */
maskr = SYM_FIELD ( ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl , IBCCtrl ,
OverrunThreshold ) ;
if ( maskr ! = val ) {
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl & =
~ SYM_MASK ( IBCCtrl , OverrunThreshold ) ;
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl | = ( u64 ) val < <
SYM_LSB ( IBCCtrl , OverrunThreshold ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_ibcctrl , ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0 ) ;
goto bail ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_PHYERR_THRESH : /* IB PHY error threshold */
maskr = SYM_FIELD ( ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl , IBCCtrl ,
PhyerrThreshold ) ;
if ( maskr ! = val ) {
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl & =
~ SYM_MASK ( IBCCtrl , PhyerrThreshold ) ;
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl | = ( u64 ) val < <
SYM_LSB ( IBCCtrl , PhyerrThreshold ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_ibcctrl , ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0 ) ;
goto bail ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_PKEYS : /* update pkeys */
maskr = ( u64 ) ppd - > pkeys [ 0 ] | ( ( u64 ) ppd - > pkeys [ 1 ] < < 16 ) |
( ( u64 ) ppd - > pkeys [ 2 ] < < 32 ) |
( ( u64 ) ppd - > pkeys [ 3 ] < < 48 ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_partitionkey , maskr ) ;
goto bail ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_LINKDEFAULT : /* IB link default (sleep/poll) */
/* will only take effect when the link state changes */
if ( val = = IB_LINKINITCMD_POLL )
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl & =
~ SYM_MASK ( IBCCtrl , LinkDownDefaultState ) ;
else /* SLEEP */
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl | =
SYM_MASK ( IBCCtrl , LinkDownDefaultState ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_ibcctrl , ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0 ) ;
goto bail ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_MTU : /* update the MTU in IBC */
* Update our housekeeping variables , and set IBC max
* size , same as init code ; max IBC is max we allow in
* buffer , less the qword pbc , plus 1 for ICRC , in dwords
* Set even if it ' s unchanged , print debug message only
* on changes .
val = ( ppd - > ibmaxlen > > 2 ) + 1 ;
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl & = ~ SYM_MASK ( IBCCtrl , MaxPktLen ) ;
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl | = ( u64 ) val < < SYM_LSB ( IBCCtrl , MaxPktLen ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_ibcctrl , ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0 ) ;
goto bail ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_LSTATE : /* set the IB link state */
switch ( val & 0xffff0000 ) {
if ( ! ppd - > cpspec - > ibdeltainprog & &
qib_compat_ddr_negotiate ) {
ppd - > cpspec - > ibdeltainprog = 1 ;
ppd - > cpspec - > ibsymsnap =
read_7220_creg32 ( dd , cr_ibsymbolerr ) ;
ppd - > cpspec - > iblnkerrsnap =
read_7220_creg32 ( dd , cr_iblinkerrrecov ) ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
default :
ret = - EINVAL ;
qib_dev_err ( dd , " bad linkcmd req 0x%x \n " , val > > 16 ) ;
goto bail ;
switch ( val & 0xffff ) {
licmd = 0 ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
ppd - > cpspec - > chase_end = 0 ;
* stop state chase counter and timer , if running .
* wait forpending timer , but don ' t clear . data ( ppd ) !
if ( ppd - > cpspec - > chase_timer . expires ) {
del_timer_sync ( & ppd - > cpspec - > chase_timer ) ;
ppd - > cpspec - > chase_timer . expires = 0 ;
break ;
default :
ret = - EINVAL ;
qib_dev_err ( dd , " bad linkinitcmd req 0x%x \n " ,
val & 0xffff ) ;
goto bail ;
qib_set_ib_7220_lstate ( ppd , lcmd , licmd ) ;
2011-07-14 13:40:24 +00:00
maskr = IBA7220_IBC_WIDTH_MASK ;
tmp = ( ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl > > lsb ) & maskr ;
/* If the width active on the chip does not match the
* width in the shadow register , write the new active
* width to the chip .
* We don ' t have to worry about speed as the speed is taken
* care of by set_7220_ibspeed_fast called by ib_updown .
if ( ppd - > link_width_enabled - 1 ! = tmp ) {
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl & = ~ ( maskr < < lsb ) ;
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl | =
( ( ( u64 ) ( ppd - > link_width_enabled - 1 ) & maskr ) < <
lsb ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_ibcddrctrl ,
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0 ) ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
ppd - > lflags | = QIBL_IB_FORCE_NOTIFY ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
goto bail ;
case QIB_IB_CFG_HRTBT : /* set Heartbeat off/enable/auto */
if ( val > IBA7220_IBC_HRTBT_MASK ) {
ret = - EINVAL ;
goto bail ;
maskr = IBA7220_IBC_HRTBT_MASK ;
break ;
default :
ret = - EINVAL ;
goto bail ;
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl & = ~ ( maskr < < lsb ) ;
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl | = ( ( ( u64 ) val & maskr ) < < lsb ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_ibcddrctrl , ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0 ) ;
if ( setforce ) {
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
ppd - > lflags | = QIBL_IB_FORCE_NOTIFY ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
bail :
return ret ;
static int qib_7220_set_loopback ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , const char * what )
int ret = 0 ;
u64 val , ddr ;
if ( ! strncmp ( what , " ibc " , 3 ) ) {
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl | = SYM_MASK ( IBCCtrl , Loopback ) ;
val = 0 ; /* disable heart beat, so link will come up */
qib_devinfo ( ppd - > dd - > pcidev , " Enabling IB%u:%u IBC loopback \n " ,
ppd - > dd - > unit , ppd - > port ) ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( what , " off " , 3 ) ) {
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl & = ~ SYM_MASK ( IBCCtrl , Loopback ) ;
/* enable heart beat again */
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
qib_devinfo ( ppd - > dd - > pcidev ,
" Disabling IB%u:%u IBC loopback (normal) \n " ,
ppd - > dd - > unit , ppd - > port ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
} else
ret = - EINVAL ;
if ( ! ret ) {
qib_write_kreg ( ppd - > dd , kr_ibcctrl , ppd - > cpspec - > ibcctrl ) ;
ddr = ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl & ~ ( IBA7220_IBC_HRTBT_MASK
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl = ddr | val ;
qib_write_kreg ( ppd - > dd , kr_ibcddrctrl ,
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( ppd - > dd , kr_scratch , 0 ) ;
return ret ;
static void qib_update_7220_usrhead ( struct qib_ctxtdata * rcd , u64 hd ,
2011-01-10 17:42:21 -08:00
u32 updegr , u32 egrhd , u32 npkts )
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
if ( updegr )
qib_write_ureg ( rcd - > dd , ur_rcvegrindexhead , egrhd , rcd - > ctxt ) ;
2011-12-23 08:01:43 -05:00
mmiowb ( ) ;
qib_write_ureg ( rcd - > dd , ur_rcvhdrhead , hd , rcd - > ctxt ) ;
mmiowb ( ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
static u32 qib_7220_hdrqempty ( struct qib_ctxtdata * rcd )
u32 head , tail ;
head = qib_read_ureg32 ( rcd - > dd , ur_rcvhdrhead , rcd - > ctxt ) ;
if ( rcd - > rcvhdrtail_kvaddr )
tail = qib_get_rcvhdrtail ( rcd ) ;
tail = qib_read_ureg32 ( rcd - > dd , ur_rcvhdrtail , rcd - > ctxt ) ;
return head = = tail ;
* Modify the RCVCTRL register in chip - specific way . This
* is a function because bit positions and ( future ) register
* location is chip - specifc , but the needed operations are
* generic . < op > is a bit - mask because we often want to
* do multiple modifications .
static void rcvctrl_7220_mod ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , unsigned int op ,
int ctxt )
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
u64 mask , val ;
unsigned long flags ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & dd - > cspec - > rcvmod_lock , flags ) ;
dd - > rcvctrl | = ( 1ULL < < IBA7220_R_TAILUPD_SHIFT ) ;
dd - > rcvctrl & = ~ ( 1ULL < < IBA7220_R_TAILUPD_SHIFT ) ;
dd - > rcvctrl & = ~ ( 1ULL < < IBA7220_R_PKEY_DIS_SHIFT ) ;
dd - > rcvctrl | = ( 1ULL < < IBA7220_R_PKEY_DIS_SHIFT ) ;
if ( ctxt < 0 )
mask = ( 1ULL < < dd - > ctxtcnt ) - 1 ;
mask = ( 1ULL < < ctxt ) ;
if ( op & QIB_RCVCTRL_CTXT_ENB ) {
/* always done for specific ctxt */
dd - > rcvctrl | = ( mask < < SYM_LSB ( RcvCtrl , PortEnable ) ) ;
if ( ! ( dd - > flags & QIB_NODMA_RTAIL ) )
dd - > rcvctrl | = 1ULL < < IBA7220_R_TAILUPD_SHIFT ;
/* Write these registers before the context is enabled. */
qib_write_kreg_ctxt ( dd , kr_rcvhdrtailaddr , ctxt ,
dd - > rcd [ ctxt ] - > rcvhdrqtailaddr_phys ) ;
qib_write_kreg_ctxt ( dd , kr_rcvhdraddr , ctxt ,
dd - > rcd [ ctxt ] - > rcvhdrq_phys ) ;
dd - > rcd [ ctxt ] - > seq_cnt = 1 ;
dd - > rcvctrl & = ~ ( mask < < SYM_LSB ( RcvCtrl , PortEnable ) ) ;
dd - > rcvctrl | = ( mask < < IBA7220_R_INTRAVAIL_SHIFT ) ;
dd - > rcvctrl & = ~ ( mask < < IBA7220_R_INTRAVAIL_SHIFT ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_rcvctrl , dd - > rcvctrl ) ;
if ( ( op & QIB_RCVCTRL_INTRAVAIL_ENB ) & & dd - > rhdrhead_intr_off ) {
/* arm rcv interrupt */
val = qib_read_ureg32 ( dd , ur_rcvhdrhead , ctxt ) |
dd - > rhdrhead_intr_off ;
qib_write_ureg ( dd , ur_rcvhdrhead , val , ctxt ) ;
if ( op & QIB_RCVCTRL_CTXT_ENB ) {
* Init the context registers also ; if we were
* disabled , tail and head should both be zero
* already from the enable , but since we don ' t
2011-03-30 22:57:33 -03:00
* know , we have to do it explicitly .
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
val = qib_read_ureg32 ( dd , ur_rcvegrindextail , ctxt ) ;
qib_write_ureg ( dd , ur_rcvegrindexhead , val , ctxt ) ;
val = qib_read_ureg32 ( dd , ur_rcvhdrtail , ctxt ) ;
dd - > rcd [ ctxt ] - > head = val ;
/* If kctxt, interrupt on next receive. */
if ( ctxt < dd - > first_user_ctxt )
val | = dd - > rhdrhead_intr_off ;
qib_write_ureg ( dd , ur_rcvhdrhead , val , ctxt ) ;
if ( op & QIB_RCVCTRL_CTXT_DIS ) {
if ( ctxt > = 0 ) {
qib_write_kreg_ctxt ( dd , kr_rcvhdrtailaddr , ctxt , 0 ) ;
qib_write_kreg_ctxt ( dd , kr_rcvhdraddr , ctxt , 0 ) ;
} else {
unsigned i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < dd - > cfgctxts ; i + + ) {
qib_write_kreg_ctxt ( dd , kr_rcvhdrtailaddr ,
i , 0 ) ;
qib_write_kreg_ctxt ( dd , kr_rcvhdraddr , i , 0 ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & dd - > cspec - > rcvmod_lock , flags ) ;
* Modify the SENDCTRL register in chip - specific way . This
* is a function there may be multiple such registers with
* slightly different layouts . To start , we assume the
* " canonical " register layout of the first chips .
* Chip requires no back - back sendctrl writes , so write
* scratch register after writing sendctrl
static void sendctrl_7220_mod ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , u32 op )
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
u64 tmp_dd_sendctrl ;
unsigned long flags ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & dd - > sendctrl_lock , flags ) ;
/* First the ones that are "sticky", saved in shadow */
dd - > sendctrl = 0 ;
dd - > sendctrl & = ~ SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SPioEnable ) ;
else if ( op & QIB_SENDCTRL_SEND_ENB ) {
dd - > sendctrl | = SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SPioEnable ) ;
if ( dd - > flags & QIB_USE_SPCL_TRIG )
dd - > sendctrl | = SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl ,
SSpecialTriggerEn ) ;
dd - > sendctrl & = ~ SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SendBufAvailUpd ) ;
else if ( op & QIB_SENDCTRL_AVAIL_ENB )
dd - > sendctrl | = SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SendBufAvailUpd ) ;
u32 i , last ;
tmp_dd_sendctrl = dd - > sendctrl ;
* disarm any that are not yet launched , disabling sends
* and updates until done .
last = dd - > piobcnt2k + dd - > piobcnt4k ;
tmp_dd_sendctrl & =
~ ( SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SPioEnable ) |
SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SendBufAvailUpd ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < last ; i + + ) {
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_sendctrl ,
tmp_dd_sendctrl |
SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , Disarm ) | i ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0 ) ;
tmp_dd_sendctrl = dd - > sendctrl ;
tmp_dd_sendctrl | = SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , Abort ) ;
tmp_dd_sendctrl | = SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , Disarm ) |
( ( op & QIB_7220_SendCtrl_DisarmPIOBuf_RMASK ) < <
SYM_LSB ( SendCtrl , DisarmPIOBuf ) ) ;
if ( ( op & QIB_SENDCTRL_AVAIL_BLIP ) & &
( dd - > sendctrl & SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SendBufAvailUpd ) ) )
tmp_dd_sendctrl & = ~ SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SendBufAvailUpd ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_sendctrl , tmp_dd_sendctrl ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0 ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_sendctrl , dd - > sendctrl ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0 ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & dd - > sendctrl_lock , flags ) ;
if ( op & QIB_SENDCTRL_FLUSH ) {
u32 v ;
* ensure writes have hit chip , then do a few
* more reads , to allow DMA of pioavail registers
* to occur , so in - memory copy is in sync with
* the chip . Not always safe to sleep .
v = qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_scratch ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , v ) ;
v = qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_scratch ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , v ) ;
qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_scratch ) ;
* qib_portcntr_7220 - read a per - port counter
* @ dd : the qlogic_ib device
* @ creg : the counter to snapshot
static u64 qib_portcntr_7220 ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , u32 reg )
u64 ret = 0ULL ;
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
u16 creg ;
/* 0xffff for unimplemented or synthesized counters */
static const u16 xlator [ ] = {
[ QIBPORTCNTR_PKTSEND ] = cr_pktsend ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_WORDSEND ] = cr_wordsend ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_PSXMITDATA ] = cr_psxmitdatacount ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_PSXMITPKTS ] = cr_psxmitpktscount ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_PSXMITWAIT ] = cr_psxmitwaitcount ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_SENDSTALL ] = cr_sendstall ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_PKTRCV ] = cr_pktrcv ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_PSRCVDATA ] = cr_psrcvdatacount ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_PSRCVPKTS ] = cr_psrcvpktscount ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_RCVEBP ] = cr_rcvebp ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_RCVOVFL ] = cr_rcvovfl ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_WORDRCV ] = cr_wordrcv ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_RXDROPPKT ] = cr_rxdroppkt ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_RXLOCALPHYERR ] = cr_rxotherlocalphyerr ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_RXVLERR ] = cr_rxvlerr ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_ERRICRC ] = cr_erricrc ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_ERRVCRC ] = cr_errvcrc ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_ERRLPCRC ] = cr_errlpcrc ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_BADFORMAT ] = cr_badformat ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_ERR_RLEN ] = cr_err_rlen ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_IBSYMBOLERR ] = cr_ibsymbolerr ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_INVALIDRLEN ] = cr_invalidrlen ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_UNSUPVL ] = cr_txunsupvl ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_EXCESSBUFOVFL ] = cr_excessbufferovfl ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_ERRLINK ] = cr_errlink ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_IBLINKDOWN ] = cr_iblinkdown ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_IBLINKERRRECOV ] = cr_iblinkerrrecov ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_LLI ] = cr_locallinkintegrityerr ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_PSINTERVAL ] = cr_psinterval ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_PSSTART ] = cr_psstart ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_PSSTAT ] = cr_psstat ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_VL15PKTDROP ] = cr_vl15droppedpkt ,
[ QIBPORTCNTR_ERRPKEY ] = cr_errpkey ,
} ;
if ( reg > = ARRAY_SIZE ( xlator ) ) {
qib_devinfo ( ppd - > dd - > pcidev ,
" Unimplemented portcounter %u \n " , reg ) ;
goto done ;
creg = xlator [ reg ] ;
int i ;
/* sum over all kernel contexts */
for ( i = 0 ; i < dd - > first_user_ctxt ; i + + )
ret + = read_7220_creg32 ( dd , cr_portovfl + i ) ;
if ( creg = = 0xffff )
goto done ;
* only fast incrementing counters are 64 bit ; use 32 bit reads to
* avoid two independent reads when on opteron
if ( ( creg = = cr_wordsend | | creg = = cr_wordrcv | |
creg = = cr_pktsend | | creg = = cr_pktrcv ) )
ret = read_7220_creg ( dd , creg ) ;
ret = read_7220_creg32 ( dd , creg ) ;
if ( creg = = cr_ibsymbolerr ) {
if ( dd - > pport - > cpspec - > ibdeltainprog )
ret - = ret - ppd - > cpspec - > ibsymsnap ;
ret - = dd - > pport - > cpspec - > ibsymdelta ;
} else if ( creg = = cr_iblinkerrrecov ) {
if ( dd - > pport - > cpspec - > ibdeltainprog )
ret - = ret - ppd - > cpspec - > iblnkerrsnap ;
ret - = dd - > pport - > cpspec - > iblnkerrdelta ;
done :
return ret ;
* Device counter names ( not port - specific ) , one line per stat ,
* single string . Used by utilities like ipathstats to print the stats
* in a way which works for different versions of drivers , without changing
* the utility . Names need to be 12 chars or less ( w / o newline ) , for proper
* display by utility .
* Non - error counters are first .
* Start of " error " conters is indicated by a leading " E " on the first
* " error " counter , and doesn ' t count in label length .
* The EgrOvfl list needs to be last so we truncate them at the configured
* context count for the device .
* cntr7220indices contains the corresponding register indices .
static const char cntr7220names [ ] =
" Interrupts \n "
" HostBusStall \n "
" E RxTIDFull \n "
" RxTIDInvalid \n "
" Ctxt0EgrOvfl \n "
" Ctxt1EgrOvfl \n "
" Ctxt2EgrOvfl \n "
" Ctxt3EgrOvfl \n "
" Ctxt4EgrOvfl \n "
" Ctxt5EgrOvfl \n "
" Ctxt6EgrOvfl \n "
" Ctxt7EgrOvfl \n "
" Ctxt8EgrOvfl \n "
" Ctxt9EgrOvfl \n "
" Ctx10EgrOvfl \n "
" Ctx11EgrOvfl \n "
" Ctx12EgrOvfl \n "
" Ctx13EgrOvfl \n "
" Ctx14EgrOvfl \n "
" Ctx15EgrOvfl \n "
" Ctx16EgrOvfl \n " ;
static const size_t cntr7220indices [ ] = {
cr_lbint ,
cr_lbflowstall ,
cr_errtidfull ,
cr_errtidvalid ,
cr_portovfl + 0 ,
cr_portovfl + 1 ,
cr_portovfl + 2 ,
cr_portovfl + 3 ,
cr_portovfl + 4 ,
cr_portovfl + 5 ,
cr_portovfl + 6 ,
cr_portovfl + 7 ,
cr_portovfl + 8 ,
cr_portovfl + 9 ,
cr_portovfl + 10 ,
cr_portovfl + 11 ,
cr_portovfl + 12 ,
cr_portovfl + 13 ,
cr_portovfl + 14 ,
cr_portovfl + 15 ,
cr_portovfl + 16 ,
} ;
* same as cntr7220names and cntr7220indices , but for port - specific counters .
* portcntr7220indices is somewhat complicated by some registers needing
* adjustments of various kinds , and those are ORed with _PORT_VIRT_FLAG
static const char portcntr7220names [ ] =
" TxPkt \n "
" TxFlowPkt \n "
" TxWords \n "
" RxPkt \n "
" RxFlowPkt \n "
" RxWords \n "
" TxFlowStall \n "
" TxDmaDesc \n " /* 7220 and 7322-only */
" E RxDlidFltr \n " /* 7220 and 7322-only */
" IBStatusChng \n "
" IBLinkDown \n "
" IBLnkRecov \n "
" IBRxLinkErr \n "
" IBSymbolErr \n "
" RxLLIErr \n "
" RxBadFormat \n "
" RxBadLen \n "
" RxBufOvrfl \n "
" RxEBP \n "
" RxFlowCtlErr \n "
" RxICRCerr \n "
" RxLPCRCerr \n "
" RxVCRCerr \n "
" RxInvalLen \n "
" RxInvalPKey \n "
" RxPktDropped \n "
" TxBadLength \n "
" TxDropped \n "
" TxInvalLen \n "
" TxUnderrun \n "
" TxUnsupVL \n "
" RxLclPhyErr \n " /* 7220 and 7322-only */
" RxVL15Drop \n " /* 7220 and 7322-only */
" RxVlErr \n " /* 7220 and 7322-only */
" XcessBufOvfl \n " /* 7220 and 7322-only */
# define _PORT_VIRT_FLAG 0x8000 /* "virtual", need adjustments */
static const size_t portcntr7220indices [ ] = {
cr_pktsendflow ,
cr_pktrcvflowctrl ,
cr_txsdmadesc ,
cr_rxdlidfltr ,
cr_ibstatuschange ,
cr_rcvflowctrl_err ,
cr_invalidslen ,
cr_senddropped ,
cr_errslen ,
cr_sendunderrun ,
cr_txunsupvl ,
} ;
/* do all the setup to make the counter reads efficient later */
static void init_7220_cntrnames ( struct qib_devdata * dd )
int i , j = 0 ;
char * s ;
for ( i = 0 , s = ( char * ) cntr7220names ; s & & j < = dd - > cfgctxts ;
i + + ) {
/* we always have at least one counter before the egrovfl */
if ( ! j & & ! strncmp ( " Ctxt0EgrOvfl " , s + 1 , 12 ) )
j = 1 ;
s = strchr ( s + 1 , ' \n ' ) ;
if ( s & & j )
j + + ;
dd - > cspec - > ncntrs = i ;
if ( ! s )
/* full list; size is without terminating null */
dd - > cspec - > cntrnamelen = sizeof ( cntr7220names ) - 1 ;
dd - > cspec - > cntrnamelen = 1 + s - cntr7220names ;
dd - > cspec - > cntrs = kmalloc ( dd - > cspec - > ncntrs
* sizeof ( u64 ) , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ! dd - > cspec - > cntrs )
qib_dev_err ( dd , " Failed allocation for counters \n " ) ;
for ( i = 0 , s = ( char * ) portcntr7220names ; s ; i + + )
s = strchr ( s + 1 , ' \n ' ) ;
dd - > cspec - > nportcntrs = i - 1 ;
dd - > cspec - > portcntrnamelen = sizeof ( portcntr7220names ) - 1 ;
dd - > cspec - > portcntrs = kmalloc ( dd - > cspec - > nportcntrs
* sizeof ( u64 ) , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ! dd - > cspec - > portcntrs )
qib_dev_err ( dd , " Failed allocation for portcounters \n " ) ;
static u32 qib_read_7220cntrs ( struct qib_devdata * dd , loff_t pos , char * * namep ,
u64 * * cntrp )
u32 ret ;
if ( ! dd - > cspec - > cntrs ) {
ret = 0 ;
goto done ;
if ( namep ) {
* namep = ( char * ) cntr7220names ;
ret = dd - > cspec - > cntrnamelen ;
if ( pos > = ret )
ret = 0 ; /* final read after getting everything */
} else {
u64 * cntr = dd - > cspec - > cntrs ;
int i ;
ret = dd - > cspec - > ncntrs * sizeof ( u64 ) ;
if ( ! cntr | | pos > = ret ) {
/* everything read, or couldn't get memory */
ret = 0 ;
goto done ;
* cntrp = cntr ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < dd - > cspec - > ncntrs ; i + + )
* cntr + + = read_7220_creg32 ( dd , cntr7220indices [ i ] ) ;
done :
return ret ;
static u32 qib_read_7220portcntrs ( struct qib_devdata * dd , loff_t pos , u32 port ,
char * * namep , u64 * * cntrp )
u32 ret ;
if ( ! dd - > cspec - > portcntrs ) {
ret = 0 ;
goto done ;
if ( namep ) {
* namep = ( char * ) portcntr7220names ;
ret = dd - > cspec - > portcntrnamelen ;
if ( pos > = ret )
ret = 0 ; /* final read after getting everything */
} else {
u64 * cntr = dd - > cspec - > portcntrs ;
struct qib_pportdata * ppd = & dd - > pport [ port ] ;
int i ;
ret = dd - > cspec - > nportcntrs * sizeof ( u64 ) ;
if ( ! cntr | | pos > = ret ) {
/* everything read, or couldn't get memory */
ret = 0 ;
goto done ;
* cntrp = cntr ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < dd - > cspec - > nportcntrs ; i + + ) {
if ( portcntr7220indices [ i ] & _PORT_VIRT_FLAG )
* cntr + + = qib_portcntr_7220 ( ppd ,
portcntr7220indices [ i ] &
* cntr + + = read_7220_creg32 ( dd ,
portcntr7220indices [ i ] ) ;
done :
return ret ;
* qib_get_7220_faststats - get word counters from chip before they overflow
* @ opaque - contains a pointer to the qlogic_ib device qib_devdata
* This needs more work ; in particular , decision on whether we really
* need traffic_wds done the way it is
* called from add_timer
static void qib_get_7220_faststats ( unsigned long opaque )
struct qib_devdata * dd = ( struct qib_devdata * ) opaque ;
struct qib_pportdata * ppd = dd - > pport ;
unsigned long flags ;
u64 traffic_wds ;
* don ' t access the chip while running diags , or memory diags can
* fail
if ( ! ( dd - > flags & QIB_INITTED ) | | dd - > diag_client )
/* but re-arm the timer, for diags case; won't hurt other */
goto done ;
* We now try to maintain an activity timer , based on traffic
* exceeding a threshold , so we need to check the word - counts
* even if they are 64 - bit .
traffic_wds = qib_portcntr_7220 ( ppd , cr_wordsend ) +
qib_portcntr_7220 ( ppd , cr_wordrcv ) ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & dd - > eep_st_lock , flags ) ;
traffic_wds - = dd - > traffic_wds ;
dd - > traffic_wds + = traffic_wds ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & dd - > eep_st_lock , flags ) ;
done :
mod_timer ( & dd - > stats_timer , jiffies + HZ * ACTIVITY_TIMER ) ;
* If we are using MSI , try to fallback to INTx .
static int qib_7220_intr_fallback ( struct qib_devdata * dd )
if ( ! dd - > msi_lo )
return 0 ;
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
qib_devinfo ( dd - > pcidev ,
" MSI interrupt not detected, trying INTx interrupts \n " ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
qib_7220_free_irq ( dd ) ;
qib_enable_intx ( dd - > pcidev ) ;
* Some newer kernels require free_irq before disable_msi ,
* and irq can be changed during disable and INTx enable
* and we need to therefore use the pcidev - > irq value ,
* not our saved MSI value .
dd - > cspec - > irq = dd - > pcidev - > irq ;
qib_setup_7220_interrupt ( dd ) ;
return 1 ;
* Reset the XGXS ( between serdes and IBC ) . Slightly less intrusive
* than resetting the IBC or external link state , and useful in some
* cases to cause some retraining . To do this right , we reset IBC
* as well .
static void qib_7220_xgxs_reset ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd )
u64 val , prev_val ;
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
prev_val = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_xgxs_cfg ) ;
val = prev_val | QLOGIC_IB_XGXS_RESET ;
prev_val & = ~ QLOGIC_IB_XGXS_RESET ; /* be sure */
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_control ,
dd - > control & ~ QLOGIC_IB_C_LINKENABLE ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_xgxs_cfg , val ) ;
qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_scratch ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_xgxs_cfg , prev_val ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_control , dd - > control ) ;
* For this chip , we want to use the same buffer every time
* when we are trying to bring the link up ( they are always VL15
* packets ) . At that link state the packet should always go out immediately
* ( or at least be discarded at the tx interface if the link is down ) .
* If it doesn ' t , and the buffer isn ' t available , that means some other
* sender has gotten ahead of us , and is preventing our packet from going
* out . In that case , we flush all packets , and try again . If that still
* fails , we fail the request , and hope things work the next time around .
* We don ' t need very complicated heuristics on whether the packet had
* time to go out or not , since even at SDR 1 X , it goes out in very short
* time periods , covered by the chip reads done here and as part of the
* flush .
static u32 __iomem * get_7220_link_buf ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , u32 * bnum )
u32 __iomem * buf ;
u32 lbuf = ppd - > dd - > cspec - > lastbuf_for_pio ;
int do_cleanup ;
unsigned long flags ;
* always blip to get avail list updated , since it ' s almost
* always needed , and is fairly cheap .
sendctrl_7220_mod ( ppd - > dd - > pport , QIB_SENDCTRL_AVAIL_BLIP ) ;
qib_read_kreg64 ( ppd - > dd , kr_scratch ) ; /* extra chip flush */
buf = qib_getsendbuf_range ( ppd - > dd , bnum , lbuf , lbuf ) ;
if ( buf )
goto done ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ppd - > sdma_lock , flags ) ;
if ( ppd - > sdma_state . current_state = = qib_sdma_state_s20_idle & &
ppd - > sdma_state . current_state ! = qib_sdma_state_s00_hw_down ) {
__qib_sdma_process_event ( ppd , qib_sdma_event_e00_go_hw_down ) ;
do_cleanup = 0 ;
} else {
do_cleanup = 1 ;
qib_7220_sdma_hw_clean_up ( ppd ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ppd - > sdma_lock , flags ) ;
if ( do_cleanup ) {
qib_read_kreg64 ( ppd - > dd , kr_scratch ) ; /* extra chip flush */
buf = qib_getsendbuf_range ( ppd - > dd , bnum , lbuf , lbuf ) ;
done :
return buf ;
* This code for non - IBTA - compliant IB speed negotiation is only known to
* work for the SDR to DDR transition , and only between an HCA and a switch
* with recent firmware . It is based on observed heuristics , rather than
* actual knowledge of the non - compliant speed negotiation .
* It has a number of hard - coded fields , since the hope is to rewrite this
* when a spec is available on how the negoation is intended to work .
static void autoneg_7220_sendpkt ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , u32 * hdr ,
u32 dcnt , u32 * data )
int i ;
u64 pbc ;
u32 __iomem * piobuf ;
u32 pnum ;
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
i = 0 ;
pbc = 7 + dcnt + 1 ; /* 7 dword header, dword data, icrc */
pbc | = PBC_7220_VL15_SEND ;
while ( ! ( piobuf = get_7220_link_buf ( ppd , & pnum ) ) ) {
if ( i + + > 5 )
return ;
udelay ( 2 ) ;
sendctrl_7220_mod ( dd - > pport , QIB_SENDCTRL_DISARM_BUF ( pnum ) ) ;
writeq ( pbc , piobuf ) ;
qib_flush_wc ( ) ;
qib_pio_copy ( piobuf + 2 , hdr , 7 ) ;
qib_pio_copy ( piobuf + 9 , data , dcnt ) ;
if ( dd - > flags & QIB_USE_SPCL_TRIG ) {
u32 spcl_off = ( pnum > = dd - > piobcnt2k ) ? 2047 : 1023 ;
qib_flush_wc ( ) ;
__raw_writel ( 0xaebecede , piobuf + spcl_off ) ;
qib_flush_wc ( ) ;
qib_sendbuf_done ( dd , pnum ) ;
* _start packet gets sent twice at start , _done gets sent twice at end
static void autoneg_7220_send ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , int which )
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
static u32 swapped ;
u32 dw , i , hcnt , dcnt , * data ;
static u32 hdr [ 7 ] = { 0xf002ffff , 0x48ffff , 0x6400abba } ;
static u32 madpayload_start [ 0x40 ] = {
0x1810103 , 0x1 , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x2c90000 , 0x2c9 , 0x0 , 0x0 ,
0xffffffff , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 ,
0x1 , 0x1388 , 0x15e , 0x1 , /* rest 0's */
} ;
static u32 madpayload_done [ 0x40 ] = {
0x1810103 , 0x1 , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x2c90000 , 0x2c9 , 0x0 , 0x0 ,
0xffffffff , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 ,
0x40000001 , 0x1388 , 0x15e , /* rest 0's */
} ;
dcnt = ARRAY_SIZE ( madpayload_start ) ;
hcnt = ARRAY_SIZE ( hdr ) ;
if ( ! swapped ) {
/* for maintainability, do it at runtime */
for ( i = 0 ; i < hcnt ; i + + ) {
dw = ( __force u32 ) cpu_to_be32 ( hdr [ i ] ) ;
hdr [ i ] = dw ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < dcnt ; i + + ) {
dw = ( __force u32 ) cpu_to_be32 ( madpayload_start [ i ] ) ;
madpayload_start [ i ] = dw ;
dw = ( __force u32 ) cpu_to_be32 ( madpayload_done [ i ] ) ;
madpayload_done [ i ] = dw ;
swapped = 1 ;
data = which ? madpayload_done : madpayload_start ;
autoneg_7220_sendpkt ( ppd , hdr , dcnt , data ) ;
qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_scratch ) ;
udelay ( 2 ) ;
autoneg_7220_sendpkt ( ppd , hdr , dcnt , data ) ;
qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_scratch ) ;
udelay ( 2 ) ;
* Do the absolute minimum to cause an IB speed change , and make it
* ready , but don ' t actually trigger the change . The caller will
* do that when ready ( if link is in Polling training state , it will
* happen immediately , otherwise when link next goes down )
* This routine should only be used as part of the DDR autonegotation
* code for devices that are not compliant with IB 1.2 ( or code that
* fixes things up for same ) .
* When link has gone down , and autoneg enabled , or autoneg has
* failed and we give up until next time we set both speeds , and
* then we want IBTA enabled as well as " use max enabled speed.
static void set_7220_ibspeed_fast ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , u32 speed )
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl & = ~ ( IBA7220_IBC_SPEED_AUTONEG_MASK |
IBA7220_IBC_IBTA_1_2_MASK ) ;
if ( speed = = ( QIB_IB_SDR | QIB_IB_DDR ) )
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl | = IBA7220_IBC_SPEED_AUTONEG_MASK |
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl | = speed = = QIB_IB_DDR ?
qib_write_kreg ( ppd - > dd , kr_ibcddrctrl , ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( ppd - > dd , kr_scratch , 0 ) ;
* This routine is only used when we are not talking to another
* IB 1.2 - compliant device that we think can do DDR .
* ( This includes all existing switch chips as of Oct 2007. )
* 1.2 - compliant devices go directly to DDR prior to reaching INIT
static void try_7220_autoneg ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd )
unsigned long flags ;
* Required for older non - IB1 .2 DDR switches . Newer
* non - IB - compliant switches don ' t need it , but so far ,
* aren ' t bothered by it either . " Magic constant "
qib_write_kreg ( ppd - > dd , kr_ncmodectrl , 0x3b9dc07 ) ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
ppd - > lflags | = QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_INPROG ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
autoneg_7220_send ( ppd , 0 ) ;
set_7220_ibspeed_fast ( ppd , QIB_IB_DDR ) ;
toggle_7220_rclkrls ( ppd - > dd ) ;
/* 2 msec is minimum length of a poll cycle */
2010-10-19 15:24:36 +00:00
queue_delayed_work ( ib_wq , & ppd - > cpspec - > autoneg_work ,
msecs_to_jiffies ( 2 ) ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
* Handle the empirically determined mechanism for auto - negotiation
* of DDR speed with switches .
static void autoneg_7220_work ( struct work_struct * work )
struct qib_pportdata * ppd ;
struct qib_devdata * dd ;
u64 startms ;
u32 i ;
unsigned long flags ;
ppd = & container_of ( work , struct qib_chippport_specific ,
autoneg_work . work ) - > pportdata ;
dd = ppd - > dd ;
startms = jiffies_to_msecs ( jiffies ) ;
* Busy wait for this first part , it should be at most a
* few hundred usec , since we scheduled ourselves for 2 msec .
for ( i = 0 ; i < 25 ; i + + ) {
if ( SYM_FIELD ( ppd - > lastibcstat , IBCStatus , LinkTrainingState )
qib_set_linkstate ( ppd , QIB_IB_LINKDOWN_DISABLE ) ;
break ;
udelay ( 100 ) ;
if ( ! ( ppd - > lflags & QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_INPROG ) )
goto done ; /* we got there early or told to stop */
/* we expect this to timeout */
if ( wait_event_timeout ( ppd - > cpspec - > autoneg_wait ,
! ( ppd - > lflags & QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_INPROG ) ,
msecs_to_jiffies ( 90 ) ) )
goto done ;
toggle_7220_rclkrls ( dd ) ;
/* we expect this to timeout */
if ( wait_event_timeout ( ppd - > cpspec - > autoneg_wait ,
! ( ppd - > lflags & QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_INPROG ) ,
msecs_to_jiffies ( 1700 ) ) )
goto done ;
set_7220_ibspeed_fast ( ppd , QIB_IB_SDR ) ;
toggle_7220_rclkrls ( dd ) ;
* Wait up to 250 msec for link to train and get to INIT at DDR ;
* this should terminate early .
wait_event_timeout ( ppd - > cpspec - > autoneg_wait ,
! ( ppd - > lflags & QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_INPROG ) ,
msecs_to_jiffies ( 250 ) ) ;
done :
if ( ppd - > lflags & QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_INPROG ) {
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
ppd - > lflags & = ~ QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_INPROG ;
if ( dd - > cspec - > autoneg_tries = = AUTONEG_TRIES ) {
ppd - > lflags | = QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_FAILED ;
dd - > cspec - > autoneg_tries = 0 ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
set_7220_ibspeed_fast ( ppd , ppd - > link_speed_enabled ) ;
static u32 qib_7220_iblink_state ( u64 ibcs )
u32 state = ( u32 ) SYM_FIELD ( ibcs , IBCStatus , LinkState ) ;
switch ( state ) {
case IB_7220_L_STATE_INIT :
state = IB_PORT_INIT ;
break ;
case IB_7220_L_STATE_ARM :
state = IB_PORT_ARMED ;
break ;
case IB_7220_L_STATE_ACTIVE :
/* fall through */
case IB_7220_L_STATE_ACT_DEFER :
state = IB_PORT_ACTIVE ;
break ;
default : /* fall through */
case IB_7220_L_STATE_DOWN :
state = IB_PORT_DOWN ;
break ;
return state ;
/* returns the IBTA port state, rather than the IBC link training state */
static u8 qib_7220_phys_portstate ( u64 ibcs )
u8 state = ( u8 ) SYM_FIELD ( ibcs , IBCStatus , LinkTrainingState ) ;
return qib_7220_physportstate [ state ] ;
static int qib_7220_ib_updown ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , int ibup , u64 ibcs )
int ret = 0 , symadj = 0 ;
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
unsigned long flags ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
ppd - > lflags & = ~ QIBL_IB_FORCE_NOTIFY ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
if ( ! ibup ) {
* When the link goes down we don ' t want AEQ running , so it
* won ' t interfere with IBC training , etc . , and we need
* to go back to the static SerDes preset values .
if ( ! ( ppd - > lflags & ( QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_FAILED |
set_7220_ibspeed_fast ( ppd , ppd - > link_speed_enabled ) ;
if ( ! ( ppd - > lflags & QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_INPROG ) ) {
qib_sd7220_presets ( dd ) ;
qib_cancel_sends ( ppd ) ; /* initial disarm, etc. */
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ppd - > sdma_lock , flags ) ;
if ( __qib_sdma_running ( ppd ) )
__qib_sdma_process_event ( ppd ,
qib_sdma_event_e70_go_idle ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ppd - > sdma_lock , flags ) ;
/* this might better in qib_sd7220_presets() */
set_7220_relock_poll ( dd , ibup ) ;
} else {
if ( qib_compat_ddr_negotiate & &
! ( ppd - > lflags & ( QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_FAILED |
ppd - > link_speed_active = = QIB_IB_SDR & &
( ppd - > link_speed_enabled & ( QIB_IB_DDR | QIB_IB_SDR ) ) = =
dd - > cspec - > autoneg_tries < AUTONEG_TRIES ) {
/* we are SDR, and DDR auto-negotiation enabled */
+ + dd - > cspec - > autoneg_tries ;
if ( ! ppd - > cpspec - > ibdeltainprog ) {
ppd - > cpspec - > ibdeltainprog = 1 ;
ppd - > cpspec - > ibsymsnap = read_7220_creg32 ( dd ,
cr_ibsymbolerr ) ;
ppd - > cpspec - > iblnkerrsnap = read_7220_creg32 ( dd ,
cr_iblinkerrrecov ) ;
try_7220_autoneg ( ppd ) ;
ret = 1 ; /* no other IB status change processing */
} else if ( ( ppd - > lflags & QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_INPROG ) & &
ppd - > link_speed_active = = QIB_IB_SDR ) {
autoneg_7220_send ( ppd , 1 ) ;
set_7220_ibspeed_fast ( ppd , QIB_IB_DDR ) ;
udelay ( 2 ) ;
toggle_7220_rclkrls ( dd ) ;
ret = 1 ; /* no other IB status change processing */
} else {
if ( ( ppd - > lflags & QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_INPROG ) & &
( ppd - > link_speed_active & QIB_IB_DDR ) ) {
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
ppd - > lflags & = ~ ( QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_INPROG |
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ppd - > lflags_lock ,
flags ) ;
dd - > cspec - > autoneg_tries = 0 ;
/* re-enable SDR, for next link down */
set_7220_ibspeed_fast ( ppd ,
ppd - > link_speed_enabled ) ;
wake_up ( & ppd - > cpspec - > autoneg_wait ) ;
symadj = 1 ;
} else if ( ppd - > lflags & QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_FAILED ) {
* Clear autoneg failure flag , and do setup
* so we ' ll try next time link goes down and
* back to INIT ( possibly connected to a
* different device ) .
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ppd - > lflags_lock , flags ) ;
ppd - > lflags & = ~ QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_FAILED ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ppd - > lflags_lock ,
flags ) ;
ppd - > cpspec - > ibcddrctrl | =
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_ncmodectrl , 0 ) ;
symadj = 1 ;
if ( ! ( ppd - > lflags & QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_INPROG ) )
symadj = 1 ;
if ( ! ret ) {
ppd - > delay_mult = rate_to_delay
[ ( ibcs > > IBA7220_LINKSPEED_SHIFT ) & 1 ]
[ ( ibcs > > IBA7220_LINKWIDTH_SHIFT ) & 1 ] ;
set_7220_relock_poll ( dd , ibup ) ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ppd - > sdma_lock , flags ) ;
* Unlike 7322 , the 7220 needs this , due to lack of
* interrupt in some cases when we have sdma active
* when the link goes down .
if ( ppd - > sdma_state . current_state ! =
qib_sdma_state_s20_idle )
__qib_sdma_process_event ( ppd ,
qib_sdma_event_e00_go_hw_down ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ppd - > sdma_lock , flags ) ;
if ( symadj ) {
if ( ppd - > cpspec - > ibdeltainprog ) {
ppd - > cpspec - > ibdeltainprog = 0 ;
ppd - > cpspec - > ibsymdelta + = read_7220_creg32 ( ppd - > dd ,
cr_ibsymbolerr ) - ppd - > cpspec - > ibsymsnap ;
ppd - > cpspec - > iblnkerrdelta + = read_7220_creg32 ( ppd - > dd ,
cr_iblinkerrrecov ) - ppd - > cpspec - > iblnkerrsnap ;
} else if ( ! ibup & & qib_compat_ddr_negotiate & &
! ppd - > cpspec - > ibdeltainprog & &
! ( ppd - > lflags & QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_INPROG ) ) {
ppd - > cpspec - > ibdeltainprog = 1 ;
ppd - > cpspec - > ibsymsnap = read_7220_creg32 ( ppd - > dd ,
cr_ibsymbolerr ) ;
ppd - > cpspec - > iblnkerrsnap = read_7220_creg32 ( ppd - > dd ,
cr_iblinkerrrecov ) ;
if ( ! ret )
qib_setup_7220_setextled ( ppd , ibup ) ;
return ret ;
* Does read / modify / write to appropriate registers to
* set output and direction bits selected by mask .
* these are in their canonical postions ( e . g . lsb of
* dir will end up in D48 of extctrl on existing chips ) .
* returns contents of GP Inputs .
static int gpio_7220_mod ( struct qib_devdata * dd , u32 out , u32 dir , u32 mask )
u64 read_val , new_out ;
unsigned long flags ;
if ( mask ) {
/* some bits being written, lock access to GPIO */
dir & = mask ;
out & = mask ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & dd - > cspec - > gpio_lock , flags ) ;
dd - > cspec - > extctrl & = ~ ( ( u64 ) mask < < SYM_LSB ( EXTCtrl , GPIOOe ) ) ;
dd - > cspec - > extctrl | = ( ( u64 ) dir < < SYM_LSB ( EXTCtrl , GPIOOe ) ) ;
new_out = ( dd - > cspec - > gpio_out & ~ mask ) | out ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_extctrl , dd - > cspec - > extctrl ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_gpio_out , new_out ) ;
dd - > cspec - > gpio_out = new_out ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & dd - > cspec - > gpio_lock , flags ) ;
* It is unlikely that a read at this time would get valid
* data on a pin whose direction line was set in the same
* call to this function . We include the read here because
* that allows us to potentially combine a change on one pin with
* a read on another , and because the old code did something like
* this .
read_val = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_extstatus ) ;
return SYM_FIELD ( read_val , EXTStatus , GPIOIn ) ;
* Read fundamental info we need to use the chip . These are
* the registers that describe chip capabilities , and are
* saved in shadow registers .
static void get_7220_chip_params ( struct qib_devdata * dd )
u64 val ;
u32 piobufs ;
int mtu ;
dd - > uregbase = qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_userregbase ) ;
dd - > rcvtidcnt = qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_rcvtidcnt ) ;
dd - > rcvtidbase = qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_rcvtidbase ) ;
dd - > rcvegrbase = qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_rcvegrbase ) ;
dd - > palign = qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_palign ) ;
dd - > piobufbase = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_sendpiobufbase ) ;
dd - > pio2k_bufbase = dd - > piobufbase & 0xffffffff ;
val = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_sendpiosize ) ;
dd - > piosize2k = val & ~ 0U ;
dd - > piosize4k = val > > 32 ;
mtu = ib_mtu_enum_to_int ( qib_ibmtu ) ;
if ( mtu = = - 1 )
dd - > pport - > ibmtu = ( u32 ) mtu ;
val = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_sendpiobufcnt ) ;
dd - > piobcnt2k = val & ~ 0U ;
dd - > piobcnt4k = val > > 32 ;
/* these may be adjusted in init_chip_wc_pat() */
dd - > pio2kbase = ( u32 __iomem * )
( ( char __iomem * ) dd - > kregbase + dd - > pio2k_bufbase ) ;
if ( dd - > piobcnt4k ) {
dd - > pio4kbase = ( u32 __iomem * )
( ( char __iomem * ) dd - > kregbase +
( dd - > piobufbase > > 32 ) ) ;
* 4 K buffers take 2 pages ; we use roundup just to be
* paranoid ; we calculate it once here , rather than on
* ever buf allocate
dd - > align4k = ALIGN ( dd - > piosize4k , dd - > palign ) ;
piobufs = dd - > piobcnt4k + dd - > piobcnt2k ;
dd - > pioavregs = ALIGN ( piobufs , sizeof ( u64 ) * BITS_PER_BYTE / 2 ) /
( sizeof ( u64 ) * BITS_PER_BYTE / 2 ) ;
* The chip base addresses in cspec and cpspec have to be set
* after possible init_chip_wc_pat ( ) , rather than in
* qib_get_7220_chip_params ( ) , so split out as separate function
static void set_7220_baseaddrs ( struct qib_devdata * dd )
u32 cregbase ;
/* init after possible re-map in init_chip_wc_pat() */
cregbase = qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_counterregbase ) ;
dd - > cspec - > cregbase = ( u64 __iomem * )
( ( char __iomem * ) dd - > kregbase + cregbase ) ;
dd - > egrtidbase = ( u64 __iomem * )
( ( char __iomem * ) dd - > kregbase + dd - > rcvegrbase ) ;
# define SENDCTRL_SHADOWED (SYM_MASK(SendCtrl, SendIntBufAvail) | \
SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SPioEnable ) | \
SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SSpecialTriggerEn ) | \
SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SendBufAvailUpd ) | \
SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , AvailUpdThld ) | \
SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SDmaEnable ) | \
SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SDmaIntEnable ) | \
SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SDmaHalt ) | \
SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , SDmaSingleDescriptor ) )
static int sendctrl_hook ( struct qib_devdata * dd ,
const struct diag_observer * op ,
u32 offs , u64 * data , u64 mask , int only_32 )
unsigned long flags ;
unsigned idx = offs / sizeof ( u64 ) ;
u64 local_data , all_bits ;
if ( idx ! = kr_sendctrl ) {
qib_dev_err ( dd , " SendCtrl Hook called with offs %X, %s-bit \n " ,
offs , only_32 ? " 32 " : " 64 " ) ;
return 0 ;
all_bits = ~ 0ULL ;
if ( only_32 )
all_bits > > = 32 ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & dd - > sendctrl_lock , flags ) ;
if ( ( mask & all_bits ) ! = all_bits ) {
* At least some mask bits are zero , so we need
* to read . The judgement call is whether from
* reg or shadow . First - cut : read reg , and complain
* if any bits which should be shadowed are different
* from their shadowed value .
if ( only_32 )
local_data = ( u64 ) qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , idx ) ;
local_data = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , idx ) ;
qib_dev_err ( dd , " Sendctrl -> %X, Shad -> %X \n " ,
( u32 ) local_data , ( u32 ) dd - > sendctrl ) ;
if ( ( local_data & SENDCTRL_SHADOWED ) ! =
( dd - > sendctrl & SENDCTRL_SHADOWED ) )
qib_dev_err ( dd , " Sendctrl read: %X shadow is %X \n " ,
( u32 ) local_data , ( u32 ) dd - > sendctrl ) ;
* data = ( local_data & ~ mask ) | ( * data & mask ) ;
if ( mask ) {
* At least some mask bits are one , so we need
* to write , but only shadow some bits .
u64 sval , tval ; /* Shadowed, transient */
* New shadow val is bits we don ' t want to touch ,
* ORed with bits we do , that are intended for shadow .
sval = ( dd - > sendctrl & ~ mask ) ;
sval | = * data & SENDCTRL_SHADOWED & mask ;
dd - > sendctrl = sval ;
tval = sval | ( * data & ~ SENDCTRL_SHADOWED & mask ) ;
qib_dev_err ( dd , " Sendctrl <- %X, Shad <- %X \n " ,
( u32 ) tval , ( u32 ) sval ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_sendctrl , tval ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , 0Ull ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & dd - > sendctrl_lock , flags ) ;
return only_32 ? 4 : 8 ;
static const struct diag_observer sendctrl_observer = {
sendctrl_hook , kr_sendctrl * sizeof ( u64 ) ,
kr_sendctrl * sizeof ( u64 )
} ;
* write the final few registers that depend on some of the
* init setup . Done late in init , just before bringing up
* the serdes .
static int qib_late_7220_initreg ( struct qib_devdata * dd )
int ret = 0 ;
u64 val ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_rcvhdrentsize , dd - > rcvhdrentsize ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_rcvhdrsize , dd - > rcvhdrsize ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_rcvhdrcnt , dd - > rcvhdrcnt ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_sendpioavailaddr , dd - > pioavailregs_phys ) ;
val = qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_sendpioavailaddr ) ;
if ( val ! = dd - > pioavailregs_phys ) {
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
qib_dev_err ( dd ,
" Catastrophic software error, SendPIOAvailAddr written as %lx, read back as %llx \n " ,
( unsigned long ) dd - > pioavailregs_phys ,
( unsigned long long ) val ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
ret = - EINVAL ;
qib_register_observer ( dd , & sendctrl_observer ) ;
return ret ;
static int qib_init_7220_variables ( struct qib_devdata * dd )
struct qib_chippport_specific * cpspec ;
struct qib_pportdata * ppd ;
int ret = 0 ;
u32 sbufs , updthresh ;
cpspec = ( struct qib_chippport_specific * ) ( dd + 1 ) ;
ppd = & cpspec - > pportdata ;
dd - > pport = ppd ;
dd - > num_pports = 1 ;
dd - > cspec = ( struct qib_chip_specific * ) ( cpspec + dd - > num_pports ) ;
ppd - > cpspec = cpspec ;
spin_lock_init ( & dd - > cspec - > sdepb_lock ) ;
spin_lock_init ( & dd - > cspec - > rcvmod_lock ) ;
spin_lock_init ( & dd - > cspec - > gpio_lock ) ;
/* we haven't yet set QIB_PRESENT, so use read directly */
dd - > revision = readq ( & dd - > kregbase [ kr_revision ] ) ;
if ( ( dd - > revision & 0xffffffffU ) = = 0xffffffffU ) {
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
qib_dev_err ( dd ,
" Revision register read failure, giving up initialization \n " ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
ret = - ENODEV ;
goto bail ;
dd - > flags | = QIB_PRESENT ; /* now register routines work */
dd - > majrev = ( u8 ) SYM_FIELD ( dd - > revision , Revision_R ,
ChipRevMajor ) ;
dd - > minrev = ( u8 ) SYM_FIELD ( dd - > revision , Revision_R ,
ChipRevMinor ) ;
get_7220_chip_params ( dd ) ;
qib_7220_boardname ( dd ) ;
* GPIO bits for TWSI data and clock ,
* used for serial EEPROM .
dd - > gpio_sda_num = _QIB_GPIO_SDA_NUM ;
dd - > gpio_scl_num = _QIB_GPIO_SCL_NUM ;
dd - > twsi_eeprom_dev = QIB_TWSI_EEPROM_DEV ;
dd - > flags | = QIB_HAS_INTX | QIB_HAS_LINK_LATENCY |
dd - > flags | = qib_special_trigger ?
* EEPROM error log 0 is TXE Parity errors . 1 is RXE Parity .
* 2 is Some Misc , 3 is reserved for future .
dd - > eep_st_masks [ 0 ] . hwerrs_to_log = HWE_MASK ( TXEMemParityErr ) ;
dd - > eep_st_masks [ 1 ] . hwerrs_to_log = HWE_MASK ( RXEMemParityErr ) ;
dd - > eep_st_masks [ 2 ] . errs_to_log = ERR_MASK ( ResetNegated ) ;
init_waitqueue_head ( & cpspec - > autoneg_wait ) ;
INIT_DELAYED_WORK ( & cpspec - > autoneg_work , autoneg_7220_work ) ;
2014-03-07 08:40:55 -05:00
ret = qib_init_pportdata ( ppd , dd , 0 , 1 ) ;
if ( ret )
goto bail ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
ppd - > link_width_supported = IB_WIDTH_1X | IB_WIDTH_4X ;
ppd - > link_speed_supported = QIB_IB_SDR | QIB_IB_DDR ;
ppd - > link_width_enabled = ppd - > link_width_supported ;
ppd - > link_speed_enabled = ppd - > link_speed_supported ;
* Set the initial values to reasonable default , will be set
* for real when link is up .
ppd - > link_width_active = IB_WIDTH_4X ;
ppd - > link_speed_active = QIB_IB_SDR ;
ppd - > delay_mult = rate_to_delay [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ;
ppd - > vls_supported = IB_VL_VL0 ;
ppd - > vls_operational = ppd - > vls_supported ;
if ( ! qib_mini_init )
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_rcvbthqp , QIB_KD_QP ) ;
init_timer ( & ppd - > cpspec - > chase_timer ) ;
ppd - > cpspec - > chase_timer . function = reenable_7220_chase ;
ppd - > cpspec - > chase_timer . data = ( unsigned long ) ppd ;
qib_num_cfg_vls = 1 ; /* if any 7220's, only one VL */
dd - > rcvhdrentsize = QIB_RCVHDR_ENTSIZE ;
dd - > rcvhdrsize = QIB_DFLT_RCVHDRSIZE ;
dd - > rhf_offset =
dd - > rcvhdrentsize - sizeof ( u64 ) / sizeof ( u32 ) ;
/* we always allocate at least 2048 bytes for eager buffers */
ret = ib_mtu_enum_to_int ( qib_ibmtu ) ;
dd - > rcvegrbufsize = ret ! = - 1 ? max ( ret , 2048 ) : QIB_DEFAULT_MTU ;
2011-09-23 13:16:39 -04:00
BUG_ON ( ! is_power_of_2 ( dd - > rcvegrbufsize ) ) ;
dd - > rcvegrbufsize_shift = ilog2 ( dd - > rcvegrbufsize ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
qib_7220_tidtemplate ( dd ) ;
* We can request a receive interrupt for 1 or
* more packets from current offset . For now , we set this
* up for a single packet .
dd - > rhdrhead_intr_off = 1ULL < < 32 ;
/* setup the stats timer; the add_timer is done at end of init */
init_timer ( & dd - > stats_timer ) ;
dd - > stats_timer . function = qib_get_7220_faststats ;
dd - > stats_timer . data = ( unsigned long ) dd ;
dd - > stats_timer . expires = jiffies + ACTIVITY_TIMER * HZ ;
* Control [ 4 ] has been added to change the arbitration within
* the SDMA engine between favoring data fetches over descriptor
* fetches . qib_sdma_fetch_arb = = 0 gives data fetches priority .
if ( qib_sdma_fetch_arb )
dd - > control | = 1 < < 4 ;
dd - > ureg_align = 0x10000 ; /* 64KB alignment */
dd - > piosize2kmax_dwords = ( dd - > piosize2k > > 2 ) - 1 ;
qib_7220_config_ctxts ( dd ) ;
qib_set_ctxtcnt ( dd ) ; /* needed for PAT setup */
2015-04-22 11:38:24 -07:00
ret = init_chip_wc_pat ( dd , 0 ) ;
if ( ret )
goto bail ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
set_7220_baseaddrs ( dd ) ; /* set chip access pointers now */
ret = 0 ;
if ( qib_mini_init )
goto bail ;
ret = qib_create_ctxts ( dd ) ;
init_7220_cntrnames ( dd ) ;
/* use all of 4KB buffers for the kernel SDMA, zero if !SDMA.
* reserve the update threshold amount for other kernel use , such
* as sending SMI , MAD , and ACKs , or 3 , whichever is greater ,
* unless we aren ' t enabling SDMA , in which case we want to use
* all the 4 k bufs for the kernel .
* if this was less than the update threshold , we could wait
* a long time for an update . Coded this way because we
* sometimes change the update threshold for various reasons ,
* and we want this to remain robust .
updthresh = 8U ; /* update threshold */
if ( dd - > flags & QIB_HAS_SEND_DMA ) {
dd - > cspec - > sdmabufcnt = dd - > piobcnt4k ;
sbufs = updthresh > 3 ? updthresh : 3 ;
} else {
dd - > cspec - > sdmabufcnt = 0 ;
sbufs = dd - > piobcnt4k ;
dd - > cspec - > lastbuf_for_pio = dd - > piobcnt2k + dd - > piobcnt4k -
dd - > cspec - > sdmabufcnt ;
dd - > lastctxt_piobuf = dd - > cspec - > lastbuf_for_pio - sbufs ;
dd - > cspec - > lastbuf_for_pio - - ; /* range is <= , not < */
2012-05-07 14:02:42 -04:00
dd - > last_pio = dd - > cspec - > lastbuf_for_pio ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
dd - > pbufsctxt = dd - > lastctxt_piobuf /
( dd - > cfgctxts - dd - > first_user_ctxt ) ;
* if we are at 16 user contexts , we will have one 7 sbufs
* per context , so drop the update threshold to match . We
* want to update before we actually run out , at low pbufs / ctxt
* so give ourselves some margin
if ( ( dd - > pbufsctxt - 2 ) < updthresh )
updthresh = dd - > pbufsctxt - 2 ;
dd - > cspec - > updthresh_dflt = updthresh ;
dd - > cspec - > updthresh = updthresh ;
/* before full enable, no interrupts, no locking needed */
dd - > sendctrl | = ( updthresh & SYM_RMASK ( SendCtrl , AvailUpdThld ) )
< < SYM_LSB ( SendCtrl , AvailUpdThld ) ;
dd - > psxmitwait_supported = 1 ;
dd - > psxmitwait_check_rate = QIB_7220_PSXMITWAIT_CHECK_RATE ;
bail :
return ret ;
static u32 __iomem * qib_7220_getsendbuf ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , u64 pbc ,
u32 * pbufnum )
u32 first , last , plen = pbc & QIB_PBC_LENGTH_MASK ;
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
u32 __iomem * buf ;
if ( ( ( pbc > > 32 ) & PBC_7220_VL15_SEND_CTRL ) & &
! ( ppd - > lflags & ( QIBL_IB_AUTONEG_INPROG | QIBL_LINKACTIVE ) ) )
buf = get_7220_link_buf ( ppd , pbufnum ) ;
else {
if ( ( plen + 1 ) > dd - > piosize2kmax_dwords )
first = dd - > piobcnt2k ;
first = 0 ;
/* try 4k if all 2k busy, so same last for both sizes */
last = dd - > cspec - > lastbuf_for_pio ;
buf = qib_getsendbuf_range ( dd , pbufnum , first , last ) ;
return buf ;
/* these 2 "counters" are really control registers, and are always RW */
static void qib_set_cntr_7220_sample ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , u32 intv ,
u32 start )
write_7220_creg ( ppd - > dd , cr_psinterval , intv ) ;
write_7220_creg ( ppd - > dd , cr_psstart , start ) ;
* NOTE : no real attempt is made to generalize the SDMA stuff .
* At some point " soon " we will have a new more generalized
* set of sdma interface , and then we ' ll clean this up .
/* Must be called with sdma_lock held, or before init finished */
static void qib_sdma_update_7220_tail ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , u16 tail )
/* Commit writes to memory and advance the tail on the chip */
wmb ( ) ;
ppd - > sdma_descq_tail = tail ;
qib_write_kreg ( ppd - > dd , kr_senddmatail , tail ) ;
static void qib_sdma_set_7220_desc_cnt ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , unsigned cnt )
static struct sdma_set_state_action sdma_7220_action_table [ ] = {
[ qib_sdma_state_s00_hw_down ] = {
. op_enable = 0 ,
. op_intenable = 0 ,
. op_halt = 0 ,
. go_s99_running_tofalse = 1 ,
} ,
[ qib_sdma_state_s10_hw_start_up_wait ] = {
. op_enable = 1 ,
. op_intenable = 1 ,
. op_halt = 1 ,
} ,
[ qib_sdma_state_s20_idle ] = {
. op_enable = 1 ,
. op_intenable = 1 ,
. op_halt = 1 ,
} ,
[ qib_sdma_state_s30_sw_clean_up_wait ] = {
. op_enable = 0 ,
. op_intenable = 1 ,
. op_halt = 0 ,
} ,
[ qib_sdma_state_s40_hw_clean_up_wait ] = {
. op_enable = 1 ,
. op_intenable = 1 ,
. op_halt = 1 ,
} ,
[ qib_sdma_state_s50_hw_halt_wait ] = {
. op_enable = 1 ,
. op_intenable = 1 ,
. op_halt = 1 ,
} ,
[ qib_sdma_state_s99_running ] = {
. op_enable = 1 ,
. op_intenable = 1 ,
. op_halt = 0 ,
. go_s99_running_totrue = 1 ,
} ,
} ;
static void qib_7220_sdma_init_early ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd )
ppd - > sdma_state . set_state_action = sdma_7220_action_table ;
static int init_sdma_7220_regs ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd )
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
unsigned i , n ;
u64 senddmabufmask [ 3 ] = { 0 } ;
/* Set SendDmaBase */
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_senddmabase , ppd - > sdma_descq_phys ) ;
qib_sdma_7220_setlengen ( ppd ) ;
qib_sdma_update_7220_tail ( ppd , 0 ) ; /* Set SendDmaTail */
/* Set SendDmaHeadAddr */
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_senddmaheadaddr , ppd - > sdma_head_phys ) ;
* Reserve all the former " kernel " piobufs , using high number range
* so we get as many 4 K buffers as possible
n = dd - > piobcnt2k + dd - > piobcnt4k ;
i = n - dd - > cspec - > sdmabufcnt ;
for ( ; i < n ; + + i ) {
unsigned word = i / 64 ;
unsigned bit = i & 63 ;
BUG_ON ( word > = 3 ) ;
senddmabufmask [ word ] | = 1ULL < < bit ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_senddmabufmask0 , senddmabufmask [ 0 ] ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_senddmabufmask1 , senddmabufmask [ 1 ] ) ;
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_senddmabufmask2 , senddmabufmask [ 2 ] ) ;
ppd - > sdma_state . first_sendbuf = i ;
ppd - > sdma_state . last_sendbuf = n ;
return 0 ;
/* sdma_lock must be held */
static u16 qib_sdma_7220_gethead ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd )
struct qib_devdata * dd = ppd - > dd ;
int sane ;
int use_dmahead ;
u16 swhead ;
u16 swtail ;
u16 cnt ;
u16 hwhead ;
use_dmahead = __qib_sdma_running ( ppd ) & &
( dd - > flags & QIB_HAS_SDMA_TIMEOUT ) ;
retry :
hwhead = use_dmahead ?
( u16 ) le64_to_cpu ( * ppd - > sdma_head_dma ) :
( u16 ) qib_read_kreg32 ( dd , kr_senddmahead ) ;
swhead = ppd - > sdma_descq_head ;
swtail = ppd - > sdma_descq_tail ;
cnt = ppd - > sdma_descq_cnt ;
if ( swhead < swtail ) {
/* not wrapped */
sane = ( hwhead > = swhead ) & ( hwhead < = swtail ) ;
} else if ( swhead > swtail ) {
/* wrapped around */
sane = ( ( hwhead > = swhead ) & & ( hwhead < cnt ) ) | |
( hwhead < = swtail ) ;
} else {
/* empty */
sane = ( hwhead = = swhead ) ;
if ( unlikely ( ! sane ) ) {
if ( use_dmahead ) {
/* try one more time, directly from the register */
use_dmahead = 0 ;
goto retry ;
/* assume no progress */
hwhead = swhead ;
return hwhead ;
static int qib_sdma_7220_busy ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd )
u64 hwstatus = qib_read_kreg64 ( ppd - > dd , kr_senddmastatus ) ;
return ( hwstatus & SYM_MASK ( SendDmaStatus , ScoreBoardDrainInProg ) ) | |
( hwstatus & SYM_MASK ( SendDmaStatus , AbortInProg ) ) | |
( hwstatus & SYM_MASK ( SendDmaStatus , InternalSDmaEnable ) ) | |
! ( hwstatus & SYM_MASK ( SendDmaStatus , ScbEmpty ) ) ;
* Compute the amount of delay before sending the next packet if the
* port ' s send rate differs from the static rate set for the QP .
* Since the delay affects this packet but the amount of the delay is
* based on the length of the previous packet , use the last delay computed
* and save the delay count for this packet to be used next time
* we get here .
static u32 qib_7220_setpbc_control ( struct qib_pportdata * ppd , u32 plen ,
u8 srate , u8 vl )
u8 snd_mult = ppd - > delay_mult ;
u8 rcv_mult = ib_rate_to_delay [ srate ] ;
u32 ret = ppd - > cpspec - > last_delay_mult ;
ppd - > cpspec - > last_delay_mult = ( rcv_mult > snd_mult ) ?
( plen * ( rcv_mult - snd_mult ) + 1 ) > > 1 : 0 ;
/* Indicate VL15, if necessary */
if ( vl = = 15 )
ret | = PBC_7220_VL15_SEND_CTRL ;
return ret ;
static void qib_7220_initvl15_bufs ( struct qib_devdata * dd )
static void qib_7220_init_ctxt ( struct qib_ctxtdata * rcd )
if ( ! rcd - > ctxt ) {
rcd - > rcvegrcnt = IBA7220_KRCVEGRCNT ;
rcd - > rcvegr_tid_base = 0 ;
} else {
rcd - > rcvegrcnt = rcd - > dd - > cspec - > rcvegrcnt ;
rcd - > rcvegr_tid_base = IBA7220_KRCVEGRCNT +
( rcd - > ctxt - 1 ) * rcd - > rcvegrcnt ;
static void qib_7220_txchk_change ( struct qib_devdata * dd , u32 start ,
u32 len , u32 which , struct qib_ctxtdata * rcd )
int i ;
unsigned long flags ;
switch ( which ) {
/* see if we need to raise avail update threshold */
spin_lock_irqsave ( & dd - > uctxt_lock , flags ) ;
for ( i = dd - > first_user_ctxt ;
dd - > cspec - > updthresh ! = dd - > cspec - > updthresh_dflt
& & i < dd - > cfgctxts ; i + + )
if ( dd - > rcd [ i ] & & dd - > rcd [ i ] - > subctxt_cnt & &
( ( dd - > rcd [ i ] - > piocnt / dd - > rcd [ i ] - > subctxt_cnt ) - 1 )
< dd - > cspec - > updthresh_dflt )
break ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & dd - > uctxt_lock , flags ) ;
if ( i = = dd - > cfgctxts ) {
spin_lock_irqsave ( & dd - > sendctrl_lock , flags ) ;
dd - > cspec - > updthresh = dd - > cspec - > updthresh_dflt ;
dd - > sendctrl & = ~ SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , AvailUpdThld ) ;
dd - > sendctrl | = ( dd - > cspec - > updthresh &
SYM_RMASK ( SendCtrl , AvailUpdThld ) ) < <
SYM_LSB ( SendCtrl , AvailUpdThld ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & dd - > sendctrl_lock , flags ) ;
sendctrl_7220_mod ( dd - > pport , QIB_SENDCTRL_AVAIL_BLIP ) ;
break ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & dd - > sendctrl_lock , flags ) ;
if ( rcd & & rcd - > subctxt_cnt & & ( ( rcd - > piocnt
/ rcd - > subctxt_cnt ) - 1 ) < dd - > cspec - > updthresh ) {
dd - > cspec - > updthresh = ( rcd - > piocnt /
rcd - > subctxt_cnt ) - 1 ;
dd - > sendctrl & = ~ SYM_MASK ( SendCtrl , AvailUpdThld ) ;
dd - > sendctrl | = ( dd - > cspec - > updthresh &
SYM_RMASK ( SendCtrl , AvailUpdThld ) )
< < SYM_LSB ( SendCtrl , AvailUpdThld ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & dd - > sendctrl_lock , flags ) ;
sendctrl_7220_mod ( dd - > pport , QIB_SENDCTRL_AVAIL_BLIP ) ;
} else
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & dd - > sendctrl_lock , flags ) ;
break ;
static void writescratch ( struct qib_devdata * dd , u32 val )
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_scratch , val ) ;
* qib_7220_tempsense_read - read register of temp sensor via TWSI
* @ dd : the qlogic_ib device
* @ regnum : register to read from
* returns reg contents ( 0. .255 ) or < 0 for error
static int qib_7220_tempsense_rd ( struct qib_devdata * dd , int regnum )
int ret ;
u8 rdata ;
if ( regnum > 7 ) {
ret = - EINVAL ;
goto bail ;
/* return a bogus value for (the one) register we do not have */
if ( ! ( ( 1 < < regnum ) & VALID_TS_RD_REG_MASK ) ) {
ret = 0 ;
goto bail ;
ret = mutex_lock_interruptible ( & dd - > eep_lock ) ;
if ( ret )
goto bail ;
ret = qib_twsi_blk_rd ( dd , QIB_TWSI_TEMP_DEV , regnum , & rdata , 1 ) ;
if ( ! ret )
ret = rdata ;
mutex_unlock ( & dd - > eep_lock ) ;
* There are three possibilities here :
* ret is actual value ( 0. .255 )
* ret is - ENXIO or - EINVAL from twsi code or this file
* ret is - EINTR from mutex_lock_interruptible .
bail :
return ret ;
2013-05-30 18:25:25 -04:00
static int qib_7220_notify_dca ( struct qib_devdata * dd , unsigned long event )
return 0 ;
# endif
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
/* Dummy function, as 7220 boards never disable EEPROM Write */
static int qib_7220_eeprom_wen ( struct qib_devdata * dd , int wen )
return 1 ;
* qib_init_iba7220_funcs - set up the chip - specific function pointers
* @ dev : the pci_dev for qlogic_ib device
* @ ent : pci_device_id struct for this dev
* This is global , and is called directly at init to set up the
* chip - specific function pointers for later use .
struct qib_devdata * qib_init_iba7220_funcs ( struct pci_dev * pdev ,
const struct pci_device_id * ent )
struct qib_devdata * dd ;
int ret ;
u32 boardid , minwidth ;
dd = qib_alloc_devdata ( pdev , sizeof ( struct qib_chip_specific ) +
sizeof ( struct qib_chippport_specific ) ) ;
if ( IS_ERR ( dd ) )
goto bail ;
dd - > f_bringup_serdes = qib_7220_bringup_serdes ;
dd - > f_cleanup = qib_setup_7220_cleanup ;
dd - > f_clear_tids = qib_7220_clear_tids ;
dd - > f_free_irq = qib_7220_free_irq ;
dd - > f_get_base_info = qib_7220_get_base_info ;
dd - > f_get_msgheader = qib_7220_get_msgheader ;
dd - > f_getsendbuf = qib_7220_getsendbuf ;
dd - > f_gpio_mod = gpio_7220_mod ;
dd - > f_eeprom_wen = qib_7220_eeprom_wen ;
dd - > f_hdrqempty = qib_7220_hdrqempty ;
dd - > f_ib_updown = qib_7220_ib_updown ;
dd - > f_init_ctxt = qib_7220_init_ctxt ;
dd - > f_initvl15_bufs = qib_7220_initvl15_bufs ;
dd - > f_intr_fallback = qib_7220_intr_fallback ;
dd - > f_late_initreg = qib_late_7220_initreg ;
dd - > f_setpbc_control = qib_7220_setpbc_control ;
dd - > f_portcntr = qib_portcntr_7220 ;
dd - > f_put_tid = qib_7220_put_tid ;
dd - > f_quiet_serdes = qib_7220_quiet_serdes ;
dd - > f_rcvctrl = rcvctrl_7220_mod ;
dd - > f_read_cntrs = qib_read_7220cntrs ;
dd - > f_read_portcntrs = qib_read_7220portcntrs ;
dd - > f_reset = qib_setup_7220_reset ;
dd - > f_init_sdma_regs = init_sdma_7220_regs ;
dd - > f_sdma_busy = qib_sdma_7220_busy ;
dd - > f_sdma_gethead = qib_sdma_7220_gethead ;
dd - > f_sdma_sendctrl = qib_7220_sdma_sendctrl ;
dd - > f_sdma_set_desc_cnt = qib_sdma_set_7220_desc_cnt ;
dd - > f_sdma_update_tail = qib_sdma_update_7220_tail ;
dd - > f_sdma_hw_clean_up = qib_7220_sdma_hw_clean_up ;
dd - > f_sdma_hw_start_up = qib_7220_sdma_hw_start_up ;
dd - > f_sdma_init_early = qib_7220_sdma_init_early ;
dd - > f_sendctrl = sendctrl_7220_mod ;
dd - > f_set_armlaunch = qib_set_7220_armlaunch ;
dd - > f_set_cntr_sample = qib_set_cntr_7220_sample ;
dd - > f_iblink_state = qib_7220_iblink_state ;
dd - > f_ibphys_portstate = qib_7220_phys_portstate ;
dd - > f_get_ib_cfg = qib_7220_get_ib_cfg ;
dd - > f_set_ib_cfg = qib_7220_set_ib_cfg ;
dd - > f_set_ib_loopback = qib_7220_set_loopback ;
dd - > f_set_intr_state = qib_7220_set_intr_state ;
dd - > f_setextled = qib_setup_7220_setextled ;
dd - > f_txchk_change = qib_7220_txchk_change ;
dd - > f_update_usrhead = qib_update_7220_usrhead ;
dd - > f_wantpiobuf_intr = qib_wantpiobuf_7220_intr ;
dd - > f_xgxs_reset = qib_7220_xgxs_reset ;
dd - > f_writescratch = writescratch ;
dd - > f_tempsense_rd = qib_7220_tempsense_rd ;
2013-05-30 18:25:25 -04:00
dd - > f_notify_dca = qib_7220_notify_dca ;
# endif
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
* Do remaining pcie setup and save pcie values in dd .
* Any error printing is already done by the init code .
* On return , we have the chip mapped , but chip registers
* are not set up until start of qib_init_7220_variables .
ret = qib_pcie_ddinit ( dd , pdev , ent ) ;
if ( ret < 0 )
goto bail_free ;
/* initialize chip-specific variables */
ret = qib_init_7220_variables ( dd ) ;
if ( ret )
goto bail_cleanup ;
if ( qib_mini_init )
goto bail ;
boardid = SYM_FIELD ( dd - > revision , Revision ,
BoardID ) ;
switch ( boardid ) {
case 0 :
case 2 :
case 10 :
case 12 :
minwidth = 16 ; /* x16 capable boards */
break ;
default :
minwidth = 8 ; /* x8 capable boards */
break ;
if ( qib_pcie_params ( dd , minwidth , NULL , NULL ) )
2012-07-19 13:04:25 +00:00
qib_dev_err ( dd ,
" Failed to setup PCIe or interrupts; continuing anyway \n " ) ;
2010-05-23 21:44:54 -07:00
/* save IRQ for possible later use */
dd - > cspec - > irq = pdev - > irq ;
if ( qib_read_kreg64 ( dd , kr_hwerrstatus ) &
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_hwerrclear ,
/* setup interrupt handler (interrupt type handled above) */
qib_setup_7220_interrupt ( dd ) ;
qib_7220_init_hwerrors ( dd ) ;
/* clear diagctrl register, in case diags were running and crashed */
qib_write_kreg ( dd , kr_hwdiagctrl , 0 ) ;
goto bail ;
bail_cleanup :
qib_pcie_ddcleanup ( dd ) ;
bail_free :
qib_free_devdata ( dd ) ;
dd = ERR_PTR ( ret ) ;
bail :
return dd ;