2007-08-28 15:58:31 -07:00
* Filename : ks959 - sir . c
* Version : 0.1 .2
* Description : Irda KingSun KS - 959 USB Dongle
* Status : Experimental
* Author : Alex Villacís Lasso < a_villacis @ palosanto . com >
* with help from Domen Puncer < domen @ coderock . org >
* Based on stir4200 , mcs7780 , kingsun - sir drivers .
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 675 Mass Ave , Cambridge , MA 0213 9 , USA .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* Following is my most current ( 2007 - 07 - 17 ) understanding of how the Kingsun
* KS - 959 dongle is supposed to work . This information was deduced by
* reverse - engineering and examining the USB traffic captured with USBSnoopy
* from the WinXP driver . Feel free to update here as more of the dongle is
* known .
* My most sincere thanks must go to Domen Puncer < domen @ coderock . org > for
* invaluable help in cracking the obfuscation and padding required for this
* dongle .
* General : This dongle exposes one interface with one interrupt IN endpoint .
* However , the interrupt endpoint is NOT used at all for this dongle . Instead ,
* this dongle uses control transfers for everything , including sending and
* receiving the IrDA frame data . Apparently the interrupt endpoint is just a
* dummy to ensure the dongle has a valid interface to present to the PC . And I
* thought the DonShine dongle was weird . . . In addition , this dongle uses
* obfuscation ( ? ! ? ! ) , applied at the USB level , to hide the traffic , both sent
* and received , from the dongle . I call it obfuscation because the XOR keying
* and padding required to produce an USB traffic acceptable for the dongle can
* not be explained by any other technical requirement .
* Transmission : To transmit an IrDA frame , the driver must prepare a control
* URB with the following as a setup packet :
* bRequest 0x09
* wValue < length of valid data before padding , little endian >
* wIndex 0x0000
* wLength < length of padded data >
* The payload packet must be manually wrapped and escaped ( as in stir4200 . c ) ,
* then padded and obfuscated before being sent . Both padding and obfuscation
* are implemented in the procedure obfuscate_tx_buffer ( ) . Suffice to say , the
* designer / programmer of the dongle used his name as a source for the
* obfuscation . WTF ? !
* Apparently the dongle cannot handle payloads larger than 256 bytes . The
* driver has to perform fragmentation in order to send anything larger than
* this limit .
* Reception : To receive data , the driver must poll the dongle regularly ( like
* kingsun - sir . c ) with control URBs and the following as a setup packet :
* bRequest 0x01
* wValue 0x0200
* wIndex 0x0000
* wLength 0x0800 ( size of available buffer )
* If there is data to be read , it will be returned as the response payload .
* This data is ( apparently ) not padded , but it is obfuscated . To de - obfuscate
* it , the driver must XOR every byte , in sequence , with a value that starts at
* 1 and is incremented with each byte processed , and then with 0x55 . The value
* incremented with each byte processed overflows as an unsigned char . The
* resulting bytes form a wrapped SIR frame that is unwrapped and unescaped
* as in stir4200 . c The incremented value is NOT reset with each frame , but is
* kept across the entire session with the dongle . Also , the dongle inserts an
* extra garbage byte with value 0x95 ( after decoding ) every 0xff bytes , which
* must be skipped .
* Speed change : To change the speed of the dongle , the driver prepares a
* control URB with the following as a setup packet :
* bRequest 0x09
* wValue 0x0200
* wIndex 0x0001
* wLength 0x0008 ( length of the payload )
* The payload is a 8 - byte record , apparently identical to the one used in
* drivers / usb / serial / cypress_m8 . c to change speed :
* __u32 baudSpeed ;
* unsigned int dataBits : 2 ; // 0 - 5 bits 3 - 8 bits
* unsigned int : 1 ;
* unsigned int stopBits : 1 ;
* unsigned int parityEnable : 1 ;
* unsigned int parityType : 1 ;
* unsigned int : 1 ;
* unsigned int reset : 1 ;
* unsigned char reserved [ 3 ] ; // set to 0
* For now only SIR speeds have been observed with this dongle . Therefore ,
* nothing is known on what changes ( if any ) must be done to frame wrapping /
* unwrapping for higher than SIR speeds . This driver assumes no change is
* necessary and announces support for all the way to 57600 bps . Although the
* package announces support for up to 4 MBps , tests with a Sony Ericcson K300
* phone show corruption when receiving large frames at 115200 bps , the highest
* speed announced by the phone . However , transmission at 115200 bps is OK . Go
* figure . Since I don ' t know whether the phone or the dongle is at fault , max
* announced speed is 57600 bps until someone produces a device that can run
* at higher speeds with this dongle .
# include <linux/module.h>
# include <linux/moduleparam.h>
# include <linux/kernel.h>
# include <linux/types.h>
# include <linux/errno.h>
# include <linux/init.h>
# include <linux/slab.h>
# include <linux/kref.h>
# include <linux/usb.h>
# include <linux/device.h>
# include <linux/crc32.h>
# include <asm/unaligned.h>
# include <asm/byteorder.h>
# include <asm/uaccess.h>
# include <net/irda/irda.h>
# include <net/irda/wrapper.h>
# include <net/irda/crc.h>
# define KS959_VENDOR_ID 0x07d0
# define KS959_PRODUCT_ID 0x4959
/* These are the currently known USB ids */
static struct usb_device_id dongles [ ] = {
/* KingSun Co,Ltd IrDA/USB Bridge */
{ }
} ;
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE ( usb , dongles ) ;
# define KINGSUN_MTT 0x07
# define KINGSUN_REQ_RECV 0x01
# define KINGSUN_REQ_SEND 0x09
# define KINGSUN_RCV_FIFO_SIZE 2048 /* Max length we can receive */
# define KINGSUN_SND_FIFO_SIZE 2048 /* Max packet we can send */
# define KINGSUN_SND_PACKET_SIZE 256 /* Max packet dongle can handle */
struct ks959_speedparams {
__le32 baudrate ; /* baud rate, little endian */
__u8 flags ;
__u8 reserved [ 3 ] ;
} __attribute__ ( ( packed ) ) ;
# define KS_DATA_5_BITS 0x00
# define KS_DATA_6_BITS 0x01
# define KS_DATA_7_BITS 0x02
# define KS_DATA_8_BITS 0x03
# define KS_STOP_BITS_1 0x00
# define KS_STOP_BITS_2 0x08
# define KS_PAR_DISABLE 0x00
# define KS_PAR_EVEN 0x10
# define KS_PAR_ODD 0x30
# define KS_RESET 0x80
struct ks959_cb {
struct usb_device * usbdev ; /* init: probe_irda */
struct net_device * netdev ; /* network layer */
struct irlap_cb * irlap ; /* The link layer we are binded to */
struct net_device_stats stats ; /* network statistics */
struct qos_info qos ;
struct usb_ctrlrequest * tx_setuprequest ;
struct urb * tx_urb ;
__u8 * tx_buf_clear ;
unsigned int tx_buf_clear_used ;
unsigned int tx_buf_clear_sent ;
__u8 * tx_buf_xored ;
struct usb_ctrlrequest * rx_setuprequest ;
struct urb * rx_urb ;
__u8 * rx_buf ;
__u8 rx_variable_xormask ;
iobuff_t rx_unwrap_buff ;
struct timeval rx_time ;
struct usb_ctrlrequest * speed_setuprequest ;
struct urb * speed_urb ;
struct ks959_speedparams speedparams ;
unsigned int new_speed ;
spinlock_t lock ;
int receiving ;
} ;
/* Procedure to perform the obfuscation/padding expected by the dongle
* buf_cleartext ( IN ) Cleartext version of the IrDA frame to transmit
* len_cleartext ( IN ) Length of the cleartext version of IrDA frame
* buf_xoredtext ( OUT ) Obfuscated version of frame built by proc
* len_maxbuf ( OUT ) Maximum space available at buf_xoredtext
* ( return ) length of obfuscated frame with padding
* If not enough space ( as indicated by len_maxbuf vs . required padding ) ,
* zero is returned
* The value of lookup_string is actually a required portion of the algorithm .
* Seems the designer of the dongle wanted to state who exactly is responsible
* for implementing obfuscation . Send your best ( or other ) wishes to him ] : - )
static unsigned int obfuscate_tx_buffer ( const __u8 * buf_cleartext ,
unsigned int len_cleartext ,
__u8 * buf_xoredtext ,
unsigned int len_maxbuf )
unsigned int len_xoredtext ;
/* Calculate required length with padding, check for necessary space */
len_xoredtext = ( ( len_cleartext + 7 ) & ~ 0x7 ) + 0x10 ;
if ( len_xoredtext < = len_maxbuf ) {
static const __u8 lookup_string [ ] = " wangshuofei19710 " ;
__u8 xor_mask ;
/* Unlike the WinXP driver, we *do* clear out the padding */
memset ( buf_xoredtext , 0 , len_xoredtext ) ;
xor_mask = lookup_string [ ( len_cleartext & 0x0f ) ^ 0x06 ] ^ 0x55 ;
while ( len_cleartext - - > 0 ) {
* buf_xoredtext + + = * buf_cleartext + + ^ xor_mask ;
} else {
len_xoredtext = 0 ;
return len_xoredtext ;
/* Callback transmission routine */
static void ks959_speed_irq ( struct urb * urb )
/* unlink, shutdown, unplug, other nasties */
if ( urb - > status ! = 0 ) {
err ( " ks959_speed_irq: urb asynchronously failed - %d " ,
urb - > status ) ;
/* Send a control request to change speed of the dongle */
static int ks959_change_speed ( struct ks959_cb * kingsun , unsigned speed )
static unsigned int supported_speeds [ ] = { 2400 , 9600 , 19200 , 38400 ,
57600 , 115200 , 576000 , 1152000 , 4000000 , 0
} ;
int err ;
unsigned int i ;
if ( kingsun - > speed_setuprequest = = NULL | | kingsun - > speed_urb = = NULL )
return - ENOMEM ;
/* Check that requested speed is among the supported ones */
for ( i = 0 ; supported_speeds [ i ] & & supported_speeds [ i ] ! = speed ; i + + ) ;
if ( supported_speeds [ i ] = = 0 )
return - EOPNOTSUPP ;
memset ( & ( kingsun - > speedparams ) , 0 , sizeof ( struct ks959_speedparams ) ) ;
kingsun - > speedparams . baudrate = cpu_to_le32 ( speed ) ;
kingsun - > speedparams . flags = KS_DATA_8_BITS ;
/* speed_setuprequest pre-filled in ks959_probe */
usb_fill_control_urb ( kingsun - > speed_urb , kingsun - > usbdev ,
usb_sndctrlpipe ( kingsun - > usbdev , 0 ) ,
( unsigned char * ) kingsun - > speed_setuprequest ,
& ( kingsun - > speedparams ) ,
sizeof ( struct ks959_speedparams ) , ks959_speed_irq ,
kingsun ) ;
kingsun - > speed_urb - > status = 0 ;
err = usb_submit_urb ( kingsun - > speed_urb , GFP_ATOMIC ) ;
return err ;
/* Submit one fragment of an IrDA frame to the dongle */
static void ks959_send_irq ( struct urb * urb ) ;
static int ks959_submit_tx_fragment ( struct ks959_cb * kingsun )
unsigned int padlen ;
unsigned int wraplen ;
int ret ;
/* Check whether current plaintext can produce a padded buffer that fits
within the range handled by the dongle */
wraplen = ( KINGSUN_SND_PACKET_SIZE & ~ 0x7 ) - 0x10 ;
if ( wraplen > kingsun - > tx_buf_clear_used )
wraplen = kingsun - > tx_buf_clear_used ;
/* Perform dongle obfuscation. Also remove the portion of the frame that
was just obfuscated and will now be sent to the dongle . */
padlen = obfuscate_tx_buffer ( kingsun - > tx_buf_clear , wraplen ,
kingsun - > tx_buf_xored ,
/* Calculate how much data can be transmitted in this urb */
kingsun - > tx_setuprequest - > wValue = cpu_to_le16 ( wraplen ) ;
kingsun - > tx_setuprequest - > wLength = cpu_to_le16 ( padlen ) ;
/* Rest of the fields were filled in ks959_probe */
usb_fill_control_urb ( kingsun - > tx_urb , kingsun - > usbdev ,
usb_sndctrlpipe ( kingsun - > usbdev , 0 ) ,
( unsigned char * ) kingsun - > tx_setuprequest ,
kingsun - > tx_buf_xored , padlen ,
ks959_send_irq , kingsun ) ;
kingsun - > tx_urb - > status = 0 ;
ret = usb_submit_urb ( kingsun - > tx_urb , GFP_ATOMIC ) ;
/* Remember how much data was sent, in order to update at callback */
kingsun - > tx_buf_clear_sent = ( ret = = 0 ) ? wraplen : 0 ;
return ret ;
/* Callback transmission routine */
static void ks959_send_irq ( struct urb * urb )
struct ks959_cb * kingsun = urb - > context ;
struct net_device * netdev = kingsun - > netdev ;
int ret = 0 ;
/* in process of stopping, just drop data */
if ( ! netif_running ( kingsun - > netdev ) ) {
err ( " ks959_send_irq: Network not running! " ) ;
return ;
/* unlink, shutdown, unplug, other nasties */
if ( urb - > status ! = 0 ) {
err ( " ks959_send_irq: urb asynchronously failed - %d " ,
urb - > status ) ;
return ;
if ( kingsun - > tx_buf_clear_used > 0 ) {
/* Update data remaining to be sent */
if ( kingsun - > tx_buf_clear_sent < kingsun - > tx_buf_clear_used ) {
memmove ( kingsun - > tx_buf_clear ,
kingsun - > tx_buf_clear +
kingsun - > tx_buf_clear_sent ,
kingsun - > tx_buf_clear_used -
kingsun - > tx_buf_clear_sent ) ;
kingsun - > tx_buf_clear_used - = kingsun - > tx_buf_clear_sent ;
kingsun - > tx_buf_clear_sent = 0 ;
if ( kingsun - > tx_buf_clear_used > 0 ) {
/* There is more data to be sent */
if ( ( ret = ks959_submit_tx_fragment ( kingsun ) ) ! = 0 ) {
err ( " ks959_send_irq: failed tx_urb submit: %d " ,
ret ) ;
switch ( ret ) {
case - ENODEV :
case - EPIPE :
break ;
default :
kingsun - > stats . tx_errors + + ;
netif_start_queue ( netdev ) ;
} else {
/* All data sent, send next speed && wake network queue */
if ( kingsun - > new_speed ! = - 1 & &
cpu_to_le32 ( kingsun - > new_speed ) ! =
kingsun - > speedparams . baudrate )
ks959_change_speed ( kingsun , kingsun - > new_speed ) ;
netif_wake_queue ( netdev ) ;
* Called from net / core when new frame is available .
static int ks959_hard_xmit ( struct sk_buff * skb , struct net_device * netdev )
struct ks959_cb * kingsun ;
unsigned int wraplen ;
int ret = 0 ;
if ( skb = = NULL | | netdev = = NULL )
return - EINVAL ;
netif_stop_queue ( netdev ) ;
/* the IRDA wrapping routines don't deal with non linear skb */
kingsun = netdev_priv ( netdev ) ;
spin_lock ( & kingsun - > lock ) ;
kingsun - > new_speed = irda_get_next_speed ( skb ) ;
/* Append data to the end of whatever data remains to be transmitted */
wraplen =
async_wrap_skb ( skb , kingsun - > tx_buf_clear , KINGSUN_SND_FIFO_SIZE ) ;
kingsun - > tx_buf_clear_used = wraplen ;
if ( ( ret = ks959_submit_tx_fragment ( kingsun ) ) ! = 0 ) {
err ( " ks959_hard_xmit: failed tx_urb submit: %d " , ret ) ;
switch ( ret ) {
case - ENODEV :
case - EPIPE :
break ;
default :
kingsun - > stats . tx_errors + + ;
netif_start_queue ( netdev ) ;
} else {
kingsun - > stats . tx_packets + + ;
kingsun - > stats . tx_bytes + = skb - > len ;
dev_kfree_skb ( skb ) ;
spin_unlock ( & kingsun - > lock ) ;
return ret ;
/* Receive callback function */
static void ks959_rcv_irq ( struct urb * urb )
struct ks959_cb * kingsun = urb - > context ;
int ret ;
/* in process of stopping, just drop data */
if ( ! netif_running ( kingsun - > netdev ) ) {
kingsun - > receiving = 0 ;
return ;
/* unlink, shutdown, unplug, other nasties */
if ( urb - > status ! = 0 ) {
err ( " kingsun_rcv_irq: urb asynchronously failed - %d " ,
urb - > status ) ;
kingsun - > receiving = 0 ;
return ;
if ( urb - > actual_length > 0 ) {
__u8 * bytes = urb - > transfer_buffer ;
unsigned int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < urb - > actual_length ; i + + ) {
/* De-obfuscation implemented here: variable portion of
xormask is incremented , and then used with the encoded
byte for the XOR . The result of the operation is used
to unwrap the SIR frame . */
kingsun - > rx_variable_xormask + + ;
bytes [ i ] =
bytes [ i ] ^ kingsun - > rx_variable_xormask ^ 0x55u ;
/* rx_variable_xormask doubles as an index counter so we
can skip the byte at 0xff ( wrapped around to 0 ) .
if ( kingsun - > rx_variable_xormask ! = 0 ) {
async_unwrap_char ( kingsun - > netdev ,
& kingsun - > stats ,
& kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff ,
bytes [ i ] ) ;
do_gettimeofday ( & kingsun - > rx_time ) ;
kingsun - > receiving =
( kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . state ! = OUTSIDE_FRAME ) ? 1 : 0 ;
/* This urb has already been filled in kingsun_net_open. Setup
packet must be re - filled , but it is assumed that urb keeps the
pointer to the initial setup packet , as well as the payload buffer .
Setup packet is already pre - filled at ks959_probe .
urb - > status = 0 ;
ret = usb_submit_urb ( urb , GFP_ATOMIC ) ;
* Function kingsun_net_open ( dev )
* Network device is taken up . Usually this is done by " ifconfig irda0 up "
static int ks959_net_open ( struct net_device * netdev )
struct ks959_cb * kingsun = netdev_priv ( netdev ) ;
int err = - ENOMEM ;
char hwname [ 16 ] ;
/* At this point, urbs are NULL, and skb is NULL (see kingsun_probe) */
kingsun - > receiving = 0 ;
/* Initialize for SIR to copy data directly into skb. */
kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . in_frame = FALSE ;
kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . state = OUTSIDE_FRAME ;
kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . truesize = IRDA_SKB_MAX_MTU ;
kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . skb = dev_alloc_skb ( IRDA_SKB_MAX_MTU ) ;
if ( ! kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . skb )
goto free_mem ;
skb_reserve ( kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . skb , 1 ) ;
kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . head = kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . skb - > data ;
do_gettimeofday ( & kingsun - > rx_time ) ;
kingsun - > rx_urb = usb_alloc_urb ( 0 , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ! kingsun - > rx_urb )
goto free_mem ;
kingsun - > tx_urb = usb_alloc_urb ( 0 , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ! kingsun - > tx_urb )
goto free_mem ;
kingsun - > speed_urb = usb_alloc_urb ( 0 , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ! kingsun - > speed_urb )
goto free_mem ;
/* Initialize speed for dongle */
kingsun - > new_speed = 9600 ;
err = ks959_change_speed ( kingsun , 9600 ) ;
if ( err < 0 )
goto free_mem ;
* Now that everything should be initialized properly ,
* Open new IrLAP layer instance to take care of us . . .
sprintf ( hwname , " usb#%d " , kingsun - > usbdev - > devnum ) ;
kingsun - > irlap = irlap_open ( netdev , & kingsun - > qos , hwname ) ;
if ( ! kingsun - > irlap ) {
err ( " ks959-sir: irlap_open failed " ) ;
goto free_mem ;
/* Start reception. Setup request already pre-filled in ks959_probe */
usb_fill_control_urb ( kingsun - > rx_urb , kingsun - > usbdev ,
usb_rcvctrlpipe ( kingsun - > usbdev , 0 ) ,
( unsigned char * ) kingsun - > rx_setuprequest ,
kingsun - > rx_buf , KINGSUN_RCV_FIFO_SIZE ,
ks959_rcv_irq , kingsun ) ;
kingsun - > rx_urb - > status = 0 ;
err = usb_submit_urb ( kingsun - > rx_urb , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( err ) {
err ( " ks959-sir: first urb-submit failed: %d " , err ) ;
goto close_irlap ;
netif_start_queue ( netdev ) ;
/* Situation at this point:
- all work buffers allocated
- urbs allocated and ready to fill
- max rx packet known ( in max_rx )
- unwrap state machine initialized , in state outside of any frame
- receive request in progress
- IrLAP layer started , about to hand over packets to send
return 0 ;
close_irlap :
irlap_close ( kingsun - > irlap ) ;
free_mem :
usb_free_urb ( kingsun - > speed_urb ) ;
kingsun - > speed_urb = NULL ;
usb_free_urb ( kingsun - > tx_urb ) ;
kingsun - > tx_urb = NULL ;
usb_free_urb ( kingsun - > rx_urb ) ;
kingsun - > rx_urb = NULL ;
if ( kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . skb ) {
kfree_skb ( kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . skb ) ;
kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . skb = NULL ;
kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . head = NULL ;
return err ;
* Function kingsun_net_close ( kingsun )
* Network device is taken down . Usually this is done by
* " ifconfig irda0 down "
static int ks959_net_close ( struct net_device * netdev )
struct ks959_cb * kingsun = netdev_priv ( netdev ) ;
/* Stop transmit processing */
netif_stop_queue ( netdev ) ;
/* Mop up receive && transmit urb's */
usb_kill_urb ( kingsun - > tx_urb ) ;
usb_free_urb ( kingsun - > tx_urb ) ;
kingsun - > tx_urb = NULL ;
usb_kill_urb ( kingsun - > speed_urb ) ;
usb_free_urb ( kingsun - > speed_urb ) ;
kingsun - > speed_urb = NULL ;
usb_kill_urb ( kingsun - > rx_urb ) ;
usb_free_urb ( kingsun - > rx_urb ) ;
kingsun - > rx_urb = NULL ;
kfree_skb ( kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . skb ) ;
kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . skb = NULL ;
kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . head = NULL ;
kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . in_frame = FALSE ;
kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . state = OUTSIDE_FRAME ;
kingsun - > receiving = 0 ;
/* Stop and remove instance of IrLAP */
if ( kingsun - > irlap )
irlap_close ( kingsun - > irlap ) ;
kingsun - > irlap = NULL ;
return 0 ;
* IOCTLs : Extra out - of - band network commands . . .
static int ks959_net_ioctl ( struct net_device * netdev , struct ifreq * rq , int cmd )
struct if_irda_req * irq = ( struct if_irda_req * ) rq ;
struct ks959_cb * kingsun = netdev_priv ( netdev ) ;
int ret = 0 ;
switch ( cmd ) {
case SIOCSBANDWIDTH : /* Set bandwidth */
if ( ! capable ( CAP_NET_ADMIN ) )
return - EPERM ;
/* Check if the device is still there */
if ( netif_device_present ( kingsun - > netdev ) )
return ks959_change_speed ( kingsun , irq - > ifr_baudrate ) ;
break ;
case SIOCSMEDIABUSY : /* Set media busy */
if ( ! capable ( CAP_NET_ADMIN ) )
return - EPERM ;
/* Check if the IrDA stack is still there */
if ( netif_running ( kingsun - > netdev ) )
irda_device_set_media_busy ( kingsun - > netdev , TRUE ) ;
break ;
/* Only approximately true */
irq - > ifr_receiving = kingsun - > receiving ;
break ;
default :
ret = - EOPNOTSUPP ;
return ret ;
* Get device stats ( for / proc / net / dev and ifconfig )
static struct net_device_stats * ks959_net_get_stats ( struct net_device * netdev )
struct ks959_cb * kingsun = netdev_priv ( netdev ) ;
return & kingsun - > stats ;
* This routine is called by the USB subsystem for each new device
* in the system . We need to check if the device is ours , and in
* this case start handling it .
static int ks959_probe ( struct usb_interface * intf ,
const struct usb_device_id * id )
struct usb_device * dev = interface_to_usbdev ( intf ) ;
struct ks959_cb * kingsun = NULL ;
struct net_device * net = NULL ;
int ret = - ENOMEM ;
/* Allocate network device container. */
net = alloc_irdadev ( sizeof ( * kingsun ) ) ;
if ( ! net )
goto err_out1 ;
SET_NETDEV_DEV ( net , & intf - > dev ) ;
kingsun = netdev_priv ( net ) ;
kingsun - > netdev = net ;
kingsun - > usbdev = dev ;
kingsun - > irlap = NULL ;
kingsun - > tx_setuprequest = NULL ;
kingsun - > tx_urb = NULL ;
kingsun - > tx_buf_clear = NULL ;
kingsun - > tx_buf_xored = NULL ;
kingsun - > tx_buf_clear_used = 0 ;
kingsun - > tx_buf_clear_sent = 0 ;
kingsun - > rx_setuprequest = NULL ;
kingsun - > rx_urb = NULL ;
kingsun - > rx_buf = NULL ;
kingsun - > rx_variable_xormask = 0 ;
kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . in_frame = FALSE ;
kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . state = OUTSIDE_FRAME ;
kingsun - > rx_unwrap_buff . skb = NULL ;
kingsun - > receiving = 0 ;
spin_lock_init ( & kingsun - > lock ) ;
kingsun - > speed_setuprequest = NULL ;
kingsun - > speed_urb = NULL ;
kingsun - > speedparams . baudrate = 0 ;
/* Allocate input buffer */
kingsun - > rx_buf = kmalloc ( KINGSUN_RCV_FIFO_SIZE , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ! kingsun - > rx_buf )
goto free_mem ;
/* Allocate input setup packet */
kingsun - > rx_setuprequest =
kmalloc ( sizeof ( struct usb_ctrlrequest ) , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ! kingsun - > rx_setuprequest )
goto free_mem ;
kingsun - > rx_setuprequest - > bRequestType =
kingsun - > rx_setuprequest - > bRequest = KINGSUN_REQ_RECV ;
kingsun - > rx_setuprequest - > wValue = cpu_to_le16 ( 0x0200 ) ;
kingsun - > rx_setuprequest - > wIndex = 0 ;
kingsun - > rx_setuprequest - > wLength = cpu_to_le16 ( KINGSUN_RCV_FIFO_SIZE ) ;
/* Allocate output buffer */
kingsun - > tx_buf_clear = kmalloc ( KINGSUN_SND_FIFO_SIZE , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ! kingsun - > tx_buf_clear )
goto free_mem ;
kingsun - > tx_buf_xored = kmalloc ( KINGSUN_SND_PACKET_SIZE , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ! kingsun - > tx_buf_xored )
goto free_mem ;
/* Allocate and initialize output setup packet */
kingsun - > tx_setuprequest =
kmalloc ( sizeof ( struct usb_ctrlrequest ) , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ! kingsun - > tx_setuprequest )
goto free_mem ;
kingsun - > tx_setuprequest - > bRequestType =
kingsun - > tx_setuprequest - > bRequest = KINGSUN_REQ_SEND ;
kingsun - > tx_setuprequest - > wValue = 0 ;
kingsun - > tx_setuprequest - > wIndex = 0 ;
kingsun - > tx_setuprequest - > wLength = 0 ;
/* Allocate and initialize speed setup packet */
kingsun - > speed_setuprequest =
kmalloc ( sizeof ( struct usb_ctrlrequest ) , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ! kingsun - > speed_setuprequest )
goto free_mem ;
kingsun - > speed_setuprequest - > bRequestType =
kingsun - > speed_setuprequest - > bRequest = KINGSUN_REQ_SEND ;
kingsun - > speed_setuprequest - > wValue = cpu_to_le16 ( 0x0200 ) ;
kingsun - > speed_setuprequest - > wIndex = cpu_to_le16 ( 0x0001 ) ;
kingsun - > speed_setuprequest - > wLength =
cpu_to_le16 ( sizeof ( struct ks959_speedparams ) ) ;
printk ( KERN_INFO " KingSun KS-959 IRDA/USB found at address %d, "
" Vendor: %x, Product: %x \n " ,
dev - > devnum , le16_to_cpu ( dev - > descriptor . idVendor ) ,
le16_to_cpu ( dev - > descriptor . idProduct ) ) ;
/* Initialize QoS for this device */
irda_init_max_qos_capabilies ( & kingsun - > qos ) ;
/* Baud rates known to be supported. Please uncomment if devices (other
than a SonyEriccson K300 phone ) can be shown to support higher speed
with this dongle .
kingsun - > qos . baud_rate . bits =
IR_2400 | IR_9600 | IR_19200 | IR_38400 | IR_57600 ;
kingsun - > qos . min_turn_time . bits & = KINGSUN_MTT ;
irda_qos_bits_to_value ( & kingsun - > qos ) ;
/* Override the network functions we need to use */
net - > hard_start_xmit = ks959_hard_xmit ;
net - > open = ks959_net_open ;
net - > stop = ks959_net_close ;
net - > get_stats = ks959_net_get_stats ;
net - > do_ioctl = ks959_net_ioctl ;
ret = register_netdev ( net ) ;
if ( ret ! = 0 )
goto free_mem ;
2008-08-18 13:21:04 -07:00
dev_info ( & net - > dev , " IrDA: Registered KingSun KS-959 device %s \n " ,
net - > name ) ;
2007-08-28 15:58:31 -07:00
usb_set_intfdata ( intf , kingsun ) ;
/* Situation at this point:
- all work buffers allocated
- setup requests pre - filled
- urbs not allocated , set to NULL
- max rx packet known ( is KINGSUN_FIFO_SIZE )
- unwrap state machine ( partially ) initialized , but skb = = NULL
return 0 ;
free_mem :
kfree ( kingsun - > speed_setuprequest ) ;
kfree ( kingsun - > tx_setuprequest ) ;
kfree ( kingsun - > tx_buf_xored ) ;
kfree ( kingsun - > tx_buf_clear ) ;
kfree ( kingsun - > rx_setuprequest ) ;
kfree ( kingsun - > rx_buf ) ;
free_netdev ( net ) ;
err_out1 :
return ret ;
* The current device is removed , the USB layer tell us to shut it down . . .
static void ks959_disconnect ( struct usb_interface * intf )
struct ks959_cb * kingsun = usb_get_intfdata ( intf ) ;
if ( ! kingsun )
return ;
unregister_netdev ( kingsun - > netdev ) ;
/* Mop up receive && transmit urb's */
if ( kingsun - > speed_urb ! = NULL ) {
usb_kill_urb ( kingsun - > speed_urb ) ;
usb_free_urb ( kingsun - > speed_urb ) ;
kingsun - > speed_urb = NULL ;
if ( kingsun - > tx_urb ! = NULL ) {
usb_kill_urb ( kingsun - > tx_urb ) ;
usb_free_urb ( kingsun - > tx_urb ) ;
kingsun - > tx_urb = NULL ;
if ( kingsun - > rx_urb ! = NULL ) {
usb_kill_urb ( kingsun - > rx_urb ) ;
usb_free_urb ( kingsun - > rx_urb ) ;
kingsun - > rx_urb = NULL ;
kfree ( kingsun - > speed_setuprequest ) ;
kfree ( kingsun - > tx_setuprequest ) ;
kfree ( kingsun - > tx_buf_xored ) ;
kfree ( kingsun - > tx_buf_clear ) ;
kfree ( kingsun - > rx_setuprequest ) ;
kfree ( kingsun - > rx_buf ) ;
free_netdev ( kingsun - > netdev ) ;
usb_set_intfdata ( intf , NULL ) ;
# ifdef CONFIG_PM
/* USB suspend, so power off the transmitter/receiver */
static int ks959_suspend ( struct usb_interface * intf , pm_message_t message )
struct ks959_cb * kingsun = usb_get_intfdata ( intf ) ;
netif_device_detach ( kingsun - > netdev ) ;
if ( kingsun - > speed_urb ! = NULL )
usb_kill_urb ( kingsun - > speed_urb ) ;
if ( kingsun - > tx_urb ! = NULL )
usb_kill_urb ( kingsun - > tx_urb ) ;
if ( kingsun - > rx_urb ! = NULL )
usb_kill_urb ( kingsun - > rx_urb ) ;
return 0 ;
/* Coming out of suspend, so reset hardware */
static int ks959_resume ( struct usb_interface * intf )
struct ks959_cb * kingsun = usb_get_intfdata ( intf ) ;
if ( kingsun - > rx_urb ! = NULL ) {
/* Setup request already filled in ks959_probe */
usb_submit_urb ( kingsun - > rx_urb , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
netif_device_attach ( kingsun - > netdev ) ;
return 0 ;
# endif
* USB device callbacks
static struct usb_driver irda_driver = {
. name = " ks959-sir " ,
. probe = ks959_probe ,
. disconnect = ks959_disconnect ,
. id_table = dongles ,
# ifdef CONFIG_PM
. suspend = ks959_suspend ,
. resume = ks959_resume ,
# endif
} ;
* Module insertion
static int __init ks959_init ( void )
return usb_register ( & irda_driver ) ;
module_init ( ks959_init ) ;
* Module removal
static void __exit ks959_cleanup ( void )
/* Deregister the driver and remove all pending instances */
usb_deregister ( & irda_driver ) ;
module_exit ( ks959_cleanup ) ;
MODULE_AUTHOR ( " Alex Villacís Lasso <a_villacis@palosanto.com> " ) ;
MODULE_DESCRIPTION ( " IrDA-USB Dongle Driver for KingSun KS-959 " ) ;