2019-05-28 10:10:04 -07:00
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
2012-08-16 17:31:51 +08:00
/ *
* Copyright ( c ) 2 0 1 2 , N V I D I A C o r p o r a t i o n . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .
* /
# include < l i n u x / l i n k a g e . h >
2017-03-28 13:42:54 +01:00
# include < s o c / t e g r a / f l o w c t r l . h >
2014-07-11 09:52:41 +02:00
# include < s o c / t e g r a / f u s e . h >
2012-10-31 17:41:17 +08:00
# include < a s m / a s m - o f f s e t s . h >
2014-07-11 09:44:49 +02:00
# include < a s m / a s s e m b l e r . h >
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
# include < a s m / c a c h e . h >
2012-08-16 17:31:51 +08:00
2013-08-20 16:19:15 -06:00
# include " i r a m m a p . h "
2012-08-16 17:31:51 +08:00
# include " s l e e p . h "
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
# define E M C _ C F G 0 x c
# define E M C _ A D R _ C F G 0 x10
# define E M C _ T I M I N G _ C O N T R O L 0 x28
# define E M C _ N O P 0 x d c
# define E M C _ S E L F _ R E F 0 x e 0
# define E M C _ M R W 0 x e 8
# define E M C _ F B I O _ C F G 5 0 x10 4
# define E M C _ A U T O _ C A L _ C O N F I G 0 x2 a4
# define E M C _ A U T O _ C A L _ I N T E R V A L 0 x2 a8
# define E M C _ A U T O _ C A L _ S T A T U S 0 x2 a c
# define E M C _ R E Q _ C T R L 0 x2 b0
# define E M C _ C F G _ D I G _ D L L 0 x2 b c
# define E M C _ E M C _ S T A T U S 0 x2 b4
# define E M C _ Z C A L _ I N T E R V A L 0 x2 e 0
# define E M C _ Z Q _ C A L 0 x2 e c
# define E M C _ X M 2 V T T G E N P A D C T R L 0 x31 0
# define E M C _ X M 2 V T T G E N P A D C T R L 2 0 x31 4
# define P M C _ C T R L 0 x0
# define P M C _ C T R L _ S I D E _ E F F E C T _ L P 0 ( 1 < < 1 4 ) / * e n t e r L P 0 w h e n C P U p w r g a t e d * /
# define P M C _ P L L P _ W B 0 _ O V E R R I D E 0 x f8
# define P M C _ I O _ D P D _ R E Q 0 x1 b8
# define P M C _ I O _ D P D _ S T A T U S 0 x1 b c
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ C C L K _ B U R S T 0 x20
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ C C L K _ D I V I D E R 0 x24
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ S C L K _ B U R S T 0 x28
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ S C L K _ D I V I D E R 0 x2 c
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L C _ B A S E 0 x80
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L C _ M I S C 0 x8 c
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L M _ B A S E 0 x90
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L M _ M I S C 0 x9 c
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L P _ B A S E 0 x a0
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L P _ M I S C 0 x a c
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L A _ B A S E 0 x b0
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L A _ M I S C 0 x b c
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L X _ B A S E 0 x e 0
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L X _ M I S C 0 x e 4
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L X _ M I S C 3 0 x51 8
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L X _ M I S C 3 _ I D D Q 3
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L M _ M I S C _ I D D Q 5
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L C _ M I S C _ I D D Q 2 6
2019-10-03 14:50:32 -06:00
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L P _ R E S H I F T 0 x52 8
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L P _ R E S H I F T _ D E F A U L T 0 x3 b
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L P _ R E S H I F T _ E N A B L E 0 x3
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
# define C L K _ R E S E T _ C L K _ S O U R C E _ M S E L E C T 0 x3 b4
# define M S E L E C T _ C L K M ( 0 x3 < < 3 0 )
# define L O C K _ D E L A Y 5 0 / * s a f e t y d e l a y a f t e r l o c k i s d e t e c t e d * /
2012-08-16 17:31:51 +08:00
# define T E G R A 3 0 _ P O W E R _ H O T P L U G _ S H U T D O W N ( 1 < < 2 7 ) / * H o t p l u g s h u t d o w n * /
2021-01-12 16:50:31 +03:00
# define P L L A _ S T O R E _ M A S K ( 1 < < 0 )
# define P L L C _ S T O R E _ M A S K ( 1 < < 1 )
# define P L L M _ S T O R E _ M A S K ( 1 < < 2 )
# define P L L P _ S T O R E _ M A S K ( 1 < < 3 )
# define P L L X _ S T O R E _ M A S K ( 1 < < 4 )
# define P L L M _ P M C _ S T O R E _ M A S K ( 1 < < 5 )
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
.macro emc_ d e v i c e _ m a s k , r d , b a s e
ldr \ r d , [ \ b a s e , #E M C _ A D R _ C F G ]
tst \ r d , #0x1
moveq \ r d , #( 0x1 < < 8 ) @ just 1 device
movne \ r d , #( 0x3 < < 8 ) @ 2 devices
.macro emc_ t i m i n g _ u p d a t e , r d , b a s e
mov \ r d , #1
str \ r d , [ \ b a s e , #E M C _ T I M I N G _ C O N T R O L ]
1001 :
ldr \ r d , [ \ b a s e , #E M C _ E M C _ S T A T U S ]
tst \ r d , #( 0x1 < < 2 3 ) @ wait EMC_STATUS_TIMING_UPDATE_STALLED is clear
bne 1 0 0 1 b
2021-01-12 16:50:31 +03:00
.macro test_ p l l _ s t a t e , r d , t e s t _ m a s k
ldr \ r d , t e g r a _ p l l _ s t a t e
tst \ r d , #\ t e s t _ m a s k
.macro store_ p l l _ s t a t e , r d , t m p , r _ c a r _ b a s e , p l l _ b a s e , p l l _ m a s k
ldr \ r d , [ \ r _ c a r _ b a s e , #\ p l l _ b a s e ]
tst \ r d , #( 1 < < 3 0 )
ldr \ r d , t e g r a _ p l l _ s t a t e
biceq \ r d , \ r d , #\ p l l _ m a s k
orrne \ r d , \ r d , #\ p l l _ m a s k
adr \ t m p , t e g r a _ p l l _ s t a t e
str \ r d , [ \ t m p ]
.macro store_ p l l m _ p m c _ s t a t e , r d , t m p , p m c _ b a s e
ldr \ r d , [ \ p m c _ b a s e , #P M C _ P L L P _ W B 0 _ O V E R R I D E ]
tst \ r d , #( 1 < < 1 2 )
ldr \ r d , t e g r a _ p l l _ s t a t e
biceq \ r d , \ r d , #P L L M _ P M C _ S T O R E _ M A S K
orrne \ r d , \ r d , #P L L M _ P M C _ S T O R E _ M A S K
adr \ t m p , t e g r a _ p l l _ s t a t e
str \ r d , [ \ t m p ]
.macro pllm_ p m c _ e n a b l e , r d , p m c _ b a s e
test_ p l l _ s t a t e \ r d , P L L M _ P M C _ S T O R E _ M A S K
ldrne \ r d , [ \ p m c _ b a s e , #P M C _ P L L P _ W B 0 _ O V E R R I D E ]
orrne \ r d , \ r d , #( 1 < < 1 2 )
strne \ r d , [ \ p m c _ b a s e , #P M C _ P L L P _ W B 0 _ O V E R R I D E ]
.macro pll_ e n a b l e , r d , r _ c a r _ b a s e , p l l _ b a s e , p l l _ m i s c , t e s t _ m a s k
test_ p l l _ s t a t e \ r d , \ t e s t _ m a s k
beq 1 f
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
ldr \ r d , [ \ r _ c a r _ b a s e , #\ p l l _ b a s e ]
tst \ r d , #( 1 < < 3 0 )
orreq \ r d , \ r d , #( 1 < < 3 0 )
streq \ r d , [ \ r _ c a r _ b a s e , #\ p l l _ b a s e ]
/* Enable lock detector */
.if \ pll_ m i s c
ldr \ r d , [ \ r _ c a r _ b a s e , #\ p l l _ m i s c ]
bic \ r d , \ r d , #( 1 < < 1 8 )
str \ r d , [ \ r _ c a r _ b a s e , #\ p l l _ m i s c ]
ldr \ r d , [ \ r _ c a r _ b a s e , #\ p l l _ m i s c ]
ldr \ r d , [ \ r _ c a r _ b a s e , #\ p l l _ m i s c ]
orr \ r d , \ r d , #( 1 < < 1 8 )
str \ r d , [ \ r _ c a r _ b a s e , #\ p l l _ m i s c ]
2021-01-12 16:50:31 +03:00
1 :
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
2021-01-12 16:50:31 +03:00
.macro pll_ l o c k e d , r d , r _ c a r _ b a s e , p l l _ b a s e , t e s t _ m a s k
test_ p l l _ s t a t e \ r d , \ t e s t _ m a s k
beq 2 f
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
1 :
ldr \ r d , [ \ r _ c a r _ b a s e , #\ p l l _ b a s e ]
tst \ r d , #( 1 < < 2 7 )
beq 1 b
2021-01-12 16:50:31 +03:00
2 :
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
.macro pll_ i d d q _ e x i t , r d , c a r , i d d q , i d d q _ b i t
ldr \ r d , [ \ c a r , #\ i d d q ]
bic \ r d , \ r d , #( 1 < < \ i d d q _ b i t )
str \ r d , [ \ c a r , #\ i d d q ]
.macro pll_ i d d q _ e n t r y , r d , c a r , i d d q , i d d q _ b i t
ldr \ r d , [ \ c a r , #\ i d d q ]
orr \ r d , \ r d , #( 1 < < \ i d d q _ b i t )
str \ r d , [ \ c a r , #\ i d d q ]
2012-08-16 17:31:51 +08:00
# if d e f i n e d ( C O N F I G _ H O T P L U G _ C P U ) | | d e f i n e d ( C O N F I G _ P M _ S L E E P )
/ *
* tegra3 0 _ h o t p l u g _ s h u t d o w n ( v o i d )
* Powergates t h e c u r r e n t C P U .
* Should n e v e r r e t u r n .
* /
ENTRY( t e g r a30 _ h o t p l u g _ s h u t d o w n )
/* Powergate this CPU */
mov r0 , #T E G R A 30 _ P O W E R _ H O T P L U G _ S H U T D O W N
bl t e g r a30 _ c p u _ s h u t d o w n
2014-06-30 16:29:12 +01:00
ret l r @ should never get here
2012-08-16 17:31:51 +08:00
ENDPROC( t e g r a30 _ h o t p l u g _ s h u t d o w n )
/ *
* tegra3 0 _ c p u _ s h u t d o w n ( u n s i g n e d l o n g f l a g s )
* Puts t h e c u r r e n t C P U i n w a i t - f o r - e v e n t m o d e o n t h e f l o w c o n t r o l l e r
* and p o w e r g a t e s i t - - f l a g s ( i n R 0 ) i n d i c a t e t h e r e q u e s t t y p e .
2013-05-20 18:39:29 +08:00
* r1 0 = S o C I D
* corrupts r0 - r4 , r10 - r12
2012-08-16 17:31:51 +08:00
* /
ENTRY( t e g r a30 _ c p u _ s h u t d o w n )
cpu_ i d r3
2013-05-20 18:39:29 +08:00
tegra_ g e t _ s o c _ i d T E G R A _ A P B _ M I S C _ V I R T , r10
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 30
bne _ n o _ c p u 0 _ c h k @ It's not Tegra30
2012-08-16 17:31:51 +08:00
cmp r3 , #0
2014-06-30 16:29:12 +01:00
reteq l r @ Must never be called for CPU 0
2013-05-20 18:39:29 +08:00
_no_cpu0_chk :
2012-08-16 17:31:51 +08:00
cpu_ t o _ c s r _ r e g r1 , r3
add r1 , r1 , r12 @ virtual CSR address for this CPU
cpu_ t o _ h a l t _ r e g r2 , r3
add r2 , r2 , r12 @ virtual HALT_EVENTS address for this CPU
/ *
* Clear t h i s C P U ' s " e v e n t " a n d " i n t e r r u p t " f l a g s a n d p o w e r g a t e
* it w h e n h a l t i n g b u t n o t b e f o r e i t i s i n t h e " W F E " s t a t e .
* /
movw r12 , \
FLOW_ C T R L _ C S R _ I N T R _ F L A G | F L O W _ C T R L _ C S R _ E V E N T _ F L A G | \
FLOW_ C T R L _ C S R _ E N A B L E
2013-05-20 18:39:29 +08:00
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 30
moveq r4 , #( 1 < < 4 ) @ wfe bitmap
movne r4 , #( 1 < < 8 ) @ wfi bitmap
2013-04-15 16:50:53 -06:00
ARM( o r r r12 , r12 , r4 , l s l r3 )
THUMB( l s l r4 , r4 , r3 )
THUMB( o r r r12 , r12 , r4 )
2012-08-16 17:31:51 +08:00
str r12 , [ r1 ]
/* Halt this CPU. */
mov r3 , #0x400
delay_1 :
subs r3 , r3 , #1 @ delay as a part of wfe war.
bge d e l a y _ 1 ;
cpsid a @ disable imprecise aborts.
ldr r3 , [ r1 ] @ read CSR
str r3 , [ r1 ] @ clear CSR
2013-05-20 18:39:29 +08:00
2012-08-16 17:31:51 +08:00
tst r0 , #T E G R A 30 _ P O W E R _ H O T P L U G _ S H U T D O W N
2013-05-20 18:39:29 +08:00
beq f l o w _ c t r l _ s e t t i n g _ f o r _ l p2
/* flow controller set up for hotplug */
mov r3 , #F L O W _ C T R L _ W A I T E V E N T @ F o r h o t p l u g
b f l o w _ c t r l _ d o n e
flow_ctrl_setting_for_lp2 :
/* flow controller set up for LP2 */
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 30
2012-10-31 17:41:17 +08:00
moveq r3 , #F L O W _ C T R L _ W A I T _ F O R _ I N T E R R U P T @ F o r L P 2
2013-05-20 18:39:29 +08:00
movne r3 , #F L O W _ C T R L _ W A I T E V E N T
2013-07-19 17:25:25 +08:00
orrne r3 , r3 , #F L O W _ C T R L _ H A L T _ G I C _ I R Q
orrne r3 , r3 , #F L O W _ C T R L _ H A L T _ G I C _ F I Q
2013-05-20 18:39:29 +08:00
flow_ctrl_done :
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 30
2012-08-16 17:31:51 +08:00
str r3 , [ r2 ]
ldr r0 , [ r2 ]
b w f e _ w a r
__cpu_reset_again :
.align 5
2013-05-20 18:39:29 +08:00
wfeeq @ CPU should be power gated here
2012-08-16 17:31:51 +08:00
wfe_war :
b _ _ c p u _ r e s e t _ a g a i n
/ *
2015-02-26 11:21:58 +01:00
* 3 8 nop' s , w h i c h f i l l s r e s t o f w f e c a c h e l i n e a n d
2012-08-16 17:31:51 +08:00
* 4 more c a c h e l i n e s w i t h n o p
* /
.rept 38
b . @ should never get here
ENDPROC( t e g r a30 _ c p u _ s h u t d o w n )
# endif
2012-10-31 17:41:17 +08:00
# ifdef C O N F I G _ P M _ S L E E P
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
/ *
* tegra3 0 _ s l e e p _ c o r e _ f i n i s h ( u n s i g n e d l o n g v2 p )
* Enters s u s p e n d i n L P 0 o r L P 1 b y t u r n i n g o f f t h e M M U a n d j u m p i n g t o
* tegra3 0 _ t e a r _ d o w n _ c o r e i n I R A M
* /
ENTRY( t e g r a30 _ s l e e p _ c o r e _ f i n i s h )
2015-11-19 14:19:47 +00:00
mov r4 , r0
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
/* Flush, disable the L1 data cache and exit SMP */
2015-11-19 14:19:47 +00:00
mov r0 , #T E G R A _ F L U S H _ C A C H E _ A L L
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
bl t e g r a _ d i s a b l e _ c l e a n _ i n v _ d c a c h e
2015-11-19 14:19:47 +00:00
mov r0 , r4
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
/ *
* Preload a l l t h e a d d r e s s l i t e r a l s t h a t a r e n e e d e d f o r t h e
* CPU p o w e r - g a t i n g p r o c e s s , t o a v o i d l o a d i n g f r o m S D R A M w h i c h
* are n o t s u p p o r t e d o n c e S D R A M i s p u t i n t o s e l f - r e f r e s h .
* LP0 / L P 1 u s e p h y s i c a l a d d r e s s , s i n c e t h e M M U n e e d s t o b e
* disabled b e f o r e p u t t i n g S D R A M i n t o s e l f - r e f r e s h t o a v o i d
* memory a c c e s s d u e t o p a g e t a b l e w a l k s .
* /
mov3 2 r4 , T E G R A _ P M C _ B A S E
mov3 2 r5 , T E G R A _ C L K _ R E S E T _ B A S E
mov3 2 r6 , T E G R A _ F L O W _ C T R L _ B A S E
mov3 2 r7 , T E G R A _ T M R U S _ B A S E
mov3 2 r3 , t e g r a _ s h u t _ o f f _ m m u
add r3 , r3 , r0
mov3 2 r0 , t e g r a30 _ t e a r _ d o w n _ c o r e
mov3 2 r1 , t e g r a30 _ i r a m _ s t a r t
sub r0 , r0 , r1
2013-08-20 16:19:15 -06:00
mov3 2 r1 , T E G R A _ I R A M _ L P x _ R E S U M E _ A R E A
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
add r0 , r0 , r1
2014-06-30 16:29:12 +01:00
ret r3
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
ENDPROC( t e g r a30 _ s l e e p _ c o r e _ f i n i s h )
2012-10-31 17:41:17 +08:00
/ *
2020-02-25 01:40:47 +03:00
* tegra3 0 _ p m _ s e c o n d a r y _ c p u _ s u s p e n d ( u n s i g n e d l o n g u n u s e d _ a r g )
2012-10-31 17:41:17 +08:00
* Enters L P 2 o n s e c o n d a r y C P U b y e x i t i n g c o h e r e n c y a n d p o w e r g a t i n g t h e C P U .
* /
2020-02-25 01:40:47 +03:00
ENTRY( t e g r a30 _ p m _ s e c o n d a r y _ c p u _ s u s p e n d )
2012-10-31 17:41:17 +08:00
mov r7 , l r
/* Flush and disable the L1 data cache */
2013-07-03 17:50:38 +08:00
mov r0 , #T E G R A _ F L U S H _ C A C H E _ L O U I S
2012-10-31 17:41:17 +08:00
bl t e g r a _ d i s a b l e _ c l e a n _ i n v _ d c a c h e
/* Powergate this CPU. */
mov r0 , #0 @ power mode flags (!hotplug)
bl t e g r a30 _ c p u _ s h u t d o w n
mov r0 , #1 @ never return here
2014-06-30 16:29:12 +01:00
ret r7
2020-02-25 01:40:47 +03:00
ENDPROC( t e g r a30 _ p m _ s e c o n d a r y _ c p u _ s u s p e n d )
2012-10-31 17:41:21 +08:00
/ *
* tegra3 0 _ t e a r _ d o w n _ c p u
* Switches t h e C P U t o e n t e r s l e e p .
* /
ENTRY( t e g r a30 _ t e a r _ d o w n _ c p u )
mov3 2 r6 , T E G R A _ F L O W _ C T R L _ B A S E
b t e g r a30 _ e n t e r _ s l e e p
ENDPROC( t e g r a30 _ t e a r _ d o w n _ c p u )
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
.globl tegra30_iram_start
tegra30_iram_start :
/ *
* tegra3 0 _ l p1 _ r e s e t
* reset v e c t o r f o r L P 1 r e s t o r e ; copied into IRAM during suspend.
* Brings t h e s y s t e m b a c k u p t o a s a f e s t a r i n g p o i n t ( S D R A M o u t o f
* self- r e f r e s h , P L L C , P L L M a n d P L L P r e e n a b l e d , C P U r u n n i n g o n P L L X ,
* system c l o c k r u n n i n g o n t h e s a m e P L L t h a t i t s u s p e n d e d a t ) , a n d
* jumps t o t e g r a _ r e s u m e t o r e s t o r e v i r t u a l a d d r e s s i n g .
* The p h y s i c a l a d d r e s s o f t e g r a _ r e s u m e e x p e c t e d t o b e s t o r e d i n
* PMC_ S C R A T C H 4 1 .
2013-08-20 16:19:15 -06:00
* NOTE : THIS * M U S T * B E R E L O C A T E D T O T E G R A _ I R A M _ L P x _ R E S U M E _ A R E A .
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
* /
ENTRY( t e g r a30 _ l p1 _ r e s e t )
/ *
* The C P U a n d s y s t e m b u s a r e r u n n i n g a t 3 2 K H z a n d e x e c u t i n g f r o m
* IRAM w h e n t h i s c o d e i s e x e c u t e d ; immediately switch to CLKM and
* enable P L L P , P L L M , P L L C , P L L A a n d P L L X .
* /
mov3 2 r0 , T E G R A _ C L K _ R E S E T _ B A S E
mov r1 , #( 1 < < 2 8 )
str r1 , [ r0 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ S C L K _ B U R S T ]
str r1 , [ r0 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ C C L K _ B U R S T ]
mov r1 , #0
str r1 , [ r0 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ C C L K _ D I V I D E R ]
str r1 , [ r0 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ S C L K _ D I V I D E R ]
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
tegra_ g e t _ s o c _ i d T E G R A _ A P B _ M I S C _ B A S E , r10
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 30
beq _ n o _ p l l _ i d d q _ e x i t
pll_ i d d q _ e x i t r1 , r0 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L M _ M I S C , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L M _ M I S C _ I D D Q
pll_ i d d q _ e x i t r1 , r0 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L C _ M I S C , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L C _ M I S C _ I D D Q
pll_ i d d q _ e x i t r1 , r0 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L X _ M I S C 3 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L X _ M I S C 3 _ I D D Q
mov3 2 r7 , T E G R A _ T M R U S _ B A S E
ldr r1 , [ r7 ]
add r1 , r1 , #2
wait_ u n t i l r1 , r7 , r3
/* enable PLLM via PMC */
mov3 2 r2 , T E G R A _ P M C _ B A S E
2021-01-12 16:50:31 +03:00
pllm_ p m c _ e n a b l e r1 , r2
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
2021-01-12 16:50:31 +03:00
pll_ e n a b l e r1 , r0 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L M _ B A S E , 0 , P L L M _ S T O R E _ M A S K
pll_ e n a b l e r1 , r0 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L C _ B A S E , 0 , P L L C _ S T O R E _ M A S K
pll_ e n a b l e r1 , r0 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L X _ B A S E , 0 , P L L X _ S T O R E _ M A S K
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
b _ p l l _ m _ c _ x _ d o n e
_no_pll_iddq_exit :
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
/* enable PLLM via PMC */
mov3 2 r2 , T E G R A _ P M C _ B A S E
2021-01-12 16:50:31 +03:00
pllm_ p m c _ e n a b l e r1 , r2
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
2021-01-12 16:50:31 +03:00
pll_ e n a b l e r1 , r0 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L M _ B A S E , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L M _ M I S C , P L L M _ S T O R E _ M A S K
pll_ e n a b l e r1 , r0 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L C _ B A S E , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L C _ M I S C , P L L C _ S T O R E _ M A S K
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
_pll_m_c_x_done :
2021-01-12 16:50:31 +03:00
pll_ e n a b l e r1 , r0 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L P _ B A S E , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L P _ M I S C , P L L P _ S T O R E _ M A S K
pll_ e n a b l e r1 , r0 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L A _ B A S E , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L A _ M I S C , P L L A _ S T O R E _ M A S K
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
2021-01-12 16:50:31 +03:00
pll_ l o c k e d r1 , r0 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L M _ B A S E , P L L M _ S T O R E _ M A S K
pll_ l o c k e d r1 , r0 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L P _ B A S E , P L L P _ S T O R E _ M A S K
pll_ l o c k e d r1 , r0 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L A _ B A S E , P L L A _ S T O R E _ M A S K
pll_ l o c k e d r1 , r0 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L C _ B A S E , P L L C _ S T O R E _ M A S K
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
2020-03-19 22:02:24 +03:00
/ *
* CPUFreq d r i v e r c o u l d s e l e c t o t h e r P L L f o r C P U . P L L X w i l l b e
* enabled b y t h e T e g r a30 C L K d r i v e r o n a n a s - n e e d e d b a s i s , s e e
* tegra3 0 _ c p u _ c l o c k _ r e s u m e ( ) .
* /
ARM: tegra: Enable PLLP bypass during Tegra124 LP1
For a little over a year, U-Boot has configured the flow controller to
perform automatic RAM re-repair on off->on power transitions of the CPU
rail[1]. This is mandatory for correct operation of Tegra124. However,
RAM re-repair relies on certain clocks, which the kernel must enable and
leave running. PLLP is one of those clocks. This clock is shut down
during LP1 in order to save power. Enable bypass (which I believe routes
osc_div_clk, essentially the crystal clock, to the PLL output) so that
this clock signal toggles even though the PLL is not active. This is
required so that LP1 power mode (system suspend) operates correctly.
The bypass configuration must then be undone when resuming from LP1, so
that all peripheral clocks run at the expected rate. Without this, many
peripherals won't work correctly; for example, the UART baud rate would
be incorrect.
NVIDIA's downstream kernel code only does this if not compiled for
Tegra30, so the added code is made conditional upon the chip ID.
NVIDIA's downstream code makes this change conditional upon the active
CPU cluster. The upstream kernel currently doesn't support cluster
switching, so this patch doesn't test the active CPU cluster ID.
[1] 3cc7942a4ae5 ARM: tegra: implement RAM repair
Reported-by: Jonathan Hunter <jonathanh@nvidia.com>
Cc: stable@vger.kernel.org
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Thierry Reding <treding@nvidia.com>
2019-10-03 14:50:31 -06:00
tegra_ g e t _ s o c _ i d T E G R A _ A P B _ M I S C _ B A S E , r1
cmp r1 , #T E G R A 30
beq 1 f
2019-10-03 14:50:32 -06:00
2021-01-12 16:50:31 +03:00
pll_ l o c k e d r1 , r0 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L X _ B A S E , P L L X _ S T O R E _ M A S K
2020-03-19 22:02:24 +03:00
ARM: tegra: Enable PLLP bypass during Tegra124 LP1
For a little over a year, U-Boot has configured the flow controller to
perform automatic RAM re-repair on off->on power transitions of the CPU
rail[1]. This is mandatory for correct operation of Tegra124. However,
RAM re-repair relies on certain clocks, which the kernel must enable and
leave running. PLLP is one of those clocks. This clock is shut down
during LP1 in order to save power. Enable bypass (which I believe routes
osc_div_clk, essentially the crystal clock, to the PLL output) so that
this clock signal toggles even though the PLL is not active. This is
required so that LP1 power mode (system suspend) operates correctly.
The bypass configuration must then be undone when resuming from LP1, so
that all peripheral clocks run at the expected rate. Without this, many
peripherals won't work correctly; for example, the UART baud rate would
be incorrect.
NVIDIA's downstream kernel code only does this if not compiled for
Tegra30, so the added code is made conditional upon the chip ID.
NVIDIA's downstream code makes this change conditional upon the active
CPU cluster. The upstream kernel currently doesn't support cluster
switching, so this patch doesn't test the active CPU cluster ID.
[1] 3cc7942a4ae5 ARM: tegra: implement RAM repair
Reported-by: Jonathan Hunter <jonathanh@nvidia.com>
Cc: stable@vger.kernel.org
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Thierry Reding <treding@nvidia.com>
2019-10-03 14:50:31 -06:00
ldr r1 , [ r0 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L P _ B A S E ]
bic r1 , r1 , #( 1 < < 3 1 ) @ disable PllP bypass
str r1 , [ r0 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L P _ B A S E ]
2019-10-03 14:50:32 -06:00
mov r1 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L P _ R E S H I F T _ D E F A U L T
str r1 , [ r0 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L P _ R E S H I F T ]
ARM: tegra: Enable PLLP bypass during Tegra124 LP1
For a little over a year, U-Boot has configured the flow controller to
perform automatic RAM re-repair on off->on power transitions of the CPU
rail[1]. This is mandatory for correct operation of Tegra124. However,
RAM re-repair relies on certain clocks, which the kernel must enable and
leave running. PLLP is one of those clocks. This clock is shut down
during LP1 in order to save power. Enable bypass (which I believe routes
osc_div_clk, essentially the crystal clock, to the PLL output) so that
this clock signal toggles even though the PLL is not active. This is
required so that LP1 power mode (system suspend) operates correctly.
The bypass configuration must then be undone when resuming from LP1, so
that all peripheral clocks run at the expected rate. Without this, many
peripherals won't work correctly; for example, the UART baud rate would
be incorrect.
NVIDIA's downstream kernel code only does this if not compiled for
Tegra30, so the added code is made conditional upon the chip ID.
NVIDIA's downstream code makes this change conditional upon the active
CPU cluster. The upstream kernel currently doesn't support cluster
switching, so this patch doesn't test the active CPU cluster ID.
[1] 3cc7942a4ae5 ARM: tegra: implement RAM repair
Reported-by: Jonathan Hunter <jonathanh@nvidia.com>
Cc: stable@vger.kernel.org
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Thierry Reding <treding@nvidia.com>
2019-10-03 14:50:31 -06:00
1 :
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
mov3 2 r7 , T E G R A _ T M R U S _ B A S E
ldr r1 , [ r7 ]
add r1 , r1 , #L O C K _ D E L A Y
wait_ u n t i l r1 , r7 , r3
2013-10-11 17:58:37 +08:00
adr r5 , t e g r a _ s d r a m _ p a d _ s a v e
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
ldr r4 , [ r5 , #0x18 ] @ restore CLK_SOURCE_MSELECT
str r4 , [ r0 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ C L K _ S O U R C E _ M S E L E C T ]
ldr r4 , [ r5 , #0x1C ] @ restore SCLK_BURST
str r4 , [ r0 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ S C L K _ B U R S T ]
2020-03-19 22:02:23 +03:00
movw r4 , #: l o w e r 16 : ( ( 1 < < 2 8 ) | ( 0 x4 ) ) @ burst policy is PLLP
movt r4 , #: u p p e r 16 : ( ( 1 < < 2 8 ) | ( 0 x4 ) )
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
str r4 , [ r0 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ C C L K _ B U R S T ]
/* Restore pad power state to normal */
ldr r1 , [ r5 , #0x14 ] @ PMC_IO_DPD_STATUS
mvn r1 , r1
bic r1 , r1 , #( 1 < < 3 1 )
orr r1 , r1 , #( 1 < < 3 0 )
str r1 , [ r2 , #P M C _ I O _ D P D _ R E Q ] @ D P D _ O F F
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 30
movweq r0 , #: l o w e r 16 : T E G R A _ E M C _ B A S E @ r0 reserved for emc base
movteq r0 , #: u p p e r 16 : T E G R A _ E M C _ B A S E
2013-10-11 17:58:38 +08:00
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 114
movweq r0 , #: l o w e r 16 : T E G R A _ E M C 0 _ B A S E
movteq r0 , #: u p p e r 16 : T E G R A _ E M C 0 _ B A S E
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 124
movweq r0 , #: l o w e r 16 : T E G R A 1 2 4 _ E M C _ B A S E
movteq r0 , #: u p p e r 16 : T E G R A 1 2 4 _ E M C _ B A S E
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
exit_self_refresh :
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
ldr r1 , [ r5 , #0xC ] @ restore EMC_XM2VTTGENPADCTRL
str r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ X M 2 V T T G E N P A D C T R L ]
ldr r1 , [ r5 , #0x10 ] @ restore EMC_XM2VTTGENPADCTRL2
str r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ X M 2 V T T G E N P A D C T R L 2 ]
ldr r1 , [ r5 , #0x8 ] @ restore EMC_AUTO_CAL_INTERVAL
str r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ A U T O _ C A L _ I N T E R V A L ]
/* Relock DLL */
ldr r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ C F G _ D I G _ D L L ]
orr r1 , r1 , #( 1 < < 3 0 ) @ set DLL_RESET
str r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ C F G _ D I G _ D L L ]
emc_ t i m i n g _ u p d a t e r1 , r0
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 114
movweq r1 , #: l o w e r 16 : T E G R A _ E M C 1 _ B A S E
movteq r1 , #: u p p e r 16 : T E G R A _ E M C 1 _ B A S E
cmpeq r0 , r1
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
ldr r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ A U T O _ C A L _ C O N F I G ]
orr r1 , r1 , #( 1 < < 3 1 ) @ set AUTO_CAL_ACTIVE
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
orreq r1 , r1 , #( 1 < < 2 7 ) @ set slave mode for channel 1
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
str r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ A U T O _ C A L _ C O N F I G ]
emc_wait_auto_cal_onetime :
ldr r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ A U T O _ C A L _ S T A T U S ]
tst r1 , #( 1 < < 3 1 ) @ wait until AUTO_CAL_ACTIVE is cleared
bne e m c _ w a i t _ a u t o _ c a l _ o n e t i m e
ldr r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ C F G ]
bic r1 , r1 , #( 1 < < 3 1 ) @ disable DRAM_CLK_STOP_PD
str r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ C F G ]
mov r1 , #0
str r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ S E L F _ R E F ] @ t a k e D R A M o u t o f s e l f r e f r e s h
mov r1 , #1
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 30
streq r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ N O P ]
streq r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ N O P ]
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
emc_ d e v i c e _ m a s k r1 , r0
exit_selfrefresh_loop :
ldr r2 , [ r0 , #E M C _ E M C _ S T A T U S ]
ands r2 , r2 , r1
bne e x i t _ s e l f r e f r e s h _ l o o p
lsr r1 , r1 , #8 @ devSel, bit0:dev0, bit1:dev1
mov3 2 r7 , T E G R A _ T M R U S _ B A S E
ldr r2 , [ r0 , #E M C _ F B I O _ C F G 5 ]
and r2 , r2 , #3 @ check DRAM_TYPE
cmp r2 , #2
beq e m c _ l p d d r2
/* Issue a ZQ_CAL for dev0 - DDR3 */
mov3 2 r2 , 0 x80 0 0 0 0 1 1 @ DEV_SELECTION=2, LENGTH=LONG, CMD=1
str r2 , [ r0 , #E M C _ Z Q _ C A L ]
ldr r2 , [ r7 ]
add r2 , r2 , #10
wait_ u n t i l r2 , r7 , r3
tst r1 , #2
beq z c a l _ d o n e
/* Issue a ZQ_CAL for dev1 - DDR3 */
mov3 2 r2 , 0 x40 0 0 0 0 1 1 @ DEV_SELECTION=1, LENGTH=LONG, CMD=1
str r2 , [ r0 , #E M C _ Z Q _ C A L ]
ldr r2 , [ r7 ]
add r2 , r2 , #10
wait_ u n t i l r2 , r7 , r3
b z c a l _ d o n e
emc_lpddr2 :
/* Issue a ZQ_CAL for dev0 - LPDDR2 */
mov3 2 r2 , 0 x80 0 A 0 0 A B @ DEV_SELECTION=2, MA=10, OP=0xAB
str r2 , [ r0 , #E M C _ M R W ]
ldr r2 , [ r7 ]
add r2 , r2 , #1
wait_ u n t i l r2 , r7 , r3
tst r1 , #2
beq z c a l _ d o n e
/* Issue a ZQ_CAL for dev0 - LPDDR2 */
mov3 2 r2 , 0 x40 0 A 0 0 A B @ DEV_SELECTION=1, MA=10, OP=0xAB
str r2 , [ r0 , #E M C _ M R W ]
ldr r2 , [ r7 ]
add r2 , r2 , #1
wait_ u n t i l r2 , r7 , r3
zcal_done :
mov r1 , #0 @ unstall all transactions
str r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ R E Q _ C T R L ]
ldr r1 , [ r5 , #0x4 ] @ restore EMC_ZCAL_INTERVAL
str r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ Z C A L _ I N T E R V A L ]
ldr r1 , [ r5 , #0x0 ] @ restore EMC_CFG
str r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ C F G ]
2018-11-25 00:13:46 +03:00
emc_ t i m i n g _ u p d a t e r1 , r0
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
/* Tegra114 had dual EMC channel, now config the other one */
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 114
bne _ _ n o _ d u a l _ e m c _ c h a n l
mov3 2 r1 , T E G R A _ E M C 1 _ B A S E
cmp r0 , r1
movne r0 , r1
addne r5 , r5 , #0x20
bne e x i t _ s e l f _ r e f r e s h
__no_dual_emc_chanl :
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
mov3 2 r0 , T E G R A _ P M C _ B A S E
ldr r0 , [ r0 , #P M C _ S C R A T C H 41 ]
2014-06-30 16:29:12 +01:00
ret r0 @ jump to tegra_resume
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
ENDPROC( t e g r a30 _ l p1 _ r e s e t )
tegra30_sdram_pad_address :
.word TEGRA_EMC_BASE + EMC_ C F G @0x0
.word TEGRA_EMC_BASE + EMC_ Z C A L _ I N T E R V A L @0x4
.word TEGRA_EMC_BASE + EMC_ A U T O _ C A L _ I N T E R V A L @0x8
.word TEGRA_EMC_BASE + EMC_ X M 2 V T T G E N P A D C T R L @0xc
.word TEGRA_EMC_BASE + EMC_ X M 2 V T T G E N P A D C T R L 2 @0x10
.word TEGRA_PMC_BASE + PMC_ I O _ D P D _ S T A T U S @0x14
.word TEGRA_CLK_RESET_BASE + CLK_ R E S E T _ C L K _ S O U R C E _ M S E L E C T @0x18
.word TEGRA_CLK_RESET_BASE + CLK_ R E S E T _ S C L K _ B U R S T @0x1c
2013-10-11 17:58:37 +08:00
tegra30_sdram_pad_address_end :
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
tegra114_sdram_pad_address :
.word TEGRA_EMC0_BASE + EMC_ C F G @0x0
.word TEGRA_EMC0_BASE + EMC_ Z C A L _ I N T E R V A L @0x4
.word TEGRA_EMC0_BASE + EMC_ A U T O _ C A L _ I N T E R V A L @0x8
.word TEGRA_EMC0_BASE + EMC_ X M 2 V T T G E N P A D C T R L @0xc
.word TEGRA_EMC0_BASE + EMC_ X M 2 V T T G E N P A D C T R L 2 @0x10
.word TEGRA_PMC_BASE + PMC_ I O _ D P D _ S T A T U S @0x14
.word TEGRA_CLK_RESET_BASE + CLK_ R E S E T _ C L K _ S O U R C E _ M S E L E C T @0x18
.word TEGRA_CLK_RESET_BASE + CLK_ R E S E T _ S C L K _ B U R S T @0x1c
.word TEGRA_EMC1_BASE + EMC_ C F G @0x20
.word TEGRA_EMC1_BASE + EMC_ Z C A L _ I N T E R V A L @0x24
.word TEGRA_EMC1_BASE + EMC_ A U T O _ C A L _ I N T E R V A L @0x28
.word TEGRA_EMC1_BASE + EMC_ X M 2 V T T G E N P A D C T R L @0x2c
.word TEGRA_EMC1_BASE + EMC_ X M 2 V T T G E N P A D C T R L 2 @0x30
2013-10-11 17:58:37 +08:00
tegra114_sdram_pad_adress_end :
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
2013-10-11 17:58:38 +08:00
tegra124_sdram_pad_address :
.word TEGRA124_EMC_BASE + EMC_ C F G @0x0
.word TEGRA124_EMC_BASE + EMC_ Z C A L _ I N T E R V A L @0x4
.word TEGRA124_EMC_BASE + EMC_ A U T O _ C A L _ I N T E R V A L @0x8
.word TEGRA124_EMC_BASE + EMC_ X M 2 V T T G E N P A D C T R L @0xc
.word TEGRA124_EMC_BASE + EMC_ X M 2 V T T G E N P A D C T R L 2 @0x10
.word TEGRA_PMC_BASE + PMC_ I O _ D P D _ S T A T U S @0x14
.word TEGRA_CLK_RESET_BASE + CLK_ R E S E T _ C L K _ S O U R C E _ M S E L E C T @0x18
.word TEGRA_CLK_RESET_BASE + CLK_ R E S E T _ S C L K _ B U R S T @0x1c
tegra124_sdram_pad_address_end :
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
tegra30_sdram_pad_size :
2013-10-11 17:58:37 +08:00
.word tegra30_sdram_pad_address_end - tegra3 0 _ s d r a m _ p a d _ a d d r e s s
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
tegra114_sdram_pad_size :
2013-10-11 17:58:37 +08:00
.word tegra114_sdram_pad_adress_end - tegra1 1 4 _ s d r a m _ p a d _ a d d r e s s
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
2013-10-11 17:58:37 +08:00
.type tegra_ s d r a m _ p a d _ s a v e , % o b j e c t
tegra_sdram_pad_save :
.rept ( tegra1 1 4 _ s d r a m _ p a d _ a d r e s s _ e n d - t e g r a11 4 _ s d r a m _ p a d _ a d d r e s s ) / 4
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
.long 0
2021-01-12 16:50:31 +03:00
tegra_pll_state :
.word 0x0
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
/ *
* tegra3 0 _ t e a r _ d o w n _ c o r e
* copied i n t o a n d e x e c u t e d f r o m I R A M
* puts m e m o r y i n s e l f - r e f r e s h f o r L P 0 a n d L P 1
* /
tegra30_tear_down_core :
bl t e g r a30 _ s d r a m _ s e l f _ r e f r e s h
bl t e g r a30 _ s w i t c h _ c p u _ t o _ c l k 3 2 k
b t e g r a30 _ e n t e r _ s l e e p
/ *
* tegra3 0 _ s w i t c h _ c p u _ t o _ c l k 3 2 k
* In L P 0 a n d L P 1 a l l P L L s w i l l b e t u r n e d o f f . S w i t c h i n g t h e C P U a n d S y s t e m C L K
* to t h e 3 2 K H z c l o c k .
* r4 = T E G R A _ P M C _ B A S E
* r5 = T E G R A _ C L K _ R E S E T _ B A S E
* r6 = T E G R A _ F L O W _ C T R L _ B A S E
* r7 = T E G R A _ T M R U S _ B A S E
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
* r1 0 = S o C I D
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
* /
tegra30_switch_cpu_to_clk32k :
/ *
* start b y j u m p i n g t o C L K M t o s a f e l y d i s a b l e P L L s , t h e n j u m p t o
* /
mov r0 , #( 1 < < 2 8 )
str r0 , [ r5 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ S C L K _ B U R S T ]
/* 2uS delay delay between changing SCLK and CCLK */
ldr r1 , [ r7 ]
add r1 , r1 , #2
wait_ u n t i l r1 , r7 , r9
str r0 , [ r5 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ C C L K _ B U R S T ]
mov r0 , #0
str r0 , [ r5 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ C C L K _ D I V I D E R ]
str r0 , [ r5 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ S C L K _ D I V I D E R ]
/* switch the clock source of mselect to be CLK_M */
ldr r0 , [ r5 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ C L K _ S O U R C E _ M S E L E C T ]
orr r0 , r0 , #M S E L E C T _ C L K M
str r0 , [ r5 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ C L K _ S O U R C E _ M S E L E C T ]
/* 2uS delay delay between changing SCLK and disabling PLLs */
ldr r1 , [ r7 ]
add r1 , r1 , #2
wait_ u n t i l r1 , r7 , r9
2021-01-12 16:50:31 +03:00
/* store enable-state of PLLs */
store_ p l l _ s t a t e r0 , r1 , r5 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L A _ B A S E , P L L A _ S T O R E _ M A S K
store_ p l l _ s t a t e r0 , r1 , r5 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L C _ B A S E , P L L C _ S T O R E _ M A S K
store_ p l l _ s t a t e r0 , r1 , r5 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L M _ B A S E , P L L M _ S T O R E _ M A S K
store_ p l l _ s t a t e r0 , r1 , r5 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L P _ B A S E , P L L P _ S T O R E _ M A S K
store_ p l l _ s t a t e r0 , r1 , r5 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L X _ B A S E , P L L X _ S T O R E _ M A S K
store_ p l l m _ p m c _ s t a t e r0 , r1 , r4
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
/* disable PLLM via PMC in LP1 */
ldr r0 , [ r4 , #P M C _ P L L P _ W B 0 _ O V E R R I D E ]
bic r0 , r0 , #( 1 < < 1 2 )
str r0 , [ r4 , #P M C _ P L L P _ W B 0 _ O V E R R I D E ]
/* disable PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX */
ARM: tegra: Enable PLLP bypass during Tegra124 LP1
For a little over a year, U-Boot has configured the flow controller to
perform automatic RAM re-repair on off->on power transitions of the CPU
rail[1]. This is mandatory for correct operation of Tegra124. However,
RAM re-repair relies on certain clocks, which the kernel must enable and
leave running. PLLP is one of those clocks. This clock is shut down
during LP1 in order to save power. Enable bypass (which I believe routes
osc_div_clk, essentially the crystal clock, to the PLL output) so that
this clock signal toggles even though the PLL is not active. This is
required so that LP1 power mode (system suspend) operates correctly.
The bypass configuration must then be undone when resuming from LP1, so
that all peripheral clocks run at the expected rate. Without this, many
peripherals won't work correctly; for example, the UART baud rate would
be incorrect.
NVIDIA's downstream kernel code only does this if not compiled for
Tegra30, so the added code is made conditional upon the chip ID.
NVIDIA's downstream code makes this change conditional upon the active
CPU cluster. The upstream kernel currently doesn't support cluster
switching, so this patch doesn't test the active CPU cluster ID.
[1] 3cc7942a4ae5 ARM: tegra: implement RAM repair
Reported-by: Jonathan Hunter <jonathanh@nvidia.com>
Cc: stable@vger.kernel.org
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Thierry Reding <treding@nvidia.com>
2019-10-03 14:50:31 -06:00
tegra_ g e t _ s o c _ i d T E G R A _ A P B _ M I S C _ B A S E , r1
cmp r1 , #T E G R A 30
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
ldr r0 , [ r5 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L P _ B A S E ]
ARM: tegra: Enable PLLP bypass during Tegra124 LP1
For a little over a year, U-Boot has configured the flow controller to
perform automatic RAM re-repair on off->on power transitions of the CPU
rail[1]. This is mandatory for correct operation of Tegra124. However,
RAM re-repair relies on certain clocks, which the kernel must enable and
leave running. PLLP is one of those clocks. This clock is shut down
during LP1 in order to save power. Enable bypass (which I believe routes
osc_div_clk, essentially the crystal clock, to the PLL output) so that
this clock signal toggles even though the PLL is not active. This is
required so that LP1 power mode (system suspend) operates correctly.
The bypass configuration must then be undone when resuming from LP1, so
that all peripheral clocks run at the expected rate. Without this, many
peripherals won't work correctly; for example, the UART baud rate would
be incorrect.
NVIDIA's downstream kernel code only does this if not compiled for
Tegra30, so the added code is made conditional upon the chip ID.
NVIDIA's downstream code makes this change conditional upon the active
CPU cluster. The upstream kernel currently doesn't support cluster
switching, so this patch doesn't test the active CPU cluster ID.
[1] 3cc7942a4ae5 ARM: tegra: implement RAM repair
Reported-by: Jonathan Hunter <jonathanh@nvidia.com>
Cc: stable@vger.kernel.org
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Thierry Reding <treding@nvidia.com>
2019-10-03 14:50:31 -06:00
orrne r0 , r0 , #( 1 < < 3 1 ) @ enable PllP bypass on fast cluster
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
bic r0 , r0 , #( 1 < < 3 0 )
str r0 , [ r5 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L P _ B A S E ]
2019-10-03 14:50:32 -06:00
beq 1 f
mov r0 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L P _ R E S H I F T _ E N A B L E
str r0 , [ r5 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L P _ R E S H I F T ]
1 :
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
ldr r0 , [ r5 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L A _ B A S E ]
bic r0 , r0 , #( 1 < < 3 0 )
str r0 , [ r5 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L A _ B A S E ]
ldr r0 , [ r5 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L C _ B A S E ]
bic r0 , r0 , #( 1 < < 3 0 )
str r0 , [ r5 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L C _ B A S E ]
ldr r0 , [ r5 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L X _ B A S E ]
bic r0 , r0 , #( 1 < < 3 0 )
str r0 , [ r5 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L X _ B A S E ]
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 30
beq _ n o _ p l l _ i n _ i d d q
pll_ i d d q _ e n t r y r1 , r5 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L X _ M I S C 3 , C L K _ R E S E T _ P L L X _ M I S C 3 _ I D D Q
_no_pll_in_iddq :
2019-10-03 14:50:33 -06:00
/ *
* Switch t o c l k _ s ( 3 2 K H z ) ; bits 28:31=0
* Enable b u r s t o n C P U I R Q ; bit 24=1
* Set I R Q b u r s t c l o c k s o u r c e t o c l k _ m ; bits 10:8=0
* /
mov r0 , #( 1 < < 2 4 )
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
str r0 , [ r5 , #C L K _ R E S E T _ S C L K _ B U R S T ]
2014-06-30 16:29:12 +01:00
ret l r
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
2012-10-31 17:41:21 +08:00
/ *
* tegra3 0 _ e n t e r _ s l e e p
* uses f l o w c o n t r o l l e r t o e n t e r s l e e p s t a t e
* executes f r o m I R A M w i t h S D R A M i n s e l f r e f r e s h w h e n t a r g e t s t a t e i s L P 0 o r L P 1
* executes f r o m S D R A M w i t h t a r g e t s t a t e i s L P 2
* r6 = T E G R A _ F L O W _ C T R L _ B A S E
* /
tegra30_enter_sleep :
cpu_ i d r1
cpu_ t o _ c s r _ r e g r2 , r1
ldr r0 , [ r6 , r2 ]
orr r0 , r0 , #F L O W _ C T R L _ C S R _ I N T R _ F L A G | F L O W _ C T R L _ C S R _ E V E N T _ F L A G
orr r0 , r0 , #F L O W _ C T R L _ C S R _ E N A B L E
str r0 , [ r6 , r2 ]
2013-07-03 17:50:40 +08:00
tegra_ g e t _ s o c _ i d T E G R A _ A P B _ M I S C _ B A S E , r10
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 30
2012-10-31 17:41:21 +08:00
mov r0 , #F L O W _ C T R L _ W A I T _ F O R _ I N T E R R U P T
2013-07-03 17:50:40 +08:00
orreq r0 , r0 , #F L O W _ C T R L _ H A L T _ C P U _ I R Q | F L O W _ C T R L _ H A L T _ C P U _ F I Q
orrne r0 , r0 , #F L O W _ C T R L _ H A L T _ L I C _ I R Q | F L O W _ C T R L _ H A L T _ L I C _ F I Q
2012-10-31 17:41:21 +08:00
cpu_ t o _ h a l t _ r e g r2 , r1
str r0 , [ r6 , r2 ]
ldr r0 , [ r6 , r2 ] / * m e m o r y b a r r i e r * /
2019-07-30 20:23:40 +03:00
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 30
2012-10-31 17:41:21 +08:00
halted :
2019-07-30 20:23:40 +03:00
wfine / * C P U s h o u l d b e p o w e r g a t e d h e r e * /
2012-10-31 17:41:21 +08:00
/* !!!FIXME!!! Implement halt failure handler */
b h a l t e d
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
/ *
* tegra3 0 _ s d r a m _ s e l f _ r e f r e s h
* called w i t h M M U o f f a n d c a c h e s d i s a b l e d
* must b e e x e c u t e d f r o m I R A M
* r4 = T E G R A _ P M C _ B A S E
* r5 = T E G R A _ C L K _ R E S E T _ B A S E
* r6 = T E G R A _ F L O W _ C T R L _ B A S E
* r7 = T E G R A _ T M R U S _ B A S E
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
* r1 0 = S o C I D
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
* /
tegra30_sdram_self_refresh :
2013-10-11 17:58:37 +08:00
adr r8 , t e g r a _ s d r a m _ p a d _ s a v e
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
tegra_ g e t _ s o c _ i d T E G R A _ A P B _ M I S C _ B A S E , r10
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 30
adreq r2 , t e g r a30 _ s d r a m _ p a d _ a d d r e s s
ldreq r3 , t e g r a30 _ s d r a m _ p a d _ s i z e
2013-10-11 17:58:38 +08:00
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 114
adreq r2 , t e g r a11 4 _ s d r a m _ p a d _ a d d r e s s
ldreq r3 , t e g r a11 4 _ s d r a m _ p a d _ s i z e
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 124
adreq r2 , t e g r a12 4 _ s d r a m _ p a d _ a d d r e s s
ldreq r3 , t e g r a30 _ s d r a m _ p a d _ s i z e
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
mov r9 , #0
padsave :
ldr r0 , [ r2 , r9 ] @ r0 is the addr in the pad_address
ldr r1 , [ r0 ]
str r1 , [ r8 , r9 ] @ save the content of the addr
add r9 , r9 , #4
cmp r3 , r9
bne p a d s a v e
padsave_done :
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 30
ldreq r0 , =TEGRA_EMC_BASE @ r0 reserved for emc base addr
2013-10-11 17:58:38 +08:00
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 114
ldreq r0 , =TEGRA_EMC0_BASE
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 124
ldreq r0 , =TEGRA124_EMC_BASE
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
enter_self_refresh :
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 30
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
mov r1 , #0
str r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ Z C A L _ I N T E R V A L ]
str r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ A U T O _ C A L _ I N T E R V A L ]
ldr r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ C F G ]
bic r1 , r1 , #( 1 < < 2 8 )
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
bicne r1 , r1 , #( 1 < < 2 9 )
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
str r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ C F G ] @ d i s a b l e D Y N _ S E L F _ R E F
emc_ t i m i n g _ u p d a t e r1 , r0
ldr r1 , [ r7 ]
add r1 , r1 , #5
wait_ u n t i l r1 , r7 , r2
emc_wait_auto_cal :
ldr r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ A U T O _ C A L _ S T A T U S ]
tst r1 , #( 1 < < 3 1 ) @ wait until AUTO_CAL_ACTIVE is cleared
bne e m c _ w a i t _ a u t o _ c a l
mov r1 , #3
str r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ R E Q _ C T R L ] @ s t a l l i n c o m i n g D R A M r e q u e s t s
emcidle :
ldr r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ E M C _ S T A T U S ]
tst r1 , #4
beq e m c i d l e
mov r1 , #1
str r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ S E L F _ R E F ]
emc_ d e v i c e _ m a s k r1 , r0
emcself :
ldr r2 , [ r0 , #E M C _ E M C _ S T A T U S ]
and r2 , r2 , r1
cmp r2 , r1
bne e m c s e l f @ loop until DDR in self-refresh
/* Put VTTGEN in the lowest power mode */
ldr r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ X M 2 V T T G E N P A D C T R L ]
mov3 2 r2 , 0 x F 8 F 8 F F F F @ clear XM2VTTGEN_DRVUP and XM2VTTGEN_DRVDN
and r1 , r1 , r2
str r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ X M 2 V T T G E N P A D C T R L ]
ldr r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ X M 2 V T T G E N P A D C T R L 2 ]
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 30
orreq r1 , r1 , #7 @ set E_NO_VTTGEN
orrne r1 , r1 , #0x3f
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
str r1 , [ r0 , #E M C _ X M 2 V T T G E N P A D C T R L 2 ]
emc_ t i m i n g _ u p d a t e r1 , r0
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra114
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored. Then jumping to "tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored
in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Bo Yan <byan@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:06 +08:00
/* Tegra114 had dual EMC channel, now config the other one */
cmp r10 , #T E G R A 114
bne n o _ d u a l _ e m c _ c h a n l
mov3 2 r1 , T E G R A _ E M C 1 _ B A S E
cmp r0 , r1
movne r0 , r1
bne e n t e r _ s e l f _ r e f r e s h
no_dual_emc_chanl :
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
ldr r1 , [ r4 , #P M C _ C T R L ]
tst r1 , #P M C _ C T R L _ S I D E _ E F F E C T _ L P 0
bne p m c _ i o _ d p d _ s k i p
/ *
* Put D D R _ D A T A , D I S C _ A D D R _ C M D , D D R _ A D D R _ C M D , P O P _ A D D R _ C M D , P O P _ C L K
* and C O M P i n t h e l o w e s t p o w e r m o d e w h e n L P 1 .
* /
mov3 2 r1 , 0 x8 E C 0 0 0 0 0
str r1 , [ r4 , #P M C _ I O _ D P D _ R E Q ]
pmc_io_dpd_skip :
2014-06-30 16:29:12 +01:00
ret l r
ARM: tegra: add LP1 suspend support for Tegra30
The LP1 suspend mode will power off the CPU, clock gated the PLLs and put
SDRAM to self-refresh mode. Any interrupt can wake up device from LP1. The
sequence when LP1 suspending:
* tunning off L1 data cache and the MMU
* storing some EMC registers, DPD (deep power down) status, clk source of
mselect and SCLK burst policy
* putting SDRAM into self-refresh
* switching CPU to CLK_M (12MHz OSC)
* tunning off PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* switching SCLK to CLK_S (32KHz OSC)
* shutting off the CPU rail
The sequence of LP1 resuming:
* re-enabling PLLM, PLLP, PLLA, PLLC and PLLX
* restoring the clk source of mselect and SCLK burst policy
* setting up CCLK burst policy to PLLX
* restoring DPD status and some EMC registers
* resuming SDRAM to normal mode
* jumping to the "tegra_resume" from PMC_SCRATCH41
Due to the SDRAM will be put into self-refresh mode, the low level
procedures of LP1 suspending and resuming should be copied to
TEGRA_IRAM_CODE_AREA (TEGRA_IRAM_BASE + SZ_4K) when suspending. Before
restoring the CPU context when resuming, the SDRAM needs to be switched
back to normal mode. And the PLLs need to be re-enabled, SCLK burst policy
be restored, CCLK burst policy be set in PLLX. Then jumping to
"tegra_resume" that was expected to be stored in PMC_SCRATCH41 to restore
CPU context and back to kernel.
Based on the work by: Scott Williams <scwilliams@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Joseph Lo <josephl@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
2013-08-12 17:40:04 +08:00
/* dummy symbol for end of IRAM */
.global tegra30_iram_end
tegra30_iram_end :
b .
2012-10-31 17:41:17 +08:00
# endif