2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
* stv0367 . c
* Driver for ST STV0367 DVB - T & DVB - C demodulator IC .
* Copyright ( C ) ST Microelectronics .
* Copyright ( C ) 2010 , 2011 NetUP Inc .
* Copyright ( C ) 2010 , 2011 Igor M . Liplianin < liplianin @ netup . ru >
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 675 Mass Ave , Cambridge , MA 0213 9 , USA .
# include <linux/kernel.h>
# include <linux/module.h>
# include <linux/string.h>
# include <linux/slab.h>
# include <linux/i2c.h>
# include "stv0367.h"
# include "stv0367_regs.h"
# include "stv0367_priv.h"
static int stvdebug ;
module_param_named ( debug , stvdebug , int , 0644 ) ;
static int i2cdebug ;
module_param_named ( i2c_debug , i2cdebug , int , 0644 ) ;
# define dprintk(args...) \
do { \
if ( stvdebug ) \
printk ( KERN_DEBUG args ) ; \
} while ( 0 )
/* DVB-C */
struct stv0367cab_state {
enum stv0367_cab_signal_type state ;
u32 mclk ;
u32 adc_clk ;
s32 search_range ;
s32 derot_offset ;
/* results */
int locked ; /* channel found */
u32 freq_khz ; /* found frequency (in kHz) */
u32 symbol_rate ; /* found symbol rate (in Bds) */
enum stv0367cab_mod modulation ; /* modulation */
fe_spectral_inversion_t spect_inv ; /* Spectrum Inversion */
} ;
struct stv0367ter_state {
/* DVB-T */
enum stv0367_ter_signal_type state ;
enum stv0367_ter_if_iq_mode if_iq_mode ;
enum stv0367_ter_mode mode ; /* mode 2K or 8K */
fe_guard_interval_t guard ;
enum stv0367_ter_hierarchy hierarchy ;
u32 frequency ;
fe_spectral_inversion_t sense ; /* current search spectrum */
u8 force ; /* force mode/guard */
u8 bw ; /* channel width 6, 7 or 8 in MHz */
u8 pBW ; /* channel width used during previous lock */
u32 pBER ;
u32 pPER ;
u32 ucblocks ;
s8 echo_pos ; /* echo position */
u8 first_lock ;
u8 unlock_counter ;
u32 agc_val ;
} ;
struct stv0367_state {
struct dvb_frontend fe ;
struct i2c_adapter * i2c ;
/* config settings */
const struct stv0367_config * config ;
u8 chip_id ;
/* DVB-C */
struct stv0367cab_state * cab_state ;
/* DVB-T */
struct stv0367ter_state * ter_state ;
} ;
struct st_register {
u16 addr ;
u8 value ;
} ;
/* values for STV4100 XTAL=30M int clk=53.125M*/
static struct st_register def0367ter [ STV0367TER_NBREGS ] = {
{ R367TER_ID , 0x60 } ,
{ R367TER_I2CRPT , 0xa0 } ,
/* {R367TER_I2CRPT, 0x22},*/
{ R367TER_TOPCTRL , 0x00 } , /* for xc5000; was 0x02 */
{ R367TER_IOCFG0 , 0x40 } ,
{ R367TER_DAC0R , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_IOCFG1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DAC1R , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_IOCFG2 , 0x62 } ,
{ R367TER_SDFR , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_STATUS , 0xf8 } ,
{ R367TER_AUX_CLK , 0x0a } ,
{ R367TER_FREESYS1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_FREESYS2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_FREESYS3 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_GPIO_CFG , 0x55 } ,
{ R367TER_GPIO_CMD , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_AGC2MAX , 0xff } ,
{ R367TER_AGC2MIN , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_AGC1MAX , 0xff } ,
{ R367TER_AGC1MIN , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_AGCR , 0xbc } ,
{ R367TER_AGC2TH , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_AGC12C , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_AGCCTRL1 , 0x85 } ,
{ R367TER_AGCCTRL2 , 0x1f } ,
{ R367TER_AGC1VAL1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_AGC1VAL2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_AGC2VAL1 , 0x6f } ,
{ R367TER_AGC2VAL2 , 0x05 } ,
{ R367TER_AGC2PGA , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_OVF_RATE1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_OVF_RATE2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_GAIN_SRC1 , 0xaa } , /* for xc5000; was 0x2b */
{ R367TER_GAIN_SRC2 , 0xd6 } , /* for xc5000; was 0x04 */
{ R367TER_INC_DEROT1 , 0x55 } ,
{ R367TER_INC_DEROT2 , 0x55 } ,
{ R367TER_PPM_CPAMP_DIR , 0x2c } ,
{ R367TER_PPM_CPAMP_INV , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_FREESTFE_1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_FREESTFE_2 , 0x1c } ,
{ R367TER_DCOFFSET , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_EN_PROCESS , 0x05 } ,
{ R367TER_SDI_SMOOTHER , 0x80 } ,
{ R367TER_FE_LOOP_OPEN , 0x1c } ,
{ R367TER_FREQOFF1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_FREQOFF2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_FREQOFF3 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TIMOFF1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TIMOFF2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_EPQ , 0x02 } ,
{ R367TER_EPQAUTO , 0x01 } ,
{ R367TER_SYR_UPDATE , 0xf5 } ,
{ R367TER_CHPFREE , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_PPM_STATE_MAC , 0x23 } ,
{ R367TER_INR_THRESHOLD , 0xff } ,
{ R367TER_EPQ_TPS_ID_CELL , 0xf9 } ,
{ R367TER_EPQ_CFG , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_EPQ_STATUS , 0x01 } ,
{ R367TER_AUTORELOCK , 0x81 } ,
{ R367TER_BER_THR_VMSB , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_BER_THR_MSB , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_BER_THR_LSB , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_CCD , 0x83 } ,
{ R367TER_SPECTR_CFG , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_CHC_DUMMY , 0x18 } ,
{ R367TER_INC_CTL , 0x88 } ,
{ R367TER_INCTHRES_COR1 , 0xb4 } ,
{ R367TER_INCTHRES_COR2 , 0x96 } ,
{ R367TER_INCTHRES_DET1 , 0x0e } ,
{ R367TER_INCTHRES_DET2 , 0x11 } ,
{ R367TER_IIR_CELLNB , 0x8d } ,
{ R367TER_IIRCX_COEFF1_MSB , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_IIRCX_COEFF1_LSB , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_IIRCX_COEFF2_MSB , 0x09 } ,
{ R367TER_IIRCX_COEFF2_LSB , 0x18 } ,
{ R367TER_IIRCX_COEFF3_MSB , 0x14 } ,
{ R367TER_IIRCX_COEFF3_LSB , 0x9c } ,
{ R367TER_IIRCX_COEFF4_MSB , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_IIRCX_COEFF4_LSB , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_IIRCX_COEFF5_MSB , 0x36 } ,
{ R367TER_IIRCX_COEFF5_LSB , 0x42 } ,
{ R367TER_FEPATH_CFG , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_PMC1_FUNC , 0x65 } ,
{ R367TER_PMC1_FOR , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_PMC2_FUNC , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_STATUS_ERR_DA , 0xe0 } ,
{ R367TER_DIG_AGC_R , 0xfe } ,
{ R367TER_COMAGC_TARMSB , 0x0b } ,
{ R367TER_COM_AGC_TAR_ENMODE , 0x41 } ,
{ R367TER_COM_AGC_CFG , 0x3e } ,
{ R367TER_COM_AGC_GAIN1 , 0x39 } ,
{ R367TER_AUT_AGC_TARGETMSB , 0x0b } ,
{ R367TER_LOCK_DET_MSB , 0x01 } ,
{ R367TER_AGCTAR_LOCK_LSBS , 0x40 } ,
{ R367TER_AUT_GAIN_EN , 0xf4 } ,
{ R367TER_AUT_CFG , 0xf0 } ,
{ R367TER_LOCKN , 0x23 } ,
{ R367TER_INT_X_3 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_INT_X_2 , 0x03 } ,
{ R367TER_INT_X_1 , 0x8d } ,
{ R367TER_INT_X_0 , 0xa0 } ,
{ R367TER_MIN_ERRX_MSB , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_COR_CTL , 0x23 } ,
{ R367TER_COR_STAT , 0xf6 } ,
{ R367TER_COR_INTEN , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_COR_INTSTAT , 0x3f } ,
{ R367TER_COR_MODEGUARD , 0x03 } ,
{ R367TER_AGC_CTL , 0x08 } ,
{ R367TER_AGC_MANUAL1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_AGC_MANUAL2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_AGC_TARG , 0x16 } ,
{ R367TER_AGC_GAIN1 , 0x53 } ,
{ R367TER_AGC_GAIN2 , 0x1d } ,
{ R367TER_RESERVED_1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RESERVED_2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RESERVED_3 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_CAS_CTL , 0x44 } ,
{ R367TER_CAS_FREQ , 0xb3 } ,
{ R367TER_CAS_DAGCGAIN , 0x12 } ,
{ R367TER_SYR_CTL , 0x04 } ,
{ R367TER_SYR_STAT , 0x10 } ,
{ R367TER_SYR_NCO1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SYR_NCO2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SYR_OFFSET1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SYR_OFFSET2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_FFT_CTL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SCR_CTL , 0x70 } ,
{ R367TER_PPM_CTL1 , 0xf8 } ,
{ R367TER_TRL_CTL , 0x14 } , /* for xc5000; was 0xac */
{ R367TER_TRL_NOMRATE1 , 0xae } , /* for xc5000; was 0x1e */
{ R367TER_TRL_NOMRATE2 , 0x56 } , /* for xc5000; was 0x58 */
{ R367TER_TRL_TIME1 , 0x1d } ,
{ R367TER_TRL_TIME2 , 0xfc } ,
{ R367TER_CRL_CTL , 0x24 } ,
{ R367TER_CRL_FREQ1 , 0xad } ,
{ R367TER_CRL_FREQ2 , 0x9d } ,
{ R367TER_CRL_FREQ3 , 0xff } ,
{ R367TER_CHC_CTL , 0x01 } ,
{ R367TER_CHC_SNR , 0xf0 } ,
{ R367TER_BDI_CTL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DMP_CTL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TPS_RCVD1 , 0x30 } ,
{ R367TER_TPS_RCVD2 , 0x02 } ,
{ R367TER_TPS_RCVD3 , 0x01 } ,
{ R367TER_TPS_RCVD4 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TPS_ID_CELL1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TPS_ID_CELL2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TPS_RCVD5_SET1 , 0x02 } ,
{ R367TER_TPS_SET2 , 0x02 } ,
{ R367TER_TPS_SET3 , 0x01 } ,
{ R367TER_TPS_CTL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_CTL_FFTOSNUM , 0x34 } ,
{ R367TER_TESTSELECT , 0x09 } ,
{ R367TER_MSC_REV , 0x0a } ,
{ R367TER_PIR_CTL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SNR_CARRIER1 , 0xa1 } ,
{ R367TER_SNR_CARRIER2 , 0x9a } ,
{ R367TER_PPM_CPAMP , 0x2c } ,
{ R367TER_TSM_AP0 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSM_AP1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSM_AP2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSM_AP3 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSM_AP4 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSM_AP5 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSM_AP6 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSM_AP7 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSTRES , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_ANACTRL , 0x0D } , /* PLL stoped, restart at init!!! */
{ R367TER_TSTBUS , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSTRATE , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_CONSTMODE , 0x01 } ,
{ R367TER_CONSTCARR1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_CONSTCARR2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_ICONSTEL , 0x0a } ,
{ R367TER_QCONSTEL , 0x15 } ,
{ R367TER_TSTBISTRES0 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSTBISTRES1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSTBISTRES2 , 0x28 } ,
{ R367TER_TSTBISTRES3 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RF_AGC1 , 0xff } ,
{ R367TER_RF_AGC2 , 0x83 } ,
{ R367TER_ANADIGCTRL , 0x19 } ,
{ R367TER_PLLMDIV , 0x01 } , /* for xc5000; was 0x0c */
{ R367TER_PLLNDIV , 0x06 } , /* for xc5000; was 0x55 */
{ R367TER_PLLSETUP , 0x18 } ,
2011-01-02 09:11:00 -03:00
{ R367TER_DUAL_AD12 , 0x0C } , /* for xc5000 AGC voltage 1.6V */
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
{ R367TER_TSTBIST , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_PAD_COMP_CTRL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_PAD_COMP_WR , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_PAD_COMP_RD , 0xe0 } ,
{ R367TER_SYR_FLAG , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_CRL_TARGET1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_CRL_TARGET2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_CRL_TARGET3 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_CRL_TARGET4 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_CRL_FLAG , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TRL_TARGET1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TRL_TARGET2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TRL_CHC , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_CHC_SNR_TARG , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TOP_TRACK , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TRACKER_FREE1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_ERROR_CRL1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_ERROR_CRL2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_ERROR_CRL3 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_ERROR_CRL4 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEC_NCO1 , 0x2c } ,
{ R367TER_DEC_NCO2 , 0x0f } ,
{ R367TER_DEC_NCO3 , 0x20 } ,
{ R367TER_SNR , 0xf1 } ,
{ R367TER_SYR_FFTADJ1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SYR_FFTADJ2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SYR_CHCADJ1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SYR_CHCADJ2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SYR_OFF , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_PPM_OFFSET1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_PPM_OFFSET2 , 0x03 } ,
{ R367TER_TRACKER_FREE2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBG_LT10 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBG_LT11 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBG_LT12 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBG_LT13 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBG_LT14 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBG_LT15 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBG_LT16 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBG_LT17 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBG_LT18 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBG_LT19 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBG_LT1A , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBG_LT1B , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBG_LT1C , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBG_LT1D , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBG_LT1E , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBG_LT1F , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCCFGH , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCCFGM , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCCFGL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCINSDELH , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCINSDELM , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCINSDELL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCSTATUS , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCSPEED , 0x6f } ,
{ R367TER_RCDEBUGM , 0xe7 } ,
{ R367TER_RCDEBUGL , 0x9b } ,
{ R367TER_RCOBSCFG , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCOBSM , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCOBSL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFECSPY , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSPYCFG , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSPYDATA , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSPYOUT , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSTATUS , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFGOODPACK , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFPACKCNT , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSPYMISC , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFBERCPT4 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFBERCPT3 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFBERCPT2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFBERCPT1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFBERCPT0 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFBERERR2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFBERERR1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFBERERR0 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSTATESM , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSTATESL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSPYBER , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSPYDISTM , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSPYDISTL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSPYOBS7 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSPYOBS6 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSPYOBS5 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSPYOBS4 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSPYOBS3 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSPYOBS2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSPYOBS1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RCFSPYOBS0 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSGENERAL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_RC1SPEED , 0x6f } ,
{ R367TER_TSGSTATUS , 0x18 } ,
{ R367TER_FECM , 0x01 } ,
{ R367TER_VTH12 , 0xff } ,
{ R367TER_VTH23 , 0xa1 } ,
{ R367TER_VTH34 , 0x64 } ,
{ R367TER_VTH56 , 0x40 } ,
{ R367TER_VTH67 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_VTH78 , 0x2c } ,
{ R367TER_VITCURPUN , 0x12 } ,
{ R367TER_VERROR , 0x01 } ,
{ R367TER_PRVIT , 0x3f } ,
{ R367TER_VAVSRVIT , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_VSTATUSVIT , 0xbd } ,
{ R367TER_VTHINUSE , 0xa1 } ,
{ R367TER_KDIV12 , 0x20 } ,
{ R367TER_KDIV23 , 0x40 } ,
{ R367TER_KDIV34 , 0x20 } ,
{ R367TER_KDIV56 , 0x30 } ,
{ R367TER_KDIV67 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_KDIV78 , 0x30 } ,
{ R367TER_SIGPOWER , 0x54 } ,
{ R367TER_DEMAPVIT , 0x40 } ,
{ R367TER_VITSCALE , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_FFEC1PRG , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_FVITCURPUN , 0x12 } ,
{ R367TER_FVERROR , 0x01 } ,
{ R367TER_FVSTATUSVIT , 0xbd } ,
{ R367TER_DEBUG_LT1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBUG_LT2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBUG_LT3 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSTSFMET , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SELOUT , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSYNC , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSTERR , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSFSYNC , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSTSFERR , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSTTSSF1 , 0x01 } ,
{ R367TER_TSTTSSF2 , 0x1f } ,
{ R367TER_TSTTSSF3 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSTTS1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSTTS2 , 0x1f } ,
{ R367TER_TSTTS3 , 0x01 } ,
{ R367TER_TSTTS4 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSTTSRC , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSTTSRS , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSSTATEM , 0xb0 } ,
{ R367TER_TSSTATEL , 0x40 } ,
{ R367TER_TSCFGH , 0xC0 } ,
{ R367TER_TSCFGM , 0xc0 } , /* for xc5000; was 0x00 */
{ R367TER_TSCFGL , 0x20 } ,
{ R367TER_TSSYNC , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSINSDELH , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSINSDELM , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSINSDELL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSDIVN , 0x03 } ,
{ R367TER_TSDIVPM , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSDIVPL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSDIVQM , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSDIVQL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSDILSTKM , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSDILSTKL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSSPEED , 0x40 } , /* for xc5000; was 0x6f */
{ R367TER_TSSTATUS , 0x81 } ,
{ R367TER_TSSTATUS2 , 0x6a } ,
{ R367TER_TSBITRATEM , 0x0f } ,
{ R367TER_TSBITRATEL , 0xc6 } ,
{ R367TER_TSPACKLENM , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSPACKLENL , 0xfc } ,
{ R367TER_TSBLOCLENM , 0x0a } ,
{ R367TER_TSBLOCLENL , 0x80 } ,
{ R367TER_TSDLYH , 0x90 } ,
{ R367TER_TSDLYM , 0x68 } ,
{ R367TER_TSDLYL , 0x01 } ,
{ R367TER_TSNPDAV , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSBUFSTATH , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSBUFSTATM , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSBUFSTATL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSDEBUGM , 0xcf } ,
{ R367TER_TSDEBUGL , 0x1e } ,
{ R367TER_TSDLYSETH , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSDLYSETM , 0x68 } ,
{ R367TER_TSDLYSETL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSOBSCFG , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_TSOBSM , 0x47 } ,
{ R367TER_TSOBSL , 0x1f } ,
{ R367TER_ERRCTRL1 , 0x95 } ,
{ R367TER_ERRCNT1H , 0x80 } ,
{ R367TER_ERRCNT1M , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_ERRCNT1L , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_ERRCTRL2 , 0x95 } ,
{ R367TER_ERRCNT2H , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_ERRCNT2M , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_ERRCNT2L , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_FECSPY , 0x88 } ,
{ R367TER_FSPYCFG , 0x2c } ,
{ R367TER_FSPYDATA , 0x3a } ,
{ R367TER_FSPYOUT , 0x06 } ,
{ R367TER_FSTATUS , 0x61 } ,
{ R367TER_FGOODPACK , 0xff } ,
{ R367TER_FPACKCNT , 0xff } ,
{ R367TER_FSPYMISC , 0x66 } ,
{ R367TER_FBERCPT4 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_FBERCPT3 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_FBERCPT2 , 0x36 } ,
{ R367TER_FBERCPT1 , 0x36 } ,
{ R367TER_FBERCPT0 , 0x14 } ,
{ R367TER_FBERERR2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_FBERERR1 , 0x03 } ,
{ R367TER_FBERERR0 , 0x28 } ,
{ R367TER_FSTATESM , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_FSTATESL , 0x02 } ,
{ R367TER_FSPYBER , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_FSPYDISTM , 0x01 } ,
{ R367TER_FSPYDISTL , 0x9f } ,
{ R367TER_FSPYOBS7 , 0xc9 } ,
{ R367TER_FSPYOBS6 , 0x99 } ,
{ R367TER_FSPYOBS5 , 0x08 } ,
{ R367TER_FSPYOBS4 , 0xec } ,
{ R367TER_FSPYOBS3 , 0x01 } ,
{ R367TER_FSPYOBS2 , 0x0f } ,
{ R367TER_FSPYOBS1 , 0xf5 } ,
{ R367TER_FSPYOBS0 , 0x08 } ,
{ R367TER_SFDEMAP , 0x40 } ,
{ R367TER_SFERROR , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SFAVSR , 0x30 } ,
{ R367TER_SFECSTATUS , 0xcc } ,
{ R367TER_SFKDIV12 , 0x20 } ,
{ R367TER_SFKDIV23 , 0x40 } ,
{ R367TER_SFKDIV34 , 0x20 } ,
{ R367TER_SFKDIV56 , 0x20 } ,
{ R367TER_SFKDIV67 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SFKDIV78 , 0x20 } ,
{ R367TER_SFDILSTKM , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SFDILSTKL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SFSTATUS , 0xb5 } ,
{ R367TER_SFDLYH , 0x90 } ,
{ R367TER_SFDLYM , 0x60 } ,
{ R367TER_SFDLYL , 0x01 } ,
{ R367TER_SFDLYSETH , 0xc0 } ,
{ R367TER_SFDLYSETM , 0x60 } ,
{ R367TER_SFDLYSETL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SFOBSCFG , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SFOBSM , 0x47 } ,
{ R367TER_SFOBSL , 0x05 } ,
{ R367TER_SFECINFO , 0x40 } ,
{ R367TER_SFERRCTRL , 0x74 } ,
{ R367TER_SFERRCNTH , 0x80 } ,
{ R367TER_SFERRCNTM , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SFERRCNTL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SYMBRATEM , 0x2f } ,
{ R367TER_SYMBRATEL , 0x50 } ,
{ R367TER_SYMBSTATUS , 0x7f } ,
{ R367TER_SYMBCFG , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_SYMBFIFOM , 0xf4 } ,
{ R367TER_SYMBFIFOL , 0x0d } ,
{ R367TER_SYMBOFFSM , 0xf0 } ,
{ R367TER_SYMBOFFSL , 0x2d } ,
{ R367TER_DEBUG_LT4 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBUG_LT5 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBUG_LT6 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBUG_LT7 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBUG_LT8 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367TER_DEBUG_LT9 , 0x00 } ,
} ;
/* RF Level (for RF AGC->AGC1) Lookup Table, depends on the board and tuner.*/
s32 stv0367cab_RF_LookUp1 [ RF_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE ] [ RF_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE ] = {
{ /*AGC1*/
48 , 50 , 51 , 53 , 54 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 60 , 61 , 62 , 63 ,
64 , 65 , 66 , 67 , 68 , 69 , 70 , 71 , 72 , 73 , 74 , 75 ,
76 , 77 , 78 , 80 , 83 , 85 , 88 ,
} , { /*RF(dbm)*/
22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 ,
34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 46 , 47 ,
49 , 50 , 52 , 53 , 54 , 55 , 56 ,
} ;
/* RF Level (for IF AGC->AGC2) Lookup Table, depends on the board and tuner.*/
s32 stv0367cab_RF_LookUp2 [ RF_LOOKUP_TABLE2_SIZE ] [ RF_LOOKUP_TABLE2_SIZE ] = {
{ /*AGC2*/
28 , 29 , 31 , 32 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 ,
38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 ,
} , { /*RF(dbm)*/
57 , 58 , 59 , 60 , 61 , 62 , 63 , 64 ,
65 , 66 , 67 , 68 , 69 , 70 , 71 , 72 ,
} ;
static struct st_register def0367cab [ STV0367CAB_NBREGS ] = {
{ R367CAB_ID , 0x60 } ,
{ R367CAB_I2CRPT , 0xa0 } ,
/*{R367CAB_I2CRPT, 0x22},*/
{ R367CAB_TOPCTRL , 0x10 } ,
{ R367CAB_IOCFG0 , 0x80 } ,
{ R367CAB_DAC0R , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_IOCFG1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_DAC1R , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_IOCFG2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_SDFR , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_AUX_CLK , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_FREESYS1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_FREESYS2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_FREESYS3 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_GPIO_CFG , 0x55 } ,
{ R367CAB_GPIO_CMD , 0x01 } ,
{ R367CAB_TSTRES , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_ANACTRL , 0x0d } , /* was 0x00 need to check - I.M.L.*/
{ R367CAB_TSTBUS , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_RF_AGC1 , 0xea } ,
{ R367CAB_RF_AGC2 , 0x82 } ,
{ R367CAB_ANADIGCTRL , 0x0b } ,
{ R367CAB_PLLMDIV , 0x01 } ,
{ R367CAB_PLLNDIV , 0x08 } ,
{ R367CAB_PLLSETUP , 0x18 } ,
2011-01-02 09:11:00 -03:00
{ R367CAB_DUAL_AD12 , 0x0C } , /* for xc5000 AGC voltage 1.6V */
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
{ R367CAB_TSTBIST , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_CTRL_1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_CTRL_2 , 0x03 } ,
{ R367CAB_IT_STATUS1 , 0x2b } ,
{ R367CAB_IT_STATUS2 , 0x08 } ,
{ R367CAB_IT_EN1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_IT_EN2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_CTRL_STATUS , 0x04 } ,
{ R367CAB_TEST_CTL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_CTL , 0x73 } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_IF_CFG , 0x50 } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_RF_CFG , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_PWM_CFG , 0x03 } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_PWR_REF_L , 0x5a } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_PWR_REF_H , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_RF_TH_L , 0xff } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_RF_TH_H , 0x07 } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_IF_LTH_L , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_IF_LTH_H , 0x08 } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_IF_HTH_L , 0xff } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_IF_HTH_H , 0x07 } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_PWR_RD_L , 0xa0 } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_PWR_RD_M , 0xe9 } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_PWR_RD_H , 0x03 } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_PWM_IFCMD_L , 0xe4 } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_PWM_IFCMD_H , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_PWM_RFCMD_L , 0xff } ,
{ R367CAB_AGC_PWM_RFCMD_H , 0x07 } ,
{ R367CAB_IQDEM_CFG , 0x01 } ,
{ R367CAB_MIX_NCO_LL , 0x22 } ,
{ R367CAB_MIX_NCO_HL , 0x96 } ,
{ R367CAB_MIX_NCO_HH , 0x55 } ,
{ R367CAB_SRC_NCO_LL , 0xff } ,
{ R367CAB_SRC_NCO_LH , 0x0c } ,
{ R367CAB_SRC_NCO_HL , 0xf5 } ,
{ R367CAB_SRC_NCO_HH , 0x20 } ,
{ R367CAB_IQDEM_GAIN_SRC_L , 0x06 } ,
{ R367CAB_IQDEM_GAIN_SRC_H , 0x01 } ,
{ R367CAB_IQDEM_DCRM_CFG_LL , 0xfe } ,
{ R367CAB_IQDEM_DCRM_CFG_LH , 0xff } ,
{ R367CAB_IQDEM_DCRM_CFG_HL , 0x0f } ,
{ R367CAB_IQDEM_DCRM_CFG_HH , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_COEFF0 , 0x34 } ,
{ R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_COEFF1 , 0xae } ,
{ R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_COEFF2 , 0x46 } ,
{ R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_COEFF3 , 0x77 } ,
{ R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_COEFF4 , 0x96 } ,
{ R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_COEFF5 , 0x69 } ,
{ R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_COEFF6 , 0xc7 } ,
{ R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_COEFF7 , 0x01 } ,
{ R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_EN , 0x04 } ,
{ R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_AGC_REF , 0x94 } ,
{ R367CAB_ALLPASSFILT1 , 0xc9 } ,
{ R367CAB_ALLPASSFILT2 , 0x2d } ,
{ R367CAB_ALLPASSFILT3 , 0xa3 } ,
{ R367CAB_ALLPASSFILT4 , 0xfb } ,
{ R367CAB_ALLPASSFILT5 , 0xf6 } ,
{ R367CAB_ALLPASSFILT6 , 0x45 } ,
{ R367CAB_ALLPASSFILT7 , 0x6f } ,
{ R367CAB_ALLPASSFILT8 , 0x7e } ,
{ R367CAB_ALLPASSFILT9 , 0x05 } ,
{ R367CAB_ALLPASSFILT10 , 0x0a } ,
{ R367CAB_ALLPASSFILT11 , 0x51 } ,
{ R367CAB_TRL_AGC_CFG , 0x20 } ,
{ R367CAB_TRL_LPF_CFG , 0x28 } ,
{ R367CAB_TRL_LPF_ACQ_GAIN , 0x44 } ,
{ R367CAB_TRL_LPF_TRK_GAIN , 0x22 } ,
{ R367CAB_TRL_LPF_OUT_GAIN , 0x03 } ,
{ R367CAB_TRL_LOCKDET_LTH , 0x04 } ,
{ R367CAB_TRL_LOCKDET_HTH , 0x11 } ,
{ R367CAB_IQ_QAM , 0x01 } ,
{ R367CAB_FSM_STATE , 0xa0 } ,
{ R367CAB_FSM_CTL , 0x08 } ,
{ R367CAB_FSM_STS , 0x0c } ,
{ R367CAB_FSM_SNR0_HTH , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_FSM_SNR1_HTH , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_FSM_SNR2_HTH , 0x23 } , /* 0x00 */
{ R367CAB_FSM_SNR0_LTH , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_FSM_SNR1_LTH , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_FSM_EQA1_HTH , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_FSM_TEMPO , 0x32 } ,
{ R367CAB_FSM_CONFIG , 0x03 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_I_TESTTAP_L , 0x11 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_I_TESTTAP_M , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_I_TESTTAP_H , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_TESTAP_CFG , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_Q_TESTTAP_L , 0xff } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_Q_TESTTAP_M , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_Q_TESTTAP_H , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_TAP_CTRL , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_CTR_CRL_CONTROL_L , 0x11 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_CTR_CRL_CONTROL_H , 0x05 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_CTR_HIPOW_L , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_CTR_HIPOW_H , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_I_EQU_LO , 0xef } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_I_EQU_HI , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_Q_EQU_LO , 0xee } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_Q_EQU_HI , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_MAPPER , 0xc5 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_SWEEP_RATE , 0x80 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_SNR_LO , 0x64 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_SNR_HI , 0x03 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_GAMMA_LO , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_GAMMA_HI , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_ERR_GAIN , 0x36 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_RADIUS , 0xaa } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_FFE_MAINTAP , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_FFE_LEAKAGE , 0x63 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_FFE_MAINTAP_POS , 0xdf } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_GAIN_WIDE , 0x88 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_GAIN_NARROW , 0x41 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_CTR_LPF_GAIN , 0xd1 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LPF_GAIN , 0xa7 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_GLOBAL_GAIN , 0x06 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LD_SEN , 0x85 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LD_VAL , 0xe2 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_CRL_TFR , 0x20 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_CRL_BISTH_LO , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_CRL_BISTH_HI , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_SWEEP_RANGE_LO , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_SWEEP_RANGE_HI , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LIMITER , 0x40 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_MODULUS_MAP , 0x90 } ,
{ R367CAB_EQU_PNT_GAIN , 0xa7 } ,
{ R367CAB_FEC_AC_CTR_0 , 0x16 } ,
{ R367CAB_FEC_AC_CTR_1 , 0x0b } ,
{ R367CAB_FEC_AC_CTR_2 , 0x88 } ,
{ R367CAB_FEC_AC_CTR_3 , 0x02 } ,
{ R367CAB_FEC_STATUS , 0x12 } ,
{ R367CAB_RS_COUNTER_0 , 0x7d } ,
{ R367CAB_RS_COUNTER_1 , 0xd0 } ,
{ R367CAB_RS_COUNTER_2 , 0x19 } ,
{ R367CAB_RS_COUNTER_3 , 0x0b } ,
{ R367CAB_RS_COUNTER_4 , 0xa3 } ,
{ R367CAB_RS_COUNTER_5 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_BERT_0 , 0x01 } ,
{ R367CAB_BERT_1 , 0x25 } ,
{ R367CAB_BERT_2 , 0x41 } ,
{ R367CAB_BERT_3 , 0x39 } ,
{ R367CAB_OUTFORMAT_0 , 0xc2 } ,
{ R367CAB_OUTFORMAT_1 , 0x22 } ,
{ R367CAB_SMOOTHER_2 , 0x28 } ,
{ R367CAB_TSMF_CTRL_0 , 0x01 } ,
{ R367CAB_TSMF_CTRL_1 , 0xc6 } ,
{ R367CAB_TSMF_CTRL_3 , 0x43 } ,
{ R367CAB_TS_ON_ID_0 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_TS_ON_ID_1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_TS_ON_ID_2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_TS_ON_ID_3 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_RE_STATUS_0 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_RE_STATUS_1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_RE_STATUS_2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_RE_STATUS_3 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_TS_STATUS_0 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_TS_STATUS_1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_TS_STATUS_2 , 0xa0 } ,
{ R367CAB_TS_STATUS_3 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_T_O_ID_0 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_T_O_ID_1 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_T_O_ID_2 , 0x00 } ,
{ R367CAB_T_O_ID_3 , 0x00 } ,
} ;
int stv0367_writeregs ( struct stv0367_state * state , u16 reg , u8 * data , int len )
u8 buf [ len + 2 ] ;
struct i2c_msg msg = {
. addr = state - > config - > demod_address ,
. flags = 0 ,
. buf = buf ,
. len = len + 2
} ;
int ret ;
buf [ 0 ] = MSB ( reg ) ;
buf [ 1 ] = LSB ( reg ) ;
memcpy ( buf + 2 , data , len ) ;
if ( i2cdebug )
printk ( KERN_DEBUG " %s: %02x: %02x \n " , __func__ , reg , buf [ 2 ] ) ;
ret = i2c_transfer ( state - > i2c , & msg , 1 ) ;
if ( ret ! = 1 )
printk ( KERN_ERR " %s: i2c write error! \n " , __func__ ) ;
return ( ret ! = 1 ) ? - EREMOTEIO : 0 ;
static int stv0367_writereg ( struct stv0367_state * state , u16 reg , u8 data )
return stv0367_writeregs ( state , reg , & data , 1 ) ;
static u8 stv0367_readreg ( struct stv0367_state * state , u16 reg )
u8 b0 [ ] = { 0 , 0 } ;
u8 b1 [ ] = { 0 } ;
struct i2c_msg msg [ ] = {
. addr = state - > config - > demod_address ,
. flags = 0 ,
. buf = b0 ,
. len = 2
} , {
. addr = state - > config - > demod_address ,
. flags = I2C_M_RD ,
. buf = b1 ,
. len = 1
} ;
int ret ;
b0 [ 0 ] = MSB ( reg ) ;
b0 [ 1 ] = LSB ( reg ) ;
ret = i2c_transfer ( state - > i2c , msg , 2 ) ;
if ( ret ! = 2 )
printk ( KERN_ERR " %s: i2c read error \n " , __func__ ) ;
if ( i2cdebug )
printk ( KERN_DEBUG " %s: %02x: %02x \n " , __func__ , reg , b1 [ 0 ] ) ;
return b1 [ 0 ] ;
static void extract_mask_pos ( u32 label , u8 * mask , u8 * pos )
u8 position = 0 , i = 0 ;
( * mask ) = label & 0xff ;
while ( ( position = = 0 ) & & ( i < 8 ) ) {
position = ( ( * mask ) > > i ) & 0x01 ;
i + + ;
( * pos ) = ( i - 1 ) ;
static void stv0367_writebits ( struct stv0367_state * state , u32 label , u8 val )
u8 reg , mask , pos ;
reg = stv0367_readreg ( state , ( label > > 16 ) & 0xffff ) ;
extract_mask_pos ( label , & mask , & pos ) ;
val = mask & ( val < < pos ) ;
reg = ( reg & ( ~ mask ) ) | val ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , ( label > > 16 ) & 0xffff , reg ) ;
static void stv0367_setbits ( u8 * reg , u32 label , u8 val )
u8 mask , pos ;
extract_mask_pos ( label , & mask , & pos ) ;
val = mask & ( val < < pos ) ;
( * reg ) = ( ( * reg ) & ( ~ mask ) ) | val ;
static u8 stv0367_readbits ( struct stv0367_state * state , u32 label )
u8 val = 0xff ;
u8 mask , pos ;
extract_mask_pos ( label , & mask , & pos ) ;
val = stv0367_readreg ( state , label > > 16 ) ;
val = ( val & mask ) > > pos ;
return val ;
2012-10-27 11:26:42 -03:00
#if 0 /* Currently, unused */
static u8 stv0367_getbits ( u8 reg , u32 label )
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
u8 mask , pos ;
extract_mask_pos ( label , & mask , & pos ) ;
return ( reg & mask ) > > pos ;
2012-10-27 11:26:42 -03:00
# endif
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
static int stv0367ter_gate_ctrl ( struct dvb_frontend * fe , int enable )
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
u8 tmp = stv0367_readreg ( state , R367TER_I2CRPT ) ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
if ( enable ) {
stv0367_setbits ( & tmp , F367TER_STOP_ENABLE , 0 ) ;
stv0367_setbits ( & tmp , F367TER_I2CT_ON , 1 ) ;
} else {
stv0367_setbits ( & tmp , F367TER_STOP_ENABLE , 1 ) ;
stv0367_setbits ( & tmp , F367TER_I2CT_ON , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_I2CRPT , tmp ) ;
return 0 ;
static u32 stv0367_get_tuner_freq ( struct dvb_frontend * fe )
struct dvb_frontend_ops * frontend_ops = NULL ;
struct dvb_tuner_ops * tuner_ops = NULL ;
u32 freq = 0 ;
2011-03-06 10:40:11 -03:00
int err = 0 ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
if ( & fe - > ops )
frontend_ops = & fe - > ops ;
if ( & frontend_ops - > tuner_ops )
tuner_ops = & frontend_ops - > tuner_ops ;
if ( tuner_ops - > get_frequency ) {
err = tuner_ops - > get_frequency ( fe , & freq ) ;
if ( err < 0 ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " %s: Invalid parameter \n " , __func__ ) ;
return err ;
dprintk ( " %s: frequency=%d \n " , __func__ , freq ) ;
} else
return - 1 ;
return freq ;
static u16 CellsCoeffs_8MHz_367cofdm [ 3 ] [ 6 ] [ 5 ] = {
{ 0x10EF , 0xE205 , 0x10EF , 0xCE49 , 0x6DA7 } , /* CELL 1 COEFFS 27M*/
{ 0x2151 , 0xc557 , 0x2151 , 0xc705 , 0x6f93 } , /* CELL 2 COEFFS */
{ 0x2503 , 0xc000 , 0x2503 , 0xc375 , 0x7194 } , /* CELL 3 COEFFS */
{ 0x20E9 , 0xca94 , 0x20e9 , 0xc153 , 0x7194 } , /* CELL 4 COEFFS */
{ 0x06EF , 0xF852 , 0x06EF , 0xC057 , 0x7207 } , /* CELL 5 COEFFS */
{ 0x0000 , 0x0ECC , 0x0ECC , 0x0000 , 0x3647 } /* CELL 6 COEFFS */
} , {
{ 0x10A0 , 0xE2AF , 0x10A1 , 0xCE76 , 0x6D6D } , /* CELL 1 COEFFS 25M*/
{ 0x20DC , 0xC676 , 0x20D9 , 0xC80A , 0x6F29 } ,
{ 0x2532 , 0xC000 , 0x251D , 0xC391 , 0x706F } ,
{ 0x1F7A , 0xCD2B , 0x2032 , 0xC15E , 0x711F } ,
{ 0x0698 , 0xFA5E , 0x0568 , 0xC059 , 0x7193 } ,
{ 0x0000 , 0x0918 , 0x149C , 0x0000 , 0x3642 } /* CELL 6 COEFFS */
} , {
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 } , /* 30M */
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 } ,
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 } ,
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 } ,
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 } ,
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 }
} ;
static u16 CellsCoeffs_7MHz_367cofdm [ 3 ] [ 6 ] [ 5 ] = {
{ 0x12CA , 0xDDAF , 0x12CA , 0xCCEB , 0x6FB1 } , /* CELL 1 COEFFS 27M*/
{ 0x2329 , 0xC000 , 0x2329 , 0xC6B0 , 0x725F } , /* CELL 2 COEFFS */
{ 0x2394 , 0xC000 , 0x2394 , 0xC2C7 , 0x7410 } , /* CELL 3 COEFFS */
{ 0x251C , 0xC000 , 0x251C , 0xC103 , 0x74D9 } , /* CELL 4 COEFFS */
{ 0x0804 , 0xF546 , 0x0804 , 0xC040 , 0x7544 } , /* CELL 5 COEFFS */
{ 0x0000 , 0x0CD9 , 0x0CD9 , 0x0000 , 0x370A } /* CELL 6 COEFFS */
} , {
{ 0x1285 , 0xDE47 , 0x1285 , 0xCD17 , 0x6F76 } , /*25M*/
{ 0x234C , 0xC000 , 0x2348 , 0xC6DA , 0x7206 } ,
{ 0x23B4 , 0xC000 , 0x23AC , 0xC2DB , 0x73B3 } ,
{ 0x253D , 0xC000 , 0x25B6 , 0xC10B , 0x747F } ,
{ 0x0721 , 0xF79C , 0x065F , 0xC041 , 0x74EB } ,
{ 0x0000 , 0x08FA , 0x1162 , 0x0000 , 0x36FF }
} , {
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 } , /* 30M */
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 } ,
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 } ,
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 } ,
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 } ,
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 }
} ;
static u16 CellsCoeffs_6MHz_367cofdm [ 3 ] [ 6 ] [ 5 ] = {
{ 0x1699 , 0xD5B8 , 0x1699 , 0xCBC3 , 0x713B } , /* CELL 1 COEFFS 27M*/
{ 0x2245 , 0xC000 , 0x2245 , 0xC568 , 0x74D5 } , /* CELL 2 COEFFS */
{ 0x227F , 0xC000 , 0x227F , 0xC1FC , 0x76C6 } , /* CELL 3 COEFFS */
{ 0x235E , 0xC000 , 0x235E , 0xC0A7 , 0x778A } , /* CELL 4 COEFFS */
{ 0x0ECB , 0xEA0B , 0x0ECB , 0xC027 , 0x77DD } , /* CELL 5 COEFFS */
{ 0x0000 , 0x0B68 , 0x0B68 , 0x0000 , 0xC89A } , /* CELL 6 COEFFS */
} , {
{ 0x1655 , 0xD64E , 0x1658 , 0xCBEF , 0x70FE } , /*25M*/
{ 0x225E , 0xC000 , 0x2256 , 0xC589 , 0x7489 } ,
{ 0x2293 , 0xC000 , 0x2295 , 0xC209 , 0x767E } ,
{ 0x2377 , 0xC000 , 0x23AA , 0xC0AB , 0x7746 } ,
{ 0x0DC7 , 0xEBC8 , 0x0D07 , 0xC027 , 0x7799 } ,
{ 0x0000 , 0x0888 , 0x0E9C , 0x0000 , 0x3757 }
} , {
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 } , /* 30M */
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 } ,
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 } ,
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 } ,
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 } ,
{ 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 }
} ;
static u32 stv0367ter_get_mclk ( struct stv0367_state * state , u32 ExtClk_Hz )
u32 mclk_Hz = 0 ; /* master clock frequency (Hz) */
u32 m , n , p ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
if ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_BYPASS_PLLXN ) = = 0 ) {
n = ( u32 ) stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_PLL_NDIV ) ;
if ( n = = 0 )
n = n + 1 ;
m = ( u32 ) stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_PLL_MDIV ) ;
if ( m = = 0 )
m = m + 1 ;
p = ( u32 ) stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_PLL_PDIV ) ;
if ( p > 5 )
p = 5 ;
mclk_Hz = ( ( ExtClk_Hz / 2 ) * n ) / ( m * ( 1 < < p ) ) ;
dprintk ( " N=%d M=%d P=%d mclk_Hz=%d ExtClk_Hz=%d \n " ,
n , m , p , mclk_Hz , ExtClk_Hz ) ;
} else
mclk_Hz = ExtClk_Hz ;
dprintk ( " %s: mclk_Hz=%d \n " , __func__ , mclk_Hz ) ;
return mclk_Hz ;
static int stv0367ter_filt_coeff_init ( struct stv0367_state * state ,
2011-03-06 10:41:23 -03:00
u16 CellsCoeffs [ 3 ] [ 6 ] [ 5 ] , u32 DemodXtal )
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
int i , j , k , freq ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
freq = stv0367ter_get_mclk ( state , DemodXtal ) ;
if ( freq = = 53125000 )
k = 1 ; /* equivalent to Xtal 25M on 362*/
else if ( freq = = 54000000 )
k = 0 ; /* equivalent to Xtal 27M on 362*/
else if ( freq = = 52500000 )
k = 2 ; /* equivalent to Xtal 30M on 362*/
return 0 ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < = 6 ; i + + ) {
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_IIR_CELL_NB , i - 1 ) ;
for ( j = 1 ; j < = 5 ; j + + ) {
stv0367_writereg ( state ,
( R367TER_IIRCX_COEFF1_MSB + 2 * ( j - 1 ) ) ,
MSB ( CellsCoeffs [ k ] [ i - 1 ] [ j - 1 ] ) ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state ,
( R367TER_IIRCX_COEFF1_LSB + 2 * ( j - 1 ) ) ,
LSB ( CellsCoeffs [ k ] [ i - 1 ] [ j - 1 ] ) ) ;
return 1 ;
static void stv0367ter_agc_iir_lock_detect_set ( struct stv0367_state * state )
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_LOCK_DETECT_LSB , 0x00 ) ;
/* Lock detect 1 */
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_LOCK_DETECT_CHOICE , 0x00 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_LOCK_DETECT_MSB , 0x06 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_AUT_AGC_TARGET_LSB , 0x04 ) ;
/* Lock detect 2 */
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_LOCK_DETECT_CHOICE , 0x01 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_LOCK_DETECT_MSB , 0x06 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_AUT_AGC_TARGET_LSB , 0x04 ) ;
/* Lock detect 3 */
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_LOCK_DETECT_CHOICE , 0x02 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_LOCK_DETECT_MSB , 0x01 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_AUT_AGC_TARGET_LSB , 0x00 ) ;
/* Lock detect 4 */
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_LOCK_DETECT_CHOICE , 0x03 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_LOCK_DETECT_MSB , 0x01 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_AUT_AGC_TARGET_LSB , 0x00 ) ;
static int stv0367_iir_filt_init ( struct stv0367_state * state , u8 Bandwidth ,
u32 DemodXtalValue )
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_NRST_IIR , 0 ) ;
switch ( Bandwidth ) {
case 6 :
if ( ! stv0367ter_filt_coeff_init ( state ,
CellsCoeffs_6MHz_367cofdm ,
DemodXtalValue ) )
return 0 ;
break ;
case 7 :
if ( ! stv0367ter_filt_coeff_init ( state ,
CellsCoeffs_7MHz_367cofdm ,
DemodXtalValue ) )
return 0 ;
break ;
case 8 :
if ( ! stv0367ter_filt_coeff_init ( state ,
CellsCoeffs_8MHz_367cofdm ,
DemodXtalValue ) )
return 0 ;
break ;
default :
return 0 ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_NRST_IIR , 1 ) ;
return 1 ;
static void stv0367ter_agc_iir_rst ( struct stv0367_state * state )
u8 com_n ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
com_n = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_COM_N ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_COM_N , 0x07 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_COM_SOFT_RSTN , 0x00 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_COM_AGC_ON , 0x00 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_COM_SOFT_RSTN , 0x01 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_COM_AGC_ON , 0x01 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_COM_N , com_n ) ;
static int stv0367ter_duration ( s32 mode , int tempo1 , int tempo2 , int tempo3 )
int local_tempo = 0 ;
switch ( mode ) {
case 0 :
local_tempo = tempo1 ;
break ;
case 1 :
local_tempo = tempo2 ;
break ;
case 2 :
local_tempo = tempo3 ;
break ;
default :
break ;
/* msleep(local_tempo); */
return local_tempo ;
static enum
stv0367_ter_signal_type stv0367ter_check_syr ( struct stv0367_state * state )
int wd = 100 ;
unsigned short int SYR_var ;
s32 SYRStatus ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
SYR_var = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_SYR_LOCK ) ;
while ( ( ! SYR_var ) & & ( wd > 0 ) ) {
usleep_range ( 2000 , 3000 ) ;
wd - = 2 ;
SYR_var = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_SYR_LOCK ) ;
if ( ! SYR_var )
dprintk ( " stv0367ter_check_syr SYRStatus %s \n " ,
SYR_var = = 0 ? " No Symbol " : " OK " ) ;
return SYRStatus ;
static enum
stv0367_ter_signal_type stv0367ter_check_cpamp ( struct stv0367_state * state ,
s32 FFTmode )
s32 CPAMPvalue = 0 , CPAMPStatus , CPAMPMin ;
int wd = 0 ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
switch ( FFTmode ) {
case 0 : /*2k mode*/
CPAMPMin = 20 ;
wd = 10 ;
break ;
case 1 : /*8k mode*/
CPAMPMin = 80 ;
wd = 55 ;
break ;
case 2 : /*4k mode*/
CPAMPMin = 40 ;
wd = 30 ;
break ;
default :
CPAMPMin = 0xffff ; /*drives to NOCPAMP */
break ;
dprintk ( " %s: CPAMPMin=%d wd=%d \n " , __func__ , CPAMPMin , wd ) ;
CPAMPvalue = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_PPM_CPAMP_DIRECT ) ;
while ( ( CPAMPvalue < CPAMPMin ) & & ( wd > 0 ) ) {
usleep_range ( 1000 , 2000 ) ;
wd - = 1 ;
CPAMPvalue = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_PPM_CPAMP_DIRECT ) ;
/*dprintk("CPAMPvalue= %d at wd=%d\n",CPAMPvalue,wd); */
dprintk ( " ******last CPAMPvalue= %d at wd=%d \n " , CPAMPvalue , wd ) ;
if ( CPAMPvalue < CPAMPMin ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " CPAMP failed \n " ) ;
} else {
printk ( KERN_ERR " CPAMP OK ! \n " ) ;
return CPAMPStatus ;
2012-10-27 11:26:42 -03:00
static enum stv0367_ter_signal_type
stv0367ter_lock_algo ( struct stv0367_state * state )
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
enum stv0367_ter_signal_type ret_flag ;
short int wd , tempo ;
u8 try , u_var1 = 0 , u_var2 = 0 , u_var3 = 0 , u_var4 = 0 , mode , guard ;
u8 tmp , tmp2 ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
if ( state = = NULL )
return FE_TER_SWNOK ;
try = 0 ;
do {
ret_flag = FE_TER_LOCKOK ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_CORE_ACTIVE , 0 ) ;
if ( state - > config - > if_iq_mode ! = 0 )
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_COM_N , 0x07 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_GUARD , 3 ) ; /* suggest 2k 1/4 */
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_MODE , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_SYR_TR_DIS , 0 ) ;
usleep_range ( 5000 , 10000 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_CORE_ACTIVE , 1 ) ;
if ( stv0367ter_check_syr ( state ) = = FE_TER_NOSYMBOL )
else { /*
if chip locked on wrong mode first try ,
it must lock correctly second try */
mode = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_SYR_MODE ) ;
if ( stv0367ter_check_cpamp ( state , mode ) = =
if ( try = = 0 )
ret_flag = FE_TER_NOCPAMP ;
try + + ;
} while ( ( try < 10 ) & & ( ret_flag ! = FE_TER_LOCKOK ) ) ;
tmp = stv0367_readreg ( state , R367TER_SYR_STAT ) ;
tmp2 = stv0367_readreg ( state , R367TER_STATUS ) ;
2011-03-06 09:26:24 -03:00
dprintk ( " state=%p \n " , state ) ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
dprintk ( " LOCK OK! mode=%d SYR_STAT=0x%x R367TER_STATUS=0x%x \n " ,
mode , tmp , tmp2 ) ;
tmp = stv0367_readreg ( state , R367TER_PRVIT ) ;
tmp2 = stv0367_readreg ( state , R367TER_I2CRPT ) ;
dprintk ( " PRVIT=0x%x I2CRPT=0x%x \n " , tmp , tmp2 ) ;
tmp = stv0367_readreg ( state , R367TER_GAIN_SRC1 ) ;
dprintk ( " GAIN_SRC1=0x%x \n " , tmp ) ;
if ( ( mode ! = 0 ) & & ( mode ! = 1 ) & & ( mode ! = 2 ) )
return FE_TER_SWNOK ;
/*guard=stv0367_readbits(state,F367TER_SYR_GUARD); */
2011-03-30 22:57:33 -03:00
/*suppress EPQ auto for SYR_GARD 1/16 or 1/32
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
and set channel predictor in automatic */
#if 0
switch ( guard ) {
case 0 :
case 1 :
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_AUTO_LE_EN , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_CHC_CTL , 0x01 ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
case 3 :
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_AUTO_LE_EN , 1 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_CHC_CTL , 0x11 ) ;
break ;
default :
return FE_TER_SWNOK ;
# endif
/*reset fec an reedsolo FOR 367 only*/
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_RST_SFEC , 1 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_RST_REEDSOLO , 1 ) ;
usleep_range ( 1000 , 2000 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_RST_SFEC , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_RST_REEDSOLO , 0 ) ;
u_var1 = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_LK ) ;
u_var2 = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_PRF ) ;
u_var3 = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TPS_LOCK ) ;
/* u_var4=stv0367_readbits(state,F367TER_TSFIFO_LINEOK); */
wd = stv0367ter_duration ( mode , 125 , 500 , 250 ) ;
tempo = stv0367ter_duration ( mode , 4 , 16 , 8 ) ;
/*while ( ((!u_var1)||(!u_var2)||(!u_var3)||(!u_var4)) && (wd>=0)) */
while ( ( ( ! u_var1 ) | | ( ! u_var2 ) | | ( ! u_var3 ) ) & & ( wd > = 0 ) ) {
usleep_range ( 1000 * tempo , 1000 * ( tempo + 1 ) ) ;
wd - = tempo ;
u_var1 = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_LK ) ;
u_var2 = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_PRF ) ;
u_var3 = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TPS_LOCK ) ;
/*u_var4=stv0367_readbits(state, F367TER_TSFIFO_LINEOK); */
if ( ! u_var1 )
return FE_TER_NOLOCK ;
if ( ! u_var2 )
if ( ! u_var3 )
return FE_TER_NOTPS ;
guard = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_SYR_GUARD ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_CHC_CTL , 0x11 ) ;
switch ( guard ) {
case 0 :
case 1 :
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_AUTO_LE_EN , 0 ) ;
/*stv0367_writereg(state,R367TER_CHC_CTL, 0x1);*/
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_SYR_FILTER , 0 ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
case 3 :
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_AUTO_LE_EN , 1 ) ;
/*stv0367_writereg(state,R367TER_CHC_CTL, 0x11);*/
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_SYR_FILTER , 1 ) ;
break ;
default :
return FE_TER_SWNOK ;
/* apply Sfec workaround if 8K 64QAM CR!=1/2*/
if ( ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TPS_CONST ) = = 2 ) & &
( mode = = 1 ) & &
( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TPS_HPCODE ) ! = 0 ) ) {
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_SFDLYSETH , 0xc0 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_SFDLYSETM , 0x60 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_SFDLYSETL , 0x0 ) ;
} else
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_SFDLYSETH , 0x0 ) ;
wd = stv0367ter_duration ( mode , 125 , 500 , 250 ) ;
u_var4 = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TSFIFO_LINEOK ) ;
while ( ( ! u_var4 ) & & ( wd > = 0 ) ) {
usleep_range ( 1000 * tempo , 1000 * ( tempo + 1 ) ) ;
wd - = tempo ;
u_var4 = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TSFIFO_LINEOK ) ;
if ( ! u_var4 )
return FE_TER_NOLOCK ;
/* for 367 leave COM_N at 0x7 for IQ_mode*/
/*if(ter_state->if_iq_mode!=FE_TER_NORMAL_IF_TUNER) {
tempo = 0 ;
while ( ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_COM_USEGAINTRK ) ! = 1 ) & &
( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_COM_AGCLOCK ) ! = 1 ) & & ( tempo < 100 ) ) {
ChipWaitOrAbort ( state , 1 ) ;
tempo + = 1 ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_COM_N , 0x17 ) ;
} */
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_SYR_TR_DIS , 1 ) ;
dprintk ( " FE_TER_LOCKOK !!! \n " ) ;
return FE_TER_LOCKOK ;
static void stv0367ter_set_ts_mode ( struct stv0367_state * state ,
enum stv0367_ts_mode PathTS )
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
if ( state = = NULL )
return ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_TS_DIS , 0 ) ;
switch ( PathTS ) {
default :
/*for removing warning :default we can assume in parallel mode*/
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_TSFIFO_SERIAL , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_TSFIFO_DVBCI , 0 ) ;
break ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_TSFIFO_SERIAL , 1 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_TSFIFO_DVBCI , 1 ) ;
break ;
static void stv0367ter_set_clk_pol ( struct stv0367_state * state ,
enum stv0367_clk_pol clock )
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
if ( state = = NULL )
return ;
switch ( clock ) {
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_TS_BYTE_CLK_INV , 1 ) ;
break ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_TS_BYTE_CLK_INV , 0 ) ;
break ;
default :
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_TS_BYTE_CLK_INV , 0 ) ;
break ;
#if 0
static void stv0367ter_core_sw ( struct stv0367_state * state )
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_CORE_ACTIVE , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_CORE_ACTIVE , 1 ) ;
msleep ( 350 ) ;
# endif
static int stv0367ter_standby ( struct dvb_frontend * fe , u8 standby_on )
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
if ( standby_on ) {
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_STDBY , 1 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_STDBY_FEC , 1 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_STDBY_CORE , 1 ) ;
} else {
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_STDBY , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_STDBY_FEC , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_STDBY_CORE , 0 ) ;
return 0 ;
static int stv0367ter_sleep ( struct dvb_frontend * fe )
return stv0367ter_standby ( fe , 1 ) ;
2012-10-27 11:26:42 -03:00
static int stv0367ter_init ( struct dvb_frontend * fe )
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
struct stv0367ter_state * ter_state = state - > ter_state ;
int i ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
ter_state - > pBER = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < STV0367TER_NBREGS ; i + + )
stv0367_writereg ( state , def0367ter [ i ] . addr ,
def0367ter [ i ] . value ) ;
switch ( state - > config - > xtal ) {
/*set internal freq to 53.125MHz */
case 25000000 :
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_PLLMDIV , 0xa ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_PLLNDIV , 0x55 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_PLLSETUP , 0x18 ) ;
break ;
default :
case 27000000 :
dprintk ( " FE_STV0367TER_SetCLKgen for 27Mhz \n " ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_PLLMDIV , 0x1 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_PLLNDIV , 0x8 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_PLLSETUP , 0x18 ) ;
break ;
case 30000000 :
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_PLLMDIV , 0xc ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_PLLNDIV , 0x55 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_PLLSETUP , 0x18 ) ;
break ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_I2CRPT , 0xa0 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367TER_ANACTRL , 0x00 ) ;
/*Set TS1 and TS2 to serial or parallel mode */
stv0367ter_set_ts_mode ( state , state - > config - > ts_mode ) ;
stv0367ter_set_clk_pol ( state , state - > config - > clk_pol ) ;
state - > chip_id = stv0367_readreg ( state , R367TER_ID ) ;
ter_state - > first_lock = 0 ;
ter_state - > unlock_counter = 2 ;
return 0 ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
static int stv0367ter_algo ( struct dvb_frontend * fe )
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
struct dtv_frontend_properties * p = & fe - > dtv_property_cache ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
struct stv0367ter_state * ter_state = state - > ter_state ;
int offset = 0 , tempo = 0 ;
u8 u_var ;
2012-06-14 13:58:14 -03:00
u8 /*constell,*/ counter ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
s8 step ;
s32 timing_offset = 0 ;
u32 trl_nomrate = 0 , InternalFreq = 0 , temp = 0 ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
ter_state - > frequency = p - > frequency ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
ter_state - > force = FE_TER_FORCENONE
+ stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_FORCE ) * 2 ;
ter_state - > if_iq_mode = state - > config - > if_iq_mode ;
switch ( state - > config - > if_iq_mode ) {
case FE_TER_NORMAL_IF_TUNER : /* Normal IF mode */
dprintk ( " ALGO: FE_TER_NORMAL_IF_TUNER selected \n " ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_TUNER_BB , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_LONGPATH_IF , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_DEMUX_SWAP , 0 ) ;
break ;
case FE_TER_LONGPATH_IF_TUNER : /* Long IF mode */
dprintk ( " ALGO: FE_TER_LONGPATH_IF_TUNER selected \n " ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_TUNER_BB , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_LONGPATH_IF , 1 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_DEMUX_SWAP , 1 ) ;
break ;
case FE_TER_IQ_TUNER : /* IQ mode */
dprintk ( " ALGO: FE_TER_IQ_TUNER selected \n " ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_TUNER_BB , 1 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_PPM_INVSEL , 0 ) ;
break ;
default :
printk ( KERN_ERR " ALGO: wrong TUNER type selected \n " ) ;
return - EINVAL ;
usleep_range ( 5000 , 7000 ) ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
switch ( p - > inversion ) {
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
default :
dprintk ( " %s: inversion AUTO \n " , __func__ ) ;
if ( ter_state - > if_iq_mode = = FE_TER_IQ_TUNER )
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_IQ_INVERT ,
ter_state - > sense ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_INV_SPECTR ,
ter_state - > sense ) ;
break ;
if ( ter_state - > if_iq_mode = = FE_TER_IQ_TUNER )
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_IQ_INVERT ,
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > inversion ) ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_INV_SPECTR ,
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > inversion ) ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
if ( ( ter_state - > if_iq_mode ! = FE_TER_NORMAL_IF_TUNER ) & &
( ter_state - > pBW ! = ter_state - > bw ) ) {
stv0367ter_agc_iir_lock_detect_set ( state ) ;
/*set fine agc target to 180 for LPIF or IQ mode*/
/* set Q_AGCTarget */
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_SEL_IQNTAR , 1 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_AUT_AGC_TARGET_MSB , 0xB ) ;
/*stv0367_writebits(state,AUT_AGC_TARGET_LSB,0x04); */
/* set Q_AGCTarget */
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_SEL_IQNTAR , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_AUT_AGC_TARGET_MSB , 0xB ) ;
/*stv0367_writebits(state,AUT_AGC_TARGET_LSB,0x04); */
if ( ! stv0367_iir_filt_init ( state , ter_state - > bw ,
state - > config - > xtal ) )
return - EINVAL ;
/*set IIR filter once for 6,7 or 8MHz BW*/
ter_state - > pBW = ter_state - > bw ;
stv0367ter_agc_iir_rst ( state ) ;
if ( ter_state - > hierarchy = = FE_TER_HIER_LOW_PRIO )
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_BDI_LPSEL , 0x01 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_BDI_LPSEL , 0x00 ) ;
InternalFreq = stv0367ter_get_mclk ( state , state - > config - > xtal ) / 1000 ;
temp = ( int )
( ( ( ( ter_state - > bw * 64 * ( 1 < < 15 ) * 100 )
/ ( InternalFreq ) ) * 10 ) / 7 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_TRL_NOMRATE_LSB , temp % 2 ) ;
temp = temp / 2 ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_TRL_NOMRATE_HI , temp / 256 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_TRL_NOMRATE_LO , temp % 256 ) ;
temp = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TRL_NOMRATE_HI ) * 512 +
stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TRL_NOMRATE_LO ) * 2 +
stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TRL_NOMRATE_LSB ) ;
temp = ( int ) ( ( ( 1 < < 17 ) * ter_state - > bw * 1000 ) / ( 7 * ( InternalFreq ) ) ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_GAIN_SRC_HI , temp / 256 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_GAIN_SRC_LO , temp % 256 ) ;
temp = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_GAIN_SRC_HI ) * 256 +
stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_GAIN_SRC_LO ) ;
temp = ( int )
( ( InternalFreq - state - > config - > if_khz ) * ( 1 < < 16 )
/ ( InternalFreq ) ) ;
dprintk ( " DEROT temp=0x%x \n " , temp ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_INC_DEROT_HI , temp / 256 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_INC_DEROT_LO , temp % 256 ) ;
ter_state - > echo_pos = 0 ;
ter_state - > ucblocks = 0 ; /* liplianin */
ter_state - > pBER = 0 ; /* liplianin */
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_LONG_ECHO , ter_state - > echo_pos ) ;
if ( stv0367ter_lock_algo ( state ) ! = FE_TER_LOCKOK )
return 0 ;
ter_state - > state = FE_TER_LOCKOK ;
ter_state - > mode = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_SYR_MODE ) ;
ter_state - > guard = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_SYR_GUARD ) ;
ter_state - > first_lock = 1 ; /* we know sense now :) */
ter_state - > agc_val =
( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_AGC1_VAL_LO ) < < 16 ) +
( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_AGC1_VAL_HI ) < < 24 ) +
stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_AGC2_VAL_LO ) +
( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_AGC2_VAL_HI ) < < 8 ) ;
/* Carrier offset calculation */
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_FREEZE , 1 ) ;
offset = ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_CRL_FOFFSET_VHI ) < < 16 ) ;
offset + = ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_CRL_FOFFSET_HI ) < < 8 ) ;
offset + = ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_CRL_FOFFSET_LO ) ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_FREEZE , 0 ) ;
if ( offset > 8388607 )
offset - = 16777216 ;
offset = offset * 2 / 16384 ;
if ( ter_state - > mode = = FE_TER_MODE_2K )
offset = ( offset * 4464 ) / 1000 ; /*** 1 FFT BIN=4.464khz***/
else if ( ter_state - > mode = = FE_TER_MODE_4K )
offset = ( offset * 223 ) / 100 ; /*** 1 FFT BIN=2.23khz***/
else if ( ter_state - > mode = = FE_TER_MODE_8K )
offset = ( offset * 111 ) / 100 ; /*** 1 FFT BIN=1.1khz***/
if ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_PPM_INVSEL ) = = 1 ) {
if ( ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_INV_SPECTR ) = =
( stv0367_readbits ( state ,
F367TER_STATUS_INV_SPECRUM ) = = 1 ) ) )
offset = offset * - 1 ;
if ( ter_state - > bw = = 6 )
offset = ( offset * 6 ) / 8 ;
else if ( ter_state - > bw = = 7 )
offset = ( offset * 7 ) / 8 ;
ter_state - > frequency + = offset ;
tempo = 10 ; /* exit even if timing_offset stays null */
while ( ( timing_offset = = 0 ) & & ( tempo > 0 ) ) {
usleep_range ( 10000 , 20000 ) ; /*was 20ms */
/* fine tuning of timing offset if required */
timing_offset = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TRL_TOFFSET_LO )
+ 256 * stv0367_readbits ( state ,
if ( timing_offset > = 32768 )
timing_offset - = 65536 ;
trl_nomrate = ( 512 * stv0367_readbits ( state ,
+ stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TRL_NOMRATE_LO ) * 2
+ stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TRL_NOMRATE_LSB ) ) ;
timing_offset = ( ( signed ) ( 1000000 / trl_nomrate ) *
timing_offset ) / 2048 ;
tempo - - ;
if ( timing_offset < = 0 ) {
timing_offset = ( timing_offset - 11 ) / 22 ;
step = - 1 ;
} else {
timing_offset = ( timing_offset + 11 ) / 22 ;
step = 1 ;
for ( counter = 0 ; counter < abs ( timing_offset ) ; counter + + ) {
trl_nomrate + = step ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_TRL_NOMRATE_LSB ,
trl_nomrate % 2 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_TRL_NOMRATE_LO ,
trl_nomrate / 2 ) ;
usleep_range ( 1000 , 2000 ) ;
usleep_range ( 5000 , 6000 ) ;
/* unlocks could happen in case of trl centring big step,
then a core off / on restarts demod */
u_var = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_LK ) ;
if ( ! u_var ) {
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_CORE_ACTIVE , 0 ) ;
msleep ( 20 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_CORE_ACTIVE , 1 ) ;
return 0 ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
static int stv0367ter_set_frontend ( struct dvb_frontend * fe )
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
struct dtv_frontend_properties * p = & fe - > dtv_property_cache ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
struct stv0367ter_state * ter_state = state - > ter_state ;
/*u8 trials[2]; */
s8 num_trials , index ;
u8 SenseTrials [ ] = { INVERSION_ON , INVERSION_OFF } ;
stv0367ter_init ( fe ) ;
if ( fe - > ops . tuner_ops . set_params ) {
if ( fe - > ops . i2c_gate_ctrl )
fe - > ops . i2c_gate_ctrl ( fe , 1 ) ;
2011-12-24 12:24:33 -03:00
fe - > ops . tuner_ops . set_params ( fe ) ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
if ( fe - > ops . i2c_gate_ctrl )
fe - > ops . i2c_gate_ctrl ( fe , 0 ) ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
switch ( p - > transmission_mode ) {
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
default :
ter_state - > mode = FE_TER_MODE_2K ;
break ;
pLook . mode = FE_TER_MODE_4K ;
break ; */
ter_state - > mode = FE_TER_MODE_8K ;
break ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
switch ( p - > guard_interval ) {
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
default :
case GUARD_INTERVAL_1_32 :
case GUARD_INTERVAL_1_16 :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
ter_state - > guard = p - > guard_interval ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
ter_state - > guard = GUARD_INTERVAL_1_32 ;
break ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
switch ( p - > bandwidth_hz ) {
case 6000000 :
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
ter_state - > bw = FE_TER_CHAN_BW_6M ;
break ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
case 7000000 :
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
ter_state - > bw = FE_TER_CHAN_BW_7M ;
break ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
case 8000000 :
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
default :
ter_state - > bw = FE_TER_CHAN_BW_8M ;
ter_state - > hierarchy = FE_TER_HIER_NONE ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
switch ( p - > inversion ) {
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
num_trials = 1 ;
break ;
default :
num_trials = 2 ;
if ( ter_state - > first_lock )
num_trials = 1 ;
break ;
ter_state - > state = FE_TER_NOLOCK ;
index = 0 ;
while ( ( ( index ) < num_trials ) & & ( ter_state - > state ! = FE_TER_LOCKOK ) ) {
if ( ! ter_state - > first_lock ) {
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
if ( p - > inversion = = INVERSION_AUTO )
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
ter_state - > sense = SenseTrials [ index ] ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
stv0367ter_algo ( fe ) ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
if ( ( ter_state - > state = = FE_TER_LOCKOK ) & &
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
( p - > inversion = = INVERSION_AUTO ) & &
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
( index = = 1 ) ) {
/* invert spectrum sense */
SenseTrials [ index ] = SenseTrials [ 0 ] ;
SenseTrials [ ( index + 1 ) % 2 ] = ( SenseTrials [ 1 ] + 1 ) % 2 ;
index + + ;
return 0 ;
static int stv0367ter_read_ucblocks ( struct dvb_frontend * fe , u32 * ucblocks )
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
struct stv0367ter_state * ter_state = state - > ter_state ;
u32 errs = 0 ;
/*wait for counting completion*/
if ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_SFERRC_OLDVALUE ) = = 0 ) {
errs =
( ( u32 ) stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_ERR_CNT1 )
* ( 1 < < 16 ) )
+ ( ( u32 ) stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_ERR_CNT1_HI )
* ( 1 < < 8 ) )
+ ( ( u32 ) stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_ERR_CNT1_LO ) ) ;
ter_state - > ucblocks = errs ;
( * ucblocks ) = ter_state - > ucblocks ;
return 0 ;
[media] dvb: don't require a parameter for get_frontend
Just like set_frontend, use the dvb cache properties for get_frontend.
This is more consistent, as both functions are now symetric. Also,
at the places get_frontend is called, it makes sense to update the
Most of this patch were generated by this small perl script:
while (<>) { $file .= $_; }
if ($file =~ m/\.get_frontend\s*=\s*([\d\w_]+)/) {
my $get = $1;
$file =~ s/($get)(\s*\([^\,\)]+)\,\s*struct\s+dtv_frontend_properties\s*\*\s*([_\d\w]+)\)\s*\{/\1\2)\n{\n\tstruct dtv_frontend_properties *\3 = &fe->dtv_property_cache;/g;
print $file;
Of course, the changes at dvb_frontend.[ch] were made by hand,
as well as the changes on a few other places, where get_frontend()
is called internally inside the driver.
On some places, get_frontend() were just a void function. Those
occurrences were removed, as the DVB core handles such cases.
Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@redhat.com>
2011-12-30 11:30:21 -03:00
static int stv0367ter_get_frontend ( struct dvb_frontend * fe )
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
[media] dvb: don't require a parameter for get_frontend
Just like set_frontend, use the dvb cache properties for get_frontend.
This is more consistent, as both functions are now symetric. Also,
at the places get_frontend is called, it makes sense to update the
Most of this patch were generated by this small perl script:
while (<>) { $file .= $_; }
if ($file =~ m/\.get_frontend\s*=\s*([\d\w_]+)/) {
my $get = $1;
$file =~ s/($get)(\s*\([^\,\)]+)\,\s*struct\s+dtv_frontend_properties\s*\*\s*([_\d\w]+)\)\s*\{/\1\2)\n{\n\tstruct dtv_frontend_properties *\3 = &fe->dtv_property_cache;/g;
print $file;
Of course, the changes at dvb_frontend.[ch] were made by hand,
as well as the changes on a few other places, where get_frontend()
is called internally inside the driver.
On some places, get_frontend() were just a void function. Those
occurrences were removed, as the DVB core handles such cases.
Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@redhat.com>
2011-12-30 11:30:21 -03:00
struct dtv_frontend_properties * p = & fe - > dtv_property_cache ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
struct stv0367ter_state * ter_state = state - > ter_state ;
int error = 0 ;
enum stv0367_ter_mode mode ;
int constell = 0 , /* snr = 0,*/ Data = 0 ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > frequency = stv0367_get_tuner_freq ( fe ) ;
if ( ( int ) p - > frequency < 0 )
p - > frequency = - p - > frequency ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
constell = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TPS_CONST ) ;
if ( constell = = 0 )
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > modulation = QPSK ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
else if ( constell = = 1 )
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > modulation = QAM_16 ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > modulation = QAM_64 ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > inversion = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_INV_SPECTR ) ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
/* Get the Hierarchical mode */
Data = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TPS_HIERMODE ) ;
switch ( Data ) {
case 0 :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > hierarchy = HIERARCHY_NONE ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
case 1 :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > hierarchy = HIERARCHY_1 ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
case 2 :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > hierarchy = HIERARCHY_2 ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
case 3 :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > hierarchy = HIERARCHY_4 ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
default :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > hierarchy = HIERARCHY_AUTO ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ; /* error */
/* Get the FEC Rate */
if ( ter_state - > hierarchy = = FE_TER_HIER_LOW_PRIO )
Data = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TPS_LPCODE ) ;
Data = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TPS_HPCODE ) ;
switch ( Data ) {
case 0 :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > code_rate_HP = FEC_1_2 ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
case 1 :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > code_rate_HP = FEC_2_3 ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
case 2 :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > code_rate_HP = FEC_3_4 ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
case 3 :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > code_rate_HP = FEC_5_6 ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
case 4 :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > code_rate_HP = FEC_7_8 ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
default :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > code_rate_HP = FEC_AUTO ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ; /* error */
mode = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_SYR_MODE ) ;
switch ( mode ) {
case FE_TER_MODE_2K :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > transmission_mode = TRANSMISSION_MODE_2K ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
/* case FE_TER_MODE_4K:
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > transmission_mode = TRANSMISSION_MODE_4K ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ; */
case FE_TER_MODE_8K :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > transmission_mode = TRANSMISSION_MODE_8K ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
default :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > transmission_mode = TRANSMISSION_MODE_AUTO ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > guard_interval = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_SYR_GUARD ) ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
return error ;
static int stv0367ter_read_snr ( struct dvb_frontend * fe , u16 * snr )
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
u32 snru32 = 0 ;
int cpt = 0 ;
u8 cut = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_IDENTIFICATIONREG ) ;
while ( cpt < 10 ) {
usleep_range ( 2000 , 3000 ) ;
if ( cut = = 0x50 ) /*cut 1.0 cut 1.1*/
snru32 + = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_CHCSNR ) / 4 ;
else /*cu2.0*/
snru32 + = 125 * stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_CHCSNR ) ;
cpt + + ;
snru32 / = 10 ; /*average on 10 values*/
* snr = snru32 / 1000 ;
return 0 ;
#if 0
static int stv0367ter_status ( struct dvb_frontend * fe )
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
struct stv0367ter_state * ter_state = state - > ter_state ;
int locked = FALSE ;
locked = ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_LK ) ) ;
if ( ! locked )
ter_state - > unlock_counter + = 1 ;
ter_state - > unlock_counter = 0 ;
if ( ter_state - > unlock_counter > 2 ) {
if ( ! stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TPS_LOCK ) | |
( ! stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_LK ) ) ) {
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_CORE_ACTIVE , 0 ) ;
usleep_range ( 2000 , 3000 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367TER_CORE_ACTIVE , 1 ) ;
msleep ( 350 ) ;
locked = ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_TPS_LOCK ) ) & &
( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_LK ) ) ;
return locked ;
# endif
static int stv0367ter_read_status ( struct dvb_frontend * fe , fe_status_t * status )
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
* status = 0 ;
if ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_LK ) ) {
* status | = FE_HAS_LOCK ;
dprintk ( " %s: stv0367 has locked \n " , __func__ ) ;
return 0 ;
static int stv0367ter_read_ber ( struct dvb_frontend * fe , u32 * ber )
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
struct stv0367ter_state * ter_state = state - > ter_state ;
u32 Errors = 0 , tber = 0 , temporary = 0 ;
int abc = 0 , def = 0 ;
/*wait for counting completion*/
if ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_SFERRC_OLDVALUE ) = = 0 )
Errors = ( ( u32 ) stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_SFEC_ERR_CNT )
* ( 1 < < 16 ) )
+ ( ( u32 ) stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_SFEC_ERR_CNT_HI )
* ( 1 < < 8 ) )
+ ( ( u32 ) stv0367_readbits ( state ,
/*measurement not completed, load previous value*/
else {
tber = ter_state - > pBER ;
return 0 ;
abc = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_SFEC_ERR_SOURCE ) ;
def = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_SFEC_NUM_EVENT ) ;
if ( Errors = = 0 ) {
tber = 0 ;
} else if ( abc = = 0x7 ) {
if ( Errors < = 4 ) {
temporary = ( Errors * 1000000000 ) / ( 8 * ( 1 < < 14 ) ) ;
temporary = temporary ;
} else if ( Errors < = 42 ) {
temporary = ( Errors * 100000000 ) / ( 8 * ( 1 < < 14 ) ) ;
temporary = temporary * 10 ;
} else if ( Errors < = 429 ) {
temporary = ( Errors * 10000000 ) / ( 8 * ( 1 < < 14 ) ) ;
temporary = temporary * 100 ;
} else if ( Errors < = 4294 ) {
temporary = ( Errors * 1000000 ) / ( 8 * ( 1 < < 14 ) ) ;
temporary = temporary * 1000 ;
} else if ( Errors < = 42949 ) {
temporary = ( Errors * 100000 ) / ( 8 * ( 1 < < 14 ) ) ;
temporary = temporary * 10000 ;
} else if ( Errors < = 429496 ) {
temporary = ( Errors * 10000 ) / ( 8 * ( 1 < < 14 ) ) ;
temporary = temporary * 100000 ;
} else { /*if (Errors<4294967) 2^22 max error*/
temporary = ( Errors * 1000 ) / ( 8 * ( 1 < < 14 ) ) ;
temporary = temporary * 100000 ; /* still to *10 */
/* Byte error*/
if ( def = = 2 )
/*tber=Errors/(8*(1 <<14));*/
tber = temporary ;
else if ( def = = 3 )
/*tber=Errors/(8*(1 <<16));*/
tber = temporary / 4 ;
else if ( def = = 4 )
/*tber=Errors/(8*(1 <<18));*/
tber = temporary / 16 ;
else if ( def = = 5 )
/*tber=Errors/(8*(1 <<20));*/
tber = temporary / 64 ;
else if ( def = = 6 )
/*tber=Errors/(8*(1 <<22));*/
tber = temporary / 256 ;
/* should not pass here*/
tber = 0 ;
if ( ( Errors < 4294967 ) & & ( Errors > 429496 ) )
tber * = 10 ;
/* save actual value */
ter_state - > pBER = tber ;
( * ber ) = tber ;
return 0 ;
#if 0
static u32 stv0367ter_get_per ( struct stv0367_state * state )
struct stv0367ter_state * ter_state = state - > ter_state ;
u32 Errors = 0 , Per = 0 , temporary = 0 ;
int abc = 0 , def = 0 , cpt = 0 ;
while ( ( ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_SFERRC_OLDVALUE ) = = 1 ) & &
( cpt < 400 ) ) | | ( ( Errors = = 0 ) & & ( cpt < 400 ) ) ) {
usleep_range ( 1000 , 2000 ) ;
Errors = ( ( u32 ) stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_ERR_CNT1 )
* ( 1 < < 16 ) )
+ ( ( u32 ) stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_ERR_CNT1_HI )
* ( 1 < < 8 ) )
+ ( ( u32 ) stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_ERR_CNT1_LO ) ) ;
cpt + + ;
abc = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_ERR_SRC1 ) ;
def = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367TER_NUM_EVT1 ) ;
if ( Errors = = 0 )
Per = 0 ;
else if ( abc = = 0x9 ) {
if ( Errors < = 4 ) {
temporary = ( Errors * 1000000000 ) / ( 8 * ( 1 < < 8 ) ) ;
temporary = temporary ;
} else if ( Errors < = 42 ) {
temporary = ( Errors * 100000000 ) / ( 8 * ( 1 < < 8 ) ) ;
temporary = temporary * 10 ;
} else if ( Errors < = 429 ) {
temporary = ( Errors * 10000000 ) / ( 8 * ( 1 < < 8 ) ) ;
temporary = temporary * 100 ;
} else if ( Errors < = 4294 ) {
temporary = ( Errors * 1000000 ) / ( 8 * ( 1 < < 8 ) ) ;
temporary = temporary * 1000 ;
} else if ( Errors < = 42949 ) {
temporary = ( Errors * 100000 ) / ( 8 * ( 1 < < 8 ) ) ;
temporary = temporary * 10000 ;
} else { /*if(Errors<=429496) 2^16 errors max*/
temporary = ( Errors * 10000 ) / ( 8 * ( 1 < < 8 ) ) ;
temporary = temporary * 100000 ;
/* pkt error*/
if ( def = = 2 )
/*Per=Errors/(1 << 8);*/
Per = temporary ;
else if ( def = = 3 )
/*Per=Errors/(1 << 10);*/
Per = temporary / 4 ;
else if ( def = = 4 )
/*Per=Errors/(1 << 12);*/
Per = temporary / 16 ;
else if ( def = = 5 )
/*Per=Errors/(1 << 14);*/
Per = temporary / 64 ;
else if ( def = = 6 )
/*Per=Errors/(1 << 16);*/
Per = temporary / 256 ;
Per = 0 ;
/* save actual value */
ter_state - > pPER = Per ;
return Per ;
# endif
static int stv0367_get_tune_settings ( struct dvb_frontend * fe ,
struct dvb_frontend_tune_settings
* fe_tune_settings )
fe_tune_settings - > min_delay_ms = 1000 ;
fe_tune_settings - > step_size = 0 ;
fe_tune_settings - > max_drift = 0 ;
return 0 ;
static void stv0367_release ( struct dvb_frontend * fe )
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
kfree ( state - > ter_state ) ;
kfree ( state - > cab_state ) ;
kfree ( state ) ;
static struct dvb_frontend_ops stv0367ter_ops = {
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
. delsys = { SYS_DVBT } ,
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
. info = {
. name = " ST STV0367 DVB-T " ,
. frequency_min = 47000000 ,
. frequency_max = 862000000 ,
. frequency_stepsize = 15625 ,
. frequency_tolerance = 0 ,
. caps = FE_CAN_FEC_1_2 | FE_CAN_FEC_2_3 |
FE_CAN_FEC_3_4 | FE_CAN_FEC_5_6 | FE_CAN_FEC_7_8 |
} ,
. release = stv0367_release ,
. init = stv0367ter_init ,
. sleep = stv0367ter_sleep ,
. i2c_gate_ctrl = stv0367ter_gate_ctrl ,
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
. set_frontend = stv0367ter_set_frontend ,
. get_frontend = stv0367ter_get_frontend ,
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
. get_tune_settings = stv0367_get_tune_settings ,
. read_status = stv0367ter_read_status ,
. read_ber = stv0367ter_read_ber , /* too slow */
/* .read_signal_strength = stv0367_read_signal_strength,*/
. read_snr = stv0367ter_read_snr ,
. read_ucblocks = stv0367ter_read_ucblocks ,
} ;
struct dvb_frontend * stv0367ter_attach ( const struct stv0367_config * config ,
struct i2c_adapter * i2c )
struct stv0367_state * state = NULL ;
struct stv0367ter_state * ter_state = NULL ;
/* allocate memory for the internal state */
state = kzalloc ( sizeof ( struct stv0367_state ) , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( state = = NULL )
goto error ;
ter_state = kzalloc ( sizeof ( struct stv0367ter_state ) , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ter_state = = NULL )
goto error ;
/* setup the state */
state - > i2c = i2c ;
state - > config = config ;
state - > ter_state = ter_state ;
state - > fe . ops = stv0367ter_ops ;
state - > fe . demodulator_priv = state ;
state - > chip_id = stv0367_readreg ( state , 0xf000 ) ;
dprintk ( " %s: chip_id = 0x%x \n " , __func__ , state - > chip_id ) ;
/* check if the demod is there */
if ( ( state - > chip_id ! = 0x50 ) & & ( state - > chip_id ! = 0x60 ) )
goto error ;
return & state - > fe ;
error :
kfree ( ter_state ) ;
kfree ( state ) ;
return NULL ;
EXPORT_SYMBOL ( stv0367ter_attach ) ;
static int stv0367cab_gate_ctrl ( struct dvb_frontend * fe , int enable )
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_I2CT_ON , ( enable > 0 ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
return 0 ;
static u32 stv0367cab_get_mclk ( struct dvb_frontend * fe , u32 ExtClk_Hz )
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
u32 mclk_Hz = 0 ; /* master clock frequency (Hz) */
u32 M , N , P ;
if ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_BYPASS_PLLXN ) = = 0 ) {
N = ( u32 ) stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_PLL_NDIV ) ;
if ( N = = 0 )
N = N + 1 ;
M = ( u32 ) stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_PLL_MDIV ) ;
if ( M = = 0 )
M = M + 1 ;
P = ( u32 ) stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_PLL_PDIV ) ;
if ( P > 5 )
P = 5 ;
mclk_Hz = ( ( ExtClk_Hz / 2 ) * N ) / ( M * ( 1 < < P ) ) ;
dprintk ( " stv0367cab_get_mclk BYPASS_PLLXN mclk_Hz=%d \n " ,
mclk_Hz ) ;
} else
mclk_Hz = ExtClk_Hz ;
dprintk ( " stv0367cab_get_mclk final mclk_Hz=%d \n " , mclk_Hz ) ;
return mclk_Hz ;
static u32 stv0367cab_get_adc_freq ( struct dvb_frontend * fe , u32 ExtClk_Hz )
u32 ADCClk_Hz = ExtClk_Hz ;
ADCClk_Hz = stv0367cab_get_mclk ( fe , ExtClk_Hz ) ;
return ADCClk_Hz ;
2012-10-27 11:26:42 -03:00
static enum stv0367cab_mod stv0367cab_SetQamSize ( struct stv0367_state * state ,
u32 SymbolRate ,
enum stv0367cab_mod QAMSize )
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
/* Set QAM size */
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_QAM_MODE , QAMSize ) ;
/* Set Registers settings specific to the QAM size */
switch ( QAMSize ) {
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM4 :
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_AGC_REF , 0x00 ) ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM16 :
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_AGC_PWR_REF_L , 0x64 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_AGC_REF , 0x00 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_FSM_STATE , 0x90 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CTR_LPF_GAIN , 0xc1 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LPF_GAIN , 0xa7 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LD_SEN , 0x95 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LIMITER , 0x40 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_PNT_GAIN , 0x8a ) ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM32 :
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_AGC_REF , 0x00 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_AGC_PWR_REF_L , 0x6e ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_FSM_STATE , 0xb0 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CTR_LPF_GAIN , 0xc1 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LPF_GAIN , 0xb7 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LD_SEN , 0x9d ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LIMITER , 0x7f ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_PNT_GAIN , 0xa7 ) ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM64 :
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_AGC_REF , 0x82 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_AGC_PWR_REF_L , 0x5a ) ;
if ( SymbolRate > 45000000 ) {
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_FSM_STATE , 0xb0 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CTR_LPF_GAIN , 0xc1 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LPF_GAIN , 0xa5 ) ;
} else if ( SymbolRate > 25000000 ) {
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_FSM_STATE , 0xa0 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CTR_LPF_GAIN , 0xc1 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LPF_GAIN , 0xa6 ) ;
} else {
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_FSM_STATE , 0xa0 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CTR_LPF_GAIN , 0xd1 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LPF_GAIN , 0xa7 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LD_SEN , 0x95 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LIMITER , 0x40 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_PNT_GAIN , 0x99 ) ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM128 :
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_AGC_REF , 0x00 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_AGC_PWR_REF_L , 0x76 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_FSM_STATE , 0x90 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CTR_LPF_GAIN , 0xb1 ) ;
if ( SymbolRate > 45000000 )
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LPF_GAIN , 0xa7 ) ;
else if ( SymbolRate > 25000000 )
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LPF_GAIN , 0xa6 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LPF_GAIN , 0x97 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LD_SEN , 0x8e ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LIMITER , 0x7f ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_PNT_GAIN , 0xa7 ) ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM256 :
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_AGC_REF , 0x94 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_AGC_PWR_REF_L , 0x5a ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_FSM_STATE , 0xa0 ) ;
if ( SymbolRate > 45000000 )
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CTR_LPF_GAIN , 0xc1 ) ;
else if ( SymbolRate > 25000000 )
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CTR_LPF_GAIN , 0xc1 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CTR_LPF_GAIN , 0xd1 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LPF_GAIN , 0xa7 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LD_SEN , 0x85 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_LIMITER , 0x40 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_PNT_GAIN , 0xa7 ) ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM512 :
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_AGC_REF , 0x00 ) ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM1024 :
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_IQDEM_ADJ_AGC_REF , 0x00 ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
return QAMSize ;
static u32 stv0367cab_set_derot_freq ( struct stv0367_state * state ,
u32 adc_hz , s32 derot_hz )
u32 sampled_if = 0 ;
u32 adc_khz ;
adc_khz = adc_hz / 1000 ;
dprintk ( " %s: adc_hz=%d derot_hz=%d \n " , __func__ , adc_hz , derot_hz ) ;
if ( adc_khz ! = 0 ) {
if ( derot_hz < 1000000 )
derot_hz = adc_hz / 4 ; /* ZIF operation */
if ( derot_hz > adc_hz )
derot_hz = derot_hz - adc_hz ;
sampled_if = ( u32 ) derot_hz / 1000 ;
sampled_if * = 32768 ;
sampled_if / = adc_khz ;
sampled_if * = 256 ;
if ( sampled_if > 8388607 )
sampled_if = 8388607 ;
dprintk ( " %s: sampled_if=0x%x \n " , __func__ , sampled_if ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_MIX_NCO_LL , sampled_if ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_MIX_NCO_HL , ( sampled_if > > 8 ) ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_MIX_NCO_INC_HH , ( sampled_if > > 16 ) ) ;
return derot_hz ;
static u32 stv0367cab_get_derot_freq ( struct stv0367_state * state , u32 adc_hz )
u32 sampled_if ;
sampled_if = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_MIX_NCO_INC_LL ) +
( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_MIX_NCO_INC_HL ) < < 8 ) +
( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_MIX_NCO_INC_HH ) < < 16 ) ;
sampled_if / = 256 ;
sampled_if * = ( adc_hz / 1000 ) ;
sampled_if + = 1 ;
sampled_if / = 32768 ;
return sampled_if ;
static u32 stv0367cab_set_srate ( struct stv0367_state * state , u32 adc_hz ,
u32 mclk_hz , u32 SymbolRate ,
enum stv0367cab_mod QAMSize )
u32 QamSizeCorr = 0 ;
u32 u32_tmp = 0 , u32_tmp1 = 0 ;
u32 adp_khz ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
/* Set Correction factor of SRC gain */
switch ( QAMSize ) {
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM4 :
QamSizeCorr = 1110 ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM16 :
QamSizeCorr = 1032 ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM32 :
QamSizeCorr = 954 ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM64 :
QamSizeCorr = 983 ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM128 :
QamSizeCorr = 957 ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM256 :
QamSizeCorr = 948 ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM512 :
QamSizeCorr = 0 ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM1024 :
QamSizeCorr = 944 ;
break ;
default :
break ;
/* Transfer ratio calculation */
if ( adc_hz ! = 0 ) {
u32_tmp = 256 * SymbolRate ;
u32_tmp = u32_tmp / adc_hz ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_EQU_CRL_TFR , ( u8 ) u32_tmp ) ;
/* Symbol rate and SRC gain calculation */
adp_khz = ( mclk_hz > > 1 ) / 1000 ; /* TRL works at half the system clock */
if ( adp_khz ! = 0 ) {
u32_tmp = SymbolRate ;
u32_tmp1 = SymbolRate ;
if ( u32_tmp < 2097152 ) { /* 2097152 = 2^21 */
/* Symbol rate calculation */
u32_tmp * = 2048 ; /* 2048 = 2^11 */
u32_tmp = u32_tmp / adp_khz ;
u32_tmp = u32_tmp * 16384 ; /* 16384 = 2^14 */
u32_tmp / = 125 ; /* 125 = 1000/2^3 */
u32_tmp = u32_tmp * 8 ; /* 8 = 2^3 */
/* SRC Gain Calculation */
u32_tmp1 * = 2048 ; /* *2*2^10 */
u32_tmp1 / = 439 ; /* *2/878 */
u32_tmp1 * = 256 ; /* *2^8 */
u32_tmp1 = u32_tmp1 / adp_khz ; /* /(AdpClk in kHz) */
u32_tmp1 * = QamSizeCorr * 9 ; /* *1000*corr factor */
u32_tmp1 = u32_tmp1 / 10000000 ;
} else if ( u32_tmp < 4194304 ) { /* 4194304 = 2**22 */
/* Symbol rate calculation */
u32_tmp * = 1024 ; /* 1024 = 2**10 */
u32_tmp = u32_tmp / adp_khz ;
u32_tmp = u32_tmp * 16384 ; /* 16384 = 2**14 */
u32_tmp / = 125 ; /* 125 = 1000/2**3 */
u32_tmp = u32_tmp * 16 ; /* 16 = 2**4 */
/* SRC Gain Calculation */
u32_tmp1 * = 1024 ; /* *2*2^9 */
u32_tmp1 / = 439 ; /* *2/878 */
u32_tmp1 * = 256 ; /* *2^8 */
u32_tmp1 = u32_tmp1 / adp_khz ; /* /(AdpClk in kHz)*/
u32_tmp1 * = QamSizeCorr * 9 ; /* *1000*corr factor */
u32_tmp1 = u32_tmp1 / 5000000 ;
} else if ( u32_tmp < 8388607 ) { /* 8388607 = 2**23 */
/* Symbol rate calculation */
u32_tmp * = 512 ; /* 512 = 2**9 */
u32_tmp = u32_tmp / adp_khz ;
u32_tmp = u32_tmp * 16384 ; /* 16384 = 2**14 */
u32_tmp / = 125 ; /* 125 = 1000/2**3 */
u32_tmp = u32_tmp * 32 ; /* 32 = 2**5 */
/* SRC Gain Calculation */
u32_tmp1 * = 512 ; /* *2*2^8 */
u32_tmp1 / = 439 ; /* *2/878 */
u32_tmp1 * = 256 ; /* *2^8 */
u32_tmp1 = u32_tmp1 / adp_khz ; /* /(AdpClk in kHz) */
u32_tmp1 * = QamSizeCorr * 9 ; /* *1000*corr factor */
u32_tmp1 = u32_tmp1 / 2500000 ;
} else {
/* Symbol rate calculation */
u32_tmp * = 256 ; /* 256 = 2**8 */
u32_tmp = u32_tmp / adp_khz ;
u32_tmp = u32_tmp * 16384 ; /* 16384 = 2**13 */
u32_tmp / = 125 ; /* 125 = 1000/2**3 */
u32_tmp = u32_tmp * 64 ; /* 64 = 2**6 */
/* SRC Gain Calculation */
u32_tmp1 * = 256 ; /* 2*2^7 */
u32_tmp1 / = 439 ; /* *2/878 */
u32_tmp1 * = 256 ; /* *2^8 */
u32_tmp1 = u32_tmp1 / adp_khz ; /* /(AdpClk in kHz) */
u32_tmp1 * = QamSizeCorr * 9 ; /* *1000*corr factor */
u32_tmp1 = u32_tmp1 / 1250000 ;
#if 0
/* Filters' coefficients are calculated and written
into registers only if the filters are enabled */
if ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_ADJ_EN ) ) {
stv0367cab_SetIirAdjacentcoefficient ( state , mclk_hz ,
SymbolRate ) ;
/* AllPass filter must be enabled
when the adjacents filter is used */
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_ALLPASSFILT_EN , 1 ) ;
stv0367cab_SetAllPasscoefficient ( state , mclk_hz , SymbolRate ) ;
} else
/* AllPass filter must be disabled
when the adjacents filter is not used */
# endif
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_ALLPASSFILT_EN , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_SRC_NCO_LL , u32_tmp ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_SRC_NCO_LH , ( u32_tmp > > 8 ) ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_SRC_NCO_HL , ( u32_tmp > > 16 ) ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_SRC_NCO_HH , ( u32_tmp > > 24 ) ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_IQDEM_GAIN_SRC_L , u32_tmp1 & 0x00ff ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_GAIN_SRC_HI , ( u32_tmp1 > > 8 ) & 0x00ff ) ;
return SymbolRate ;
static u32 stv0367cab_GetSymbolRate ( struct stv0367_state * state , u32 mclk_hz )
u32 regsym ;
u32 adp_khz ;
regsym = stv0367_readreg ( state , R367CAB_SRC_NCO_LL ) +
( stv0367_readreg ( state , R367CAB_SRC_NCO_LH ) < < 8 ) +
( stv0367_readreg ( state , R367CAB_SRC_NCO_HL ) < < 16 ) +
( stv0367_readreg ( state , R367CAB_SRC_NCO_HH ) < < 24 ) ;
adp_khz = ( mclk_hz > > 1 ) / 1000 ; /* TRL works at half the system clock */
if ( regsym < 134217728 ) { /* 134217728L = 2**27*/
regsym = regsym * 32 ; /* 32 = 2**5 */
regsym = regsym / 32768 ; /* 32768L = 2**15 */
regsym = adp_khz * regsym ; /* AdpClk in kHz */
regsym = regsym / 128 ; /* 128 = 2**7 */
regsym * = 125 ; /* 125 = 1000/2**3 */
regsym / = 2048 ; /* 2048 = 2**11 */
} else if ( regsym < 268435456 ) { /* 268435456L = 2**28 */
regsym = regsym * 16 ; /* 16 = 2**4 */
regsym = regsym / 32768 ; /* 32768L = 2**15 */
regsym = adp_khz * regsym ; /* AdpClk in kHz */
regsym = regsym / 128 ; /* 128 = 2**7 */
regsym * = 125 ; /* 125 = 1000/2**3*/
regsym / = 1024 ; /* 256 = 2**10*/
} else if ( regsym < 536870912 ) { /* 536870912L = 2**29*/
regsym = regsym * 8 ; /* 8 = 2**3 */
regsym = regsym / 32768 ; /* 32768L = 2**15 */
regsym = adp_khz * regsym ; /* AdpClk in kHz */
regsym = regsym / 128 ; /* 128 = 2**7 */
regsym * = 125 ; /* 125 = 1000/2**3 */
regsym / = 512 ; /* 128 = 2**9 */
} else {
regsym = regsym * 4 ; /* 4 = 2**2 */
regsym = regsym / 32768 ; /* 32768L = 2**15 */
regsym = adp_khz * regsym ; /* AdpClk in kHz */
regsym = regsym / 128 ; /* 128 = 2**7 */
regsym * = 125 ; /* 125 = 1000/2**3 */
regsym / = 256 ; /* 64 = 2**8 */
return regsym ;
static int stv0367cab_read_status ( struct dvb_frontend * fe , fe_status_t * status )
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
* status = 0 ;
if ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_QAMFEC_LOCK ) ) {
* status | = FE_HAS_LOCK ;
dprintk ( " %s: stv0367 has locked \n " , __func__ ) ;
return 0 ;
static int stv0367cab_standby ( struct dvb_frontend * fe , u8 standby_on )
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
if ( standby_on ) {
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_BYPASS_PLLXN , 0x03 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_STDBY_PLLXN , 0x01 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_STDBY , 1 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_STDBY_CORE , 1 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_EN_BUFFER_I , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_EN_BUFFER_Q , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_POFFQ , 1 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_POFFI , 1 ) ;
} else {
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_STDBY_PLLXN , 0x00 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_BYPASS_PLLXN , 0x00 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_STDBY , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_STDBY_CORE , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_EN_BUFFER_I , 1 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_EN_BUFFER_Q , 1 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_POFFQ , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_POFFI , 0 ) ;
return 0 ;
static int stv0367cab_sleep ( struct dvb_frontend * fe )
return stv0367cab_standby ( fe , 1 ) ;
2012-10-27 11:26:42 -03:00
static int stv0367cab_init ( struct dvb_frontend * fe )
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
struct stv0367cab_state * cab_state = state - > cab_state ;
int i ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < STV0367CAB_NBREGS ; i + + )
stv0367_writereg ( state , def0367cab [ i ] . addr ,
def0367cab [ i ] . value ) ;
switch ( state - > config - > ts_mode ) {
case STV0367_DVBCI_CLOCK :
dprintk ( " Setting TSMode = STV0367_DVBCI_CLOCK \n " ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_OUTFORMAT , 0x03 ) ;
break ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_OUTFORMAT , 0x01 ) ;
break ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_OUTFORMAT , 0x00 ) ;
break ;
switch ( state - > config - > clk_pol ) {
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_CLK_POLARITY , 0x00 ) ;
break ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_CLK_POLARITY , 0x01 ) ;
break ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_SYNC_STRIP , 0x00 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_CT_NBST , 0x01 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_TS_SWAP , 0x01 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_FIFO_BYPASS , 0x00 ) ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_ANACTRL , 0x00 ) ; /*PLL enabled and used */
cab_state - > mclk = stv0367cab_get_mclk ( fe , state - > config - > xtal ) ;
cab_state - > adc_clk = stv0367cab_get_adc_freq ( fe , state - > config - > xtal ) ;
return 0 ;
enum stv0367_cab_signal_type stv0367cab_algo ( struct stv0367_state * state ,
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
struct dtv_frontend_properties * p )
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
struct stv0367cab_state * cab_state = state - > cab_state ;
enum stv0367_cab_signal_type signalType = FE_CAB_NOAGC ;
u32 QAMFEC_Lock , QAM_Lock , u32_tmp ,
LockTime , TRLTimeOut , AGCTimeOut , CRLSymbols ,
CRLTimeOut , EQLTimeOut , DemodTimeOut , FECTimeOut ;
u8 TrackAGCAccum ;
s32 tmp ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
/* Timeouts calculation */
/* A max lock time of 25 ms is allowed for delayed AGC */
AGCTimeOut = 25 ;
/* 100000 symbols needed by the TRL as a maximum value */
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
TRLTimeOut = 100000000 / p - > symbol_rate ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
/* CRLSymbols is the needed number of symbols to achieve a lock
within [ - 4 % , + 4 % ] of the symbol rate .
CRL timeout is calculated
for a lock within [ - search_range , + search_range ] .
EQL timeout can be changed depending on
the micro - reflections we want to handle .
A characterization must be performed
with these echoes to get new timeout values .
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
switch ( p - > modulation ) {
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
case QAM_16 :
CRLSymbols = 150000 ;
EQLTimeOut = 100 ;
break ;
case QAM_32 :
CRLSymbols = 250000 ;
EQLTimeOut = 100 ;
break ;
case QAM_64 :
CRLSymbols = 200000 ;
EQLTimeOut = 100 ;
break ;
case QAM_128 :
CRLSymbols = 250000 ;
EQLTimeOut = 100 ;
break ;
case QAM_256 :
CRLSymbols = 250000 ;
EQLTimeOut = 100 ;
break ;
default :
CRLSymbols = 200000 ;
EQLTimeOut = 100 ;
break ;
#if 0
if ( pIntParams - > search_range < 0 ) {
CRLTimeOut = ( 25 * CRLSymbols *
( - pIntParams - > search_range / 1000 ) ) /
( pIntParams - > symbol_rate / 1000 ) ;
} else
# endif
CRLTimeOut = ( 25 * CRLSymbols * ( cab_state - > search_range / 1000 ) ) /
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
( p - > symbol_rate / 1000 ) ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
CRLTimeOut = ( 1000 * CRLTimeOut ) / p - > symbol_rate ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
/* Timeouts below 50ms are coerced */
if ( CRLTimeOut < 50 )
CRLTimeOut = 50 ;
/* A maximum of 100 TS packets is needed to get FEC lock even in case
the spectrum inversion needs to be changed .
This is equal to 20 ms in case of the lowest symbol rate of 0.87 Msps
FECTimeOut = 20 ;
DemodTimeOut = AGCTimeOut + TRLTimeOut + CRLTimeOut + EQLTimeOut ;
dprintk ( " %s: DemodTimeOut=%d \n " , __func__ , DemodTimeOut ) ;
/* Reset the TRL to ensure nothing starts until the
AGC is stable which ensures a better lock time
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_CTRL_1 , 0x04 ) ;
/* Set AGC accumulation time to minimum and lock threshold to maximum
in order to speed up the AGC lock */
TrackAGCAccum = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_AGC_ACCUMRSTSEL ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_AGC_ACCUMRSTSEL , 0x0 ) ;
/* Modulus Mapper is disabled */
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_MODULUSMAP_EN , 0 ) ;
/* Disable the sweep function */
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_SWEEP_EN , 0 ) ;
/* The sweep function is never used, Sweep rate must be set to 0 */
/* Set the derotator frequency in Hz */
stv0367cab_set_derot_freq ( state , cab_state - > adc_clk ,
( 1000 * ( s32 ) state - > config - > if_khz + cab_state - > derot_offset ) ) ;
/* Disable the Allpass Filter when the symbol rate is out of range */
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
if ( ( p - > symbol_rate > 10800000 ) | ( p - > symbol_rate < 1800000 ) ) {
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_ADJ_EN , 0 ) ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_ALLPASSFILT_EN , 0 ) ;
#if 0
/* Check if the tuner is locked */
tuner_lock = stv0367cab_tuner_get_status ( fe ) ;
if ( tuner_lock = = 0 )
return FE_367CAB_NOTUNER ;
# endif
/* Relase the TRL to start demodulator acquisition */
/* Wait for QAM lock */
LockTime = 0 ;
stv0367_writereg ( state , R367CAB_CTRL_1 , 0x00 ) ;
do {
QAM_Lock = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_FSM_STATUS ) ;
if ( ( LockTime > = ( DemodTimeOut - EQLTimeOut ) ) & &
( QAM_Lock = = 0x04 ) )
* We don ' t wait longer , the frequency / phase offset
* must be too big
LockTime = DemodTimeOut ;
else if ( ( LockTime > = ( AGCTimeOut + TRLTimeOut ) ) & &
( QAM_Lock = = 0x02 ) )
* We don ' t wait longer , either there is no signal or
* it is not the right symbol rate or it is an analog
* carrier
LockTime = DemodTimeOut ;
u32_tmp = stv0367_readbits ( state ,
( stv0367_readbits ( state ,
F367CAB_AGC_PWR_WORD_ME ) < < 8 ) +
( stv0367_readbits ( state ,
F367CAB_AGC_PWR_WORD_HI ) < < 16 ) ;
if ( u32_tmp > = 131072 )
u32_tmp = 262144 - u32_tmp ;
u32_tmp = u32_tmp / ( 1 < < ( 11 - stv0367_readbits ( state ,
F367CAB_AGC_IF_BWSEL ) ) ) ;
if ( u32_tmp < stv0367_readbits ( state ,
256 * stv0367_readbits ( state ,
F367CAB_AGC_PWRREF_HI ) - 10 )
QAM_Lock = 0x0f ;
} else {
usleep_range ( 10000 , 20000 ) ;
LockTime + = 10 ;
dprintk ( " QAM_Lock=0x%x LockTime=%d \n " , QAM_Lock , LockTime ) ;
tmp = stv0367_readreg ( state , R367CAB_IT_STATUS1 ) ;
dprintk ( " R367CAB_IT_STATUS1=0x%x \n " , tmp ) ;
} while ( ( ( QAM_Lock ! = 0x0c ) & & ( QAM_Lock ! = 0x0b ) ) & &
( LockTime < DemodTimeOut ) ) ;
dprintk ( " QAM_Lock=0x%x \n " , QAM_Lock ) ;
tmp = stv0367_readreg ( state , R367CAB_IT_STATUS1 ) ;
dprintk ( " R367CAB_IT_STATUS1=0x%x \n " , tmp ) ;
tmp = stv0367_readreg ( state , R367CAB_IT_STATUS2 ) ;
dprintk ( " R367CAB_IT_STATUS2=0x%x \n " , tmp ) ;
tmp = stv0367cab_get_derot_freq ( state , cab_state - > adc_clk ) ;
dprintk ( " stv0367cab_get_derot_freq=0x%x \n " , tmp ) ;
if ( ( QAM_Lock = = 0x0c ) | | ( QAM_Lock = = 0x0b ) ) {
/* Wait for FEC lock */
LockTime = 0 ;
do {
usleep_range ( 5000 , 7000 ) ;
LockTime + = 5 ;
QAMFEC_Lock = stv0367_readbits ( state ,
} while ( ! QAMFEC_Lock & & ( LockTime < FECTimeOut ) ) ;
} else
QAMFEC_Lock = 0 ;
if ( QAMFEC_Lock ) {
signalType = FE_CAB_DATAOK ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
cab_state - > modulation = p - > modulation ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
cab_state - > spect_inv = stv0367_readbits ( state ,
#if 0
/* not clear for me */
if ( state - > config - > if_khz ! = 0 ) {
if ( state - > config - > if_khz > cab_state - > adc_clk / 1000 ) {
cab_state - > freq_khz =
FE_Cab_TunerGetFrequency ( pIntParams - > hTuner )
- stv0367cab_get_derot_freq ( state , cab_state - > adc_clk )
- cab_state - > adc_clk / 1000 + state - > config - > if_khz ;
} else {
cab_state - > freq_khz =
FE_Cab_TunerGetFrequency ( pIntParams - > hTuner )
- stv0367cab_get_derot_freq ( state , cab_state - > adc_clk )
+ state - > config - > if_khz ;
} else {
cab_state - > freq_khz =
FE_Cab_TunerGetFrequency ( pIntParams - > hTuner ) +
stv0367cab_get_derot_freq ( state ,
cab_state - > adc_clk ) -
cab_state - > adc_clk / 4000 ;
# endif
cab_state - > symbol_rate = stv0367cab_GetSymbolRate ( state ,
cab_state - > mclk ) ;
cab_state - > locked = 1 ;
/* stv0367_setbits(state, F367CAB_AGC_ACCUMRSTSEL,7);*/
} else {
switch ( QAM_Lock ) {
case 1 :
signalType = FE_CAB_NOAGC ;
break ;
case 2 :
signalType = FE_CAB_NOTIMING ;
break ;
case 3 :
signalType = FE_CAB_TIMINGOK ;
break ;
case 4 :
signalType = FE_CAB_NOCARRIER ;
break ;
case 5 :
signalType = FE_CAB_CARRIEROK ;
break ;
case 7 :
signalType = FE_CAB_NOBLIND ;
break ;
case 8 :
signalType = FE_CAB_BLINDOK ;
break ;
case 10 :
signalType = FE_CAB_NODEMOD ;
break ;
case 11 :
signalType = FE_CAB_DEMODOK ;
break ;
case 12 :
signalType = FE_CAB_DEMODOK ;
break ;
case 13 :
signalType = FE_CAB_NODEMOD ;
break ;
case 14 :
signalType = FE_CAB_NOBLIND ;
break ;
case 15 :
signalType = FE_CAB_NOSIGNAL ;
break ;
default :
break ;
/* Set the AGC control values to tracking values */
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_AGC_ACCUMRSTSEL , TrackAGCAccum ) ;
return signalType ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
static int stv0367cab_set_frontend ( struct dvb_frontend * fe )
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
struct dtv_frontend_properties * p = & fe - > dtv_property_cache ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
struct stv0367cab_state * cab_state = state - > cab_state ;
enum stv0367cab_mod QAMSize = 0 ;
dprintk ( " %s: freq = %d, srate = %d \n " , __func__ ,
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > frequency , p - > symbol_rate ) ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
cab_state - > derot_offset = 0 ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
switch ( p - > modulation ) {
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
case QAM_16 :
break ;
case QAM_32 :
break ;
case QAM_64 :
break ;
case QAM_128 :
break ;
case QAM_256 :
break ;
default :
break ;
stv0367cab_init ( fe ) ;
/* Tuner Frequency Setting */
if ( fe - > ops . tuner_ops . set_params ) {
if ( fe - > ops . i2c_gate_ctrl )
fe - > ops . i2c_gate_ctrl ( fe , 1 ) ;
2011-12-24 12:24:33 -03:00
fe - > ops . tuner_ops . set_params ( fe ) ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
if ( fe - > ops . i2c_gate_ctrl )
fe - > ops . i2c_gate_ctrl ( fe , 0 ) ;
stv0367cab_SetQamSize (
state ,
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > symbol_rate ,
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
QAMSize ) ;
stv0367cab_set_srate ( state ,
cab_state - > adc_clk ,
cab_state - > mclk ,
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > symbol_rate ,
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
QAMSize ) ;
/* Search algorithm launch, [-1.1*RangeOffset, +1.1*RangeOffset] scan */
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
cab_state - > state = stv0367cab_algo ( state , p ) ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
return 0 ;
[media] dvb: don't require a parameter for get_frontend
Just like set_frontend, use the dvb cache properties for get_frontend.
This is more consistent, as both functions are now symetric. Also,
at the places get_frontend is called, it makes sense to update the
Most of this patch were generated by this small perl script:
while (<>) { $file .= $_; }
if ($file =~ m/\.get_frontend\s*=\s*([\d\w_]+)/) {
my $get = $1;
$file =~ s/($get)(\s*\([^\,\)]+)\,\s*struct\s+dtv_frontend_properties\s*\*\s*([_\d\w]+)\)\s*\{/\1\2)\n{\n\tstruct dtv_frontend_properties *\3 = &fe->dtv_property_cache;/g;
print $file;
Of course, the changes at dvb_frontend.[ch] were made by hand,
as well as the changes on a few other places, where get_frontend()
is called internally inside the driver.
On some places, get_frontend() were just a void function. Those
occurrences were removed, as the DVB core handles such cases.
Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@redhat.com>
2011-12-30 11:30:21 -03:00
static int stv0367cab_get_frontend ( struct dvb_frontend * fe )
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
[media] dvb: don't require a parameter for get_frontend
Just like set_frontend, use the dvb cache properties for get_frontend.
This is more consistent, as both functions are now symetric. Also,
at the places get_frontend is called, it makes sense to update the
Most of this patch were generated by this small perl script:
while (<>) { $file .= $_; }
if ($file =~ m/\.get_frontend\s*=\s*([\d\w_]+)/) {
my $get = $1;
$file =~ s/($get)(\s*\([^\,\)]+)\,\s*struct\s+dtv_frontend_properties\s*\*\s*([_\d\w]+)\)\s*\{/\1\2)\n{\n\tstruct dtv_frontend_properties *\3 = &fe->dtv_property_cache;/g;
print $file;
Of course, the changes at dvb_frontend.[ch] were made by hand,
as well as the changes on a few other places, where get_frontend()
is called internally inside the driver.
On some places, get_frontend() were just a void function. Those
occurrences were removed, as the DVB core handles such cases.
Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@redhat.com>
2011-12-30 11:30:21 -03:00
struct dtv_frontend_properties * p = & fe - > dtv_property_cache ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
struct stv0367cab_state * cab_state = state - > cab_state ;
enum stv0367cab_mod QAMSize ;
dprintk ( " %s: \n " , __func__ ) ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > symbol_rate = stv0367cab_GetSymbolRate ( state , cab_state - > mclk ) ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
QAMSize = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_QAM_MODE ) ;
switch ( QAMSize ) {
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM16 :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > modulation = QAM_16 ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM32 :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > modulation = QAM_32 ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM64 :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > modulation = QAM_64 ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM128 :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > modulation = QAM_128 ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
case QAM_256 :
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > modulation = QAM_256 ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
break ;
default :
break ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > frequency = stv0367_get_tuner_freq ( fe ) ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
dprintk ( " %s: tuner frequency = %d \n " , __func__ , p - > frequency ) ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
if ( state - > config - > if_khz = = 0 ) {
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > frequency + =
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
( stv0367cab_get_derot_freq ( state , cab_state - > adc_clk ) -
cab_state - > adc_clk / 4000 ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( state - > config - > if_khz > cab_state - > adc_clk / 1000 )
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > frequency + = ( state - > config - > if_khz
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
- stv0367cab_get_derot_freq ( state , cab_state - > adc_clk )
- cab_state - > adc_clk / 1000 ) ;
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
p - > frequency + = ( state - > config - > if_khz
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
- stv0367cab_get_derot_freq ( state , cab_state - > adc_clk ) ) ;
return 0 ;
#if 0
void stv0367cab_GetErrorCount ( state , enum stv0367cab_mod QAMSize ,
u32 symbol_rate , FE_367qam_Monitor * Monitor_results )
stv0367cab_OptimiseNByteAndGetBER ( state , QAMSize , symbol_rate , Monitor_results ) ;
stv0367cab_GetPacketsCount ( state , Monitor_results ) ;
return ;
static int stv0367cab_read_ber ( struct dvb_frontend * fe , u32 * ber )
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
return 0 ;
# endif
static s32 stv0367cab_get_rf_lvl ( struct stv0367_state * state )
s32 rfLevel = 0 ;
s32 RfAgcPwm = 0 , IfAgcPwm = 0 ;
u8 i ;
stv0367_writebits ( state , F367CAB_STDBY_ADCGP , 0x0 ) ;
RfAgcPwm =
( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_RF_AGC1_LEVEL_LO ) & 0x03 ) +
( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_RF_AGC1_LEVEL_HI ) < < 2 ) ;
RfAgcPwm = 100 * RfAgcPwm / 1023 ;
IfAgcPwm =
stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_AGC_IF_PWMCMD_LO ) +
( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_AGC_IF_PWMCMD_HI ) < < 8 ) ;
if ( IfAgcPwm > = 2048 )
IfAgcPwm - = 2048 ;
IfAgcPwm + = 2048 ;
IfAgcPwm = 100 * IfAgcPwm / 4095 ;
/* For DTT75467 on NIM */
if ( RfAgcPwm < 90 & & IfAgcPwm < 28 ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < RF_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE ; i + + ) {
if ( RfAgcPwm < = stv0367cab_RF_LookUp1 [ 0 ] [ i ] ) {
rfLevel = ( - 1 ) * stv0367cab_RF_LookUp1 [ 1 ] [ i ] ;
break ;
rfLevel = - 56 ;
} else { /*if IF AGC>10*/
for ( i = 0 ; i < RF_LOOKUP_TABLE2_SIZE ; i + + ) {
if ( IfAgcPwm < = stv0367cab_RF_LookUp2 [ 0 ] [ i ] ) {
rfLevel = ( - 1 ) * stv0367cab_RF_LookUp2 [ 1 ] [ i ] ;
break ;
if ( i = = RF_LOOKUP_TABLE2_SIZE )
rfLevel = - 72 ;
return rfLevel ;
static int stv0367cab_read_strength ( struct dvb_frontend * fe , u16 * strength )
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
s32 signal = stv0367cab_get_rf_lvl ( state ) ;
dprintk ( " %s: signal=%d dBm \n " , __func__ , signal ) ;
if ( signal < = - 72 )
* strength = 65535 ;
* strength = ( 22 + signal ) * ( - 1311 ) ;
dprintk ( " %s: strength=%d \n " , __func__ , ( * strength ) ) ;
return 0 ;
static int stv0367cab_read_snr ( struct dvb_frontend * fe , u16 * snr )
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
u32 noisepercentage ;
enum stv0367cab_mod QAMSize ;
u32 regval = 0 , temp = 0 ;
int power , i ;
QAMSize = stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_QAM_MODE ) ;
switch ( QAMSize ) {
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM4 :
power = 21904 ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM16 :
power = 20480 ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM32 :
power = 23040 ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM64 :
power = 21504 ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM128 :
power = 23616 ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM256 :
power = 21760 ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM512 :
power = 1 ;
break ;
case FE_CAB_MOD_QAM1024 :
power = 21280 ;
break ;
default :
power = 1 ;
break ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i + + ) {
regval + = ( stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_SNR_LO )
+ 256 * stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_SNR_HI ) ) ;
regval / = 10 ; /*for average over 10 times in for loop above*/
if ( regval ! = 0 ) {
temp = power
* ( 1 < < ( 3 + stv0367_readbits ( state , F367CAB_SNR_PER ) ) ) ;
temp / = regval ;
/* table values, not needed to calculate logarithms */
if ( temp > = 5012 )
noisepercentage = 100 ;
else if ( temp > = 3981 )
noisepercentage = 93 ;
else if ( temp > = 3162 )
noisepercentage = 86 ;
else if ( temp > = 2512 )
noisepercentage = 79 ;
else if ( temp > = 1995 )
noisepercentage = 72 ;
else if ( temp > = 1585 )
noisepercentage = 65 ;
else if ( temp > = 1259 )
noisepercentage = 58 ;
else if ( temp > = 1000 )
noisepercentage = 50 ;
else if ( temp > = 794 )
noisepercentage = 43 ;
else if ( temp > = 501 )
noisepercentage = 36 ;
else if ( temp > = 316 )
noisepercentage = 29 ;
else if ( temp > = 200 )
noisepercentage = 22 ;
else if ( temp > = 158 )
noisepercentage = 14 ;
else if ( temp > = 126 )
noisepercentage = 7 ;
noisepercentage = 0 ;
dprintk ( " %s: noisepercentage=%d \n " , __func__ , noisepercentage ) ;
* snr = ( noisepercentage * 65535 ) / 100 ;
return 0 ;
2011-01-02 09:12:00 -03:00
static int stv0367cab_read_ucblcks ( struct dvb_frontend * fe , u32 * ucblocks )
struct stv0367_state * state = fe - > demodulator_priv ;
int corrected , tscount ;
* ucblocks = ( stv0367_readreg ( state , R367CAB_RS_COUNTER_5 ) < < 8 )
| stv0367_readreg ( state , R367CAB_RS_COUNTER_4 ) ;
corrected = ( stv0367_readreg ( state , R367CAB_RS_COUNTER_3 ) < < 8 )
| stv0367_readreg ( state , R367CAB_RS_COUNTER_2 ) ;
tscount = ( stv0367_readreg ( state , R367CAB_RS_COUNTER_2 ) < < 8 )
| stv0367_readreg ( state , R367CAB_RS_COUNTER_1 ) ;
dprintk ( " %s: uncorrected blocks=%d corrected blocks=%d tscount=%d \n " ,
__func__ , * ucblocks , corrected , tscount ) ;
return 0 ;
} ;
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
static struct dvb_frontend_ops stv0367cab_ops = {
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
. delsys = { SYS_DVBC_ANNEX_A } ,
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
. info = {
. name = " ST STV0367 DVB-C " ,
. frequency_min = 47000000 ,
. frequency_max = 862000000 ,
. frequency_stepsize = 62500 ,
. symbol_rate_min = 870000 ,
. symbol_rate_max = 11700000 ,
. caps = 0x400 | /* FE_CAN_QAM_4 */
FE_CAN_QAM_64 | FE_CAN_QAM_128 |
} ,
. release = stv0367_release ,
. init = stv0367cab_init ,
. sleep = stv0367cab_sleep ,
. i2c_gate_ctrl = stv0367cab_gate_ctrl ,
2011-12-26 13:03:00 -03:00
. set_frontend = stv0367cab_set_frontend ,
. get_frontend = stv0367cab_get_frontend ,
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
. read_status = stv0367cab_read_status ,
/* .read_ber = stv0367cab_read_ber, */
. read_signal_strength = stv0367cab_read_strength ,
. read_snr = stv0367cab_read_snr ,
2011-01-02 09:12:00 -03:00
. read_ucblocks = stv0367cab_read_ucblcks ,
2011-01-25 17:02:00 -03:00
. get_tune_settings = stv0367_get_tune_settings ,
} ;
struct dvb_frontend * stv0367cab_attach ( const struct stv0367_config * config ,
struct i2c_adapter * i2c )
struct stv0367_state * state = NULL ;
struct stv0367cab_state * cab_state = NULL ;
/* allocate memory for the internal state */
state = kzalloc ( sizeof ( struct stv0367_state ) , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( state = = NULL )
goto error ;
cab_state = kzalloc ( sizeof ( struct stv0367cab_state ) , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( cab_state = = NULL )
goto error ;
/* setup the state */
state - > i2c = i2c ;
state - > config = config ;
cab_state - > search_range = 280000 ;
state - > cab_state = cab_state ;
state - > fe . ops = stv0367cab_ops ;
state - > fe . demodulator_priv = state ;
state - > chip_id = stv0367_readreg ( state , 0xf000 ) ;
dprintk ( " %s: chip_id = 0x%x \n " , __func__ , state - > chip_id ) ;
/* check if the demod is there */
if ( ( state - > chip_id ! = 0x50 ) & & ( state - > chip_id ! = 0x60 ) )
goto error ;
return & state - > fe ;
error :
kfree ( cab_state ) ;
kfree ( state ) ;
return NULL ;
EXPORT_SYMBOL ( stv0367cab_attach ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( debug , " Set debug " ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( i2c_debug , " Set i2c debug " ) ;
MODULE_AUTHOR ( " Igor M. Liplianin " ) ;
MODULE_DESCRIPTION ( " ST STV0367 DVB-C/T demodulator driver " ) ;