2013-01-20 18:28:06 -05:00
/ *
* Copyright ( C ) 2 0 1 2 - V i r t u a l O p e n S y s t e m s a n d C o l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t y
* Author : Christoffer D a l l < c . d a l l @virtualopensystems.com>
* This p r o g r a m i s f r e e s o f t w a r e ; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it u n d e r t h e t e r m s o f t h e G N U G e n e r a l P u b l i c L i c e n s e , v e r s i o n 2 , a s
* published b y t h e F r e e S o f t w a r e F o u n d a t i o n .
* This p r o g r a m i s d i s t r i b u t e d i n t h e h o p e t h a t i t w i l l b e u s e f u l ,
* but W I T H O U T A N Y W A R R A N T Y ; without even the implied warranty of
* MERCHANTABILITY o r F I T N E S S F O R A P A R T I C U L A R P U R P O S E . S e e t h e
* GNU G e n e r a l P u b l i c L i c e n s e f o r m o r e d e t a i l s .
* You s h o u l d h a v e r e c e i v e d a c o p y o f t h e G N U G e n e r a l P u b l i c L i c e n s e
* along w i t h t h i s p r o g r a m ; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, 5 1 F r a n k l i n S t r e e t , F i f t h F l o o r , B o s t o n , M A 0 2 1 1 0 - 1 3 0 1 , U S A .
* /
2013-01-20 18:28:06 -05:00
# include < l i n u x / l i n k a g e . h >
2014-06-30 16:29:12 +01:00
# include < a s m / a s s e m b l e r . h >
2013-01-20 18:28:06 -05:00
# include < a s m / u n i f i e d . h >
2013-01-20 18:28:06 -05:00
# include < a s m / a s m - o f f s e t s . h >
# include < a s m / k v m _ a s m . h >
2013-01-20 18:28:06 -05:00
# include < a s m / k v m _ a r m . h >
ARM: KVM: switch to a dual-step HYP init code
Our HYP init code suffers from two major design issues:
- it cannot support CPU hotplug, as we tear down the idmap very early
- it cannot perform a TLB invalidation when switching from init to
runtime mappings, as pages are manipulated from PL1 exclusively
The hotplug problem mandates that we keep two sets of page tables
(boot and runtime). The TLB problem mandates that we're able to
transition from one PGD to another while in HYP, invalidating the TLBs
in the process.
To be able to do this, we need to share a page between the two page
tables. A page that will have the same VA in both configurations. All we
need is a VA that has the following properties:
- This VA can't be used to represent a kernel mapping.
- This VA will not conflict with the physical address of the kernel text
The vectors page seems to satisfy this requirement:
- The kernel never maps anything else there
- The kernel text being copied at the beginning of the physical memory,
it is unlikely to use the last 64kB (I doubt we'll ever support KVM
on a system with something like 4MB of RAM, but patches are very
Let's call this VA the trampoline VA.
Now, we map our init page at 3 locations:
- idmap in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the runtime pgd
The init scenario is now the following:
- We jump in HYP with four parameters: boot HYP pgd, runtime HYP pgd,
runtime stack, runtime vectors
- Enable the MMU with the boot pgd
- Jump to a target into the trampoline page (remember, this is the same
physical page!)
- Now switch to the runtime pgd (same VA, and still the same physical
- Invalidate TLBs
- Set stack and vectors
- Profit! (or eret, if you only care about the code).
Note that we keep the boot mapping permanently (it is not strictly an
idmap anymore) to allow for CPU hotplug in later patches.
Signed-off-by: Marc Zyngier <marc.zyngier@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Christoffer Dall <cdall@cs.columbia.edu>
2013-04-12 19:12:06 +01:00
# include < a s m / k v m _ m m u . h >
2017-04-03 19:37:53 +01:00
# include < a s m / v i r t . h >
2013-01-20 18:28:06 -05:00
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Hypervisor i n i t i a l i z a t i o n
* - should b e c a l l e d w i t h :
ARM: KVM: switch to a dual-step HYP init code
Our HYP init code suffers from two major design issues:
- it cannot support CPU hotplug, as we tear down the idmap very early
- it cannot perform a TLB invalidation when switching from init to
runtime mappings, as pages are manipulated from PL1 exclusively
The hotplug problem mandates that we keep two sets of page tables
(boot and runtime). The TLB problem mandates that we're able to
transition from one PGD to another while in HYP, invalidating the TLBs
in the process.
To be able to do this, we need to share a page between the two page
tables. A page that will have the same VA in both configurations. All we
need is a VA that has the following properties:
- This VA can't be used to represent a kernel mapping.
- This VA will not conflict with the physical address of the kernel text
The vectors page seems to satisfy this requirement:
- The kernel never maps anything else there
- The kernel text being copied at the beginning of the physical memory,
it is unlikely to use the last 64kB (I doubt we'll ever support KVM
on a system with something like 4MB of RAM, but patches are very
Let's call this VA the trampoline VA.
Now, we map our init page at 3 locations:
- idmap in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the runtime pgd
The init scenario is now the following:
- We jump in HYP with four parameters: boot HYP pgd, runtime HYP pgd,
runtime stack, runtime vectors
- Enable the MMU with the boot pgd
- Jump to a target into the trampoline page (remember, this is the same
physical page!)
- Now switch to the runtime pgd (same VA, and still the same physical
- Invalidate TLBs
- Set stack and vectors
- Profit! (or eret, if you only care about the code).
Note that we keep the boot mapping permanently (it is not strictly an
idmap anymore) to allow for CPU hotplug in later patches.
Signed-off-by: Marc Zyngier <marc.zyngier@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Christoffer Dall <cdall@cs.columbia.edu>
2013-04-12 19:12:06 +01:00
* r0 = t o p o f H y p s t a c k ( k e r n e l V A )
* r1 = p o i n t e r t o h y p v e c t o r s
* r2 ,r3 = H y p e r v i s o r p g d p o i n t e r
* The i n i t s c e n a r i o i s :
2016-06-30 18:40:47 +01:00
* - We j u m p i n H Y P w i t h 3 p a r a m e t e r s : r u n t i m e H Y P p g d , r u n t i m e s t a c k ,
* runtime v e c t o r s
ARM: KVM: switch to a dual-step HYP init code
Our HYP init code suffers from two major design issues:
- it cannot support CPU hotplug, as we tear down the idmap very early
- it cannot perform a TLB invalidation when switching from init to
runtime mappings, as pages are manipulated from PL1 exclusively
The hotplug problem mandates that we keep two sets of page tables
(boot and runtime). The TLB problem mandates that we're able to
transition from one PGD to another while in HYP, invalidating the TLBs
in the process.
To be able to do this, we need to share a page between the two page
tables. A page that will have the same VA in both configurations. All we
need is a VA that has the following properties:
- This VA can't be used to represent a kernel mapping.
- This VA will not conflict with the physical address of the kernel text
The vectors page seems to satisfy this requirement:
- The kernel never maps anything else there
- The kernel text being copied at the beginning of the physical memory,
it is unlikely to use the last 64kB (I doubt we'll ever support KVM
on a system with something like 4MB of RAM, but patches are very
Let's call this VA the trampoline VA.
Now, we map our init page at 3 locations:
- idmap in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the runtime pgd
The init scenario is now the following:
- We jump in HYP with four parameters: boot HYP pgd, runtime HYP pgd,
runtime stack, runtime vectors
- Enable the MMU with the boot pgd
- Jump to a target into the trampoline page (remember, this is the same
physical page!)
- Now switch to the runtime pgd (same VA, and still the same physical
- Invalidate TLBs
- Set stack and vectors
- Profit! (or eret, if you only care about the code).
Note that we keep the boot mapping permanently (it is not strictly an
idmap anymore) to allow for CPU hotplug in later patches.
Signed-off-by: Marc Zyngier <marc.zyngier@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Christoffer Dall <cdall@cs.columbia.edu>
2013-04-12 19:12:06 +01:00
* - Invalidate T L B s
* - Set s t a c k a n d v e c t o r s
2016-06-30 18:40:47 +01:00
* - Setup t h e p a g e t a b l e s
* - Enable t h e M M U
ARM: KVM: switch to a dual-step HYP init code
Our HYP init code suffers from two major design issues:
- it cannot support CPU hotplug, as we tear down the idmap very early
- it cannot perform a TLB invalidation when switching from init to
runtime mappings, as pages are manipulated from PL1 exclusively
The hotplug problem mandates that we keep two sets of page tables
(boot and runtime). The TLB problem mandates that we're able to
transition from one PGD to another while in HYP, invalidating the TLBs
in the process.
To be able to do this, we need to share a page between the two page
tables. A page that will have the same VA in both configurations. All we
need is a VA that has the following properties:
- This VA can't be used to represent a kernel mapping.
- This VA will not conflict with the physical address of the kernel text
The vectors page seems to satisfy this requirement:
- The kernel never maps anything else there
- The kernel text being copied at the beginning of the physical memory,
it is unlikely to use the last 64kB (I doubt we'll ever support KVM
on a system with something like 4MB of RAM, but patches are very
Let's call this VA the trampoline VA.
Now, we map our init page at 3 locations:
- idmap in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the runtime pgd
The init scenario is now the following:
- We jump in HYP with four parameters: boot HYP pgd, runtime HYP pgd,
runtime stack, runtime vectors
- Enable the MMU with the boot pgd
- Jump to a target into the trampoline page (remember, this is the same
physical page!)
- Now switch to the runtime pgd (same VA, and still the same physical
- Invalidate TLBs
- Set stack and vectors
- Profit! (or eret, if you only care about the code).
Note that we keep the boot mapping permanently (it is not strictly an
idmap anymore) to allow for CPU hotplug in later patches.
Signed-off-by: Marc Zyngier <marc.zyngier@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Christoffer Dall <cdall@cs.columbia.edu>
2013-04-12 19:12:06 +01:00
* - Profit! ( o r e r e t , i f y o u o n l y c a r e a b o u t t h e c o d e ) .
2017-04-03 19:37:53 +01:00
* Another p o s s i b i l i t y i s t o g e t a H Y P s t u b h y p e r c a l l .
* We d i s c r i m i n a t e b e t w e e n t h e t w o b y c h e c k i n g i f r0 c o n t a i n s a v a l u e
* that i s l e s s t h a n H V C _ S T U B _ H C A L L _ N R .
2013-01-20 18:28:06 -05:00
* /
.pushsection .hyp .idmap .text , " ax"
.align 5
__kvm_hyp_init :
.globl __kvm_hyp_init
@ Hyp-mode exception vector
W( b ) .
W( b ) .
W( b ) .
W( b ) .
W( b ) .
W( b ) _ _ d o _ h y p _ i n i t
W( b ) .
W( b ) .
__do_hyp_init :
2017-04-03 19:37:53 +01:00
@ Check for a stub hypercall
cmp r0 , #H V C _ S T U B _ H C A L L _ N R
blo _ _ k v m _ h a n d l e _ s t u b _ h v c
2016-06-30 18:40:47 +01:00
@ Set stack pointer
mov s p , r0
@ Set HVBAR to point to the HYP vectors
mcr p15 , 4 , r1 , c12 , c0 , 0 @ HVBAR
ARM: KVM: switch to a dual-step HYP init code
Our HYP init code suffers from two major design issues:
- it cannot support CPU hotplug, as we tear down the idmap very early
- it cannot perform a TLB invalidation when switching from init to
runtime mappings, as pages are manipulated from PL1 exclusively
The hotplug problem mandates that we keep two sets of page tables
(boot and runtime). The TLB problem mandates that we're able to
transition from one PGD to another while in HYP, invalidating the TLBs
in the process.
To be able to do this, we need to share a page between the two page
tables. A page that will have the same VA in both configurations. All we
need is a VA that has the following properties:
- This VA can't be used to represent a kernel mapping.
- This VA will not conflict with the physical address of the kernel text
The vectors page seems to satisfy this requirement:
- The kernel never maps anything else there
- The kernel text being copied at the beginning of the physical memory,
it is unlikely to use the last 64kB (I doubt we'll ever support KVM
on a system with something like 4MB of RAM, but patches are very
Let's call this VA the trampoline VA.
Now, we map our init page at 3 locations:
- idmap in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the runtime pgd
The init scenario is now the following:
- We jump in HYP with four parameters: boot HYP pgd, runtime HYP pgd,
runtime stack, runtime vectors
- Enable the MMU with the boot pgd
- Jump to a target into the trampoline page (remember, this is the same
physical page!)
- Now switch to the runtime pgd (same VA, and still the same physical
- Invalidate TLBs
- Set stack and vectors
- Profit! (or eret, if you only care about the code).
Note that we keep the boot mapping permanently (it is not strictly an
idmap anymore) to allow for CPU hotplug in later patches.
Signed-off-by: Marc Zyngier <marc.zyngier@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Christoffer Dall <cdall@cs.columbia.edu>
2013-04-12 19:12:06 +01:00
2013-01-20 18:28:06 -05:00
@ Set the HTTBR to point to the hypervisor PGD pointer passed
2014-06-12 09:30:02 -07:00
mcrr p15 , 4 , r r _ l o _ h i ( r2 , r3 ) , c2
2013-01-20 18:28:06 -05:00
@ Set the HTCR and VTCR to the same shareability and cacheability
@ settings as the non-secure TTBCR and with T0SZ == 0.
mrc p15 , 4 , r0 , c2 , c0 , 2 @ HTCR
ARM: KVM: switch to a dual-step HYP init code
Our HYP init code suffers from two major design issues:
- it cannot support CPU hotplug, as we tear down the idmap very early
- it cannot perform a TLB invalidation when switching from init to
runtime mappings, as pages are manipulated from PL1 exclusively
The hotplug problem mandates that we keep two sets of page tables
(boot and runtime). The TLB problem mandates that we're able to
transition from one PGD to another while in HYP, invalidating the TLBs
in the process.
To be able to do this, we need to share a page between the two page
tables. A page that will have the same VA in both configurations. All we
need is a VA that has the following properties:
- This VA can't be used to represent a kernel mapping.
- This VA will not conflict with the physical address of the kernel text
The vectors page seems to satisfy this requirement:
- The kernel never maps anything else there
- The kernel text being copied at the beginning of the physical memory,
it is unlikely to use the last 64kB (I doubt we'll ever support KVM
on a system with something like 4MB of RAM, but patches are very
Let's call this VA the trampoline VA.
Now, we map our init page at 3 locations:
- idmap in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the runtime pgd
The init scenario is now the following:
- We jump in HYP with four parameters: boot HYP pgd, runtime HYP pgd,
runtime stack, runtime vectors
- Enable the MMU with the boot pgd
- Jump to a target into the trampoline page (remember, this is the same
physical page!)
- Now switch to the runtime pgd (same VA, and still the same physical
- Invalidate TLBs
- Set stack and vectors
- Profit! (or eret, if you only care about the code).
Note that we keep the boot mapping permanently (it is not strictly an
idmap anymore) to allow for CPU hotplug in later patches.
Signed-off-by: Marc Zyngier <marc.zyngier@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Christoffer Dall <cdall@cs.columbia.edu>
2013-04-12 19:12:06 +01:00
ldr r2 , =HTCR_MASK
bic r0 , r0 , r2
2013-01-20 18:28:06 -05:00
mrc p15 , 0 , r1 , c2 , c0 , 2 @ TTBCR
and r1 , r1 , #( H T C R _ M A S K & ~ T T B C R _ T 0 S Z )
orr r0 , r0 , r1
mcr p15 , 4 , r0 , c2 , c0 , 2 @ HTCR
@ Use the same memory attributes for hyp. accesses as the kernel
@ (copy MAIRx ro HMAIRx).
mrc p15 , 0 , r0 , c10 , c2 , 0
mcr p15 , 4 , r0 , c10 , c2 , 0
mrc p15 , 0 , r0 , c10 , c2 , 1
mcr p15 , 4 , r0 , c10 , c2 , 1
2014-07-31 12:23:23 +05:30
@ Invalidate the stale TLBs from Bootloader
mcr p15 , 4 , r0 , c8 , c7 , 0 @ TLBIALLH
dsb i s h
2013-01-20 18:28:06 -05:00
@ Set the HSCTLR to:
@ - ARM/THUMB exceptions: Kernel config (Thumb-2 kernel)
@ - Endianness: Kernel config
@ - Fast Interrupt Features: Kernel config
@ - Write permission implies XN: disabled
@ - Instruction cache: enabled
@ - Data/Unified cache: enabled
@ - MMU: enabled (this code must be run from an identity mapping)
mrc p15 , 4 , r0 , c1 , c0 , 0 @ HSCR
ARM: KVM: switch to a dual-step HYP init code
Our HYP init code suffers from two major design issues:
- it cannot support CPU hotplug, as we tear down the idmap very early
- it cannot perform a TLB invalidation when switching from init to
runtime mappings, as pages are manipulated from PL1 exclusively
The hotplug problem mandates that we keep two sets of page tables
(boot and runtime). The TLB problem mandates that we're able to
transition from one PGD to another while in HYP, invalidating the TLBs
in the process.
To be able to do this, we need to share a page between the two page
tables. A page that will have the same VA in both configurations. All we
need is a VA that has the following properties:
- This VA can't be used to represent a kernel mapping.
- This VA will not conflict with the physical address of the kernel text
The vectors page seems to satisfy this requirement:
- The kernel never maps anything else there
- The kernel text being copied at the beginning of the physical memory,
it is unlikely to use the last 64kB (I doubt we'll ever support KVM
on a system with something like 4MB of RAM, but patches are very
Let's call this VA the trampoline VA.
Now, we map our init page at 3 locations:
- idmap in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the runtime pgd
The init scenario is now the following:
- We jump in HYP with four parameters: boot HYP pgd, runtime HYP pgd,
runtime stack, runtime vectors
- Enable the MMU with the boot pgd
- Jump to a target into the trampoline page (remember, this is the same
physical page!)
- Now switch to the runtime pgd (same VA, and still the same physical
- Invalidate TLBs
- Set stack and vectors
- Profit! (or eret, if you only care about the code).
Note that we keep the boot mapping permanently (it is not strictly an
idmap anymore) to allow for CPU hotplug in later patches.
Signed-off-by: Marc Zyngier <marc.zyngier@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Christoffer Dall <cdall@cs.columbia.edu>
2013-04-12 19:12:06 +01:00
ldr r2 , =HSCTLR_MASK
bic r0 , r0 , r2
2013-01-20 18:28:06 -05:00
mrc p15 , 0 , r1 , c1 , c0 , 0 @ SCTLR
ARM: KVM: switch to a dual-step HYP init code
Our HYP init code suffers from two major design issues:
- it cannot support CPU hotplug, as we tear down the idmap very early
- it cannot perform a TLB invalidation when switching from init to
runtime mappings, as pages are manipulated from PL1 exclusively
The hotplug problem mandates that we keep two sets of page tables
(boot and runtime). The TLB problem mandates that we're able to
transition from one PGD to another while in HYP, invalidating the TLBs
in the process.
To be able to do this, we need to share a page between the two page
tables. A page that will have the same VA in both configurations. All we
need is a VA that has the following properties:
- This VA can't be used to represent a kernel mapping.
- This VA will not conflict with the physical address of the kernel text
The vectors page seems to satisfy this requirement:
- The kernel never maps anything else there
- The kernel text being copied at the beginning of the physical memory,
it is unlikely to use the last 64kB (I doubt we'll ever support KVM
on a system with something like 4MB of RAM, but patches are very
Let's call this VA the trampoline VA.
Now, we map our init page at 3 locations:
- idmap in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the runtime pgd
The init scenario is now the following:
- We jump in HYP with four parameters: boot HYP pgd, runtime HYP pgd,
runtime stack, runtime vectors
- Enable the MMU with the boot pgd
- Jump to a target into the trampoline page (remember, this is the same
physical page!)
- Now switch to the runtime pgd (same VA, and still the same physical
- Invalidate TLBs
- Set stack and vectors
- Profit! (or eret, if you only care about the code).
Note that we keep the boot mapping permanently (it is not strictly an
idmap anymore) to allow for CPU hotplug in later patches.
Signed-off-by: Marc Zyngier <marc.zyngier@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Christoffer Dall <cdall@cs.columbia.edu>
2013-04-12 19:12:06 +01:00
ldr r2 , = ( H S C T L R _ E E | H S C T L R _ F I | H S C T L R _ I | H S C T L R _ C )
and r1 , r1 , r2
2017-06-06 19:08:35 +01:00
ARM( l d r r2 , = ( H S C T L R _ M ) )
THUMB( l d r r2 , = ( H S C T L R _ M | H S C T L R _ T E ) )
ARM: KVM: switch to a dual-step HYP init code
Our HYP init code suffers from two major design issues:
- it cannot support CPU hotplug, as we tear down the idmap very early
- it cannot perform a TLB invalidation when switching from init to
runtime mappings, as pages are manipulated from PL1 exclusively
The hotplug problem mandates that we keep two sets of page tables
(boot and runtime). The TLB problem mandates that we're able to
transition from one PGD to another while in HYP, invalidating the TLBs
in the process.
To be able to do this, we need to share a page between the two page
tables. A page that will have the same VA in both configurations. All we
need is a VA that has the following properties:
- This VA can't be used to represent a kernel mapping.
- This VA will not conflict with the physical address of the kernel text
The vectors page seems to satisfy this requirement:
- The kernel never maps anything else there
- The kernel text being copied at the beginning of the physical memory,
it is unlikely to use the last 64kB (I doubt we'll ever support KVM
on a system with something like 4MB of RAM, but patches are very
Let's call this VA the trampoline VA.
Now, we map our init page at 3 locations:
- idmap in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the runtime pgd
The init scenario is now the following:
- We jump in HYP with four parameters: boot HYP pgd, runtime HYP pgd,
runtime stack, runtime vectors
- Enable the MMU with the boot pgd
- Jump to a target into the trampoline page (remember, this is the same
physical page!)
- Now switch to the runtime pgd (same VA, and still the same physical
- Invalidate TLBs
- Set stack and vectors
- Profit! (or eret, if you only care about the code).
Note that we keep the boot mapping permanently (it is not strictly an
idmap anymore) to allow for CPU hotplug in later patches.
Signed-off-by: Marc Zyngier <marc.zyngier@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Christoffer Dall <cdall@cs.columbia.edu>
2013-04-12 19:12:06 +01:00
orr r1 , r1 , r2
2013-01-20 18:28:06 -05:00
orr r0 , r0 , r1
mcr p15 , 4 , r0 , c1 , c0 , 0 @ HSCR
ARM: KVM: switch to a dual-step HYP init code
Our HYP init code suffers from two major design issues:
- it cannot support CPU hotplug, as we tear down the idmap very early
- it cannot perform a TLB invalidation when switching from init to
runtime mappings, as pages are manipulated from PL1 exclusively
The hotplug problem mandates that we keep two sets of page tables
(boot and runtime). The TLB problem mandates that we're able to
transition from one PGD to another while in HYP, invalidating the TLBs
in the process.
To be able to do this, we need to share a page between the two page
tables. A page that will have the same VA in both configurations. All we
need is a VA that has the following properties:
- This VA can't be used to represent a kernel mapping.
- This VA will not conflict with the physical address of the kernel text
The vectors page seems to satisfy this requirement:
- The kernel never maps anything else there
- The kernel text being copied at the beginning of the physical memory,
it is unlikely to use the last 64kB (I doubt we'll ever support KVM
on a system with something like 4MB of RAM, but patches are very
Let's call this VA the trampoline VA.
Now, we map our init page at 3 locations:
- idmap in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the boot pgd
- trampoline VA in the runtime pgd
The init scenario is now the following:
- We jump in HYP with four parameters: boot HYP pgd, runtime HYP pgd,
runtime stack, runtime vectors
- Enable the MMU with the boot pgd
- Jump to a target into the trampoline page (remember, this is the same
physical page!)
- Now switch to the runtime pgd (same VA, and still the same physical
- Invalidate TLBs
- Set stack and vectors
- Profit! (or eret, if you only care about the code).
Note that we keep the boot mapping permanently (it is not strictly an
idmap anymore) to allow for CPU hotplug in later patches.
Signed-off-by: Marc Zyngier <marc.zyngier@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Christoffer Dall <cdall@cs.columbia.edu>
2013-04-12 19:12:06 +01:00
2013-01-20 18:28:06 -05:00
2017-04-03 19:37:53 +01:00
ENTRY( _ _ k v m _ h a n d l e _ s t u b _ h v c )
2017-04-03 19:38:03 +01:00
cmp r0 , #H V C _ S O F T _ R E S T A R T
2017-04-03 19:37:57 +01:00
bne 1 f
/* The target is expected in r1 */
msr E L R _ h y p , r1
mrs r0 , c p s r
bic r0 , r0 , #M O D E _ M A S K
orr r0 , r0 , #H Y P _ M O D E
THUMB( o r r r0 , r0 , #P S R _ T _ B I T )
msr s p s r _ c x s f , r0
b r e s e t
2017-04-03 19:37:54 +01:00
1 : cmp r0 , #H V C _ R E S E T _ V E C T O R S
2017-04-03 19:37:53 +01:00
bne 1 f
2017-04-03 19:37:57 +01:00
reset :
2016-06-30 18:40:48 +01:00
/* We're now in idmap, disable MMU */
mrc p15 , 4 , r1 , c1 , c0 , 0 @ HSCTLR
2017-04-03 19:37:53 +01:00
ldr r0 , = ( H S C T L R _ M | H S C T L R _ A | H S C T L R _ C | H S C T L R _ I )
bic r1 , r1 , r0
2016-06-30 18:40:48 +01:00
mcr p15 , 4 , r1 , c1 , c0 , 0 @ HSCTLR
2017-04-03 19:37:53 +01:00
/ *
* Install s t u b v e c t o r s , u s i n g a r d b ' s V A - > P A t r i c k .
* /
0 : adr r0 , 0 b @ PA(0)
movw r1 , #: l o w e r 16 : _ _ h y p _ s t u b _ v e c t o r s - 0 b @ VA(stub) - VA(0)
movt r1 , #: u p p e r 16 : _ _ h y p _ s t u b _ v e c t o r s - 0 b
add r1 , r1 , r0 @ PA(stub)
mcr p15 , 4 , r1 , c12 , c0 , 0 @ HVBAR
b e x i t
1 : ldr r0 , =HVC_STUB_ERR
2017-04-03 19:38:06 +01:00
2016-06-30 18:40:48 +01:00
2017-04-03 19:37:53 +01:00
exit :
2017-04-03 19:38:06 +01:00
mov r0 , #0
2016-06-30 18:40:48 +01:00
2017-04-03 19:37:53 +01:00
ENDPROC( _ _ k v m _ h a n d l e _ s t u b _ h v c )
2016-06-30 18:40:48 +01:00
2013-01-20 18:28:06 -05:00
.globl __kvm_hyp_init_end
__kvm_hyp_init_end :