2019-04-02 15:30:40 +09:00
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
* Counter driver for the ACCES 104 - QUAD - 8
* Copyright ( C ) 2016 William Breathitt Gray
* This driver supports the ACCES 104 - QUAD - 8 and ACCES 104 - QUAD - 4.
# include <linux/bitops.h>
# include <linux/counter.h>
# include <linux/device.h>
# include <linux/errno.h>
# include <linux/iio/iio.h>
# include <linux/iio/types.h>
# include <linux/io.h>
# include <linux/ioport.h>
# include <linux/isa.h>
# include <linux/kernel.h>
# include <linux/module.h>
# include <linux/moduleparam.h>
# include <linux/types.h>
# define QUAD8_EXTENT 32
static unsigned int base [ max_num_isa_dev ( QUAD8_EXTENT ) ] ;
static unsigned int num_quad8 ;
module_param_array ( base , uint , & num_quad8 , 0 ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( base , " ACCES 104-QUAD-8 base addresses " ) ;
* struct quad8_iio - IIO device private data structure
* @ counter : instance of the counter_device
* @ preset : array of preset values
* @ count_mode : array of count mode configurations
* @ quadrature_mode : array of quadrature mode configurations
* @ quadrature_scale : array of quadrature mode scale configurations
* @ ab_enable : array of A and B inputs enable configurations
* @ preset_enable : array of set_to_preset_on_index attribute configurations
* @ synchronous_mode : array of index function synchronous mode configurations
* @ index_polarity : array of index function polarity configurations
* @ base : base port address of the IIO device
struct quad8_iio {
struct counter_device counter ;
unsigned int preset [ QUAD8_NUM_COUNTERS ] ;
unsigned int count_mode [ QUAD8_NUM_COUNTERS ] ;
unsigned int quadrature_mode [ QUAD8_NUM_COUNTERS ] ;
unsigned int quadrature_scale [ QUAD8_NUM_COUNTERS ] ;
unsigned int ab_enable [ QUAD8_NUM_COUNTERS ] ;
unsigned int preset_enable [ QUAD8_NUM_COUNTERS ] ;
unsigned int synchronous_mode [ QUAD8_NUM_COUNTERS ] ;
unsigned int index_polarity [ QUAD8_NUM_COUNTERS ] ;
unsigned int base ;
} ;
# define QUAD8_REG_CHAN_OP 0x11
/* Borrow Toggle flip-flop */
# define QUAD8_FLAG_BT BIT(0)
/* Carry Toggle flip-flop */
# define QUAD8_FLAG_CT BIT(1)
/* Error flag */
# define QUAD8_FLAG_E BIT(4)
/* Up/Down flag */
# define QUAD8_FLAG_UD BIT(5)
/* Reset and Load Signal Decoders */
# define QUAD8_CTR_RLD 0x00
/* Counter Mode Register */
# define QUAD8_CTR_CMR 0x20
/* Input / Output Control Register */
# define QUAD8_CTR_IOR 0x40
/* Index Control Register */
# define QUAD8_CTR_IDR 0x60
/* Reset Byte Pointer (three byte data pointer) */
# define QUAD8_RLD_RESET_BP 0x01
/* Reset Counter */
# define QUAD8_RLD_RESET_CNTR 0x02
/* Reset Borrow Toggle, Carry Toggle, Compare Toggle, and Sign flags */
# define QUAD8_RLD_RESET_FLAGS 0x04
/* Reset Error flag */
# define QUAD8_RLD_RESET_E 0x06
/* Preset Register to Counter */
# define QUAD8_RLD_PRESET_CNTR 0x08
/* Transfer Counter to Output Latch */
# define QUAD8_RLD_CNTR_OUT 0x10
# define QUAD8_CMR_QUADRATURE_X1 0x08
# define QUAD8_CMR_QUADRATURE_X2 0x10
# define QUAD8_CMR_QUADRATURE_X4 0x18
static int quad8_read_raw ( struct iio_dev * indio_dev ,
struct iio_chan_spec const * chan , int * val , int * val2 , long mask )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = iio_priv ( indio_dev ) ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * chan - > channel ;
unsigned int flags ;
unsigned int borrow ;
unsigned int carry ;
int i ;
switch ( mask ) {
if ( chan - > type = = IIO_INDEX ) {
* val = ! ! ( inb ( priv - > base + QUAD8_REG_INDEX_INPUT_LEVELS )
& BIT ( chan - > channel ) ) ;
return IIO_VAL_INT ;
flags = inb ( base_offset + 1 ) ;
borrow = flags & QUAD8_FLAG_BT ;
carry = ! ! ( flags & QUAD8_FLAG_CT ) ;
/* Borrow XOR Carry effectively doubles count range */
* val = ( borrow ^ carry ) < < 24 ;
/* Reset Byte Pointer; transfer Counter to Output Latch */
base_offset + 1 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
* val | = ( unsigned int ) inb ( base_offset ) < < ( 8 * i ) ;
return IIO_VAL_INT ;
* val = priv - > ab_enable [ chan - > channel ] ;
return IIO_VAL_INT ;
* val = 1 ;
* val2 = priv - > quadrature_scale [ chan - > channel ] ;
return - EINVAL ;
static int quad8_write_raw ( struct iio_dev * indio_dev ,
struct iio_chan_spec const * chan , int val , int val2 , long mask )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = iio_priv ( indio_dev ) ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * chan - > channel ;
int i ;
unsigned int ior_cfg ;
switch ( mask ) {
if ( chan - > type = = IIO_INDEX )
return - EINVAL ;
/* Only 24-bit values are supported */
if ( ( unsigned int ) val > 0xFFFFFF )
return - EINVAL ;
/* Reset Byte Pointer */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_RLD | QUAD8_RLD_RESET_BP , base_offset + 1 ) ;
/* Counter can only be set via Preset Register */
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
outb ( val > > ( 8 * i ) , base_offset ) ;
/* Transfer Preset Register to Counter */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_RLD | QUAD8_RLD_PRESET_CNTR , base_offset + 1 ) ;
/* Reset Byte Pointer */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_RLD | QUAD8_RLD_RESET_BP , base_offset + 1 ) ;
/* Set Preset Register back to original value */
val = priv - > preset [ chan - > channel ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
outb ( val > > ( 8 * i ) , base_offset ) ;
/* Reset Borrow, Carry, Compare, and Sign flags */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_RLD | QUAD8_RLD_RESET_FLAGS , base_offset + 1 ) ;
/* Reset Error flag */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_RLD | QUAD8_RLD_RESET_E , base_offset + 1 ) ;
return 0 ;
/* only boolean values accepted */
if ( val < 0 | | val > 1 )
return - EINVAL ;
priv - > ab_enable [ chan - > channel ] = val ;
ior_cfg = val | priv - > preset_enable [ chan - > channel ] < < 1 ;
/* Load I/O control configuration */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_IOR | ior_cfg , base_offset + 1 ) ;
return 0 ;
/* Quadrature scaling only available in quadrature mode */
if ( ! priv - > quadrature_mode [ chan - > channel ] & & ( val2 | | val ! = 1 ) )
return - EINVAL ;
/* Only three gain states (1, 0.5, 0.25) */
if ( val = = 1 & & ! val2 )
priv - > quadrature_scale [ chan - > channel ] = 0 ;
else if ( ! val )
switch ( val2 ) {
case 500000 :
priv - > quadrature_scale [ chan - > channel ] = 1 ;
break ;
case 250000 :
priv - > quadrature_scale [ chan - > channel ] = 2 ;
break ;
default :
return - EINVAL ;
return - EINVAL ;
return 0 ;
return - EINVAL ;
static const struct iio_info quad8_info = {
. read_raw = quad8_read_raw ,
. write_raw = quad8_write_raw
} ;
static ssize_t quad8_read_preset ( struct iio_dev * indio_dev , uintptr_t private ,
const struct iio_chan_spec * chan , char * buf )
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = iio_priv ( indio_dev ) ;
return snprintf ( buf , PAGE_SIZE , " %u \n " , priv - > preset [ chan - > channel ] ) ;
static ssize_t quad8_write_preset ( struct iio_dev * indio_dev , uintptr_t private ,
const struct iio_chan_spec * chan , const char * buf , size_t len )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = iio_priv ( indio_dev ) ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * chan - > channel ;
unsigned int preset ;
int ret ;
int i ;
ret = kstrtouint ( buf , 0 , & preset ) ;
if ( ret )
return ret ;
/* Only 24-bit values are supported */
if ( preset > 0xFFFFFF )
return - EINVAL ;
priv - > preset [ chan - > channel ] = preset ;
/* Reset Byte Pointer */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_RLD | QUAD8_RLD_RESET_BP , base_offset + 1 ) ;
/* Set Preset Register */
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
outb ( preset > > ( 8 * i ) , base_offset ) ;
return len ;
static ssize_t quad8_read_set_to_preset_on_index ( struct iio_dev * indio_dev ,
uintptr_t private , const struct iio_chan_spec * chan , char * buf )
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = iio_priv ( indio_dev ) ;
return snprintf ( buf , PAGE_SIZE , " %u \n " ,
! priv - > preset_enable [ chan - > channel ] ) ;
static ssize_t quad8_write_set_to_preset_on_index ( struct iio_dev * indio_dev ,
uintptr_t private , const struct iio_chan_spec * chan , const char * buf ,
size_t len )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = iio_priv ( indio_dev ) ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * chan - > channel + 1 ;
bool preset_enable ;
int ret ;
unsigned int ior_cfg ;
ret = kstrtobool ( buf , & preset_enable ) ;
if ( ret )
return ret ;
/* Preset enable is active low in Input/Output Control register */
preset_enable = ! preset_enable ;
priv - > preset_enable [ chan - > channel ] = preset_enable ;
ior_cfg = priv - > ab_enable [ chan - > channel ] |
( unsigned int ) preset_enable < < 1 ;
/* Load I/O control configuration to Input / Output Control Register */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_IOR | ior_cfg , base_offset ) ;
return len ;
static const char * const quad8_noise_error_states [ ] = {
" No excessive noise is present at the count inputs " ,
" Excessive noise is present at the count inputs "
} ;
static int quad8_get_noise_error ( struct iio_dev * indio_dev ,
const struct iio_chan_spec * chan )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = iio_priv ( indio_dev ) ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * chan - > channel + 1 ;
return ! ! ( inb ( base_offset ) & QUAD8_FLAG_E ) ;
static const struct iio_enum quad8_noise_error_enum = {
. items = quad8_noise_error_states ,
. num_items = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_noise_error_states ) ,
. get = quad8_get_noise_error
} ;
static const char * const quad8_count_direction_states [ ] = {
" down " ,
" up "
} ;
static int quad8_get_count_direction ( struct iio_dev * indio_dev ,
const struct iio_chan_spec * chan )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = iio_priv ( indio_dev ) ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * chan - > channel + 1 ;
return ! ! ( inb ( base_offset ) & QUAD8_FLAG_UD ) ;
static const struct iio_enum quad8_count_direction_enum = {
. items = quad8_count_direction_states ,
. num_items = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_count_direction_states ) ,
. get = quad8_get_count_direction
} ;
static const char * const quad8_count_modes [ ] = {
" normal " ,
" range limit " ,
" non-recycle " ,
" modulo-n "
} ;
static int quad8_set_count_mode ( struct iio_dev * indio_dev ,
const struct iio_chan_spec * chan , unsigned int cnt_mode )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = iio_priv ( indio_dev ) ;
unsigned int mode_cfg = cnt_mode < < 1 ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * chan - > channel + 1 ;
priv - > count_mode [ chan - > channel ] = cnt_mode ;
/* Add quadrature mode configuration */
if ( priv - > quadrature_mode [ chan - > channel ] )
mode_cfg | = ( priv - > quadrature_scale [ chan - > channel ] + 1 ) < < 3 ;
/* Load mode configuration to Counter Mode Register */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_CMR | mode_cfg , base_offset ) ;
return 0 ;
static int quad8_get_count_mode ( struct iio_dev * indio_dev ,
const struct iio_chan_spec * chan )
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = iio_priv ( indio_dev ) ;
return priv - > count_mode [ chan - > channel ] ;
static const struct iio_enum quad8_count_mode_enum = {
. items = quad8_count_modes ,
. num_items = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_count_modes ) ,
. set = quad8_set_count_mode ,
. get = quad8_get_count_mode
} ;
static const char * const quad8_synchronous_modes [ ] = {
" non-synchronous " ,
" synchronous "
} ;
static int quad8_set_synchronous_mode ( struct iio_dev * indio_dev ,
const struct iio_chan_spec * chan , unsigned int synchronous_mode )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = iio_priv ( indio_dev ) ;
const unsigned int idr_cfg = synchronous_mode |
priv - > index_polarity [ chan - > channel ] < < 1 ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * chan - > channel + 1 ;
/* Index function must be non-synchronous in non-quadrature mode */
if ( synchronous_mode & & ! priv - > quadrature_mode [ chan - > channel ] )
return - EINVAL ;
priv - > synchronous_mode [ chan - > channel ] = synchronous_mode ;
/* Load Index Control configuration to Index Control Register */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_IDR | idr_cfg , base_offset ) ;
return 0 ;
static int quad8_get_synchronous_mode ( struct iio_dev * indio_dev ,
const struct iio_chan_spec * chan )
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = iio_priv ( indio_dev ) ;
return priv - > synchronous_mode [ chan - > channel ] ;
static const struct iio_enum quad8_synchronous_mode_enum = {
. items = quad8_synchronous_modes ,
. num_items = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_synchronous_modes ) ,
. set = quad8_set_synchronous_mode ,
. get = quad8_get_synchronous_mode
} ;
static const char * const quad8_quadrature_modes [ ] = {
" non-quadrature " ,
" quadrature "
} ;
static int quad8_set_quadrature_mode ( struct iio_dev * indio_dev ,
const struct iio_chan_spec * chan , unsigned int quadrature_mode )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = iio_priv ( indio_dev ) ;
unsigned int mode_cfg = priv - > count_mode [ chan - > channel ] < < 1 ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * chan - > channel + 1 ;
if ( quadrature_mode )
mode_cfg | = ( priv - > quadrature_scale [ chan - > channel ] + 1 ) < < 3 ;
else {
/* Quadrature scaling only available in quadrature mode */
priv - > quadrature_scale [ chan - > channel ] = 0 ;
/* Synchronous function not supported in non-quadrature mode */
if ( priv - > synchronous_mode [ chan - > channel ] )
quad8_set_synchronous_mode ( indio_dev , chan , 0 ) ;
priv - > quadrature_mode [ chan - > channel ] = quadrature_mode ;
/* Load mode configuration to Counter Mode Register */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_CMR | mode_cfg , base_offset ) ;
return 0 ;
static int quad8_get_quadrature_mode ( struct iio_dev * indio_dev ,
const struct iio_chan_spec * chan )
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = iio_priv ( indio_dev ) ;
return priv - > quadrature_mode [ chan - > channel ] ;
static const struct iio_enum quad8_quadrature_mode_enum = {
. items = quad8_quadrature_modes ,
. num_items = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_quadrature_modes ) ,
. set = quad8_set_quadrature_mode ,
. get = quad8_get_quadrature_mode
} ;
static const char * const quad8_index_polarity_modes [ ] = {
" negative " ,
" positive "
} ;
static int quad8_set_index_polarity ( struct iio_dev * indio_dev ,
const struct iio_chan_spec * chan , unsigned int index_polarity )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = iio_priv ( indio_dev ) ;
const unsigned int idr_cfg = priv - > synchronous_mode [ chan - > channel ] |
index_polarity < < 1 ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * chan - > channel + 1 ;
priv - > index_polarity [ chan - > channel ] = index_polarity ;
/* Load Index Control configuration to Index Control Register */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_IDR | idr_cfg , base_offset ) ;
return 0 ;
static int quad8_get_index_polarity ( struct iio_dev * indio_dev ,
const struct iio_chan_spec * chan )
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = iio_priv ( indio_dev ) ;
return priv - > index_polarity [ chan - > channel ] ;
static const struct iio_enum quad8_index_polarity_enum = {
. items = quad8_index_polarity_modes ,
. num_items = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_index_polarity_modes ) ,
. set = quad8_set_index_polarity ,
. get = quad8_get_index_polarity
} ;
static const struct iio_chan_spec_ext_info quad8_count_ext_info [ ] = {
. name = " preset " ,
. shared = IIO_SEPARATE ,
. read = quad8_read_preset ,
. write = quad8_write_preset
} ,
. name = " set_to_preset_on_index " ,
. shared = IIO_SEPARATE ,
. read = quad8_read_set_to_preset_on_index ,
. write = quad8_write_set_to_preset_on_index
} ,
IIO_ENUM ( " noise_error " , IIO_SEPARATE , & quad8_noise_error_enum ) ,
IIO_ENUM_AVAILABLE ( " noise_error " , & quad8_noise_error_enum ) ,
IIO_ENUM ( " count_direction " , IIO_SEPARATE , & quad8_count_direction_enum ) ,
IIO_ENUM_AVAILABLE ( " count_direction " , & quad8_count_direction_enum ) ,
IIO_ENUM ( " count_mode " , IIO_SEPARATE , & quad8_count_mode_enum ) ,
IIO_ENUM_AVAILABLE ( " count_mode " , & quad8_count_mode_enum ) ,
IIO_ENUM ( " quadrature_mode " , IIO_SEPARATE , & quad8_quadrature_mode_enum ) ,
IIO_ENUM_AVAILABLE ( " quadrature_mode " , & quad8_quadrature_mode_enum ) ,
{ }
} ;
static const struct iio_chan_spec_ext_info quad8_index_ext_info [ ] = {
IIO_ENUM ( " synchronous_mode " , IIO_SEPARATE ,
& quad8_synchronous_mode_enum ) ,
IIO_ENUM_AVAILABLE ( " synchronous_mode " , & quad8_synchronous_mode_enum ) ,
IIO_ENUM ( " index_polarity " , IIO_SEPARATE , & quad8_index_polarity_enum ) ,
IIO_ENUM_AVAILABLE ( " index_polarity " , & quad8_index_polarity_enum ) ,
{ }
} ;
# define QUAD8_COUNT_CHAN(_chan) { \
. type = IIO_COUNT , \
. channel = ( _chan ) , \
. info_mask_separate = BIT ( IIO_CHAN_INFO_RAW ) | \
. ext_info = quad8_count_ext_info , \
. indexed = 1 \
# define QUAD8_INDEX_CHAN(_chan) { \
. type = IIO_INDEX , \
. channel = ( _chan ) , \
. info_mask_separate = BIT ( IIO_CHAN_INFO_RAW ) , \
. ext_info = quad8_index_ext_info , \
. indexed = 1 \
static const struct iio_chan_spec quad8_channels [ ] = {
} ;
static int quad8_signal_read ( struct counter_device * counter ,
2019-10-06 16:03:09 -04:00
struct counter_signal * signal , enum counter_signal_value * val )
2019-04-02 15:30:40 +09:00
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
unsigned int state ;
/* Only Index signal levels can be read */
if ( signal - > id < 16 )
return - EINVAL ;
state = inb ( priv - > base + QUAD8_REG_INDEX_INPUT_LEVELS )
& BIT ( signal - > id - 16 ) ;
2019-10-06 16:03:09 -04:00
2019-04-02 15:30:40 +09:00
return 0 ;
static int quad8_count_read ( struct counter_device * counter ,
2019-10-06 16:03:09 -04:00
struct counter_count * count , unsigned long * val )
2019-04-02 15:30:40 +09:00
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * count - > id ;
unsigned int flags ;
unsigned int borrow ;
unsigned int carry ;
int i ;
flags = inb ( base_offset + 1 ) ;
borrow = flags & QUAD8_FLAG_BT ;
carry = ! ! ( flags & QUAD8_FLAG_CT ) ;
/* Borrow XOR Carry effectively doubles count range */
2019-10-06 16:03:09 -04:00
* val = ( unsigned long ) ( borrow ^ carry ) < < 24 ;
2019-04-02 15:30:40 +09:00
/* Reset Byte Pointer; transfer Counter to Output Latch */
base_offset + 1 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
2019-10-06 16:03:09 -04:00
* val | = ( unsigned long ) inb ( base_offset ) < < ( 8 * i ) ;
2019-04-02 15:30:40 +09:00
return 0 ;
static int quad8_count_write ( struct counter_device * counter ,
2019-10-06 16:03:09 -04:00
struct counter_count * count , unsigned long val )
2019-04-02 15:30:40 +09:00
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * count - > id ;
int i ;
/* Only 24-bit values are supported */
2019-10-06 16:03:09 -04:00
if ( val > 0xFFFFFF )
2019-04-02 15:30:40 +09:00
return - EINVAL ;
/* Reset Byte Pointer */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_RLD | QUAD8_RLD_RESET_BP , base_offset + 1 ) ;
/* Counter can only be set via Preset Register */
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
2019-10-06 16:03:09 -04:00
outb ( val > > ( 8 * i ) , base_offset ) ;
2019-04-02 15:30:40 +09:00
/* Transfer Preset Register to Counter */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_RLD | QUAD8_RLD_PRESET_CNTR , base_offset + 1 ) ;
/* Reset Byte Pointer */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_RLD | QUAD8_RLD_RESET_BP , base_offset + 1 ) ;
/* Set Preset Register back to original value */
2019-10-06 16:03:09 -04:00
val = priv - > preset [ count - > id ] ;
2019-04-02 15:30:40 +09:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
2019-10-06 16:03:09 -04:00
outb ( val > > ( 8 * i ) , base_offset ) ;
2019-04-02 15:30:40 +09:00
/* Reset Borrow, Carry, Compare, and Sign flags */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_RLD | QUAD8_RLD_RESET_FLAGS , base_offset + 1 ) ;
/* Reset Error flag */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_RLD | QUAD8_RLD_RESET_E , base_offset + 1 ) ;
return 0 ;
enum quad8_count_function {
} ;
static enum counter_count_function quad8_count_functions_list [ ] = {
} ;
static int quad8_function_get ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_count * count , size_t * function )
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
const int id = count - > id ;
const unsigned int quadrature_mode = priv - > quadrature_mode [ id ] ;
const unsigned int scale = priv - > quadrature_scale [ id ] ;
if ( quadrature_mode )
switch ( scale ) {
case 0 :
break ;
case 1 :
break ;
case 2 :
break ;
return 0 ;
static int quad8_function_set ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_count * count , size_t function )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
const int id = count - > id ;
unsigned int * const quadrature_mode = priv - > quadrature_mode + id ;
unsigned int * const scale = priv - > quadrature_scale + id ;
unsigned int mode_cfg = priv - > count_mode [ id ] < < 1 ;
unsigned int * const synchronous_mode = priv - > synchronous_mode + id ;
const unsigned int idr_cfg = priv - > index_polarity [ id ] < < 1 ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * id + 1 ;
* quadrature_mode = 0 ;
/* Quadrature scaling only available in quadrature mode */
* scale = 0 ;
/* Synchronous function not supported in non-quadrature mode */
if ( * synchronous_mode ) {
* synchronous_mode = 0 ;
/* Disable synchronous function mode */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_IDR | idr_cfg , base_offset ) ;
} else {
* quadrature_mode = 1 ;
switch ( function ) {
* scale = 0 ;
mode_cfg | = QUAD8_CMR_QUADRATURE_X1 ;
break ;
* scale = 1 ;
mode_cfg | = QUAD8_CMR_QUADRATURE_X2 ;
break ;
* scale = 2 ;
mode_cfg | = QUAD8_CMR_QUADRATURE_X4 ;
break ;
/* Load mode configuration to Counter Mode Register */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_CMR | mode_cfg , base_offset ) ;
return 0 ;
static void quad8_direction_get ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_count * count , enum counter_count_direction * direction )
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
unsigned int ud_flag ;
const unsigned int flag_addr = priv - > base + 2 * count - > id + 1 ;
/* U/D flag: nonzero = up, zero = down */
ud_flag = inb ( flag_addr ) & QUAD8_FLAG_UD ;
* direction = ( ud_flag ) ? COUNTER_COUNT_DIRECTION_FORWARD :
enum quad8_synapse_action {
} ;
static enum counter_synapse_action quad8_index_actions_list [ ] = {
} ;
static enum counter_synapse_action quad8_synapse_actions_list [ ] = {
} ;
static int quad8_action_get ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_count * count , struct counter_synapse * synapse ,
size_t * action )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
int err ;
size_t function = 0 ;
const size_t signal_a_id = count - > synapses [ 0 ] . signal - > id ;
enum counter_count_direction direction ;
/* Handle Index signals */
if ( synapse - > signal - > id > = 16 ) {
if ( priv - > preset_enable [ count - > id ] )
return 0 ;
err = quad8_function_get ( counter , count , & function ) ;
if ( err )
return err ;
/* Default action mode */
/* Determine action mode based on current count function mode */
switch ( function ) {
if ( synapse - > signal - > id = = signal_a_id )
break ;
if ( synapse - > signal - > id = = signal_a_id ) {
quad8_direction_get ( counter , count , & direction ) ;
break ;
if ( synapse - > signal - > id = = signal_a_id )
break ;
break ;
return 0 ;
2019-04-27 00:48:16 +08:00
static const struct counter_ops quad8_ops = {
2019-04-02 15:30:40 +09:00
. signal_read = quad8_signal_read ,
. count_read = quad8_count_read ,
. count_write = quad8_count_write ,
. function_get = quad8_function_get ,
. function_set = quad8_function_set ,
. action_get = quad8_action_get
} ;
static int quad8_index_polarity_get ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_signal * signal , size_t * index_polarity )
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
const size_t channel_id = signal - > id - 16 ;
* index_polarity = priv - > index_polarity [ channel_id ] ;
return 0 ;
static int quad8_index_polarity_set ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_signal * signal , size_t index_polarity )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
const size_t channel_id = signal - > id - 16 ;
const unsigned int idr_cfg = priv - > synchronous_mode [ channel_id ] |
index_polarity < < 1 ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * channel_id + 1 ;
priv - > index_polarity [ channel_id ] = index_polarity ;
/* Load Index Control configuration to Index Control Register */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_IDR | idr_cfg , base_offset ) ;
return 0 ;
static struct counter_signal_enum_ext quad8_index_pol_enum = {
. items = quad8_index_polarity_modes ,
. num_items = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_index_polarity_modes ) ,
. get = quad8_index_polarity_get ,
. set = quad8_index_polarity_set
} ;
static int quad8_synchronous_mode_get ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_signal * signal , size_t * synchronous_mode )
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
const size_t channel_id = signal - > id - 16 ;
* synchronous_mode = priv - > synchronous_mode [ channel_id ] ;
return 0 ;
static int quad8_synchronous_mode_set ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_signal * signal , size_t synchronous_mode )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
const size_t channel_id = signal - > id - 16 ;
const unsigned int idr_cfg = synchronous_mode |
priv - > index_polarity [ channel_id ] < < 1 ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * channel_id + 1 ;
/* Index function must be non-synchronous in non-quadrature mode */
if ( synchronous_mode & & ! priv - > quadrature_mode [ channel_id ] )
return - EINVAL ;
priv - > synchronous_mode [ channel_id ] = synchronous_mode ;
/* Load Index Control configuration to Index Control Register */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_IDR | idr_cfg , base_offset ) ;
return 0 ;
static struct counter_signal_enum_ext quad8_syn_mode_enum = {
. items = quad8_synchronous_modes ,
. num_items = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_synchronous_modes ) ,
. get = quad8_synchronous_mode_get ,
. set = quad8_synchronous_mode_set
} ;
static ssize_t quad8_count_floor_read ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_count * count , void * private , char * buf )
/* Only a floor of 0 is supported */
return sprintf ( buf , " 0 \n " ) ;
static int quad8_count_mode_get ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_count * count , size_t * cnt_mode )
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
/* Map 104-QUAD-8 count mode to Generic Counter count mode */
switch ( priv - > count_mode [ count - > id ] ) {
case 0 :
break ;
case 1 :
break ;
case 2 :
break ;
case 3 :
break ;
return 0 ;
static int quad8_count_mode_set ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_count * count , size_t cnt_mode )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
unsigned int mode_cfg ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * count - > id + 1 ;
/* Map Generic Counter count mode to 104-QUAD-8 count mode */
switch ( cnt_mode ) {
cnt_mode = 0 ;
break ;
cnt_mode = 1 ;
break ;
cnt_mode = 2 ;
break ;
cnt_mode = 3 ;
break ;
priv - > count_mode [ count - > id ] = cnt_mode ;
/* Set count mode configuration value */
mode_cfg = cnt_mode < < 1 ;
/* Add quadrature mode configuration */
if ( priv - > quadrature_mode [ count - > id ] )
mode_cfg | = ( priv - > quadrature_scale [ count - > id ] + 1 ) < < 3 ;
/* Load mode configuration to Counter Mode Register */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_CMR | mode_cfg , base_offset ) ;
return 0 ;
static struct counter_count_enum_ext quad8_cnt_mode_enum = {
. items = counter_count_mode_str ,
. num_items = ARRAY_SIZE ( counter_count_mode_str ) ,
. get = quad8_count_mode_get ,
. set = quad8_count_mode_set
} ;
static ssize_t quad8_count_direction_read ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_count * count , void * priv , char * buf )
enum counter_count_direction dir ;
quad8_direction_get ( counter , count , & dir ) ;
return sprintf ( buf , " %s \n " , counter_count_direction_str [ dir ] ) ;
static ssize_t quad8_count_enable_read ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_count * count , void * private , char * buf )
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
return sprintf ( buf , " %u \n " , priv - > ab_enable [ count - > id ] ) ;
static ssize_t quad8_count_enable_write ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_count * count , void * private , const char * buf , size_t len )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * count - > id ;
int err ;
bool ab_enable ;
unsigned int ior_cfg ;
err = kstrtobool ( buf , & ab_enable ) ;
if ( err )
return err ;
priv - > ab_enable [ count - > id ] = ab_enable ;
ior_cfg = ab_enable | priv - > preset_enable [ count - > id ] < < 1 ;
/* Load I/O control configuration */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_IOR | ior_cfg , base_offset + 1 ) ;
return len ;
static int quad8_error_noise_get ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_count * count , size_t * noise_error )
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * count - > id + 1 ;
* noise_error = ! ! ( inb ( base_offset ) & QUAD8_FLAG_E ) ;
return 0 ;
static struct counter_count_enum_ext quad8_error_noise_enum = {
. items = quad8_noise_error_states ,
. num_items = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_noise_error_states ) ,
. get = quad8_error_noise_get
} ;
static ssize_t quad8_count_preset_read ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_count * count , void * private , char * buf )
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
return sprintf ( buf , " %u \n " , priv - > preset [ count - > id ] ) ;
static ssize_t quad8_count_preset_write ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_count * count , void * private , const char * buf , size_t len )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * count - > id ;
unsigned int preset ;
int ret ;
int i ;
ret = kstrtouint ( buf , 0 , & preset ) ;
if ( ret )
return ret ;
/* Only 24-bit values are supported */
if ( preset > 0xFFFFFF )
return - EINVAL ;
priv - > preset [ count - > id ] = preset ;
/* Reset Byte Pointer */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_RLD | QUAD8_RLD_RESET_BP , base_offset + 1 ) ;
/* Set Preset Register */
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
outb ( preset > > ( 8 * i ) , base_offset ) ;
return len ;
static ssize_t quad8_count_ceiling_read ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_count * count , void * private , char * buf )
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
/* Range Limit and Modulo-N count modes use preset value as ceiling */
switch ( priv - > count_mode [ count - > id ] ) {
case 1 :
case 3 :
return quad8_count_preset_read ( counter , count , private , buf ) ;
/* By default 0x1FFFFFF (25 bits unsigned) is maximum count */
return sprintf ( buf , " 33554431 \n " ) ;
static ssize_t quad8_count_ceiling_write ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_count * count , void * private , const char * buf , size_t len )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
/* Range Limit and Modulo-N count modes use preset value as ceiling */
switch ( priv - > count_mode [ count - > id ] ) {
case 1 :
case 3 :
return quad8_count_preset_write ( counter , count , private , buf ,
len ) ;
return len ;
static ssize_t quad8_count_preset_enable_read ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_count * count , void * private , char * buf )
const struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
return sprintf ( buf , " %u \n " , ! priv - > preset_enable [ count - > id ] ) ;
static ssize_t quad8_count_preset_enable_write ( struct counter_device * counter ,
struct counter_count * count , void * private , const char * buf , size_t len )
struct quad8_iio * const priv = counter - > priv ;
const int base_offset = priv - > base + 2 * count - > id + 1 ;
bool preset_enable ;
int ret ;
unsigned int ior_cfg ;
ret = kstrtobool ( buf , & preset_enable ) ;
if ( ret )
return ret ;
/* Preset enable is active low in Input/Output Control register */
preset_enable = ! preset_enable ;
priv - > preset_enable [ count - > id ] = preset_enable ;
ior_cfg = priv - > ab_enable [ count - > id ] | ( unsigned int ) preset_enable < < 1 ;
/* Load I/O control configuration to Input / Output Control Register */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_IOR | ior_cfg , base_offset ) ;
return len ;
static const struct counter_signal_ext quad8_index_ext [ ] = {
COUNTER_SIGNAL_ENUM ( " index_polarity " , & quad8_index_pol_enum ) ,
COUNTER_SIGNAL_ENUM_AVAILABLE ( " index_polarity " , & quad8_index_pol_enum ) ,
COUNTER_SIGNAL_ENUM ( " synchronous_mode " , & quad8_syn_mode_enum ) ,
COUNTER_SIGNAL_ENUM_AVAILABLE ( " synchronous_mode " , & quad8_syn_mode_enum )
} ;
# define QUAD8_QUAD_SIGNAL(_id, _name) { \
. id = ( _id ) , \
. name = ( _name ) \
# define QUAD8_INDEX_SIGNAL(_id, _name) { \
. id = ( _id ) , \
. name = ( _name ) , \
. ext = quad8_index_ext , \
. num_ext = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_index_ext ) \
static struct counter_signal quad8_signals [ ] = {
QUAD8_QUAD_SIGNAL ( 0 , " Channel 1 Quadrature A " ) ,
QUAD8_QUAD_SIGNAL ( 1 , " Channel 1 Quadrature B " ) ,
QUAD8_QUAD_SIGNAL ( 2 , " Channel 2 Quadrature A " ) ,
QUAD8_QUAD_SIGNAL ( 3 , " Channel 2 Quadrature B " ) ,
QUAD8_QUAD_SIGNAL ( 4 , " Channel 3 Quadrature A " ) ,
QUAD8_QUAD_SIGNAL ( 5 , " Channel 3 Quadrature B " ) ,
QUAD8_QUAD_SIGNAL ( 6 , " Channel 4 Quadrature A " ) ,
QUAD8_QUAD_SIGNAL ( 7 , " Channel 4 Quadrature B " ) ,
QUAD8_QUAD_SIGNAL ( 8 , " Channel 5 Quadrature A " ) ,
QUAD8_QUAD_SIGNAL ( 9 , " Channel 5 Quadrature B " ) ,
QUAD8_QUAD_SIGNAL ( 10 , " Channel 6 Quadrature A " ) ,
QUAD8_QUAD_SIGNAL ( 11 , " Channel 6 Quadrature B " ) ,
QUAD8_QUAD_SIGNAL ( 12 , " Channel 7 Quadrature A " ) ,
QUAD8_QUAD_SIGNAL ( 13 , " Channel 7 Quadrature B " ) ,
QUAD8_QUAD_SIGNAL ( 14 , " Channel 8 Quadrature A " ) ,
QUAD8_QUAD_SIGNAL ( 15 , " Channel 8 Quadrature B " ) ,
QUAD8_INDEX_SIGNAL ( 16 , " Channel 1 Index " ) ,
QUAD8_INDEX_SIGNAL ( 17 , " Channel 2 Index " ) ,
QUAD8_INDEX_SIGNAL ( 18 , " Channel 3 Index " ) ,
QUAD8_INDEX_SIGNAL ( 19 , " Channel 4 Index " ) ,
QUAD8_INDEX_SIGNAL ( 20 , " Channel 5 Index " ) ,
QUAD8_INDEX_SIGNAL ( 21 , " Channel 6 Index " ) ,
QUAD8_INDEX_SIGNAL ( 22 , " Channel 7 Index " ) ,
QUAD8_INDEX_SIGNAL ( 23 , " Channel 8 Index " )
} ;
# define QUAD8_COUNT_SYNAPSES(_id) { \
{ \
. actions_list = quad8_synapse_actions_list , \
. num_actions = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_synapse_actions_list ) , \
. signal = quad8_signals + 2 * ( _id ) \
} , \
{ \
. actions_list = quad8_synapse_actions_list , \
. num_actions = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_synapse_actions_list ) , \
. signal = quad8_signals + 2 * ( _id ) + 1 \
} , \
{ \
. actions_list = quad8_index_actions_list , \
. num_actions = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_index_actions_list ) , \
. signal = quad8_signals + 2 * ( _id ) + 16 \
} \
static struct counter_synapse quad8_count_synapses [ ] [ 3 ] = {
} ;
static const struct counter_count_ext quad8_count_ext [ ] = {
. name = " ceiling " ,
. read = quad8_count_ceiling_read ,
. write = quad8_count_ceiling_write
} ,
. name = " floor " ,
. read = quad8_count_floor_read
} ,
COUNTER_COUNT_ENUM ( " count_mode " , & quad8_cnt_mode_enum ) ,
COUNTER_COUNT_ENUM_AVAILABLE ( " count_mode " , & quad8_cnt_mode_enum ) ,
. name = " direction " ,
. read = quad8_count_direction_read
} ,
. name = " enable " ,
. read = quad8_count_enable_read ,
. write = quad8_count_enable_write
} ,
COUNTER_COUNT_ENUM ( " error_noise " , & quad8_error_noise_enum ) ,
COUNTER_COUNT_ENUM_AVAILABLE ( " error_noise " , & quad8_error_noise_enum ) ,
. name = " preset " ,
. read = quad8_count_preset_read ,
. write = quad8_count_preset_write
} ,
. name = " preset_enable " ,
. read = quad8_count_preset_enable_read ,
. write = quad8_count_preset_enable_write
} ;
# define QUAD8_COUNT(_id, _cntname) { \
. id = ( _id ) , \
. name = ( _cntname ) , \
. functions_list = quad8_count_functions_list , \
. num_functions = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_count_functions_list ) , \
. synapses = quad8_count_synapses [ ( _id ) ] , \
. num_synapses = 2 , \
. ext = quad8_count_ext , \
. num_ext = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_count_ext ) \
static struct counter_count quad8_counts [ ] = {
QUAD8_COUNT ( 0 , " Channel 1 Count " ) ,
QUAD8_COUNT ( 1 , " Channel 2 Count " ) ,
QUAD8_COUNT ( 2 , " Channel 3 Count " ) ,
QUAD8_COUNT ( 3 , " Channel 4 Count " ) ,
QUAD8_COUNT ( 4 , " Channel 5 Count " ) ,
QUAD8_COUNT ( 5 , " Channel 6 Count " ) ,
QUAD8_COUNT ( 6 , " Channel 7 Count " ) ,
QUAD8_COUNT ( 7 , " Channel 8 Count " )
} ;
static int quad8_probe ( struct device * dev , unsigned int id )
struct iio_dev * indio_dev ;
struct quad8_iio * quad8iio ;
int i , j ;
unsigned int base_offset ;
int err ;
if ( ! devm_request_region ( dev , base [ id ] , QUAD8_EXTENT , dev_name ( dev ) ) ) {
dev_err ( dev , " Unable to lock port addresses (0x%X-0x%X) \n " ,
base [ id ] , base [ id ] + QUAD8_EXTENT ) ;
return - EBUSY ;
/* Allocate IIO device; this also allocates driver data structure */
indio_dev = devm_iio_device_alloc ( dev , sizeof ( * quad8iio ) ) ;
if ( ! indio_dev )
return - ENOMEM ;
/* Initialize IIO device */
indio_dev - > info = & quad8_info ;
indio_dev - > modes = INDIO_DIRECT_MODE ;
indio_dev - > num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_channels ) ;
indio_dev - > channels = quad8_channels ;
indio_dev - > name = dev_name ( dev ) ;
indio_dev - > dev . parent = dev ;
/* Initialize Counter device and driver data */
quad8iio = iio_priv ( indio_dev ) ;
quad8iio - > counter . name = dev_name ( dev ) ;
quad8iio - > counter . parent = dev ;
quad8iio - > counter . ops = & quad8_ops ;
quad8iio - > counter . counts = quad8_counts ;
quad8iio - > counter . num_counts = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_counts ) ;
quad8iio - > counter . signals = quad8_signals ;
quad8iio - > counter . num_signals = ARRAY_SIZE ( quad8_signals ) ;
quad8iio - > counter . priv = quad8iio ;
quad8iio - > base = base [ id ] ;
/* Reset all counters and disable interrupt function */
outb ( QUAD8_CHAN_OP_RESET_COUNTERS , base [ id ] + QUAD8_REG_CHAN_OP ) ;
/* Set initial configuration for all counters */
for ( i = 0 ; i < QUAD8_NUM_COUNTERS ; i + + ) {
base_offset = base [ id ] + 2 * i ;
/* Reset Byte Pointer */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_RLD | QUAD8_RLD_RESET_BP , base_offset + 1 ) ;
/* Reset Preset Register */
for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j + + )
outb ( 0x00 , base_offset ) ;
/* Reset Borrow, Carry, Compare, and Sign flags */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_RLD | QUAD8_RLD_RESET_FLAGS , base_offset + 1 ) ;
/* Reset Error flag */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_RLD | QUAD8_RLD_RESET_E , base_offset + 1 ) ;
/* Binary encoding; Normal count; non-quadrature mode */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_CMR , base_offset + 1 ) ;
/* Disable A and B inputs; preset on index; FLG1 as Carry */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_IOR , base_offset + 1 ) ;
/* Disable index function; negative index polarity */
outb ( QUAD8_CTR_IDR , base_offset + 1 ) ;
/* Enable all counters */
outb ( QUAD8_CHAN_OP_ENABLE_COUNTERS , base [ id ] + QUAD8_REG_CHAN_OP ) ;
/* Register IIO device */
err = devm_iio_device_register ( dev , indio_dev ) ;
if ( err )
return err ;
/* Register Counter device */
return devm_counter_register ( dev , & quad8iio - > counter ) ;
static struct isa_driver quad8_driver = {
. probe = quad8_probe ,
. driver = {
. name = " 104-quad-8 "
} ;
module_isa_driver ( quad8_driver , num_quad8 ) ;
MODULE_AUTHOR ( " William Breathitt Gray <vilhelm.gray@gmail.com> " ) ;