2016-10-03 09:11:20 -07:00
* Copyright ( C ) 2016 Oracle . All Rights Reserved .
* Author : Darrick J . Wong < darrick . wong @ oracle . com >
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2
* of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write the Free Software Foundation ,
* Inc . , 51 Franklin St , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 , USA .
# ifndef __XFS_REFCOUNT_ITEM_H__
# define __XFS_REFCOUNT_ITEM_H__
* There are ( currently ) two pairs of refcount btree redo item types :
* increase and decrease . The log items for these are CUI ( refcount
* update intent ) and CUD ( refcount update done ) . The redo item type
* is encoded in the flags field of each xfs_map_extent .
* * I items should be recorded in the * first * of a series of rolled
* transactions , and the * D items should be recorded in the same
* transaction that records the associated refcountbt updates .
* Should the system crash after the commit of the first transaction
* but before the commit of the final transaction in a series , log
* recovery will use the redo information recorded by the intent items
* to replay the refcountbt metadata updates .
/* kernel only CUI/CUD definitions */
struct xfs_mount ;
struct kmem_zone ;
* Max number of extents in fast allocation path .
* Define CUI flag bits . Manipulated by set / clear / test_bit operators .
* This is the " refcount update intent " log item . It is used to log
* the fact that some reverse mappings need to change . It is used in
* conjunction with the " refcount update done " log item described
* below .
* These log items follow the same rules as struct xfs_efi_log_item ;
* see the comments about that structure ( in xfs_extfree_item . h ) for
* more details .
struct xfs_cui_log_item {
struct xfs_log_item cui_item ;
atomic_t cui_refcount ;
atomic_t cui_next_extent ;
unsigned long cui_flags ; /* misc flags */
struct xfs_cui_log_format cui_format ;
} ;
static inline size_t
xfs_cui_log_item_sizeof (
unsigned int nr )
return offsetof ( struct xfs_cui_log_item , cui_format ) +
xfs_cui_log_format_sizeof ( nr ) ;
* This is the " refcount update done " log item . It is used to log the
* fact that some refcountbt updates mentioned in an earlier cui item
* have been performed .
struct xfs_cud_log_item {
struct xfs_log_item cud_item ;
struct xfs_cui_log_item * cud_cuip ;
struct xfs_cud_log_format cud_format ;
} ;
extern struct kmem_zone * xfs_cui_zone ;
extern struct kmem_zone * xfs_cud_zone ;
struct xfs_cui_log_item * xfs_cui_init ( struct xfs_mount * , uint ) ;
struct xfs_cud_log_item * xfs_cud_init ( struct xfs_mount * ,
struct xfs_cui_log_item * ) ;
void xfs_cui_item_free ( struct xfs_cui_log_item * ) ;
void xfs_cui_release ( struct xfs_cui_log_item * ) ;
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int xfs_cui_recover ( struct xfs_mount * mp , struct xfs_cui_log_item * cuip ) ;
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# endif /* __XFS_REFCOUNT_ITEM_H__ */