2019-06-03 07:44:50 +02:00
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
2012-03-05 11:49:28 +00:00
/ *
* Based o n a r c h / a r m / m m / p r o c . S
* Copyright ( C ) 2 0 0 1 D e e p B l u e S o l u t i o n s L t d .
* Copyright ( C ) 2 0 1 2 A R M L t d .
* Author : Catalin M a r i n a s < c a t a l i n . m a r i n a s @arm.com>
* /
# include < l i n u x / i n i t . h >
# include < l i n u x / l i n k a g e . h >
2020-06-08 21:32:42 -07:00
# include < l i n u x / p g t a b l e . h >
2012-03-05 11:49:28 +00:00
# include < a s m / a s s e m b l e r . h >
# include < a s m / a s m - o f f s e t s . h >
2020-03-13 14:35:01 +05:30
# include < a s m / a s m _ p o i n t e r _ a u t h . h >
2012-03-05 11:49:28 +00:00
# include < a s m / h w c a p . h >
2016-04-27 17:47:07 +01:00
# include < a s m / p g t a b l e - h w d e f . h >
2016-02-24 17:44:57 -08:00
# include < a s m / c p u f e a t u r e . h >
# include < a s m / a l t e r n a t i v e . h >
2020-03-13 14:34:55 +05:30
# include < a s m / s m p . h >
2019-09-06 10:58:01 +01:00
# include < a s m / s y s r e g . h >
2012-03-05 11:49:28 +00:00
2014-04-02 17:55:40 +01:00
# ifdef C O N F I G _ A R M 6 4 _ 6 4 K _ P A G E S
# define T C R _ T G _ F L A G S T C R _ T G 0 _ 6 4 K | T C R _ T G 1 _ 6 4 K
2015-10-19 14:19:37 +01:00
# elif d e f i n e d ( C O N F I G _ A R M 6 4 _ 1 6 K _ P A G E S )
# define T C R _ T G _ F L A G S T C R _ T G 0 _ 1 6 K | T C R _ T G 1 _ 1 6 K
# else / * C O N F I G _ A R M 6 4 _ 4 K _ P A G E S * /
2014-04-02 17:55:40 +01:00
# define T C R _ T G _ F L A G S T C R _ T G 0 _ 4 K | T C R _ T G 1 _ 4 K
# endif
2018-02-27 14:15:49 +00:00
# ifdef C O N F I G _ R A N D O M I Z E _ B A S E
# define T C R _ K A S L R _ F L A G S T C R _ N F D 1
# else
# define T C R _ K A S L R _ F L A G S 0
# endif
2014-04-02 17:55:40 +01:00
# define T C R _ S M P _ F L A G S T C R _ S H A R E D
2012-03-05 11:49:28 +00:00
2014-04-02 17:55:40 +01:00
/* PTWs cacheable, inner/outer WBWA */
# define T C R _ C A C H E _ F L A G S T C R _ I R G N _ W B W A | T C R _ O R G N _ W B W A
2018-12-28 00:30:31 -08:00
# ifdef C O N F I G _ K A S A N _ S W _ T A G S
2020-12-22 12:01:38 -08:00
# define T C R _ K A S A N _ S W _ F L A G S T C R _ T B I 1 | T C R _ T B I D 1
2018-12-28 00:30:31 -08:00
# else
2020-12-22 12:01:38 -08:00
# define T C R _ K A S A N _ S W _ F L A G S 0
# endif
# ifdef C O N F I G _ K A S A N _ H W _ T A G S
2022-01-25 20:08:33 +05:30
# define T C R _ M T E _ F L A G S T C R _ T C M A 1 | T C R _ T B I 1 | T C R _ T B I D 1
2020-12-22 12:01:38 -08:00
# else
2021-06-02 16:52:29 -07:00
/ *
* The m t e _ z e r o _ c l e a r _ p a g e _ t a g s ( ) i m p l e m e n t a t i o n u s e s D C G Z V A , w h i c h r e l i e s o n
* TBI b e i n g e n a b l e d a t E L 1 .
* /
# define T C R _ M T E _ F L A G S T C R _ T B I 1 | T C R _ T B I D 1
2018-12-28 00:30:31 -08:00
# endif
2019-11-27 09:51:13 +00:00
/ *
* Default M A I R _ E L 1 . M T _ N O R M A L _ T A G G E D i s i n i t i a l l y m a p p e d a s N o r m a l m e m o r y a n d
* changed d u r i n g _ _ c p u _ s e t u p t o N o r m a l T a g g e d i f t h e s y s t e m s u p p o r t s M T E .
* /
2019-12-11 18:40:09 +00:00
# define M A I R _ E L 1 _ S E T \
( MAIR_ A T T R I D X ( M A I R _ A T T R _ D E V I C E _ n G n R n E , M T _ D E V I C E _ n G n R n E ) | \
MAIR_ A T T R I D X ( M A I R _ A T T R _ D E V I C E _ n G n R E , M T _ D E V I C E _ n G n R E ) | \
MAIR_ A T T R I D X ( M A I R _ A T T R _ N O R M A L _ N C , M T _ N O R M A L _ N C ) | \
MAIR_ A T T R I D X ( M A I R _ A T T R _ N O R M A L , M T _ N O R M A L ) | \
2019-11-27 09:51:13 +00:00
MAIR_ A T T R I D X ( M A I R _ A T T R _ N O R M A L , M T _ N O R M A L _ T A G G E D ) )
2012-03-05 11:49:28 +00:00
2015-01-26 18:33:44 +00:00
# ifdef C O N F I G _ C P U _ P M
2013-07-17 10:14:45 +01:00
/ * *
* cpu_ d o _ s u s p e n d - s a v e C P U r e g i s t e r s c o n t e x t
* x0 : virtual a d d r e s s o f c o n t e x t p o i n t e r
2020-04-27 09:00:12 -07:00
* This m u s t b e k e p t i n s y n c w i t h s t r u c t c p u _ s u s p e n d _ c t x i n < a s m / s u s p e n d . h > .
2013-07-17 10:14:45 +01:00
* /
2020-01-06 19:58:18 +00:00
SYM_ F U N C _ S T A R T ( c p u _ d o _ s u s p e n d )
2013-07-17 10:14:45 +01:00
mrs x2 , t p i d r _ e l 0
mrs x3 , t p i d r r o _ e l 0
mrs x4 , c o n t e x t i d r _ e l 1
2019-04-08 18:17:19 +01:00
mrs x5 , o s d l r _ e l 1
mrs x6 , c p a c r _ e l 1
mrs x7 , t c r _ e l 1
mrs x8 , v b a r _ e l 1
mrs x9 , m d s c r _ e l 1
mrs x10 , o s l s r _ e l 1
mrs x11 , s c t l r _ e l 1
2021-05-20 12:50:27 +01:00
get_ t h i s _ c p u _ o f f s e t x12
2019-04-08 18:17:19 +01:00
mrs x13 , s p _ e l 0
2013-07-17 10:14:45 +01:00
stp x2 , x3 , [ x0 ]
2019-04-08 18:17:19 +01:00
stp x4 , x5 , [ x0 , #16 ]
stp x6 , x7 , [ x0 , #32 ]
stp x8 , x9 , [ x0 , #48 ]
stp x10 , x11 , [ x0 , #64 ]
stp x12 , x13 , [ x0 , #80 ]
2020-04-27 09:00:12 -07:00
/ *
* Save x18 a s i t m a y b e u s e d a s a p l a t f o r m r e g i s t e r , e . g . b y s h a d o w
* call s t a c k .
* /
str x18 , [ x0 , #96 ]
2013-07-17 10:14:45 +01:00
2020-01-06 19:58:18 +00:00
SYM_ F U N C _ E N D ( c p u _ d o _ s u s p e n d )
2013-07-17 10:14:45 +01:00
/ * *
* cpu_ d o _ r e s u m e - r e s t o r e C P U r e g i s t e r c o n t e x t
2016-04-27 17:47:07 +01:00
* x0 : Address o f c o n t e x t p o i n t e r
2013-07-17 10:14:45 +01:00
* /
2018-01-29 12:00:00 +00:00
.pushsection " .idmap .text " , " awx"
2020-01-06 19:58:18 +00:00
SYM_ F U N C _ S T A R T ( c p u _ d o _ r e s u m e )
2013-07-17 10:14:45 +01:00
ldp x2 , x3 , [ x0 ]
ldp x4 , x5 , [ x0 , #16 ]
2016-04-27 17:47:07 +01:00
ldp x6 , x8 , [ x0 , #32 ]
ldp x9 , x10 , [ x0 , #48 ]
ldp x11 , x12 , [ x0 , #64 ]
2016-11-03 20:23:09 +00:00
ldp x13 , x14 , [ x0 , #80 ]
2020-04-27 09:00:12 -07:00
/ *
* Restore x18 , a s i t m a y b e u s e d a s a p l a t f o r m r e g i s t e r , a n d c l e a r
* the b u f f e r t o m i n i m i z e t h e r i s k o f e x p o s u r e w h e n u s e d f o r s h a d o w
* call s t a c k .
* /
ldr x18 , [ x0 , #96 ]
str x z r , [ x0 , #96 ]
2013-07-17 10:14:45 +01:00
msr t p i d r _ e l 0 , x2
msr t p i d r r o _ e l 0 , x3
msr c o n t e x t i d r _ e l 1 , x4
msr c p a c r _ e l 1 , x6
2016-04-27 17:47:07 +01:00
/* Don't change t0sz here, mask those bits when restoring */
2019-04-08 18:17:19 +01:00
mrs x7 , t c r _ e l 1
bfi x8 , x7 , T C R _ T 0 S Z _ O F F S E T , T C R _ T x S Z _ W I D T H
2016-04-27 17:47:07 +01:00
2013-07-17 10:14:45 +01:00
msr t c r _ e l 1 , x8
msr v b a r _ e l 1 , x9
2016-08-26 16:03:42 +01:00
/ *
* _ _ cpu_ s e t u p ( ) c l e a r e d M D S C R _ E L 1 . M D E a n d f r i e n d s , b e f o r e u n m a s k i n g
* debug e x c e p t i o n s . B y r e s t o r i n g M D S C R _ E L 1 h e r e , w e m a y t a k e a d e b u g
2017-11-02 12:12:34 +00:00
* exception. M a s k t h e m u n t i l l o c a l _ d a i f _ r e s t o r e ( ) i n c p u _ s u s p e n d ( )
2016-08-26 16:03:42 +01:00
* resets t h e m .
* /
2017-11-02 12:12:34 +00:00
disable_ d a i f
2013-07-17 10:14:45 +01:00
msr m d s c r _ e l 1 , x10
2016-08-26 16:03:42 +01:00
2016-04-27 17:47:07 +01:00
msr s c t l r _ e l 1 , x12
2021-05-20 12:50:27 +01:00
set_ t h i s _ c p u _ o f f s e t x13
2016-11-03 20:23:09 +00:00
msr s p _ e l 0 , x14
2013-07-17 10:14:45 +01:00
/ *
* Restore o s l s r _ e l 1 b y w r i t i n g o s l a r _ e l 1
* /
2019-04-08 18:17:19 +01:00
msr o s d l r _ e l 1 , x5
2013-07-17 10:14:45 +01:00
ubfx x11 , x11 , #1 , #1
msr o s l a r _ e l 1 , x11
2016-01-13 14:50:03 +00:00
reset_ p m u s e r e n r _ e l 0 x0 / / D i s a b l e P M U a c c e s s f r o m E L 0
2020-03-05 09:06:22 +00:00
reset_ a m u s e r e n r _ e l 0 x0 / / D i s a b l e A M U a c c e s s f r o m E L 0
2018-01-15 19:38:59 +00:00
alternative_ i f A R M 6 4 _ H A S _ R A S _ E X T N
msr_ s S Y S _ D I S R _ E L 1 , x z r
alternative_ e l s e _ n o p _ e n d i f
2020-04-23 11:16:05 +01:00
ptrauth_ k e y s _ i n s t a l l _ k e r n e l _ n o s y n c x14 , x1 , x2 , x3
2013-07-17 10:14:45 +01:00
2020-01-06 19:58:18 +00:00
SYM_ F U N C _ E N D ( c p u _ d o _ r e s u m e )
2016-08-24 18:27:29 +01:00
2013-07-17 10:14:45 +01:00
# endif
2018-01-29 12:00:00 +00:00
.pushsection " .idmap .text " , " awx"
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
.macro _ _ idmap_ c p u _ s e t _ r e s e r v e d _ t t b r1 , t m p1 , t m p2
2020-11-03 10:22:29 +00:00
adrp \ t m p1 , r e s e r v e d _ p g _ d i r
2018-01-29 11:59:57 +00:00
phys_ t o _ t t b r \ t m p2 , \ t m p1
2019-08-07 16:55:19 +01:00
offset_ t t b r1 \ t m p2 , \ t m p1
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
msr t t b r1 _ e l 1 , \ t m p2
tlbi v m a l l e 1
dsb n s h
arm64: mm: add code to safely replace TTBR1_EL1
If page tables are modified without suitable TLB maintenance, the ARM
architecture permits multiple TLB entries to be allocated for the same
VA. When this occurs, it is permitted that TLB conflict aborts are
raised in response to synchronous data/instruction accesses, and/or and
amalgamation of the TLB entries may be used as a result of a TLB lookup.
The presence of conflicting TLB entries may result in a variety of
behaviours detrimental to the system (e.g. erroneous physical addresses
may be used by I-cache fetches and/or page table walks). Some of these
cases may result in unexpected changes of hardware state, and/or result
in the (asynchronous) delivery of SError.
To avoid these issues, we must avoid situations where conflicting
entries may be allocated into TLBs. For user and module mappings we can
follow a strict break-before-make approach, but this cannot work for
modifications to the swapper page tables that cover the kernel text and
Instead, this patch adds code which is intended to be executed from the
idmap, which can safely unmap the swapper page tables as it only
requires the idmap to be active. This enables us to uninstall the active
TTBR1_EL1 entry, invalidate TLBs, then install a new TTBR1_EL1 entry
without potentially unmapping code or data required for the sequence.
This avoids the risk of conflict, but requires that updates are staged
in a copy of the swapper page tables prior to being installed.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Reviewed-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
Tested-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
Reviewed-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
Tested-by: Jeremy Linton <jeremy.linton@arm.com>
Cc: Laura Abbott <labbott@fedoraproject.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will.deacon@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2016-01-25 11:45:01 +00:00
/ *
2018-07-31 14:08:56 +01:00
* void i d m a p _ c p u _ r e p l a c e _ t t b r1 ( p h y s _ a d d r _ t t t b r1 )
arm64: mm: add code to safely replace TTBR1_EL1
If page tables are modified without suitable TLB maintenance, the ARM
architecture permits multiple TLB entries to be allocated for the same
VA. When this occurs, it is permitted that TLB conflict aborts are
raised in response to synchronous data/instruction accesses, and/or and
amalgamation of the TLB entries may be used as a result of a TLB lookup.
The presence of conflicting TLB entries may result in a variety of
behaviours detrimental to the system (e.g. erroneous physical addresses
may be used by I-cache fetches and/or page table walks). Some of these
cases may result in unexpected changes of hardware state, and/or result
in the (asynchronous) delivery of SError.
To avoid these issues, we must avoid situations where conflicting
entries may be allocated into TLBs. For user and module mappings we can
follow a strict break-before-make approach, but this cannot work for
modifications to the swapper page tables that cover the kernel text and
Instead, this patch adds code which is intended to be executed from the
idmap, which can safely unmap the swapper page tables as it only
requires the idmap to be active. This enables us to uninstall the active
TTBR1_EL1 entry, invalidate TLBs, then install a new TTBR1_EL1 entry
without potentially unmapping code or data required for the sequence.
This avoids the risk of conflict, but requires that updates are staged
in a copy of the swapper page tables prior to being installed.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Reviewed-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
Tested-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
Reviewed-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
Tested-by: Jeremy Linton <jeremy.linton@arm.com>
Cc: Laura Abbott <labbott@fedoraproject.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will.deacon@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2016-01-25 11:45:01 +00:00
* This i s t h e l o w - l e v e l c o u n t e r p a r t t o c p u _ r e p l a c e _ t t b r1 , a n d s h o u l d n o t b e
* called b y a n y t h i n g e l s e . I t c a n o n l y b e e x e c u t e d f r o m a T T B R 0 m a p p i n g .
* /
2020-01-06 19:58:18 +00:00
SYM_ F U N C _ S T A R T ( i d m a p _ c p u _ r e p l a c e _ t t b r1 )
2017-11-02 12:12:34 +00:00
save_ a n d _ d i s a b l e _ d a i f f l a g s =x2
arm64: mm: add code to safely replace TTBR1_EL1
If page tables are modified without suitable TLB maintenance, the ARM
architecture permits multiple TLB entries to be allocated for the same
VA. When this occurs, it is permitted that TLB conflict aborts are
raised in response to synchronous data/instruction accesses, and/or and
amalgamation of the TLB entries may be used as a result of a TLB lookup.
The presence of conflicting TLB entries may result in a variety of
behaviours detrimental to the system (e.g. erroneous physical addresses
may be used by I-cache fetches and/or page table walks). Some of these
cases may result in unexpected changes of hardware state, and/or result
in the (asynchronous) delivery of SError.
To avoid these issues, we must avoid situations where conflicting
entries may be allocated into TLBs. For user and module mappings we can
follow a strict break-before-make approach, but this cannot work for
modifications to the swapper page tables that cover the kernel text and
Instead, this patch adds code which is intended to be executed from the
idmap, which can safely unmap the swapper page tables as it only
requires the idmap to be active. This enables us to uninstall the active
TTBR1_EL1 entry, invalidate TLBs, then install a new TTBR1_EL1 entry
without potentially unmapping code or data required for the sequence.
This avoids the risk of conflict, but requires that updates are staged
in a copy of the swapper page tables prior to being installed.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Reviewed-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
Tested-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
Reviewed-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
Tested-by: Jeremy Linton <jeremy.linton@arm.com>
Cc: Laura Abbott <labbott@fedoraproject.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will.deacon@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2016-01-25 11:45:01 +00:00
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
_ _ idmap_ c p u _ s e t _ r e s e r v e d _ t t b r1 x1 , x3
arm64: mm: add code to safely replace TTBR1_EL1
If page tables are modified without suitable TLB maintenance, the ARM
architecture permits multiple TLB entries to be allocated for the same
VA. When this occurs, it is permitted that TLB conflict aborts are
raised in response to synchronous data/instruction accesses, and/or and
amalgamation of the TLB entries may be used as a result of a TLB lookup.
The presence of conflicting TLB entries may result in a variety of
behaviours detrimental to the system (e.g. erroneous physical addresses
may be used by I-cache fetches and/or page table walks). Some of these
cases may result in unexpected changes of hardware state, and/or result
in the (asynchronous) delivery of SError.
To avoid these issues, we must avoid situations where conflicting
entries may be allocated into TLBs. For user and module mappings we can
follow a strict break-before-make approach, but this cannot work for
modifications to the swapper page tables that cover the kernel text and
Instead, this patch adds code which is intended to be executed from the
idmap, which can safely unmap the swapper page tables as it only
requires the idmap to be active. This enables us to uninstall the active
TTBR1_EL1 entry, invalidate TLBs, then install a new TTBR1_EL1 entry
without potentially unmapping code or data required for the sequence.
This avoids the risk of conflict, but requires that updates are staged
in a copy of the swapper page tables prior to being installed.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Reviewed-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
Tested-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
Reviewed-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
Tested-by: Jeremy Linton <jeremy.linton@arm.com>
Cc: Laura Abbott <labbott@fedoraproject.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will.deacon@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2016-01-25 11:45:01 +00:00
2019-08-07 16:55:19 +01:00
offset_ t t b r1 x0 , x3
2018-07-31 14:08:56 +01:00
msr t t b r1 _ e l 1 , x0
arm64: mm: add code to safely replace TTBR1_EL1
If page tables are modified without suitable TLB maintenance, the ARM
architecture permits multiple TLB entries to be allocated for the same
VA. When this occurs, it is permitted that TLB conflict aborts are
raised in response to synchronous data/instruction accesses, and/or and
amalgamation of the TLB entries may be used as a result of a TLB lookup.
The presence of conflicting TLB entries may result in a variety of
behaviours detrimental to the system (e.g. erroneous physical addresses
may be used by I-cache fetches and/or page table walks). Some of these
cases may result in unexpected changes of hardware state, and/or result
in the (asynchronous) delivery of SError.
To avoid these issues, we must avoid situations where conflicting
entries may be allocated into TLBs. For user and module mappings we can
follow a strict break-before-make approach, but this cannot work for
modifications to the swapper page tables that cover the kernel text and
Instead, this patch adds code which is intended to be executed from the
idmap, which can safely unmap the swapper page tables as it only
requires the idmap to be active. This enables us to uninstall the active
TTBR1_EL1 entry, invalidate TLBs, then install a new TTBR1_EL1 entry
without potentially unmapping code or data required for the sequence.
This avoids the risk of conflict, but requires that updates are staged
in a copy of the swapper page tables prior to being installed.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Reviewed-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
Tested-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
Reviewed-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
Tested-by: Jeremy Linton <jeremy.linton@arm.com>
Cc: Laura Abbott <labbott@fedoraproject.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will.deacon@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2016-01-25 11:45:01 +00:00
2017-11-02 12:12:34 +00:00
restore_ d a i f x2
arm64: mm: add code to safely replace TTBR1_EL1
If page tables are modified without suitable TLB maintenance, the ARM
architecture permits multiple TLB entries to be allocated for the same
VA. When this occurs, it is permitted that TLB conflict aborts are
raised in response to synchronous data/instruction accesses, and/or and
amalgamation of the TLB entries may be used as a result of a TLB lookup.
The presence of conflicting TLB entries may result in a variety of
behaviours detrimental to the system (e.g. erroneous physical addresses
may be used by I-cache fetches and/or page table walks). Some of these
cases may result in unexpected changes of hardware state, and/or result
in the (asynchronous) delivery of SError.
To avoid these issues, we must avoid situations where conflicting
entries may be allocated into TLBs. For user and module mappings we can
follow a strict break-before-make approach, but this cannot work for
modifications to the swapper page tables that cover the kernel text and
Instead, this patch adds code which is intended to be executed from the
idmap, which can safely unmap the swapper page tables as it only
requires the idmap to be active. This enables us to uninstall the active
TTBR1_EL1 entry, invalidate TLBs, then install a new TTBR1_EL1 entry
without potentially unmapping code or data required for the sequence.
This avoids the risk of conflict, but requires that updates are staged
in a copy of the swapper page tables prior to being installed.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Reviewed-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
Tested-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
Reviewed-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
Tested-by: Jeremy Linton <jeremy.linton@arm.com>
Cc: Laura Abbott <labbott@fedoraproject.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will.deacon@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2016-01-25 11:45:01 +00:00
2020-01-06 19:58:18 +00:00
SYM_ F U N C _ E N D ( i d m a p _ c p u _ r e p l a c e _ t t b r1 )
arm64: mm: add code to safely replace TTBR1_EL1
If page tables are modified without suitable TLB maintenance, the ARM
architecture permits multiple TLB entries to be allocated for the same
VA. When this occurs, it is permitted that TLB conflict aborts are
raised in response to synchronous data/instruction accesses, and/or and
amalgamation of the TLB entries may be used as a result of a TLB lookup.
The presence of conflicting TLB entries may result in a variety of
behaviours detrimental to the system (e.g. erroneous physical addresses
may be used by I-cache fetches and/or page table walks). Some of these
cases may result in unexpected changes of hardware state, and/or result
in the (asynchronous) delivery of SError.
To avoid these issues, we must avoid situations where conflicting
entries may be allocated into TLBs. For user and module mappings we can
follow a strict break-before-make approach, but this cannot work for
modifications to the swapper page tables that cover the kernel text and
Instead, this patch adds code which is intended to be executed from the
idmap, which can safely unmap the swapper page tables as it only
requires the idmap to be active. This enables us to uninstall the active
TTBR1_EL1 entry, invalidate TLBs, then install a new TTBR1_EL1 entry
without potentially unmapping code or data required for the sequence.
This avoids the risk of conflict, but requires that updates are staged
in a copy of the swapper page tables prior to being installed.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Reviewed-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
Tested-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
Reviewed-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
Tested-by: Jeremy Linton <jeremy.linton@arm.com>
Cc: Laura Abbott <labbott@fedoraproject.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will.deacon@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2016-01-25 11:45:01 +00:00
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
# ifdef C O N F I G _ U N M A P _ K E R N E L _ A T _ E L 0
2018-01-29 12:00:00 +00:00
.pushsection " .idmap .text " , " awx"
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
.macro _ _ idmap_ k p t i _ g e t _ p g t a b l e _ e n t , t y p e
dc c v a c , c u r _ \ ( ) \ t y p e \ ( ) p / / E n s u r e a n y e x i s t i n g d i r t y
dmb s y / / l i n e s a r e w r i t t e n b a c k b e f o r e
ldr \ t y p e , [ c u r _ \ ( ) \ t y p e \ ( ) p ] / / l o a d i n g t h e e n t r y
2018-02-13 13:14:09 +00:00
tbz \ t y p e , #0 , s k i p _ \ ( ) \ t y p e / / S k i p i n v a l i d a n d
tbnz \ t y p e , #11 , s k i p _ \ ( ) \ t y p e / / n o n - g l o b a l e n t r i e s
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
.macro _ _ idmap_ k p t i _ p u t _ p g t a b l e _ e n t _ n g , t y p e
orr \ t y p e , \ t y p e , #P T E _ N G / / S a m e b i t f o r b l o c k s a n d p a g e s
2018-06-22 16:23:45 +01:00
str \ t y p e , [ c u r _ \ ( ) \ t y p e \ ( ) p ] / / U p d a t e t h e e n t r y a n d e n s u r e
dmb s y / / t h a t i t i s v i s i b l e t o a l l
dc c i v a c , c u r _ \ ( ) \ t y p e \ ( ) p / / C P U s .
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
/ *
* void _ _ k p t i _ i n s t a l l _ n g _ m a p p i n g s ( i n t c p u , i n t n u m _ c p u s , p h y s _ a d d r _ t s w a p p e r )
* Called e x a c t l y o n c e f r o m s t o p _ m a c h i n e c o n t e x t b y e a c h C P U f o u n d d u r i n g b o o t .
* /
__idmap_kpti_flag :
.long 1
2020-01-06 19:58:18 +00:00
SYM_ F U N C _ S T A R T ( i d m a p _ k p t i _ i n s t a l l _ n g _ m a p p i n g s )
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
cpu . r e q w0
num_ c p u s . r e q w1
swapper_ p a . r e q x2
swapper_ t t b . r e q x3
flag_ p t r . r e q x4
cur_ p g d p . r e q x5
end_ p g d p . r e q x6
pgd . r e q x7
cur_ p u d p . r e q x8
end_ p u d p . r e q x9
pud . r e q x10
cur_ p m d p . r e q x11
end_ p m d p . r e q x12
pmd . r e q x13
cur_ p t e p . r e q x14
end_ p t e p . r e q x15
pte . r e q x16
mrs s w a p p e r _ t t b , t t b r1 _ e l 1
arm64: mm: Offset TTBR1 to allow 52-bit PTRS_PER_PGD
Enabling 52-bit VAs on arm64 requires that the PGD table expands from 64
entries (for the 48-bit case) to 1024 entries. This quantity,
PTRS_PER_PGD is used as follows to compute which PGD entry corresponds
to a given virtual address, addr:
pgd_index(addr) -> (addr >> PGDIR_SHIFT) & (PTRS_PER_PGD - 1)
Userspace addresses are prefixed by 0's, so for a 48-bit userspace
address, uva, the following is true:
(uva >> PGDIR_SHIFT) & (1024 - 1) == (uva >> PGDIR_SHIFT) & (64 - 1)
In other words, a 48-bit userspace address will have the same pgd_index
when using PTRS_PER_PGD = 64 and 1024.
Kernel addresses are prefixed by 1's so, given a 48-bit kernel address,
kva, we have the following inequality:
(kva >> PGDIR_SHIFT) & (1024 - 1) != (kva >> PGDIR_SHIFT) & (64 - 1)
In other words a 48-bit kernel virtual address will have a different
pgd_index when using PTRS_PER_PGD = 64 and 1024.
If, however, we note that:
kva = 0xFFFF << 48 + lower (where lower[63:48] == 0b)
and, PGDIR_SHIFT = 42 (as we are dealing with 64KB PAGE_SIZE)
We can consider:
(kva >> PGDIR_SHIFT) & (1024 - 1) - (kva >> PGDIR_SHIFT) & (64 - 1)
= (0xFFFF << 6) & 0x3FF - (0xFFFF << 6) & 0x3F // "lower" cancels out
= 0x3C0
In other words, one can switch PTRS_PER_PGD to the 52-bit value globally
provided that they increment ttbr1_el1 by 0x3C0 * 8 = 0x1E00 bytes when
running with 48-bit kernel VAs (TCR_EL1.T1SZ = 16).
For kernel configuration where 52-bit userspace VAs are possible, this
patch offsets ttbr1_el1 and sets PTRS_PER_PGD corresponding to the
52-bit value.
Reviewed-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
Reviewed-by: Suzuki K Poulose <suzuki.poulose@arm.com>
Suggested-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Steve Capper <steve.capper@arm.com>
[will: added comment to TTBR1_BADDR_4852_OFFSET calculation]
Signed-off-by: Will Deacon <will.deacon@arm.com>
2018-12-06 22:50:39 +00:00
restore_ t t b r1 s w a p p e r _ t t b
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
adr f l a g _ p t r , _ _ i d m a p _ k p t i _ f l a g
cbnz c p u , _ _ i d m a p _ k p t i _ s e c o n d a r y
/* We're the boot CPU. Wait for the others to catch up */
1 : wfe
2019-12-06 14:13:37 -08:00
ldaxr w17 , [ f l a g _ p t r ]
eor w17 , w17 , n u m _ c p u s
cbnz w17 , 1 b
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
/* We need to walk swapper, so turn off the MMU. */
pre_ d i s a b l e _ m m u _ w o r k a r o u n d
2019-12-06 14:13:37 -08:00
mrs x17 , s c t l r _ e l 1
bic x17 , x17 , #S C T L R _ E L x _ M
msr s c t l r _ e l 1 , x17
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
/* Everybody is enjoying the idmap, so we can rewrite swapper. */
/* PGD */
mov c u r _ p g d p , s w a p p e r _ p a
add e n d _ p g d p , c u r _ p g d p , #( P T R S _ P E R _ P G D * 8 )
do_pgd : _ _ idmap_ k p t i _ g e t _ p g t a b l e _ e n t p g d
tbnz p g d , #1 , w a l k _ p u d s
next_pgd :
2018-02-13 13:14:09 +00:00
_ _ idmap_ k p t i _ p u t _ p g t a b l e _ e n t _ n g p g d
skip_pgd :
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
add c u r _ p g d p , c u r _ p g d p , #8
cmp c u r _ p g d p , e n d _ p g d p
b. n e d o _ p g d
/* Publish the updated tables and nuke all the TLBs */
dsb s y
tlbi v m a l l e 1 i s
dsb i s h
/* We're done: fire up the MMU again */
2019-12-06 14:13:37 -08:00
mrs x17 , s c t l r _ e l 1
orr x17 , x17 , #S C T L R _ E L x _ M
2021-02-08 09:57:12 +00:00
set_ s c t l r _ e l 1 x17
2019-08-27 18:12:57 +01:00
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
/* Set the flag to zero to indicate that we're all done */
str w z r , [ f l a g _ p t r ]
/* PUD */
walk_puds :
pte_ t o _ p h y s c u r _ p u d p , p g d
add e n d _ p u d p , c u r _ p u d p , #( P T R S _ P E R _ P U D * 8 )
do_pud : _ _ idmap_ k p t i _ g e t _ p g t a b l e _ e n t p u d
tbnz p u d , #1 , w a l k _ p m d s
next_pud :
2018-02-13 13:14:09 +00:00
_ _ idmap_ k p t i _ p u t _ p g t a b l e _ e n t _ n g p u d
skip_pud :
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
add c u r _ p u d p , c u r _ p u d p , 8
cmp c u r _ p u d p , e n d _ p u d p
b. n e d o _ p u d
b n e x t _ p g d
.else /* CONFIG_PGTABLE_LEVELS <= 3 */
mov p u d , p g d
b w a l k _ p m d s
next_pud :
b n e x t _ p g d
/* PMD */
walk_pmds :
pte_ t o _ p h y s c u r _ p m d p , p u d
add e n d _ p m d p , c u r _ p m d p , #( P T R S _ P E R _ P M D * 8 )
do_pmd : _ _ idmap_ k p t i _ g e t _ p g t a b l e _ e n t p m d
tbnz p m d , #1 , w a l k _ p t e s
next_pmd :
2018-02-13 13:14:09 +00:00
_ _ idmap_ k p t i _ p u t _ p g t a b l e _ e n t _ n g p m d
skip_pmd :
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
add c u r _ p m d p , c u r _ p m d p , #8
cmp c u r _ p m d p , e n d _ p m d p
b. n e d o _ p m d
b n e x t _ p u d
.else /* CONFIG_PGTABLE_LEVELS <= 2 */
mov p m d , p u d
b w a l k _ p t e s
next_pmd :
b n e x t _ p u d
/* PTE */
walk_ptes :
pte_ t o _ p h y s c u r _ p t e p , p m d
add e n d _ p t e p , c u r _ p t e p , #( P T R S _ P E R _ P T E * 8 )
do_pte : _ _ idmap_ k p t i _ g e t _ p g t a b l e _ e n t p t e
_ _ idmap_ k p t i _ p u t _ p g t a b l e _ e n t _ n g p t e
2018-02-13 13:14:09 +00:00
skip_pte :
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
add c u r _ p t e p , c u r _ p t e p , #8
cmp c u r _ p t e p , e n d _ p t e p
b. n e d o _ p t e
b n e x t _ p m d
2019-12-06 14:13:37 -08:00
.unreq cpu
.unreq num_cpus
.unreq swapper_pa
.unreq cur_pgdp
.unreq end_pgdp
.unreq pgd
.unreq cur_pudp
.unreq end_pudp
.unreq pud
.unreq cur_pmdp
.unreq end_pmdp
.unreq pmd
.unreq cur_ptep
.unreq end_ptep
.unreq pte
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
/* Secondary CPUs end up here */
__idmap_kpti_secondary :
/* Uninstall swapper before surgery begins */
2019-12-06 14:13:37 -08:00
_ _ idmap_ c p u _ s e t _ r e s e r v e d _ t t b r1 x16 , x17
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
/* Increment the flag to let the boot CPU we're ready */
2019-12-06 14:13:37 -08:00
1 : ldxr w16 , [ f l a g _ p t r ]
add w16 , w16 , #1
stxr w17 , w16 , [ f l a g _ p t r ]
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
cbnz w17 , 1 b
/* Wait for the boot CPU to finish messing around with swapper */
1 : wfe
2019-12-06 14:13:37 -08:00
ldxr w16 , [ f l a g _ p t r ]
cbnz w16 , 1 b
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
/* All done, act like nothing happened */
2019-12-06 14:13:37 -08:00
offset_ t t b r1 s w a p p e r _ t t b , x16
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
msr t t b r1 _ e l 1 , s w a p p e r _ t t b
.unreq swapper_ttb
.unreq flag_ptr
2020-01-06 19:58:18 +00:00
SYM_ F U N C _ E N D ( i d m a p _ k p t i _ i n s t a l l _ n g _ m a p p i n g s )
2018-02-06 22:22:50 +00:00
# endif
2012-03-05 11:49:28 +00:00
/ *
* _ _ cpu_ s e t u p
2020-03-13 14:34:52 +05:30
* Initialise t h e p r o c e s s o r f o r t u r n i n g t h e M M U o n .
* Output :
* Return i n x0 t h e v a l u e o f t h e S C T L R _ E L 1 r e g i s t e r .
2012-03-05 11:49:28 +00:00
* /
2018-01-29 12:00:00 +00:00
.pushsection " .idmap .text " , " awx"
2020-01-06 19:58:18 +00:00
SYM_ F U N C _ S T A R T ( _ _ c p u _ s e t u p )
2015-10-06 18:46:22 +01:00
tlbi v m a l l e 1 / / I n v a l i d a t e l o c a l T L B
dsb n s h
2012-03-05 11:49:28 +00:00
2020-03-13 14:34:52 +05:30
mov x1 , #3 < < 2 0
msr c p a c r _ e l 1 , x1 / / E n a b l e F P / A S I M D
mov x1 , #1 < < 1 2 / / R e s e t m d s c r _ e l 1 a n d d i s a b l e
msr m d s c r _ e l 1 , x1 / / a c c e s s t o t h e D C C f r o m E L 0
arm64: debug: unmask PSTATE.D earlier
Clearing PSTATE.D is one of the requirements for generating a debug
exception. The arm64 booting protocol requires that PSTATE.D is set,
since many of the debug registers (for example, the hw_breakpoint
registers) are UNKNOWN out of reset and could potentially generate
spurious, fatal debug exceptions in early boot code if PSTATE.D was
clear. Once the debug registers have been safely initialised, PSTATE.D
is cleared, however this is currently broken for two reasons:
(1) The boot CPU clears PSTATE.D in a postcore_initcall and secondary
CPUs clear PSTATE.D in secondary_start_kernel. Since the initcall
runs after SMP (and the scheduler) have been initialised, there is
no guarantee that it is actually running on the boot CPU. In this
case, the boot CPU is left with PSTATE.D set and is not capable of
generating debug exceptions.
(2) In a preemptible kernel, we may explicitly schedule on the IRQ
return path to EL1. If an IRQ occurs with PSTATE.D set in the idle
thread, then we may schedule the kthread_init thread, run the
postcore_initcall to clear PSTATE.D and then context switch back
to the idle thread before returning from the IRQ. The exception
return path will then restore PSTATE.D from the stack, and set it
This patch fixes the problem by moving the clearing of PSTATE.D earlier
to proc.S. This has the desirable effect of clearing it in one place for
all CPUs, long before we have to worry about the scheduler or any
exception handling. We ensure that the previous reset of MDSCR_EL1 has
completed before unmasking the exception, so that any spurious
exceptions resulting from UNKNOWN debug registers are not generated.
Without this patch applied, the kprobes selftests have been seen to fail
under KVM, where we end up attempting to step the OOL instruction buffer
with PSTATE.D set and therefore fail to complete the step.
Cc: <stable@vger.kernel.org>
Acked-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Reported-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <marc.zyngier@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Will Deacon <will.deacon@arm.com>
Reviewed-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
Tested-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2016-07-19 15:07:37 +01:00
isb / / U n m a s k d e b u g e x c e p t i o n s n o w ,
enable_ d b g / / s i n c e t h i s i s p e r - c p u
2020-03-13 14:34:52 +05:30
reset_ p m u s e r e n r _ e l 0 x1 / / D i s a b l e P M U a c c e s s f r o m E L 0
2020-03-25 11:11:08 +00:00
reset_ a m u s e r e n r _ e l 0 x1 / / D i s a b l e A M U a c c e s s f r o m E L 0
2020-03-05 09:06:22 +00:00
2012-03-05 11:49:28 +00:00
/ *
arm64: setup: name `tcr` register
In __cpu_setup we conditionally manipulate the TCR_EL1 value in x10
after previously using x10 as a scratch register for unrelated temporary
To make this a bit clearer, let's move the TCR_EL1 value into a named
register `tcr`. To simplify the register allocation, this is placed in
the highest available caller-saved scratch register, tcr.
Following the example of `mair`, we initialise the register with the
default value prior to any feature discovery, and write it to MAIR_EL1
after all feature discovery is complete, which allows us to simplify the
featuere discovery code.
The existing `mte_tcr` register is no longer needed, and is replaced by
the use of x10 as a temporary, matching the rest of the MTE feature
discovery assembly in __cpu_setup. As x20 is no longer used, the
function is now AAPCS compliant, as we've generally aimed for in our
assembly functions.
There should be no functional change as as a result of this patch.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Cc: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will@kernel.org>
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20210326180137.43119-3-mark.rutland@arm.com
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2021-03-26 18:01:37 +00:00
* Default v a l u e s f o r V M S A c o n t r o l r e g i s t e r s . T h e s e w i l l b e a d j u s t e d
* below d e p e n d i n g o n d e t e c t e d C P U f e a t u r e s .
2012-03-05 11:49:28 +00:00
* /
2021-03-26 18:01:36 +00:00
mair . r e q x17
arm64: setup: name `tcr` register
In __cpu_setup we conditionally manipulate the TCR_EL1 value in x10
after previously using x10 as a scratch register for unrelated temporary
To make this a bit clearer, let's move the TCR_EL1 value into a named
register `tcr`. To simplify the register allocation, this is placed in
the highest available caller-saved scratch register, tcr.
Following the example of `mair`, we initialise the register with the
default value prior to any feature discovery, and write it to MAIR_EL1
after all feature discovery is complete, which allows us to simplify the
featuere discovery code.
The existing `mte_tcr` register is no longer needed, and is replaced by
the use of x10 as a temporary, matching the rest of the MTE feature
discovery assembly in __cpu_setup. As x20 is no longer used, the
function is now AAPCS compliant, as we've generally aimed for in our
assembly functions.
There should be no functional change as as a result of this patch.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Cc: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will@kernel.org>
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20210326180137.43119-3-mark.rutland@arm.com
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2021-03-26 18:01:37 +00:00
tcr . r e q x16
2021-03-26 18:01:36 +00:00
mov_ q m a i r , M A I R _ E L 1 _ S E T
arm64: setup: name `tcr` register
In __cpu_setup we conditionally manipulate the TCR_EL1 value in x10
after previously using x10 as a scratch register for unrelated temporary
To make this a bit clearer, let's move the TCR_EL1 value into a named
register `tcr`. To simplify the register allocation, this is placed in
the highest available caller-saved scratch register, tcr.
Following the example of `mair`, we initialise the register with the
default value prior to any feature discovery, and write it to MAIR_EL1
after all feature discovery is complete, which allows us to simplify the
featuere discovery code.
The existing `mte_tcr` register is no longer needed, and is replaced by
the use of x10 as a temporary, matching the rest of the MTE feature
discovery assembly in __cpu_setup. As x20 is no longer used, the
function is now AAPCS compliant, as we've generally aimed for in our
assembly functions.
There should be no functional change as as a result of this patch.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Cc: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will@kernel.org>
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20210326180137.43119-3-mark.rutland@arm.com
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2021-03-26 18:01:37 +00:00
mov_ q t c r , T C R _ T x S Z ( V A _ B I T S ) | T C R _ C A C H E _ F L A G S | T C R _ S M P _ F L A G S | \
TCR_ T G _ F L A G S | T C R _ K A S L R _ F L A G S | T C R _ A S I D 1 6 | \
TCR_ T B I 0 | T C R _ A 1 | T C R _ K A S A N _ S W _ F L A G S
2020-12-22 12:01:38 -08:00
arm64: setup: name `tcr` register
In __cpu_setup we conditionally manipulate the TCR_EL1 value in x10
after previously using x10 as a scratch register for unrelated temporary
To make this a bit clearer, let's move the TCR_EL1 value into a named
register `tcr`. To simplify the register allocation, this is placed in
the highest available caller-saved scratch register, tcr.
Following the example of `mair`, we initialise the register with the
default value prior to any feature discovery, and write it to MAIR_EL1
after all feature discovery is complete, which allows us to simplify the
featuere discovery code.
The existing `mte_tcr` register is no longer needed, and is replaced by
the use of x10 as a temporary, matching the rest of the MTE feature
discovery assembly in __cpu_setup. As x20 is no longer used, the
function is now AAPCS compliant, as we've generally aimed for in our
assembly functions.
There should be no functional change as as a result of this patch.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Cc: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will@kernel.org>
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20210326180137.43119-3-mark.rutland@arm.com
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2021-03-26 18:01:37 +00:00
# ifdef C O N F I G _ A R M 6 4 _ M T E
2019-09-06 10:58:01 +01:00
/ *
* Update M A I R _ E L 1 , G C R _ E L 1 a n d T F S R * _ E L 1 i f M T E i s s u p p o r t e d
* ( ID_ A A 6 4 P F R 1 _ E L 1 [ 1 1 : 8 ] > 1 ) .
* /
mrs x10 , I D _ A A 6 4 P F R 1 _ E L 1
ubfx x10 , x10 , #I D _ A A 64 P F R 1 _ M T E _ S H I F T , #4
cmp x10 , #I D _ A A 64 P F R 1 _ M T E
b. l t 1 f
/* Normal Tagged memory type at the corresponding MAIR index */
mov x10 , #M A I R _ A T T R _ N O R M A L _ T A G G E D
2021-03-26 18:01:36 +00:00
bfi m a i r , x10 , #( 8 * M T _ N O R M A L _ T A G G E D ) , #8
2019-09-06 10:58:01 +01:00
arm64: kasan: mte: use a constant kernel GCR_EL1 value
When KASAN_HW_TAGS is selected, KASAN is enabled at boot time, and the
hardware supports MTE, we'll initialize `kernel_gcr_excl` with a value
dependent on KASAN_TAG_MAX. While the resulting value is a constant
which depends on KASAN_TAG_MAX, we have to perform some runtime work to
generate the value, and have to read the value from memory during the
exception entry path. It would be better if we could generate this as a
constant at compile-time, and use it as such directly.
Early in boot within __cpu_setup(), we initialize GCR_EL1 to a safe
value, and later override this with the value required by KASAN. If
CONFIG_KASAN_HW_TAGS is not selected, or if KASAN is disabeld at boot
time, the kernel will not use IRG instructions, and so the initial value
of GCR_EL1 is does not matter to the kernel. Thus, we can instead have
__cpu_setup() initialize GCR_EL1 to a value consistent with
KASAN_TAG_MAX, and avoid the need to re-initialize it during hotplug and
resume form suspend.
This patch makes arem64 use a compile-time constant KERNEL_GCR_EL1
value, which is compatible with KASAN_HW_TAGS when this is selected.
This removes the need to re-initialize GCR_EL1 dynamically, and acts as
an optimization to the entry assembly, which no longer needs to load
this value from memory. The redundant initialization hooks are removed.
In order to do this, KASAN_TAG_MAX needs to be visible outside of the
core KASAN code. To do this, I've moved the KASAN_TAG_* values into
There should be no functional change as a result of this patch.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Cc: Alexander Potapenko <glider@google.com>
Cc: Andrey Konovalov <andreyknvl@gmail.com>
Cc: Andrey Ryabinin <ryabinin.a.a@gmail.com>
Cc: Dmitry Vyukov <dvyukov@google.com>
Cc: Peter Collingbourne <pcc@google.com>
Cc: Vincenzo Frascino <vincenzo.frascino@arm.com>
Cc: Will Deacon <will@kernel.org>
Reviewed-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
Reviewed-by: Andrey Konovalov <andreyknvl@gmail.com>
Tested-by: Andrey Konovalov <andreyknvl@gmail.com>
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20210714143843.56537-3-mark.rutland@arm.com
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2021-07-14 15:38:42 +01:00
mov x10 , #K E R N E L _ G C R _ E L 1
2019-09-06 10:58:01 +01:00
msr_ s S Y S _ G C R _ E L 1 , x10
2021-05-07 11:59:05 -07:00
/ *
* If G C R _ E L 1 . R R N D =1 i s i m p l e m e n t e d t h e s a m e w a y a s R R N D =0 , t h e n
* RGSR_ E L 1 . S E E D m u s t b e n o n - z e r o f o r I R G t o p r o d u c e
* pseudorandom n u m b e r s . A s R G S R _ E L 1 i s U N K N O W N o u t o f r e s e t , w e
* must i n i t i a l i z e i t .
* /
mrs x10 , C N T V C T _ E L 0
ands x10 , x10 , #S Y S _ R G S R _ E L 1 _ S E E D _ M A S K
csinc x10 , x10 , x z r , n e
lsl x10 , x10 , #S Y S _ R G S R _ E L 1 _ S E E D _ S H I F T
msr_ s S Y S _ R G S R _ E L 1 , x10
2019-09-06 10:58:01 +01:00
/* clear any pending tag check faults in TFSR*_EL1 */
msr_ s S Y S _ T F S R _ E L 1 , x z r
msr_ s S Y S _ T F S R E 0 _ E L 1 , x z r
2020-12-22 12:01:38 -08:00
/* set the TCR_EL1 bits */
2021-06-02 16:52:29 -07:00
mov_ q x10 , T C R _ M T E _ F L A G S
arm64: setup: name `tcr` register
In __cpu_setup we conditionally manipulate the TCR_EL1 value in x10
after previously using x10 as a scratch register for unrelated temporary
To make this a bit clearer, let's move the TCR_EL1 value into a named
register `tcr`. To simplify the register allocation, this is placed in
the highest available caller-saved scratch register, tcr.
Following the example of `mair`, we initialise the register with the
default value prior to any feature discovery, and write it to MAIR_EL1
after all feature discovery is complete, which allows us to simplify the
featuere discovery code.
The existing `mte_tcr` register is no longer needed, and is replaced by
the use of x10 as a temporary, matching the rest of the MTE feature
discovery assembly in __cpu_setup. As x20 is no longer used, the
function is now AAPCS compliant, as we've generally aimed for in our
assembly functions.
There should be no functional change as as a result of this patch.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Cc: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will@kernel.org>
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20210326180137.43119-3-mark.rutland@arm.com
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2021-03-26 18:01:37 +00:00
orr t c r , t c r , x10
2019-09-06 10:58:01 +01:00
1 :
# endif
arm64: setup: name `tcr` register
In __cpu_setup we conditionally manipulate the TCR_EL1 value in x10
after previously using x10 as a scratch register for unrelated temporary
To make this a bit clearer, let's move the TCR_EL1 value into a named
register `tcr`. To simplify the register allocation, this is placed in
the highest available caller-saved scratch register, tcr.
Following the example of `mair`, we initialise the register with the
default value prior to any feature discovery, and write it to MAIR_EL1
after all feature discovery is complete, which allows us to simplify the
featuere discovery code.
The existing `mte_tcr` register is no longer needed, and is replaced by
the use of x10 as a temporary, matching the rest of the MTE feature
discovery assembly in __cpu_setup. As x20 is no longer used, the
function is now AAPCS compliant, as we've generally aimed for in our
assembly functions.
There should be no functional change as as a result of this patch.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Cc: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will@kernel.org>
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20210326180137.43119-3-mark.rutland@arm.com
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2021-03-26 18:01:37 +00:00
tcr_ c l e a r _ e r r a t a _ b i t s t c r , x9 , x5
2018-12-06 22:50:41 +00:00
2019-08-07 16:55:22 +01:00
# ifdef C O N F I G _ A R M 6 4 _ V A _ B I T S _ 5 2
2019-08-07 16:55:23 +01:00
ldr_ l x9 , v a b i t s _ a c t u a l
2018-12-06 22:50:41 +00:00
sub x9 , x z r , x9
add x9 , x9 , #64
arm64: setup: name `tcr` register
In __cpu_setup we conditionally manipulate the TCR_EL1 value in x10
after previously using x10 as a scratch register for unrelated temporary
To make this a bit clearer, let's move the TCR_EL1 value into a named
register `tcr`. To simplify the register allocation, this is placed in
the highest available caller-saved scratch register, tcr.
Following the example of `mair`, we initialise the register with the
default value prior to any feature discovery, and write it to MAIR_EL1
after all feature discovery is complete, which allows us to simplify the
featuere discovery code.
The existing `mte_tcr` register is no longer needed, and is replaced by
the use of x10 as a temporary, matching the rest of the MTE feature
discovery assembly in __cpu_setup. As x20 is no longer used, the
function is now AAPCS compliant, as we've generally aimed for in our
assembly functions.
There should be no functional change as as a result of this patch.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Cc: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will@kernel.org>
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20210326180137.43119-3-mark.rutland@arm.com
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2021-03-26 18:01:37 +00:00
tcr_ s e t _ t 1 s z t c r , x9
2018-12-06 22:50:41 +00:00
# else
2022-06-24 17:06:33 +02:00
idmap_ g e t _ t 0 s z x9
2018-12-06 22:50:41 +00:00
# endif
arm64: setup: name `tcr` register
In __cpu_setup we conditionally manipulate the TCR_EL1 value in x10
after previously using x10 as a scratch register for unrelated temporary
To make this a bit clearer, let's move the TCR_EL1 value into a named
register `tcr`. To simplify the register allocation, this is placed in
the highest available caller-saved scratch register, tcr.
Following the example of `mair`, we initialise the register with the
default value prior to any feature discovery, and write it to MAIR_EL1
after all feature discovery is complete, which allows us to simplify the
featuere discovery code.
The existing `mte_tcr` register is no longer needed, and is replaced by
the use of x10 as a temporary, matching the rest of the MTE feature
discovery assembly in __cpu_setup. As x20 is no longer used, the
function is now AAPCS compliant, as we've generally aimed for in our
assembly functions.
There should be no functional change as as a result of this patch.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Cc: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will@kernel.org>
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20210326180137.43119-3-mark.rutland@arm.com
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2021-03-26 18:01:37 +00:00
tcr_ s e t _ t 0 s z t c r , x9
arm64: mm: increase VA range of identity map
The page size and the number of translation levels, and hence the supported
virtual address range, are build-time configurables on arm64 whose optimal
values are use case dependent. However, in the current implementation, if
the system's RAM is located at a very high offset, the virtual address range
needs to reflect that merely because the identity mapping, which is only used
to enable or disable the MMU, requires the extended virtual range to map the
physical memory at an equal virtual offset.
This patch relaxes that requirement, by increasing the number of translation
levels for the identity mapping only, and only when actually needed, i.e.,
when system RAM's offset is found to be out of reach at runtime.
Tested-by: Laura Abbott <lauraa@codeaurora.org>
Reviewed-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
Tested-by: Marc Zyngier <marc.zyngier@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
Signed-off-by: Will Deacon <will.deacon@arm.com>
2015-03-19 16:42:27 +00:00
2014-03-07 08:49:25 +00:00
/ *
2017-12-13 17:07:17 +00:00
* Set t h e I P S b i t s i n T C R _ E L 1 .
2014-03-07 08:49:25 +00:00
* /
arm64: setup: name `tcr` register
In __cpu_setup we conditionally manipulate the TCR_EL1 value in x10
after previously using x10 as a scratch register for unrelated temporary
To make this a bit clearer, let's move the TCR_EL1 value into a named
register `tcr`. To simplify the register allocation, this is placed in
the highest available caller-saved scratch register, tcr.
Following the example of `mair`, we initialise the register with the
default value prior to any feature discovery, and write it to MAIR_EL1
after all feature discovery is complete, which allows us to simplify the
featuere discovery code.
The existing `mte_tcr` register is no longer needed, and is replaced by
the use of x10 as a temporary, matching the rest of the MTE feature
discovery assembly in __cpu_setup. As x20 is no longer used, the
function is now AAPCS compliant, as we've generally aimed for in our
assembly functions.
There should be no functional change as as a result of this patch.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Cc: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will@kernel.org>
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20210326180137.43119-3-mark.rutland@arm.com
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2021-03-26 18:01:37 +00:00
tcr_ c o m p u t e _ p a _ s i z e t c r , #T C R _ I P S _ S H I F T , x 5 , x6
2015-07-10 17:24:28 +01:00
# ifdef C O N F I G _ A R M 6 4 _ H W _ A F D B M
/ *
2018-03-26 15:12:48 +01:00
* Enable h a r d w a r e u p d a t e o f t h e A c c e s s F l a g s b i t .
* Hardware d i r t y b i t m a n a g e m e n t i s e n a b l e d l a t e r ,
* via c a p a b i l i t i e s .
2015-07-10 17:24:28 +01:00
* /
mrs x9 , I D _ A A 6 4 M M F R 1 _ E L 1
and x9 , x9 , #0xf
2018-03-26 15:12:48 +01:00
cbz x9 , 1 f
arm64: setup: name `tcr` register
In __cpu_setup we conditionally manipulate the TCR_EL1 value in x10
after previously using x10 as a scratch register for unrelated temporary
To make this a bit clearer, let's move the TCR_EL1 value into a named
register `tcr`. To simplify the register allocation, this is placed in
the highest available caller-saved scratch register, tcr.
Following the example of `mair`, we initialise the register with the
default value prior to any feature discovery, and write it to MAIR_EL1
after all feature discovery is complete, which allows us to simplify the
featuere discovery code.
The existing `mte_tcr` register is no longer needed, and is replaced by
the use of x10 as a temporary, matching the rest of the MTE feature
discovery assembly in __cpu_setup. As x20 is no longer used, the
function is now AAPCS compliant, as we've generally aimed for in our
assembly functions.
There should be no functional change as as a result of this patch.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Cc: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will@kernel.org>
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20210326180137.43119-3-mark.rutland@arm.com
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2021-03-26 18:01:37 +00:00
orr t c r , t c r , #T C R _ H A / / h a r d w a r e A c c e s s f l a g u p d a t e
2018-03-26 15:12:48 +01:00
1 :
2015-07-10 17:24:28 +01:00
# endif / * C O N F I G _ A R M 6 4 _ H W _ A F D B M * /
2021-03-26 18:01:36 +00:00
msr m a i r _ e l 1 , m a i r
arm64: setup: name `tcr` register
In __cpu_setup we conditionally manipulate the TCR_EL1 value in x10
after previously using x10 as a scratch register for unrelated temporary
To make this a bit clearer, let's move the TCR_EL1 value into a named
register `tcr`. To simplify the register allocation, this is placed in
the highest available caller-saved scratch register, tcr.
Following the example of `mair`, we initialise the register with the
default value prior to any feature discovery, and write it to MAIR_EL1
after all feature discovery is complete, which allows us to simplify the
featuere discovery code.
The existing `mte_tcr` register is no longer needed, and is replaced by
the use of x10 as a temporary, matching the rest of the MTE feature
discovery assembly in __cpu_setup. As x20 is no longer used, the
function is now AAPCS compliant, as we've generally aimed for in our
assembly functions.
There should be no functional change as as a result of this patch.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Cc: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will@kernel.org>
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20210326180137.43119-3-mark.rutland@arm.com
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2021-03-26 18:01:37 +00:00
msr t c r _ e l 1 , t c r
2020-03-13 14:34:52 +05:30
/ *
* Prepare S C T L R
* /
2020-11-13 12:49:24 +00:00
mov_ q x0 , I N I T _ S C T L R _ E L 1 _ M M U _ O N
2012-03-05 11:49:28 +00:00
ret / / r e t u r n t o h e a d . S
2021-03-26 18:01:36 +00:00
.unreq mair
arm64: setup: name `tcr` register
In __cpu_setup we conditionally manipulate the TCR_EL1 value in x10
after previously using x10 as a scratch register for unrelated temporary
To make this a bit clearer, let's move the TCR_EL1 value into a named
register `tcr`. To simplify the register allocation, this is placed in
the highest available caller-saved scratch register, tcr.
Following the example of `mair`, we initialise the register with the
default value prior to any feature discovery, and write it to MAIR_EL1
after all feature discovery is complete, which allows us to simplify the
featuere discovery code.
The existing `mte_tcr` register is no longer needed, and is replaced by
the use of x10 as a temporary, matching the rest of the MTE feature
discovery assembly in __cpu_setup. As x20 is no longer used, the
function is now AAPCS compliant, as we've generally aimed for in our
assembly functions.
There should be no functional change as as a result of this patch.
Signed-off-by: Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@arm.com>
Cc: Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org>
Cc: Will Deacon <will@kernel.org>
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20210326180137.43119-3-mark.rutland@arm.com
Signed-off-by: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@arm.com>
2021-03-26 18:01:37 +00:00
.unreq tcr
2020-01-06 19:58:18 +00:00
SYM_ F U N C _ E N D ( _ _ c p u _ s e t u p )