2015-05-21 12:17:19 +02:00
# Common functions used by pktgen scripts
# - Depending on bash 3 (or higher) syntax
# Author: Jesper Dangaaard Brouer
# License: GPL
2019-10-05 17:25:07 +09:00
set -o errexit
2015-05-21 12:17:19 +02:00
## -- General shell logging cmds --
function err( ) {
local exitcode = $1
echo " ERROR: $@ " >& 2
exit $exitcode
function warn( ) {
echo " WARN : $@ " >& 2
function info( ) {
if [ [ -n " $VERBOSE " ] ] ; then
echo " INFO : $@ " >& 2
## -- Pktgen proc config commands -- ##
export PROC_DIR = /proc/net/pktgen
# Three different shell functions for configuring the different
# components of pktgen:
# pg_ctrl(), pg_thread() and pg_set().
# These functions correspond to pktgens different components.
# * pg_ctrl() control "pgctrl" (/proc/net/pktgen/pgctrl)
# * pg_thread() control the kernel threads and binding to devices
# * pg_set() control setup of individual devices
function pg_ctrl( ) {
local proc_file = "pgctrl"
proc_cmd ${ proc_file } " $@ "
function pg_thread( ) {
local thread = $1
local proc_file = " kpktgend_ ${ thread } "
proc_cmd ${ proc_file } " $@ "
function pg_set( ) {
local dev = $1
local proc_file = " $dev "
proc_cmd ${ proc_file } " $@ "
# More generic replacement for pgset(), that does not depend on global
# variable for proc file.
function proc_cmd( ) {
local result
local proc_file = $1
2019-10-05 17:25:07 +09:00
local status = 0
2015-05-21 12:17:19 +02:00
# after shift, the remaining args are contained in $@
local proc_ctrl = ${ PROC_DIR } /$proc_file
if [ [ ! -e " $proc_ctrl " ] ] ; then
err 3 " proc file: $proc_ctrl does not exists (dev added to thread?) "
if [ [ ! -w " $proc_ctrl " ] ] ; then
err 4 " proc file: $proc_ctrl not writable, not root?! "
if [ [ " $DEBUG " = = "yes" ] ] ; then
echo " cmd: $@ > $proc_ctrl "
# Quoting of "$@" is important for space expansion
2019-10-05 17:25:07 +09:00
echo " $@ " > " $proc_ctrl " || status = $?
2015-05-21 12:17:19 +02:00
2019-10-05 17:25:07 +09:00
if [ [ " $proc_file " != "pgctrl" ] ] ; then
result = $( grep "Result: OK:" $proc_ctrl ) || true
if [ [ " $result " = = "" ] ] ; then
grep "Result:" $proc_ctrl >& 2
2015-05-21 12:17:19 +02:00
if ( ( $status != 0 ) ) ; then
err 5 " Write error( $status ) occurred cmd: \" $@ > $proc_ctrl \" "
# Old obsolete "pgset" function, with slightly improved err handling
function pgset( ) {
local result
if [ [ " $DEBUG " = = "yes" ] ] ; then
echo " cmd: $1 > $PGDEV "
echo $1 > $PGDEV
local status = $?
result = ` cat $PGDEV | fgrep "Result: OK:" `
if [ [ " $result " = = "" ] ] ; then
cat $PGDEV | fgrep Result:
if ( ( $status != 0 ) ) ; then
err 5 " Write error( $status ) occurred cmd: \" $1 > $PGDEV \" "
2021-03-11 11:32:53 +01:00
if [ [ -z " $APPEND " ] ] ; then
if [ [ $EUID -eq 0 ] ] ; then
# Cleanup pktgen setup on exit if thats not "append mode"
trap 'pg_ctrl "reset"' EXIT
2019-10-05 17:25:07 +09:00
2015-05-21 12:17:19 +02:00
## -- General shell tricks --
function root_check_run_with_sudo( ) {
# Trick so, program can be run as normal user, will just use "sudo"
# call as root_check_run_as_sudo "$@"
if [ " $EUID " -ne 0 ] ; then
if [ -x $0 ] ; then # Directly executable use sudo
info "Not root, running with sudo"
2021-08-13 00:08:12 +09:00
sudo -E " $0 " " $@ "
2015-05-21 12:17:19 +02:00
exit $?
err 4 " cannot perform sudo run of $0 "
2017-11-01 11:41:09 +01:00
# Exact input device's NUMA node info
function get_iface_node( )
local node = $( </sys/class/net/$1 /device/numa_node)
if [ [ $node = = -1 ] ] ; then
echo 0
echo $node
# Given an Dev/iface, get its queues' irq numbers
function get_iface_irqs( )
local IFACE = $1
local queues = " ${ IFACE } -.*TxRx "
irqs = $( grep " $queues " /proc/interrupts | cut -f1 -d:)
[ -z " $irqs " ] && irqs = $( grep $IFACE /proc/interrupts | cut -f1 -d:)
[ -z " $irqs " ] && irqs = $( for i in ` ls -Ux /sys/class/net/$IFACE /device/msi_irqs` ; \
do grep " $i :.*TxRx " /proc/interrupts | grep -v fdir | cut -f 1 -d : ; \
done )
[ -z " $irqs " ] && err 3 " Could not find interrupts for $IFACE "
echo $irqs
# Given a NUMA node, return cpu ids belonging to it.
function get_node_cpus( )
local node = $1
local node_cpu_list
local node_cpu_range_list = ` cut -f1- -d, --output-delimiter= " " \
/sys/devices/system/node/node$node /cpulist`
for cpu_range in $node_cpu_range_list
node_cpu_list = " $node_cpu_list " ` seq -s " " ${ cpu_range //-/ } `
echo $node_cpu_list
2019-06-29 22:33:57 +09:00
2019-10-05 17:25:08 +09:00
# Check $1 is in between $2, $3 ($2 <= $1 <= $3)
function in_between( ) { [ [ ( $1 -ge $2 ) && ( $1 -le $3 ) ] ] ; }
# Extend shrunken IPv6 address.
# fe80::42:bcff:fe84:e10a => fe80:0:0:0:42:bcff:fe84:e10a
function extend_addr6( )
local addr = $1
local sep = : sep2 = ::
local sep_cnt = $( tr -cd $sep <<< $1 | wc -c)
local shrink
# separator count should be (2 <= $sep_cnt <= 7)
if ! ( in_between $sep_cnt 2 7) ; then
err 5 " Invalid IP6 address: $1 "
# if shrink '::' occurs multiple, it's malformed.
shrink = ( $( egrep -o " $sep {2,} " <<< $addr ) )
if [ [ ${# shrink [@] } -ne 0 ] ] ; then
if [ [ ${# shrink [@] } -gt 1 || ( ${ shrink [0] } != $sep2 ) ] ] ; then
err 5 " Invalid IP6 address: $1 "
# add 0 at begin & end, and extend addr by adding :0
[ [ ${ addr : 0 : 1 } = = $sep ] ] && addr = 0${ addr }
[ [ ${ addr : -1 } = = $sep ] ] && addr = ${ addr } 0
echo " ${ addr / $sep2 / $( printf ':0%.s' $( seq $[ 8-sep_cnt] ) ) : } "
# Given a single IP(v4/v6) address, whether it is valid.
function validate_addr( )
# check function is called with (funcname)6
[ [ ${ FUNCNAME [1] : -1 } = = 6 ] ] && local IP6 = 6
local bitlen = $[ IP6 ? 128 : 32 ]
local len = $[ IP6 ? 8 : 4 ]
local max = $[ 2**( len*2) -1 ]
local net prefix
local addr sep
IFS = '/' read net prefix <<< $1
[ [ $IP6 ] ] && net = $( extend_addr6 $net )
# if prefix exists, check (0 <= $prefix <= $bitlen)
if [ [ -n $prefix ] ] ; then
if ! ( in_between $prefix 0 $bitlen ) ; then
err 5 " Invalid prefix: / $prefix "
# set separator for each IP(v4/v6)
[ [ $IP6 ] ] && sep = : || sep = .
IFS = $sep read -a addr <<< $net
# array length
if [ [ ${# addr [@] } != $len ] ] ; then
err 5 " Invalid IP $IP6 address: $1 "
# check each digit (0 <= $digit <= $max)
for digit in " ${ addr [@] } " ; do
[ [ $IP6 ] ] && digit = $[ 16#$digit ]
if ! ( in_between $digit 0 $max ) ; then
err 5 " Invalid IP $IP6 address: $1 "
return 0
function validate_addr6( ) { validate_addr $@ ; }
# Given a single IP(v4/v6) or CIDR, return minimum and maximum IP addr.
function parse_addr( )
# check function is called with (funcname)6
[ [ ${ FUNCNAME [1] : -1 } = = 6 ] ] && local IP6 = 6
local net prefix
local min_ip max_ip
IFS = '/' read net prefix <<< $1
[ [ $IP6 ] ] && net = $( extend_addr6 $net )
if [ [ -z $prefix ] ] ; then
min_ip = $net
max_ip = $net
# defining array for converting Decimal 2 Binary
# 00000000 00000001 00000010 00000011 00000100 ...
local d2b = '{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}'
[ [ $IP6 ] ] && d2b += $d2b
eval local D2B = ( $d2b )
local bitlen = $[ IP6 ? 128 : 32 ]
local remain = $[ bitlen-prefix ]
local octet = $[ IP6 ? 16 : 8 ]
local min_mask max_mask
local min max
local ip_bit
local ip sep
# set separator for each IP(v4/v6)
[ [ $IP6 ] ] && sep = : || sep = .
IFS = $sep read -ra ip <<< $net
min_mask = " $( printf '1%.s' $( seq $prefix ) ) $( printf '0%.s' $( seq $remain ) ) "
max_mask = " $( printf '0%.s' $( seq $prefix ) ) $( printf '1%.s' $( seq $remain ) ) "
# calculate min/max ip with &,| operator
for i in " ${ !ip[@] } " ; do
digit = $[ IP6 ? 16#${ ip [ $i ] } : ${ ip [ $i ] } ]
ip_bit = ${ D2B [ $digit ] }
idx = $[ octet*i ]
min[ $i ] = $[ 2#$ip_bit & 2#${ min_mask : $idx : $octet } ]
max[ $i ] = $[ 2#$ip_bit | 2#${ max_mask : $idx : $octet } ]
[ [ $IP6 ] ] && { min[ $i ] = $( printf '%X' ${ min [ $i ] } ) ;
max[ $i ] = $( printf '%X' ${ max [ $i ] } ) ; }
min_ip = $( IFS = $sep ; echo " ${ min [*] } " )
max_ip = $( IFS = $sep ; echo " ${ max [*] } " )
echo $min_ip $max_ip
function parse_addr6( ) { parse_addr $@ ; }
2019-06-29 22:33:57 +09:00
# Given a single or range of port(s), return minimum and maximum port number.
function parse_ports( )
local port_str = $1
local port_list
local min_port
local max_port
IFS = "-" read -ra port_list <<< $port_str
min_port = ${ port_list [0] }
max_port = ${ port_list [1] :- $min_port }
echo $min_port $max_port
# Given a minimum and maximum port, verify port number.
function validate_ports( )
local min_port = $1
local max_port = $2
2019-10-05 17:25:08 +09:00
# 1 <= port <= 65535
if ( in_between $min_port 1 65535) ; then
if ( in_between $max_port 1 65535) ; then
2019-06-29 22:33:57 +09:00
if [ [ $min_port -le $max_port ] ] ; then
return 0
err 5 " Invalid port(s): $min_port - $max_port "