2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
* Driver for Ensoniq ES1370 / ES1371 AudioPCI soundcard
* Copyright ( c ) by Jaroslav Kysela < perex @ suse . cz > ,
* Thomas Sailer < sailer @ ife . ee . ethz . ch >
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
# include <sound/driver.h>
# include <asm/io.h>
# include <linux/delay.h>
# include <linux/interrupt.h>
# include <linux/init.h>
# include <linux/pci.h>
# include <linux/slab.h>
# include <linux/gameport.h>
# include <linux/moduleparam.h>
# include <sound/core.h>
# include <sound/control.h>
# include <sound/pcm.h>
# include <sound/rawmidi.h>
# ifdef CHIP1371
# include <sound/ac97_codec.h>
# else
# include <sound/ak4531_codec.h>
# endif
# include <sound/initval.h>
# include <sound/asoundef.h>
# ifndef CHIP1371
# undef CHIP1370
# define CHIP1370
# endif
# ifdef CHIP1370
# define DRIVER_NAME "ENS1370"
# else
# define DRIVER_NAME "ENS1371"
# endif
MODULE_AUTHOR ( " Jaroslav Kysela <perex@suse.cz>, Thomas Sailer <sailer@ife.ee.ethz.ch> " ) ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
MODULE_DESCRIPTION ( " Ensoniq AudioPCI ES1370 " ) ;
MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE ( " {{Ensoniq,AudioPCI-97 ES1370}, "
" {Creative Labs,SB PCI64/128 (ES1370)}} " ) ;
# endif
# ifdef CHIP1371
MODULE_DESCRIPTION ( " Ensoniq/Creative AudioPCI ES1371+ " ) ;
MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE ( " {{Ensoniq,AudioPCI ES1371/73}, "
" {Ensoniq,AudioPCI ES1373}, "
" {Creative Labs,Ectiva EV1938}, "
" {Creative Labs,SB PCI64/128 (ES1371/73)}, "
" {Creative Labs,Vibra PCI128}, "
" {Ectiva,EV1938}} " ) ;
# endif
# if defined(CONFIG_GAMEPORT) || (defined(MODULE) && defined(CONFIG_GAMEPORT_MODULE))
# endif
static int index [ SNDRV_CARDS ] = SNDRV_DEFAULT_IDX ; /* Index 0-MAX */
static char * id [ SNDRV_CARDS ] = SNDRV_DEFAULT_STR ; /* ID for this card */
static int enable [ SNDRV_CARDS ] = SNDRV_DEFAULT_ENABLE_PNP ; /* Enable switches */
# ifdef CHIP1371
static int joystick_port [ SNDRV_CARDS ] ;
# else
static int joystick [ SNDRV_CARDS ] ;
# endif
# endif
module_param_array ( index , int , NULL , 0444 ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( index , " Index value for Ensoniq AudioPCI soundcard. " ) ;
module_param_array ( id , charp , NULL , 0444 ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( id , " ID string for Ensoniq AudioPCI soundcard. " ) ;
module_param_array ( enable , bool , NULL , 0444 ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( enable , " Enable Ensoniq AudioPCI soundcard. " ) ;
# ifdef CHIP1371
module_param_array ( joystick_port , int , NULL , 0444 ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( joystick_port , " Joystick port address. " ) ;
# else
module_param_array ( joystick , bool , NULL , 0444 ) ;
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( joystick , " Enable joystick. " ) ;
# endif
# endif /* SUPPORT_JOYSTICK */
# define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ENSONIQ_CT5880 0x5880
# endif
# define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ENSONIQ_ES1371 0x1371
# endif
/* ES1371 chip ID */
/* This is a little confusing because all ES1371 compatible chips have the
same DEVICE_ID , the only thing differentiating them is the REV_ID field .
This is only significant if you want to enable features on the later parts .
Yes , I know it ' s stupid and why didn ' t we use the sub IDs ?
# define ES1371REV_ES1373_A 0x04
# define ES1371REV_ES1373_B 0x06
# define ES1371REV_CT5880_A 0x07
# define CT5880REV_CT5880_C 0x02
# define CT5880REV_CT5880_D 0x03 /* ??? -jk */
# define CT5880REV_CT5880_E 0x04 /* mw */
# define ES1371REV_ES1371_B 0x09
# define EV1938REV_EV1938_A 0x00
# define ES1371REV_ES1373_8 0x08
* Direct registers
# define ES_REG(ensoniq, x) ((ensoniq)->port + ES_REG_##x)
# define ES_REG_CONTROL 0x00 /* R/W: Interrupt/Chip select control register */
# define ES_1370_ADC_STOP (1<<31) /* disable capture buffer transfers */
# define ES_1370_XCTL1 (1<<30) /* general purpose output bit */
# define ES_1373_BYPASS_P1 (1<<31) /* bypass SRC for PB1 */
# define ES_1373_BYPASS_P2 (1<<30) /* bypass SRC for PB2 */
# define ES_1373_BYPASS_R (1<<29) /* bypass SRC for REC */
# define ES_1373_TEST_BIT (1<<28) /* should be set to 0 for normal operation */
# define ES_1373_RECEN_B (1<<27) /* mix record with playback for I2S/SPDIF out */
# define ES_1373_SPDIF_THRU (1<<26) /* 0 = SPDIF thru mode, 1 = SPDIF == dig out */
# define ES_1371_JOY_ASEL(o) (((o)&0x03)<<24) /* joystick port mapping */
# define ES_1371_JOY_ASELM (0x03<<24) /* mask for above */
# define ES_1371_JOY_ASELI(i) (((i)>>24)&0x03)
# define ES_1371_GPIO_IN(i) (((i)>>20)&0x0f) /* GPIO in [3:0] pins - R/O */
# define ES_1370_PCLKDIVO(o) (((o)&0x1fff)<<16) /* clock divide ratio for DAC2 */
# define ES_1370_PCLKDIVM ((0x1fff)<<16) /* mask for above */
# define ES_1370_PCLKDIVI(i) (((i)>>16)&0x1fff) /* clock divide ratio for DAC2 */
# define ES_1371_GPIO_OUT(o) (((o)&0x0f)<<16) /* GPIO out [3:0] pins - W/R */
# define ES_1371_GPIO_OUTM (0x0f<<16) /* mask for above */
# define ES_MSFMTSEL (1<<15) /* MPEG serial data format; 0 = SONY, 1 = I2S */
# define ES_1370_M_SBB (1<<14) /* clock source for DAC - 0 = clock generator; 1 = MPEG clocks */
# define ES_1371_SYNC_RES (1<<14) /* Warm AC97 reset */
# define ES_1370_WTSRSEL(o) (((o)&0x03)<<12) /* fixed frequency clock for DAC1 */
# define ES_1370_WTSRSELM (0x03<<12) /* mask for above */
# define ES_1371_ADC_STOP (1<<13) /* disable CCB transfer capture information */
# define ES_1371_PWR_INTRM (1<<12) /* power level change interrupts enable */
# define ES_1370_DAC_SYNC (1<<11) /* DAC's are synchronous */
# define ES_1371_M_CB (1<<11) /* capture clock source; 0 = AC'97 ADC; 1 = I2S */
# define ES_CCB_INTRM (1<<10) /* CCB voice interrupts enable */
# define ES_1370_M_CB (1<<9) /* capture clock source; 0 = ADC; 1 = MPEG */
# define ES_1370_XCTL0 (1<<8) /* generap purpose output bit */
# define ES_1371_PDLEV(o) (((o)&0x03)<<8) /* current power down level */
# define ES_1371_PDLEVM (0x03<<8) /* mask for above */
# define ES_BREQ (1<<7) /* memory bus request enable */
# define ES_DAC1_EN (1<<6) /* DAC1 playback channel enable */
# define ES_DAC2_EN (1<<5) /* DAC2 playback channel enable */
# define ES_ADC_EN (1<<4) /* ADC capture channel enable */
# define ES_UART_EN (1<<3) /* UART enable */
# define ES_JYSTK_EN (1<<2) /* Joystick module enable */
# define ES_1370_CDC_EN (1<<1) /* Codec interface enable */
# define ES_1371_XTALCKDIS (1<<1) /* Xtal clock disable */
# define ES_1370_SERR_DISABLE (1<<0) /* PCI serr signal disable */
# define ES_1371_PCICLKDIS (1<<0) /* PCI clock disable */
# define ES_REG_STATUS 0x04 /* R/O: Interrupt/Chip select status register */
# define ES_INTR (1<<31) /* Interrupt is pending */
# define ES_1371_ST_AC97_RST (1<<29) /* CT5880 AC'97 Reset bit */
# define ES_1373_REAR_BIT27 (1<<27) /* rear bits: 000 - front, 010 - mirror, 101 - separate */
# define ES_1373_REAR_BIT26 (1<<26)
# define ES_1373_REAR_BIT24 (1<<24)
# define ES_1373_GPIO_INT_EN(o)(((o)&0x0f)<<20) /* GPIO [3:0] pins - interrupt enable */
# define ES_1373_SPDIF_EN (1<<18) /* SPDIF enable */
# define ES_1373_SPDIF_TEST (1<<17) /* SPDIF test */
# define ES_1371_TEST (1<<16) /* test ASIC */
# define ES_1373_GPIO_INT(i) (((i)&0x0f)>>12) /* GPIO [3:0] pins - interrupt pending */
# define ES_1370_CSTAT (1<<10) /* CODEC is busy or register write in progress */
# define ES_1370_CBUSY (1<<9) /* CODEC is busy */
# define ES_1370_CWRIP (1<<8) /* CODEC register write in progress */
# define ES_1371_SYNC_ERR (1<<8) /* CODEC synchronization error occurred */
# define ES_1371_VC(i) (((i)>>6)&0x03) /* voice code from CCB module */
# define ES_1370_VC(i) (((i)>>5)&0x03) /* voice code from CCB module */
# define ES_1371_MPWR (1<<5) /* power level interrupt pending */
# define ES_MCCB (1<<4) /* CCB interrupt pending */
# define ES_UART (1<<3) /* UART interrupt pending */
# define ES_DAC1 (1<<2) /* DAC1 channel interrupt pending */
# define ES_DAC2 (1<<1) /* DAC2 channel interrupt pending */
# define ES_ADC (1<<0) /* ADC channel interrupt pending */
# define ES_REG_UART_DATA 0x08 /* R/W: UART data register */
# define ES_REG_UART_STATUS 0x09 /* R/O: UART status register */
# define ES_RXINT (1<<7) /* RX interrupt occurred */
# define ES_TXINT (1<<2) /* TX interrupt occurred */
# define ES_TXRDY (1<<1) /* transmitter ready */
# define ES_RXRDY (1<<0) /* receiver ready */
# define ES_REG_UART_CONTROL 0x09 /* W/O: UART control register */
# define ES_RXINTEN (1<<7) /* RX interrupt enable */
# define ES_TXINTENO(o) (((o)&0x03)<<5) /* TX interrupt enable */
# define ES_TXINTENM (0x03<<5) /* mask for above */
# define ES_TXINTENI(i) (((i)>>5)&0x03)
# define ES_CNTRL(o) (((o)&0x03)<<0) /* control */
# define ES_CNTRLM (0x03<<0) /* mask for above */
# define ES_REG_UART_RES 0x0a /* R/W: UART reserver register */
# define ES_TEST_MODE (1<<0) /* test mode enabled */
# define ES_REG_MEM_PAGE 0x0c /* R/W: Memory page register */
# define ES_MEM_PAGEO(o) (((o)&0x0f)<<0) /* memory page select - out */
# define ES_MEM_PAGEM (0x0f<<0) /* mask for above */
# define ES_MEM_PAGEI(i) (((i)>>0)&0x0f) /* memory page select - in */
# define ES_REG_1370_CODEC 0x10 /* W/O: Codec write register address */
# define ES_1370_CODEC_WRITE(a,d) ((((a)&0xff)<<8)|(((d)&0xff)<<0))
# define ES_REG_1371_CODEC 0x14 /* W/R: Codec Read/Write register address */
# define ES_1371_CODEC_RDY (1<<31) /* codec ready */
# define ES_1371_CODEC_WIP (1<<30) /* codec register access in progress */
# define ES_1371_CODEC_PIRD (1<<23) /* codec read/write select register */
# define ES_1371_CODEC_WRITE(a,d) ((((a)&0x7f)<<16)|(((d)&0xffff)<<0))
# define ES_1371_CODEC_READS(a) ((((a)&0x7f)<<16)|ES_1371_CODEC_PIRD)
# define ES_1371_CODEC_READ(i) (((i)>>0)&0xffff)
# define ES_REG_1371_SMPRATE 0x10 /* W/R: Codec rate converter interface register */
# define ES_1371_SRC_RAM_ADDRO(o) (((o)&0x7f)<<25) /* address of the sample rate converter */
# define ES_1371_SRC_RAM_ADDRM (0x7f<<25) /* mask for above */
# define ES_1371_SRC_RAM_ADDRI(i) (((i)>>25)&0x7f) /* address of the sample rate converter */
# define ES_1371_SRC_RAM_WE (1<<24) /* R/W: read/write control for sample rate converter */
# define ES_1371_SRC_RAM_BUSY (1<<23) /* R/O: sample rate memory is busy */
# define ES_1371_SRC_DISABLE (1<<22) /* sample rate converter disable */
# define ES_1371_DIS_P1 (1<<21) /* playback channel 1 accumulator update disable */
# define ES_1371_DIS_P2 (1<<20) /* playback channel 1 accumulator update disable */
# define ES_1371_DIS_R1 (1<<19) /* capture channel accumulator update disable */
# define ES_1371_SRC_RAM_DATAO(o) (((o)&0xffff)<<0) /* current value of the sample rate converter */
# define ES_1371_SRC_RAM_DATAM (0xffff<<0) /* mask for above */
# define ES_1371_SRC_RAM_DATAI(i) (((i)>>0)&0xffff) /* current value of the sample rate converter */
# define ES_REG_1371_LEGACY 0x18 /* W/R: Legacy control/status register */
# define ES_1371_JFAST (1<<31) /* fast joystick timing */
# define ES_1371_HIB (1<<30) /* host interrupt blocking enable */
# define ES_1371_VSB (1<<29) /* SB; 0 = addr 0x220xH, 1 = 0x22FxH */
# define ES_1371_VMPUO(o) (((o)&0x03)<<27) /* base register address; 0 = 0x320xH; 1 = 0x330xH; 2 = 0x340xH; 3 = 0x350xH */
# define ES_1371_VMPUM (0x03<<27) /* mask for above */
# define ES_1371_VMPUI(i) (((i)>>27)&0x03) /* base register address */
# define ES_1371_VCDCO(o) (((o)&0x03)<<25) /* CODEC; 0 = 0x530xH; 1 = undefined; 2 = 0xe80xH; 3 = 0xF40xH */
# define ES_1371_VCDCM (0x03<<25) /* mask for above */
# define ES_1371_VCDCI(i) (((i)>>25)&0x03) /* CODEC address */
# define ES_1371_FIRQ (1<<24) /* force an interrupt */
# define ES_1371_SDMACAP (1<<23) /* enable event capture for slave DMA controller */
# define ES_1371_SPICAP (1<<22) /* enable event capture for slave IRQ controller */
# define ES_1371_MDMACAP (1<<21) /* enable event capture for master DMA controller */
# define ES_1371_MPICAP (1<<20) /* enable event capture for master IRQ controller */
# define ES_1371_ADCAP (1<<19) /* enable event capture for ADLIB register; 0x388xH */
# define ES_1371_SVCAP (1<<18) /* enable event capture for SB registers */
# define ES_1371_CDCCAP (1<<17) /* enable event capture for CODEC registers */
# define ES_1371_BACAP (1<<16) /* enable event capture for SoundScape base address */
# define ES_1371_EXI(i) (((i)>>8)&0x07) /* event number */
# define ES_1371_AI(i) (((i)>>3)&0x1f) /* event significant I/O address */
# define ES_1371_WR (1<<2) /* event capture; 0 = read; 1 = write */
# define ES_1371_LEGINT (1<<0) /* interrupt for legacy events; 0 = interrupt did occur */
# define ES_REG_CHANNEL_STATUS 0x1c /* R/W: first 32-bits from S/PDIF channel status block, es1373 */
# define ES_REG_SERIAL 0x20 /* R/W: Serial interface control register */
# define ES_1371_DAC_TEST (1<<22) /* DAC test mode enable */
# define ES_P2_END_INCO(o) (((o)&0x07)<<19) /* binary offset value to increment / loop end */
# define ES_P2_END_INCM (0x07<<19) /* mask for above */
# define ES_P2_END_INCI(i) (((i)>>16)&0x07) /* binary offset value to increment / loop end */
# define ES_P2_ST_INCO(o) (((o)&0x07)<<16) /* binary offset value to increment / start */
# define ES_P2_ST_INCM (0x07<<16) /* mask for above */
# define ES_P2_ST_INCI(i) (((i)<<16)&0x07) /* binary offset value to increment / start */
# define ES_R1_LOOP_SEL (1<<15) /* ADC; 0 - loop mode; 1 = stop mode */
# define ES_P2_LOOP_SEL (1<<14) /* DAC2; 0 - loop mode; 1 = stop mode */
# define ES_P1_LOOP_SEL (1<<13) /* DAC1; 0 - loop mode; 1 = stop mode */
# define ES_P2_PAUSE (1<<12) /* DAC2; 0 - play mode; 1 = pause mode */
# define ES_P1_PAUSE (1<<11) /* DAC1; 0 - play mode; 1 = pause mode */
# define ES_R1_INT_EN (1<<10) /* ADC interrupt enable */
# define ES_P2_INT_EN (1<<9) /* DAC2 interrupt enable */
# define ES_P1_INT_EN (1<<8) /* DAC1 interrupt enable */
# define ES_P1_SCT_RLD (1<<7) /* force sample counter reload for DAC1 */
# define ES_P2_DAC_SEN (1<<6) /* when stop mode: 0 - DAC2 play back zeros; 1 = DAC2 play back last sample */
# define ES_R1_MODEO(o) (((o)&0x03)<<4) /* ADC mode; 0 = 8-bit mono; 1 = 8-bit stereo; 2 = 16-bit mono; 3 = 16-bit stereo */
# define ES_R1_MODEM (0x03<<4) /* mask for above */
# define ES_R1_MODEI(i) (((i)>>4)&0x03)
# define ES_P2_MODEO(o) (((o)&0x03)<<2) /* DAC2 mode; -- '' -- */
# define ES_P2_MODEM (0x03<<2) /* mask for above */
# define ES_P2_MODEI(i) (((i)>>2)&0x03)
# define ES_P1_MODEO(o) (((o)&0x03)<<0) /* DAC1 mode; -- '' -- */
# define ES_P1_MODEM (0x03<<0) /* mask for above */
# define ES_P1_MODEI(i) (((i)>>0)&0x03)
# define ES_REG_DAC1_COUNT 0x24 /* R/W: DAC1 sample count register */
# define ES_REG_DAC2_COUNT 0x28 /* R/W: DAC2 sample count register */
# define ES_REG_ADC_COUNT 0x2c /* R/W: ADC sample count register */
# define ES_REG_CURR_COUNT(i) (((i)>>16)&0xffff)
# define ES_REG_COUNTO(o) (((o)&0xffff)<<0)
# define ES_REG_COUNTM (0xffff<<0)
# define ES_REG_COUNTI(i) (((i)>>0)&0xffff)
# define ES_REG_DAC1_FRAME 0x30 /* R/W: PAGE 0x0c; DAC1 frame address */
# define ES_REG_DAC1_SIZE 0x34 /* R/W: PAGE 0x0c; DAC1 frame size */
# define ES_REG_DAC2_FRAME 0x38 /* R/W: PAGE 0x0c; DAC2 frame address */
# define ES_REG_DAC2_SIZE 0x3c /* R/W: PAGE 0x0c; DAC2 frame size */
# define ES_REG_ADC_FRAME 0x30 /* R/W: PAGE 0x0d; ADC frame address */
# define ES_REG_ADC_SIZE 0x34 /* R/W: PAGE 0x0d; ADC frame size */
# define ES_REG_FCURR_COUNTO(o) (((o)&0xffff)<<16)
# define ES_REG_FCURR_COUNTM (0xffff<<16)
# define ES_REG_FCURR_COUNTI(i) (((i)>>14)&0x3fffc)
# define ES_REG_FSIZEO(o) (((o)&0xffff)<<0)
# define ES_REG_FSIZEM (0xffff<<0)
# define ES_REG_FSIZEI(i) (((i)>>0)&0xffff)
# define ES_REG_PHANTOM_FRAME 0x38 /* R/W: PAGE 0x0d: phantom frame address */
# define ES_REG_PHANTOM_COUNT 0x3c /* R/W: PAGE 0x0d: phantom frame count */
# define ES_REG_UART_FIFO 0x30 /* R/W: PAGE 0x0e; UART FIFO register */
# define ES_REG_UF_VALID (1<<8)
# define ES_REG_UF_BYTEO(o) (((o)&0xff)<<0)
# define ES_REG_UF_BYTEM (0xff<<0)
# define ES_REG_UF_BYTEI(i) (((i)>>0)&0xff)
* Pages
# define ES_PAGE_DAC 0x0c
# define ES_PAGE_ADC 0x0d
# define ES_PAGE_UART 0x0e
# define ES_PAGE_UART1 0x0f
* Sample rate converter addresses
# define ES_SMPREG_DAC1 0x70
# define ES_SMPREG_DAC2 0x74
# define ES_SMPREG_ADC 0x78
# define ES_SMPREG_VOL_ADC 0x6c
# define ES_SMPREG_VOL_DAC1 0x7c
# define ES_SMPREG_VOL_DAC2 0x7e
# define ES_SMPREG_TRUNC_N 0x00
# define ES_SMPREG_INT_REGS 0x01
# define ES_SMPREG_ACCUM_FRAC 0x02
# define ES_SMPREG_VFREQ_FRAC 0x03
* Some contants
# define ES_1370_SRCLOCK 1411200
# define ES_1370_SRTODIV(x) (ES_1370_SRCLOCK / (x)-2)
* Open modes
# define ES_MODE_PLAY1 0x0001
# define ES_MODE_PLAY2 0x0002
# define ES_MODE_CAPTURE 0x0004
# define ES_MODE_OUTPUT 0x0001 /* for MIDI */
# define ES_MODE_INPUT 0x0002 /* for MIDI */
typedef struct _snd_ensoniq ensoniq_t ;
struct _snd_ensoniq {
spinlock_t reg_lock ;
struct semaphore src_mutex ;
int irq ;
unsigned long playback1size ;
unsigned long playback2size ;
unsigned long capture3size ;
unsigned long port ;
unsigned int mode ;
unsigned int uartm ; /* UART mode */
unsigned int ctrl ; /* control register */
unsigned int sctrl ; /* serial control register */
unsigned int cssr ; /* control status register */
unsigned int uartc ; /* uart control register */
unsigned int rev ; /* chip revision */
union {
# ifdef CHIP1371
struct {
ac97_t * ac97 ;
} es1371 ;
# else
struct {
int pclkdiv_lock ;
ak4531_t * ak4531 ;
} es1370 ;
# endif
} u ;
struct pci_dev * pci ;
unsigned short subsystem_vendor_id ;
unsigned short subsystem_device_id ;
snd_card_t * card ;
snd_pcm_t * pcm1 ; /* DAC1/ADC PCM */
snd_pcm_t * pcm2 ; /* DAC2 PCM */
snd_pcm_substream_t * playback1_substream ;
snd_pcm_substream_t * playback2_substream ;
snd_pcm_substream_t * capture_substream ;
unsigned int p1_dma_size ;
unsigned int p2_dma_size ;
unsigned int c_dma_size ;
unsigned int p1_period_size ;
unsigned int p2_period_size ;
unsigned int c_period_size ;
snd_rawmidi_t * rmidi ;
snd_rawmidi_substream_t * midi_input ;
snd_rawmidi_substream_t * midi_output ;
unsigned int spdif ;
unsigned int spdif_default ;
unsigned int spdif_stream ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
struct snd_dma_buffer dma_bug ;
# endif
struct gameport * gameport ;
# endif
} ;
static irqreturn_t snd_audiopci_interrupt ( int irq , void * dev_id , struct pt_regs * regs ) ;
static struct pci_device_id snd_audiopci_ids [ ] = {
# ifdef CHIP1370
{ 0x1274 , 0x5000 , PCI_ANY_ID , PCI_ANY_ID , 0 , 0 , 0 , } , /* ES1370 */
# endif
# ifdef CHIP1371
{ 0x1274 , 0x1371 , PCI_ANY_ID , PCI_ANY_ID , 0 , 0 , 0 , } , /* ES1371 */
{ 0x1274 , 0x5880 , PCI_ANY_ID , PCI_ANY_ID , 0 , 0 , 0 , } , /* ES1373 - CT5880 */
{ 0x1102 , 0x8938 , PCI_ANY_ID , PCI_ANY_ID , 0 , 0 , 0 , } , /* Ectiva EV1938 */
# endif
{ 0 , }
} ;
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE ( pci , snd_audiopci_ids ) ;
* constants
# define POLL_COUNT 0xa000
# ifdef CHIP1370
static unsigned int snd_es1370_fixed_rates [ ] =
{ 5512 , 11025 , 22050 , 44100 } ;
static snd_pcm_hw_constraint_list_t snd_es1370_hw_constraints_rates = {
. count = 4 ,
. list = snd_es1370_fixed_rates ,
. mask = 0 ,
} ;
static ratnum_t es1370_clock = {
. num = ES_1370_SRCLOCK ,
. den_min = 29 ,
. den_max = 353 ,
. den_step = 1 ,
} ;
static snd_pcm_hw_constraint_ratnums_t snd_es1370_hw_constraints_clock = {
. nrats = 1 ,
. rats = & es1370_clock ,
} ;
# else
static ratden_t es1371_dac_clock = {
. num_min = 3000 * ( 1 < < 15 ) ,
. num_max = 48000 * ( 1 < < 15 ) ,
. num_step = 3000 ,
. den = 1 < < 15 ,
} ;
static snd_pcm_hw_constraint_ratdens_t snd_es1371_hw_constraints_dac_clock = {
. nrats = 1 ,
. rats = & es1371_dac_clock ,
} ;
static ratnum_t es1371_adc_clock = {
. num = 48000 < < 15 ,
. den_min = 32768 ,
. den_max = 393216 ,
. den_step = 1 ,
} ;
static snd_pcm_hw_constraint_ratnums_t snd_es1371_hw_constraints_adc_clock = {
. nrats = 1 ,
. rats = & es1371_adc_clock ,
} ;
# endif
static const unsigned int snd_ensoniq_sample_shift [ ] =
{ 0 , 1 , 1 , 2 } ;
* common I / O routines
# ifdef CHIP1371
static unsigned int snd_es1371_wait_src_ready ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq )
unsigned int t , r = 0 ;
for ( t = 0 ; t < POLL_COUNT ; t + + ) {
r = inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) ;
if ( ( r & ES_1371_SRC_RAM_BUSY ) = = 0 )
return r ;
cond_resched ( ) ;
snd_printk ( " wait source ready timeout 0x%lx [0x%x] \n " , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) , r ) ;
return 0 ;
static unsigned int snd_es1371_src_read ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq , unsigned short reg )
unsigned int temp , i , orig , r ;
/* wait for ready */
temp = orig = snd_es1371_wait_src_ready ( ensoniq ) ;
/* expose the SRC state bits */
r = temp & ( ES_1371_SRC_DISABLE | ES_1371_DIS_P1 |
ES_1371_DIS_P2 | ES_1371_DIS_R1 ) ;
r | = ES_1371_SRC_RAM_ADDRO ( reg ) | 0x10000 ;
outl ( r , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) ;
/* now, wait for busy and the correct time to read */
temp = snd_es1371_wait_src_ready ( ensoniq ) ;
if ( ( temp & 0x00870000 ) ! = 0x00010000 ) {
/* wait for the right state */
for ( i = 0 ; i < POLL_COUNT ; i + + ) {
temp = inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) ;
if ( ( temp & 0x00870000 ) = = 0x00010000 )
break ;
/* hide the state bits */
r = orig & ( ES_1371_SRC_DISABLE | ES_1371_DIS_P1 |
ES_1371_DIS_P2 | ES_1371_DIS_R1 ) ;
r | = ES_1371_SRC_RAM_ADDRO ( reg ) ;
outl ( r , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) ;
return temp ;
static void snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq ,
unsigned short reg , unsigned short data )
unsigned int r ;
r = snd_es1371_wait_src_ready ( ensoniq ) &
( ES_1371_SRC_DISABLE | ES_1371_DIS_P1 |
ES_1371_DIS_P2 | ES_1371_DIS_R1 ) ;
r | = ES_1371_SRC_RAM_ADDRO ( reg ) | ES_1371_SRC_RAM_DATAO ( data ) ;
outl ( r | ES_1371_SRC_RAM_WE , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) ;
# endif /* CHIP1371 */
# ifdef CHIP1370
static void snd_es1370_codec_write ( ak4531_t * ak4531 ,
unsigned short reg , unsigned short val )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = ak4531 - > private_data ;
unsigned long end_time = jiffies + HZ / 10 ;
#if 0
printk ( " CODEC WRITE: reg = 0x%x, val = 0x%x (0x%x), creg = 0x%x \n " , reg , val , ES_1370_CODEC_WRITE ( reg , val ) , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1370 _CODEC ) ) ;
# endif
do {
if ( ! ( inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , STATUS ) ) & ES_1370_CSTAT ) ) {
outw ( ES_1370_CODEC_WRITE ( reg , val ) , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1370 _CODEC ) ) ;
return ;
set_current_state ( TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE ) ;
schedule_timeout ( 1 ) ;
} while ( time_after ( end_time , jiffies ) ) ;
snd_printk ( " codec write timeout, status = 0x%x \n " , inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , STATUS ) ) ) ;
# endif /* CHIP1370 */
# ifdef CHIP1371
static void snd_es1371_codec_write ( ac97_t * ac97 ,
unsigned short reg , unsigned short val )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = ac97 - > private_data ;
unsigned int t , x ;
down ( & ensoniq - > src_mutex ) ;
for ( t = 0 ; t < POLL_COUNT ; t + + ) {
if ( ! ( inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _CODEC ) ) & ES_1371_CODEC_WIP ) ) {
/* save the current state for latter */
x = snd_es1371_wait_src_ready ( ensoniq ) ;
outl ( ( x & ( ES_1371_SRC_DISABLE | ES_1371_DIS_P1 |
ES_1371_DIS_P2 | ES_1371_DIS_R1 ) ) | 0x00010000 ,
ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) ;
/* wait for not busy (state 0) first to avoid
transition states */
for ( t = 0 ; t < POLL_COUNT ; t + + ) {
if ( ( inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) & 0x00870000 ) = = 0x00000000 )
break ;
/* wait for a SAFE time to write addr/data and then do it, dammit */
for ( t = 0 ; t < POLL_COUNT ; t + + ) {
if ( ( inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) & 0x00870000 ) = = 0x00010000 )
break ;
outl ( ES_1371_CODEC_WRITE ( reg , val ) , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _CODEC ) ) ;
/* restore SRC reg */
snd_es1371_wait_src_ready ( ensoniq ) ;
outl ( x , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) ;
up ( & ensoniq - > src_mutex ) ;
return ;
up ( & ensoniq - > src_mutex ) ;
snd_printk ( " codec write timeout at 0x%lx [0x%x] \n " , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _CODEC ) , inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _CODEC ) ) ) ;
static unsigned short snd_es1371_codec_read ( ac97_t * ac97 ,
unsigned short reg )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = ac97 - > private_data ;
unsigned int t , x , fail = 0 ;
__again :
down ( & ensoniq - > src_mutex ) ;
for ( t = 0 ; t < POLL_COUNT ; t + + ) {
if ( ! ( inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _CODEC ) ) & ES_1371_CODEC_WIP ) ) {
/* save the current state for latter */
x = snd_es1371_wait_src_ready ( ensoniq ) ;
outl ( ( x & ( ES_1371_SRC_DISABLE | ES_1371_DIS_P1 |
ES_1371_DIS_P2 | ES_1371_DIS_R1 ) ) | 0x00010000 ,
ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) ;
/* wait for not busy (state 0) first to avoid
transition states */
for ( t = 0 ; t < POLL_COUNT ; t + + ) {
if ( ( inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) & 0x00870000 ) = = 0x00000000 )
break ;
/* wait for a SAFE time to write addr/data and then do it, dammit */
for ( t = 0 ; t < POLL_COUNT ; t + + ) {
if ( ( inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) & 0x00870000 ) = = 0x00010000 )
break ;
outl ( ES_1371_CODEC_READS ( reg ) , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _CODEC ) ) ;
/* restore SRC reg */
snd_es1371_wait_src_ready ( ensoniq ) ;
outl ( x , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) ;
/* wait for WIP again */
for ( t = 0 ; t < POLL_COUNT ; t + + ) {
if ( ! ( inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _CODEC ) ) & ES_1371_CODEC_WIP ) )
break ;
/* now wait for the stinkin' data (RDY) */
for ( t = 0 ; t < POLL_COUNT ; t + + ) {
if ( ( x = inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _CODEC ) ) ) & ES_1371_CODEC_RDY ) {
up ( & ensoniq - > src_mutex ) ;
return ES_1371_CODEC_READ ( x ) ;
up ( & ensoniq - > src_mutex ) ;
if ( + + fail > 10 ) {
snd_printk ( " codec read timeout (final) at 0x%lx, reg = 0x%x [0x%x] \n " , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _CODEC ) , reg , inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _CODEC ) ) ) ;
return 0 ;
goto __again ;
up ( & ensoniq - > src_mutex ) ;
snd_printk ( " es1371: codec read timeout at 0x%lx [0x%x] \n " , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _CODEC ) , inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _CODEC ) ) ) ;
return 0 ;
static void snd_es1371_adc_rate ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq , unsigned int rate )
unsigned int n , truncm , freq , result ;
down ( & ensoniq - > src_mutex ) ;
n = rate / 3000 ;
if ( ( 1 < < n ) & ( ( 1 < < 15 ) | ( 1 < < 13 ) | ( 1 < < 11 ) | ( 1 < < 9 ) ) )
n - - ;
truncm = ( 21 * n - 1 ) | 1 ;
freq = ( ( 48000UL < < 15 ) / rate ) * n ;
result = ( 48000UL < < 15 ) / ( freq / n ) ;
if ( rate > = 24000 ) {
if ( truncm > 239 )
truncm = 239 ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_ADC + ES_SMPREG_TRUNC_N ,
( ( ( 239 - truncm ) > > 1 ) < < 9 ) | ( n < < 4 ) ) ;
} else {
if ( truncm > 119 )
truncm = 119 ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_ADC + ES_SMPREG_TRUNC_N ,
0x8000 | ( ( ( 119 - truncm ) > > 1 ) < < 9 ) | ( n < < 4 ) ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_ADC + ES_SMPREG_INT_REGS ,
( snd_es1371_src_read ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_ADC + ES_SMPREG_INT_REGS ) & 0x00ff ) |
( ( freq > > 5 ) & 0xfc00 ) ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_ADC + ES_SMPREG_VFREQ_FRAC , freq & 0x7fff ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_VOL_ADC , n < < 8 ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_VOL_ADC + 1 , n < < 8 ) ;
up ( & ensoniq - > src_mutex ) ;
static void snd_es1371_dac1_rate ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq , unsigned int rate )
unsigned int freq , r ;
down ( & ensoniq - > src_mutex ) ;
freq = ( ( rate < < 15 ) + 1500 ) / 3000 ;
r = ( snd_es1371_wait_src_ready ( ensoniq ) & ( ES_1371_SRC_DISABLE | ES_1371_DIS_P2 | ES_1371_DIS_R1 ) ) | ES_1371_DIS_P1 ;
outl ( r , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_DAC1 + ES_SMPREG_INT_REGS ,
( snd_es1371_src_read ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_DAC1 + ES_SMPREG_INT_REGS ) & 0x00ff ) |
( ( freq > > 5 ) & 0xfc00 ) ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_DAC1 + ES_SMPREG_VFREQ_FRAC , freq & 0x7fff ) ;
r = ( snd_es1371_wait_src_ready ( ensoniq ) & ( ES_1371_SRC_DISABLE | ES_1371_DIS_P2 | ES_1371_DIS_R1 ) ) ;
outl ( r , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) ;
up ( & ensoniq - > src_mutex ) ;
static void snd_es1371_dac2_rate ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq , unsigned int rate )
unsigned int freq , r ;
down ( & ensoniq - > src_mutex ) ;
freq = ( ( rate < < 15 ) + 1500 ) / 3000 ;
r = ( snd_es1371_wait_src_ready ( ensoniq ) & ( ES_1371_SRC_DISABLE | ES_1371_DIS_P1 | ES_1371_DIS_R1 ) ) | ES_1371_DIS_P2 ;
outl ( r , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_DAC2 + ES_SMPREG_INT_REGS ,
( snd_es1371_src_read ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_DAC2 + ES_SMPREG_INT_REGS ) & 0x00ff ) |
( ( freq > > 5 ) & 0xfc00 ) ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_DAC2 + ES_SMPREG_VFREQ_FRAC , freq & 0x7fff ) ;
r = ( snd_es1371_wait_src_ready ( ensoniq ) & ( ES_1371_SRC_DISABLE | ES_1371_DIS_P1 | ES_1371_DIS_R1 ) ) ;
outl ( r , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) ;
up ( & ensoniq - > src_mutex ) ;
# endif /* CHIP1371 */
static int snd_ensoniq_trigger ( snd_pcm_substream_t * substream , int cmd )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_pcm_substream_chip ( substream ) ;
switch ( cmd ) {
unsigned int what = 0 ;
struct list_head * pos ;
snd_pcm_substream_t * s ;
snd_pcm_group_for_each ( pos , substream ) {
s = snd_pcm_group_substream_entry ( pos ) ;
if ( s = = ensoniq - > playback1_substream ) {
what | = ES_P1_PAUSE ;
snd_pcm_trigger_done ( s , substream ) ;
} else if ( s = = ensoniq - > playback2_substream ) {
what | = ES_P2_PAUSE ;
snd_pcm_trigger_done ( s , substream ) ;
} else if ( s = = ensoniq - > capture_substream )
return - EINVAL ;
spin_lock ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
ensoniq - > sctrl | = what ;
ensoniq - > sctrl & = ~ what ;
outl ( ensoniq - > sctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , SERIAL ) ) ;
spin_unlock ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
break ;
unsigned int what = 0 ;
struct list_head * pos ;
snd_pcm_substream_t * s ;
snd_pcm_group_for_each ( pos , substream ) {
s = snd_pcm_group_substream_entry ( pos ) ;
if ( s = = ensoniq - > playback1_substream ) {
what | = ES_DAC1_EN ;
snd_pcm_trigger_done ( s , substream ) ;
} else if ( s = = ensoniq - > playback2_substream ) {
what | = ES_DAC2_EN ;
snd_pcm_trigger_done ( s , substream ) ;
} else if ( s = = ensoniq - > capture_substream ) {
what | = ES_ADC_EN ;
snd_pcm_trigger_done ( s , substream ) ;
spin_lock ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
ensoniq - > ctrl | = what ;
ensoniq - > ctrl & = ~ what ;
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
spin_unlock ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
break ;
default :
return - EINVAL ;
return 0 ;
* PCM part
static int snd_ensoniq_hw_params ( snd_pcm_substream_t * substream ,
snd_pcm_hw_params_t * hw_params )
return snd_pcm_lib_malloc_pages ( substream , params_buffer_bytes ( hw_params ) ) ;
static int snd_ensoniq_hw_free ( snd_pcm_substream_t * substream )
return snd_pcm_lib_free_pages ( substream ) ;
static int snd_ensoniq_playback1_prepare ( snd_pcm_substream_t * substream )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_pcm_substream_chip ( substream ) ;
snd_pcm_runtime_t * runtime = substream - > runtime ;
unsigned int mode = 0 ;
ensoniq - > p1_dma_size = snd_pcm_lib_buffer_bytes ( substream ) ;
ensoniq - > p1_period_size = snd_pcm_lib_period_bytes ( substream ) ;
if ( snd_pcm_format_width ( runtime - > format ) = = 16 )
mode | = 0x02 ;
if ( runtime - > channels > 1 )
mode | = 0x01 ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
ensoniq - > ctrl & = ~ ES_DAC1_EN ;
# ifdef CHIP1371
/* 48k doesn't need SRC (it breaks AC3-passthru) */
if ( runtime - > rate = = 48000 )
ensoniq - > ctrl | = ES_1373_BYPASS_P1 ;
ensoniq - > ctrl & = ~ ES_1373_BYPASS_P1 ;
# endif
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
outl ( ES_MEM_PAGEO ( ES_PAGE_DAC ) , ES_REG ( ensoniq , MEM_PAGE ) ) ;
outl ( runtime - > dma_addr , ES_REG ( ensoniq , DAC1_FRAME ) ) ;
outl ( ( ensoniq - > p1_dma_size > > 2 ) - 1 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , DAC1_SIZE ) ) ;
ensoniq - > sctrl & = ~ ( ES_P1_LOOP_SEL | ES_P1_PAUSE | ES_P1_SCT_RLD | ES_P1_MODEM ) ;
ensoniq - > sctrl | = ES_P1_INT_EN | ES_P1_MODEO ( mode ) ;
outl ( ensoniq - > sctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , SERIAL ) ) ;
outl ( ( ensoniq - > p1_period_size > > snd_ensoniq_sample_shift [ mode ] ) - 1 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , DAC1_COUNT ) ) ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
ensoniq - > ctrl & = ~ ES_1370_WTSRSELM ;
switch ( runtime - > rate ) {
case 5512 : ensoniq - > ctrl | = ES_1370_WTSRSEL ( 0 ) ; break ;
case 11025 : ensoniq - > ctrl | = ES_1370_WTSRSEL ( 1 ) ; break ;
case 22050 : ensoniq - > ctrl | = ES_1370_WTSRSEL ( 2 ) ; break ;
case 44100 : ensoniq - > ctrl | = ES_1370_WTSRSEL ( 3 ) ; break ;
default : snd_BUG ( ) ;
# endif
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
# ifndef CHIP1370
snd_es1371_dac1_rate ( ensoniq , runtime - > rate ) ;
# endif
return 0 ;
static int snd_ensoniq_playback2_prepare ( snd_pcm_substream_t * substream )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_pcm_substream_chip ( substream ) ;
snd_pcm_runtime_t * runtime = substream - > runtime ;
unsigned int mode = 0 ;
ensoniq - > p2_dma_size = snd_pcm_lib_buffer_bytes ( substream ) ;
ensoniq - > p2_period_size = snd_pcm_lib_period_bytes ( substream ) ;
if ( snd_pcm_format_width ( runtime - > format ) = = 16 )
mode | = 0x02 ;
if ( runtime - > channels > 1 )
mode | = 0x01 ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
ensoniq - > ctrl & = ~ ES_DAC2_EN ;
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
outl ( ES_MEM_PAGEO ( ES_PAGE_DAC ) , ES_REG ( ensoniq , MEM_PAGE ) ) ;
outl ( runtime - > dma_addr , ES_REG ( ensoniq , DAC2_FRAME ) ) ;
outl ( ( ensoniq - > p2_dma_size > > 2 ) - 1 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , DAC2_SIZE ) ) ;
ensoniq - > sctrl & = ~ ( ES_P2_LOOP_SEL | ES_P2_PAUSE | ES_P2_DAC_SEN |
ensoniq - > sctrl | = ES_P2_INT_EN | ES_P2_MODEO ( mode ) |
ES_P2_END_INCO ( mode & 2 ? 2 : 1 ) | ES_P2_ST_INCO ( 0 ) ;
outl ( ensoniq - > sctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , SERIAL ) ) ;
outl ( ( ensoniq - > p2_period_size > > snd_ensoniq_sample_shift [ mode ] ) - 1 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , DAC2_COUNT ) ) ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
if ( ! ( ensoniq - > u . es1370 . pclkdiv_lock & ES_MODE_CAPTURE ) ) {
ensoniq - > ctrl & = ~ ES_1370_PCLKDIVM ;
ensoniq - > ctrl | = ES_1370_PCLKDIVO ( ES_1370_SRTODIV ( runtime - > rate ) ) ;
ensoniq - > u . es1370 . pclkdiv_lock | = ES_MODE_PLAY2 ;
# endif
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
# ifndef CHIP1370
snd_es1371_dac2_rate ( ensoniq , runtime - > rate ) ;
# endif
return 0 ;
static int snd_ensoniq_capture_prepare ( snd_pcm_substream_t * substream )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_pcm_substream_chip ( substream ) ;
snd_pcm_runtime_t * runtime = substream - > runtime ;
unsigned int mode = 0 ;
ensoniq - > c_dma_size = snd_pcm_lib_buffer_bytes ( substream ) ;
ensoniq - > c_period_size = snd_pcm_lib_period_bytes ( substream ) ;
if ( snd_pcm_format_width ( runtime - > format ) = = 16 )
mode | = 0x02 ;
if ( runtime - > channels > 1 )
mode | = 0x01 ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
ensoniq - > ctrl & = ~ ES_ADC_EN ;
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
outl ( ES_MEM_PAGEO ( ES_PAGE_ADC ) , ES_REG ( ensoniq , MEM_PAGE ) ) ;
outl ( runtime - > dma_addr , ES_REG ( ensoniq , ADC_FRAME ) ) ;
outl ( ( ensoniq - > c_dma_size > > 2 ) - 1 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , ADC_SIZE ) ) ;
ensoniq - > sctrl & = ~ ( ES_R1_LOOP_SEL | ES_R1_MODEM ) ;
ensoniq - > sctrl | = ES_R1_INT_EN | ES_R1_MODEO ( mode ) ;
outl ( ensoniq - > sctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , SERIAL ) ) ;
outl ( ( ensoniq - > c_period_size > > snd_ensoniq_sample_shift [ mode ] ) - 1 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , ADC_COUNT ) ) ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
if ( ! ( ensoniq - > u . es1370 . pclkdiv_lock & ES_MODE_PLAY2 ) ) {
ensoniq - > ctrl & = ~ ES_1370_PCLKDIVM ;
ensoniq - > ctrl | = ES_1370_PCLKDIVO ( ES_1370_SRTODIV ( runtime - > rate ) ) ;
ensoniq - > u . es1370 . pclkdiv_lock | = ES_MODE_CAPTURE ;
# endif
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
# ifndef CHIP1370
snd_es1371_adc_rate ( ensoniq , runtime - > rate ) ;
# endif
return 0 ;
static snd_pcm_uframes_t snd_ensoniq_playback1_pointer ( snd_pcm_substream_t * substream )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_pcm_substream_chip ( substream ) ;
size_t ptr ;
spin_lock ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
if ( inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) & ES_DAC1_EN ) {
outl ( ES_MEM_PAGEO ( ES_PAGE_DAC ) , ES_REG ( ensoniq , MEM_PAGE ) ) ;
ptr = ES_REG_FCURR_COUNTI ( inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , DAC1_SIZE ) ) ) ;
ptr = bytes_to_frames ( substream - > runtime , ptr ) ;
} else {
ptr = 0 ;
spin_unlock ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return ptr ;
static snd_pcm_uframes_t snd_ensoniq_playback2_pointer ( snd_pcm_substream_t * substream )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_pcm_substream_chip ( substream ) ;
size_t ptr ;
spin_lock ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
if ( inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) & ES_DAC2_EN ) {
outl ( ES_MEM_PAGEO ( ES_PAGE_DAC ) , ES_REG ( ensoniq , MEM_PAGE ) ) ;
ptr = ES_REG_FCURR_COUNTI ( inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , DAC2_SIZE ) ) ) ;
ptr = bytes_to_frames ( substream - > runtime , ptr ) ;
} else {
ptr = 0 ;
spin_unlock ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return ptr ;
static snd_pcm_uframes_t snd_ensoniq_capture_pointer ( snd_pcm_substream_t * substream )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_pcm_substream_chip ( substream ) ;
size_t ptr ;
spin_lock ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
if ( inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) & ES_ADC_EN ) {
outl ( ES_MEM_PAGEO ( ES_PAGE_ADC ) , ES_REG ( ensoniq , MEM_PAGE ) ) ;
ptr = ES_REG_FCURR_COUNTI ( inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , ADC_SIZE ) ) ) ;
ptr = bytes_to_frames ( substream - > runtime , ptr ) ;
} else {
ptr = 0 ;
spin_unlock ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return ptr ;
static snd_pcm_hardware_t snd_ensoniq_playback1 =
. rates =
# ifndef CHIP1370
# else
( SNDRV_PCM_RATE_KNOT | /* 5512Hz rate */
SNDRV_PCM_RATE_44100 ) ,
# endif
. rate_min = 4000 ,
. rate_max = 48000 ,
. channels_min = 1 ,
. channels_max = 2 ,
. buffer_bytes_max = ( 128 * 1024 ) ,
. period_bytes_min = 64 ,
. period_bytes_max = ( 128 * 1024 ) ,
. periods_min = 1 ,
. periods_max = 1024 ,
. fifo_size = 0 ,
} ;
static snd_pcm_hardware_t snd_ensoniq_playback2 =
. rate_min = 4000 ,
. rate_max = 48000 ,
. channels_min = 1 ,
. channels_max = 2 ,
. buffer_bytes_max = ( 128 * 1024 ) ,
. period_bytes_min = 64 ,
. period_bytes_max = ( 128 * 1024 ) ,
. periods_min = 1 ,
. periods_max = 1024 ,
. fifo_size = 0 ,
} ;
static snd_pcm_hardware_t snd_ensoniq_capture =
. rate_min = 4000 ,
. rate_max = 48000 ,
. channels_min = 1 ,
. channels_max = 2 ,
. buffer_bytes_max = ( 128 * 1024 ) ,
. period_bytes_min = 64 ,
. period_bytes_max = ( 128 * 1024 ) ,
. periods_min = 1 ,
. periods_max = 1024 ,
. fifo_size = 0 ,
} ;
static int snd_ensoniq_playback1_open ( snd_pcm_substream_t * substream )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_pcm_substream_chip ( substream ) ;
snd_pcm_runtime_t * runtime = substream - > runtime ;
ensoniq - > mode | = ES_MODE_PLAY1 ;
ensoniq - > playback1_substream = substream ;
runtime - > hw = snd_ensoniq_playback1 ;
snd_pcm_set_sync ( substream ) ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
if ( ensoniq - > spdif & & ensoniq - > playback2_substream = = NULL )
ensoniq - > spdif_stream = ensoniq - > spdif_default ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
snd_pcm_hw_constraint_list ( runtime , 0 , SNDRV_PCM_HW_PARAM_RATE ,
& snd_es1370_hw_constraints_rates ) ;
# else
snd_pcm_hw_constraint_ratdens ( runtime , 0 , SNDRV_PCM_HW_PARAM_RATE ,
& snd_es1371_hw_constraints_dac_clock ) ;
# endif
return 0 ;
static int snd_ensoniq_playback2_open ( snd_pcm_substream_t * substream )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_pcm_substream_chip ( substream ) ;
snd_pcm_runtime_t * runtime = substream - > runtime ;
ensoniq - > mode | = ES_MODE_PLAY2 ;
ensoniq - > playback2_substream = substream ;
runtime - > hw = snd_ensoniq_playback2 ;
snd_pcm_set_sync ( substream ) ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
if ( ensoniq - > spdif & & ensoniq - > playback1_substream = = NULL )
ensoniq - > spdif_stream = ensoniq - > spdif_default ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
snd_pcm_hw_constraint_ratnums ( runtime , 0 , SNDRV_PCM_HW_PARAM_RATE ,
& snd_es1370_hw_constraints_clock ) ;
# else
snd_pcm_hw_constraint_ratdens ( runtime , 0 , SNDRV_PCM_HW_PARAM_RATE ,
& snd_es1371_hw_constraints_dac_clock ) ;
# endif
return 0 ;
static int snd_ensoniq_capture_open ( snd_pcm_substream_t * substream )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_pcm_substream_chip ( substream ) ;
snd_pcm_runtime_t * runtime = substream - > runtime ;
ensoniq - > mode | = ES_MODE_CAPTURE ;
ensoniq - > capture_substream = substream ;
runtime - > hw = snd_ensoniq_capture ;
snd_pcm_set_sync ( substream ) ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
snd_pcm_hw_constraint_ratnums ( runtime , 0 , SNDRV_PCM_HW_PARAM_RATE ,
& snd_es1370_hw_constraints_clock ) ;
# else
snd_pcm_hw_constraint_ratnums ( runtime , 0 , SNDRV_PCM_HW_PARAM_RATE ,
& snd_es1371_hw_constraints_adc_clock ) ;
# endif
return 0 ;
static int snd_ensoniq_playback1_close ( snd_pcm_substream_t * substream )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_pcm_substream_chip ( substream ) ;
ensoniq - > playback1_substream = NULL ;
ensoniq - > mode & = ~ ES_MODE_PLAY1 ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_ensoniq_playback2_close ( snd_pcm_substream_t * substream )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_pcm_substream_chip ( substream ) ;
ensoniq - > playback2_substream = NULL ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
ensoniq - > u . es1370 . pclkdiv_lock & = ~ ES_MODE_PLAY2 ;
# endif
ensoniq - > mode & = ~ ES_MODE_PLAY2 ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_ensoniq_capture_close ( snd_pcm_substream_t * substream )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_pcm_substream_chip ( substream ) ;
ensoniq - > capture_substream = NULL ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
ensoniq - > u . es1370 . pclkdiv_lock & = ~ ES_MODE_CAPTURE ;
# endif
ensoniq - > mode & = ~ ES_MODE_CAPTURE ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return 0 ;
static snd_pcm_ops_t snd_ensoniq_playback1_ops = {
. open = snd_ensoniq_playback1_open ,
. close = snd_ensoniq_playback1_close ,
. ioctl = snd_pcm_lib_ioctl ,
. hw_params = snd_ensoniq_hw_params ,
. hw_free = snd_ensoniq_hw_free ,
. prepare = snd_ensoniq_playback1_prepare ,
. trigger = snd_ensoniq_trigger ,
. pointer = snd_ensoniq_playback1_pointer ,
} ;
static snd_pcm_ops_t snd_ensoniq_playback2_ops = {
. open = snd_ensoniq_playback2_open ,
. close = snd_ensoniq_playback2_close ,
. ioctl = snd_pcm_lib_ioctl ,
. hw_params = snd_ensoniq_hw_params ,
. hw_free = snd_ensoniq_hw_free ,
. prepare = snd_ensoniq_playback2_prepare ,
. trigger = snd_ensoniq_trigger ,
. pointer = snd_ensoniq_playback2_pointer ,
} ;
static snd_pcm_ops_t snd_ensoniq_capture_ops = {
. open = snd_ensoniq_capture_open ,
. close = snd_ensoniq_capture_close ,
. ioctl = snd_pcm_lib_ioctl ,
. hw_params = snd_ensoniq_hw_params ,
. hw_free = snd_ensoniq_hw_free ,
. prepare = snd_ensoniq_capture_prepare ,
. trigger = snd_ensoniq_trigger ,
. pointer = snd_ensoniq_capture_pointer ,
} ;
static void snd_ensoniq_pcm_free ( snd_pcm_t * pcm )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = pcm - > private_data ;
ensoniq - > pcm1 = NULL ;
snd_pcm_lib_preallocate_free_for_all ( pcm ) ;
static int __devinit snd_ensoniq_pcm ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq , int device , snd_pcm_t * * rpcm )
snd_pcm_t * pcm ;
int err ;
if ( rpcm )
* rpcm = NULL ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
err = snd_pcm_new ( ensoniq - > card , " ES1370/1 " , device , 1 , 1 , & pcm ) ;
# else
err = snd_pcm_new ( ensoniq - > card , " ES1371/1 " , device , 1 , 1 , & pcm ) ;
# endif
if ( err < 0 )
return err ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
snd_pcm_set_ops ( pcm , SNDRV_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK , & snd_ensoniq_playback2_ops ) ;
# else
snd_pcm_set_ops ( pcm , SNDRV_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK , & snd_ensoniq_playback1_ops ) ;
# endif
snd_pcm_set_ops ( pcm , SNDRV_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE , & snd_ensoniq_capture_ops ) ;
pcm - > private_data = ensoniq ;
pcm - > private_free = snd_ensoniq_pcm_free ;
pcm - > info_flags = 0 ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
strcpy ( pcm - > name , " ES1370 DAC2/ADC " ) ;
# else
strcpy ( pcm - > name , " ES1371 DAC2/ADC " ) ;
# endif
ensoniq - > pcm1 = pcm ;
snd_pcm_lib_preallocate_pages_for_all ( pcm , SNDRV_DMA_TYPE_DEV ,
snd_dma_pci_data ( ensoniq - > pci ) , 64 * 1024 , 128 * 1024 ) ;
if ( rpcm )
* rpcm = pcm ;
return 0 ;
static void snd_ensoniq_pcm_free2 ( snd_pcm_t * pcm )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = pcm - > private_data ;
ensoniq - > pcm2 = NULL ;
snd_pcm_lib_preallocate_free_for_all ( pcm ) ;
static int __devinit snd_ensoniq_pcm2 ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq , int device , snd_pcm_t * * rpcm )
snd_pcm_t * pcm ;
int err ;
if ( rpcm )
* rpcm = NULL ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
err = snd_pcm_new ( ensoniq - > card , " ES1370/2 " , device , 1 , 0 , & pcm ) ;
# else
err = snd_pcm_new ( ensoniq - > card , " ES1371/2 " , device , 1 , 0 , & pcm ) ;
# endif
if ( err < 0 )
return err ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
snd_pcm_set_ops ( pcm , SNDRV_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK , & snd_ensoniq_playback1_ops ) ;
# else
snd_pcm_set_ops ( pcm , SNDRV_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK , & snd_ensoniq_playback2_ops ) ;
# endif
pcm - > private_data = ensoniq ;
pcm - > private_free = snd_ensoniq_pcm_free2 ;
pcm - > info_flags = 0 ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
strcpy ( pcm - > name , " ES1370 DAC1 " ) ;
# else
strcpy ( pcm - > name , " ES1371 DAC1 " ) ;
# endif
ensoniq - > pcm2 = pcm ;
snd_pcm_lib_preallocate_pages_for_all ( pcm , SNDRV_DMA_TYPE_DEV ,
snd_dma_pci_data ( ensoniq - > pci ) , 64 * 1024 , 128 * 1024 ) ;
if ( rpcm )
* rpcm = pcm ;
return 0 ;
* Mixer section
* ENS1371 mixer ( including SPDIF interface )
# ifdef CHIP1371
static int snd_ens1373_spdif_info ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol , snd_ctl_elem_info_t * uinfo )
uinfo - > type = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_TYPE_IEC958 ;
uinfo - > count = 1 ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_ens1373_spdif_default_get ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol ,
snd_ctl_elem_value_t * ucontrol )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_kcontrol_chip ( kcontrol ) ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 0 ] = ( ensoniq - > spdif_default > > 0 ) & 0xff ;
ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 1 ] = ( ensoniq - > spdif_default > > 8 ) & 0xff ;
ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 2 ] = ( ensoniq - > spdif_default > > 16 ) & 0xff ;
ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 3 ] = ( ensoniq - > spdif_default > > 24 ) & 0xff ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_ens1373_spdif_default_put ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol ,
snd_ctl_elem_value_t * ucontrol )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_kcontrol_chip ( kcontrol ) ;
unsigned int val ;
int change ;
val = ( ( u32 ) ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 0 ] < < 0 ) |
( ( u32 ) ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 1 ] < < 8 ) |
( ( u32 ) ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 2 ] < < 16 ) |
( ( u32 ) ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 3 ] < < 24 ) ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
change = ensoniq - > spdif_default ! = val ;
ensoniq - > spdif_default = val ;
if ( change & & ensoniq - > playback1_substream = = NULL & & ensoniq - > playback2_substream = = NULL )
outl ( val , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CHANNEL_STATUS ) ) ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return change ;
static int snd_ens1373_spdif_mask_get ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol ,
snd_ctl_elem_value_t * ucontrol )
ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 0 ] = 0xff ;
ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 1 ] = 0xff ;
ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 2 ] = 0xff ;
ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 3 ] = 0xff ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_ens1373_spdif_stream_get ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol ,
snd_ctl_elem_value_t * ucontrol )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_kcontrol_chip ( kcontrol ) ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 0 ] = ( ensoniq - > spdif_stream > > 0 ) & 0xff ;
ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 1 ] = ( ensoniq - > spdif_stream > > 8 ) & 0xff ;
ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 2 ] = ( ensoniq - > spdif_stream > > 16 ) & 0xff ;
ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 3 ] = ( ensoniq - > spdif_stream > > 24 ) & 0xff ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_ens1373_spdif_stream_put ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol ,
snd_ctl_elem_value_t * ucontrol )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_kcontrol_chip ( kcontrol ) ;
unsigned int val ;
int change ;
val = ( ( u32 ) ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 0 ] < < 0 ) |
( ( u32 ) ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 1 ] < < 8 ) |
( ( u32 ) ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 2 ] < < 16 ) |
( ( u32 ) ucontrol - > value . iec958 . status [ 3 ] < < 24 ) ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
change = ensoniq - > spdif_stream ! = val ;
ensoniq - > spdif_stream = val ;
if ( change & & ( ensoniq - > playback1_substream ! = NULL | | ensoniq - > playback2_substream ! = NULL ) )
outl ( val , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CHANNEL_STATUS ) ) ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return change ;
# define ES1371_SPDIF(xname) \
{ . iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER , . name = xname , . info = snd_es1371_spdif_info , \
. get = snd_es1371_spdif_get , . put = snd_es1371_spdif_put }
static int snd_es1371_spdif_info ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol , snd_ctl_elem_info_t * uinfo )
uinfo - > type = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_TYPE_BOOLEAN ;
uinfo - > count = 1 ;
uinfo - > value . integer . min = 0 ;
uinfo - > value . integer . max = 1 ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_es1371_spdif_get ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol , snd_ctl_elem_value_t * ucontrol )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_kcontrol_chip ( kcontrol ) ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
ucontrol - > value . integer . value [ 0 ] = ensoniq - > ctrl & ES_1373_SPDIF_THRU ? 1 : 0 ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_es1371_spdif_put ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol , snd_ctl_elem_value_t * ucontrol )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_kcontrol_chip ( kcontrol ) ;
unsigned int nval1 , nval2 ;
int change ;
nval1 = ucontrol - > value . integer . value [ 0 ] ? ES_1373_SPDIF_THRU : 0 ;
nval2 = ucontrol - > value . integer . value [ 0 ] ? ES_1373_SPDIF_EN : 0 ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
change = ( ensoniq - > ctrl & ES_1373_SPDIF_THRU ) ! = nval1 ;
ensoniq - > ctrl & = ~ ES_1373_SPDIF_THRU ;
ensoniq - > ctrl | = nval1 ;
ensoniq - > cssr & = ~ ES_1373_SPDIF_EN ;
ensoniq - > cssr | = nval2 ;
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
outl ( ensoniq - > cssr , ES_REG ( ensoniq , STATUS ) ) ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return change ;
/* spdif controls */
static snd_kcontrol_new_t snd_es1371_mixer_spdif [ ] __devinitdata = {
ES1371_SPDIF ( " IEC958 Playback Switch " ) ,
. name = SNDRV_CTL_NAME_IEC958 ( " " , PLAYBACK , DEFAULT ) ,
. info = snd_ens1373_spdif_info ,
. get = snd_ens1373_spdif_default_get ,
. put = snd_ens1373_spdif_default_put ,
} ,
. name = SNDRV_CTL_NAME_IEC958 ( " " , PLAYBACK , MASK ) ,
. info = snd_ens1373_spdif_info ,
. get = snd_ens1373_spdif_mask_get
} ,
. name = SNDRV_CTL_NAME_IEC958 ( " " , PLAYBACK , PCM_STREAM ) ,
. info = snd_ens1373_spdif_info ,
. get = snd_ens1373_spdif_stream_get ,
. put = snd_ens1373_spdif_stream_put
} ,
} ;
static int snd_es1373_rear_info ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol , snd_ctl_elem_info_t * uinfo )
uinfo - > type = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_TYPE_BOOLEAN ;
uinfo - > count = 1 ;
uinfo - > value . integer . min = 0 ;
uinfo - > value . integer . max = 1 ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_es1373_rear_get ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol , snd_ctl_elem_value_t * ucontrol )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_kcontrol_chip ( kcontrol ) ;
int val = 0 ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
if ( ( ensoniq - > cssr & ( ES_1373_REAR_BIT27 | ES_1373_REAR_BIT26 | ES_1373_REAR_BIT24 ) ) = = ES_1373_REAR_BIT26 )
val = 1 ;
ucontrol - > value . integer . value [ 0 ] = val ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_es1373_rear_put ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol , snd_ctl_elem_value_t * ucontrol )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_kcontrol_chip ( kcontrol ) ;
unsigned int nval1 ;
int change ;
nval1 = ucontrol - > value . integer . value [ 0 ] ? ES_1373_REAR_BIT26 : ( ES_1373_REAR_BIT27 | ES_1373_REAR_BIT24 ) ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
change = ( ensoniq - > cssr & ( ES_1373_REAR_BIT27 | ES_1373_REAR_BIT26 | ES_1373_REAR_BIT24 ) ) ! = nval1 ;
ensoniq - > cssr & = ~ ( ES_1373_REAR_BIT27 | ES_1373_REAR_BIT26 | ES_1373_REAR_BIT24 ) ;
ensoniq - > cssr | = nval1 ;
outl ( ensoniq - > cssr , ES_REG ( ensoniq , STATUS ) ) ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return change ;
static snd_kcontrol_new_t snd_ens1373_rear __devinitdata =
. name = " AC97 2ch->4ch Copy Switch " ,
. info = snd_es1373_rear_info ,
. get = snd_es1373_rear_get ,
. put = snd_es1373_rear_put ,
} ;
static int snd_es1373_line_info ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol , snd_ctl_elem_info_t * uinfo )
uinfo - > type = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_TYPE_BOOLEAN ;
uinfo - > count = 1 ;
uinfo - > value . integer . min = 0 ;
uinfo - > value . integer . max = 1 ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_es1373_line_get ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol , snd_ctl_elem_value_t * ucontrol )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_kcontrol_chip ( kcontrol ) ;
int val = 0 ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
if ( ( ensoniq - > ctrl & ES_1371_GPIO_OUTM ) > = 4 )
val = 1 ;
ucontrol - > value . integer . value [ 0 ] = val ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_es1373_line_put ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol , snd_ctl_elem_value_t * ucontrol )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_kcontrol_chip ( kcontrol ) ;
int changed ;
unsigned int ctrl ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
ctrl = ensoniq - > ctrl ;
if ( ucontrol - > value . integer . value [ 0 ] )
ensoniq - > ctrl | = ES_1371_GPIO_OUT ( 4 ) ; /* switch line-in -> rear out */
ensoniq - > ctrl & = ~ ES_1371_GPIO_OUT ( 4 ) ;
changed = ( ctrl ! = ensoniq - > ctrl ) ;
if ( changed )
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return changed ;
static snd_kcontrol_new_t snd_ens1373_line __devinitdata =
. name = " Line In->Rear Out Switch " ,
. info = snd_es1373_line_info ,
. get = snd_es1373_line_get ,
. put = snd_es1373_line_put ,
} ;
static void snd_ensoniq_mixer_free_ac97 ( ac97_t * ac97 )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = ac97 - > private_data ;
ensoniq - > u . es1371 . ac97 = NULL ;
static struct {
unsigned short vid ; /* vendor ID */
unsigned short did ; /* device ID */
unsigned char rev ; /* revision */
} es1371_spdif_present [ ] __devinitdata = {
{ . vid = PCI_VENDOR_ID_ENSONIQ , . did = PCI_DEVICE_ID_ENSONIQ_CT5880 , . rev = CT5880REV_CT5880_C } ,
{ . vid = PCI_VENDOR_ID_ENSONIQ , . did = PCI_DEVICE_ID_ENSONIQ_CT5880 , . rev = CT5880REV_CT5880_D } ,
{ . vid = PCI_VENDOR_ID_ENSONIQ , . did = PCI_DEVICE_ID_ENSONIQ_CT5880 , . rev = CT5880REV_CT5880_E } ,
{ . vid = PCI_VENDOR_ID_ENSONIQ , . did = PCI_DEVICE_ID_ENSONIQ_ES1371 , . rev = ES1371REV_CT5880_A } ,
{ . vid = PCI_VENDOR_ID_ENSONIQ , . did = PCI_DEVICE_ID_ENSONIQ_ES1371 , . rev = ES1371REV_ES1373_8 } ,
{ . vid = PCI_ANY_ID , . did = PCI_ANY_ID }
} ;
static int snd_ensoniq_1371_mixer ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq )
snd_card_t * card = ensoniq - > card ;
ac97_bus_t * pbus ;
ac97_template_t ac97 ;
int err , idx ;
static ac97_bus_ops_t ops = {
. write = snd_es1371_codec_write ,
. read = snd_es1371_codec_read ,
} ;
if ( ( err = snd_ac97_bus ( card , 0 , & ops , NULL , & pbus ) ) < 0 )
return err ;
memset ( & ac97 , 0 , sizeof ( ac97 ) ) ;
ac97 . private_data = ensoniq ;
ac97 . private_free = snd_ensoniq_mixer_free_ac97 ;
ac97 . scaps = AC97_SCAP_AUDIO ;
if ( ( err = snd_ac97_mixer ( pbus , & ac97 , & ensoniq - > u . es1371 . ac97 ) ) < 0 )
return err ;
for ( idx = 0 ; es1371_spdif_present [ idx ] . vid ! = ( unsigned short ) PCI_ANY_ID ; idx + + )
if ( ensoniq - > pci - > vendor = = es1371_spdif_present [ idx ] . vid & &
ensoniq - > pci - > device = = es1371_spdif_present [ idx ] . did & &
ensoniq - > rev = = es1371_spdif_present [ idx ] . rev ) {
snd_kcontrol_t * kctl ;
int i , index = 0 ;
ensoniq - > spdif_default = ensoniq - > spdif_stream = SNDRV_PCM_DEFAULT_CON_SPDIF ;
outl ( ensoniq - > spdif_default , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CHANNEL_STATUS ) ) ;
if ( ensoniq - > u . es1371 . ac97 - > ext_id & AC97_EI_SPDIF )
index + + ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( int ) ARRAY_SIZE ( snd_es1371_mixer_spdif ) ; i + + ) {
kctl = snd_ctl_new1 ( & snd_es1371_mixer_spdif [ i ] , ensoniq ) ;
if ( ! kctl )
return - ENOMEM ;
kctl - > id . index = index ;
if ( ( err = snd_ctl_add ( card , kctl ) ) < 0 )
return err ;
break ;
if ( ensoniq - > u . es1371 . ac97 - > ext_id & AC97_EI_SDAC ) {
/* mirror rear to front speakers */
ensoniq - > cssr & = ~ ( ES_1373_REAR_BIT27 | ES_1373_REAR_BIT24 ) ;
ensoniq - > cssr | = ES_1373_REAR_BIT26 ;
err = snd_ctl_add ( card , snd_ctl_new1 ( & snd_ens1373_rear , ensoniq ) ) ;
if ( err < 0 )
return err ;
if ( ( ( ensoniq - > subsystem_vendor_id = = 0x1274 ) & &
( ensoniq - > subsystem_device_id = = 0x2000 ) ) | | /* GA-7DXR */
( ( ensoniq - > subsystem_vendor_id = = 0x1458 ) & &
( ensoniq - > subsystem_device_id = = 0xa000 ) ) ) { /* GA-8IEXP */
err = snd_ctl_add ( card , snd_ctl_new1 ( & snd_ens1373_line , ensoniq ) ) ;
if ( err < 0 )
return err ;
return 0 ;
# endif /* CHIP1371 */
/* generic control callbacks for ens1370 */
# ifdef CHIP1370
# define ENSONIQ_CONTROL(xname, mask) \
{ . iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_CARD , . name = xname , . info = snd_ensoniq_control_info , \
. get = snd_ensoniq_control_get , . put = snd_ensoniq_control_put , \
. private_value = mask }
static int snd_ensoniq_control_info ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol , snd_ctl_elem_info_t * uinfo )
uinfo - > type = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_TYPE_BOOLEAN ;
uinfo - > count = 1 ;
uinfo - > value . integer . min = 0 ;
uinfo - > value . integer . max = 1 ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_ensoniq_control_get ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol , snd_ctl_elem_value_t * ucontrol )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_kcontrol_chip ( kcontrol ) ;
int mask = kcontrol - > private_value ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
ucontrol - > value . integer . value [ 0 ] = ensoniq - > ctrl & mask ? 1 : 0 ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_ensoniq_control_put ( snd_kcontrol_t * kcontrol , snd_ctl_elem_value_t * ucontrol )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = snd_kcontrol_chip ( kcontrol ) ;
int mask = kcontrol - > private_value ;
unsigned int nval ;
int change ;
nval = ucontrol - > value . integer . value [ 0 ] ? mask : 0 ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
change = ( ensoniq - > ctrl & mask ) ! = nval ;
ensoniq - > ctrl & = ~ mask ;
ensoniq - > ctrl | = nval ;
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return change ;
* ENS1370 mixer
static snd_kcontrol_new_t snd_es1370_controls [ 2 ] __devinitdata = {
ENSONIQ_CONTROL ( " PCM 0 Output also on Line-In Jack " , ES_1370_XCTL0 ) ,
ENSONIQ_CONTROL ( " Mic +5V bias " , ES_1370_XCTL1 )
} ;
# define ES1370_CONTROLS ARRAY_SIZE(snd_es1370_controls)
static void snd_ensoniq_mixer_free_ak4531 ( ak4531_t * ak4531 )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = ak4531 - > private_data ;
ensoniq - > u . es1370 . ak4531 = NULL ;
static int __devinit snd_ensoniq_1370_mixer ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq )
snd_card_t * card = ensoniq - > card ;
ak4531_t ak4531 ;
unsigned int idx ;
int err ;
/* try reset AK4531 */
outw ( ES_1370_CODEC_WRITE ( AK4531_RESET , 0x02 ) , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1370 _CODEC ) ) ;
inw ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1370 _CODEC ) ) ;
udelay ( 100 ) ;
outw ( ES_1370_CODEC_WRITE ( AK4531_RESET , 0x03 ) , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1370 _CODEC ) ) ;
inw ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1370 _CODEC ) ) ;
udelay ( 100 ) ;
memset ( & ak4531 , 0 , sizeof ( ak4531 ) ) ;
ak4531 . write = snd_es1370_codec_write ;
ak4531 . private_data = ensoniq ;
ak4531 . private_free = snd_ensoniq_mixer_free_ak4531 ;
if ( ( err = snd_ak4531_mixer ( card , & ak4531 , & ensoniq - > u . es1370 . ak4531 ) ) < 0 )
return err ;
for ( idx = 0 ; idx < ES1370_CONTROLS ; idx + + ) {
err = snd_ctl_add ( card , snd_ctl_new1 ( & snd_es1370_controls [ idx ] , ensoniq ) ) ;
if ( err < 0 )
return err ;
return 0 ;
# endif /* CHIP1370 */
# ifdef CHIP1371
static int __devinit snd_ensoniq_get_joystick_port ( int dev )
switch ( joystick_port [ dev ] ) {
case 0 : /* disabled */
case 1 : /* auto-detect */
case 0x200 :
case 0x208 :
case 0x210 :
case 0x218 :
return joystick_port [ dev ] ;
default :
printk ( KERN_ERR " ens1371: invalid joystick port %#x " , joystick_port [ dev ] ) ;
return 0 ;
# else
static inline int snd_ensoniq_get_joystick_port ( int dev )
return joystick [ dev ] ? 0x200 : 0 ;
# endif
static int __devinit snd_ensoniq_create_gameport ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq , int dev )
struct gameport * gp ;
int io_port ;
io_port = snd_ensoniq_get_joystick_port ( dev ) ;
switch ( io_port ) {
case 0 :
return - ENOSYS ;
case 1 : /* auto_detect */
for ( io_port = 0x200 ; io_port < = 0x218 ; io_port + = 8 )
if ( request_region ( io_port , 8 , " ens137x: gameport " ) )
break ;
if ( io_port > 0x218 ) {
printk ( KERN_WARNING " ens137x: no gameport ports available \n " ) ;
return - EBUSY ;
break ;
default :
if ( ! request_region ( io_port , 8 , " ens137x: gameport " ) ) {
printk ( KERN_WARNING " ens137x: gameport io port 0x%#x in use \n " , io_port ) ;
return - EBUSY ;
break ;
ensoniq - > gameport = gp = gameport_allocate_port ( ) ;
if ( ! gp ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " ens137x: cannot allocate memory for gameport \n " ) ;
release_region ( io_port , 8 ) ;
return - ENOMEM ;
gameport_set_name ( gp , " ES137x " ) ;
gameport_set_phys ( gp , " pci%s/gameport0 " , pci_name ( ensoniq - > pci ) ) ;
gameport_set_dev_parent ( gp , & ensoniq - > pci - > dev ) ;
gp - > io = io_port ;
ensoniq - > ctrl | = ES_JYSTK_EN ;
# ifdef CHIP1371
ensoniq - > ctrl & = ~ ES_1371_JOY_ASELM ;
ensoniq - > ctrl | = ES_1371_JOY_ASEL ( ( io_port - 0x200 ) / 8 ) ;
# endif
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
gameport_register_port ( ensoniq - > gameport ) ;
return 0 ;
static void snd_ensoniq_free_gameport ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq )
if ( ensoniq - > gameport ) {
int port = ensoniq - > gameport - > io ;
gameport_unregister_port ( ensoniq - > gameport ) ;
ensoniq - > gameport = NULL ;
ensoniq - > ctrl & = ~ ES_JYSTK_EN ;
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
release_region ( port , 8 ) ;
# else
static inline int snd_ensoniq_create_gameport ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq , long port ) { return - ENOSYS ; }
static inline void snd_ensoniq_free_gameport ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq ) { }
# endif /* SUPPORT_JOYSTICK */
static void snd_ensoniq_proc_read ( snd_info_entry_t * entry ,
snd_info_buffer_t * buffer )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = entry - > private_data ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
snd_iprintf ( buffer , " Ensoniq AudioPCI ES1370 \n \n " ) ;
# else
snd_iprintf ( buffer , " Ensoniq AudioPCI ES1371 \n \n " ) ;
# endif
snd_iprintf ( buffer , " Joystick enable : %s \n " , ensoniq - > ctrl & ES_JYSTK_EN ? " on " : " off " ) ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
snd_iprintf ( buffer , " MIC +5V bias : %s \n " , ensoniq - > ctrl & ES_1370_XCTL1 ? " on " : " off " ) ;
snd_iprintf ( buffer , " Line In to AOUT : %s \n " , ensoniq - > ctrl & ES_1370_XCTL0 ? " on " : " off " ) ;
# else
snd_iprintf ( buffer , " Joystick port : 0x%x \n " , ( ES_1371_JOY_ASELI ( ensoniq - > ctrl ) * 8 ) + 0x200 ) ;
# endif
static void __devinit snd_ensoniq_proc_init ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq )
snd_info_entry_t * entry ;
if ( ! snd_card_proc_new ( ensoniq - > card , " audiopci " , & entry ) )
snd_info_set_text_ops ( entry , ensoniq , 1024 , snd_ensoniq_proc_read ) ;
static int snd_ensoniq_free ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq )
snd_ensoniq_free_gameport ( ensoniq ) ;
if ( ensoniq - > irq < 0 )
goto __hw_end ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
outl ( ES_1370_SERR_DISABLE , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ; /* switch everything off */
outl ( 0 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , SERIAL ) ) ; /* clear serial interface */
# else
outl ( 0 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ; /* switch everything off */
outl ( 0 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , SERIAL ) ) ; /* clear serial interface */
# endif
synchronize_irq ( ensoniq - > irq ) ;
pci_set_power_state ( ensoniq - > pci , 3 ) ;
__hw_end :
# ifdef CHIP1370
if ( ensoniq - > dma_bug . area )
snd_dma_free_pages ( & ensoniq - > dma_bug ) ;
# endif
if ( ensoniq - > irq > = 0 )
free_irq ( ensoniq - > irq , ( void * ) ensoniq ) ;
pci_release_regions ( ensoniq - > pci ) ;
pci_disable_device ( ensoniq - > pci ) ;
kfree ( ensoniq ) ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_ensoniq_dev_free ( snd_device_t * device )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = device - > device_data ;
return snd_ensoniq_free ( ensoniq ) ;
# ifdef CHIP1371
static struct {
unsigned short svid ; /* subsystem vendor ID */
unsigned short sdid ; /* subsystem device ID */
} es1371_amplifier_hack [ ] = {
{ . svid = 0x107b , . sdid = 0x2150 } , /* Gateway Solo 2150 */
{ . svid = 0x13bd , . sdid = 0x100c } , /* EV1938 on Mebius PC-MJ100V */
{ . svid = 0x1102 , . sdid = 0x5938 } , /* Targa Xtender300 */
{ . svid = 0x1102 , . sdid = 0x8938 } , /* IPC Topnote G notebook */
{ . svid = PCI_ANY_ID , . sdid = PCI_ANY_ID }
} ;
static struct {
unsigned short vid ; /* vendor ID */
unsigned short did ; /* device ID */
unsigned char rev ; /* revision */
} es1371_ac97_reset_hack [ ] = {
{ . vid = PCI_VENDOR_ID_ENSONIQ , . did = PCI_DEVICE_ID_ENSONIQ_CT5880 , . rev = CT5880REV_CT5880_C } ,
{ . vid = PCI_VENDOR_ID_ENSONIQ , . did = PCI_DEVICE_ID_ENSONIQ_CT5880 , . rev = CT5880REV_CT5880_D } ,
{ . vid = PCI_VENDOR_ID_ENSONIQ , . did = PCI_DEVICE_ID_ENSONIQ_CT5880 , . rev = CT5880REV_CT5880_E } ,
{ . vid = PCI_VENDOR_ID_ENSONIQ , . did = PCI_DEVICE_ID_ENSONIQ_ES1371 , . rev = ES1371REV_CT5880_A } ,
{ . vid = PCI_VENDOR_ID_ENSONIQ , . did = PCI_DEVICE_ID_ENSONIQ_ES1371 , . rev = ES1371REV_ES1373_8 } ,
{ . vid = PCI_ANY_ID , . did = PCI_ANY_ID }
} ;
# endif
static int __devinit snd_ensoniq_create ( snd_card_t * card ,
struct pci_dev * pci ,
ensoniq_t * * rensoniq )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq ;
unsigned short cmdw ;
unsigned char cmdb ;
# ifdef CHIP1371
int idx ;
# endif
int err ;
static snd_device_ops_t ops = {
. dev_free = snd_ensoniq_dev_free ,
} ;
* rensoniq = NULL ;
if ( ( err = pci_enable_device ( pci ) ) < 0 )
return err ;
ensoniq = kcalloc ( 1 , sizeof ( * ensoniq ) , GFP_KERNEL ) ;
if ( ensoniq = = NULL ) {
pci_disable_device ( pci ) ;
return - ENOMEM ;
spin_lock_init ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
init_MUTEX ( & ensoniq - > src_mutex ) ;
ensoniq - > card = card ;
ensoniq - > pci = pci ;
ensoniq - > irq = - 1 ;
if ( ( err = pci_request_regions ( pci , " Ensoniq AudioPCI " ) ) < 0 ) {
kfree ( ensoniq ) ;
pci_disable_device ( pci ) ;
return err ;
ensoniq - > port = pci_resource_start ( pci , 0 ) ;
if ( request_irq ( pci - > irq , snd_audiopci_interrupt , SA_INTERRUPT | SA_SHIRQ , " Ensoniq AudioPCI " , ( void * ) ensoniq ) ) {
snd_printk ( " unable to grab IRQ %d \n " , pci - > irq ) ;
snd_ensoniq_free ( ensoniq ) ;
return - EBUSY ;
ensoniq - > irq = pci - > irq ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
if ( snd_dma_alloc_pages ( SNDRV_DMA_TYPE_DEV , snd_dma_pci_data ( pci ) ,
16 , & ensoniq - > dma_bug ) < 0 ) {
snd_printk ( " unable to allocate space for phantom area - dma_bug \n " ) ;
snd_ensoniq_free ( ensoniq ) ;
return - EBUSY ;
# endif
pci_set_master ( pci ) ;
pci_read_config_byte ( pci , PCI_REVISION_ID , & cmdb ) ;
ensoniq - > rev = cmdb ;
pci_read_config_word ( pci , PCI_SUBSYSTEM_VENDOR_ID , & cmdw ) ;
ensoniq - > subsystem_vendor_id = cmdw ;
pci_read_config_word ( pci , PCI_SUBSYSTEM_ID , & cmdw ) ;
ensoniq - > subsystem_device_id = cmdw ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
#if 0
ensoniq - > ctrl = ES_1370_CDC_EN | ES_1370_SERR_DISABLE | ES_1370_PCLKDIVO ( ES_1370_SRTODIV ( 8000 ) ) ;
# else /* get microphone working */
ensoniq - > ctrl = ES_1370_CDC_EN | ES_1370_PCLKDIVO ( ES_1370_SRTODIV ( 8000 ) ) ;
# endif
ensoniq - > sctrl = 0 ;
/* initialize the chips */
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
outl ( ensoniq - > sctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , SERIAL ) ) ;
outl ( ES_MEM_PAGEO ( ES_PAGE_ADC ) , ES_REG ( ensoniq , MEM_PAGE ) ) ;
outl ( ensoniq - > dma_bug . addr , ES_REG ( ensoniq , PHANTOM_FRAME ) ) ;
outl ( 0 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , PHANTOM_COUNT ) ) ;
# else
ensoniq - > ctrl = 0 ;
ensoniq - > sctrl = 0 ;
ensoniq - > cssr = 0 ;
for ( idx = 0 ; es1371_amplifier_hack [ idx ] . svid ! = ( unsigned short ) PCI_ANY_ID ; idx + + )
if ( ensoniq - > subsystem_vendor_id = = es1371_amplifier_hack [ idx ] . svid & &
ensoniq - > subsystem_device_id = = es1371_amplifier_hack [ idx ] . sdid ) {
ensoniq - > ctrl | = ES_1371_GPIO_OUT ( 1 ) ; /* turn amplifier on */
break ;
/* initialize the chips */
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
outl ( ensoniq - > sctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , SERIAL ) ) ;
outl ( 0 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _LEGACY ) ) ;
for ( idx = 0 ; es1371_ac97_reset_hack [ idx ] . vid ! = ( unsigned short ) PCI_ANY_ID ; idx + + )
if ( pci - > vendor = = es1371_ac97_reset_hack [ idx ] . vid & &
pci - > device = = es1371_ac97_reset_hack [ idx ] . did & &
ensoniq - > rev = = es1371_ac97_reset_hack [ idx ] . rev ) {
unsigned long tmo ;
signed long tmo2 ;
ensoniq - > cssr | = ES_1371_ST_AC97_RST ;
outl ( ensoniq - > cssr , ES_REG ( ensoniq , STATUS ) ) ;
/* need to delay around 20ms(bleech) to give
some CODECs enough time to wakeup */
tmo = jiffies + ( HZ / 50 ) + 1 ;
while ( 1 ) {
tmo2 = tmo - jiffies ;
if ( tmo2 < = 0 )
break ;
set_current_state ( TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE ) ;
schedule_timeout ( tmo2 ) ;
break ;
/* AC'97 warm reset to start the bitclk */
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl | ES_1371_SYNC_RES , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
udelay ( 20 ) ;
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
/* Init the sample rate converter */
snd_es1371_wait_src_ready ( ensoniq ) ;
outl ( ES_1371_SRC_DISABLE , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) ;
for ( idx = 0 ; idx < 0x80 ; idx + + )
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , idx , 0 ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_DAC1 + ES_SMPREG_TRUNC_N , 16 < < 4 ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_DAC1 + ES_SMPREG_INT_REGS , 16 < < 10 ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_DAC2 + ES_SMPREG_TRUNC_N , 16 < < 4 ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_DAC2 + ES_SMPREG_INT_REGS , 16 < < 10 ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_VOL_ADC , 1 < < 12 ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_VOL_ADC + 1 , 1 < < 12 ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_VOL_DAC1 , 1 < < 12 ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_VOL_DAC1 + 1 , 1 < < 12 ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_VOL_DAC2 , 1 < < 12 ) ;
snd_es1371_src_write ( ensoniq , ES_SMPREG_VOL_DAC2 + 1 , 1 < < 12 ) ;
snd_es1371_adc_rate ( ensoniq , 22050 ) ;
snd_es1371_dac1_rate ( ensoniq , 22050 ) ;
snd_es1371_dac2_rate ( ensoniq , 22050 ) ;
* enabling the sample rate converter without properly programming
* its parameters causes the chip to lock up ( the SRC busy bit will
* be stuck high , and I ' ve found no way to rectify this other than
* power cycle ) - Thomas Sailer
snd_es1371_wait_src_ready ( ensoniq ) ;
outl ( 0 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _SMPRATE ) ) ;
/* try reset codec directly */
outl ( ES_1371_CODEC_WRITE ( 0 , 0 ) , ES_REG ( ensoniq , 1371 _CODEC ) ) ;
# endif
outb ( ensoniq - > uartc = 0x00 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_CONTROL ) ) ;
outb ( 0x00 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_RES ) ) ;
outl ( ensoniq - > cssr , ES_REG ( ensoniq , STATUS ) ) ;
synchronize_irq ( ensoniq - > irq ) ;
if ( ( err = snd_device_new ( card , SNDRV_DEV_LOWLEVEL , ensoniq , & ops ) ) < 0 ) {
snd_ensoniq_free ( ensoniq ) ;
return err ;
snd_ensoniq_proc_init ( ensoniq ) ;
snd_card_set_dev ( card , & pci - > dev ) ;
* rensoniq = ensoniq ;
return 0 ;
* MIDI section
static void snd_ensoniq_midi_interrupt ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq )
snd_rawmidi_t * rmidi = ensoniq - > rmidi ;
unsigned char status , mask , byte ;
if ( rmidi = = NULL )
return ;
/* do Rx at first */
spin_lock ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
mask = ensoniq - > uartm & ES_MODE_INPUT ? ES_RXRDY : 0 ;
while ( mask ) {
status = inb ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_STATUS ) ) ;
if ( ( status & mask ) = = 0 )
break ;
byte = inb ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_DATA ) ) ;
snd_rawmidi_receive ( ensoniq - > midi_input , & byte , 1 ) ;
spin_unlock ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
/* do Tx at second */
spin_lock ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
mask = ensoniq - > uartm & ES_MODE_OUTPUT ? ES_TXRDY : 0 ;
while ( mask ) {
status = inb ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_STATUS ) ) ;
if ( ( status & mask ) = = 0 )
break ;
if ( snd_rawmidi_transmit ( ensoniq - > midi_output , & byte , 1 ) ! = 1 ) {
ensoniq - > uartc & = ~ ES_TXINTENM ;
outb ( ensoniq - > uartc , ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_CONTROL ) ) ;
mask & = ~ ES_TXRDY ;
} else {
outb ( byte , ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_DATA ) ) ;
spin_unlock ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
static int snd_ensoniq_midi_input_open ( snd_rawmidi_substream_t * substream )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = substream - > rmidi - > private_data ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
ensoniq - > uartm | = ES_MODE_INPUT ;
ensoniq - > midi_input = substream ;
if ( ! ( ensoniq - > uartm & ES_MODE_OUTPUT ) ) {
outb ( ES_CNTRL ( 3 ) , ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_CONTROL ) ) ;
outb ( ensoniq - > uartc = 0 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_CONTROL ) ) ;
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl | = ES_UART_EN , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_ensoniq_midi_input_close ( snd_rawmidi_substream_t * substream )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = substream - > rmidi - > private_data ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
if ( ! ( ensoniq - > uartm & ES_MODE_OUTPUT ) ) {
outb ( ensoniq - > uartc = 0 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_CONTROL ) ) ;
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl & = ~ ES_UART_EN , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
} else {
outb ( ensoniq - > uartc & = ~ ES_RXINTEN , ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_CONTROL ) ) ;
ensoniq - > midi_input = NULL ;
ensoniq - > uartm & = ~ ES_MODE_INPUT ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_ensoniq_midi_output_open ( snd_rawmidi_substream_t * substream )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = substream - > rmidi - > private_data ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
ensoniq - > uartm | = ES_MODE_OUTPUT ;
ensoniq - > midi_output = substream ;
if ( ! ( ensoniq - > uartm & ES_MODE_INPUT ) ) {
outb ( ES_CNTRL ( 3 ) , ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_CONTROL ) ) ;
outb ( ensoniq - > uartc = 0 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_CONTROL ) ) ;
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl | = ES_UART_EN , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return 0 ;
static int snd_ensoniq_midi_output_close ( snd_rawmidi_substream_t * substream )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = substream - > rmidi - > private_data ;
spin_lock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
if ( ! ( ensoniq - > uartm & ES_MODE_INPUT ) ) {
outb ( ensoniq - > uartc = 0 , ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_CONTROL ) ) ;
outl ( ensoniq - > ctrl & = ~ ES_UART_EN , ES_REG ( ensoniq , CONTROL ) ) ;
} else {
outb ( ensoniq - > uartc & = ~ ES_TXINTENM , ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_CONTROL ) ) ;
ensoniq - > midi_output = NULL ;
ensoniq - > uartm & = ~ ES_MODE_OUTPUT ;
spin_unlock_irq ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
return 0 ;
static void snd_ensoniq_midi_input_trigger ( snd_rawmidi_substream_t * substream , int up )
unsigned long flags ;
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = substream - > rmidi - > private_data ;
int idx ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock , flags ) ;
if ( up ) {
if ( ( ensoniq - > uartc & ES_RXINTEN ) = = 0 ) {
/* empty input FIFO */
for ( idx = 0 ; idx < 32 ; idx + + )
inb ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_DATA ) ) ;
ensoniq - > uartc | = ES_RXINTEN ;
outb ( ensoniq - > uartc , ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_CONTROL ) ) ;
} else {
if ( ensoniq - > uartc & ES_RXINTEN ) {
ensoniq - > uartc & = ~ ES_RXINTEN ;
outb ( ensoniq - > uartc , ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_CONTROL ) ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock , flags ) ;
static void snd_ensoniq_midi_output_trigger ( snd_rawmidi_substream_t * substream , int up )
unsigned long flags ;
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = substream - > rmidi - > private_data ;
unsigned char byte ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock , flags ) ;
if ( up ) {
if ( ES_TXINTENI ( ensoniq - > uartc ) = = 0 ) {
ensoniq - > uartc | = ES_TXINTENO ( 1 ) ;
/* fill UART FIFO buffer at first, and turn Tx interrupts only if necessary */
while ( ES_TXINTENI ( ensoniq - > uartc ) = = 1 & &
( inb ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_STATUS ) ) & ES_TXRDY ) ) {
if ( snd_rawmidi_transmit ( substream , & byte , 1 ) ! = 1 ) {
ensoniq - > uartc & = ~ ES_TXINTENM ;
} else {
outb ( byte , ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_DATA ) ) ;
outb ( ensoniq - > uartc , ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_CONTROL ) ) ;
} else {
if ( ES_TXINTENI ( ensoniq - > uartc ) = = 1 ) {
ensoniq - > uartc & = ~ ES_TXINTENM ;
outb ( ensoniq - > uartc , ES_REG ( ensoniq , UART_CONTROL ) ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock , flags ) ;
static snd_rawmidi_ops_t snd_ensoniq_midi_output =
. open = snd_ensoniq_midi_output_open ,
. close = snd_ensoniq_midi_output_close ,
. trigger = snd_ensoniq_midi_output_trigger ,
} ;
static snd_rawmidi_ops_t snd_ensoniq_midi_input =
. open = snd_ensoniq_midi_input_open ,
. close = snd_ensoniq_midi_input_close ,
. trigger = snd_ensoniq_midi_input_trigger ,
} ;
static int __devinit snd_ensoniq_midi ( ensoniq_t * ensoniq , int device , snd_rawmidi_t * * rrawmidi )
snd_rawmidi_t * rmidi ;
int err ;
if ( rrawmidi )
* rrawmidi = NULL ;
if ( ( err = snd_rawmidi_new ( ensoniq - > card , " ES1370/1 " , device , 1 , 1 , & rmidi ) ) < 0 )
return err ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
strcpy ( rmidi - > name , " ES1370 " ) ;
# else
strcpy ( rmidi - > name , " ES1371 " ) ;
# endif
snd_rawmidi_set_ops ( rmidi , SNDRV_RAWMIDI_STREAM_OUTPUT , & snd_ensoniq_midi_output ) ;
snd_rawmidi_set_ops ( rmidi , SNDRV_RAWMIDI_STREAM_INPUT , & snd_ensoniq_midi_input ) ;
rmidi - > private_data = ensoniq ;
ensoniq - > rmidi = rmidi ;
if ( rrawmidi )
* rrawmidi = rmidi ;
return 0 ;
* Interrupt handler
static irqreturn_t snd_audiopci_interrupt ( int irq , void * dev_id , struct pt_regs * regs )
ensoniq_t * ensoniq = dev_id ;
unsigned int status , sctrl ;
if ( ensoniq = = NULL )
return IRQ_NONE ;
status = inl ( ES_REG ( ensoniq , STATUS ) ) ;
if ( ! ( status & ES_INTR ) )
return IRQ_NONE ;
spin_lock ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
sctrl = ensoniq - > sctrl ;
if ( status & ES_DAC1 )
sctrl & = ~ ES_P1_INT_EN ;
if ( status & ES_DAC2 )
sctrl & = ~ ES_P2_INT_EN ;
if ( status & ES_ADC )
sctrl & = ~ ES_R1_INT_EN ;
outl ( sctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , SERIAL ) ) ;
outl ( ensoniq - > sctrl , ES_REG ( ensoniq , SERIAL ) ) ;
spin_unlock ( & ensoniq - > reg_lock ) ;
if ( status & ES_UART )
snd_ensoniq_midi_interrupt ( ensoniq ) ;
if ( ( status & ES_DAC2 ) & & ensoniq - > playback2_substream )
snd_pcm_period_elapsed ( ensoniq - > playback2_substream ) ;
if ( ( status & ES_ADC ) & & ensoniq - > capture_substream )
snd_pcm_period_elapsed ( ensoniq - > capture_substream ) ;
if ( ( status & ES_DAC1 ) & & ensoniq - > playback1_substream )
snd_pcm_period_elapsed ( ensoniq - > playback1_substream ) ;
return IRQ_HANDLED ;
static int __devinit snd_audiopci_probe ( struct pci_dev * pci ,
const struct pci_device_id * pci_id )
static int dev ;
snd_card_t * card ;
ensoniq_t * ensoniq ;
int err , pcm_devs [ 2 ] ;
if ( dev > = SNDRV_CARDS )
return - ENODEV ;
if ( ! enable [ dev ] ) {
dev + + ;
return - ENOENT ;
card = snd_card_new ( index [ dev ] , id [ dev ] , THIS_MODULE , 0 ) ;
if ( card = = NULL )
return - ENOMEM ;
if ( ( err = snd_ensoniq_create ( card , pci , & ensoniq ) ) < 0 ) {
snd_card_free ( card ) ;
return err ;
pcm_devs [ 0 ] = 0 ; pcm_devs [ 1 ] = 1 ;
# ifdef CHIP1370
if ( ( err = snd_ensoniq_1370_mixer ( ensoniq ) ) < 0 ) {
snd_card_free ( card ) ;
return err ;
# endif
# ifdef CHIP1371
if ( ( err = snd_ensoniq_1371_mixer ( ensoniq ) ) < 0 ) {
snd_card_free ( card ) ;
return err ;
# endif
if ( ( err = snd_ensoniq_pcm ( ensoniq , 0 , NULL ) ) < 0 ) {
snd_card_free ( card ) ;
return err ;
if ( ( err = snd_ensoniq_pcm2 ( ensoniq , 1 , NULL ) ) < 0 ) {
snd_card_free ( card ) ;
return err ;
if ( ( err = snd_ensoniq_midi ( ensoniq , 0 , NULL ) ) < 0 ) {
snd_card_free ( card ) ;
return err ;
snd_ensoniq_create_gameport ( ensoniq , dev ) ;
strcpy ( card - > driver , DRIVER_NAME ) ;
strcpy ( card - > shortname , " Ensoniq AudioPCI " ) ;
sprintf ( card - > longname , " %s %s at 0x%lx, irq %i " ,
card - > shortname ,
card - > driver ,
ensoniq - > port ,
ensoniq - > irq ) ;
if ( ( err = snd_card_register ( card ) ) < 0 ) {
snd_card_free ( card ) ;
return err ;
pci_set_drvdata ( pci , card ) ;
dev + + ;
return 0 ;
static void __devexit snd_audiopci_remove ( struct pci_dev * pci )
snd_card_free ( pci_get_drvdata ( pci ) ) ;
pci_set_drvdata ( pci , NULL ) ;
static struct pci_driver driver = {
. name = DRIVER_NAME ,
. id_table = snd_audiopci_ids ,
. probe = snd_audiopci_probe ,
. remove = __devexit_p ( snd_audiopci_remove ) ,
} ;
static int __init alsa_card_ens137x_init ( void )
[ALSA] Replace pci_module_init() with pci_register_driver()
Documentation,ALS4000 driver,ATIIXP driver,ATIIXP-modem driver
AZT3328 driver,BT87x driver,CMIPCI driver,CS4281 driver
ENS1370/1+ driver,ES1938 driver,ES1968 driver,FM801 driver
Intel8x0 driver,Intel8x0-modem driver,Maestro3 driver,RME32 driver
RME96 driver,SonicVibes driver,VIA82xx driver,VIA82xx-modem driver
ALI5451 driver,au88x0 driver,CA0106 driver,CS46xx driver
EMU10K1/EMU10K2 driver,HDA Intel driver,ICE1712 driver,ICE1724 driver
KORG1212 driver,MIXART driver,NM256 driver,RME HDSP driver
RME9652 driver,Trident driver,Digigram VX222 driver,YMFPCI driver
Replace the obsolete pci_module_init() with pci_register_driver().
Signed-off-by: Takashi Iwai <tiwai@suse.de>
2005-04-11 16:58:24 +02:00
return pci_register_driver ( & driver ) ;
2005-04-16 15:20:36 -07:00
static void __exit alsa_card_ens137x_exit ( void )
pci_unregister_driver ( & driver ) ;
module_init ( alsa_card_ens137x_init )
module_exit ( alsa_card_ens137x_exit )