KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/ *
* This p r o g r a m i s f r e e s o f t w a r e ; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it u n d e r t h e t e r m s o f t h e G N U G e n e r a l P u b l i c L i c e n s e , v e r s i o n 2 , a s
* published b y t h e F r e e S o f t w a r e F o u n d a t i o n .
* This p r o g r a m i s d i s t r i b u t e d i n t h e h o p e t h a t i t w i l l b e u s e f u l ,
* but W I T H O U T A N Y W A R R A N T Y ; without even the implied warranty of
* MERCHANTABILITY o r F I T N E S S F O R A P A R T I C U L A R P U R P O S E . S e e t h e
* GNU G e n e r a l P u b l i c L i c e n s e f o r m o r e d e t a i l s .
* You s h o u l d h a v e r e c e i v e d a c o p y o f t h e G N U G e n e r a l P u b l i c L i c e n s e
* along w i t h t h i s p r o g r a m ; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, 5 1 F r a n k l i n S t r e e t , F i f t h F l o o r , B o s t o n , M A 0 2 1 1 0 - 1 3 0 1 , U S A .
* Copyright 2 0 1 1 P a u l M a c k e r r a s , I B M C o r p . < p a u l u s @au1.ibm.com>
* Derived f r o m b o o k 3 s _ i n t e r r u p t s . S , w h i c h i s :
* Copyright S U S E L i n u x P r o d u c t s G m b H 2 0 0 9
* Authors : Alexander G r a f < a g r a f @suse.de>
* /
# include < a s m / p p c _ a s m . h >
# include < a s m / k v m _ a s m . h >
# include < a s m / r e g . h >
# include < a s m / p a g e . h >
# include < a s m / a s m - o f f s e t s . h >
# include < a s m / e x c e p t i o n - 6 4 s . h >
# include < a s m / p p c - o p c o d e . h >
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* Guest e n t r y / e x i t c o d e t h a t i s i n k e r n e l m o d u l e m e m o r y ( v m a l l o c ) *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ * Registers :
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Align physical and virtual CPU thread numbers
On a threaded processor such as POWER7, we group VCPUs into virtual
cores and arrange that the VCPUs in a virtual core run on the same
physical core. Currently we don't enforce any correspondence between
virtual thread numbers within a virtual core and physical thread
numbers. Physical threads are allocated starting at 0 on a first-come
first-served basis to runnable virtual threads (VCPUs).
POWER8 implements a new "msgsndp" instruction which guest kernels can
use to interrupt other threads in the same core or sub-core. Since
the instruction takes the destination physical thread ID as a parameter,
it becomes necessary to align the physical thread IDs with the virtual
thread IDs, that is, to make sure virtual thread N within a virtual
core always runs on physical thread N.
This means that it's possible that thread 0, which is where we call
__kvmppc_vcore_entry, may end up running some other vcpu than the
one whose task called kvmppc_run_core(), or it may end up running
no vcpu at all, if for example thread 0 of the virtual core is
currently executing in userspace. However, we do need thread 0
to be responsible for switching the MMU -- a previous version of
this patch that had other threads switching the MMU was found to
be responsible for occasional memory corruption and machine check
interrupts in the guest on POWER7 machines.
To accommodate this, we no longer pass the vcpu pointer to
__kvmppc_vcore_entry, but instead let the assembly code load it from
the PACA. Since the assembly code will need to know the kvm pointer
and the thread ID for threads which don't have a vcpu, we move the
thread ID into the PACA and we add a kvm pointer to the virtual core
In the case where thread 0 has no vcpu to run, it still calls into
kvmppc_hv_entry in order to do the MMU switch, and then naps until
either its vcpu is ready to run in the guest, or some other thread
needs to exit the guest. In the latter case, thread 0 jumps to the
code that switches the MMU back to the host. This control flow means
that now we switch the MMU before loading any guest vcpu state.
Similarly, on guest exit we now save all the guest vcpu state before
switching the MMU back to the host. This has required substantial
code movement, making the diff rather large.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2014-01-08 21:25:20 +11:00
* none
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
* /
_ GLOBAL( _ _ k v m p p c _ v c o r e _ e n t r y )
/* Write correct stack frame */
mflr r0
std r0 ,P P C _ L R _ S T K O F F ( r1 )
/* Save host state to the stack */
stdu r1 , - S W I T C H _ F R A M E _ S I Z E ( r1 )
2012-02-03 00:53:21 +00:00
/* Save non-volatile registers (r14 - r31) and CR */
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
SAVE_ N V G P R S ( r1 )
2012-02-03 00:53:21 +00:00
mfcr r3
std r3 , _ C C R ( r1 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Save host DSCR */
mfspr r3 , S P R N _ D S C R
std r3 , H S T A T E _ D S C R ( r13 )
2014-01-08 21:25:19 +11:00
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Save host DABR */
mfspr r3 , S P R N _ D A B R
std r3 , H S T A T E _ D A B R ( r13 )
2014-01-08 21:25:19 +11:00
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F C L R ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 7 S )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Hard-disable interrupts */
mfmsr r10
std r10 , H S T A T E _ H O S T _ M S R ( r13 )
rldicl r10 ,r10 ,4 8 ,1
rotldi r10 ,r10 ,1 6
mtmsrd r10 ,1
2012-03-02 01:38:23 +00:00
/* Save host PMU registers */
2014-03-25 10:47:08 +11:00
/* Work around P8 PMAE bug */
li r3 , - 1
clrrdi r3 , r3 , 1 0
mfspr r8 , S P R N _ M M C R 2
mtspr S P R N _ M M C R 2 , r3 / * f r e e z e a l l c o u n t e r s u s i n g M M C R 2 * /
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 7 S )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
li r3 , 1
sldi r3 , r3 , 3 1 / * M M C R 0 _ F C ( f r e e z e c o u n t e r s ) b i t * /
mfspr r7 , S P R N _ M M C R 0 / * s a v e M M C R 0 * /
mtspr S P R N _ M M C R 0 , r3 / * f r e e z e a l l c o u n t e r s , d i s a b l e i n t e r r u p t s * /
2012-03-02 01:38:23 +00:00
mfspr r6 , S P R N _ M M C R A
2014-12-03 13:30:38 +11:00
/* Clear MMCRA in order to disable SDAR updates */
2012-03-02 01:38:23 +00:00
li r5 , 0
mtspr S P R N _ M M C R A , r5
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
ld r3 , P A C A L P P A C A P T R ( r13 ) / * i s t h e h o s t u s i n g t h e P M U ? * /
lbz r5 , L P P A C A _ P M C I N U S E ( r3 )
cmpwi r5 , 0
beq 3 1 f / * s k i p i f n o t * /
mfspr r5 , S P R N _ M M C R 1
2014-03-25 10:47:08 +11:00
mfspr r9 , S P R N _ S I A R
mfspr r10 , S P R N _ S D A R
2014-07-10 19:34:31 +10:00
std r7 , H S T A T E _ M M C R 0 ( r13 )
std r5 , H S T A T E _ M M C R 1 ( r13 )
std r6 , H S T A T E _ M M C R A ( r13 )
std r9 , H S T A T E _ S I A R ( r13 )
std r10 , H S T A T E _ S D A R ( r13 )
2014-03-25 10:47:08 +11:00
mfspr r9 , S P R N _ S I E R
2014-07-10 19:34:31 +10:00
std r8 , H S T A T E _ M M C R 2 ( r13 )
std r9 , H S T A T E _ S I E R ( r13 )
2014-03-25 10:47:08 +11:00
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 7 S )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
mfspr r3 , S P R N _ P M C 1
mfspr r5 , S P R N _ P M C 2
mfspr r6 , S P R N _ P M C 3
mfspr r7 , S P R N _ P M C 4
mfspr r8 , S P R N _ P M C 5
mfspr r9 , S P R N _ P M C 6
2014-07-10 19:34:31 +10:00
stw r3 , H S T A T E _ P M C 1 ( r13 )
stw r5 , H S T A T E _ P M C 2 ( r13 )
stw r6 , H S T A T E _ P M C 3 ( r13 )
stw r7 , H S T A T E _ P M C 4 ( r13 )
stw r8 , H S T A T E _ P M C 5 ( r13 )
stw r9 , H S T A T E _ P M C 6 ( r13 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
31 :
/ *
* Put w h a t e v e r i s i n t h e d e c r e m e n t e r i n t o t h e
* hypervisor d e c r e m e n t e r .
* /
mfspr r8 ,S P R N _ D E C
mftb r7
mtspr S P R N _ H D E C ,r8
extsw r8 ,r8
add r8 ,r8 ,r7
std r8 ,H S T A T E _ D E C E X P ( r13 )
/* Jump to partition switch code */
2014-02-04 16:04:35 +11:00
bl k v m p p c _ h v _ e n t r y _ t r a m p o l i n e
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/ *
* We r e t u r n h e r e i n v i r t u a l m o d e a f t e r t h e g u e s t e x i t s
* with s o m e t h i n g t h a t w e c a n ' t h a n d l e i n r e a l m o d e .
* Interrupts a r e e n a b l e d a g a i n a t t h i s p o i n t .
* /
/ *
* Register u s a g e a t t h i s p o i n t :
* R1 = h o s t R 1
* R2 = h o s t R 2
* R1 2 = e x i t h a n d l e r i d
* R1 3 = P A C A
* /
2012-02-03 00:53:21 +00:00
/* Restore non-volatile host registers (r14 - r31) and CR */
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
REST_ N V G P R S ( r1 )
2012-02-03 00:53:21 +00:00
ld r4 , _ C C R ( r1 )
mtcr r4
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
addi r1 , r1 , S W I T C H _ F R A M E _ S I Z E
ld r0 , P P C _ L R _ S T K O F F ( r1 )
mtlr r0