2007-05-05 11:45:53 -07:00
* Low - level hardware driver - - IEEE 802.11 driver ( 80211. o ) interface
* Copyright 2002 - 2005 , Devicescape Software , Inc .
* Copyright 2006 - 2007 Jiri Benc < jbenc @ suse . cz >
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation .
# ifndef MAC80211_H
# define MAC80211_H
# include <linux/kernel.h>
# include <linux/if_ether.h>
# include <linux/skbuff.h>
# include <linux/wireless.h>
# include <linux/device.h>
# include <linux/ieee80211.h>
# include <net/wireless.h>
# include <net/cfg80211.h>
/* Note! Only ieee80211_tx_status_irqsafe() and ieee80211_rx_irqsafe() can be
* called in hardware interrupt context . The low - level driver must not call any
* other functions in hardware interrupt context . If there is a need for such
* call , the low - level driver should first ACK the interrupt and perform the
* IEEE 802.11 code call after this , e . g . , from a scheduled tasklet ( in
* software interrupt context ) .
* Frame format used when passing frame between low - level hardware drivers
* and IEEE 802.11 driver the same as used in the wireless media , i . e . ,
* buffers start with IEEE 802.11 header and include the same octets that
* are sent over air .
* If hardware uses IEEE 802.3 headers ( and perform 802.3 < - > 802.11
* conversion in firmware ) , upper layer 802.11 code needs to be changed to
* support this .
* If the receive frame format is not the same as the real frame sent
* on the wireless media ( e . g . , due to padding etc . ) , upper layer 802.11 code
* could be updated to provide support for such format assuming this would
* optimize the performance , e . g . , by removing need to re - allocation and
* copying of the data .
# define IEEE80211_CHAN_W_SCAN 0x00000001
# define IEEE80211_CHAN_W_ACTIVE_SCAN 0x00000002
# define IEEE80211_CHAN_W_IBSS 0x00000004
/* Channel information structure. Low-level driver is expected to fill in chan,
* freq , and val fields . Other fields will be filled in by 80211. o based on
* hostapd information and low - level driver does not need to use them . The
* limits for each channel will be provided in ' struct ieee80211_conf ' when
* configuring the low - level driver with hw - > config callback . If a device has
* a default regulatory domain , IEEE80211_HW_DEFAULT_REG_DOMAIN_CONFIGURED
* can be set to let the driver configure all fields */
struct ieee80211_channel {
short chan ; /* channel number (IEEE 802.11) */
short freq ; /* frequency in MHz */
int val ; /* hw specific value for the channel */
int flag ; /* flag for hostapd use (IEEE80211_CHAN_*) */
unsigned char power_level ;
unsigned char antenna_max ;
} ;
# define IEEE80211_RATE_ERP 0x00000001
# define IEEE80211_RATE_BASIC 0x00000002
# define IEEE80211_RATE_PREAMBLE2 0x00000004
# define IEEE80211_RATE_SUPPORTED 0x00000010
# define IEEE80211_RATE_OFDM 0x00000020
# define IEEE80211_RATE_CCK 0x00000040
# define IEEE80211_RATE_TURBO 0x00000080
# define IEEE80211_RATE_MANDATORY 0x00000100
# define IEEE80211_RATE_CCK_2 (IEEE80211_RATE_CCK | IEEE80211_RATE_PREAMBLE2)
# define IEEE80211_RATE_MODULATION(f) \
( f & ( IEEE80211_RATE_CCK | IEEE80211_RATE_OFDM ) )
/* Low-level driver should set PREAMBLE2, OFDM, CCK, and TURBO flags.
* BASIC , SUPPORTED , ERP , and MANDATORY flags are set in 80211. o based on the
* configuration . */
struct ieee80211_rate {
int rate ; /* rate in 100 kbps */
int val ; /* hw specific value for the rate */
int flags ; /* IEEE80211_RATE_ flags */
int val2 ; /* hw specific value for the rate when using short preamble
* ( only when IEEE80211_RATE_PREAMBLE2 flag is set , i . e . , for
* 2 , 5.5 , and 11 Mbps ) */
signed char min_rssi_ack ;
unsigned char min_rssi_ack_delta ;
/* following fields are set by 80211.o and need not be filled by the
* low - level driver */
int rate_inv ; /* inverse of the rate (LCM(all rates) / rate) for
* optimizing channel utilization estimates */
} ;
/* 802.11g is backwards-compatible with 802.11b, so a wlan card can
* actually be both in 11 b and 11 g modes at the same time . */
enum {
MODE_IEEE80211A , /* IEEE 802.11a */
MODE_IEEE80211B , /* IEEE 802.11b only */
MODE_ATHEROS_TURBO , /* Atheros Turbo mode (2x.11a at 5 GHz) */
MODE_IEEE80211G , /* IEEE 802.11g (and 802.11b compatibility) */
MODE_ATHEROS_TURBOG , /* Atheros Turbo mode (2x.11g at 2.4 GHz) */
/* keep last */
} ;
struct ieee80211_hw_mode {
int mode ; /* MODE_IEEE80211... */
int num_channels ; /* Number of channels (below) */
struct ieee80211_channel * channels ; /* Array of supported channels */
int num_rates ; /* Number of rates (below) */
struct ieee80211_rate * rates ; /* Array of supported rates */
struct list_head list ; /* Internal, don't touch */
} ;
struct ieee80211_tx_queue_params {
int aifs ; /* 0 .. 255; -1 = use default */
int cw_min ; /* 2^n-1: 1, 3, 7, .. , 1023; 0 = use default */
int cw_max ; /* 2^n-1: 1, 3, 7, .. , 1023; 0 = use default */
int burst_time ; /* maximum burst time in 0.1 ms (i.e., 10 = 1 ms);
* 0 = disabled */
} ;
struct ieee80211_tx_queue_stats_data {
unsigned int len ; /* num packets in queue */
unsigned int limit ; /* queue len (soft) limit */
unsigned int count ; /* total num frames sent */
} ;
enum {
/* due to stupidity in the sub-ioctl userspace interface, the items in
* this struct need to have fixed values . As soon as it is removed , we can
* fix these entries . */
} ;
struct ieee80211_tx_queue_stats {
struct ieee80211_tx_queue_stats_data data [ NUM_TX_DATA_QUEUES ] ;
} ;
struct ieee80211_low_level_stats {
unsigned int dot11ACKFailureCount ;
unsigned int dot11RTSFailureCount ;
unsigned int dot11FCSErrorCount ;
unsigned int dot11RTSSuccessCount ;
} ;
/* Transmit control fields. This data structure is passed to low-level driver
* with each TX frame . The low - level driver is responsible for configuring
* the hardware to use given values ( depending on what is supported ) . */
# define HW_KEY_IDX_INVALID -1
struct ieee80211_tx_control {
int tx_rate ; /* Transmit rate, given as the hw specific value for the
* rate ( from struct ieee80211_rate ) */
int rts_cts_rate ; /* Transmit rate for RTS/CTS frame, given as the hw
* specific value for the rate ( from
* struct ieee80211_rate ) */
# define IEEE80211_TXCTL_REQ_TX_STATUS (1<<0) / * request TX status callback for
* this frame */
# define IEEE80211_TXCTL_DO_NOT_ENCRYPT (1<<1) / * send this frame without
* encryption ; e . g . , for EAPOL
* frames */
# define IEEE80211_TXCTL_USE_RTS_CTS (1<<2) / * use RTS-CTS before sending
* frame */
# define IEEE80211_TXCTL_USE_CTS_PROTECT (1<<3) / * use CTS protection for the
* frame ( e . g . , for combined
* 802.11 g / 802.11 b networks ) */
# define IEEE80211_TXCTL_NO_ACK (1<<4) / * tell the low level not to
* wait for an ack */
# define IEEE80211_TXCTL_RATE_CTRL_PROBE (1<<5)
# define IEEE80211_TXCTL_CLEAR_DST_MASK (1<<6)
# define IEEE80211_TXCTL_REQUEUE (1<<7)
# define IEEE80211_TXCTL_FIRST_FRAGMENT (1<<8) / * this is a first fragment of
* the frame */
# define IEEE80211_TXCTL_TKIP_NEW_PHASE1_KEY (1<<9)
u32 flags ; /* tx control flags defined
* above */
u8 retry_limit ; /* 1 = only first attempt, 2 = one retry, .. */
u8 power_level ; /* per-packet transmit power level, in dBm */
u8 antenna_sel_tx ; /* 0 = default/diversity, 1 = Ant0, 2 = Ant1 */
s8 key_idx ; /* -1 = do not encrypt, >= 0 keyidx from
* hw - > set_key ( ) */
u8 icv_len ; /* length of the ICV/MIC field in octets */
u8 iv_len ; /* length of the IV field in octets */
u8 tkip_key [ 16 ] ; /* generated phase2/phase1 key for hw TKIP */
u8 queue ; /* hardware queue to use for this frame;
* 0 = highest , hw - > queues - 1 = lowest */
u8 sw_retry_attempt ; /* number of times hw has tried to
* transmit frame ( not incl . hw retries ) */
struct ieee80211_rate * rate ; /* internal 80211.o rate */
struct ieee80211_rate * rts_rate ; /* internal 80211.o rate
* for RTS / CTS */
int alt_retry_rate ; /* retry rate for the last retries, given as the
* hw specific value for the rate ( from
* struct ieee80211_rate ) . To be used to limit
* packet dropping when probing higher rates , if hw
* supports multiple retry rates . - 1 = not used */
int type ; /* internal */
int ifindex ; /* internal */
} ;
/* Receive status. The low-level driver should provide this information
* ( the subset supported by hardware ) to the 802.11 code with each received
* frame . */
struct ieee80211_rx_status {
u64 mactime ;
int freq ; /* receive frequency in Mhz */
int channel ;
int phymode ;
int ssi ;
int signal ; /* used as qual in statistics reporting */
int noise ;
int antenna ;
int rate ;
# define RX_FLAG_MMIC_ERROR (1<<0)
# define RX_FLAG_DECRYPTED (1<<1)
# define RX_FLAG_RADIOTAP (1<<2)
int flag ;
} ;
/* Transmit status. The low-level driver should provide this information
* ( the subset supported by hardware ) to the 802.11 code for each transmit
* frame . */
struct ieee80211_tx_status {
/* copied ieee80211_tx_control structure */
struct ieee80211_tx_control control ;
# define IEEE80211_TX_STATUS_TX_FILTERED (1<<0)
# define IEEE80211_TX_STATUS_ACK (1<<1) /* whether the TX frame was ACKed */
u32 flags ; /* tx staus flags defined above */
int ack_signal ; /* measured signal strength of the ACK frame */
int excessive_retries ;
int retry_count ;
int queue_length ; /* information about TX queue */
int queue_number ;
} ;
* struct ieee80211_conf - configuration of the device
* This struct indicates how the driver shall configure the hardware .
* @ radio_enabled : when zero , driver is required to switch off the radio .
struct ieee80211_conf {
int channel ; /* IEEE 802.11 channel number */
int freq ; /* MHz */
int channel_val ; /* hw specific value for the channel */
int phymode ; /* MODE_IEEE80211A, .. */
struct ieee80211_channel * chan ;
struct ieee80211_hw_mode * mode ;
unsigned int regulatory_domain ;
int radio_enabled ;
int beacon_int ;
# define IEEE80211_CONF_SHORT_SLOT_TIME (1<<0) / * use IEEE 802.11g Short Slot
* Time */
# define IEEE80211_CONF_SSID_HIDDEN (1<<1) /* do not broadcast the ssid */
# define IEEE80211_CONF_RADIOTAP (1<<2) / * use radiotap if supported
check this bit at RX time */
u32 flags ; /* configuration flags defined above */
u8 power_level ; /* transmit power limit for current
* regulatory domain ; in dBm */
u8 antenna_max ; /* maximum antenna gain */
short tx_power_reduction ; /* in 0.1 dBm */
/* 0 = default/diversity, 1 = Ant0, 2 = Ant1 */
u8 antenna_sel_tx ;
u8 antenna_sel_rx ;
int antenna_def ;
int antenna_mode ;
/* Following five fields are used for IEEE 802.11H */
unsigned int radar_detect ;
unsigned int spect_mgmt ;
/* All following fields are currently unused. */
unsigned int quiet_duration ; /* duration of quiet period */
unsigned int quiet_offset ; /* how far into the beacon is the quiet
* period */
unsigned int quiet_period ;
u8 radar_firpwr_threshold ;
u8 radar_rssi_threshold ;
u8 pulse_height_threshold ;
u8 pulse_rssi_threshold ;
u8 pulse_inband_threshold ;
} ;
* enum ieee80211_if_types - types of 802.11 network interfaces
* @ IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_AP : interface in AP mode .
* @ IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_MGMT : special interface for communication with hostap
* daemon . Drivers should never see this type .
* @ IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_STA : interface in STA ( client ) mode .
* @ IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_IBSS : interface in IBSS ( ad - hoc ) mode .
* @ IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_MNTR : interface in monitor ( rfmon ) mode .
* @ IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_WDS : interface in WDS mode .
* @ IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_VLAN : not used .
enum ieee80211_if_types {
IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_AP = 0x00000000 ,
IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_MGMT = 0x00000001 ,
IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_STA = 0x00000002 ,
IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_IBSS = 0x00000003 ,
IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_MNTR = 0x00000004 ,
IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_WDS = 0x5A580211 ,
IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_VLAN = 0x00080211 ,
} ;
* struct ieee80211_if_init_conf - initial configuration of an interface
* @ if_id : internal interface ID . This number has no particular meaning to
* drivers and the only allowed usage is to pass it to
* ieee80211_beacon_get ( ) and ieee80211_get_buffered_bc ( ) functions .
* This field is not valid for monitor interfaces
* ( interfaces of % IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_MNTR type ) .
* @ type : one of & enum ieee80211_if_types constants . Determines the type of
* added / removed interface .
* @ mac_addr : pointer to MAC address of the interface . This pointer is valid
* until the interface is removed ( i . e . it cannot be used after
* remove_interface ( ) callback was called for this interface ) .
2007-07-10 19:32:10 +02:00
* This pointer will be % NULL for monitor interfaces , be careful .
2007-05-05 11:45:53 -07:00
* This structure is used in add_interface ( ) and remove_interface ( )
* callbacks of & struct ieee80211_hw .
2007-07-10 19:32:10 +02:00
* When you allow multiple interfaces to be added to your PHY , take care
* that the hardware can actually handle multiple MAC addresses . However ,
* also take care that when there ' s no interface left with mac_addr ! = % NULL
* you remove the MAC address from the device to avoid acknowledging packets
* in pure monitor mode .
2007-05-05 11:45:53 -07:00
struct ieee80211_if_init_conf {
int if_id ;
int type ;
void * mac_addr ;
} ;
* struct ieee80211_if_conf - configuration of an interface
* @ type : type of the interface . This is always the same as was specified in
* & struct ieee80211_if_init_conf . The type of an interface never changes
* during the life of the interface ; this field is present only for
* convenience .
* @ bssid : BSSID of the network we are associated to / creating .
* @ ssid : used ( together with @ ssid_len ) by drivers for hardware that
* generate beacons independently . The pointer is valid only during the
* config_interface ( ) call , so copy the value somewhere if you need
* it .
* @ ssid_len : length of the @ ssid field .
* @ generic_elem : used ( together with @ generic_elem_len ) by drivers for
* hardware that generate beacons independently . The pointer is valid
* only during the config_interface ( ) call , so copy the value somewhere
* if you need it .
* @ generic_elem_len : length of the generic element .
* @ beacon : beacon template . Valid only if @ host_gen_beacon_template in
* & struct ieee80211_hw is set . The driver is responsible of freeing
* the sk_buff .
* @ beacon_control : tx_control for the beacon template , this field is only
* valid when the @ beacon field was set .
* This structure is passed to the config_interface ( ) callback of
* & struct ieee80211_hw .
struct ieee80211_if_conf {
int type ;
u8 * bssid ;
u8 * ssid ;
size_t ssid_len ;
u8 * generic_elem ;
size_t generic_elem_len ;
struct sk_buff * beacon ;
struct ieee80211_tx_control * beacon_control ;
} ;
typedef enum { ALG_NONE , ALG_WEP , ALG_TKIP , ALG_CCMP , ALG_NULL }
ieee80211_key_alg ;
struct ieee80211_key_conf {
int hw_key_idx ; /* filled + used by low-level driver */
ieee80211_key_alg alg ;
int keylen ;
# define IEEE80211_KEY_FORCE_SW_ENCRYPT (1<<0) / * to be cleared by low-level
driver */
# define IEEE80211_KEY_DEFAULT_TX_KEY (1<<1) / * This key is the new default TX
key ( used only for broadcast
keys ) . */
# define IEEE80211_KEY_DEFAULT_WEP_ONLY (1<<2) / * static WEP is the only
configured security policy ;
this allows some low - level
drivers to determine when
hwaccel can be used */
u32 flags ; /* key configuration flags defined above */
s8 keyidx ; /* WEP key index */
u8 key [ 0 ] ;
} ;
# define IEEE80211_SEQ_COUNTER_RX 0
# define IEEE80211_SEQ_COUNTER_TX 1
typedef enum {
} set_key_cmd ;
/* This is driver-visible part of the per-hw state the stack keeps. */
struct ieee80211_hw {
/* points to the cfg80211 wiphy for this piece. Note
* that you must fill in the perm_addr and dev fields
* of this structure , use the macros provided below . */
struct wiphy * wiphy ;
/* assigned by mac80211, don't write */
struct ieee80211_conf conf ;
/* Single thread workqueue available for driver use
* Allocated by mac80211 on registration */
struct workqueue_struct * workqueue ;
/* Pointer to the private area that was
* allocated with this struct for you . */
void * priv ;
/* The rest is information about your hardware */
/* TODO: frame_type 802.11/802.3, sw_encryption requirements */
/* Some wireless LAN chipsets generate beacons in the hardware/firmware
* and others rely on host generated beacons . This option is used to
* configure the upper layer IEEE 802.11 module to generate beacons .
* The low - level driver can use ieee80211_beacon_get ( ) to fetch the
* next beacon frame . */
# define IEEE80211_HW_HOST_GEN_BEACON (1<<0)
/* The device needs to be supplied with a beacon template only. */
/* Some devices handle decryption internally and do not
* indicate whether the frame was encrypted ( unencrypted frames
* will be dropped by the hardware , unless specifically allowed
* through ) */
# define IEEE80211_HW_DEVICE_HIDES_WEP (1<<2)
/* Whether RX frames passed to ieee80211_rx() include FCS in the end */
# define IEEE80211_HW_RX_INCLUDES_FCS (1<<3)
/* Some wireless LAN chipsets buffer broadcast/multicast frames for
* power saving stations in the hardware / firmware and others rely on
* the host system for such buffering . This option is used to
* configure the IEEE 802.11 upper layer to buffer broadcast / multicast
* frames when there are power saving stations so that low - level driver
* can fetch them with ieee80211_get_buffered_bc ( ) . */
# define IEEE80211_HW_WEP_INCLUDE_IV (1<<5)
/* will data nullfunc frames get proper TX status callback */
# define IEEE80211_HW_DATA_NULLFUNC_ACK (1<<6)
/* Force software encryption for TKIP packets if WMM is enabled. */
# define IEEE80211_HW_NO_TKIP_WMM_HWACCEL (1<<7)
/* Some devices handle Michael MIC internally and do not include MIC in
* the received packets passed up . device_strips_mic must be set
* for such devices . The ' encryption ' frame control bit is expected to
* be still set in the IEEE 802.11 header with this option unlike with
* the device_hides_wep configuration option .
# define IEEE80211_HW_DEVICE_STRIPS_MIC (1<<8)
/* Device is capable of performing full monitor mode even during
* normal operation . */
# define IEEE80211_HW_MONITOR_DURING_OPER (1<<9)
/* Device does not need BSSID filter set to broadcast in order to
* receive all probe responses while scanning */
# define IEEE80211_HW_NO_PROBE_FILTERING (1<<10)
/* Channels are already configured to the default regulatory domain
* specified in the device ' s EEPROM */
/* calculate Michael MIC for an MSDU when doing hwcrypto */
# define IEEE80211_HW_TKIP_INCLUDE_MMIC (1<<12)
/* Do TKIP phase1 key mixing in stack to support cards only do
* phase2 key mixing when doing hwcrypto */
# define IEEE80211_HW_TKIP_REQ_PHASE1_KEY (1<<13)
/* Do TKIP phase1 and phase2 key mixing in stack and send the generated
* per - packet RC4 key with each TX frame when doing hwcrypto */
# define IEEE80211_HW_TKIP_REQ_PHASE2_KEY (1<<14)
u32 flags ; /* hardware flags defined above */
/* Set to the size of a needed device specific skb headroom for TX skbs. */
unsigned int extra_tx_headroom ;
/* This is the time in us to change channels
int channel_change_time ;
/* Maximum values for various statistics.
* Leave at 0 to indicate no support . Use negative numbers for dBm . */
s8 max_rssi ;
s8 max_signal ;
s8 max_noise ;
/* Number of available hardware TX queues for data packets.
* WMM requires at least four queues . */
int queues ;
} ;
static inline void SET_IEEE80211_DEV ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , struct device * dev )
set_wiphy_dev ( hw - > wiphy , dev ) ;
static inline void SET_IEEE80211_PERM_ADDR ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , u8 * addr )
memcpy ( hw - > wiphy - > perm_addr , addr , ETH_ALEN ) ;
/* Configuration block used by the low-level driver to tell the 802.11 code
* about supported hardware features and to pass function pointers to callback
* functions . */
struct ieee80211_ops {
/* Handler that 802.11 module calls for each transmitted frame.
* skb contains the buffer starting from the IEEE 802.11 header .
* The low - level driver should send the frame out based on
* configuration in the TX control data .
* Must be atomic . */
int ( * tx ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , struct sk_buff * skb ,
struct ieee80211_tx_control * control ) ;
/* Handler for performing hardware reset. */
int ( * reset ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ) ;
/* Handler that is called when any netdevice attached to the hardware
* device is set UP for the first time . This can be used , e . g . , to
* enable interrupts and beacon sending . */
int ( * open ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ) ;
/* Handler that is called when the last netdevice attached to the
* hardware device is set DOWN . This can be used , e . g . , to disable
* interrupts and beacon sending . */
int ( * stop ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ) ;
/* Handler for asking a driver if a new interface can be added (or,
* more exactly , set UP ) . If the handler returns zero , the interface
* is added . Driver should perform any initialization it needs prior
* to returning zero . By returning non - zero addition of the interface
* is inhibited . Unless monitor_during_oper is set , it is guaranteed
* that monitor interfaces and normal interfaces are mutually
2007-07-10 19:32:10 +02:00
* exclusive . If assigned , the open ( ) handler is called after
* add_interface ( ) if this is the first device added . The
* add_interface ( ) callback has to be assigned because it is the only
* way to obtain the requested MAC address for any interface .
2007-05-05 11:45:53 -07:00
int ( * add_interface ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
struct ieee80211_if_init_conf * conf ) ;
/* Notify a driver that an interface is going down. The stop() handler
* is called prior to this if this is a last interface . */
void ( * remove_interface ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
struct ieee80211_if_init_conf * conf ) ;
/* Handler for configuration requests. IEEE 802.11 code calls this
* function to change hardware configuration , e . g . , channel . */
int ( * config ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , struct ieee80211_conf * conf ) ;
/* Handler for configuration requests related to interfaces (e.g.
* BSSID ) . */
int ( * config_interface ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
int if_id , struct ieee80211_if_conf * conf ) ;
/* ieee80211 drivers do not have access to the &struct net_device
* that is ( are ) connected with their device . Hence ( and because
* we need to combine the multicast lists and flags for multiple
* virtual interfaces ) , they cannot assign set_multicast_list .
* The parameters here replace dev - > flags and dev - > mc_count ,
* dev - > mc_list is replaced by calling ieee80211_get_mc_list_item .
* Must be atomic . */
void ( * set_multicast_list ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
unsigned short flags , int mc_count ) ;
/* Set TIM bit handler. If the hardware/firmware takes care of beacon
* generation , IEEE 802.11 code uses this function to tell the
* low - level to set ( or clear if set = = 0 ) TIM bit for the given aid . If
* host system is used to generate beacons , this handler is not used
* and low - level driver should set it to NULL .
* Must be atomic . */
int ( * set_tim ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , int aid , int set ) ;
/* Set encryption key. IEEE 802.11 module calls this function to set
* encryption keys . addr is ff : ff : ff : ff : ff : ff for default keys and
* station hwaddr for individual keys . aid of the station is given
* to help low - level driver in selecting which key - > hw_key_idx to use
* for this key . TX control data will use the hw_key_idx selected by
* the low - level driver .
* Must be atomic . */
int ( * set_key ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , set_key_cmd cmd ,
u8 * addr , struct ieee80211_key_conf * key , int aid ) ;
/* Set TX key index for default/broadcast keys. This is needed in cases
* where wlan card is doing full WEP / TKIP encapsulation ( wep_include_iv
* is not set ) , in other cases , this function pointer can be set to
* NULL since the IEEE 802. 11 module takes care of selecting the key
* index for each TX frame . */
int ( * set_key_idx ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , int idx ) ;
/* Enable/disable IEEE 802.1X. This item requests wlan card to pass
* unencrypted EAPOL - Key frames even when encryption is configured .
* If the wlan card does not require such a configuration , this
* function pointer can be set to NULL . */
int ( * set_ieee8021x ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , int use_ieee8021x ) ;
/* Set port authorization state (IEEE 802.1X PAE) to be authorized
* ( authorized = 1 ) or unauthorized ( authorized = 0 ) . This function can be
* used if the wlan hardware or low - level driver implements PAE .
* 80211. o module will anyway filter frames based on authorization
* state , so this function pointer can be NULL if low - level driver does
* not require event notification about port state changes .
* Currently unused . */
int ( * set_port_auth ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , u8 * addr ,
int authorized ) ;
/* Ask the hardware to service the scan request, no need to start
* the scan state machine in stack . */
int ( * hw_scan ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , u8 * ssid , size_t len ) ;
/* return low-level statistics */
int ( * get_stats ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
struct ieee80211_low_level_stats * stats ) ;
/* For devices that generate their own beacons and probe response
* or association responses this updates the state of privacy_invoked
* returns 0 for success or an error number */
int ( * set_privacy_invoked ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
int privacy_invoked ) ;
/* For devices that have internal sequence counters, allow 802.11
* code to access the current value of a counter */
int ( * get_sequence_counter ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
u8 * addr , u8 keyidx , u8 txrx ,
u32 * iv32 , u16 * iv16 ) ;
/* Configuration of RTS threshold (if device needs it) */
int ( * set_rts_threshold ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , u32 value ) ;
/* Configuration of fragmentation threshold.
* Assign this if the device does fragmentation by itself ,
* if this method is assigned then the stack will not do
* fragmentation . */
int ( * set_frag_threshold ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , u32 value ) ;
/* Configuration of retry limits (if device needs it) */
int ( * set_retry_limit ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
u32 short_retry , u32 long_retr ) ;
/* Number of STAs in STA table notification (NULL = disabled).
* Must be atomic . */
void ( * sta_table_notification ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
int num_sta ) ;
/* Configure TX queue parameters (EDCF (aifs, cw_min, cw_max),
* bursting ) for a hardware TX queue .
* queue = IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_ * .
* Must be atomic . */
int ( * conf_tx ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , int queue ,
const struct ieee80211_tx_queue_params * params ) ;
/* Get statistics of the current TX queue status. This is used to get
* number of currently queued packets ( queue length ) , maximum queue
* size ( limit ) , and total number of packets sent using each TX queue
* ( count ) .
* Currently unused . */
int ( * get_tx_stats ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
struct ieee80211_tx_queue_stats * stats ) ;
/* Get the current TSF timer value from firmware/hardware. Currently,
* this is only used for IBSS mode debugging and , as such , is not a
* required function .
* Must be atomic . */
u64 ( * get_tsf ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ) ;
/* Reset the TSF timer and allow firmware/hardware to synchronize with
* other STAs in the IBSS . This is only used in IBSS mode . This
* function is optional if the firmware / hardware takes full care of
* TSF synchronization . */
void ( * reset_tsf ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ) ;
/* Setup beacon data for IBSS beacons. Unlike access point (Master),
* IBSS uses a fixed beacon frame which is configured using this
* function . This handler is required only for IBSS mode . */
int ( * beacon_update ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
struct sk_buff * skb ,
struct ieee80211_tx_control * control ) ;
/* Determine whether the last IBSS beacon was sent by us. This is
* needed only for IBSS mode and the result of this function is used to
* determine whether to reply to Probe Requests . */
int ( * tx_last_beacon ) ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ) ;
} ;
/* Allocate a new hardware device. This must be called once for each
* hardware device . The returned pointer must be used to refer to this
* device when calling other functions . 802.11 code allocates a private data
* area for the low - level driver . The size of this area is given as
* priv_data_len .
struct ieee80211_hw * ieee80211_alloc_hw ( size_t priv_data_len ,
const struct ieee80211_ops * ops ) ;
/* Register hardware device to the IEEE 802.11 code and kernel. Low-level
* drivers must call this function before using any other IEEE 802.11
* function except ieee80211_register_hwmode . */
int ieee80211_register_hw ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ) ;
/* driver can use this and ieee80211_get_rx_led_name to get the
* name of the registered LEDs after ieee80211_register_hw
* was called .
* This is useful to set the default trigger on the LED class
* device that your driver should export for each LED the device
* has , that way the default behaviour will be as expected but
* the user can still change it / turn off the LED etc .
# ifdef CONFIG_MAC80211_LEDS
extern char * __ieee80211_get_tx_led_name ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ) ;
extern char * __ieee80211_get_rx_led_name ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ) ;
# endif
static inline char * ieee80211_get_tx_led_name ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw )
# ifdef CONFIG_MAC80211_LEDS
return __ieee80211_get_tx_led_name ( hw ) ;
# else
return NULL ;
# endif
static inline char * ieee80211_get_rx_led_name ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw )
# ifdef CONFIG_MAC80211_LEDS
return __ieee80211_get_rx_led_name ( hw ) ;
# else
return NULL ;
# endif
/* Register a new hardware PHYMODE capability to the stack. */
int ieee80211_register_hwmode ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
struct ieee80211_hw_mode * mode ) ;
/* Unregister a hardware device. This function instructs 802.11 code to free
* allocated resources and unregister netdevices from the kernel . */
void ieee80211_unregister_hw ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ) ;
/* Free everything that was allocated including private data of a driver. */
void ieee80211_free_hw ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ) ;
/* Receive frame callback function. The low-level driver uses this function to
* send received frames to the IEEE 802.11 code . Receive buffer ( skb ) must
* start with IEEE 802.11 header . */
void __ieee80211_rx ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , struct sk_buff * skb ,
struct ieee80211_rx_status * status ) ;
void ieee80211_rx_irqsafe ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
struct sk_buff * skb ,
struct ieee80211_rx_status * status ) ;
/* Transmit status callback function. The low-level driver must call this
* function to report transmit status for all the TX frames that had
* req_tx_status set in the transmit control fields . In addition , this should
* be called at least for all unicast frames to provide information for TX rate
* control algorithm . In order to maintain all statistics , this function is
* recommended to be called after each frame , including multicast / broadcast , is
* sent . */
void ieee80211_tx_status ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
struct sk_buff * skb ,
struct ieee80211_tx_status * status ) ;
void ieee80211_tx_status_irqsafe ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
struct sk_buff * skb ,
struct ieee80211_tx_status * status ) ;
* ieee80211_beacon_get - beacon generation function
* @ hw : pointer obtained from ieee80211_alloc_hw ( ) .
* @ if_id : interface ID from & struct ieee80211_if_init_conf .
* @ control : will be filled with information needed to send this beacon .
* If the beacon frames are generated by the host system ( i . e . , not in
* hardware / firmware ) , the low - level driver uses this function to receive
* the next beacon frame from the 802.11 code . The low - level is responsible
* for calling this function before beacon data is needed ( e . g . , based on
* hardware interrupt ) . Returned skb is used only once and low - level driver
* is responsible of freeing it .
struct sk_buff * ieee80211_beacon_get ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
int if_id ,
struct ieee80211_tx_control * control ) ;
* ieee80211_rts_get - RTS frame generation function
* @ hw : pointer obtained from ieee80211_alloc_hw ( ) .
* @ frame : pointer to the frame that is going to be protected by the RTS .
* @ frame_len : the frame length ( in octets ) .
* @ frame_txctl : & struct ieee80211_tx_control of the frame .
* @ rts : The buffer where to store the RTS frame .
* If the RTS frames are generated by the host system ( i . e . , not in
* hardware / firmware ) , the low - level driver uses this function to receive
* the next RTS frame from the 802.11 code . The low - level is responsible
* for calling this function before and RTS frame is needed .
void ieee80211_rts_get ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
const void * frame , size_t frame_len ,
const struct ieee80211_tx_control * frame_txctl ,
struct ieee80211_rts * rts ) ;
* ieee80211_rts_duration - Get the duration field for an RTS frame
* @ hw : pointer obtained from ieee80211_alloc_hw ( ) .
* @ frame_len : the length of the frame that is going to be protected by the RTS .
* @ frame_txctl : & struct ieee80211_tx_control of the frame .
* If the RTS is generated in firmware , but the host system must provide
* the duration field , the low - level driver uses this function to receive
* the duration field value in little - endian byteorder .
__le16 ieee80211_rts_duration ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
size_t frame_len ,
const struct ieee80211_tx_control * frame_txctl ) ;
* ieee80211_ctstoself_get - CTS - to - self frame generation function
* @ hw : pointer obtained from ieee80211_alloc_hw ( ) .
* @ frame : pointer to the frame that is going to be protected by the CTS - to - self .
* @ frame_len : the frame length ( in octets ) .
* @ frame_txctl : & struct ieee80211_tx_control of the frame .
* @ cts : The buffer where to store the CTS - to - self frame .
* If the CTS - to - self frames are generated by the host system ( i . e . , not in
* hardware / firmware ) , the low - level driver uses this function to receive
* the next CTS - to - self frame from the 802.11 code . The low - level is responsible
* for calling this function before and CTS - to - self frame is needed .
void ieee80211_ctstoself_get ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
const void * frame , size_t frame_len ,
const struct ieee80211_tx_control * frame_txctl ,
struct ieee80211_cts * cts ) ;
* ieee80211_ctstoself_duration - Get the duration field for a CTS - to - self frame
* @ hw : pointer obtained from ieee80211_alloc_hw ( ) .
* @ frame_len : the length of the frame that is going to be protected by the CTS - to - self .
* @ frame_txctl : & struct ieee80211_tx_control of the frame .
* If the CTS - to - self is generated in firmware , but the host system must provide
* the duration field , the low - level driver uses this function to receive
* the duration field value in little - endian byteorder .
__le16 ieee80211_ctstoself_duration ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
size_t frame_len ,
const struct ieee80211_tx_control * frame_txctl ) ;
* ieee80211_generic_frame_duration - Calculate the duration field for a frame
* @ hw : pointer obtained from ieee80211_alloc_hw ( ) .
* @ frame_len : the length of the frame .
* @ rate : the rate ( in 100 kbps ) at which the frame is going to be transmitted .
* Calculate the duration field of some generic frame , given its
* length and transmission rate ( in 100 kbps ) .
__le16 ieee80211_generic_frame_duration ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
size_t frame_len ,
int rate ) ;
* ieee80211_get_buffered_bc - accessing buffered broadcast and multicast frames
* @ hw : pointer as obtained from ieee80211_alloc_hw ( ) .
* @ if_id : interface ID from & struct ieee80211_if_init_conf .
* @ control : will be filled with information needed to send returned frame .
* Function for accessing buffered broadcast and multicast frames . If
* hardware / firmware does not implement buffering of broadcast / multicast
* frames when power saving is used , 802.11 code buffers them in the host
* memory . The low - level driver uses this function to fetch next buffered
* frame . In most cases , this is used when generating beacon frame . This
* function returns a pointer to the next buffered skb or NULL if no more
* buffered frames are available .
* Note : buffered frames are returned only after DTIM beacon frame was
* generated with ieee80211_beacon_get ( ) and the low - level driver must thus
* call ieee80211_beacon_get ( ) first . ieee80211_get_buffered_bc ( ) returns
* NULL if the previous generated beacon was not DTIM , so the low - level driver
* does not need to check for DTIM beacons separately and should be able to
* use common code for all beacons .
struct sk_buff *
ieee80211_get_buffered_bc ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , int if_id ,
struct ieee80211_tx_control * control ) ;
/* Given an sk_buff with a raw 802.11 header at the data pointer this function
* returns the 802.11 header length in bytes ( not including encryption
* headers ) . If the data in the sk_buff is too short to contain a valid 802.11
* header the function returns 0.
int ieee80211_get_hdrlen_from_skb ( const struct sk_buff * skb ) ;
/* Like ieee80211_get_hdrlen_from_skb() but takes a FC in CPU order. */
int ieee80211_get_hdrlen ( u16 fc ) ;
* ieee80211_wake_queue - wake specific queue
* @ hw : pointer as obtained from ieee80211_alloc_hw ( ) .
* @ queue : queue number ( counted from zero ) .
* Drivers should use this function instead of netif_wake_queue .
void ieee80211_wake_queue ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , int queue ) ;
* ieee80211_stop_queue - stop specific queue
* @ hw : pointer as obtained from ieee80211_alloc_hw ( ) .
* @ queue : queue number ( counted from zero ) .
* Drivers should use this function instead of netif_stop_queue .
void ieee80211_stop_queue ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , int queue ) ;
* ieee80211_start_queues - start all queues
* @ hw : pointer to as obtained from ieee80211_alloc_hw ( ) .
* Drivers should use this function instead of netif_start_queue .
void ieee80211_start_queues ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ) ;
* ieee80211_stop_queues - stop all queues
* @ hw : pointer as obtained from ieee80211_alloc_hw ( ) .
* Drivers should use this function instead of netif_stop_queue .
void ieee80211_stop_queues ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ) ;
* ieee80211_wake_queues - wake all queues
* @ hw : pointer as obtained from ieee80211_alloc_hw ( ) .
* Drivers should use this function instead of netif_wake_queue .
void ieee80211_wake_queues ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ) ;
* ieee80211_get_mc_list_item - iteration over items in multicast list
* @ hw : pointer as obtained from ieee80211_alloc_hw ( ) .
* @ prev : value returned by previous call to ieee80211_get_mc_list_item ( ) or
* NULL to start a new iteration .
* @ ptr : pointer to buffer of void * type for internal usage of
* ieee80211_get_mc_list_item ( ) .
* Iterates over items in multicast list of given device . To get the first
* item , pass NULL in @ prev and in * @ ptr . In subsequent calls , pass the
* value returned by previous call in @ prev . Don ' t alter * @ ptr during
* iteration . When there are no more items , NULL is returned .
struct dev_mc_list *
ieee80211_get_mc_list_item ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ,
struct dev_mc_list * prev ,
void * * ptr ) ;
/* called by driver to notify scan status completed */
void ieee80211_scan_completed ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw ) ;
/* Function to indicate Radar Detection. The low level driver must call this
* function to indicate the presence of radar in the current channel .
* Additionally the radar type also could be sent */
int ieee80211_radar_status ( struct ieee80211_hw * hw , int channel ,
int radar , int radar_type ) ;
/* return a pointer to the source address (SA) */
static inline u8 * ieee80211_get_SA ( struct ieee80211_hdr * hdr )
u8 * raw = ( u8 * ) hdr ;
u8 tofrom = ( * ( raw + 1 ) ) & 3 ; /* get the TODS and FROMDS bits */
switch ( tofrom ) {
case 2 :
return hdr - > addr3 ;
case 3 :
return hdr - > addr4 ;
return hdr - > addr2 ;
/* return a pointer to the destination address (DA) */
static inline u8 * ieee80211_get_DA ( struct ieee80211_hdr * hdr )
u8 * raw = ( u8 * ) hdr ;
u8 to_ds = ( * ( raw + 1 ) ) & 1 ; /* get the TODS bit */
if ( to_ds )
return hdr - > addr3 ;
return hdr - > addr1 ;
static inline int ieee80211_get_morefrag ( struct ieee80211_hdr * hdr )
return ( le16_to_cpu ( hdr - > frame_control ) &
IEEE80211_FCTL_MOREFRAGS ) ! = 0 ;
# define MAC_FMT "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x"
# define MAC_ARG(x) ((u8*)(x))[0], ((u8*)(x))[1], ((u8*)(x))[2], \
( ( u8 * ) ( x ) ) [ 3 ] , ( ( u8 * ) ( x ) ) [ 4 ] , ( ( u8 * ) ( x ) ) [ 5 ]
# endif /* MAC80211_H */