blackfin architecture
This adds support for the Analog Devices Blackfin processor architecture, and
currently supports the BF533, BF532, BF531, BF537, BF536, BF534, and BF561
(Dual Core) devices, with a variety of development platforms including those
avaliable from Analog Devices (BF533-EZKit, BF533-STAMP, BF537-STAMP,
BF561-EZKIT), and Bluetechnix! Tinyboards.
The Blackfin architecture was jointly developed by Intel and Analog Devices
Inc. (ADI) as the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core and introduced it in
December of 2000. Since then ADI has put this core into its Blackfin
processor family of devices. The Blackfin core has the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal,RISC-like microprocessor instruction set. It combines a dual-MAC
(Multiply/Accumulate), state-of-the-art signal processing engine and
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities into a single
instruction-set architecture.
The Blackfin architecture, including the instruction set, is described by the
ADSP-BF53x/BF56x Blackfin Processor Programming Reference
The Blackfin processor is already supported by major releases of gcc, and
there are binary and source rpms/tarballs for many architectures at: There is complete
documentation, including "getting started" guides available at: which provides links to the sources and
patches you will need in order to set up a cross-compiling environment for
This patch, as well as the other patches (toolchain, distribution,
uClibc) are actively supported by Analog Devices Inc, at:
We have tested this on LTP, and our test plan (including pass/fails) can
be found at:
[ balance parenthesis in blackfin header files]
Signed-off-by: Bryan Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Kozlowski <>
Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jie Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2007-05-06 14:50:22 -07:00
/ *
* File : arch/ b l a c k f i n / m a c h - c o m m o n / i n t e r r u p t . S
* Based o n :
* Author : D. J e f f D i o n n e < j e f f>
* Kenneth A l b a n o w s k i < k j a h d s>
* Created : ?
* Description : Interrupt E n t r i e s
* Modified :
* Copyright 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 6 A n a l o g D e v i c e s I n c .
* Bugs : Enter b u g s a t h t t p : / / b l a c k f i n . u c l i n u x . o r g /
* This p r o g r a m i s f r e e s o f t w a r e ; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it u n d e r t h e t e r m s o f t h e G N U G e n e r a l P u b l i c L i c e n s e a s p u b l i s h e d b y
* the F r e e S o f t w a r e F o u n d a t i o n ; either version 2 of the License, or
* ( at y o u r o p t i o n ) a n y l a t e r v e r s i o n .
* This p r o g r a m i s d i s t r i b u t e d i n t h e h o p e t h a t i t w i l l b e u s e f u l ,
* but W I T H O U T A N Y W A R R A N T Y ; without even the implied warranty of
* MERCHANTABILITY o r F I T N E S S F O R A P A R T I C U L A R P U R P O S E . S e e t h e
* GNU G e n e r a l P u b l i c L i c e n s e f o r m o r e d e t a i l s .
* You s h o u l d h a v e r e c e i v e d a c o p y o f t h e G N U G e n e r a l P u b l i c L i c e n s e
* along w i t h t h i s p r o g r a m ; if not, see the file COPYING, or write
* to t h e F r e e S o f t w a r e F o u n d a t i o n , I n c . ,
* 5 1 Franklin S t , F i f t h F l o o r , B o s t o n , M A 0 2 1 1 0 - 1 3 0 1 U S A
* /
# include < a s m / b l a c k f i n . h >
2008-08-27 10:51:02 +08:00
# include < m a c h / i r q . h >
blackfin architecture
This adds support for the Analog Devices Blackfin processor architecture, and
currently supports the BF533, BF532, BF531, BF537, BF536, BF534, and BF561
(Dual Core) devices, with a variety of development platforms including those
avaliable from Analog Devices (BF533-EZKit, BF533-STAMP, BF537-STAMP,
BF561-EZKIT), and Bluetechnix! Tinyboards.
The Blackfin architecture was jointly developed by Intel and Analog Devices
Inc. (ADI) as the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core and introduced it in
December of 2000. Since then ADI has put this core into its Blackfin
processor family of devices. The Blackfin core has the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal,RISC-like microprocessor instruction set. It combines a dual-MAC
(Multiply/Accumulate), state-of-the-art signal processing engine and
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities into a single
instruction-set architecture.
The Blackfin architecture, including the instruction set, is described by the
ADSP-BF53x/BF56x Blackfin Processor Programming Reference
The Blackfin processor is already supported by major releases of gcc, and
there are binary and source rpms/tarballs for many architectures at: There is complete
documentation, including "getting started" guides available at: which provides links to the sources and
patches you will need in order to set up a cross-compiling environment for
This patch, as well as the other patches (toolchain, distribution,
uClibc) are actively supported by Analog Devices Inc, at:
We have tested this on LTP, and our test plan (including pass/fails) can
be found at:
[ balance parenthesis in blackfin header files]
Signed-off-by: Bryan Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Kozlowski <>
Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jie Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2007-05-06 14:50:22 -07:00
# include < l i n u x / l i n k a g e . h >
# include < a s m / e n t r y . h >
# include < a s m / a s m - o f f s e t s . h >
2007-06-21 16:34:08 +08:00
# include < a s m / t r a c e . h >
2008-01-27 15:38:56 +08:00
# include < a s m / t r a p s . h >
# include < a s m / t h r e a d _ i n f o . h >
blackfin architecture
This adds support for the Analog Devices Blackfin processor architecture, and
currently supports the BF533, BF532, BF531, BF537, BF536, BF534, and BF561
(Dual Core) devices, with a variety of development platforms including those
avaliable from Analog Devices (BF533-EZKit, BF533-STAMP, BF537-STAMP,
BF561-EZKIT), and Bluetechnix! Tinyboards.
The Blackfin architecture was jointly developed by Intel and Analog Devices
Inc. (ADI) as the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core and introduced it in
December of 2000. Since then ADI has put this core into its Blackfin
processor family of devices. The Blackfin core has the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal,RISC-like microprocessor instruction set. It combines a dual-MAC
(Multiply/Accumulate), state-of-the-art signal processing engine and
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities into a single
instruction-set architecture.
The Blackfin architecture, including the instruction set, is described by the
ADSP-BF53x/BF56x Blackfin Processor Programming Reference
The Blackfin processor is already supported by major releases of gcc, and
there are binary and source rpms/tarballs for many architectures at: There is complete
documentation, including "getting started" guides available at: which provides links to the sources and
patches you will need in order to set up a cross-compiling environment for
This patch, as well as the other patches (toolchain, distribution,
uClibc) are actively supported by Analog Devices Inc, at:
We have tested this on LTP, and our test plan (including pass/fails) can
be found at:
[ balance parenthesis in blackfin header files]
Signed-off-by: Bryan Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Kozlowski <>
Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jie Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2007-05-06 14:50:22 -07:00
2008-08-27 10:51:02 +08:00
# include < a s m / c o n t e x t . S >
blackfin architecture
This adds support for the Analog Devices Blackfin processor architecture, and
currently supports the BF533, BF532, BF531, BF537, BF536, BF534, and BF561
(Dual Core) devices, with a variety of development platforms including those
avaliable from Analog Devices (BF533-EZKit, BF533-STAMP, BF537-STAMP,
BF561-EZKIT), and Bluetechnix! Tinyboards.
The Blackfin architecture was jointly developed by Intel and Analog Devices
Inc. (ADI) as the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core and introduced it in
December of 2000. Since then ADI has put this core into its Blackfin
processor family of devices. The Blackfin core has the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal,RISC-like microprocessor instruction set. It combines a dual-MAC
(Multiply/Accumulate), state-of-the-art signal processing engine and
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities into a single
instruction-set architecture.
The Blackfin architecture, including the instruction set, is described by the
ADSP-BF53x/BF56x Blackfin Processor Programming Reference
The Blackfin processor is already supported by major releases of gcc, and
there are binary and source rpms/tarballs for many architectures at: There is complete
documentation, including "getting started" guides available at: which provides links to the sources and
patches you will need in order to set up a cross-compiling environment for
This patch, as well as the other patches (toolchain, distribution,
uClibc) are actively supported by Analog Devices Inc, at:
We have tested this on LTP, and our test plan (including pass/fails) can
be found at:
[ balance parenthesis in blackfin header files]
Signed-off-by: Bryan Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Kozlowski <>
Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jie Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2007-05-06 14:50:22 -07:00
2008-01-27 15:38:56 +08:00
.extern _ret_from_exception
blackfin architecture
This adds support for the Analog Devices Blackfin processor architecture, and
currently supports the BF533, BF532, BF531, BF537, BF536, BF534, and BF561
(Dual Core) devices, with a variety of development platforms including those
avaliable from Analog Devices (BF533-EZKit, BF533-STAMP, BF537-STAMP,
BF561-EZKIT), and Bluetechnix! Tinyboards.
The Blackfin architecture was jointly developed by Intel and Analog Devices
Inc. (ADI) as the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core and introduced it in
December of 2000. Since then ADI has put this core into its Blackfin
processor family of devices. The Blackfin core has the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal,RISC-like microprocessor instruction set. It combines a dual-MAC
(Multiply/Accumulate), state-of-the-art signal processing engine and
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities into a single
instruction-set architecture.
The Blackfin architecture, including the instruction set, is described by the
ADSP-BF53x/BF56x Blackfin Processor Programming Reference
The Blackfin processor is already supported by major releases of gcc, and
there are binary and source rpms/tarballs for many architectures at: There is complete
documentation, including "getting started" guides available at: which provides links to the sources and
patches you will need in order to set up a cross-compiling environment for
This patch, as well as the other patches (toolchain, distribution,
uClibc) are actively supported by Analog Devices Inc, at:
We have tested this on LTP, and our test plan (including pass/fails) can
be found at:
[ balance parenthesis in blackfin header files]
Signed-off-by: Bryan Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Kozlowski <>
Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jie Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2007-05-06 14:50:22 -07:00
# ifdef C O N F I G _ I _ E N T R Y _ L 1
.section .l1 .text
# else
# endif
.align 4 /* just in case */
/ * Common i n t e r r u p t e n t r y c o d e . F i r s t w e d o C L I , t h e n p u s h
* RETI, t o k e e p i n t e r r u p t s d i s a b l e d , b u t t o a l l o w t h i s s t a t e t o b e c h a n g e d
* by l o c a l _ b h _ e n a b l e .
* R0 c o n t a i n s t h e i n t e r r u p t n u m b e r , w h i l e R 1 m a y c o n t a i n t h e v a l u e o f I P E N D ,
* or g a r b a g e i f I P E N D w o n ' t b e n e e d e d b y t h e I S R . * /
__common_int_entry :
[ - - sp] = f p ;
[ - - sp] = u s p ;
[ - - sp] = i 0 ;
[ - - sp] = i 1 ;
[ - - sp] = i 2 ;
[ - - sp] = i 3 ;
[ - - sp] = m 0 ;
[ - - sp] = m 1 ;
[ - - sp] = m 2 ;
[ - - sp] = m 3 ;
[ - - sp] = l 0 ;
[ - - sp] = l 1 ;
[ - - sp] = l 2 ;
[ - - sp] = l 3 ;
[ - - sp] = b0 ;
[ - - sp] = b1 ;
[ - - sp] = b2 ;
[ - - sp] = b3 ;
[ - - sp] = a0 . x ;
[ - - sp] = a0 . w ;
[ - - sp] = a1 . x ;
[ - - sp] = a1 . w ;
[ - - sp] = L C 0 ;
[ - - sp] = L C 1 ;
[ - - sp] = L T 0 ;
[ - - sp] = L T 1 ;
[ - - sp] = L B 0 ;
[ - - sp] = L B 1 ;
[ - - sp] = A S T A T ;
[ - - sp] = r0 ; /* Skip reserved */
[ - - sp] = R E T S ;
r2 = R E T I ;
[ - - sp] = r2 ;
[ - - sp] = R E T X ;
[ - - sp] = R E T N ;
[ - - sp] = R E T E ;
[ - - sp] = S E Q S T A T ;
[ - - sp] = r1 ; /* IPEND - R1 may or may not be set up before jumping here. */
/* Switch to other method of keeping interrupts disabled. */
# ifdef C O N F I G _ D E B U G _ H W E R R
r1 = 0 x3 f ;
sti r1 ;
# else
cli r1 ;
# endif
[ - - sp] = R E T I ; /* orig_pc */
/* Clear all L registers. */
r1 = 0 ( x ) ;
l0 = r1 ;
l1 = r1 ;
l2 = r1 ;
l3 = r1 ;
# ifdef C O N F I G _ F R A M E _ P O I N T E R
fp = 0 ;
# endif
2007-07-25 11:19:14 +08:00
# if A N O M A L Y _ 0 5 0 0 0 2 8 3 | | A N O M A L Y _ 0 5 0 0 0 3 1 5
blackfin architecture
This adds support for the Analog Devices Blackfin processor architecture, and
currently supports the BF533, BF532, BF531, BF537, BF536, BF534, and BF561
(Dual Core) devices, with a variety of development platforms including those
avaliable from Analog Devices (BF533-EZKit, BF533-STAMP, BF537-STAMP,
BF561-EZKIT), and Bluetechnix! Tinyboards.
The Blackfin architecture was jointly developed by Intel and Analog Devices
Inc. (ADI) as the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core and introduced it in
December of 2000. Since then ADI has put this core into its Blackfin
processor family of devices. The Blackfin core has the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal,RISC-like microprocessor instruction set. It combines a dual-MAC
(Multiply/Accumulate), state-of-the-art signal processing engine and
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities into a single
instruction-set architecture.
The Blackfin architecture, including the instruction set, is described by the
ADSP-BF53x/BF56x Blackfin Processor Programming Reference
The Blackfin processor is already supported by major releases of gcc, and
there are binary and source rpms/tarballs for many architectures at: There is complete
documentation, including "getting started" guides available at: which provides links to the sources and
patches you will need in order to set up a cross-compiling environment for
This patch, as well as the other patches (toolchain, distribution,
uClibc) are actively supported by Analog Devices Inc, at:
We have tested this on LTP, and our test plan (including pass/fails) can
be found at:
[ balance parenthesis in blackfin header files]
Signed-off-by: Bryan Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Kozlowski <>
Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jie Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2007-05-06 14:50:22 -07:00
cc = r7 = = r7 ;
2007-12-21 17:46:33 +08:00
p5 . h = H I ( C H I P I D ) ;
p5 . l = L O ( C H I P I D ) ;
blackfin architecture
This adds support for the Analog Devices Blackfin processor architecture, and
currently supports the BF533, BF532, BF531, BF537, BF536, BF534, and BF561
(Dual Core) devices, with a variety of development platforms including those
avaliable from Analog Devices (BF533-EZKit, BF533-STAMP, BF537-STAMP,
BF561-EZKIT), and Bluetechnix! Tinyboards.
The Blackfin architecture was jointly developed by Intel and Analog Devices
Inc. (ADI) as the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core and introduced it in
December of 2000. Since then ADI has put this core into its Blackfin
processor family of devices. The Blackfin core has the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal,RISC-like microprocessor instruction set. It combines a dual-MAC
(Multiply/Accumulate), state-of-the-art signal processing engine and
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities into a single
instruction-set architecture.
The Blackfin architecture, including the instruction set, is described by the
ADSP-BF53x/BF56x Blackfin Processor Programming Reference
The Blackfin processor is already supported by major releases of gcc, and
there are binary and source rpms/tarballs for many architectures at: There is complete
documentation, including "getting started" guides available at: which provides links to the sources and
patches you will need in order to set up a cross-compiling environment for
This patch, as well as the other patches (toolchain, distribution,
uClibc) are actively supported by Analog Devices Inc, at:
We have tested this on LTP, and our test plan (including pass/fails) can
be found at:
[ balance parenthesis in blackfin header files]
Signed-off-by: Bryan Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Kozlowski <>
Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jie Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2007-05-06 14:50:22 -07:00
if c c j u m p 1 f ;
r7 . l = W [ p5 ] ;
1 :
# endif
r1 = s p ;
SP + = - 1 2 ;
2009-01-07 23:14:39 +08:00
# ifdef C O N F I G _ I P I P E
call _ _ _ i p i p e _ g r a b _ i r q
SP + = 1 2 ;
cc = r0 = = 0 ;
if c c j u m p . L c o m m o n _ r e s t o r e _ c o n t e x t ;
# else / * C O N F I G _ I P I P E * /
blackfin architecture
This adds support for the Analog Devices Blackfin processor architecture, and
currently supports the BF533, BF532, BF531, BF537, BF536, BF534, and BF561
(Dual Core) devices, with a variety of development platforms including those
avaliable from Analog Devices (BF533-EZKit, BF533-STAMP, BF537-STAMP,
BF561-EZKIT), and Bluetechnix! Tinyboards.
The Blackfin architecture was jointly developed by Intel and Analog Devices
Inc. (ADI) as the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core and introduced it in
December of 2000. Since then ADI has put this core into its Blackfin
processor family of devices. The Blackfin core has the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal,RISC-like microprocessor instruction set. It combines a dual-MAC
(Multiply/Accumulate), state-of-the-art signal processing engine and
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities into a single
instruction-set architecture.
The Blackfin architecture, including the instruction set, is described by the
ADSP-BF53x/BF56x Blackfin Processor Programming Reference
The Blackfin processor is already supported by major releases of gcc, and
there are binary and source rpms/tarballs for many architectures at: There is complete
documentation, including "getting started" guides available at: which provides links to the sources and
patches you will need in order to set up a cross-compiling environment for
This patch, as well as the other patches (toolchain, distribution,
uClibc) are actively supported by Analog Devices Inc, at:
We have tested this on LTP, and our test plan (including pass/fails) can
be found at:
[ balance parenthesis in blackfin header files]
Signed-off-by: Bryan Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Kozlowski <>
Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jie Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2007-05-06 14:50:22 -07:00
call _ d o _ i r q ;
SP + = 1 2 ;
2009-01-07 23:14:39 +08:00
# endif / * C O N F I G _ I P I P E * /
blackfin architecture
This adds support for the Analog Devices Blackfin processor architecture, and
currently supports the BF533, BF532, BF531, BF537, BF536, BF534, and BF561
(Dual Core) devices, with a variety of development platforms including those
avaliable from Analog Devices (BF533-EZKit, BF533-STAMP, BF537-STAMP,
BF561-EZKIT), and Bluetechnix! Tinyboards.
The Blackfin architecture was jointly developed by Intel and Analog Devices
Inc. (ADI) as the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core and introduced it in
December of 2000. Since then ADI has put this core into its Blackfin
processor family of devices. The Blackfin core has the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal,RISC-like microprocessor instruction set. It combines a dual-MAC
(Multiply/Accumulate), state-of-the-art signal processing engine and
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities into a single
instruction-set architecture.
The Blackfin architecture, including the instruction set, is described by the
ADSP-BF53x/BF56x Blackfin Processor Programming Reference
The Blackfin processor is already supported by major releases of gcc, and
there are binary and source rpms/tarballs for many architectures at: There is complete
documentation, including "getting started" guides available at: which provides links to the sources and
patches you will need in order to set up a cross-compiling environment for
This patch, as well as the other patches (toolchain, distribution,
uClibc) are actively supported by Analog Devices Inc, at:
We have tested this on LTP, and our test plan (including pass/fails) can
be found at:
[ balance parenthesis in blackfin header files]
Signed-off-by: Bryan Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Kozlowski <>
Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jie Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2007-05-06 14:50:22 -07:00
call _ r e t u r n _ f r o m _ i n t ;
.Lcommon_restore_context :
/* interrupt routine for ivhw - 5 */
ENTRY( _ e v t _ i v h w )
Blackfin: make deferred hardware errors more exact
Hardware errors on the Blackfin architecture are queued by nature of the
hardware design. Things that could generate a hardware level queue up at
the system interface and might not process until much later, at which
point the system would send a notification back to the core.
As such, it is possible for user space code to do something that would
trigger a hardware error, but have it delay long enough for the process
context to switch. So when the hardware error does signal, we mistakenly
evaluate it as a different process or as kernel context and panic (erp!).
This makes it pretty difficult to find the offending context. But wait,
there is good news somewhere.
By forcing a SSYNC in the interrupt entry, we force all pending queues at
the system level to be processed and all hardware errors to be signaled.
Then we check the current interrupt state to see if the hardware error is
now signaled. If so, we re-queue the current interrupt and return thus
allowing the higher priority hardware error interrupt to process properly.
Since we haven't done any other context processing yet, the right context
will be selected and killed. There is still the possibility that the
exact offending instruction will be unknown, but at least we'll have a
much better idea of where to look.
The downside of course is that this causes system-wide syncs at every
interrupt point which results in significant performance degradation.
Since this situation should not occur in any properly configured system
(as hardware errors are triggered by things like bad pointers), make it a
debug configuration option and disable it by default.
Signed-off-by: Robin Getz <>
Signed-off-by: Mike Frysinger <>
2009-05-18 18:33:26 +00:00
/ * In c a s e a s i n g l e a c t i o n k i c k s o f f m u l t i p l e m e m o r y t r a n s a c t i o n s , ( l i k e
* a c a c h e l i n e f e t c h , - t h i s c a n c a u s e m u l t i p l e h a r d w a r e e r r o r s , l e t ' s
* catch t h e m a l l . F i r s t - m a k e s u r e a l l t h e a c t i o n s a r e c o m p l e t e , a n d
* the c o r e s e e s t h e h a r d w a r e e r r o r s .
* /
2008-01-27 15:38:56 +08:00
blackfin architecture
This adds support for the Analog Devices Blackfin processor architecture, and
currently supports the BF533, BF532, BF531, BF537, BF536, BF534, and BF561
(Dual Core) devices, with a variety of development platforms including those
avaliable from Analog Devices (BF533-EZKit, BF533-STAMP, BF537-STAMP,
BF561-EZKIT), and Bluetechnix! Tinyboards.
The Blackfin architecture was jointly developed by Intel and Analog Devices
Inc. (ADI) as the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core and introduced it in
December of 2000. Since then ADI has put this core into its Blackfin
processor family of devices. The Blackfin core has the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal,RISC-like microprocessor instruction set. It combines a dual-MAC
(Multiply/Accumulate), state-of-the-art signal processing engine and
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities into a single
instruction-set architecture.
The Blackfin architecture, including the instruction set, is described by the
ADSP-BF53x/BF56x Blackfin Processor Programming Reference
The Blackfin processor is already supported by major releases of gcc, and
there are binary and source rpms/tarballs for many architectures at: There is complete
documentation, including "getting started" guides available at: which provides links to the sources and
patches you will need in order to set up a cross-compiling environment for
This patch, as well as the other patches (toolchain, distribution,
uClibc) are actively supported by Analog Devices Inc, at:
We have tested this on LTP, and our test plan (including pass/fails) can
be found at:
[ balance parenthesis in blackfin header files]
Signed-off-by: Bryan Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Kozlowski <>
Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jie Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2007-05-06 14:50:22 -07:00
# ifdef C O N F I G _ F R A M E _ P O I N T E R
fp = 0 ;
# endif
2008-01-27 15:38:56 +08:00
2008-10-09 12:31:03 +08:00
# if A N O M A L Y _ 0 5 0 0 0 2 8 3 | | A N O M A L Y _ 0 5 0 0 0 3 1 5
blackfin architecture
This adds support for the Analog Devices Blackfin processor architecture, and
currently supports the BF533, BF532, BF531, BF537, BF536, BF534, and BF561
(Dual Core) devices, with a variety of development platforms including those
avaliable from Analog Devices (BF533-EZKit, BF533-STAMP, BF537-STAMP,
BF561-EZKIT), and Bluetechnix! Tinyboards.
The Blackfin architecture was jointly developed by Intel and Analog Devices
Inc. (ADI) as the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core and introduced it in
December of 2000. Since then ADI has put this core into its Blackfin
processor family of devices. The Blackfin core has the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal,RISC-like microprocessor instruction set. It combines a dual-MAC
(Multiply/Accumulate), state-of-the-art signal processing engine and
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities into a single
instruction-set architecture.
The Blackfin architecture, including the instruction set, is described by the
ADSP-BF53x/BF56x Blackfin Processor Programming Reference
The Blackfin processor is already supported by major releases of gcc, and
there are binary and source rpms/tarballs for many architectures at: There is complete
documentation, including "getting started" guides available at: which provides links to the sources and
patches you will need in order to set up a cross-compiling environment for
This patch, as well as the other patches (toolchain, distribution,
uClibc) are actively supported by Analog Devices Inc, at:
We have tested this on LTP, and our test plan (including pass/fails) can
be found at:
[ balance parenthesis in blackfin header files]
Signed-off-by: Bryan Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Kozlowski <>
Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jie Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2007-05-06 14:50:22 -07:00
cc = r7 = = r7 ;
2007-12-21 17:46:33 +08:00
p5 . h = H I ( C H I P I D ) ;
p5 . l = L O ( C H I P I D ) ;
blackfin architecture
This adds support for the Analog Devices Blackfin processor architecture, and
currently supports the BF533, BF532, BF531, BF537, BF536, BF534, and BF561
(Dual Core) devices, with a variety of development platforms including those
avaliable from Analog Devices (BF533-EZKit, BF533-STAMP, BF537-STAMP,
BF561-EZKIT), and Bluetechnix! Tinyboards.
The Blackfin architecture was jointly developed by Intel and Analog Devices
Inc. (ADI) as the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core and introduced it in
December of 2000. Since then ADI has put this core into its Blackfin
processor family of devices. The Blackfin core has the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal,RISC-like microprocessor instruction set. It combines a dual-MAC
(Multiply/Accumulate), state-of-the-art signal processing engine and
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities into a single
instruction-set architecture.
The Blackfin architecture, including the instruction set, is described by the
ADSP-BF53x/BF56x Blackfin Processor Programming Reference
The Blackfin processor is already supported by major releases of gcc, and
there are binary and source rpms/tarballs for many architectures at: There is complete
documentation, including "getting started" guides available at: which provides links to the sources and
patches you will need in order to set up a cross-compiling environment for
This patch, as well as the other patches (toolchain, distribution,
uClibc) are actively supported by Analog Devices Inc, at:
We have tested this on LTP, and our test plan (including pass/fails) can
be found at:
[ balance parenthesis in blackfin header files]
Signed-off-by: Bryan Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Kozlowski <>
Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jie Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2007-05-06 14:50:22 -07:00
if c c j u m p 1 f ;
r7 . l = W [ p5 ] ;
1 :
# endif
2007-06-21 16:34:08 +08:00
Blackfin: make deferred hardware errors more exact
Hardware errors on the Blackfin architecture are queued by nature of the
hardware design. Things that could generate a hardware level queue up at
the system interface and might not process until much later, at which
point the system would send a notification back to the core.
As such, it is possible for user space code to do something that would
trigger a hardware error, but have it delay long enough for the process
context to switch. So when the hardware error does signal, we mistakenly
evaluate it as a different process or as kernel context and panic (erp!).
This makes it pretty difficult to find the offending context. But wait,
there is good news somewhere.
By forcing a SSYNC in the interrupt entry, we force all pending queues at
the system level to be processed and all hardware errors to be signaled.
Then we check the current interrupt state to see if the hardware error is
now signaled. If so, we re-queue the current interrupt and return thus
allowing the higher priority hardware error interrupt to process properly.
Since we haven't done any other context processing yet, the right context
will be selected and killed. There is still the possibility that the
exact offending instruction will be unknown, but at least we'll have a
much better idea of where to look.
The downside of course is that this causes system-wide syncs at every
interrupt point which results in significant performance degradation.
Since this situation should not occur in any properly configured system
(as hardware errors are triggered by things like bad pointers), make it a
debug configuration option and disable it by default.
Signed-off-by: Robin Getz <>
Signed-off-by: Mike Frysinger <>
2009-05-18 18:33:26 +00:00
/ * Handle a l l s t a c k e d h a r d w a r e e r r o r s
* To m a k e s u r e w e d o n ' t h a n g f o r e v e r , o n l y d o i t 1 0 t i m e s
* /
R0 = 0 ;
R2 = 1 0 ;
1 :
P0 . L = L O ( I L A T ) ;
P0 . H = H I ( I L A T ) ;
R1 = [ P 0 ] ;
CC = B I T T S T ( R 1 , E V T _ I V H W _ P ) ;
IF ! C C J U M P 2 f ;
/* OK a hardware error is pending - clear it */
R1 = E V T _ I V H W _ P ;
[ P0 ] = R 1 ;
R0 + = 1 ;
CC = R 1 = = R 2 ;
if C C J U M P 2 f ;
JUMP 1 b ;
2 :
2009-01-07 23:14:39 +08:00
# We a r e g o i n g t o d u m p s o m e t h i n g o u t , s o m a k e s u r e w e p r i n t I P E N D p r o p e r l y
p2 . l = l o ( I P E N D ) ;
p2 . h = h i ( I P E N D ) ;
r0 = [ p2 ] ;
[ sp + P T _ I P E N D ] = r0 ;
2008-01-27 15:38:56 +08:00
/* set the EXCAUSE to HWERR for trap_c */
r0 = [ s p + P T _ S E Q S T A T ] ;
R1 . L = L O ( V E C _ H W E R R ) ;
R1 . H = H I ( V E C _ H W E R R ) ;
R0 = R 0 | R 1 ;
[ sp + P T _ S E Q S T A T ] = R 0 ;
r0 = s p ; /* stack frame pt_regs pointer argument ==> r0 */
blackfin architecture
This adds support for the Analog Devices Blackfin processor architecture, and
currently supports the BF533, BF532, BF531, BF537, BF536, BF534, and BF561
(Dual Core) devices, with a variety of development platforms including those
avaliable from Analog Devices (BF533-EZKit, BF533-STAMP, BF537-STAMP,
BF561-EZKIT), and Bluetechnix! Tinyboards.
The Blackfin architecture was jointly developed by Intel and Analog Devices
Inc. (ADI) as the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core and introduced it in
December of 2000. Since then ADI has put this core into its Blackfin
processor family of devices. The Blackfin core has the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal,RISC-like microprocessor instruction set. It combines a dual-MAC
(Multiply/Accumulate), state-of-the-art signal processing engine and
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities into a single
instruction-set architecture.
The Blackfin architecture, including the instruction set, is described by the
ADSP-BF53x/BF56x Blackfin Processor Programming Reference
The Blackfin processor is already supported by major releases of gcc, and
there are binary and source rpms/tarballs for many architectures at: There is complete
documentation, including "getting started" guides available at: which provides links to the sources and
patches you will need in order to set up a cross-compiling environment for
This patch, as well as the other patches (toolchain, distribution,
uClibc) are actively supported by Analog Devices Inc, at:
We have tested this on LTP, and our test plan (including pass/fails) can
be found at:
[ balance parenthesis in blackfin header files]
Signed-off-by: Bryan Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Kozlowski <>
Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jie Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2007-05-06 14:50:22 -07:00
SP + = - 1 2 ;
2008-01-27 15:38:56 +08:00
call _ t r a p _ c ;
blackfin architecture
This adds support for the Analog Devices Blackfin processor architecture, and
currently supports the BF533, BF532, BF531, BF537, BF536, BF534, and BF561
(Dual Core) devices, with a variety of development platforms including those
avaliable from Analog Devices (BF533-EZKit, BF533-STAMP, BF537-STAMP,
BF561-EZKIT), and Bluetechnix! Tinyboards.
The Blackfin architecture was jointly developed by Intel and Analog Devices
Inc. (ADI) as the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core and introduced it in
December of 2000. Since then ADI has put this core into its Blackfin
processor family of devices. The Blackfin core has the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal,RISC-like microprocessor instruction set. It combines a dual-MAC
(Multiply/Accumulate), state-of-the-art signal processing engine and
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities into a single
instruction-set architecture.
The Blackfin architecture, including the instruction set, is described by the
ADSP-BF53x/BF56x Blackfin Processor Programming Reference
The Blackfin processor is already supported by major releases of gcc, and
there are binary and source rpms/tarballs for many architectures at: There is complete
documentation, including "getting started" guides available at: which provides links to the sources and
patches you will need in order to set up a cross-compiling environment for
This patch, as well as the other patches (toolchain, distribution,
uClibc) are actively supported by Analog Devices Inc, at:
We have tested this on LTP, and our test plan (including pass/fails) can
be found at:
[ balance parenthesis in blackfin header files]
Signed-off-by: Bryan Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Kozlowski <>
Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jie Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2007-05-06 14:50:22 -07:00
SP + = 1 2 ;
2008-01-27 15:38:56 +08:00
2008-10-09 17:06:32 +08:00
# ifdef E B I U _ E R R M S T
/* make sure EBIU_ERRMST is clear */
p0 . l = L O ( E B I U _ E R R M S T ) ;
p0 . h = H I ( E B I U _ E R R M S T ) ;
r0 . l = ( C O R E _ E R R O R | C O R E _ M E R R O R ) ;
w[ p0 ] = r0 . l ;
# endif
2008-01-27 15:38:56 +08:00
call _ r e t _ f r o m _ e x c e p t i o n ;
2008-10-09 17:06:32 +08:00
2008-01-27 15:38:56 +08:00
.Lcommon_restore_all_sys :
blackfin architecture
This adds support for the Analog Devices Blackfin processor architecture, and
currently supports the BF533, BF532, BF531, BF537, BF536, BF534, and BF561
(Dual Core) devices, with a variety of development platforms including those
avaliable from Analog Devices (BF533-EZKit, BF533-STAMP, BF537-STAMP,
BF561-EZKIT), and Bluetechnix! Tinyboards.
The Blackfin architecture was jointly developed by Intel and Analog Devices
Inc. (ADI) as the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core and introduced it in
December of 2000. Since then ADI has put this core into its Blackfin
processor family of devices. The Blackfin core has the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal,RISC-like microprocessor instruction set. It combines a dual-MAC
(Multiply/Accumulate), state-of-the-art signal processing engine and
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities into a single
instruction-set architecture.
The Blackfin architecture, including the instruction set, is described by the
ADSP-BF53x/BF56x Blackfin Processor Programming Reference
The Blackfin processor is already supported by major releases of gcc, and
there are binary and source rpms/tarballs for many architectures at: There is complete
documentation, including "getting started" guides available at: which provides links to the sources and
patches you will need in order to set up a cross-compiling environment for
This patch, as well as the other patches (toolchain, distribution,
uClibc) are actively supported by Analog Devices Inc, at:
We have tested this on LTP, and our test plan (including pass/fails) can
be found at:
[ balance parenthesis in blackfin header files]
Signed-off-by: Bryan Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Kozlowski <>
Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jie Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2007-05-06 14:50:22 -07:00
2008-01-27 15:38:56 +08:00
ENDPROC( _ e v t _ i v h w )
2007-08-05 17:03:59 +08:00
/ * Interrupt r o u t i n e f o r e v t 2 ( N M I ) .
* We d o n ' t a c t u a l l y u s e t h i s , s o j u s t r e t u r n .
* For i n n e r c i r c l e t y p e d e t a i l s , p l e a s e s e e :
2009-02-04 16:49:45 +08:00
* http : / / docs. b l a c k f i n . u c l i n u x . o r g / d o k u . p h p ? i d =linux - k e r n e l : n m i
2007-08-05 17:03:59 +08:00
* /
ENTRY( _ e v t _ n m i )
.weak _evt_nmi
blackfin architecture
This adds support for the Analog Devices Blackfin processor architecture, and
currently supports the BF533, BF532, BF531, BF537, BF536, BF534, and BF561
(Dual Core) devices, with a variety of development platforms including those
avaliable from Analog Devices (BF533-EZKit, BF533-STAMP, BF537-STAMP,
BF561-EZKIT), and Bluetechnix! Tinyboards.
The Blackfin architecture was jointly developed by Intel and Analog Devices
Inc. (ADI) as the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core and introduced it in
December of 2000. Since then ADI has put this core into its Blackfin
processor family of devices. The Blackfin core has the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal,RISC-like microprocessor instruction set. It combines a dual-MAC
(Multiply/Accumulate), state-of-the-art signal processing engine and
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities into a single
instruction-set architecture.
The Blackfin architecture, including the instruction set, is described by the
ADSP-BF53x/BF56x Blackfin Processor Programming Reference
The Blackfin processor is already supported by major releases of gcc, and
there are binary and source rpms/tarballs for many architectures at: There is complete
documentation, including "getting started" guides available at: which provides links to the sources and
patches you will need in order to set up a cross-compiling environment for
This patch, as well as the other patches (toolchain, distribution,
uClibc) are actively supported by Analog Devices Inc, at:
We have tested this on LTP, and our test plan (including pass/fails) can
be found at:
[ balance parenthesis in blackfin header files]
Signed-off-by: Bryan Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Kozlowski <>
Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jie Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2007-05-06 14:50:22 -07:00
2007-08-05 17:03:59 +08:00
ENDPROC( _ e v t _ n m i )
blackfin architecture
This adds support for the Analog Devices Blackfin processor architecture, and
currently supports the BF533, BF532, BF531, BF537, BF536, BF534, and BF561
(Dual Core) devices, with a variety of development platforms including those
avaliable from Analog Devices (BF533-EZKit, BF533-STAMP, BF537-STAMP,
BF561-EZKIT), and Bluetechnix! Tinyboards.
The Blackfin architecture was jointly developed by Intel and Analog Devices
Inc. (ADI) as the Micro Signal Architecture (MSA) core and introduced it in
December of 2000. Since then ADI has put this core into its Blackfin
processor family of devices. The Blackfin core has the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal,RISC-like microprocessor instruction set. It combines a dual-MAC
(Multiply/Accumulate), state-of-the-art signal processing engine and
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities into a single
instruction-set architecture.
The Blackfin architecture, including the instruction set, is described by the
ADSP-BF53x/BF56x Blackfin Processor Programming Reference
The Blackfin processor is already supported by major releases of gcc, and
there are binary and source rpms/tarballs for many architectures at: There is complete
documentation, including "getting started" guides available at: which provides links to the sources and
patches you will need in order to set up a cross-compiling environment for
This patch, as well as the other patches (toolchain, distribution,
uClibc) are actively supported by Analog Devices Inc, at:
We have tested this on LTP, and our test plan (including pass/fails) can
be found at:
[ balance parenthesis in blackfin header files]
Signed-off-by: Bryan Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Mariusz Kozlowski <>
Signed-off-by: Aubrey Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jie Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2007-05-06 14:50:22 -07:00
/* interrupt routine for core timer - 6 */
ENTRY( _ e v t _ t i m e r )
TIMER_ I N T E R R U P T _ E N T R Y ( E V T _ I V T M R _ P )
/* interrupt routine for evt7 - 7 */
ENTRY( _ e v t _ e v t 7 )
INTERRUPT_ E N T R Y ( E V T _ I V G 7 _ P )
ENTRY( _ e v t _ e v t 8 )
INTERRUPT_ E N T R Y ( E V T _ I V G 8 _ P )
ENTRY( _ e v t _ e v t 9 )
INTERRUPT_ E N T R Y ( E V T _ I V G 9 _ P )
ENTRY( _ e v t _ e v t 1 0 )
INTERRUPT_ E N T R Y ( E V T _ I V G 1 0 _ P )
ENTRY( _ e v t _ e v t 1 1 )
INTERRUPT_ E N T R Y ( E V T _ I V G 1 1 _ P )
ENTRY( _ e v t _ e v t 1 2 )
INTERRUPT_ E N T R Y ( E V T _ I V G 1 2 _ P )
ENTRY( _ e v t _ e v t 1 3 )
INTERRUPT_ E N T R Y ( E V T _ I V G 1 3 _ P )
/* interrupt routine for system_call - 15 */
ENTRY( _ e v t _ s y s t e m _ c a l l )
# ifdef C O N F I G _ F R A M E _ P O I N T E R
fp = 0 ;
# endif
call _ s y s t e m _ c a l l ;
jump . L c o m m o n _ r e s t o r e _ c o n t e x t ;
2007-06-11 15:31:30 +08:00
ENDPROC( _ e v t _ s y s t e m _ c a l l )
2009-01-07 23:14:39 +08:00
# ifdef C O N F I G _ I P I P E
ENTRY( _ _ _ i p i p e _ c a l l _ i r q t a i l )
2009-03-04 16:52:38 +08:00
p0 = r0 ;
2009-01-07 23:14:39 +08:00
r0 . l = 1 f ;
r0 . h = 1 f ;
reti = r0 ;
1 :
[ - - sp] = r e t s ;
[ - - sp] = ( r7 : 4 , p5 : 3 ) ;
sp + = - 1 2 ;
call ( p0 ) ;
sp + = 1 2 ;
( r7 : 4 , p5 : 3 ) = [ sp+ + ] ;
rets = [ s p + + ] ;
[ - - sp] = r e t i ;
reti = [ s p + + ] ; /* IRQs are off. */
r0 . h = 3 f ;
r0 . l = 3 f ;
p0 . l = l o ( E V T 1 4 ) ;
p0 . h = h i ( E V T 1 4 ) ;
[ p0 ] = r0 ;
2009-03-04 16:52:38 +08:00
r0 = 0 x40 1 f ( z ) ;
2009-01-07 23:14:39 +08:00
sti r0 ;
raise 1 4 ;
[ - - sp] = r e t i ; /* IRQs on. */
2 :
jump 2 b ; /* Likely paranoid. */
3 :
sp + = 4 ; /* Discard saved RETI */
r0 . h = _ e v t 1 4 _ s o f t i r q ;
r0 . l = _ e v t 1 4 _ s o f t i r q ;
p0 . l = l o ( E V T 1 4 ) ;
p0 . h = h i ( E V T 1 4 ) ;
[ p0 ] = r0 ;
p0 . l = _ b f i n _ i r q _ f l a g s ;
p0 . h = _ b f i n _ i r q _ f l a g s ;
r0 = [ p0 ] ;
sti r0 ;
ENDPROC( _ _ _ i p i p e _ c a l l _ i r q t a i l )
2009-03-04 16:52:38 +08:00
2009-01-07 23:14:39 +08:00
# endif / * C O N F I G _ I P I P E * /