2011-03-07 10:28:42 +05:30
* MSM 7 k / 8 k High speed uart driver
* Copyright ( c ) 2007 - 2011 , Code Aurora Forum . All rights reserved .
* Copyright ( c ) 2008 Google Inc .
* Modified : Nick Pelly < npelly @ google . com >
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details .
* Has optional support for uart power management independent of linux
* suspend / resume :
* RX wakeup .
* UART wakeup can be triggered by RX activity ( using a wakeup GPIO on the
* UART RX pin ) . This should only be used if there is not a wakeup
* GPIO on the UART CTS , and the first RX byte is known ( for example , with the
* Bluetooth Texas Instruments HCILL protocol ) , since the first RX byte will
* always be lost . RTS will be asserted even while the UART is off in this mode
* of operation . See msm_serial_hs_platform_data . rx_wakeup_irq .
# include <linux/module.h>
# include <linux/serial.h>
# include <linux/serial_core.h>
2011-09-01 16:20:57 +02:00
# include <linux/tty.h>
# include <linux/tty_flip.h>
2011-03-07 10:28:42 +05:30
# include <linux/slab.h>
# include <linux/init.h>
# include <linux/interrupt.h>
# include <linux/irq.h>
# include <linux/io.h>
# include <linux/ioport.h>
# include <linux/kernel.h>
# include <linux/timer.h>
# include <linux/clk.h>
# include <linux/platform_device.h>
# include <linux/pm_runtime.h>
# include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
# include <linux/dmapool.h>
# include <linux/wait.h>
# include <linux/workqueue.h>
# include <linux/atomic.h>
# include <asm/irq.h>
# include <mach/hardware.h>
# include <mach/dma.h>
# include <linux/platform_data/msm_serial_hs.h>
/* HSUART Registers */
# define UARTDM_MR1_ADDR 0x0
# define UARTDM_MR2_ADDR 0x4
/* Data Mover result codes */
# define RSLT_FIFO_CNTR_BMSK (0xE << 28)
# define RSLT_VLD BIT(1)
/* write only register */
# define UARTDM_CSR_ADDR 0x8
# define UARTDM_CSR_115200 0xFF
# define UARTDM_CSR_57600 0xEE
# define UARTDM_CSR_38400 0xDD
# define UARTDM_CSR_28800 0xCC
# define UARTDM_CSR_19200 0xBB
# define UARTDM_CSR_14400 0xAA
# define UARTDM_CSR_9600 0x99
# define UARTDM_CSR_7200 0x88
# define UARTDM_CSR_4800 0x77
# define UARTDM_CSR_3600 0x66
# define UARTDM_CSR_2400 0x55
# define UARTDM_CSR_1200 0x44
# define UARTDM_CSR_600 0x33
# define UARTDM_CSR_300 0x22
# define UARTDM_CSR_150 0x11
# define UARTDM_CSR_75 0x00
/* write only register */
# define UARTDM_TF_ADDR 0x70
# define UARTDM_TF2_ADDR 0x74
# define UARTDM_TF3_ADDR 0x78
# define UARTDM_TF4_ADDR 0x7C
/* write only register */
# define UARTDM_CR_ADDR 0x10
# define UARTDM_IMR_ADDR 0x14
# define UARTDM_IPR_ADDR 0x18
# define UARTDM_TFWR_ADDR 0x1c
# define UARTDM_RFWR_ADDR 0x20
# define UARTDM_HCR_ADDR 0x24
# define UARTDM_DMRX_ADDR 0x34
# define UARTDM_IRDA_ADDR 0x38
# define UARTDM_DMEN_ADDR 0x3c
# define UARTDM_NCF_TX_ADDR 0x40
# define UARTDM_BADR_ADDR 0x44
# define UARTDM_SIM_CFG_ADDR 0x80
/* Read Only register */
# define UARTDM_SR_ADDR 0x8
/* Read Only register */
# define UARTDM_RF_ADDR 0x70
# define UARTDM_RF2_ADDR 0x74
# define UARTDM_RF3_ADDR 0x78
# define UARTDM_RF4_ADDR 0x7C
/* Read Only register */
# define UARTDM_MISR_ADDR 0x10
/* Read Only register */
# define UARTDM_ISR_ADDR 0x14
# define UARTDM_RXFS_ADDR 0x50
/* Register field Mask Mapping */
/* UARTDM_CR channel_comman bit value (register field is bits 8:4) */
# define RESET_RX 0x10
# define RESET_TX 0x20
# define RESET_ERROR_STATUS 0x30
# define RESET_BREAK_INT 0x40
# define START_BREAK 0x50
# define STOP_BREAK 0x60
# define RESET_CTS 0x70
# define RESET_STALE_INT 0x80
# define RFR_LOW 0xD0
# define RFR_HIGH 0xE0
# define CR_PROTECTION_EN 0x100
# define STALE_EVENT_ENABLE 0x500
# define STALE_EVENT_DISABLE 0x600
# define FORCE_STALE_EVENT 0x400
# define CLEAR_TX_READY 0x300
# define RESET_TX_ERROR 0x800
# define RESET_TX_DONE 0x810
# define UARTDM_MR1_AUTO_RFR_LEVEL1_BMSK 0xffffff00
# define UARTDM_MR1_CTS_CTL_BMSK 0x40
# define UARTDM_MR1_RX_RDY_CTL_BMSK 0x80
/* bits per character configuration */
# define FIVE_BPC (0 << 4)
# define SIX_BPC (1 << 4)
# define SEVEN_BPC (2 << 4)
# define EIGHT_BPC (3 << 4)
# define STOP_BIT_ONE (1 << 2)
# define STOP_BIT_TWO (3 << 2)
/* Parity configuration */
# define NO_PARITY 0x0
# define EVEN_PARITY 0x1
# define ODD_PARITY 0x2
# define SPACE_PARITY 0x3
/* These can be used for both ISR and IMR register */
/* Field definitions for UART_DM_DMEN*/
# define UARTDM_TX_DM_EN_BMSK 0x1
# define UARTDM_RX_DM_EN_BMSK 0x2
# define UART_FIFOSIZE 64
# define UARTCLK 7372800
/* Rx DMA request states */
enum flush_reason {
FLUSH_DATA_INVALID , /* values after this indicate invalid data */
} ;
/* UART clock states */
enum msm_hs_clk_states_e {
MSM_HS_CLK_PORT_OFF , /* port not in use */
MSM_HS_CLK_OFF , /* clock disabled */
MSM_HS_CLK_REQUEST_OFF , /* disable after TX and RX flushed */
MSM_HS_CLK_ON , /* clock enabled */
} ;
/* Track the forced RXSTALE flush during clock off sequence.
* These states are only valid during MSM_HS_CLK_REQUEST_OFF */
enum msm_hs_clk_req_off_state_e {
} ;
* struct msm_hs_tx
* @ tx_ready_int_en : ok to dma more tx ?
* @ dma_in_flight : tx dma in progress
* @ xfer : top level DMA command pointer structure
* @ command_ptr : third level command struct pointer
* @ command_ptr_ptr : second level command list struct pointer
* @ mapped_cmd_ptr : DMA view of third level command struct
* @ mapped_cmd_ptr_ptr : DMA view of second level command list struct
* @ tx_count : number of bytes to transfer in DMA transfer
* @ dma_base : DMA view of UART xmit buffer
* This structure describes a single Tx DMA transaction . MSM DMA
* commands have two levels of indirection . The top level command
* ptr points to a list of command ptr which in turn points to a
* single DMA ' command ' . In our case each Tx transaction consists
* of a single second level pointer pointing to a ' box type ' command .
struct msm_hs_tx {
unsigned int tx_ready_int_en ;
unsigned int dma_in_flight ;
struct msm_dmov_cmd xfer ;
dmov_box * command_ptr ;
u32 * command_ptr_ptr ;
dma_addr_t mapped_cmd_ptr ;
dma_addr_t mapped_cmd_ptr_ptr ;
int tx_count ;
dma_addr_t dma_base ;
} ;
* struct msm_hs_rx
* @ flush : Rx DMA request state
* @ xfer : top level DMA command pointer structure
* @ cmdptr_dmaaddr : DMA view of second level command structure
* @ command_ptr : third level DMA command pointer structure
* @ command_ptr_ptr : second level DMA command list pointer
* @ mapped_cmd_ptr : DMA view of the third level command structure
* @ wait : wait for DMA completion before shutdown
* @ buffer : destination buffer for RX DMA
* @ rbuffer : DMA view of buffer
* @ pool : dma pool out of which coherent rx buffer is allocated
* @ tty_work : private work - queue for tty flip buffer push task
* This structure describes a single Rx DMA transaction . Rx DMA
* transactions use box mode DMA commands .
struct msm_hs_rx {
enum flush_reason flush ;
struct msm_dmov_cmd xfer ;
dma_addr_t cmdptr_dmaaddr ;
dmov_box * command_ptr ;
u32 * command_ptr_ptr ;
dma_addr_t mapped_cmd_ptr ;
wait_queue_head_t wait ;
dma_addr_t rbuffer ;
unsigned char * buffer ;
struct dma_pool * pool ;
struct work_struct tty_work ;
} ;
* struct msm_hs_rx_wakeup
* @ irq : IRQ line to be configured as interrupt source on Rx activity
* @ ignore : boolean value . 1 = ignore the wakeup interrupt
* @ rx_to_inject : extra character to be inserted to Rx tty on wakeup
* @ inject_rx : 1 = insert rx_to_inject . 0 = do not insert extra character
* This is an optional structure required for UART Rx GPIO IRQ based
* wakeup from low power state . UART wakeup can be triggered by RX activity
* ( using a wakeup GPIO on the UART RX pin ) . This should only be used if
* there is not a wakeup GPIO on the UART CTS , and the first RX byte is
* known ( eg . , with the Bluetooth Texas Instruments HCILL protocol ) ,
* since the first RX byte will always be lost . RTS will be asserted even
* while the UART is clocked off in this mode of operation .
struct msm_hs_rx_wakeup {
int irq ; /* < 0 indicates low power wakeup disabled */
unsigned char ignore ;
unsigned char inject_rx ;
char rx_to_inject ;
} ;
* struct msm_hs_port
* @ uport : embedded uart port structure
* @ imr_reg : shadow value of UARTDM_IMR
* @ clk : uart input clock handle
* @ tx : Tx transaction related data structure
* @ rx : Rx transaction related data structure
* @ dma_tx_channel : Tx DMA command channel
* @ dma_rx_channel Rx DMA command channel
* @ dma_tx_crci : Tx channel rate control interface number
* @ dma_rx_crci : Rx channel rate control interface number
* @ clk_off_timer : Timer to poll DMA event completion before clock off
* @ clk_off_delay : clk_off_timer poll interval
* @ clk_state : overall clock state
* @ clk_req_off_state : post flush clock states
* @ rx_wakeup : optional rx_wakeup feature related data
* @ exit_lpm_cb : optional callback to exit low power mode
* Low level serial port structure .
struct msm_hs_port {
struct uart_port uport ;
unsigned long imr_reg ;
struct clk * clk ;
struct msm_hs_tx tx ;
struct msm_hs_rx rx ;
int dma_tx_channel ;
int dma_rx_channel ;
int dma_tx_crci ;
int dma_rx_crci ;
struct hrtimer clk_off_timer ;
ktime_t clk_off_delay ;
enum msm_hs_clk_states_e clk_state ;
enum msm_hs_clk_req_off_state_e clk_req_off_state ;
struct msm_hs_rx_wakeup rx_wakeup ;
void ( * exit_lpm_cb ) ( struct uart_port * ) ;
} ;
# define MSM_UARTDM_BURST_SIZE 16 /* DM burst size (in bytes) */
# define UARTDM_RX_BUF_SIZE 512
# define UARTDM_NR 2
static struct msm_hs_port q_uart_port [ UARTDM_NR ] ;
static struct platform_driver msm_serial_hs_platform_driver ;
static struct uart_driver msm_hs_driver ;
static struct uart_ops msm_hs_ops ;
static struct workqueue_struct * msm_hs_workqueue ;
# define UARTDM_TO_MSM(uart_port) \
container_of ( ( uart_port ) , struct msm_hs_port , uport )
static unsigned int use_low_power_rx_wakeup ( struct msm_hs_port
* msm_uport )
return ( msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . irq > = 0 ) ;
static unsigned int msm_hs_read ( struct uart_port * uport ,
unsigned int offset )
return ioread32 ( uport - > membase + offset ) ;
static void msm_hs_write ( struct uart_port * uport , unsigned int offset ,
unsigned int value )
iowrite32 ( value , uport - > membase + offset ) ;
static void msm_hs_release_port ( struct uart_port * port )
iounmap ( port - > membase ) ;
static int msm_hs_request_port ( struct uart_port * port )
port - > membase = ioremap ( port - > mapbase , PAGE_SIZE ) ;
if ( unlikely ( ! port - > membase ) )
return - ENOMEM ;
/* configure the CR Protection to Enable */
msm_hs_write ( port , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , CR_PROTECTION_EN ) ;
return 0 ;
static int __devexit msm_hs_remove ( struct platform_device * pdev )
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport ;
struct device * dev ;
if ( pdev - > id < 0 | | pdev - > id > = UARTDM_NR ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " Invalid plaform device ID = %d \n " , pdev - > id ) ;
return - EINVAL ;
msm_uport = & q_uart_port [ pdev - > id ] ;
dev = msm_uport - > uport . dev ;
dma_unmap_single ( dev , msm_uport - > rx . mapped_cmd_ptr , sizeof ( dmov_box ) ,
dma_pool_free ( msm_uport - > rx . pool , msm_uport - > rx . buffer ,
msm_uport - > rx . rbuffer ) ;
dma_pool_destroy ( msm_uport - > rx . pool ) ;
2011-12-08 09:06:08 +05:30
dma_unmap_single ( dev , msm_uport - > rx . cmdptr_dmaaddr , sizeof ( u32 ) ,
2011-03-07 10:28:42 +05:30
2011-12-08 09:06:08 +05:30
dma_unmap_single ( dev , msm_uport - > tx . mapped_cmd_ptr_ptr , sizeof ( u32 ) ,
2011-03-07 10:28:42 +05:30
dma_unmap_single ( dev , msm_uport - > tx . mapped_cmd_ptr , sizeof ( dmov_box ) ,
uart_remove_one_port ( & msm_hs_driver , & msm_uport - > uport ) ;
clk_put ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
/* Free the tx resources */
kfree ( msm_uport - > tx . command_ptr ) ;
kfree ( msm_uport - > tx . command_ptr_ptr ) ;
/* Free the rx resources */
kfree ( msm_uport - > rx . command_ptr ) ;
kfree ( msm_uport - > rx . command_ptr_ptr ) ;
iounmap ( msm_uport - > uport . membase ) ;
return 0 ;
static int msm_hs_init_clk_locked ( struct uart_port * uport )
int ret ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
ret = clk_enable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
if ( ret ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " Error could not turn on UART clk \n " ) ;
return ret ;
/* Set up the MREG/NREG/DREG/MNDREG */
ret = clk_set_rate ( msm_uport - > clk , uport - > uartclk ) ;
if ( ret ) {
printk ( KERN_WARNING " Error setting clock rate on UART \n " ) ;
clk_disable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
return ret ;
msm_uport - > clk_state = MSM_HS_CLK_ON ;
return 0 ;
/* Enable and Disable clocks (Used for power management) */
static void msm_hs_pm ( struct uart_port * uport , unsigned int state ,
unsigned int oldstate )
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
if ( use_low_power_rx_wakeup ( msm_uport ) | |
msm_uport - > exit_lpm_cb )
return ; /* ignore linux PM states,
use msm_hs_request_clock API */
switch ( state ) {
case 0 :
clk_enable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
clk_disable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
break ;
default :
dev_err ( uport - > dev , " msm_serial: Unknown PM state %d \n " ,
state ) ;
* programs the UARTDM_CSR register with correct bit rates
* Interrupts should be disabled before we are called , as
* we modify Set Baud rate
2011-03-30 22:57:33 -03:00
* Set receive stale interrupt level , dependent on Bit Rate
2011-03-07 10:28:42 +05:30
* Goal is to have around 8 ms before indicate stale .
* roundup ( ( ( Bit Rate * .008 ) / 10 ) + 1
static void msm_hs_set_bps_locked ( struct uart_port * uport ,
unsigned int bps )
unsigned long rxstale ;
unsigned long data ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
switch ( bps ) {
case 300 :
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CSR_ADDR , UARTDM_CSR_75 ) ;
rxstale = 1 ;
break ;
case 600 :
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CSR_ADDR , UARTDM_CSR_150 ) ;
rxstale = 1 ;
break ;
case 1200 :
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CSR_ADDR , UARTDM_CSR_300 ) ;
rxstale = 1 ;
break ;
case 2400 :
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CSR_ADDR , UARTDM_CSR_600 ) ;
rxstale = 1 ;
break ;
case 4800 :
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CSR_ADDR , UARTDM_CSR_1200 ) ;
rxstale = 1 ;
break ;
case 9600 :
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CSR_ADDR , UARTDM_CSR_2400 ) ;
rxstale = 2 ;
break ;
case 14400 :
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CSR_ADDR , UARTDM_CSR_3600 ) ;
rxstale = 3 ;
break ;
case 19200 :
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CSR_ADDR , UARTDM_CSR_4800 ) ;
rxstale = 4 ;
break ;
case 28800 :
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CSR_ADDR , UARTDM_CSR_7200 ) ;
rxstale = 6 ;
break ;
case 38400 :
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CSR_ADDR , UARTDM_CSR_9600 ) ;
rxstale = 8 ;
break ;
case 57600 :
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CSR_ADDR , UARTDM_CSR_14400 ) ;
rxstale = 16 ;
break ;
case 76800 :
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CSR_ADDR , UARTDM_CSR_19200 ) ;
rxstale = 16 ;
break ;
case 115200 :
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CSR_ADDR , UARTDM_CSR_28800 ) ;
rxstale = 31 ;
break ;
case 230400 :
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CSR_ADDR , UARTDM_CSR_57600 ) ;
rxstale = 31 ;
break ;
case 460800 :
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CSR_ADDR , UARTDM_CSR_115200 ) ;
rxstale = 31 ;
break ;
case 4000000 :
case 3686400 :
case 3200000 :
case 3500000 :
case 3000000 :
case 2500000 :
case 1500000 :
case 1152000 :
case 1000000 :
case 921600 :
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CSR_ADDR , UARTDM_CSR_115200 ) ;
rxstale = 31 ;
break ;
default :
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CSR_ADDR , UARTDM_CSR_2400 ) ;
/* default to 9600 */
bps = 9600 ;
rxstale = 2 ;
break ;
if ( bps > 460800 )
uport - > uartclk = bps * 16 ;
uport - > uartclk = UARTCLK ;
if ( clk_set_rate ( msm_uport - > clk , uport - > uartclk ) ) {
printk ( KERN_WARNING " Error setting clock rate on UART \n " ) ;
return ;
data = rxstale & UARTDM_IPR_STALE_LSB_BMSK ;
data | = UARTDM_IPR_STALE_TIMEOUT_MSB_BMSK & ( rxstale < < 2 ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_IPR_ADDR , data ) ;
* termios : new ktermios
* oldtermios : old ktermios previous setting
* Configure the serial port
static void msm_hs_set_termios ( struct uart_port * uport ,
struct ktermios * termios ,
struct ktermios * oldtermios )
unsigned int bps ;
unsigned long data ;
unsigned long flags ;
unsigned int c_cflag = termios - > c_cflag ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
clk_enable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
/* 300 is the minimum baud support by the driver */
bps = uart_get_baud_rate ( uport , termios , oldtermios , 200 , 4000000 ) ;
/* Temporary remapping 200 BAUD to 3.2 mbps */
if ( bps = = 200 )
bps = 3200000 ;
msm_hs_set_bps_locked ( uport , bps ) ;
data = msm_hs_read ( uport , UARTDM_MR2_ADDR ) ;
/* set parity */
if ( PARENB = = ( c_cflag & PARENB ) ) {
if ( PARODD = = ( c_cflag & PARODD ) )
data | = ODD_PARITY ;
else if ( CMSPAR = = ( c_cflag & CMSPAR ) )
data | = SPACE_PARITY ;
data | = EVEN_PARITY ;
/* Set bits per char */
switch ( c_cflag & CSIZE ) {
case CS5 :
data | = FIVE_BPC ;
break ;
case CS6 :
data | = SIX_BPC ;
break ;
case CS7 :
data | = SEVEN_BPC ;
break ;
default :
data | = EIGHT_BPC ;
break ;
/* stop bits */
if ( c_cflag & CSTOPB ) {
data | = STOP_BIT_TWO ;
} else {
/* otherwise 1 stop bit */
data | = STOP_BIT_ONE ;
/* write parity/bits per char/stop bit configuration */
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_MR2_ADDR , data ) ;
/* Configure HW flow control */
data = msm_hs_read ( uport , UARTDM_MR1_ADDR ) ;
if ( c_cflag & CRTSCTS ) {
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_MR1_ADDR , data ) ;
uport - > ignore_status_mask = termios - > c_iflag & INPCK ;
uport - > ignore_status_mask | = termios - > c_iflag & IGNPAR ;
uport - > read_status_mask = ( termios - > c_cflag & CREAD ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_IMR_ADDR , 0 ) ;
/* Set Transmit software time out */
uart_update_timeout ( uport , c_cflag , bps ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , RESET_RX ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , RESET_TX ) ;
if ( msm_uport - > rx . flush = = FLUSH_NONE ) {
msm_uport - > rx . flush = FLUSH_IGNORE ;
msm_dmov_stop_cmd ( msm_uport - > dma_rx_channel , NULL , 1 ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_IMR_ADDR , msm_uport - > imr_reg ) ;
clk_disable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
* Standard API , Transmitter
* Any character in the transmit shift register is sent
static unsigned int msm_hs_tx_empty ( struct uart_port * uport )
unsigned int data ;
unsigned int ret = 0 ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
clk_enable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
data = msm_hs_read ( uport , UARTDM_SR_ADDR ) ;
if ( data & UARTDM_SR_TXEMT_BMSK )
clk_disable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
return ret ;
* Standard API , Stop transmitter .
* Any character in the transmit shift register is sent as
* well as the current data mover transfer .
static void msm_hs_stop_tx_locked ( struct uart_port * uport )
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
msm_uport - > tx . tx_ready_int_en = 0 ;
* Standard API , Stop receiver as soon as possible .
* Function immediately terminates the operation of the
* channel receiver and any incoming characters are lost . None
* of the receiver status bits are affected by this command and
* characters that are already in the receive FIFO there .
static void msm_hs_stop_rx_locked ( struct uart_port * uport )
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
unsigned int data ;
clk_enable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
/* disable dlink */
data = msm_hs_read ( uport , UARTDM_DMEN_ADDR ) ;
data & = ~ UARTDM_RX_DM_EN_BMSK ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_DMEN_ADDR , data ) ;
/* Disable the receiver */
if ( msm_uport - > rx . flush = = FLUSH_NONE )
msm_dmov_stop_cmd ( msm_uport - > dma_rx_channel , NULL , 1 ) ;
if ( msm_uport - > rx . flush ! = FLUSH_SHUTDOWN )
msm_uport - > rx . flush = FLUSH_STOP ;
clk_disable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
/* Transmit the next chunk of data */
static void msm_hs_submit_tx_locked ( struct uart_port * uport )
int left ;
int tx_count ;
dma_addr_t src_addr ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
struct msm_hs_tx * tx = & msm_uport - > tx ;
struct circ_buf * tx_buf = & msm_uport - > uport . state - > xmit ;
if ( uart_circ_empty ( tx_buf ) | | uport - > state - > port . tty - > stopped ) {
msm_hs_stop_tx_locked ( uport ) ;
return ;
tx - > dma_in_flight = 1 ;
tx_count = uart_circ_chars_pending ( tx_buf ) ;
if ( UARTDM_TX_BUF_SIZE < tx_count )
tx_count = UARTDM_TX_BUF_SIZE ;
left = UART_XMIT_SIZE - tx_buf - > tail ;
if ( tx_count > left )
tx_count = left ;
src_addr = tx - > dma_base + tx_buf - > tail ;
dma_sync_single_for_device ( uport - > dev , src_addr , tx_count ,
tx - > command_ptr - > num_rows = ( ( ( tx_count + 15 ) > > 4 ) < < 16 ) |
( ( tx_count + 15 ) > > 4 ) ;
tx - > command_ptr - > src_row_addr = src_addr ;
dma_sync_single_for_device ( uport - > dev , tx - > mapped_cmd_ptr ,
sizeof ( dmov_box ) , DMA_TO_DEVICE ) ;
* tx - > command_ptr_ptr = CMD_PTR_LP | DMOV_CMD_ADDR ( tx - > mapped_cmd_ptr ) ;
dma_sync_single_for_device ( uport - > dev , tx - > mapped_cmd_ptr_ptr ,
2011-12-08 09:06:08 +05:30
sizeof ( u32 ) , DMA_TO_DEVICE ) ;
2011-03-07 10:28:42 +05:30
/* Save tx_count to use in Callback */
tx - > tx_count = tx_count ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_NCF_TX_ADDR , tx_count ) ;
/* Disable the tx_ready interrupt */
msm_uport - > imr_reg & = ~ UARTDM_ISR_TX_READY_BMSK ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_IMR_ADDR , msm_uport - > imr_reg ) ;
msm_dmov_enqueue_cmd ( msm_uport - > dma_tx_channel , & tx - > xfer ) ;
/* Start to receive the next chunk of data */
static void msm_hs_start_rx_locked ( struct uart_port * uport )
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , RESET_STALE_INT ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_DMRX_ADDR , UARTDM_RX_BUF_SIZE ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , STALE_EVENT_ENABLE ) ;
msm_uport - > imr_reg | = UARTDM_ISR_RXLEV_BMSK ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_IMR_ADDR , msm_uport - > imr_reg ) ;
msm_uport - > rx . flush = FLUSH_NONE ;
msm_dmov_enqueue_cmd ( msm_uport - > dma_rx_channel , & msm_uport - > rx . xfer ) ;
/* might have finished RX and be ready to clock off */
hrtimer_start ( & msm_uport - > clk_off_timer , msm_uport - > clk_off_delay ,
/* Enable the transmitter Interrupt */
static void msm_hs_start_tx_locked ( struct uart_port * uport )
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
clk_enable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
if ( msm_uport - > exit_lpm_cb )
msm_uport - > exit_lpm_cb ( uport ) ;
if ( msm_uport - > tx . tx_ready_int_en = = 0 ) {
msm_uport - > tx . tx_ready_int_en = 1 ;
msm_hs_submit_tx_locked ( uport ) ;
clk_disable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
* This routine is called when we are done with a DMA transfer
* This routine is registered with Data mover when we set
* up a Data Mover transfer . It is called from Data mover ISR
* when the DMA transfer is done .
static void msm_hs_dmov_tx_callback ( struct msm_dmov_cmd * cmd_ptr ,
unsigned int result ,
struct msm_dmov_errdata * err )
unsigned long flags ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport ;
/* DMA did not finish properly */
WARN_ON ( ( ( ( result & RSLT_FIFO_CNTR_BMSK ) > > 28 ) = = 1 ) & &
! ( result & RSLT_VLD ) ) ;
msm_uport = container_of ( cmd_ptr , struct msm_hs_port , tx . xfer ) ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & msm_uport - > uport . lock , flags ) ;
clk_enable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
msm_uport - > imr_reg | = UARTDM_ISR_TX_READY_BMSK ;
msm_hs_write ( & msm_uport - > uport , UARTDM_IMR_ADDR , msm_uport - > imr_reg ) ;
clk_disable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & msm_uport - > uport . lock , flags ) ;
* This routine is called when we are done with a DMA transfer or the
* a flush has been sent to the data mover driver .
* This routine is registered with Data mover when we set up a Data Mover
* transfer . It is called from Data mover ISR when the DMA transfer is done .
static void msm_hs_dmov_rx_callback ( struct msm_dmov_cmd * cmd_ptr ,
unsigned int result ,
struct msm_dmov_errdata * err )
int retval ;
int rx_count ;
unsigned long status ;
unsigned int error_f = 0 ;
unsigned long flags ;
unsigned int flush ;
struct tty_struct * tty ;
struct uart_port * uport ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport ;
msm_uport = container_of ( cmd_ptr , struct msm_hs_port , rx . xfer ) ;
uport = & msm_uport - > uport ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
clk_enable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
tty = uport - > state - > port . tty ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , STALE_EVENT_DISABLE ) ;
status = msm_hs_read ( uport , UARTDM_SR_ADDR ) ;
/* overflow is not connect to data in a FIFO */
if ( unlikely ( ( status & UARTDM_SR_OVERRUN_BMSK ) & &
( uport - > read_status_mask & CREAD ) ) ) {
tty_insert_flip_char ( tty , 0 , TTY_OVERRUN ) ;
uport - > icount . buf_overrun + + ;
error_f = 1 ;
if ( ! ( uport - > ignore_status_mask & INPCK ) )
status = status & ~ ( UARTDM_SR_PAR_FRAME_BMSK ) ;
if ( unlikely ( status & UARTDM_SR_PAR_FRAME_BMSK ) ) {
/* Can not tell difference between parity & frame error */
uport - > icount . parity + + ;
error_f = 1 ;
if ( uport - > ignore_status_mask & IGNPAR )
tty_insert_flip_char ( tty , 0 , TTY_PARITY ) ;
if ( error_f )
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , RESET_ERROR_STATUS ) ;
if ( msm_uport - > clk_req_off_state = = CLK_REQ_OFF_FLUSH_ISSUED )
msm_uport - > clk_req_off_state = CLK_REQ_OFF_RXSTALE_FLUSHED ;
flush = msm_uport - > rx . flush ;
if ( flush = = FLUSH_IGNORE )
msm_hs_start_rx_locked ( uport ) ;
if ( flush = = FLUSH_STOP )
msm_uport - > rx . flush = FLUSH_SHUTDOWN ;
if ( flush > = FLUSH_DATA_INVALID )
goto out ;
rx_count = msm_hs_read ( uport , UARTDM_RX_TOTAL_SNAP_ADDR ) ;
if ( 0 ! = ( uport - > read_status_mask & CREAD ) ) {
retval = tty_insert_flip_string ( tty , msm_uport - > rx . buffer ,
rx_count ) ;
BUG_ON ( retval ! = rx_count ) ;
msm_hs_start_rx_locked ( uport ) ;
out :
clk_disable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
if ( flush < FLUSH_DATA_INVALID )
queue_work ( msm_hs_workqueue , & msm_uport - > rx . tty_work ) ;
static void msm_hs_tty_flip_buffer_work ( struct work_struct * work )
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport =
container_of ( work , struct msm_hs_port , rx . tty_work ) ;
struct tty_struct * tty = msm_uport - > uport . state - > port . tty ;
tty_flip_buffer_push ( tty ) ;
* Standard API , Current states of modem control inputs
* Since CTS can be handled entirely by HARDWARE we always
* indicate clear to send and count on the TX FIFO to block when
* it fills up .
* ( Unsupported ) DCD and DSR will return them high . RI will return low .
static unsigned int msm_hs_get_mctrl_locked ( struct uart_port * uport )
* True enables UART auto RFR , which indicates we are ready for data if the RX
* buffer is not full . False disables auto RFR , and deasserts RFR to indicate
* we are not ready for data . Must be called with UART clock on .
static void set_rfr_locked ( struct uart_port * uport , int auto_rfr )
unsigned int data ;
data = msm_hs_read ( uport , UARTDM_MR1_ADDR ) ;
if ( auto_rfr ) {
/* enable auto ready-for-receiving */
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_MR1_ADDR , data ) ;
} else {
/* disable auto ready-for-receiving */
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_MR1_ADDR , data ) ;
/* RFR is active low, set high */
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , RFR_HIGH ) ;
* Standard API , used to set or clear RFR
static void msm_hs_set_mctrl_locked ( struct uart_port * uport ,
unsigned int mctrl )
unsigned int auto_rfr ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
clk_enable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
auto_rfr = TIOCM_RTS & mctrl ? 1 : 0 ;
set_rfr_locked ( uport , auto_rfr ) ;
clk_disable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
/* Standard API, Enable modem status (CTS) interrupt */
static void msm_hs_enable_ms_locked ( struct uart_port * uport )
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
clk_enable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
/* Enable DELTA_CTS Interrupt */
msm_uport - > imr_reg | = UARTDM_ISR_DELTA_CTS_BMSK ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_IMR_ADDR , msm_uport - > imr_reg ) ;
clk_disable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
* Standard API , Break Signal
* Control the transmission of a break signal . ctl eq 0 = > break
* signal terminate ctl ne 0 = > start break signal
static void msm_hs_break_ctl ( struct uart_port * uport , int ctl )
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
clk_enable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , ctl ? START_BREAK : STOP_BREAK ) ;
clk_disable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
static void msm_hs_config_port ( struct uart_port * uport , int cfg_flags )
unsigned long flags ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
if ( cfg_flags & UART_CONFIG_TYPE ) {
uport - > type = PORT_MSM ;
msm_hs_request_port ( uport ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
/* Handle CTS changes (Called from interrupt handler) */
2011-12-08 09:06:09 +05:30
static void msm_hs_handle_delta_cts_locked ( struct uart_port * uport )
2011-03-07 10:28:42 +05:30
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
clk_enable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
/* clear interrupt */
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , RESET_CTS ) ;
uport - > icount . cts + + ;
clk_disable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
/* clear the IOCTL TIOCMIWAIT if called */
wake_up_interruptible ( & uport - > state - > port . delta_msr_wait ) ;
/* check if the TX path is flushed, and if so clock off
* returns 0 did not clock off , need to retry ( still sending final byte )
* - 1 did not clock off , do not retry
* 1 if we clocked off
static int msm_hs_check_clock_off_locked ( struct uart_port * uport )
unsigned long sr_status ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
struct circ_buf * tx_buf = & uport - > state - > xmit ;
/* Cancel if tx tty buffer is not empty, dma is in flight,
* or tx fifo is not empty , or rx fifo is not empty */
if ( msm_uport - > clk_state ! = MSM_HS_CLK_REQUEST_OFF | |
! uart_circ_empty ( tx_buf ) | | msm_uport - > tx . dma_in_flight | |
( msm_uport - > imr_reg & UARTDM_ISR_TXLEV_BMSK ) | |
! ( msm_uport - > imr_reg & UARTDM_ISR_RXLEV_BMSK ) ) {
return - 1 ;
/* Make sure the uart is finished with the last byte */
sr_status = msm_hs_read ( uport , UARTDM_SR_ADDR ) ;
if ( ! ( sr_status & UARTDM_SR_TXEMT_BMSK ) )
return 0 ; /* retry */
/* Make sure forced RXSTALE flush complete */
switch ( msm_uport - > clk_req_off_state ) {
msm_uport - > clk_req_off_state = CLK_REQ_OFF_RXSTALE_ISSUED ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , FORCE_STALE_EVENT ) ;
return 0 ; /* RXSTALE flush not complete - retry */
return 0 ; /* RXSTALE flush not complete - retry */
break ; /* continue */
if ( msm_uport - > rx . flush ! = FLUSH_SHUTDOWN ) {
if ( msm_uport - > rx . flush = = FLUSH_NONE )
msm_hs_stop_rx_locked ( uport ) ;
return 0 ; /* come back later to really clock off */
/* we really want to clock off */
clk_disable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
msm_uport - > clk_state = MSM_HS_CLK_OFF ;
if ( use_low_power_rx_wakeup ( msm_uport ) ) {
msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . ignore = 1 ;
enable_irq ( msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . irq ) ;
return 1 ;
static enum hrtimer_restart msm_hs_clk_off_retry ( struct hrtimer * timer )
unsigned long flags ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = container_of ( timer , struct msm_hs_port ,
clk_off_timer ) ;
struct uart_port * uport = & msm_uport - > uport ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
if ( ! msm_hs_check_clock_off_locked ( uport ) ) {
hrtimer_forward_now ( timer , msm_uport - > clk_off_delay ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
return ret ;
static irqreturn_t msm_hs_isr ( int irq , void * dev )
unsigned long flags ;
unsigned long isr_status ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = dev ;
struct uart_port * uport = & msm_uport - > uport ;
struct circ_buf * tx_buf = & uport - > state - > xmit ;
struct msm_hs_tx * tx = & msm_uport - > tx ;
struct msm_hs_rx * rx = & msm_uport - > rx ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
isr_status = msm_hs_read ( uport , UARTDM_MISR_ADDR ) ;
/* Uart RX starting */
if ( isr_status & UARTDM_ISR_RXLEV_BMSK ) {
msm_uport - > imr_reg & = ~ UARTDM_ISR_RXLEV_BMSK ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_IMR_ADDR , msm_uport - > imr_reg ) ;
/* Stale rx interrupt */
if ( isr_status & UARTDM_ISR_RXSTALE_BMSK ) {
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , STALE_EVENT_DISABLE ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , RESET_STALE_INT ) ;
if ( msm_uport - > clk_req_off_state = = CLK_REQ_OFF_RXSTALE_ISSUED )
msm_uport - > clk_req_off_state =
if ( rx - > flush = = FLUSH_NONE ) {
rx - > flush = FLUSH_DATA_READY ;
msm_dmov_stop_cmd ( msm_uport - > dma_rx_channel , NULL , 1 ) ;
/* tx ready interrupt */
if ( isr_status & UARTDM_ISR_TX_READY_BMSK ) {
/* Clear TX Ready */
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , CLEAR_TX_READY ) ;
if ( msm_uport - > clk_state = = MSM_HS_CLK_REQUEST_OFF ) {
msm_uport - > imr_reg | = UARTDM_ISR_TXLEV_BMSK ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_IMR_ADDR ,
msm_uport - > imr_reg ) ;
/* Complete DMA TX transactions and submit new transactions */
tx_buf - > tail = ( tx_buf - > tail + tx - > tx_count ) & ~ UART_XMIT_SIZE ;
tx - > dma_in_flight = 0 ;
uport - > icount . tx + = tx - > tx_count ;
if ( tx - > tx_ready_int_en )
msm_hs_submit_tx_locked ( uport ) ;
if ( uart_circ_chars_pending ( tx_buf ) < WAKEUP_CHARS )
uart_write_wakeup ( uport ) ;
if ( isr_status & UARTDM_ISR_TXLEV_BMSK ) {
/* TX FIFO is empty */
msm_uport - > imr_reg & = ~ UARTDM_ISR_TXLEV_BMSK ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_IMR_ADDR , msm_uport - > imr_reg ) ;
if ( ! msm_hs_check_clock_off_locked ( uport ) )
hrtimer_start ( & msm_uport - > clk_off_timer ,
msm_uport - > clk_off_delay ,
/* Change in CTS interrupt */
if ( isr_status & UARTDM_ISR_DELTA_CTS_BMSK )
2011-12-08 09:06:09 +05:30
msm_hs_handle_delta_cts_locked ( uport ) ;
2011-03-07 10:28:42 +05:30
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
return IRQ_HANDLED ;
void msm_hs_request_clock_off_locked ( struct uart_port * uport )
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
if ( msm_uport - > clk_state = = MSM_HS_CLK_ON ) {
msm_uport - > clk_state = MSM_HS_CLK_REQUEST_OFF ;
msm_uport - > clk_req_off_state = CLK_REQ_OFF_START ;
if ( ! use_low_power_rx_wakeup ( msm_uport ) )
set_rfr_locked ( uport , 0 ) ;
msm_uport - > imr_reg | = UARTDM_ISR_TXLEV_BMSK ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_IMR_ADDR , msm_uport - > imr_reg ) ;
* msm_hs_request_clock_off - request to ( i . e . asynchronously ) turn off uart
* clock once pending TX is flushed and Rx DMA command is terminated .
* @ uport : uart_port structure for the device instance .
* This functions puts the device into a partially active low power mode . It
* waits to complete all pending tx transactions , flushes ongoing Rx DMA
* command and terminates UART side Rx transaction , puts UART HW in non DMA
* mode and then clocks off the device . A client calls this when no UART
* data is expected . msm_request_clock_on ( ) must be called before any further
* UART can be sent or received .
void msm_hs_request_clock_off ( struct uart_port * uport )
unsigned long flags ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
msm_hs_request_clock_off_locked ( uport ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
void msm_hs_request_clock_on_locked ( struct uart_port * uport )
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
unsigned int data ;
switch ( msm_uport - > clk_state ) {
clk_enable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
disable_irq_nosync ( msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . irq ) ;
/* fall-through */
if ( msm_uport - > rx . flush = = FLUSH_STOP | |
msm_uport - > rx . flush = = FLUSH_SHUTDOWN ) {
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , RESET_RX ) ;
data = msm_hs_read ( uport , UARTDM_DMEN_ADDR ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_DMEN_ADDR , data ) ;
hrtimer_try_to_cancel ( & msm_uport - > clk_off_timer ) ;
if ( msm_uport - > rx . flush = = FLUSH_SHUTDOWN )
msm_hs_start_rx_locked ( uport ) ;
if ( ! use_low_power_rx_wakeup ( msm_uport ) )
set_rfr_locked ( uport , 1 ) ;
if ( msm_uport - > rx . flush = = FLUSH_STOP )
msm_uport - > rx . flush = FLUSH_IGNORE ;
msm_uport - > clk_state = MSM_HS_CLK_ON ;
break ;
case MSM_HS_CLK_ON :
break ;
break ;
* msm_hs_request_clock_on - Switch the device from partially active low
* power mode to fully active ( i . e . clock on ) mode .
* @ uport : uart_port structure for the device .
* This function switches on the input clock , puts UART HW into DMA mode
* and enqueues an Rx DMA command if the device was in partially active
* mode . It has no effect if called with the device in inactive state .
void msm_hs_request_clock_on ( struct uart_port * uport )
unsigned long flags ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
msm_hs_request_clock_on_locked ( uport ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
static irqreturn_t msm_hs_rx_wakeup_isr ( int irq , void * dev )
unsigned int wakeup = 0 ;
unsigned long flags ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = dev ;
struct uart_port * uport = & msm_uport - > uport ;
struct tty_struct * tty = NULL ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
if ( msm_uport - > clk_state = = MSM_HS_CLK_OFF ) {
2011-03-30 22:57:33 -03:00
/* ignore the first irq - it is a pending irq that occurred
2011-03-07 10:28:42 +05:30
* before enable_irq ( ) */
if ( msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . ignore )
msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . ignore = 0 ;
wakeup = 1 ;
if ( wakeup ) {
/* the uart was clocked off during an rx, wake up and
* optionally inject char into tty rx */
msm_hs_request_clock_on_locked ( uport ) ;
if ( msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . inject_rx ) {
tty = uport - > state - > port . tty ;
tty_insert_flip_char ( tty ,
msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . rx_to_inject ,
queue_work ( msm_hs_workqueue , & msm_uport - > rx . tty_work ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
return IRQ_HANDLED ;
static const char * msm_hs_type ( struct uart_port * port )
return ( port - > type = = PORT_MSM ) ? " MSM_HS_UART " : NULL ;
/* Called when port is opened */
static int msm_hs_startup ( struct uart_port * uport )
int ret ;
int rfr_level ;
unsigned long flags ;
unsigned int data ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
struct circ_buf * tx_buf = & uport - > state - > xmit ;
struct msm_hs_tx * tx = & msm_uport - > tx ;
struct msm_hs_rx * rx = & msm_uport - > rx ;
rfr_level = uport - > fifosize ;
if ( rfr_level > 16 )
rfr_level - = 16 ;
tx - > dma_base = dma_map_single ( uport - > dev , tx_buf - > buf , UART_XMIT_SIZE ,
/* do not let tty layer execute RX in global workqueue, use a
* dedicated workqueue managed by this driver */
uport - > state - > port . tty - > low_latency = 1 ;
/* turn on uart clk */
ret = msm_hs_init_clk_locked ( uport ) ;
if ( unlikely ( ret ) ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " Turning uartclk failed! \n " ) ;
goto err_msm_hs_init_clk ;
/* Set auto RFR Level */
data = msm_hs_read ( uport , UARTDM_MR1_ADDR ) ;
data | = ( UARTDM_MR1_AUTO_RFR_LEVEL1_BMSK & ( rfr_level < < 2 ) ) ;
data | = ( UARTDM_MR1_AUTO_RFR_LEVEL0_BMSK & rfr_level ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_MR1_ADDR , data ) ;
/* Make sure RXSTALE count is non-zero */
data = msm_hs_read ( uport , UARTDM_IPR_ADDR ) ;
if ( ! data ) {
data | = 0x1f & UARTDM_IPR_STALE_LSB_BMSK ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_IPR_ADDR , data ) ;
/* Enable Data Mover Mode */
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_DMEN_ADDR , data ) ;
/* Reset TX */
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , RESET_TX ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , RESET_RX ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , RESET_ERROR_STATUS ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , RESET_BREAK_INT ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , RESET_STALE_INT ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , RESET_CTS ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , RFR_LOW ) ;
/* Turn on Uart Receiver */
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , UARTDM_CR_RX_EN_BMSK ) ;
/* Turn on Uart Transmitter */
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , UARTDM_CR_TX_EN_BMSK ) ;
/* Initialize the tx */
tx - > tx_ready_int_en = 0 ;
tx - > dma_in_flight = 0 ;
tx - > xfer . complete_func = msm_hs_dmov_tx_callback ;
tx - > xfer . execute_func = NULL ;
tx - > command_ptr - > cmd = CMD_LC |
CMD_DST_CRCI ( msm_uport - > dma_tx_crci ) | CMD_MODE_BOX ;
tx - > command_ptr - > src_dst_len = ( MSM_UARTDM_BURST_SIZE < < 16 )
tx - > command_ptr - > row_offset = ( MSM_UARTDM_BURST_SIZE < < 16 ) ;
tx - > command_ptr - > dst_row_addr =
msm_uport - > uport . mapbase + UARTDM_TF_ADDR ;
/* Turn on Uart Receive */
rx - > xfer . complete_func = msm_hs_dmov_rx_callback ;
rx - > xfer . execute_func = NULL ;
rx - > command_ptr - > cmd = CMD_LC |
CMD_SRC_CRCI ( msm_uport - > dma_rx_crci ) | CMD_MODE_BOX ;
rx - > command_ptr - > src_dst_len = ( MSM_UARTDM_BURST_SIZE < < 16 )
rx - > command_ptr - > row_offset = MSM_UARTDM_BURST_SIZE ;
rx - > command_ptr - > src_row_addr = uport - > mapbase + UARTDM_RF_ADDR ;
msm_uport - > imr_reg | = UARTDM_ISR_RXSTALE_BMSK ;
/* Enable reading the current CTS, no harm even if CTS is ignored */
msm_uport - > imr_reg | = UARTDM_ISR_CURRENT_CTS_BMSK ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_TFWR_ADDR , 0 ) ; /* TXLEV on empty TX fifo */
ret = request_irq ( uport - > irq , msm_hs_isr , IRQF_TRIGGER_HIGH ,
" msm_hs_uart " , msm_uport ) ;
if ( unlikely ( ret ) ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " Request msm_hs_uart IRQ failed! \n " ) ;
goto err_request_irq ;
if ( use_low_power_rx_wakeup ( msm_uport ) ) {
ret = request_irq ( msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . irq ,
msm_hs_rx_wakeup_isr ,
" msm_hs_rx_wakeup " , msm_uport ) ;
if ( unlikely ( ret ) ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " Request msm_hs_rx_wakeup IRQ failed! \n " ) ;
free_irq ( uport - > irq , msm_uport ) ;
goto err_request_irq ;
disable_irq ( msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . irq ) ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_RFWR_ADDR , 0 ) ;
msm_hs_start_rx_locked ( uport ) ;
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
ret = pm_runtime_set_active ( uport - > dev ) ;
if ( ret )
dev_err ( uport - > dev , " set active error:%d \n " , ret ) ;
pm_runtime_enable ( uport - > dev ) ;
return 0 ;
err_request_irq :
err_msm_hs_init_clk :
dma_unmap_single ( uport - > dev , tx - > dma_base ,
return ret ;
/* Initialize tx and rx data structures */
static int __devinit uartdm_init_port ( struct uart_port * uport )
int ret = 0 ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
struct msm_hs_tx * tx = & msm_uport - > tx ;
struct msm_hs_rx * rx = & msm_uport - > rx ;
/* Allocate the command pointer. Needs to be 64 bit aligned */
tx - > command_ptr = kmalloc ( sizeof ( dmov_box ) , GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_DMA ) ;
if ( ! tx - > command_ptr )
return - ENOMEM ;
2011-12-08 09:06:08 +05:30
tx - > command_ptr_ptr = kmalloc ( sizeof ( u32 ) , GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_DMA ) ;
2011-03-07 10:28:42 +05:30
if ( ! tx - > command_ptr_ptr ) {
ret = - ENOMEM ;
goto err_tx_command_ptr_ptr ;
tx - > mapped_cmd_ptr = dma_map_single ( uport - > dev , tx - > command_ptr ,
sizeof ( dmov_box ) , DMA_TO_DEVICE ) ;
tx - > mapped_cmd_ptr_ptr = dma_map_single ( uport - > dev ,
tx - > command_ptr_ptr ,
2011-12-08 09:06:08 +05:30
sizeof ( u32 ) , DMA_TO_DEVICE ) ;
2011-03-07 10:28:42 +05:30
tx - > xfer . cmdptr = DMOV_CMD_ADDR ( tx - > mapped_cmd_ptr_ptr ) ;
init_waitqueue_head ( & rx - > wait ) ;
rx - > pool = dma_pool_create ( " rx_buffer_pool " , uport - > dev ,
UARTDM_RX_BUF_SIZE , 16 , 0 ) ;
if ( ! rx - > pool ) {
pr_err ( " %s(): cannot allocate rx_buffer_pool " , __func__ ) ;
ret = - ENOMEM ;
goto err_dma_pool_create ;
rx - > buffer = dma_pool_alloc ( rx - > pool , GFP_KERNEL , & rx - > rbuffer ) ;
if ( ! rx - > buffer ) {
pr_err ( " %s(): cannot allocate rx->buffer " , __func__ ) ;
ret = - ENOMEM ;
goto err_dma_pool_alloc ;
/* Allocate the command pointer. Needs to be 64 bit aligned */
rx - > command_ptr = kmalloc ( sizeof ( dmov_box ) , GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_DMA ) ;
if ( ! rx - > command_ptr ) {
pr_err ( " %s(): cannot allocate rx->command_ptr " , __func__ ) ;
ret = - ENOMEM ;
goto err_rx_command_ptr ;
2011-12-08 09:06:08 +05:30
rx - > command_ptr_ptr = kmalloc ( sizeof ( u32 ) , GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_DMA ) ;
2011-03-07 10:28:42 +05:30
if ( ! rx - > command_ptr_ptr ) {
pr_err ( " %s(): cannot allocate rx->command_ptr_ptr " , __func__ ) ;
ret = - ENOMEM ;
goto err_rx_command_ptr_ptr ;
rx - > command_ptr - > num_rows = ( ( UARTDM_RX_BUF_SIZE > > 4 ) < < 16 ) |
( UARTDM_RX_BUF_SIZE > > 4 ) ;
rx - > command_ptr - > dst_row_addr = rx - > rbuffer ;
rx - > mapped_cmd_ptr = dma_map_single ( uport - > dev , rx - > command_ptr ,
sizeof ( dmov_box ) , DMA_TO_DEVICE ) ;
* rx - > command_ptr_ptr = CMD_PTR_LP | DMOV_CMD_ADDR ( rx - > mapped_cmd_ptr ) ;
rx - > cmdptr_dmaaddr = dma_map_single ( uport - > dev , rx - > command_ptr_ptr ,
2011-12-08 09:06:08 +05:30
sizeof ( u32 ) , DMA_TO_DEVICE ) ;
2011-03-07 10:28:42 +05:30
rx - > xfer . cmdptr = DMOV_CMD_ADDR ( rx - > cmdptr_dmaaddr ) ;
INIT_WORK ( & rx - > tty_work , msm_hs_tty_flip_buffer_work ) ;
return ret ;
err_rx_command_ptr_ptr :
kfree ( rx - > command_ptr ) ;
err_rx_command_ptr :
dma_pool_free ( msm_uport - > rx . pool , msm_uport - > rx . buffer ,
msm_uport - > rx . rbuffer ) ;
err_dma_pool_alloc :
dma_pool_destroy ( msm_uport - > rx . pool ) ;
err_dma_pool_create :
dma_unmap_single ( uport - > dev , msm_uport - > tx . mapped_cmd_ptr_ptr ,
2011-12-08 09:06:08 +05:30
sizeof ( u32 ) , DMA_TO_DEVICE ) ;
2011-03-07 10:28:42 +05:30
dma_unmap_single ( uport - > dev , msm_uport - > tx . mapped_cmd_ptr ,
sizeof ( dmov_box ) , DMA_TO_DEVICE ) ;
kfree ( msm_uport - > tx . command_ptr_ptr ) ;
err_tx_command_ptr_ptr :
kfree ( msm_uport - > tx . command_ptr ) ;
return ret ;
static int __devinit msm_hs_probe ( struct platform_device * pdev )
int ret ;
struct uart_port * uport ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport ;
struct resource * resource ;
const struct msm_serial_hs_platform_data * pdata =
pdev - > dev . platform_data ;
if ( pdev - > id < 0 | | pdev - > id > = UARTDM_NR ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " Invalid plaform device ID = %d \n " , pdev - > id ) ;
return - EINVAL ;
msm_uport = & q_uart_port [ pdev - > id ] ;
uport = & msm_uport - > uport ;
uport - > dev = & pdev - > dev ;
resource = platform_get_resource ( pdev , IORESOURCE_MEM , 0 ) ;
if ( unlikely ( ! resource ) )
return - ENXIO ;
uport - > mapbase = resource - > start ;
uport - > irq = platform_get_irq ( pdev , 0 ) ;
if ( unlikely ( uport - > irq < 0 ) )
return - ENXIO ;
2011-03-28 17:49:12 +02:00
if ( unlikely ( irq_set_irq_wake ( uport - > irq , 1 ) ) )
2011-03-07 10:28:42 +05:30
return - ENXIO ;
if ( pdata = = NULL | | pdata - > rx_wakeup_irq < 0 )
msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . irq = - 1 ;
else {
msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . irq = pdata - > rx_wakeup_irq ;
msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . ignore = 1 ;
msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . inject_rx = pdata - > inject_rx_on_wakeup ;
msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . rx_to_inject = pdata - > rx_to_inject ;
if ( unlikely ( msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . irq < 0 ) )
return - ENXIO ;
2011-03-28 17:49:12 +02:00
if ( unlikely ( irq_set_irq_wake ( msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . irq , 1 ) ) )
2011-03-07 10:28:42 +05:30
return - ENXIO ;
if ( pdata = = NULL )
msm_uport - > exit_lpm_cb = NULL ;
msm_uport - > exit_lpm_cb = pdata - > exit_lpm_cb ;
resource = platform_get_resource_byname ( pdev , IORESOURCE_DMA ,
" uartdm_channels " ) ;
if ( unlikely ( ! resource ) )
return - ENXIO ;
msm_uport - > dma_tx_channel = resource - > start ;
msm_uport - > dma_rx_channel = resource - > end ;
resource = platform_get_resource_byname ( pdev , IORESOURCE_DMA ,
" uartdm_crci " ) ;
if ( unlikely ( ! resource ) )
return - ENXIO ;
msm_uport - > dma_tx_crci = resource - > start ;
msm_uport - > dma_rx_crci = resource - > end ;
uport - > iotype = UPIO_MEM ;
uport - > fifosize = UART_FIFOSIZE ;
uport - > ops = & msm_hs_ops ;
uport - > flags = UPF_BOOT_AUTOCONF ;
uport - > uartclk = UARTCLK ;
msm_uport - > imr_reg = 0x0 ;
msm_uport - > clk = clk_get ( & pdev - > dev , " uartdm_clk " ) ;
if ( IS_ERR ( msm_uport - > clk ) )
return PTR_ERR ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
ret = uartdm_init_port ( uport ) ;
if ( unlikely ( ret ) )
return ret ;
msm_uport - > clk_state = MSM_HS_CLK_PORT_OFF ;
hrtimer_init ( & msm_uport - > clk_off_timer , CLOCK_MONOTONIC ,
msm_uport - > clk_off_timer . function = msm_hs_clk_off_retry ;
msm_uport - > clk_off_delay = ktime_set ( 0 , 1000000 ) ; /* 1ms */
uport - > line = pdev - > id ;
return uart_add_one_port ( & msm_hs_driver , uport ) ;
static int __init msm_serial_hs_init ( void )
int ret , i ;
/* Init all UARTS as non-configured */
for ( i = 0 ; i < UARTDM_NR ; i + + )
q_uart_port [ i ] . uport . type = PORT_UNKNOWN ;
msm_hs_workqueue = create_singlethread_workqueue ( " msm_serial_hs " ) ;
if ( unlikely ( ! msm_hs_workqueue ) )
return - ENOMEM ;
ret = uart_register_driver ( & msm_hs_driver ) ;
if ( unlikely ( ret ) ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " %s failed to load \n " , __func__ ) ;
goto err_uart_register_driver ;
ret = platform_driver_register ( & msm_serial_hs_platform_driver ) ;
if ( ret ) {
printk ( KERN_ERR " %s failed to load \n " , __func__ ) ;
goto err_platform_driver_register ;
return ret ;
err_platform_driver_register :
uart_unregister_driver ( & msm_hs_driver ) ;
err_uart_register_driver :
destroy_workqueue ( msm_hs_workqueue ) ;
return ret ;
module_init ( msm_serial_hs_init ) ;
* Called by the upper layer when port is closed .
* - Disables the port
* - Unhook the ISR
static void msm_hs_shutdown ( struct uart_port * uport )
unsigned long flags ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = UARTDM_TO_MSM ( uport ) ;
BUG_ON ( msm_uport - > rx . flush < FLUSH_STOP ) ;
spin_lock_irqsave ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
clk_enable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ;
/* Disable the transmitter */
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , UARTDM_CR_TX_DISABLE_BMSK ) ;
/* Disable the receiver */
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_CR_ADDR , UARTDM_CR_RX_DISABLE_BMSK ) ;
pm_runtime_disable ( uport - > dev ) ;
pm_runtime_set_suspended ( uport - > dev ) ;
/* Free the interrupt */
free_irq ( uport - > irq , msm_uport ) ;
if ( use_low_power_rx_wakeup ( msm_uport ) )
free_irq ( msm_uport - > rx_wakeup . irq , msm_uport ) ;
msm_uport - > imr_reg = 0 ;
msm_hs_write ( uport , UARTDM_IMR_ADDR , msm_uport - > imr_reg ) ;
wait_event ( msm_uport - > rx . wait , msm_uport - > rx . flush = = FLUSH_SHUTDOWN ) ;
clk_disable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ; /* to balance local clk_enable() */
if ( msm_uport - > clk_state ! = MSM_HS_CLK_OFF )
clk_disable ( msm_uport - > clk ) ; /* to balance clk_state */
msm_uport - > clk_state = MSM_HS_CLK_PORT_OFF ;
dma_unmap_single ( uport - > dev , msm_uport - > tx . dma_base ,
spin_unlock_irqrestore ( & uport - > lock , flags ) ;
if ( cancel_work_sync ( & msm_uport - > rx . tty_work ) )
msm_hs_tty_flip_buffer_work ( & msm_uport - > rx . tty_work ) ;
static void __exit msm_serial_hs_exit ( void )
flush_workqueue ( msm_hs_workqueue ) ;
destroy_workqueue ( msm_hs_workqueue ) ;
platform_driver_unregister ( & msm_serial_hs_platform_driver ) ;
uart_unregister_driver ( & msm_hs_driver ) ;
module_exit ( msm_serial_hs_exit ) ;
static int msm_hs_runtime_idle ( struct device * dev )
* returning success from idle results in runtime suspend to be
* called
return 0 ;
static int msm_hs_runtime_resume ( struct device * dev )
struct platform_device * pdev = container_of ( dev , struct
platform_device , dev ) ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = & q_uart_port [ pdev - > id ] ;
msm_hs_request_clock_on ( & msm_uport - > uport ) ;
return 0 ;
static int msm_hs_runtime_suspend ( struct device * dev )
struct platform_device * pdev = container_of ( dev , struct
platform_device , dev ) ;
struct msm_hs_port * msm_uport = & q_uart_port [ pdev - > id ] ;
msm_hs_request_clock_off ( & msm_uport - > uport ) ;
return 0 ;
# else
# define msm_hs_runtime_idle NULL
# define msm_hs_runtime_resume NULL
# define msm_hs_runtime_suspend NULL
# endif
static const struct dev_pm_ops msm_hs_dev_pm_ops = {
. runtime_suspend = msm_hs_runtime_suspend ,
. runtime_resume = msm_hs_runtime_resume ,
. runtime_idle = msm_hs_runtime_idle ,
} ;
static struct platform_driver msm_serial_hs_platform_driver = {
. probe = msm_hs_probe ,
. remove = __devexit_p ( msm_hs_remove ) ,
. driver = {
. name = " msm_serial_hs " ,
. owner = THIS_MODULE ,
. pm = & msm_hs_dev_pm_ops ,
} ,
} ;
static struct uart_driver msm_hs_driver = {
. owner = THIS_MODULE ,
. driver_name = " msm_serial_hs " ,
. dev_name = " ttyHS " ,
. nr = UARTDM_NR ,
. cons = 0 ,
} ;
static struct uart_ops msm_hs_ops = {
. tx_empty = msm_hs_tx_empty ,
. set_mctrl = msm_hs_set_mctrl_locked ,
. get_mctrl = msm_hs_get_mctrl_locked ,
. stop_tx = msm_hs_stop_tx_locked ,
. start_tx = msm_hs_start_tx_locked ,
. stop_rx = msm_hs_stop_rx_locked ,
. enable_ms = msm_hs_enable_ms_locked ,
. break_ctl = msm_hs_break_ctl ,
. startup = msm_hs_startup ,
. shutdown = msm_hs_shutdown ,
. set_termios = msm_hs_set_termios ,
. pm = msm_hs_pm ,
. type = msm_hs_type ,
. config_port = msm_hs_config_port ,
. release_port = msm_hs_release_port ,
. request_port = msm_hs_request_port ,
} ;
MODULE_DESCRIPTION ( " High Speed UART Driver for the MSM chipset " ) ;
MODULE_VERSION ( " 1.2 " ) ;