2021-07-03 16:56:17 +02:00
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
use crate ::helpers ::* ;
2023-03-23 21:35:10 +09:00
use proc_macro ::{ token_stream , Delimiter , Literal , TokenStream , TokenTree } ;
2021-07-03 16:56:17 +02:00
use std ::fmt ::Write ;
2023-03-23 21:35:10 +09:00
fn expect_string_array ( it : & mut token_stream ::IntoIter ) -> Vec < String > {
let group = expect_group ( it ) ;
assert_eq! ( group . delimiter ( ) , Delimiter ::Bracket ) ;
let mut values = Vec ::new ( ) ;
let mut it = group . stream ( ) . into_iter ( ) ;
while let Some ( val ) = try_string ( & mut it ) {
assert! ( val . is_ascii ( ) , " Expected ASCII string " ) ;
values . push ( val ) ;
match it . next ( ) {
Some ( TokenTree ::Punct ( punct ) ) = > assert_eq! ( punct . as_char ( ) , ',' ) ,
None = > break ,
_ = > panic! ( " Expected ',' or end of array " ) ,
2021-07-03 16:56:17 +02:00
struct ModInfoBuilder < ' a > {
module : & ' a str ,
counter : usize ,
buffer : String ,
impl < ' a > ModInfoBuilder < ' a > {
fn new ( module : & ' a str ) -> Self {
ModInfoBuilder {
module ,
counter : 0 ,
buffer : String ::new ( ) ,
fn emit_base ( & mut self , field : & str , content : & str , builtin : bool ) {
let string = if builtin {
// Built-in modules prefix their modinfo strings by `module.`.
format! (
" {module}.{field}={content} \0 " ,
module = self . module ,
field = field ,
content = content
} else {
// Loadable modules' modinfo strings go as-is.
format! ( " {field} = {content} \0 " , field = field , content = content )
} ;
write! (
& mut self . buffer ,
{ cfg }
#[ doc(hidden) ]
#[ link_section = \ " .modinfo \" ]
#[ used ]
pub static __ { module } _ { counter } : [ u8 ; { length } ] = * { string } ;
" ,
cfg = if builtin {
" #[cfg(not(MODULE))] "
} else {
" #[cfg(MODULE)] "
} ,
module = self . module . to_uppercase ( ) ,
counter = self . counter ,
length = string . len ( ) ,
string = Literal ::byte_string ( string . as_bytes ( ) ) ,
. unwrap ( ) ;
self . counter + = 1 ;
fn emit_only_builtin ( & mut self , field : & str , content : & str ) {
self . emit_base ( field , content , true )
fn emit_only_loadable ( & mut self , field : & str , content : & str ) {
self . emit_base ( field , content , false )
fn emit ( & mut self , field : & str , content : & str ) {
self . emit_only_builtin ( field , content ) ;
self . emit_only_loadable ( field , content ) ;
#[ derive(Debug, Default) ]
struct ModuleInfo {
type_ : String ,
license : String ,
name : String ,
author : Option < String > ,
description : Option < String > ,
2023-03-23 21:35:10 +09:00
alias : Option < Vec < String > > ,
2021-07-03 16:56:17 +02:00
impl ModuleInfo {
fn parse ( it : & mut token_stream ::IntoIter ) -> Self {
let mut info = ModuleInfo ::default ( ) ;
const EXPECTED_KEYS : & [ & str ] =
& [ " type " , " name " , " author " , " description " , " license " , " alias " ] ;
const REQUIRED_KEYS : & [ & str ] = & [ " type " , " name " , " license " ] ;
let mut seen_keys = Vec ::new ( ) ;
loop {
let key = match it . next ( ) {
Some ( TokenTree ::Ident ( ident ) ) = > ident . to_string ( ) ,
Some ( _ ) = > panic! ( " Expected Ident or end " ) ,
None = > break ,
} ;
if seen_keys . contains ( & key ) {
panic! (
" Duplicated key \" {} \" . Keys can only be specified once. " ,
) ;
assert_eq! ( expect_punct ( it ) , ':' ) ;
match key . as_str ( ) {
" type " = > info . type_ = expect_ident ( it ) ,
2022-11-10 17:41:19 +01:00
" name " = > info . name = expect_string_ascii ( it ) ,
" author " = > info . author = Some ( expect_string ( it ) ) ,
" description " = > info . description = Some ( expect_string ( it ) ) ,
" license " = > info . license = expect_string_ascii ( it ) ,
2023-03-23 21:35:10 +09:00
" alias " = > info . alias = Some ( expect_string_array ( it ) ) ,
2021-07-03 16:56:17 +02:00
_ = > panic! (
" Unknown key \" {} \" . Valid keys are: {:?}. " ,
) ,
assert_eq! ( expect_punct ( it ) , ',' ) ;
seen_keys . push ( key ) ;
expect_end ( it ) ;
for key in REQUIRED_KEYS {
if ! seen_keys . iter ( ) . any ( | e | e = = key ) {
panic! ( " Missing required key \" {} \" . " , key ) ;
let mut ordered_keys : Vec < & str > = Vec ::new ( ) ;
for key in EXPECTED_KEYS {
if seen_keys . iter ( ) . any ( | e | e = = key ) {
ordered_keys . push ( key ) ;
if seen_keys ! = ordered_keys {
panic! (
" Keys are not ordered as expected. Order them like: {:?}. " ,
) ;
pub ( crate ) fn module ( ts : TokenStream ) -> TokenStream {
let mut it = ts . into_iter ( ) ;
let info = ModuleInfo ::parse ( & mut it ) ;
let mut modinfo = ModInfoBuilder ::new ( info . name . as_ref ( ) ) ;
if let Some ( author ) = info . author {
modinfo . emit ( " author " , & author ) ;
if let Some ( description ) = info . description {
modinfo . emit ( " description " , & description ) ;
modinfo . emit ( " license " , & info . license ) ;
2023-03-23 21:35:10 +09:00
if let Some ( aliases ) = info . alias {
for alias in aliases {
modinfo . emit ( " alias " , & alias ) ;
2021-07-03 16:56:17 +02:00
// Built-in modules also export the `file` modinfo string.
let file =
std ::env ::var ( " RUST_MODFILE " ) . expect ( " Unable to fetch RUST_MODFILE environmental variable " ) ;
modinfo . emit_only_builtin ( " file " , & file ) ;
format! (
/// The module name.
/// Used by the printing macros, e.g. [`info!`].
const __LOG_PREFIX : & [ u8 ] = b \ " {name} \\ 0 \" ;
/// The \"Rust loadable module\" mark, for `scripts/is_rust_module.sh`.
// This may be best done another way later on, e.g. as a new modinfo
// key or a new section. For the moment, keep it simple.
#[ cfg(MODULE) ]
#[ doc(hidden) ]
#[ used ]
static __IS_RUST_MODULE : ( ) = ( ) ;
static mut __MOD : Option < { type_ } > = None ;
// SAFETY: `__this_module` is constructed by the kernel at load time and will not be
// freed until the module is unloaded.
#[ cfg(MODULE) ]
static THIS_MODULE : kernel ::ThisModule = unsafe { {
kernel ::ThisModule ::from_ptr ( & kernel ::bindings ::__this_module as * const _ as * mut _ )
} } ;
#[ cfg(not(MODULE)) ]
static THIS_MODULE : kernel ::ThisModule = unsafe { {
kernel ::ThisModule ::from_ptr ( core ::ptr ::null_mut ( ) )
} } ;
// Loadable modules need to export the `{{init,cleanup}}_module` identifiers.
#[ cfg(MODULE) ]
#[ doc(hidden) ]
#[ no_mangle ]
pub extern \ " C \" fn init_module() -> core::ffi::c_int {{
__init ( )
} }
#[ cfg(MODULE) ]
#[ doc(hidden) ]
#[ no_mangle ]
pub extern \ " C \" fn cleanup_module() {{
__exit ( )
} }
// Built-in modules are initialized through an initcall pointer
// and the identifiers need to be unique.
#[ cfg(not(MODULE)) ]
#[ doc(hidden) ]
#[ link_section = \ " {initcall_section} \" ]
#[ used ]
pub static __ { name } _initcall : extern \ " C \" fn() -> core::ffi::c_int = __{name}_init;
#[ cfg(not(MODULE)) ]
core ::arch ::global_asm! (
r #\ " .section \" {initcall_section} \" , \" a \"
__ { name } _initcall :
. long __ { name } _init - .
. previous
\ " #
) ;
#[ cfg(not(MODULE)) ]
#[ doc(hidden) ]
#[ no_mangle ]
pub extern \ " C \" fn __{name}_init() -> core::ffi::c_int {{
__init ( )
} }
#[ cfg(not(MODULE)) ]
#[ doc(hidden) ]
#[ no_mangle ]
pub extern \ " C \" fn __{name}_exit() {{
__exit ( )
} }
fn __init ( ) -> core ::ffi ::c_int { {
match < { type_ } as kernel ::Module > ::init ( & THIS_MODULE ) { {
Ok ( m ) = > { {
unsafe { {
__MOD = Some ( m ) ;
} }
return 0 ;
} }
Err ( e ) = > { {
2023-04-03 18:48:10 +09:00
return e . to_errno ( ) ;
2021-07-03 16:56:17 +02:00
} }
} }
} }
fn __exit ( ) { {
unsafe { {
// Invokes `drop()` on `__MOD`, which should be used for cleanup.
__MOD = None ;
} }
} }
{ modinfo }
" ,
type_ = info . type_ ,
name = info . name ,
modinfo = modinfo . buffer ,
initcall_section = " .initcall6.init "
. parse ( )
. expect ( " Error parsing formatted string into token stream. " )