Staging: epl: unwind rest of _LINUX_ #ifdefs
All the non-Linux #defines are now resolved, so remove the board/system type defines as they are not needed anymore. Cc: Daniel Krueger <> Cc: Ronald Sieber <> Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
// The macro DEBUG_DUMP_DATA() can be used with the same debug-levels to dump
// out data bytes. Function DumpData() has to be included.
// NOTE: DUMP_DATA has to be defined in project settings.
#if (!defined (NDEBUG) && defined (DUMP_DATA)) || (DEV_SYSTEM == _DEV_WIN32_)
#if (!defined (NDEBUG) && defined (DUMP_DATA))
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -654,24 +654,6 @@ extern "C" {
// deleted from compiler (in release version too).
#if !defined (NDEBUG) || defined (DEBUG_KEEP_ASSERT)
#if (DEV_SYSTEM == _DEV_WIN32_)
// For WIN32 process will be killed after closing message box.
#define DEBUG_ASSERT0(expr,str) if (!(expr ) && ((DEBUG_GLB_LVL() & DEBUG_LVL_ASSERT)!=0)) { \
MessageBox (NULL, \
"Assertion failed: line " __LINE__ " file " __FILE__ \
"\n -> " str "\n"); \
ExitProcess (-1); }
#define DEBUG_ASSERT1(expr,str,p1) if (!(expr ) && ((DEBUG_GLB_LVL() & DEBUG_LVL_ASSERT)!=0)) { \
MessageBox (NULL, \
"Assertion failed: line " __LINE__ " file " __FILE__ \
"\n -> " str "\n"); \
ExitProcess (-1); }
// For microcontrollers process will be stopped using endless loop.
#define DEBUG_ASSERT0(expr,str) if (!(expr )) { \
@ -687,7 +669,6 @@ extern "C" {
" -> 0x%08lX\n", __LINE__, __FILE__, str, (DWORD) p1); \
while (1); }
@ -86,11 +86,6 @@
#ifndef _EPLAMI_H_
#define _EPLAMI_H_
#if ((DEV_SYSTEM & _DEV_64BIT_SUPPORT_) == 0)
// #ifdef USE_VAR64
#error 'ERROR: development system does not support 64 bit operations!'
// #endif
// types
@ -241,16 +241,8 @@ typedef struct {
// definitions for DLL export
#if ((DEV_SYSTEM == _DEV_WIN32_) || (DEV_SYSTEM == _DEV_WIN_CE_)) && defined (COP_LIB)
#define EPLDLLEXPORT __declspec (dllexport)
// ============================================================================
// common debug macros
// ============================================================================
@ -96,17 +96,9 @@
// To prevent unused memory in subindex tables we need this macro.
// But not all compilers support to preset the last struct value followed by a comma.
// Compilers which does not support a comma after last struct value has to place in a dummy subindex.
#if ((DEV_SYSTEM & _DEV_COMMA_EXT_) != 0)
@ -73,11 +73,6 @@
#include "kernel/EplEventk.h"
#include "kernel/EplObdk.h"
#if (DEV_SYSTEM == _DEV_GNU_CF548X_)
#include "plccore.h"
#define PDO_LED 0x08
@ -226,11 +221,6 @@ tEplKernel EplPdokCbPdoReceived(tEplFrameInfo * pFrameInfo_p)
tEplKernel Ret = kEplSuccessful;
tEplEvent Event;
#if (DEV_SYSTEM == _DEV_GNU_CF548X_)
// reset LED
Event.m_EventSink = kEplEventSinkPdok;
Event.m_EventType = kEplEventTypePdoRx;
// limit copied data to size of PDO (because from some CNs the frame is larger than necessary)
@ -238,11 +228,6 @@ tEplKernel EplPdokCbPdoReceived(tEplFrameInfo * pFrameInfo_p)
Event.m_pArg = pFrameInfo_p->m_pFrame;
Ret = EplEventkPost(&Event);
#if (DEV_SYSTEM == _DEV_GNU_CF548X_)
// set LED
return Ret;
@ -269,22 +254,12 @@ tEplKernel EplPdokCbPdoTransmitted(tEplFrameInfo * pFrameInfo_p)
tEplKernel Ret = kEplSuccessful;
tEplEvent Event;
#if (DEV_SYSTEM == _DEV_GNU_CF548X_)
// reset LED
Event.m_EventSink = kEplEventSinkPdok;
Event.m_EventType = kEplEventTypePdoTx;
Event.m_uiSize = sizeof(tEplFrameInfo);
Event.m_pArg = pFrameInfo_p;
Ret = EplEventkPost(&Event);
#if (DEV_SYSTEM == _DEV_GNU_CF548X_)
// set LED
return Ret;
@ -22,118 +22,6 @@
#ifndef _GLOBAL_H_
#define _GLOBAL_H_
// elements of defines for development system
// these defines are necessary to check some of characteristics of the development system
#define _DEV_BIGEND_ 0x80000000L // big endian (motorolla format)
#define _DEV_ALIGNMENT_4_ 0x00400000L // the CPU needs alignment of 4 bytes
#define _DEV_ONLY_INT_MAIN_ 0x00004000L // the compiler needs "int main(int)" instead of "void main(void)"
#define _DEV_COMMA_EXT_ 0x00002000L // support of last comma in struct predefinition
#define _DEV_64BIT_SUPPORT_ 0x00001000L // support of 64 bit operations
#define _DEV_BIT64_ 0x00000400L // count of bits: 64 bit
#define _DEV_BIT32_ 0x00000300L // 32 bit
#define _DEV_BIT16_ 0x00000200L // 16 bit
#define _DEV_BIT8_ 0x00000100L // 8 bit
#define _DEV_RVCT_ARM_ 0x0000001CL // RealView ARM
#define _DEV_RENESASM32C 0x0000001BL // compiler from: Renesas
#define _DEV_GNUC_MIPS2_ 0x0000001AL // GNU for MIPS2
#define _DEV_MPLAB_C30_ 0x00000019L // MPLAB C30 for Microchip dsPIC33F series
#define _DEV_GNUC_TC_ 0x00000018L // GNU for Infineon TriCore
#define _DEV_GNUC_X86_ 0x00000017L // GNU for I386
#define _DEV_IAR_ARM_ 0x00000016L // ARM IAR C/C++ Compiler
#define _DEV_PARADGM_X86 0x00000015L // Paradigm C/C++ for Beck 1x3
#define _DEV_GNUC_CF_ 0x00000014L // GNU for Coldfire
#define _DEV_KEIL_ARM_ 0x00000013L // Keil ARM
#define _DEV_MSEVC_ 0x00000012L // Microsoft embedded Visual C/C++
#define _DEV_HIGHTEC_GNUC_X86_ 0x00000011L // Hightec elf386 gcc
#define _DEV_MSVC_RTX_ 0x00000010L // VC600 + RTX
#define _DEV_MSVC_V1_5_ 0x0000000FL // Microsoft Visual C/C++ V1.5
#define _DEV_GNUC_ARM7_ 0x0000000EL // GNU Compiler gcc for ARM7
#define _DEV_METROWERKS_CW_ 0x0000000DL // Metrowerks Code Warrior
#define _DEV_MITSUBISHIM16C_ 0x0000000CL //compiler from: Mitsubishi
#define _DEV_GNUC_C16X_ 0x0000000BL // GNU Compiler gcc166 for Infineon C16x
#define _DEV_LINUX_GCC_ 0x0000000AL // Linux GNU Compiler gcc
#define _DEV_GNUC_MPC5X5 0x00000009L // GNU for Motorola PPC5x5
#define _DEV_TASKINGM16C_ 0x00000008L // Tasking for Mitsubishi M16C
#define _DEV_FUJITSU_ 0x00000007L // Fujitsu
#define _DEV_TASKING8_ 0x00000006L // Tasking 8051
#define _DEV_TASKING16_ 0x00000005L // Tasking 166
#define _DEV_KEIL8_ 0x00000004L // Keil C51
#define _DEV_KEIL16_ 0x00000003L // Keil C166
#define _DEV_BORLANDC_ 0x00000002L // Borland C/C++
#define _DEV_MSVC16_ 0x00000001L // Microsoft Visual C/C++
#define _DEV_MSVC32_ 0x00000000L // Microsoft Visual C/C++
// these defines can be used to mask previous elements
#define _DEV_MASK_COMPILER 0x000000FFL
#define _DEV_MASK_BITCOUNT 0x00000F00L
#define _DEV_MASK_ADDSUPPORT 0x0000F000L
#define _DEV_MASK_ALIGNMENT 0x00F00000L
// defines for development system (DEV_SYSTEM) including previous elements
#define _DEV_WIN16_ (_DEV_BIT16_ | _DEV_MSVC16_ )
#define _DEV_WIN32_ (_DEV_BIT32_ | _DEV_MSVC32_ | _DEV_64BIT_SUPPORT_ | _DEV_COMMA_EXT_)
#define _DEV_MSVC_DOS_ (_DEV_BIT32_ | _DEV_MSVC_V1_5_ )
#define _DEV_KEIL_C51X_ (_DEV_BIT8_ | _DEV_KEIL8_ | _DEV_BIGEND_ | _DEV_COMMA_EXT_) // at least C51 version 7.05 supports comma extension
#define _DEV_KEIL_C16X_ (_DEV_BIT16_ | _DEV_KEIL16_ | _DEV_COMMA_EXT_) // at least C166 version 5.03 supports comma extension
#define _DEV_TASKING_C16X_ (_DEV_BIT16_ | _DEV_TASKING16_ )
#define _DEV_FUJITSU_F590_ (_DEV_BIT8_ | _DEV_FUJITSU_ | _DEV_COMMA_EXT_) // softune is not able to support 64 bit variables QWORD !!!
//f.j.29.04.03 M16C kann effektiv mit Bytes umgehen
//#define _DEV_TASKING_M16C_ (_DEV_BIT16_ | _DEV_TASKINGM16C_ )
#define _DEV_TASKING_M16C_ (_DEV_BIT8_ | _DEV_TASKINGM16C_ )
#define _DEV_GNU_C16X_ (_DEV_BIT16_ | _DEV_GNUC_C16X_ ) //| _DEV_COMMA_EXT_)
#define _DEV_WIN32_RTX_ (_DEV_BIT32_ | _DEV_MSVC_RTX_ ) //| _DEV_64BIT_SUPPORT_ | _DEV_COMMA_EXT_)
#define _DEV_WIN_CE_ (_DEV_BIT32_ | _DEV_MSEVC_ ) //| _DEV_64BIT_SUPPORT_ | _DEV_COMMA_EXT_)
#define _DEV_GNU_CF5282_ (_DEV_BIT32_ | _DEV_GNUC_CF_ | _DEV_BIGEND_)
#define _DEV_PAR_BECK1X3_ (_DEV_BIT16_ | _DEV_PARADGM_X86)
#define _DEV_MPLAB_DSPIC33F_ (_DEV_BIT16_ | _DEV_MPLAB_C30_ ) //| _DEV_COMMA_EXT_)
// usefull macros
// defines for target system (TARGET_SYSTEM)
#define _LINUX_ 1
// definitions for function inlining
#define LINUX_SYSTEM // define 'LINUX_SYSTEM' uniform for all Linux based systems
// r.d.: We will need an other solution here! There are two sections here which do check the preproc-definitions:
// LINUX and __linux__ . The first one was Linux for PC, the second one is this section for embedded Linux (MCF5xxx).
// But Linux for PC does not need the definitions for embedded Linux.
#define TARGET_SYSTEM _LINUX_ // Linux definition
#ifndef QWORD
#define QWORD long long int
Reference in New Issue
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