diff --git a/tools/scripts/Makefile.include b/tools/scripts/Makefile.include
index 1358e89cdf7d..a3f99ef6b11b 100644
--- a/tools/scripts/Makefile.include
+++ b/tools/scripts/Makefile.include
@@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ EXTRA_WARNINGS += -Wundef
 EXTRA_WARNINGS += -Wwrite-strings
-CC_NO_CLANG := $(shell $(CC) -dM -E -x c /dev/null | grep -Fq "__clang__"; echo $$?)
 # Makefiles suck: This macro sets a default value of $(2) for the
 # variable named by $(1), unless the variable has been set by
 # environment or command line. This is necessary for CC and AR
@@ -52,12 +50,22 @@ define allow-override
     $(eval $(1) = $(2)))
+ifneq ($(LLVM),)
+$(call allow-override,CC,clang)
+$(call allow-override,AR,llvm-ar)
+$(call allow-override,LD,ld.lld)
+$(call allow-override,CXX,clang++)
+$(call allow-override,STRIP,llvm-strip)
 # Allow setting various cross-compile vars or setting CROSS_COMPILE as a prefix.
 $(call allow-override,CC,$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc)
 $(call allow-override,AR,$(CROSS_COMPILE)ar)
 $(call allow-override,LD,$(CROSS_COMPILE)ld)
 $(call allow-override,CXX,$(CROSS_COMPILE)g++)
 $(call allow-override,STRIP,$(CROSS_COMPILE)strip)
+CC_NO_CLANG := $(shell $(CC) -dM -E -x c /dev/null | grep -Fq "__clang__"; echo $$?)
 ifneq ($(LLVM),)
 HOSTAR  ?= llvm-ar