Merge branch 'samples-cross-compile'
Ivan Khoronzhuk says: ==================== This series contains mainly fixes/improvements for cross-compilation but not only, tested for arm, arm64, and intended for any arch. Also verified on native build (not cross compilation) for x86_64 and arm, arm64. Initial RFC link: Prev. version: Besides the patches given here, the RFC also contains couple patches related to llvm clang arm: include: asm: swab: mask rev16 instruction for clang arm: include: asm: unified: mask .syntax unified for clang They are necessarily to verify arm 32 build. Also, couple more fixes were added but are not merged in bpf-next yet, they can be needed for verification/configuration steps, if not in your tree the fixes can be taken here: Now, to build samples, SAMPLE_BPF should be enabled in config. The change touches not only cross-compilation and can have impact on other archs and build environments, so might be good idea to verify it in order to add appropriate changes, some warn options could be tuned also. All is tested on x86-64 with clang installed (has to be built containing targets for arm, arm64..., see llc --version, usually it's present already) Instructions to test native on x86_64 ================================================= Native build on x86_64 is done in usual way and shouldn't have difference except HOSTCC is now printed as CC wile building the samples. Instructions to test cross compilation on arm64 ================================================= gcc version 8.3.0 (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 8.3-2019.03 (arm-rel-8.36)) I've used sdk for TI am65x got here:\ ti-processor-sdk-linux-am65xx-evm- make ARCH=arm64 -C tools/ clean make ARCH=arm64 -C samples/bpf clean make ARCH=arm64 clean make ARCH=arm64 defconfig make ARCH=arm64 headers_install make ARCH=arm64 INSTALL_HDR_PATH=/../sdk/\ ti-processor-sdk-linux-am65xx-evm-\ aarch64-linux/usr headers_install make samples/bpf/ ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE="aarch64-linux-gnu-"\ SYSROOT="/../sdk/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am65xx-evm-\ linux-devkit/sysroots/aarch64-linux" Instructions to test cross compilation on arm ================================================= arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc (Linaro GCC 7.2-2017.11) 7.2.1 20171011 or arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 8.3-2019.03 \ (arm-rel-8.36)) 8.3.0\ ti-processor-sdk-linux-am57xx-evm- make ARCH=arm -C tools/ clean make ARCH=arm -C samples/bpf clean make ARCH=arm clean make ARCH=arm omap2plus_defconfig make ARCH=arm headers_install make ARCH=arm INSTALL_HDR_PATH=/../sdk/\ ti-processor-sdk-linux-am57xx-evm-\ armv7ahf-neon-linux-gnueabi/usr headers_install make samples/bpf/ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE="arm-linux-gnueabihf-"\ SYSROOT="/../sdk/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am57xx-evm-05.03\ .00.07/linux-devkit/sysroots/armv7ahf-neon-linux-gnueabi" Based on bpf-next/master v5..v4: - any changes, only missed SOBs are added v4..v3: - renamed CLANG_EXTRA_CFLAGS on BPF_EXTRA_CFLAGS - used filter for ARCH_ARM_SELECTOR - omit "-fomit-frame-pointer" and use same flags for native and "cross" - used sample/bpf prefixes - use C instead of C++ compiler for test_libbpf target v3..v2: - renamed makefile.progs to, as more appropriate - left only __LINUX_ARM_ARCH__ for D options for arm - for host build - left options from KBUILD_HOST for compatibility reasons - split patch adding c/cxx/ld flags to libbpf by modules - moved readme change to separate patch - added patch setting options for cross-compile - fixed issue with option error for syscall_nrs.S, avoiding overlap for ccflags-y. v2..v1: - restructured patches order - split "samples: bpf: Makefile: base progs build on Makefile.progs" to make change more readable. It added couple nice extra patches. - removed redundant patch: "samples: bpf: Makefile: remove target for native build" - added fix: "samples: bpf: makefile: fix cookie_uid_helper_example obj build" - limited -D option filter only for arm - improved comments - added couple instructions to verify cross compilation for arm and arm64 arches based on TI am57xx and am65xx sdks. - corrected include a little order ==================== Tested-by: Ilias Apalodimas <> Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,55 +4,53 @@ BPF_SAMPLES_PATH ?= $(abspath $(srctree)/$(src))
# List of programs to build
hostprogs-y := test_lru_dist
hostprogs-y += sock_example
hostprogs-y += fds_example
hostprogs-y += sockex1
hostprogs-y += sockex2
hostprogs-y += sockex3
hostprogs-y += tracex1
hostprogs-y += tracex2
hostprogs-y += tracex3
hostprogs-y += tracex4
hostprogs-y += tracex5
hostprogs-y += tracex6
hostprogs-y += tracex7
hostprogs-y += test_probe_write_user
hostprogs-y += trace_output
hostprogs-y += lathist
hostprogs-y += offwaketime
hostprogs-y += spintest
hostprogs-y += map_perf_test
hostprogs-y += test_overhead
hostprogs-y += test_cgrp2_array_pin
hostprogs-y += test_cgrp2_attach
hostprogs-y += test_cgrp2_sock
hostprogs-y += test_cgrp2_sock2
hostprogs-y += xdp1
hostprogs-y += xdp2
hostprogs-y += xdp_router_ipv4
hostprogs-y += test_current_task_under_cgroup
hostprogs-y += trace_event
hostprogs-y += sampleip
hostprogs-y += tc_l2_redirect
hostprogs-y += lwt_len_hist
hostprogs-y += xdp_tx_iptunnel
hostprogs-y += test_map_in_map
hostprogs-y += per_socket_stats_example
hostprogs-y += xdp_redirect
hostprogs-y += xdp_redirect_map
hostprogs-y += xdp_redirect_cpu
hostprogs-y += xdp_monitor
hostprogs-y += xdp_rxq_info
hostprogs-y += syscall_tp
hostprogs-y += cpustat
hostprogs-y += xdp_adjust_tail
hostprogs-y += xdpsock
hostprogs-y += xdp_fwd
hostprogs-y += task_fd_query
hostprogs-y += xdp_sample_pkts
hostprogs-y += ibumad
hostprogs-y += hbm
tprogs-y := test_lru_dist
tprogs-y += sock_example
tprogs-y += fds_example
tprogs-y += sockex1
tprogs-y += sockex2
tprogs-y += sockex3
tprogs-y += tracex1
tprogs-y += tracex2
tprogs-y += tracex3
tprogs-y += tracex4
tprogs-y += tracex5
tprogs-y += tracex6
tprogs-y += tracex7
tprogs-y += test_probe_write_user
tprogs-y += trace_output
tprogs-y += lathist
tprogs-y += offwaketime
tprogs-y += spintest
tprogs-y += map_perf_test
tprogs-y += test_overhead
tprogs-y += test_cgrp2_array_pin
tprogs-y += test_cgrp2_attach
tprogs-y += test_cgrp2_sock
tprogs-y += test_cgrp2_sock2
tprogs-y += xdp1
tprogs-y += xdp2
tprogs-y += xdp_router_ipv4
tprogs-y += test_current_task_under_cgroup
tprogs-y += trace_event
tprogs-y += sampleip
tprogs-y += tc_l2_redirect
tprogs-y += lwt_len_hist
tprogs-y += xdp_tx_iptunnel
tprogs-y += test_map_in_map
tprogs-y += xdp_redirect_map
tprogs-y += xdp_redirect_cpu
tprogs-y += xdp_monitor
tprogs-y += xdp_rxq_info
tprogs-y += syscall_tp
tprogs-y += cpustat
tprogs-y += xdp_adjust_tail
tprogs-y += xdpsock
tprogs-y += xdp_fwd
tprogs-y += task_fd_query
tprogs-y += xdp_sample_pkts
tprogs-y += ibumad
tprogs-y += hbm
# Libbpf dependencies
LIBBPF = $(TOOLS_PATH)/lib/bpf/libbpf.a
@ -111,7 +109,7 @@ ibumad-objs := bpf_load.o ibumad_user.o $(TRACE_HELPERS)
hbm-objs := bpf_load.o hbm.o $(CGROUP_HELPERS)
# Tell kbuild to always build the programs
always := $(hostprogs-y)
always := $(tprogs-y)
always += sockex1_kern.o
always += sockex2_kern.o
always += sockex3_kern.o
@ -145,7 +143,6 @@ always += sampleip_kern.o
always += lwt_len_hist_kern.o
always += xdp_tx_iptunnel_kern.o
always += test_map_in_map_kern.o
always += cookie_uid_helper_example.o
always += tcp_synrto_kern.o
always += tcp_rwnd_kern.o
always += tcp_bufs_kern.o
@ -171,20 +168,38 @@ always += ibumad_kern.o
always += hbm_out_kern.o
always += hbm_edt_kern.o
KBUILD_HOSTCFLAGS += -I$(objtree)/usr/include
KBUILD_HOSTCFLAGS += -I$(srctree)/tools/lib/bpf/
KBUILD_HOSTCFLAGS += -I$(srctree)/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/
KBUILD_HOSTCFLAGS += -I$(srctree)/tools/lib/ -I$(srctree)/tools/include
KBUILD_HOSTCFLAGS += -I$(srctree)/tools/perf
ifeq ($(ARCH), arm)
# Strip all except -D__LINUX_ARM_ARCH__ option needed to handle linux
# headers when arm instruction set identification is requested.
HOSTCFLAGS_bpf_load.o += -I$(objtree)/usr/include -Wno-unused-variable
TPROGS_CFLAGS += -Wmissing-prototypes
TPROGS_CFLAGS += -Wstrict-prototypes
HOSTLDLIBS_tracex4 += -lrt
HOSTLDLIBS_trace_output += -lrt
HOSTLDLIBS_map_perf_test += -lrt
HOSTLDLIBS_test_overhead += -lrt
HOSTLDLIBS_xdpsock += -pthread
TPROGS_CFLAGS += -I$(objtree)/usr/include
TPROGS_CFLAGS += -I$(srctree)/tools/lib/bpf/
TPROGS_CFLAGS += -I$(srctree)/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/
TPROGS_CFLAGS += -I$(srctree)/tools/lib/
TPROGS_CFLAGS += -I$(srctree)/tools/include
TPROGS_CFLAGS += -I$(srctree)/tools/perf
TPROGCFLAGS_bpf_load.o += -Wno-unused-variable
TPROGLDLIBS_tracex4 += -lrt
TPROGLDLIBS_trace_output += -lrt
TPROGLDLIBS_map_perf_test += -lrt
TPROGLDLIBS_test_overhead += -lrt
TPROGLDLIBS_xdpsock += -pthread
# Allows pointing LLC/CLANG to a LLVM backend with bpf support, redefine on cmdline:
# make samples/bpf/ LLC=~/git/llvm/build/bin/llc CLANG=~/git/llvm/build/bin/clang
@ -195,15 +210,14 @@ BTF_PAHOLE ?= pahole
# Detect that we're cross compiling and use the cross compiler
CLANG_ARCH_ARGS = --target=$(notdir $(CROSS_COMPILE:%-=%))
# Don't evaluate probes and warnings if we need to run make recursively
ifneq ($(src),)
HDR_PROBE := $(shell echo "\#include <linux/types.h>\n struct list_head { int a; }; int main() { return 0; }" | \
$(HOSTCC) $(KBUILD_HOSTCFLAGS) -x c - -o /dev/null 2>/dev/null && \
echo okay)
HDR_PROBE := $(shell printf "\#include <linux/types.h>\n struct list_head { int a; }; int main() { return 0; }" | \
-o /dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo okay)
ifeq ($(HDR_PROBE),)
$(warning WARNING: Detected possible issues with include path.)
@ -219,10 +233,10 @@ BTF_LLVM_PROBE := $(shell echo "int main() { return 0; }" | \
/bin/rm -f ./llvm_btf_verify.o)
ifneq ($(BTF_LLVM_PROBE),)
LLC_FLAGS += -mattr=dwarfris
@ -239,7 +253,8 @@ clean:
# Fix up variables inherited from Kbuild that tools/ build system won't like
$(MAKE) -C $(dir $@) RM='rm -rf' LDFLAGS= srctree=$(BPF_SAMPLES_PATH)/../../ O=
$(MAKE) -C $(dir $@) RM='rm -rf' EXTRA_CFLAGS="$(TPROGS_CFLAGS)" \
$(obj)/syscall_nrs.h: $(obj)/syscall_nrs.s FORCE
$(call filechk,offsets,__SYSCALL_NRS_H__)
@ -276,13 +291,16 @@ $(obj)/hbm_out_kern.o: $(src)/hbm.h $(src)/hbm_kern.h
$(obj)/hbm.o: $(src)/hbm.h
$(obj)/hbm_edt_kern.o: $(src)/hbm.h $(src)/hbm_kern.h
-include $(BPF_SAMPLES_PATH)/
# asm/sysreg.h - inline assembly used by it is incompatible with llvm.
# But, there is no easy way to fix it, so just exclude it since it is
# useless for BPF samples.
$(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.c
@echo " CLANG-bpf " $@
-I$(srctree)/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/ -I$(srctree)/tools/lib/bpf/ \
-I$(obj) -I$(srctree)/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/ \
-I$(srctree)/tools/lib/bpf/ \
-D__KERNEL__ -D__BPF_TRACING__ -Wno-unused-value -Wno-pointer-sign \
-D__TARGET_ARCH_$(SRCARCH) -Wno-compare-distinct-pointer-types \
-Wno-gnu-variable-sized-type-not-at-end \
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# ==========================================================================
# Building binaries on the host system
# Binaries are not used during the compilation of the kernel, and intended
# to be build for target board, target board can be host of course. Added to
# build binaries to run not on host system.
# Sample syntax
# tprogs-y := xsk_example
# Will compile xsk_example.c and create an executable named xsk_example
# tprogs-y := xdpsock
# xdpsock-objs := xdpsock_1.o xdpsock_2.o
# Will compile xdpsock_1.c and xdpsock_2.c, and then link the executable
# xdpsock, based on xdpsock_1.o and xdpsock_2.o
# Derived from scripts/
__tprogs := $(sort $(tprogs-y))
# C code
# Executables compiled from a single .c file
tprog-csingle := $(foreach m,$(__tprogs), \
$(if $($(m)-objs),,$(m)))
# C executables linked based on several .o files
tprog-cmulti := $(foreach m,$(__tprogs),\
$(if $($(m)-objs),$(m)))
# Object (.o) files compiled from .c files
tprog-cobjs := $(sort $(foreach m,$(__tprogs),$($(m)-objs)))
tprog-csingle := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(tprog-csingle))
tprog-cmulti := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(tprog-cmulti))
tprog-cobjs := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(tprog-cobjs))
# Handle options to gcc. Support building with separate output directory
_tprogc_flags = $(TPROGS_CFLAGS) \
# $(objtree)/$(obj) for including generated headers from checkin source files
ifeq ($(KBUILD_EXTMOD),)
ifdef building_out_of_srctree
_tprogc_flags += -I $(objtree)/$(obj)
tprogc_flags = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(_tprogc_flags)
# Create executable from a single .c file
# tprog-csingle -> Executable
quiet_cmd_tprog-csingle = CC $@
cmd_tprog-csingle = $(CC) $(tprogc_flags) $(TPROGS_LDFLAGS) -o $@ $< \
$(tprog-csingle): $(obj)/%: $(src)/%.c FORCE
$(call if_changed_dep,tprog-csingle)
# Link an executable based on list of .o files, all plain c
# tprog-cmulti -> executable
quiet_cmd_tprog-cmulti = LD $@
cmd_tprog-cmulti = $(CC) $(tprogc_flags) $(TPROGS_LDFLAGS) -o $@ \
$(addprefix $(obj)/,$($(@F)-objs)) \
$(tprog-cmulti): $(tprog-cobjs) FORCE
$(call if_changed,tprog-cmulti)
$(call multi_depend, $(tprog-cmulti), , -objs)
# Create .o file from a single .c file
# tprog-cobjs -> .o
quiet_cmd_tprog-cobjs = CC $@
cmd_tprog-cobjs = $(CC) $(tprogc_flags) -c -o $@ $<
$(tprog-cobjs): $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.c FORCE
$(call if_changed_dep,tprog-cobjs)
@ -14,6 +14,20 @@ Compiling requires having installed:
Note that LLVM's tool 'llc' must support target 'bpf', list version
and supported targets with command: ``llc --version``
Clean and configuration
It can be needed to clean tools, samples or kernel before trying new arch or
after some changes (on demand)::
make -C tools clean
make -C samples/bpf clean
make clean
Configure kernel, defconfig for instance::
make defconfig
Kernel headers
@ -68,9 +82,26 @@ It is also possible to point make to the newly compiled 'llc' or
Cross compiling samples
In order to cross-compile, say for arm64 targets, export CROSS_COMPILE and ARCH
environment variables before calling make. This will direct make to build
samples for the cross target.
environment variables before calling make. But do this before clean,
cofiguration and header install steps described above. This will direct make to
build samples for the cross target::
export ARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE="aarch64-linux-gnu-"
make samples/bpf/ LLC=~/git/llvm/build/bin/llc CLANG=~/git/llvm/build/bin/clang
export ARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE="aarch64-linux-gnu-"
Headers can be also installed on RFS of target board if need to keep them in
sync (not necessarily and it creates a local "usr/include" directory also)::
make INSTALL_HDR_PATH=~/some_sysroot/usr headers_install
Pointing LLC and CLANG is not necessarily if it's installed on HOST and have
in its targets appropriate arm64 arch (usually it has several arches).
Build samples::
make samples/bpf/
Or build samples with SYSROOT if some header or library is absent in toolchain,
say libelf, providing address to file system containing headers and libs,
can be RFS of target board::
make samples/bpf/ SYSROOT=~/some_sysroot
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ ifndef VERBOSE
FEATURE_USER = .libbpf
FEATURE_TESTS = libelf libelf-mmap bpf reallocarray cxx
FEATURE_TESTS = libelf libelf-mmap bpf reallocarray
FEATURE_DISPLAY = libelf bpf
INCLUDES = -I. -I$(srctree)/tools/include -I$(srctree)/tools/arch/$(ARCH)/include/uapi -I$(srctree)/tools/include/uapi
@ -142,15 +142,7 @@ GLOBAL_SYM_COUNT = $(shell readelf -s --wide $(BPF_IN) | \
VERSIONED_SYM_COUNT = $(shell readelf -s --wide $(OUTPUT) | \
grep -Eo '[^ ]+@LIBBPF_' | cut -d@ -f1 | sort -u | wc -l)
CXX_TEST_TARGET = $(OUTPUT)test_libbpf
ifeq ($(feature-cxx), 1)
all: fixdep
$(Q)$(MAKE) all_cmd
@ -182,16 +174,17 @@ bpf_helper_defs.h: $(srctree)/include/uapi/linux/bpf.h
$(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) --shared -Wl,-soname,$(LIBBPF_MAJOR_VERSION) \
-Wl,--version-script=$(VERSION_SCRIPT) $^ -lelf -o $@
--shared -Wl,-soname,$(LIBBPF_MAJOR_VERSION) \
-Wl,--version-script=$(VERSION_SCRIPT) $^ -lelf -o $@
@ln -sf $(@F) $(OUTPUT)
$(OUTPUT)libbpf.a: $(BPF_IN)
$(QUIET_LINK)$(RM) $@; $(AR) rcs $@ $^
$(OUTPUT)test_libbpf: test_libbpf.cpp $(OUTPUT)libbpf.a
$(QUIET_LINK)$(CXX) $(INCLUDES) $^ -lelf -o $@
$(OUTPUT)test_libbpf: test_libbpf.c $(OUTPUT)libbpf.a
$(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $^ -lelf -o $@
$(QUIET_GEN)sed -e "s|@PREFIX@|$(prefix)|" \
@ -266,7 +259,7 @@ config-clean:
$(Q)$(MAKE) -C $(srctree)/tools/build/feature/ clean >/dev/null
$(call QUIET_CLEAN, libbpf) $(RM) $(TARGETS) $(CXX_TEST_TARGET) \
$(call QUIET_CLEAN, libbpf) $(RM) $(CMD_TARGETS) \
*.o *~ *.a *.so *.so.$(LIBBPF_MAJOR_VERSION) .*.d .*.cmd \
*.pc LIBBPF-CFLAGS bpf_helper_defs.h
$(call QUIET_CLEAN, core-gen) $(RM) $(OUTPUT)FEATURE-DUMP.libbpf
@ -7,12 +7,14 @@
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* libbpf.h */
/* libbpf.h */
/* bpf.h */
/* bpf.h */
/* btf.h */
btf__new(NULL, 0);
/* btf.h */
btf__new(NULL, 0);
return 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user