diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/shell/lib/perf_csv_output_lint.py b/tools/perf/tests/shell/lib/perf_csv_output_lint.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 714f283cfb1b..000000000000
--- a/tools/perf/tests/shell/lib/perf_csv_output_lint.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-import argparse
-import sys
-# Basic sanity check of perf CSV output as specified in the man page.
-# Currently just checks the number of fields per line in output.
-ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-ap.add_argument('--no-args', action='store_true')
-ap.add_argument('--interval', action='store_true')
-ap.add_argument('--system-wide-no-aggr', action='store_true')
-ap.add_argument('--system-wide', action='store_true')
-ap.add_argument('--event', action='store_true')
-ap.add_argument('--per-core', action='store_true')
-ap.add_argument('--per-thread', action='store_true')
-ap.add_argument('--per-die', action='store_true')
-ap.add_argument('--per-node', action='store_true')
-ap.add_argument('--per-socket', action='store_true')
-ap.add_argument('--separator', default=',', nargs='?')
-args = ap.parse_args()
-Lines = sys.stdin.readlines()
-def check_csv_output(exp):
-  for line in Lines:
-    if 'failed' not in line:
-      count = line.count(args.separator)
-      if count != exp:
-        sys.stdout.write(''.join(Lines))
-        raise RuntimeError(f'wrong number of fields. expected {exp} in {line}')
-  if args.no_args or args.system_wide or args.event:
-    expected_items = 6
-  elif args.interval or args.per_thread or args.system_wide_no_aggr:
-    expected_items = 7
-  elif args.per_core or args.per_socket or args.per_node or args.per_die:
-    expected_items = 8
-  else:
-    ap.print_help()
-    raise RuntimeError('No checking option specified')
-  check_csv_output(expected_items)
-  sys.stdout.write('Test failed for input: ' + ''.join(Lines))
-  raise
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/shell/stat+csv_output.sh b/tools/perf/tests/shell/stat+csv_output.sh
index 983220ef3cb4..38c26f3ef4c1 100755
--- a/tools/perf/tests/shell/stat+csv_output.sh
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/shell/stat+csv_output.sh
@@ -6,20 +6,41 @@
 set -e
-pythonchecker=$(dirname $0)/lib/perf_csv_output_lint.py
-if [ "x$PYTHON" == "x" ]
-	if which python3 > /dev/null
-	then
-		PYTHON=python3
-	elif which python > /dev/null
-	then
-		PYTHON=python
-	else
-		echo Skipping test, python not detected please set environment variable PYTHON.
-		exit 2
-	fi
+function commachecker()
+	local -i cnt=0 exp=0
+	case "$1"
+	in "--no-args")		exp=6
+	;; "--system-wide")	exp=6
+	;; "--event")		exp=6
+	;; "--interval")	exp=7
+	;; "--per-thread")	exp=7
+	;; "--system-wide-no-aggr")	exp=7
+				[ $(uname -m) = "s390x" ] && exp=6
+	;; "--per-core")	exp=8
+	;; "--per-socket")	exp=8
+	;; "--per-node")	exp=8
+	;; "--per-die")		exp=8
+	esac
+	while read line
+	do
+		# Check for lines beginning with Failed
+		x=${line:0:6}
+		[ "$x" = "Failed" ] && continue
+		# Count the number of commas
+		x=$(echo $line | tr -d -c ',')
+		cnt="${#x}"
+		# echo $line $cnt
+		[ "$cnt" -ne "$exp" ] && {
+			echo "wrong number of fields. expected $exp in $line" 1>&2
+			exit 1;
+		}
+	done
+	return 0
 # Return true if perf_event_paranoid is > $1 and not running as root.
 function ParanoidAndNotRoot()
@@ -30,7 +51,7 @@ function ParanoidAndNotRoot()
 	echo -n "Checking CSV output: no args "
-	perf stat -x, true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --no-args
+	perf stat -x, true 2>&1 | commachecker --no-args
 	echo "[Success]"
@@ -42,7 +63,7 @@ check_system_wide()
 		echo "[Skip] paranoid and not root"
-	perf stat -x, -a true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --system-wide
+	perf stat -x, -a true 2>&1 | commachecker --system-wide
 	echo "[Success]"
@@ -55,14 +76,14 @@ check_system_wide_no_aggr()
 	echo -n "Checking CSV output: system wide no aggregation "
-	perf stat -x, -A -a --no-merge true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --system-wide-no-aggr
+	perf stat -x, -A -a --no-merge true 2>&1 | commachecker --system-wide-no-aggr
 	echo "[Success]"
 	echo -n "Checking CSV output: interval "
-	perf stat -x, -I 1000 true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --interval
+	perf stat -x, -I 1000 true 2>&1 | commachecker --interval
 	echo "[Success]"
@@ -70,7 +91,7 @@ check_interval()
 	echo -n "Checking CSV output: event "
-	perf stat -x, -e cpu-clock true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --event
+	perf stat -x, -e cpu-clock true 2>&1 | commachecker --event
 	echo "[Success]"
@@ -82,7 +103,7 @@ check_per_core()
 		echo "[Skip] paranoid and not root"
-	perf stat -x, --per-core -a true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --per-core
+	perf stat -x, --per-core -a true 2>&1 | commachecker --per-core
 	echo "[Success]"
@@ -94,7 +115,7 @@ check_per_thread()
 		echo "[Skip] paranoid and not root"
-	perf stat -x, --per-thread -a true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --per-thread
+	perf stat -x, --per-thread -a true 2>&1 | commachecker --per-thread
 	echo "[Success]"
@@ -106,7 +127,7 @@ check_per_die()
 		echo "[Skip] paranoid and not root"
-	perf stat -x, --per-die -a true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --per-die
+	perf stat -x, --per-die -a true 2>&1 | commachecker --per-die
 	echo "[Success]"
@@ -118,7 +139,7 @@ check_per_node()
 		echo "[Skip] paranoid and not root"
-	perf stat -x, --per-node -a true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --per-node
+	perf stat -x, --per-node -a true 2>&1 | commachecker --per-node
 	echo "[Success]"
@@ -130,7 +151,7 @@ check_per_socket()
 		echo "[Skip] paranoid and not root"
-	perf stat -x, --per-socket -a true 2>&1 | $PYTHON $pythonchecker --per-socket
+	perf stat -x, --per-socket -a true 2>&1 | commachecker --per-socket
 	echo "[Success]"