Merge branch 'selftests-drv-net-rss_ctx-add-tests-for-rss-contexts'
Jakub Kicinski says: ==================== selftests: drv-net: rss_ctx: add tests for RSS contexts Add a few tests exercising RSS context API. In addition to basic sanity checks, tests add RSS contexts, n-tuple rule to direct traffic to them (based on dst port), and qstats to make sure traffic landed where we expected. v2 adds a test for removing contexts out of order. When testing bnxt - either the new test or running more tests after the overlap test makes the device act strangely. To the point where it may start giving out ntuple IDs of 0 for all rules.. $ export NETIF=eth0 REMOTE_... $ ./drivers/net/hw/ KTAP version 1 1..8 ok 1 rss_ctx.test_rss_key_indir ok 2 rss_ctx.test_rss_context ok 3 rss_ctx.test_rss_context4 # Increasing queue count 44 -> 66 # Failed to create context 32, trying to test what we got ok 4 rss_ctx.test_rss_context32 # SKIP Tested only 31 contexts, wanted 32 ok 5 rss_ctx.test_rss_context_overlap ok 6 rss_ctx.test_rss_context_overlap2 # .. sprays traffic like a headless chicken .. not ok 7 rss_ctx.test_rss_context_out_of_order ok 8 rss_ctx.test_rss_context4_create_with_cfg # Totals: pass:6 fail:1 xfail:0 xpass:0 skip:1 error:0 v2: v1: ==================== Link: Signed-off-by: Jakub Kicinski <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ TEST_PROGS = \
|||| \
|||| \
|||| \
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Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
import datetime
import random
from import ksft_run, ksft_pr, ksft_exit, ksft_eq, ksft_ge, ksft_lt
from import NetDrvEpEnv
from import NetdevFamily
from import KsftSkipEx
from import rand_port
from import ethtool, ip, GenerateTraffic, CmdExitFailure
def _rss_key_str(key):
return ":".join(["{:02x}".format(x) for x in key])
def _rss_key_rand(length):
return [random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(length)]
def get_rss(cfg, context=0):
return ethtool(f"-x {cfg.ifname} context {context}", json=True)[0]
def get_drop_err_sum(cfg):
stats = ip("-s -s link show dev " + cfg.ifname, json=True)[0]
cnt = 0
for key in ['errors', 'dropped', 'over_errors', 'fifo_errors',
'length_errors', 'crc_errors', 'missed_errors',
cnt += stats["stats64"]["rx"][key]
return cnt, stats["stats64"]["tx"]["carrier_changes"]
def ethtool_create(cfg, act, opts):
output = ethtool(f"{act} {cfg.ifname} {opts}").stdout
# Output will be something like: "New RSS context is 1" or
# "Added rule with ID 7", we want the integer from the end
return int(output.split()[-1])
def require_ntuple(cfg):
features = ethtool(f"-k {cfg.ifname}", json=True)[0]
if not features["ntuple-filters"]["active"]:
# ntuple is more of a capability than a config knob, don't bother
# trying to enable it (until some driver actually needs it).
raise KsftSkipEx("Ntuple filters not enabled on the device: " + str(features["ntuple-filters"]))
# Get Rx packet counts for all queues, as a simple list of integers
# if @prev is specified the prev counts will be subtracted
def _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=None):
data = cfg.netdevnl.qstats_get({"ifindex": cfg.ifindex, "scope": ["queue"]}, dump=True)
data = [x for x in data if x['queue-type'] == "rx"]
max_q = max([x["queue-id"] for x in data])
queue_stats = [0] * (max_q + 1)
for q in data:
queue_stats[q["queue-id"]] = q["rx-packets"]
if prev and q["queue-id"] < len(prev):
queue_stats[q["queue-id"]] -= prev[q["queue-id"]]
return queue_stats
def test_rss_key_indir(cfg):
Test basics like updating the main RSS key and indirection table.
if len(_get_rx_cnts(cfg)) < 2:
KsftSkipEx("Device has only one queue (or doesn't support queue stats)")
data = get_rss(cfg)
want_keys = ['rss-hash-key', 'rss-hash-function', 'rss-indirection-table']
for k in want_keys:
if k not in data:
raise KsftFailEx("ethtool results missing key: " + k)
if not data[k]:
raise KsftFailEx(f"ethtool results empty for '{k}': {data[k]}")
key_len = len(data['rss-hash-key'])
# Set the key
key = _rss_key_rand(key_len)
ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} hkey " + _rss_key_str(key))
data = get_rss(cfg)
ksft_eq(key, data['rss-hash-key'])
# Set the indirection table
ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 2")
data = get_rss(cfg)
ksft_eq(0, min(data['rss-indirection-table']))
ksft_eq(1, max(data['rss-indirection-table']))
# Check we only get traffic on the first 2 queues
cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
# 2 queues, 20k packets, must be at least 5k per queue
ksft_ge(cnts[0], 5000, "traffic on main context (1/2): " + str(cnts))
ksft_ge(cnts[1], 5000, "traffic on main context (2/2): " + str(cnts))
# The other queues should be unused
ksft_eq(sum(cnts[2:]), 0, "traffic on unused queues: " + str(cnts))
# Restore, and check traffic gets spread again
ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
# First two queues get less traffic than all the rest
ksft_lt(sum(cnts[:2]), sum(cnts[2:]), "traffic distributed: " + str(cnts))
def test_rss_context(cfg, ctx_cnt=1, create_with_cfg=None):
Test separating traffic into RSS contexts.
The queues will be allocated 2 for each context:
ctx0 ctx1 ctx2 ctx3
[0 1] [2 3] [4 5] [6 7] ...
requested_ctx_cnt = ctx_cnt
# Try to allocate more queues when necessary
qcnt = len(_get_rx_cnts(cfg))
if qcnt >= 2 + 2 * ctx_cnt:
qcnt = None
ksft_pr(f"Increasing queue count {qcnt} -> {2 + 2 * ctx_cnt}")
ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {2 + 2 * ctx_cnt}")
raise KsftSkipEx("Not enough queues for the test")
ntuple = []
ctx_id = []
ports = []
# Use queues 0 and 1 for normal traffic
ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 2")
for i in range(ctx_cnt):
want_cfg = f"start {2 + i * 2} equal 2"
create_cfg = want_cfg if create_with_cfg else ""
ctx_id.append(ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", f"context new {create_cfg}"))
except CmdExitFailure:
# try to carry on and skip at the end
if i == 0:
ksft_pr(f"Failed to create context {i + 1}, trying to test what we got")
ctx_cnt = i
if not create_with_cfg:
ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id[i]} {want_cfg}")
# Sanity check the context we just created
data = get_rss(cfg, ctx_id[i])
ksft_eq(min(data['rss-indirection-table']), 2 + i * 2, "Unexpected context cfg: " + str(data))
ksft_eq(max(data['rss-indirection-table']), 2 + i * 2 + 1, "Unexpected context cfg: " + str(data))
flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {ports[i]} context {ctx_id[i]}"
ntuple.append(ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow))
for i in range(ctx_cnt):
cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
GenerateTraffic(cfg, port=ports[i]).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
ksft_lt(sum(cnts[ :2]), 10000, "traffic on main context:" + str(cnts))
ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2+i*2:4+i*2]), 20000, f"traffic on context {i}: " + str(cnts))
ksft_eq(sum(cnts[2:2+i*2] + cnts[4+i*2:]), 0, "traffic on other contexts: " + str(cnts))
for nid in ntuple:
ethtool(f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {nid}")
for cid in ctx_id:
ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {cid} delete")
ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
if qcnt:
ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {qcnt}")
if requested_ctx_cnt != ctx_cnt:
raise KsftSkipEx(f"Tested only {ctx_cnt} contexts, wanted {requested_ctx_cnt}")
def test_rss_context4(cfg):
test_rss_context(cfg, 4)
def test_rss_context32(cfg):
test_rss_context(cfg, 32)
def test_rss_context4_create_with_cfg(cfg):
test_rss_context(cfg, 4, create_with_cfg=True)
def test_rss_context_out_of_order(cfg, ctx_cnt=4):
Test separating traffic into RSS contexts.
Contexts are removed in semi-random order, and steering re-tested
to make sure removal doesn't break steering to surviving contexts.
Test requires 3 contexts to work.
requested_ctx_cnt = ctx_cnt
# Try to allocate more queues when necessary
qcnt = len(_get_rx_cnts(cfg))
if qcnt >= 2 + 2 * ctx_cnt:
qcnt = None
ksft_pr(f"Increasing queue count {qcnt} -> {2 + 2 * ctx_cnt}")
ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {2 + 2 * ctx_cnt}")
raise KsftSkipEx("Not enough queues for the test")
ntuple = []
ctx_id = []
ports = []
def remove_ctx(idx):
ethtool(f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {ntuple[idx]}")
ntuple[idx] = None
ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id[idx]} delete")
ctx_id[idx] = None
def check_traffic():
for i in range(ctx_cnt):
cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
GenerateTraffic(cfg, port=ports[i]).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
if ctx_id[i] is None:
ksft_lt(sum(cnts[ :2]), 10000, "traffic on main context:" + str(cnts))
ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2+i*2:4+i*2]), 20000, f"traffic on context {i}: " + str(cnts))
ksft_eq(sum(cnts[2:2+i*2] + cnts[4+i*2:]), 0, "traffic on other contexts: " + str(cnts))
ksft_ge(sum(cnts[ :2]), 20000, "traffic on main context:" + str(cnts))
ksft_eq(sum(cnts[2: ]), 0, "traffic on other contexts: " + str(cnts))
# Use queues 0 and 1 for normal traffic
ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 2")
for i in range(ctx_cnt):
ctx_id.append(ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", f"context new start {2 + i * 2} equal 2"))
flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {ports[i]} context {ctx_id[i]}"
ntuple.append(ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow))
# Remove middle context
remove_ctx(ctx_cnt // 2)
# Remove first context
# Remove last context
for nid in ntuple:
if nid is not None:
ethtool(f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {nid}")
for cid in ctx_id:
if cid is not None:
ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {cid} delete")
ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
if qcnt:
ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {qcnt}")
if requested_ctx_cnt != ctx_cnt:
raise KsftSkipEx(f"Tested only {ctx_cnt} contexts, wanted {requested_ctx_cnt}")
def test_rss_context_overlap(cfg, other_ctx=0):
Test contexts overlapping with each other.
Use 4 queues for the main context, but only queues 2 and 3 for context 1.
queue_cnt = len(_get_rx_cnts(cfg))
if queue_cnt >= 4:
queue_cnt = None
ksft_pr(f"Increasing queue count {queue_cnt} -> 4")
ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined 4")
raise KsftSkipEx("Not enough queues for the test")
ctx_id = None
ntuple = None
if other_ctx == 0:
ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 4")
other_ctx = ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", "context new")
ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {other_ctx} equal 4")
ctx_id = ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", "context new")
ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id} start 2 equal 2")
port = rand_port()
if other_ctx:
flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {port} context {other_ctx}"
ntuple = ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow)
# Test the main context
cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
GenerateTraffic(cfg, port=port).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
ksft_ge(sum(cnts[ :4]), 20000, "traffic on main context: " + str(cnts))
ksft_ge(sum(cnts[ :2]), 7000, "traffic on main context (1/2): " + str(cnts))
ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2:4]), 7000, "traffic on main context (2/2): " + str(cnts))
if other_ctx == 0:
ksft_eq(sum(cnts[4: ]), 0, "traffic on other queues: " + str(cnts))
# Now create a rule for context 1 and make sure traffic goes to a subset
if other_ctx:
ethtool(f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {ntuple}")
ntuple = None
flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {port} context {ctx_id}"
ntuple = ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow)
cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
GenerateTraffic(cfg, port=port).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
ksft_lt(sum(cnts[ :2]), 7000, "traffic on main context: " + str(cnts))
ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2:4]), 20000, "traffic on extra context: " + str(cnts))
if other_ctx == 0:
ksft_eq(sum(cnts[4: ]), 0, "traffic on other queues: " + str(cnts))
if ntuple is not None:
ethtool(f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {ntuple}")
if ctx_id:
ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id} delete")
if other_ctx == 0:
ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {other_ctx} delete")
if queue_cnt:
ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {queue_cnt}")
def test_rss_context_overlap2(cfg):
test_rss_context_overlap(cfg, True)
def main() -> None:
with NetDrvEpEnv(__file__, nsim_test=False) as cfg:
cfg.netdevnl = NetdevFamily()
test_rss_context, test_rss_context4, test_rss_context32,
test_rss_context_overlap, test_rss_context_overlap2,
test_rss_context_out_of_order, test_rss_context4_create_with_cfg],
args=(cfg, ))
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
import os
import time
from pathlib import Path
from import KsftSkipEx, KsftXfailEx
from import cmd, ip
from import cmd, ethtool, ip
from import NetNS, NetdevSimDev
from .remote import Remote
@ -82,6 +83,8 @@ class NetDrvEpEnv:
self.env = _load_env_file(src_path)
self._stats_settle_time = None
# Things we try to destroy
self.remote = None
# These are for local testing state
@ -222,3 +225,17 @@ class NetDrvEpEnv:
if remote:
if not self._require_cmd(comm, "remote"):
raise KsftSkipEx("Test requires (remote) command: " + comm)
def wait_hw_stats_settle(self):
Wait for HW stats to become consistent, some devices DMA HW stats
periodically so events won't be reflected until next sync.
Good drivers will tell us via ethtool what their sync period is.
if self._stats_settle_time is None:
data = ethtool("-c " + self.ifname, json=True)[0]
self._stats_settle_time = 0.025 + \
data.get('stats-block-usecs', 0) / 1000 / 1000
@ -5,28 +5,45 @@ import time
from import ksft_pr, cmd, ip, rand_port, wait_port_listen
class GenerateTraffic:
def __init__(self, env):
def __init__(self, env, port=None):
env.require_cmd("iperf3", remote=True)
self.env = env
port = rand_port()
self._iperf_server = cmd(f"iperf3 -s -p {port}", background=True)
if port is None:
port = rand_port()
self._iperf_server = cmd(f"iperf3 -s -1 -p {port}", background=True)
self._iperf_client = cmd(f"iperf3 -c {env.addr} -P 16 -p {port} -t 86400",
background=True, host=env.remote)
# Wait for traffic to ramp up
pkt = ip("-s link show dev " + env.ifname, json=True)[0]["stats64"]["rx"]["packets"]
if not self._wait_pkts(pps=1000):
raise Exception("iperf3 traffic did not ramp up")
def _wait_pkts(self, pkt_cnt=None, pps=None):
Wait until we've seen pkt_cnt or until traffic ramps up to pps.
Only one of pkt_cnt or pss can be specified.
pkt_start = ip("-s link show dev " + self.env.ifname, json=True)[0]["stats64"]["rx"]["packets"]
for _ in range(50):
now = ip("-s link show dev " + env.ifname, json=True)[0]["stats64"]["rx"]["packets"]
if now - pkt > 1000:
pkt = now
raise Exception("iperf3 traffic did not ramp up")
pkt_now = ip("-s link show dev " + self.env.ifname, json=True)[0]["stats64"]["rx"]["packets"]
if pps:
if pkt_now - pkt_start > pps / 10:
return True
pkt_start = pkt_now
elif pkt_cnt:
if pkt_now - pkt_start > pkt_cnt:
return True
return False
def wait_pkts_and_stop(self, pkt_cnt):
failed = not self._wait_pkts(pkt_cnt=pkt_cnt)
def stop(self, verbose=None):
@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ def ksft_ge(a, b, comment=""):
_fail("Check failed", a, "<", b, comment)
def ksft_lt(a, b, comment=""):
if a >= b:
_fail("Check failed", a, ">=", b, comment)
class ksft_raises:
def __init__(self, expected_type):
self.exception = None
@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
import errno
import json as _json
import random
import re
import socket
import subprocess
import time
class CmdExitFailure(Exception):
class cmd:
def __init__(self, comm, shell=True, fail=True, ns=None, background=False, host=None, timeout=5):
if ns:
@ -41,8 +47,8 @@ class cmd:
if self.proc.returncode != 0 and fail:
if len(stderr) > 0 and stderr[-1] == "\n":
stderr = stderr[:-1]
raise Exception("Command failed: %s\nSTDOUT: %s\nSTDERR: %s" %
(self.proc.args, stdout, stderr))
raise CmdExitFailure("Command failed: %s\nSTDOUT: %s\nSTDERR: %s" %
(self.proc.args, stdout, stderr))
class bkg(cmd):
@ -77,11 +83,24 @@ def ip(args, json=None, ns=None, host=None):
return tool('ip', args, json=json, host=host)
def ethtool(args, json=None, ns=None, host=None):
return tool('ethtool', args, json=json, ns=ns, host=host)
def rand_port():
Get unprivileged port, for now just random, one day we may decide to check if used.
Get a random unprivileged port, try to make sure it's not already used.
return random.randint(10000, 65535)
for _ in range(1000):
port = random.randint(10000, 65535)
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
s.bind(("", port))
return port
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EADDRINUSE:
raise Exception("Can't find any free unprivileged port")
def wait_port_listen(port, proto="tcp", ns=None, host=None, sleep=0.005, deadline=5):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user