// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* Simplified ASN.1 notation parser * * Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Written by David Howells (dhowells@redhat.com) */ #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <linux/asn1_ber_bytecode.h> enum token_type { DIRECTIVE_ABSENT, DIRECTIVE_ALL, DIRECTIVE_ANY, DIRECTIVE_APPLICATION, DIRECTIVE_AUTOMATIC, DIRECTIVE_BEGIN, DIRECTIVE_BIT, DIRECTIVE_BMPString, DIRECTIVE_BOOLEAN, DIRECTIVE_BY, DIRECTIVE_CHARACTER, DIRECTIVE_CHOICE, DIRECTIVE_CLASS, DIRECTIVE_COMPONENT, DIRECTIVE_COMPONENTS, DIRECTIVE_CONSTRAINED, DIRECTIVE_CONTAINING, DIRECTIVE_DEFAULT, DIRECTIVE_DEFINED, DIRECTIVE_DEFINITIONS, DIRECTIVE_EMBEDDED, DIRECTIVE_ENCODED, DIRECTIVE_ENCODING_CONTROL, DIRECTIVE_END, DIRECTIVE_ENUMERATED, DIRECTIVE_EXCEPT, DIRECTIVE_EXPLICIT, DIRECTIVE_EXPORTS, DIRECTIVE_EXTENSIBILITY, DIRECTIVE_EXTERNAL, DIRECTIVE_FALSE, DIRECTIVE_FROM, DIRECTIVE_GeneralString, DIRECTIVE_GeneralizedTime, DIRECTIVE_GraphicString, DIRECTIVE_IA5String, DIRECTIVE_IDENTIFIER, DIRECTIVE_IMPLICIT, DIRECTIVE_IMPLIED, DIRECTIVE_IMPORTS, DIRECTIVE_INCLUDES, DIRECTIVE_INSTANCE, DIRECTIVE_INSTRUCTIONS, DIRECTIVE_INTEGER, DIRECTIVE_INTERSECTION, DIRECTIVE_ISO646String, DIRECTIVE_MAX, DIRECTIVE_MIN, DIRECTIVE_MINUS_INFINITY, DIRECTIVE_NULL, DIRECTIVE_NumericString, DIRECTIVE_OBJECT, DIRECTIVE_OCTET, DIRECTIVE_OF, DIRECTIVE_OPTIONAL, DIRECTIVE_ObjectDescriptor, DIRECTIVE_PATTERN, DIRECTIVE_PDV, DIRECTIVE_PLUS_INFINITY, DIRECTIVE_PRESENT, DIRECTIVE_PRIVATE, DIRECTIVE_PrintableString, DIRECTIVE_REAL, DIRECTIVE_RELATIVE_OID, DIRECTIVE_SEQUENCE, DIRECTIVE_SET, DIRECTIVE_SIZE, DIRECTIVE_STRING, DIRECTIVE_SYNTAX, DIRECTIVE_T61String, DIRECTIVE_TAGS, DIRECTIVE_TRUE, DIRECTIVE_TeletexString, DIRECTIVE_UNION, DIRECTIVE_UNIQUE, DIRECTIVE_UNIVERSAL, DIRECTIVE_UTCTime, DIRECTIVE_UTF8String, DIRECTIVE_UniversalString, DIRECTIVE_VideotexString, DIRECTIVE_VisibleString, DIRECTIVE_WITH, NR__DIRECTIVES, TOKEN_ASSIGNMENT = NR__DIRECTIVES, TOKEN_OPEN_CURLY, TOKEN_CLOSE_CURLY, TOKEN_OPEN_SQUARE, TOKEN_CLOSE_SQUARE, TOKEN_OPEN_ACTION, TOKEN_CLOSE_ACTION, TOKEN_COMMA, TOKEN_NUMBER, TOKEN_TYPE_NAME, TOKEN_ELEMENT_NAME, NR__TOKENS }; static const unsigned char token_to_tag[NR__TOKENS] = { /* EOC goes first */ [DIRECTIVE_BOOLEAN] = ASN1_BOOL, [DIRECTIVE_INTEGER] = ASN1_INT, [DIRECTIVE_BIT] = ASN1_BTS, [DIRECTIVE_OCTET] = ASN1_OTS, [DIRECTIVE_NULL] = ASN1_NULL, [DIRECTIVE_OBJECT] = ASN1_OID, [DIRECTIVE_ObjectDescriptor] = ASN1_ODE, [DIRECTIVE_EXTERNAL] = ASN1_EXT, [DIRECTIVE_REAL] = ASN1_REAL, [DIRECTIVE_ENUMERATED] = ASN1_ENUM, [DIRECTIVE_EMBEDDED] = 0, [DIRECTIVE_UTF8String] = ASN1_UTF8STR, [DIRECTIVE_RELATIVE_OID] = ASN1_RELOID, /* 14 */ /* 15 */ [DIRECTIVE_SEQUENCE] = ASN1_SEQ, [DIRECTIVE_SET] = ASN1_SET, [DIRECTIVE_NumericString] = ASN1_NUMSTR, [DIRECTIVE_PrintableString] = ASN1_PRNSTR, [DIRECTIVE_T61String] = ASN1_TEXSTR, [DIRECTIVE_TeletexString] = ASN1_TEXSTR, [DIRECTIVE_VideotexString] = ASN1_VIDSTR, [DIRECTIVE_IA5String] = ASN1_IA5STR, [DIRECTIVE_UTCTime] = ASN1_UNITIM, [DIRECTIVE_GeneralizedTime] = ASN1_GENTIM, [DIRECTIVE_GraphicString] = ASN1_GRASTR, [DIRECTIVE_VisibleString] = ASN1_VISSTR, [DIRECTIVE_GeneralString] = ASN1_GENSTR, [DIRECTIVE_UniversalString] = ASN1_UNITIM, [DIRECTIVE_CHARACTER] = ASN1_CHRSTR, [DIRECTIVE_BMPString] = ASN1_BMPSTR, }; static const char asn1_classes[4][5] = { [ASN1_UNIV] = "UNIV", [ASN1_APPL] = "APPL", [ASN1_CONT] = "CONT", [ASN1_PRIV] = "PRIV" }; static const char asn1_methods[2][5] = { [ASN1_UNIV] = "PRIM", [ASN1_APPL] = "CONS" }; static const char *const asn1_universal_tags[32] = { "EOC", "BOOL", "INT", "BTS", "OTS", "NULL", "OID", "ODE", "EXT", "REAL", "ENUM", "EPDV", "UTF8STR", "RELOID", NULL, /* 14 */ NULL, /* 15 */ "SEQ", "SET", "NUMSTR", "PRNSTR", "TEXSTR", "VIDSTR", "IA5STR", "UNITIM", "GENTIM", "GRASTR", "VISSTR", "GENSTR", "UNISTR", "CHRSTR", "BMPSTR", NULL /* 31 */ }; static const char *filename; static const char *grammar_name; static const char *outputname; static const char *headername; static const char *const directives[NR__DIRECTIVES] = { #define _(X) [DIRECTIVE_##X] = #X _(ABSENT), _(ALL), _(ANY), _(APPLICATION), _(AUTOMATIC), _(BEGIN), _(BIT), _(BMPString), _(BOOLEAN), _(BY), _(CHARACTER), _(CHOICE), _(CLASS), _(COMPONENT), _(COMPONENTS), _(CONSTRAINED), _(CONTAINING), _(DEFAULT), _(DEFINED), _(DEFINITIONS), _(EMBEDDED), _(ENCODED), [DIRECTIVE_ENCODING_CONTROL] = "ENCODING-CONTROL", _(END), _(ENUMERATED), _(EXCEPT), _(EXPLICIT), _(EXPORTS), _(EXTENSIBILITY), _(EXTERNAL), _(FALSE), _(FROM), _(GeneralString), _(GeneralizedTime), _(GraphicString), _(IA5String), _(IDENTIFIER), _(IMPLICIT), _(IMPLIED), _(IMPORTS), _(INCLUDES), _(INSTANCE), _(INSTRUCTIONS), _(INTEGER), _(INTERSECTION), _(ISO646String), _(MAX), _(MIN), [DIRECTIVE_MINUS_INFINITY] = "MINUS-INFINITY", [DIRECTIVE_NULL] = "NULL", _(NumericString), _(OBJECT), _(OCTET), _(OF), _(OPTIONAL), _(ObjectDescriptor), _(PATTERN), _(PDV), [DIRECTIVE_PLUS_INFINITY] = "PLUS-INFINITY", _(PRESENT), _(PRIVATE), _(PrintableString), _(REAL), [DIRECTIVE_RELATIVE_OID] = "RELATIVE-OID", _(SEQUENCE), _(SET), _(SIZE), _(STRING), _(SYNTAX), _(T61String), _(TAGS), _(TRUE), _(TeletexString), _(UNION), _(UNIQUE), _(UNIVERSAL), _(UTCTime), _(UTF8String), _(UniversalString), _(VideotexString), _(VisibleString), _(WITH) }; struct action { struct action *next; char *name; unsigned char index; }; static struct action *action_list; static unsigned nr_actions; struct token { unsigned short line; enum token_type token_type : 8; unsigned char size; struct action *action; char *content; struct type *type; }; static struct token *token_list; static unsigned nr_tokens; static bool verbose_opt; static bool debug_opt; #define verbose(fmt, ...) do { if (verbose_opt) printf(fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__); } while (0) #define debug(fmt, ...) do { if (debug_opt) printf(fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__); } while (0) static int directive_compare(const void *_key, const void *_pdir) { const struct token *token = _key; const char *const *pdir = _pdir, *dir = *pdir; size_t dlen, clen; int val; dlen = strlen(dir); clen = (dlen < token->size) ? dlen : token->size; //debug("cmp(%s,%s) = ", token->content, dir); val = memcmp(token->content, dir, clen); if (val != 0) { //debug("%d [cmp]\n", val); return val; } if (dlen == token->size) { //debug("0\n"); return 0; } //debug("%d\n", (int)dlen - (int)token->size); return dlen - token->size; /* shorter -> negative */ } /* * Tokenise an ASN.1 grammar */ static void tokenise(char *buffer, char *end) { struct token *tokens; char *line, *nl, *start, *p, *q; unsigned tix, lineno; /* Assume we're going to have half as many tokens as we have * characters */ token_list = tokens = calloc((end - buffer) / 2, sizeof(struct token)); if (!tokens) { perror(NULL); exit(1); } tix = 0; lineno = 0; while (buffer < end) { /* First of all, break out a line */ lineno++; line = buffer; nl = memchr(line, '\n', end - buffer); if (!nl) { buffer = nl = end; } else { buffer = nl + 1; *nl = '\0'; } /* Remove "--" comments */ p = line; next_comment: while ((p = memchr(p, '-', nl - p))) { if (p[1] == '-') { /* Found a comment; see if there's a terminator */ q = p + 2; while ((q = memchr(q, '-', nl - q))) { if (q[1] == '-') { /* There is - excise the comment */ q += 2; memmove(p, q, nl - q); goto next_comment; } q++; } *p = '\0'; nl = p; break; } else { p++; } } p = line; while (p < nl) { /* Skip white space */ while (p < nl && isspace(*p)) *(p++) = 0; if (p >= nl) break; tokens[tix].line = lineno; start = p; /* Handle string tokens */ if (isalpha(*p)) { const char **dir; /* Can be a directive, type name or element * name. Find the end of the name. */ q = p + 1; while (q < nl && (isalnum(*q) || *q == '-' || *q == '_')) q++; tokens[tix].size = q - p; p = q; tokens[tix].content = malloc(tokens[tix].size + 1); if (!tokens[tix].content) { perror(NULL); exit(1); } memcpy(tokens[tix].content, start, tokens[tix].size); tokens[tix].content[tokens[tix].size] = 0; /* If it begins with a lowercase letter then * it's an element name */ if (islower(tokens[tix].content[0])) { tokens[tix++].token_type = TOKEN_ELEMENT_NAME; continue; } /* Otherwise we need to search the directive * table */ dir = bsearch(&tokens[tix], directives, sizeof(directives) / sizeof(directives[1]), sizeof(directives[1]), directive_compare); if (dir) { tokens[tix++].token_type = dir - directives; continue; } tokens[tix++].token_type = TOKEN_TYPE_NAME; continue; } /* Handle numbers */ if (isdigit(*p)) { /* Find the end of the number */ q = p + 1; while (q < nl && (isdigit(*q))) q++; tokens[tix].size = q - p; p = q; tokens[tix].content = malloc(tokens[tix].size + 1); if (!tokens[tix].content) { perror(NULL); exit(1); } memcpy(tokens[tix].content, start, tokens[tix].size); tokens[tix].content[tokens[tix].size] = 0; tokens[tix++].token_type = TOKEN_NUMBER; continue; } if (nl - p >= 3) { if (memcmp(p, "::=", 3) == 0) { p += 3; tokens[tix].size = 3; tokens[tix].content = "::="; tokens[tix++].token_type = TOKEN_ASSIGNMENT; continue; } } if (nl - p >= 2) { if (memcmp(p, "({", 2) == 0) { p += 2; tokens[tix].size = 2; tokens[tix].content = "({"; tokens[tix++].token_type = TOKEN_OPEN_ACTION; continue; } if (memcmp(p, "})", 2) == 0) { p += 2; tokens[tix].size = 2; tokens[tix].content = "})"; tokens[tix++].token_type = TOKEN_CLOSE_ACTION; continue; } } if (nl - p >= 1) { tokens[tix].size = 1; switch (*p) { case '{': p += 1; tokens[tix].content = "{"; tokens[tix++].token_type = TOKEN_OPEN_CURLY; continue; case '}': p += 1; tokens[tix].content = "}"; tokens[tix++].token_type = TOKEN_CLOSE_CURLY; continue; case '[': p += 1; tokens[tix].content = "["; tokens[tix++].token_type = TOKEN_OPEN_SQUARE; continue; case ']': p += 1; tokens[tix].content = "]"; tokens[tix++].token_type = TOKEN_CLOSE_SQUARE; continue; case ',': p += 1; tokens[tix].content = ","; tokens[tix++].token_type = TOKEN_COMMA; continue; default: break; } } fprintf(stderr, "%s:%u: Unknown character in grammar: '%c'\n", filename, lineno, *p); exit(1); } } nr_tokens = tix; verbose("Extracted %u tokens\n", nr_tokens); #if 0 { int n; for (n = 0; n < nr_tokens; n++) debug("Token %3u: '%s'\n", n, token_list[n].content); } #endif } static void build_type_list(void); static void parse(void); static void dump_elements(void); static void render(FILE *out, FILE *hdr); /* * */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct stat st; ssize_t readlen; FILE *out, *hdr; char *buffer, *p; char *kbuild_verbose; int fd; kbuild_verbose = getenv("KBUILD_VERBOSE"); if (kbuild_verbose && strchr(kbuild_verbose, '1')) verbose_opt = true; while (argc > 4) { if (strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) verbose_opt = true; else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-d") == 0) debug_opt = true; else break; memmove(&argv[1], &argv[2], (argc - 2) * sizeof(char *)); argc--; } if (argc != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Format: %s [-v] [-d] <grammar-file> <c-file> <hdr-file>\n", argv[0]); exit(2); } filename = argv[1]; outputname = argv[2]; headername = argv[3]; fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { perror(filename); exit(1); } if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0) { perror(filename); exit(1); } if (!(buffer = malloc(st.st_size + 1))) { perror(NULL); exit(1); } if ((readlen = read(fd, buffer, st.st_size)) < 0) { perror(filename); exit(1); } if (close(fd) < 0) { perror(filename); exit(1); } if (readlen != st.st_size) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Short read\n", filename); exit(1); } p = strrchr(argv[1], '/'); p = p ? p + 1 : argv[1]; grammar_name = strdup(p); if (!p) { perror(NULL); exit(1); } p = strchr(grammar_name, '.'); if (p) *p = '\0'; buffer[readlen] = 0; tokenise(buffer, buffer + readlen); build_type_list(); parse(); dump_elements(); out = fopen(outputname, "w"); if (!out) { perror(outputname); exit(1); } hdr = fopen(headername, "w"); if (!hdr) { perror(headername); exit(1); } render(out, hdr); if (fclose(out) < 0) { perror(outputname); exit(1); } if (fclose(hdr) < 0) { perror(headername); exit(1); } return 0; } enum compound { NOT_COMPOUND, SET, SET_OF, SEQUENCE, SEQUENCE_OF, CHOICE, ANY, TYPE_REF, TAG_OVERRIDE }; struct element { struct type *type_def; struct token *name; struct token *type; struct action *action; struct element *children; struct element *next; struct element *render_next; struct element *list_next; uint8_t n_elements; enum compound compound : 8; enum asn1_class class : 8; enum asn1_method method : 8; uint8_t tag; unsigned entry_index; unsigned flags; #define ELEMENT_IMPLICIT 0x0001 #define ELEMENT_EXPLICIT 0x0002 #define ELEMENT_TAG_SPECIFIED 0x0004 #define ELEMENT_RENDERED 0x0008 #define ELEMENT_SKIPPABLE 0x0010 #define ELEMENT_CONDITIONAL 0x0020 }; struct type { struct token *name; struct token *def; struct element *element; unsigned ref_count; unsigned flags; #define TYPE_STOP_MARKER 0x0001 #define TYPE_BEGIN 0x0002 }; static struct type *type_list; static struct type **type_index; static unsigned nr_types; static int type_index_compare(const void *_a, const void *_b) { const struct type *const *a = _a, *const *b = _b; if ((*a)->name->size != (*b)->name->size) return (*a)->name->size - (*b)->name->size; else return memcmp((*a)->name->content, (*b)->name->content, (*a)->name->size); } static int type_finder(const void *_key, const void *_ti) { const struct token *token = _key; const struct type *const *ti = _ti; const struct type *type = *ti; if (token->size != type->name->size) return token->size - type->name->size; else return memcmp(token->content, type->name->content, token->size); } /* * Build up a list of types and a sorted index to that list. */ static void build_type_list(void) { struct type *types; unsigned nr, t, n; nr = 0; for (n = 0; n < nr_tokens - 1; n++) if (token_list[n + 0].token_type == TOKEN_TYPE_NAME && token_list[n + 1].token_type == TOKEN_ASSIGNMENT) nr++; if (nr == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: No defined types\n", filename); exit(1); } nr_types = nr; types = type_list = calloc(nr + 1, sizeof(type_list[0])); if (!type_list) { perror(NULL); exit(1); } type_index = calloc(nr, sizeof(type_index[0])); if (!type_index) { perror(NULL); exit(1); } t = 0; types[t].flags |= TYPE_BEGIN; for (n = 0; n < nr_tokens - 1; n++) { if (token_list[n + 0].token_type == TOKEN_TYPE_NAME && token_list[n + 1].token_type == TOKEN_ASSIGNMENT) { types[t].name = &token_list[n]; type_index[t] = &types[t]; t++; } } types[t].name = &token_list[n + 1]; types[t].flags |= TYPE_STOP_MARKER; qsort(type_index, nr, sizeof(type_index[0]), type_index_compare); verbose("Extracted %u types\n", nr_types); #if 0 for (n = 0; n < nr_types; n++) { struct type *type = type_index[n]; debug("- %*.*s\n", type->name->content); } #endif } static struct element *parse_type(struct token **_cursor, struct token *stop, struct token *name); /* * Parse the token stream */ static void parse(void) { struct token *cursor; struct type *type; /* Parse one type definition statement at a time */ type = type_list; do { cursor = type->name; if (cursor[0].token_type != TOKEN_TYPE_NAME || cursor[1].token_type != TOKEN_ASSIGNMENT) abort(); cursor += 2; type->element = parse_type(&cursor, type[1].name, NULL); type->element->type_def = type; if (cursor != type[1].name) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Parse error at token '%s'\n", filename, cursor->line, cursor->content); exit(1); } } while (type++, !(type->flags & TYPE_STOP_MARKER)); verbose("Extracted %u actions\n", nr_actions); } static struct element *element_list; static struct element *alloc_elem(void) { struct element *e = calloc(1, sizeof(*e)); if (!e) { perror(NULL); exit(1); } e->list_next = element_list; element_list = e; return e; } static struct element *parse_compound(struct token **_cursor, struct token *end, int alternates); /* * Parse one type definition statement */ static struct element *parse_type(struct token **_cursor, struct token *end, struct token *name) { struct element *top, *element; struct action *action, **ppaction; struct token *cursor = *_cursor; struct type **ref; char *p; int labelled = 0, implicit = 0; top = element = alloc_elem(); element->class = ASN1_UNIV; element->method = ASN1_PRIM; element->tag = token_to_tag[cursor->token_type]; element->name = name; /* Extract the tag value if one given */ if (cursor->token_type == TOKEN_OPEN_SQUARE) { cursor++; if (cursor >= end) goto overrun_error; switch (cursor->token_type) { case DIRECTIVE_UNIVERSAL: element->class = ASN1_UNIV; cursor++; break; case DIRECTIVE_APPLICATION: element->class = ASN1_APPL; cursor++; break; case TOKEN_NUMBER: element->class = ASN1_CONT; break; case DIRECTIVE_PRIVATE: element->class = ASN1_PRIV; cursor++; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Unrecognised tag class token '%s'\n", filename, cursor->line, cursor->content); exit(1); } if (cursor >= end) goto overrun_error; if (cursor->token_type != TOKEN_NUMBER) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Missing tag number '%s'\n", filename, cursor->line, cursor->content); exit(1); } element->tag &= ~0x1f; element->tag |= strtoul(cursor->content, &p, 10); element->flags |= ELEMENT_TAG_SPECIFIED; if (p - cursor->content != cursor->size) abort(); cursor++; if (cursor >= end) goto overrun_error; if (cursor->token_type != TOKEN_CLOSE_SQUARE) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Missing closing square bracket '%s'\n", filename, cursor->line, cursor->content); exit(1); } cursor++; if (cursor >= end) goto overrun_error; labelled = 1; } /* Handle implicit and explicit markers */ if (cursor->token_type == DIRECTIVE_IMPLICIT) { element->flags |= ELEMENT_IMPLICIT; implicit = 1; cursor++; if (cursor >= end) goto overrun_error; } else if (cursor->token_type == DIRECTIVE_EXPLICIT) { element->flags |= ELEMENT_EXPLICIT; cursor++; if (cursor >= end) goto overrun_error; } if (labelled) { if (!implicit) element->method |= ASN1_CONS; element->compound = implicit ? TAG_OVERRIDE : SEQUENCE; element->children = alloc_elem(); element = element->children; element->class = ASN1_UNIV; element->method = ASN1_PRIM; element->tag = token_to_tag[cursor->token_type]; element->name = name; } /* Extract the type we're expecting here */ element->type = cursor; switch (cursor->token_type) { case DIRECTIVE_ANY: element->compound = ANY; cursor++; break; case DIRECTIVE_NULL: case DIRECTIVE_BOOLEAN: case DIRECTIVE_ENUMERATED: case DIRECTIVE_INTEGER: element->compound = NOT_COMPOUND; cursor++; break; case DIRECTIVE_EXTERNAL: element->method = ASN1_CONS; case DIRECTIVE_BMPString: case DIRECTIVE_GeneralString: case DIRECTIVE_GraphicString: case DIRECTIVE_IA5String: case DIRECTIVE_ISO646String: case DIRECTIVE_NumericString: case DIRECTIVE_PrintableString: case DIRECTIVE_T61String: case DIRECTIVE_TeletexString: case DIRECTIVE_UniversalString: case DIRECTIVE_UTF8String: case DIRECTIVE_VideotexString: case DIRECTIVE_VisibleString: case DIRECTIVE_ObjectDescriptor: case DIRECTIVE_GeneralizedTime: case DIRECTIVE_UTCTime: element->compound = NOT_COMPOUND; cursor++; break; case DIRECTIVE_BIT: case DIRECTIVE_OCTET: element->compound = NOT_COMPOUND; cursor++; if (cursor >= end) goto overrun_error; if (cursor->token_type != DIRECTIVE_STRING) goto parse_error; cursor++; break; case DIRECTIVE_OBJECT: element->compound = NOT_COMPOUND; cursor++; if (cursor >= end) goto overrun_error; if (cursor->token_type != DIRECTIVE_IDENTIFIER) goto parse_error; cursor++; break; case TOKEN_TYPE_NAME: element->compound = TYPE_REF; ref = bsearch(cursor, type_index, nr_types, sizeof(type_index[0]), type_finder); if (!ref) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Type '%s' undefined\n", filename, cursor->line, cursor->content); exit(1); } cursor->type = *ref; (*ref)->ref_count++; cursor++; break; case DIRECTIVE_CHOICE: element->compound = CHOICE; cursor++; element->children = parse_compound(&cursor, end, 1); break; case DIRECTIVE_SEQUENCE: element->compound = SEQUENCE; element->method = ASN1_CONS; cursor++; if (cursor >= end) goto overrun_error; if (cursor->token_type == DIRECTIVE_OF) { element->compound = SEQUENCE_OF; cursor++; if (cursor >= end) goto overrun_error; element->children = parse_type(&cursor, end, NULL); } else { element->children = parse_compound(&cursor, end, 0); } break; case DIRECTIVE_SET: element->compound = SET; element->method = ASN1_CONS; cursor++; if (cursor >= end) goto overrun_error; if (cursor->token_type == DIRECTIVE_OF) { element->compound = SET_OF; cursor++; if (cursor >= end) goto parse_error; element->children = parse_type(&cursor, end, NULL); } else { element->children = parse_compound(&cursor, end, 1); } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Token '%s' does not introduce a type\n", filename, cursor->line, cursor->content); exit(1); } /* Handle elements that are optional */ if (cursor < end && (cursor->token_type == DIRECTIVE_OPTIONAL || cursor->token_type == DIRECTIVE_DEFAULT) ) { cursor++; top->flags |= ELEMENT_SKIPPABLE; } if (cursor < end && cursor->token_type == TOKEN_OPEN_ACTION) { cursor++; if (cursor >= end) goto overrun_error; if (cursor->token_type != TOKEN_ELEMENT_NAME) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Token '%s' is not an action function name\n", filename, cursor->line, cursor->content); exit(1); } action = malloc(sizeof(struct action)); if (!action) { perror(NULL); exit(1); } action->index = 0; action->name = cursor->content; for (ppaction = &action_list; *ppaction; ppaction = &(*ppaction)->next ) { int cmp = strcmp(action->name, (*ppaction)->name); if (cmp == 0) { free(action); action = *ppaction; goto found; } if (cmp < 0) { action->next = *ppaction; *ppaction = action; nr_actions++; goto found; } } action->next = NULL; *ppaction = action; nr_actions++; found: element->action = action; cursor->action = action; cursor++; if (cursor >= end) goto overrun_error; if (cursor->token_type != TOKEN_CLOSE_ACTION) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Missing close action, got '%s'\n", filename, cursor->line, cursor->content); exit(1); } cursor++; } *_cursor = cursor; return top; parse_error: fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Unexpected token '%s'\n", filename, cursor->line, cursor->content); exit(1); overrun_error: fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unexpectedly hit EOF\n", filename); exit(1); } /* * Parse a compound type list */ static struct element *parse_compound(struct token **_cursor, struct token *end, int alternates) { struct element *children, **child_p = &children, *element; struct token *cursor = *_cursor, *name; if (cursor->token_type != TOKEN_OPEN_CURLY) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Expected compound to start with brace not '%s'\n", filename, cursor->line, cursor->content); exit(1); } cursor++; if (cursor >= end) goto overrun_error; if (cursor->token_type == TOKEN_OPEN_CURLY) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Empty compound\n", filename, cursor->line); exit(1); } for (;;) { name = NULL; if (cursor->token_type == TOKEN_ELEMENT_NAME) { name = cursor; cursor++; if (cursor >= end) goto overrun_error; } element = parse_type(&cursor, end, name); if (alternates) element->flags |= ELEMENT_SKIPPABLE | ELEMENT_CONDITIONAL; *child_p = element; child_p = &element->next; if (cursor >= end) goto overrun_error; if (cursor->token_type != TOKEN_COMMA) break; cursor++; if (cursor >= end) goto overrun_error; } children->flags &= ~ELEMENT_CONDITIONAL; if (cursor->token_type != TOKEN_CLOSE_CURLY) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Expected compound closure, got '%s'\n", filename, cursor->line, cursor->content); exit(1); } cursor++; *_cursor = cursor; return children; overrun_error: fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unexpectedly hit EOF\n", filename); exit(1); } static void dump_element(const struct element *e, int level) { const struct element *c; const struct type *t = e->type_def; const char *name = e->name ? e->name->content : "."; const char *tname = t && t->name ? t->name->content : "."; char tag[32]; if (e->class == 0 && e->method == 0 && e->tag == 0) strcpy(tag, "<...>"); else if (e->class == ASN1_UNIV) sprintf(tag, "%s %s %s", asn1_classes[e->class], asn1_methods[e->method], asn1_universal_tags[e->tag]); else sprintf(tag, "%s %s %u", asn1_classes[e->class], asn1_methods[e->method], e->tag); printf("%c%c%c%c%c %c %*s[*] \e[33m%s\e[m %s %s \e[35m%s\e[m\n", e->flags & ELEMENT_IMPLICIT ? 'I' : '-', e->flags & ELEMENT_EXPLICIT ? 'E' : '-', e->flags & ELEMENT_TAG_SPECIFIED ? 'T' : '-', e->flags & ELEMENT_SKIPPABLE ? 'S' : '-', e->flags & ELEMENT_CONDITIONAL ? 'C' : '-', "-tTqQcaro"[e->compound], level, "", tag, tname, name, e->action ? e->action->name : ""); if (e->compound == TYPE_REF) dump_element(e->type->type->element, level + 3); else for (c = e->children; c; c = c->next) dump_element(c, level + 3); } static void dump_elements(void) { if (debug_opt) dump_element(type_list[0].element, 0); } static void render_element(FILE *out, struct element *e, struct element *tag); static void render_out_of_line_list(FILE *out); static int nr_entries; static int render_depth = 1; static struct element *render_list, **render_list_p = &render_list; __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) static void render_opcode(FILE *out, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; if (out) { fprintf(out, "\t[%4d] =%*s", nr_entries, render_depth, ""); va_start(va, fmt); vfprintf(out, fmt, va); va_end(va); } nr_entries++; } __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) static void render_more(FILE *out, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; if (out) { va_start(va, fmt); vfprintf(out, fmt, va); va_end(va); } } /* * Render the grammar into a state machine definition. */ static void render(FILE *out, FILE *hdr) { struct element *e; struct action *action; struct type *root; int index; fprintf(hdr, "/*\n"); fprintf(hdr, " * Automatically generated by asn1_compiler. Do not edit\n"); fprintf(hdr, " *\n"); fprintf(hdr, " * ASN.1 parser for %s\n", grammar_name); fprintf(hdr, " */\n"); fprintf(hdr, "#include <linux/asn1_decoder.h>\n"); fprintf(hdr, "\n"); fprintf(hdr, "extern const struct asn1_decoder %s_decoder;\n", grammar_name); if (ferror(hdr)) { perror(headername); exit(1); } fprintf(out, "/*\n"); fprintf(out, " * Automatically generated by asn1_compiler. Do not edit\n"); fprintf(out, " *\n"); fprintf(out, " * ASN.1 parser for %s\n", grammar_name); fprintf(out, " */\n"); fprintf(out, "#include <linux/asn1_ber_bytecode.h>\n"); fprintf(out, "#include \"%s.asn1.h\"\n", grammar_name); fprintf(out, "\n"); if (ferror(out)) { perror(outputname); exit(1); } /* Tabulate the action functions we might have to call */ fprintf(hdr, "\n"); index = 0; for (action = action_list; action; action = action->next) { action->index = index++; fprintf(hdr, "extern int %s(void *, size_t, unsigned char," " const void *, size_t);\n", action->name); } fprintf(hdr, "\n"); fprintf(out, "enum %s_actions {\n", grammar_name); for (action = action_list; action; action = action->next) fprintf(out, "\tACT_%s = %u,\n", action->name, action->index); fprintf(out, "\tNR__%s_actions = %u\n", grammar_name, nr_actions); fprintf(out, "};\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "static const asn1_action_t %s_action_table[NR__%s_actions] = {\n", grammar_name, grammar_name); for (action = action_list; action; action = action->next) fprintf(out, "\t[%4u] = %s,\n", action->index, action->name); fprintf(out, "};\n"); if (ferror(out)) { perror(outputname); exit(1); } /* We do two passes - the first one calculates all the offsets */ verbose("Pass 1\n"); nr_entries = 0; root = &type_list[0]; render_element(NULL, root->element, NULL); render_opcode(NULL, "ASN1_OP_COMPLETE,\n"); render_out_of_line_list(NULL); for (e = element_list; e; e = e->list_next) e->flags &= ~ELEMENT_RENDERED; /* And then we actually render */ verbose("Pass 2\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "static const unsigned char %s_machine[] = {\n", grammar_name); nr_entries = 0; root = &type_list[0]; render_element(out, root->element, NULL); render_opcode(out, "ASN1_OP_COMPLETE,\n"); render_out_of_line_list(out); fprintf(out, "};\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "const struct asn1_decoder %s_decoder = {\n", grammar_name); fprintf(out, "\t.machine = %s_machine,\n", grammar_name); fprintf(out, "\t.machlen = sizeof(%s_machine),\n", grammar_name); fprintf(out, "\t.actions = %s_action_table,\n", grammar_name); fprintf(out, "};\n"); } /* * Render the out-of-line elements */ static void render_out_of_line_list(FILE *out) { struct element *e, *ce; const char *act; int entry; while ((e = render_list)) { render_list = e->render_next; if (!render_list) render_list_p = &render_list; render_more(out, "\n"); e->entry_index = entry = nr_entries; render_depth++; for (ce = e->children; ce; ce = ce->next) render_element(out, ce, NULL); render_depth--; act = e->action ? "_ACT" : ""; switch (e->compound) { case SEQUENCE: render_opcode(out, "ASN1_OP_END_SEQ%s,\n", act); break; case SEQUENCE_OF: render_opcode(out, "ASN1_OP_END_SEQ_OF%s,\n", act); render_opcode(out, "_jump_target(%u),\n", entry); break; case SET: render_opcode(out, "ASN1_OP_END_SET%s,\n", act); break; case SET_OF: render_opcode(out, "ASN1_OP_END_SET_OF%s,\n", act); render_opcode(out, "_jump_target(%u),\n", entry); break; default: break; } if (e->action) render_opcode(out, "_action(ACT_%s),\n", e->action->name); render_opcode(out, "ASN1_OP_RETURN,\n"); } } /* * Render an element. */ static void render_element(FILE *out, struct element *e, struct element *tag) { struct element *ec, *x; const char *cond, *act; int entry, skippable = 0, outofline = 0; if (e->flags & ELEMENT_SKIPPABLE || (tag && tag->flags & ELEMENT_SKIPPABLE)) skippable = 1; if ((e->type_def && e->type_def->ref_count > 1) || skippable) outofline = 1; if (e->type_def && out) { render_more(out, "\t// %s\n", e->type_def->name->content); } /* Render the operation */ cond = (e->flags & ELEMENT_CONDITIONAL || (tag && tag->flags & ELEMENT_CONDITIONAL)) ? "COND_" : ""; act = e->action ? "_ACT" : ""; switch (e->compound) { case ANY: render_opcode(out, "ASN1_OP_%sMATCH_ANY%s%s,", cond, act, skippable ? "_OR_SKIP" : ""); if (e->name) render_more(out, "\t\t// %s", e->name->content); render_more(out, "\n"); goto dont_render_tag; case TAG_OVERRIDE: render_element(out, e->children, e); return; case SEQUENCE: case SEQUENCE_OF: case SET: case SET_OF: render_opcode(out, "ASN1_OP_%sMATCH%s%s,", cond, outofline ? "_JUMP" : "", skippable ? "_OR_SKIP" : ""); break; case CHOICE: goto dont_render_tag; case TYPE_REF: if (e->class == ASN1_UNIV && e->method == ASN1_PRIM && e->tag == 0) goto dont_render_tag; default: render_opcode(out, "ASN1_OP_%sMATCH%s%s,", cond, act, skippable ? "_OR_SKIP" : ""); break; } x = tag ?: e; if (x->name) render_more(out, "\t\t// %s", x->name->content); render_more(out, "\n"); /* Render the tag */ if (!tag || !(tag->flags & ELEMENT_TAG_SPECIFIED)) tag = e; if (tag->class == ASN1_UNIV && tag->tag != 14 && tag->tag != 15 && tag->tag != 31) render_opcode(out, "_tag(%s, %s, %s),\n", asn1_classes[tag->class], asn1_methods[tag->method | e->method], asn1_universal_tags[tag->tag]); else render_opcode(out, "_tagn(%s, %s, %2u),\n", asn1_classes[tag->class], asn1_methods[tag->method | e->method], tag->tag); tag = NULL; dont_render_tag: /* Deal with compound types */ switch (e->compound) { case TYPE_REF: render_element(out, e->type->type->element, tag); if (e->action) render_opcode(out, "ASN1_OP_%sACT,\n", skippable ? "MAYBE_" : ""); break; case SEQUENCE: if (outofline) { /* Render out-of-line for multiple use or * skipability */ render_opcode(out, "_jump_target(%u),", e->entry_index); if (e->type_def && e->type_def->name) render_more(out, "\t\t// --> %s", e->type_def->name->content); render_more(out, "\n"); if (!(e->flags & ELEMENT_RENDERED)) { e->flags |= ELEMENT_RENDERED; *render_list_p = e; render_list_p = &e->render_next; } return; } else { /* Render inline for single use */ render_depth++; for (ec = e->children; ec; ec = ec->next) render_element(out, ec, NULL); render_depth--; render_opcode(out, "ASN1_OP_END_SEQ%s,\n", act); } break; case SEQUENCE_OF: case SET_OF: if (outofline) { /* Render out-of-line for multiple use or * skipability */ render_opcode(out, "_jump_target(%u),", e->entry_index); if (e->type_def && e->type_def->name) render_more(out, "\t\t// --> %s", e->type_def->name->content); render_more(out, "\n"); if (!(e->flags & ELEMENT_RENDERED)) { e->flags |= ELEMENT_RENDERED; *render_list_p = e; render_list_p = &e->render_next; } return; } else { /* Render inline for single use */ entry = nr_entries; render_depth++; render_element(out, e->children, NULL); render_depth--; if (e->compound == SEQUENCE_OF) render_opcode(out, "ASN1_OP_END_SEQ_OF%s,\n", act); else render_opcode(out, "ASN1_OP_END_SET_OF%s,\n", act); render_opcode(out, "_jump_target(%u),\n", entry); } break; case SET: /* I can't think of a nice way to do SET support without having * a stack of bitmasks to make sure no element is repeated. * The bitmask has also to be checked that no non-optional * elements are left out whilst not preventing optional * elements from being left out. */ fprintf(stderr, "The ASN.1 SET type is not currently supported.\n"); exit(1); case CHOICE: for (ec = e->children; ec; ec = ec->next) render_element(out, ec, ec); if (!skippable) render_opcode(out, "ASN1_OP_COND_FAIL,\n"); if (e->action) render_opcode(out, "ASN1_OP_ACT,\n"); break; default: break; } if (e->action) render_opcode(out, "_action(ACT_%s),\n", e->action->name); }